Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.1)
[page 1]
[corresponds to cover of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[corresponds to cover of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to inside cover of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[in side margin:
180 S 3d Matianna
Pageant of Progress Exposition
at Memorial]
[corresponds to inside cover of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[in side margin:
180 S 3d Matianna
Pageant of Progress Exposition
at Memorial]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to unlabeled page of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[Information about ledger company services]
[corresponds to unlabeled page of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[Information about ledger company services]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.4)
[page 4]
[corresponds to unlabeled page of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[Information about ledger company services continued]
[corresponds to unlabeled page of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[Information about ledger company services continued]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to page 13 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Aug 1
Wed 2
Thurs 3
Fri 4
Sat 5 Mr Cupp from Delaware 1.50
Aug 6 First call J.C. Budd 3.00
Aug 7 Casket to Budds 1.00
Aug 8 Chairs & flowers to Budds (1.25)x 1.00
Trip back to Budds 1.00
Mr Budd funeral 2.00
Chairs back from Budds (1.25)x 1.00
Wed 9
Thus 10 18 wks
Fri 11
Sat 12
Sun 13
Mon 14 Strosnider to Delaware to embalmers meeting 2.00
May 15 First call Mr Skeels 1.00
Grass to cemetery, work at cemetery Myrtle Moshier
with Piper & Chairs to and from cemetery 1.50
Wed (2.00) x
Aug 16 Casket to Skeels 1.00
Thus 19 weeks
Aug 17 Chairs & device to cemetery & chairs to Skeels 1.00
Mr Skeels funeral & back for chairs 1.50
First call Miss Watson Whitehall school 3.00
Fri 18
Sat 19 Casket to Watsons 1.00
Aug 20 Miss Watson funeral 3.00
Aug 21
Tus 22 Mr Cupp from Delaware 1.50
[corresponds to page 13 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Aug 1
Wed 2
Thurs 3
Fri 4
Sat 5 Mr Cupp from Delaware 1.50
Aug 6 First call J.C. Budd 3.00
Aug 7 Casket to Budds 1.00
Aug 8 Chairs & flowers to Budds (1.25)x 1.00
Trip back to Budds 1.00
Mr Budd funeral 2.00
Chairs back from Budds (1.25)x 1.00
Wed 9
Thus 10 18 wks
Fri 11
Sat 12
Sun 13
Mon 14 Strosnider to Delaware to embalmers meeting 2.00
May 15 First call Mr Skeels 1.00
Grass to cemetery, work at cemetery Myrtle Moshier
with Piper & Chairs to and from cemetery 1.50
Wed (2.00) x
Aug 16 Casket to Skeels 1.00
Thus 19 weeks
Aug 17 Chairs & device to cemetery & chairs to Skeels 1.00
Mr Skeels funeral & back for chairs 1.50
First call Miss Watson Whitehall school 3.00
Fri 18
Sat 19 Casket to Watsons 1.00
Aug 20 Miss Watson funeral 3.00
Aug 21
Tus 22 Mr Cupp from Delaware 1.50
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to page 14 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Aug 23 Man & woman out to John Edwards below Van Valley
