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  • Collection: Family Histories

Patterns of My Life (1)
In this book, Hazel Buel Ryder discusses the histories of the Buel and Ryder families. Mrs. Ryder includes memories of grandparents, siblings, traveling, schooling, weddings and other family events.

Memories (1)
The autobiography of Robert L. Hoover contains a forward, a table of contents, and two epilogues. Mr. Hoover includes memories of the places he lived, the schools he attended, the sports that he played, his pets, love of nature, his work history,…

77 Years on Johnnycake Road (1)
77 Years on Johnnycake Road is a collection of poems and stories written by Edward Griffith about his family and friends. The book has 16 chapters and is illustrated.

A Note About My Family (1)
This family history tells the story of Bonnie Caudill's grandparents and parents and how they came to live in Sunbury, her life in Sunbury and her children's lives. The book includes a dedication, newspaper articles and photographs.

From  Horse and Buggy to the Moon Land Rover (1)
This is the family history of the Bernard and Lola Dell Searles' families. Narrated by Lola (Lolly ), she describes their childhoods, family celebrations and holidays, education and professional careers, as well as Bernard's time spent in WWII.

It Started With These Two (p.1)
This book is an autobiography prepared by Rosella Ault, longtime Sunbury resident. In it she discusses her parents, siblings, children and grand-children, the importance of education, her teaching career, and her faith in God.

Pages of Our Lives... Farming: a Way of Life (p. 1)
Personal history of the Buxton and Murphy families written by Rachel Murphy Buxton.

From the Beginning  (1)
This family history tells the stories of the Bergandine and Cushman families, the Bergandine's world travels, and how it came to pass that Mr. Bergandine became the manager of the Sunbury Nestlé plant. Many photographs are included.

When Our Mother was a Little Girl (p. 1)
This book is a collection of early settlement stories of Berkshire and Kingston townships in Delaware county, OH. The stories are told by Mahalia Rosecrans to her grandson, son of the author, Mrs. A. Baldwin. Topics include early settlement…

I-DENTITY (p. 1)
This book is the history of the Longshore Family, prepared by Maxine Longshore in 1976.
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