Aug 24
Fri 25
Sat 26
Sun 27
Mon 28
Tues 29
Wed 30 Mr Cupp from Delaware
Thurs 31
Fri Sept 1
Sat 2
Sun 3
Mon 4 Mr Strosnider to N.R.A. at Delaware 2.00
Sept 5 D.M. Cupp from Delaware 1.50
Wed 6
Thus 7 Trip from Carpenters to Case Hospital hitchhikers 1.00
Sept 8 Two men to Deshler Hotel Col 4.00
Sept 9 Mrs Beum to Bexley 5.00
Sun 10
Mon 11
Tues 12 Mrs Cupp from Delaware 1.50
Wed 13
Thus 14
Fri 15 Mrs Jack Edwards to Grant Hospital 1.00
First call Mr Metzgers 2.00
Hose took equipment out first 1.00
Sat work at office & garage 0.00
Sept 16 First call Mrs Thrall 2.00
Mrs Thrall body brot to Marshalls 1.00
Sept 17 Casket to Marshalls for Mrs Thrall 1.00
Casket to Metzgers 1.00
Trip to Metzgers, Ernsbergers & cemetery 2.00
Sept 18 Mr Metzgar funeral 2.00
Trip to Marshalls & Jno Strosniders 1.00
[corresponds to page 14 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Aug 23 Man & woman out to John Edwards below Van Valley
Aug 24
Fri 25
Sat 26
Sun 27
Mon 28
Tues 29
Wed 30 Mr Cupp from Delaware
Thurs 31
Fri Sept 1
Sat 2
Sun 3
Mon 4 Mr Strosnider to N.R.A. at Delaware 2.00
Sept 5 D.M. Cupp from Delaware 1.50
Wed 6
Thus 7 Trip from Carpenters to Case Hospital hitchhikers 1.00
Sept 8 Two men to Deshler Hotel Col 4.00
Sept 9 Mrs Beum to Bexley 5.00
Sun 10
Mon 11
Tues 12 Mrs Cupp from Delaware 1.50
Wed 13
Thus 14
Fri 15 Mrs Jack Edwards to Grant Hospital 1.00
First call Mr Metzgers 2.00
Hose took equipment out first 1.00
Sat work at office & garage 0.00
Sept 16 First call Mrs Thrall 2.00
Mrs Thrall body brot to Marshalls 1.00
Sept 17 Casket to Marshalls for Mrs Thrall 1.00
Casket to Metzgers 1.00
Trip to Metzgers, Ernsbergers & cemetery 2.00
Sept 18 Mr Metzgar funeral 2.00
Trip to Marshalls & Jno Strosniders 1.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to page 15 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues Chairs to Marshalls 1.00
Sept 19 Back to Marshalls (1.00) x .50
Mrs Thrall funeral 2.00
Chairs from Thralls 1.00
First call Mrs Shicks 2.00
Sept 20 Work at office Mrs Shicks & Mr Adams 1.00
Miss Thrall from Grant Hospital 1.00
Sept 21 Mr Adams in casket & taken home .50
21 To Galena for death certificate 1.00
21 Chairs to Adams .75
Sept 22 Mr Adams funeral 2.00
Mrs Shicks funeral 2.00
Chairs from Adams .75
Sat 23
Sun 24
Mon 25
Tues 26 Mrs Grove from Franklin Co home & work at office 2.00
Wed 27
Thus 28 Mrs Grove in casket 0.00
Sept 29 Work at office - getting ready for funeral .50
Mrs Grove funeral, office work 1.50
Sat 30
Oct 1
Mon 2
Tues 3 First call for Mr Green T.B. Hospital and
to Grant Hospital for Mr Howard
& work at office call day until 8 P.M. 4.00
Oct 4 Mr Green & Mr Howard in casket, taken home 1.50
Oct 5 Mrs Leonard Utley from Hospital 1.00
Mr Howard funeral 2.00
Oct 6 Mr Green burial at Ashville 3.00
Sat 7
[corresponds to page 15 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues Chairs to Marshalls 1.00
Sept 19 Back to Marshalls (1.00) x .50
Mrs Thrall funeral 2.00
Chairs from Thralls 1.00
First call Mrs Shicks 2.00
Sept 20 Work at office Mrs Shicks & Mr Adams 1.00
Miss Thrall from Grant Hospital 1.00
Sept 21 Mr Adams in casket & taken home .50
21 To Galena for death certificate 1.00
21 Chairs to Adams .75
Sept 22 Mr Adams funeral 2.00
Mrs Shicks funeral 2.00
Chairs from Adams .75
Sat 23
Sun 24
Mon 25
Tues 26 Mrs Grove from Franklin Co home & work at office 2.00
Wed 27
Thus 28 Mrs Grove in casket 0.00
Sept 29 Work at office - getting ready for funeral .50
Mrs Grove funeral, office work 1.50
Sat 30
Oct 1
Mon 2
Tues 3 First call for Mr Green T.B. Hospital and
to Grant Hospital for Mr Howard
& work at office call day until 8 P.M. 4.00
Oct 4 Mr Green & Mr Howard in casket, taken home 1.50
Oct 5 Mrs Leonard Utley from Hospital 1.00
Mr Howard funeral 2.00
Oct 6 Mr Green burial at Ashville 3.00
Sat 7
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to page 16 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Oct 8 Mrs Cowell to Grant Hospital 1.00
Mon 9
Tues 10
Wed 11 First call Mrs Cowel & work at office & garage 2.50
Oct 12 Mrs Crowell in casket & other work at office 1.00
Oct 13 Mrs Cowell taken home 1.00
Miss Benoy from Grant Hospital 1.00
Oct 14 Chairs to Cowells 1.50
Mrs Cowell funeral (1.50) x 1.00
Chairs from Cowells 1.50
Oct 15 First call Mr Rogers 1.50
Oct 16 Casket to Rogers & cleaned hearse 1.00
Oct 17 Chairs to from Rogers 1.50
Miss Hicks from Grant Hospital 1.00
Mr Rogers funeral (1.50) x
Grass & device to cemetery .50
Mr Baldwin from Dr Hauk office to home up north 1.00
Oct 18 Mr Gotchall to Grant Hospital 1.00
Thus 19
Fri 20 Ross Fuller out to Bro. Roys 1.50
Sat 21
Sun 22 First call Mrs Harroun 2.00
Mon cleaned hearse & caskets
Oct 23 Work at office & Roof boy home 1.00
First call Mrs Huffliners 1.50
Casket to Harrouns 1.00
Oct 24 Flowers to Harrounds 1.00
Grass & device to cemetery .50
Chairs to & from Harrouns, & Mrs Harroun funeral 2.00
Trip to Huffliners & work at cemetery help unload vault 1.00
[corresponds to page 16 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Oct 8 Mrs Cowell to Grant Hospital 1.00
Mon 9
Tues 10
Wed 11 First call Mrs Cowel & work at office & garage 2.50
Oct 12 Mrs Crowell in casket & other work at office 1.00
Oct 13 Mrs Cowell taken home 1.00
Miss Benoy from Grant Hospital 1.00
Oct 14 Chairs to Cowells 1.50
Mrs Cowell funeral (1.50) x 1.00
Chairs from Cowells 1.50
Oct 15 First call Mr Rogers 1.50
Oct 16 Casket to Rogers & cleaned hearse 1.00
Oct 17 Chairs to from Rogers 1.50
Miss Hicks from Grant Hospital 1.00
Mr Rogers funeral (1.50) x
Grass & device to cemetery .50
Mr Baldwin from Dr Hauk office to home up north 1.00
Oct 18 Mr Gotchall to Grant Hospital 1.00
Thus 19
Fri 20 Ross Fuller out to Bro. Roys 1.50
Sat 21
Sun 22 First call Mrs Harroun 2.00
Mon cleaned hearse & caskets
Oct 23 Work at office & Roof boy home 1.00
First call Mrs Huffliners 1.50
Casket to Harrouns 1.00
Oct 24 Flowers to Harrounds 1.00
Grass & device to cemetery .50
Chairs to & from Harrouns, & Mrs Harroun funeral 2.00
Trip to Huffliners & work at cemetery help unload vault 1.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.9)
[page 9]
[corresponds to page 17 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Casket to Huffliners 1.00
Oct 25 Comstock boy from Case Hospital 1.00
Oct 26 Chairs to Carters 1.00
Chairs from Carters 1.00
Grass & device to & from cemetery .50
Fri 27
Sat 28 First call Miss Wilcox 2.00
Oct 29 First Call Mr Strawser 2.00
Casket to Wilcox 1.00
People to Delaware (coeds) 2.00
Oct 30 Trip to Wilcox & got things out of old hearse 1.00
Miss Wilcox funeral 2.00
Casket to Strawsers 1.00
Oct 31 Trip to Strawsers 1.00
Nov 1 Chairs to Strawsers 1.25
Mr Strawser funeral & chairs home 2.00
Thurs 2
Fri 3
Sat 4
Sun 5
Mon 6 Strosnider to N.R.A. meeting at Delaware 2.00
Tues 7
Wed 8
Thus 9
Fri 10
Sat 11
Sun 12 Mrs Bessie Walker to Delaware 1.50
Nov 13 First call Mrs Hixenbaugh work at office 1.50
Machine to Hixenbaughs 2 trips, other office work all day 1.00
Nov 14 Hixenbaugh to Blomfield & Centerburg 3.00
Mrs. Hixenbaugh in casket & taken home 1.00
Work at garage & various places with taxi 1.00
Two boys on Thurman Gorsuch place home 1.00
[corresponds to page 17 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Casket to Huffliners 1.00
Oct 25 Comstock boy from Case Hospital 1.00
Oct 26 Chairs to Carters 1.00
Chairs from Carters 1.00
Grass & device to & from cemetery .50
Fri 27
Sat 28 First call Miss Wilcox 2.00
Oct 29 First Call Mr Strawser 2.00
Casket to Wilcox 1.00
People to Delaware (coeds) 2.00
Oct 30 Trip to Wilcox & got things out of old hearse 1.00
Miss Wilcox funeral 2.00
Casket to Strawsers 1.00
Oct 31 Trip to Strawsers 1.00
Nov 1 Chairs to Strawsers 1.25
Mr Strawser funeral & chairs home 2.00
Thurs 2
Fri 3
Sat 4
Sun 5
Mon 6 Strosnider to N.R.A. meeting at Delaware 2.00
Tues 7
Wed 8
Thus 9
Fri 10
Sat 11
Sun 12 Mrs Bessie Walker to Delaware 1.50
Nov 13 First call Mrs Hixenbaugh work at office 1.50
Machine to Hixenbaughs 2 trips, other office work all day 1.00
Nov 14 Hixenbaugh to Blomfield & Centerburg 3.00
Mrs. Hixenbaugh in casket & taken home 1.00
Work at garage & various places with taxi 1.00
Two boys on Thurman Gorsuch place home 1.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.10)
[page 10]
[corresponds to page 18 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Chairs to & from Hixenbaughs 1.00
Nov 15 Mrs Hixenbaughs funeral 2.00
Thus 16
Fri 17
Sat 18
Sun 19
Mon 20 Dr Gorsuch to Del & Cols 2.00
Tues 21
Wed 22
Thurs 23 First call Mr Wood 4 hrs 2.00
First call Mrs Frost 2.00
Fri 24 Work at office 1.00
Sat 25 Casket to Frosts 1.00
Nov 2 Casket to Woods 1.00
Nov 26 Work at garage & chairs to Frosts 1.50
Flowers to Woods with machine 1.00
My Ely to Case Hospital 1.00
Chairs from Frosts to Woods 1.00
Nov 27 Work on machines at Furry's garage .50
Mr Wood furnace, burial & chairs back 3.00
Nov 28 Mrs Scott from Case Hospital home 1.00
Wed 29
Thus 30 Mr Ely from Case Hospital & work at office 2.00
First call Miss Wheeland & work at office 1.50
Trip to Elys' 1.00
Dec 1 First call Mr Hemminger & work at office 2.00
Trip to Ely's with Mr Corbin 1.50
Miss Wheeland & Mr Ely in caskets 1.00
Dec 2 Grass & device to and from cemetery .50
Chairs to and from Elys and at house 3.50
Mr Hemminger in casket at office
and other office work 1.00
Dec 3 Miss Wheeland funeral & chairs house 1.00
[corresponds to page 18 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Chairs to & from Hixenbaughs 1.00
Nov 15 Mrs Hixenbaughs funeral 2.00
Thus 16
Fri 17
Sat 18
Sun 19
Mon 20 Dr Gorsuch to Del & Cols 2.00
Tues 21
Wed 22
Thurs 23 First call Mr Wood 4 hrs 2.00
First call Mrs Frost 2.00
Fri 24 Work at office 1.00
Sat 25 Casket to Frosts 1.00
Nov 2 Casket to Woods 1.00
Nov 26 Work at garage & chairs to Frosts 1.50
Flowers to Woods with machine 1.00
My Ely to Case Hospital 1.00
Chairs from Frosts to Woods 1.00
Nov 27 Work on machines at Furry's garage .50
Mr Wood furnace, burial & chairs back 3.00
Nov 28 Mrs Scott from Case Hospital home 1.00
Wed 29
Thus 30 Mr Ely from Case Hospital & work at office 2.00
First call Miss Wheeland & work at office 1.50
Trip to Elys' 1.00
Dec 1 First call Mr Hemminger & work at office 2.00
Trip to Ely's with Mr Corbin 1.50
Miss Wheeland & Mr Ely in caskets 1.00
Dec 2 Grass & device to and from cemetery .50
Chairs to and from Elys and at house 3.50
Mr Hemminger in casket at office
and other office work 1.00
Dec 3 Miss Wheeland funeral & chairs house 1.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.11)
[page 11]
[corresponds to page 19 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Dec 4 Mr Henninger funeral & work at office 1.00
4 people to E. Liberty Cemetery (2.50) x 2.00
[this section is crossed out]
Dec 5 Lovely day. Zella Knoderer fit my lav-
ender dress this forenoon. I spent the
afternoon at Maggies. Robert Perry got me
a root of lovely grass at Aileen Skeels
to day. I was at Lily Barcus this evening
Tues Dec. 6
Tues 5
Wed 6
Thus 7
Fri 8
Sat 9
Sun 10
Mon 11
Tues 12 First call Mrs Baird 2.50
Dec 13 Work at office. cemetery & casket to Westerville 1.50
Thus 14
Fri 15 Grass & device to cemetery & chairs to Westerville 2.00
Mrs Baird funeral
Back to Westerville for chairs 1.00
Dec 16 Miss Lott to Jane Case Hospital 1.00
Sun 17
Mon 18
Tues 19
Wed 20
Thurs 21
Fri 22
Sat 23
Sun 24
Mon 25
Tues 26
Wed 27
Thus 28
Fri 29
Sat 30 Spencers to Delaware 2.50
[corresponds to page 19 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Dec 4 Mr Henninger funeral & work at office 1.00
4 people to E. Liberty Cemetery (2.50) x 2.00
[this section is crossed out]
Dec 5 Lovely day. Zella Knoderer fit my lav-
ender dress this forenoon. I spent the
afternoon at Maggies. Robert Perry got me
a root of lovely grass at Aileen Skeels
to day. I was at Lily Barcus this evening
Tues Dec. 6
Tues 5
Wed 6
Thus 7
Fri 8
Sat 9
Sun 10
Mon 11
Tues 12 First call Mrs Baird 2.50
Dec 13 Work at office. cemetery & casket to Westerville 1.50
Thus 14
Fri 15 Grass & device to cemetery & chairs to Westerville 2.00
Mrs Baird funeral
Back to Westerville for chairs 1.00
Dec 16 Miss Lott to Jane Case Hospital 1.00
Sun 17
Mon 18
Tues 19
Wed 20
Thurs 21
Fri 22
Sat 23
Sun 24
Mon 25
Tues 26
Wed 27
Thus 28
Fri 29
Sat 30 Spencers to Delaware 2.50
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.12)
[page 12]
[corresponds to page 20 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun 31
Mon Jan 1
Tues Jan 2
Wed 3
Thurs 4 Twila Stark to Mt Carmel 1.50
Jan 5 Work at garage changing rigs .50
D.M. Cupp from Delaware 1.50
Jan 6 Mrs Roy Kettle to H.H. Crings 1.00
Sun 7
Mon 8 First call Mrs Jane Edwards 2.00
Jan 9 Casket to Edwards 1.00
Jan 10 Grass & Device to cemetery .50
3 trips out and back with chairs to Edwards 3.00
Jan 11 Twila Stark from Mt Carmel 1.00
Fri 12
Sat 13
Sun 14
Mon 15 Chairs to [illegible] & garage work 1.00
Baby funeral & chairs back 2.00
Tues 16
Wed 17
Thurs 18
Fri 19 First call Mr Wilcox 1.50
Jan 20 Casket to Wilcoxs 1.00
Jan 21 Two trips with chairs & flowers to Wilcox 1.50
" 21 Two trips with chairs back 1.50
Mon 22
Tues 23
Wed 24 Work at office & garage, trip to Worthington,
Childrens Hospital, work at Worthington
and to Meisses
Thus 25
Fri 26 Meisse girl funeral 2.50
[corresponds to page 20 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun 31
Mon Jan 1
Tues Jan 2
Wed 3
Thurs 4 Twila Stark to Mt Carmel 1.50
Jan 5 Work at garage changing rigs .50
D.M. Cupp from Delaware 1.50
Jan 6 Mrs Roy Kettle to H.H. Crings 1.00
Sun 7
Mon 8 First call Mrs Jane Edwards 2.00
Jan 9 Casket to Edwards 1.00
Jan 10 Grass & Device to cemetery .50
3 trips out and back with chairs to Edwards 3.00
Jan 11 Twila Stark from Mt Carmel 1.00
Fri 12
Sat 13
Sun 14
Mon 15 Chairs to [illegible] & garage work 1.00
Baby funeral & chairs back 2.00
Tues 16
Wed 17
Thurs 18
Fri 19 First call Mr Wilcox 1.50
Jan 20 Casket to Wilcoxs 1.00
Jan 21 Two trips with chairs & flowers to Wilcox 1.50
" 21 Two trips with chairs back 1.50
Mon 22
Tues 23
Wed 24 Work at office & garage, trip to Worthington,
Childrens Hospital, work at Worthington
and to Meisses
Thus 25
Fri 26 Meisse girl funeral 2.50
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.13)
[page 13]
[corresponds to page 21 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat 27
Sun 28
Mon 29
Tues 30
Wed 31 Dan Jennings to Mt Carmel 1.50
Thur Feb 1
Fri 2
Sat 3 At office most of the day doing various errands until 10:30 PM 2.50
Feb 4 At office until 3 P.M. John Strosnider 2.00
Feb 5 Helped a little at office seated it 00
Feb 6 Work at garage & helped at Jno. S. funeral 1.00
First call Mr Geddis 2.50
Feb 7 Trip to Worthington, took embalming staff Jim Gaston 3.00
casket to Geddis 1.00
Feb 8 Chairs to Geddis is ambulance 1.00
Grass & device to cemetery & cleaned hearse .50
Chairs from Geddis 1.00
Mrs Buell from Hospital 1.50
Fri 9
Sat 10
Sun 11
Mon 12
Tues 13
Wed 14
Thurs 15 Cupp from Delaware & Bertha H. 1.50
Fri 16
Sat 17
Sun 18
Mon 19 Work at garage & Mrs Alton from Hospital 1.50
Tues 20
Wed 21
Thus 22
Fri 23
Sat 24
Sun 25
Mon 26
[corresponds to page 21 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat 27
Sun 28
Mon 29
Tues 30
Wed 31 Dan Jennings to Mt Carmel 1.50
Thur Feb 1
Fri 2
Sat 3 At office most of the day doing various errands until 10:30 PM 2.50
Feb 4 At office until 3 P.M. John Strosnider 2.00
Feb 5 Helped a little at office seated it 00
Feb 6 Work at garage & helped at Jno. S. funeral 1.00
First call Mr Geddis 2.50
Feb 7 Trip to Worthington, took embalming staff Jim Gaston 3.00
casket to Geddis 1.00
Feb 8 Chairs to Geddis is ambulance 1.00
Grass & device to cemetery & cleaned hearse .50
Chairs from Geddis 1.00
Mrs Buell from Hospital 1.50
Fri 9
Sat 10
Sun 11
Mon 12
Tues 13
Wed 14
Thurs 15 Cupp from Delaware & Bertha H. 1.50
Fri 16
Sat 17
Sun 18
Mon 19 Work at garage & Mrs Alton from Hospital 1.50
Tues 20
Wed 21
Thus 22
Fri 23
Sat 24
Sun 25
Mon 26
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.14)
[page 14]
[corresponds to page 22 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues 27
Wed 28
Thus Mar 1
Fri 2
Sat 3
Sun 4
Mon 5
Tues 6
Wed 7 First call Trina Whitney 5 hrs 2.00
Mar 8 Work at garage with battery .50
Lee Skinner to Johnstown cemetery 2.00
Mar 9 Two trips out to Tina Walkers 2.00
Seted chapel & cleaned up some .50
Mar 10 Work at garage & Mrs Amanda Walker funeral 2.00
Sun 11
Mon 12
Tues 13 Mr Jeffries & Cora out to farm 1.00
First call Mrs Walker & other work 2.00
Wed 14
Thurs 15 Casket to Walkers & work at garage & office 1.50
Mar 16 Chairs to Walkers 1.00
Mrs Walker funeral 2.00
Chairs from Walkers 1.00
Mar 17 Mr Rinehart to Grant Hospital 1.50
Mar 18 First call Mr Richardson 2.00
Trip to Cheshire to Richardsons 1.50
Mar 19 First call Minnie Searles 2.00
Mr Richardson in casket & seated chapel .50
To Delaware for Richardson death certificate 1.50
Mar 20 Casket to Searles 1.00
Mr Richardson funeral 2.00
[corresponds to page 22 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues 27
Wed 28
Thus Mar 1
Fri 2
Sat 3
Sun 4
Mon 5
Tues 6
Wed 7 First call Trina Whitney 5 hrs 2.00
Mar 8 Work at garage with battery .50
Lee Skinner to Johnstown cemetery 2.00
Mar 9 Two trips out to Tina Walkers 2.00
Seted chapel & cleaned up some .50
Mar 10 Work at garage & Mrs Amanda Walker funeral 2.00
Sun 11
Mon 12
Tues 13 Mr Jeffries & Cora out to farm 1.00
First call Mrs Walker & other work 2.00
Wed 14
Thurs 15 Casket to Walkers & work at garage & office 1.50
Mar 16 Chairs to Walkers 1.00
Mrs Walker funeral 2.00
Chairs from Walkers 1.00
Mar 17 Mr Rinehart to Grant Hospital 1.50
Mar 18 First call Mr Richardson 2.00
Trip to Cheshire to Richardsons 1.50
Mar 19 First call Minnie Searles 2.00
Mr Richardson in casket & seated chapel .50
To Delaware for Richardson death certificate 1.50
Mar 20 Casket to Searles 1.00
Mr Richardson funeral 2.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.15)
[page 15]
[corresponds to page 23 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Two loads of chairs & flowers to Searles 1.50
Mar 21 Two loads of chairs back 1.50
Flowers to cemetery 1.00
Grass & device to cemetery 4.00
Thus 22
Fri 23
Sat 24
Sun 25
Mon 26
Tues 27
Wed 28 Worked at office cleaning up all day 3.00
Thus 29
Fri 30 Mrs Peters to Grant Hospital 1.50
Sat 31
Sun Apr 1 Rosa & Lily Barcus to Galena .50
Apr 2 Mrs Shoemaker to Case Hospital 1.00
Tues 3
Wed 4 First call Mr Showalter & work at office 5 hr 2.50
To dry cleaners at Worthington & Mr S in casket 2.50
Apr 5 Work at office & Mr Showalter taken home 2.00
Apr 6 Mr Showalter funeral 2.00
First call Wade Budd & work at office 2.00
Apr 7 Mr Budd in casket & to Dr Iles in Galena 1.00
Mr & Mrs Strosnider to Delaware 2.00
Apr 8 Box to Galena cemetery 1.00
Mr Budd home 1.00
Hugh Rosecrans to J.L. Edwards .25
Strosniders to Granville 3.50
Apr 9 Mr Budd funeral & back for chairs 2.00
Apr 10 Strosniders to Battle Creek 40.00
Apr 11 Casket to Bostons & work at office 1.00
[corresponds to page 23 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Two loads of chairs & flowers to Searles 1.50
Mar 21 Two loads of chairs back 1.50
Flowers to cemetery 1.00
Grass & device to cemetery 4.00
Thus 22
Fri 23
Sat 24
Sun 25
Mon 26
Tues 27
Wed 28 Worked at office cleaning up all day 3.00
Thus 29
Fri 30 Mrs Peters to Grant Hospital 1.50
Sat 31
Sun Apr 1 Rosa & Lily Barcus to Galena .50
Apr 2 Mrs Shoemaker to Case Hospital 1.00
Tues 3
Wed 4 First call Mr Showalter & work at office 5 hr 2.50
To dry cleaners at Worthington & Mr S in casket 2.50
Apr 5 Work at office & Mr Showalter taken home 2.00
Apr 6 Mr Showalter funeral 2.00
First call Wade Budd & work at office 2.00
Apr 7 Mr Budd in casket & to Dr Iles in Galena 1.00
Mr & Mrs Strosnider to Delaware 2.00
Apr 8 Box to Galena cemetery 1.00
Mr Budd home 1.00
Hugh Rosecrans to J.L. Edwards .25
Strosniders to Granville 3.50
Apr 9 Mr Budd funeral & back for chairs 2.00
Apr 10 Strosniders to Battle Creek 40.00
Apr 11 Casket to Bostons & work at office 1.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.16)
[page 16]
[corresponds to page 24 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus To Butler Huddleston Cemetery, Bostens and
Apr 12 brot him to Chapel, seated chapel had funeral
rubbed up hearse, worked 6 or 7 hrs 3.00
Apr 18 First call Mrs Geddis 2.00
Apr 14 Box to Cheshire Cemetery 1.00
Casket to Geddis 1.00
Casket to McWilliams 1.00
Apr 15 Chairs to Geddis 1.00
Flowers to McWilliams 1.50
Mrs Geddis funeral 2.50
Chairs from Geddis 1.00
First call Baby Gallogly 1.00
Apr 16 Box to cemetery, to C. Geddis, C. Pipers to
Dr. Carpenters, got hearse washed &
Baby funeral (Gallogly) 1.00
Tues 17
Wed 18
Thus 19
Fri 20
Sat 21
Sun 22
Mon 23
Tues 24
Wed 25
Thus 26
Fri 26
Sat 28 Pat Deering to Mt Carmel 1.00
Sun 29
Mon 30
Tues 1
Wed 2
Thurs 3 First call Mrs Criss 2.00
May 4 Hose to Battle Creek for Strosniders
May 5 Strosnider from Battle Creek 40.00
[corresponds to page 24 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus To Butler Huddleston Cemetery, Bostens and
Apr 12 brot him to Chapel, seated chapel had funeral
rubbed up hearse, worked 6 or 7 hrs 3.00
Apr 18 First call Mrs Geddis 2.00
Apr 14 Box to Cheshire Cemetery 1.00
Casket to Geddis 1.00
Casket to McWilliams 1.00
Apr 15 Chairs to Geddis 1.00
Flowers to McWilliams 1.50
Mrs Geddis funeral 2.50
Chairs from Geddis 1.00
First call Baby Gallogly 1.00
Apr 16 Box to cemetery, to C. Geddis, C. Pipers to
Dr. Carpenters, got hearse washed &
Baby funeral (Gallogly) 1.00
Tues 17
Wed 18
Thus 19
Fri 20
Sat 21
Sun 22
Mon 23
Tues 24
Wed 25
Thus 26
Fri 26
Sat 28 Pat Deering to Mt Carmel 1.00
Sun 29
Mon 30
Tues 1
Wed 2
Thurs 3 First call Mrs Criss 2.00
May 4 Hose to Battle Creek for Strosniders
May 5 Strosnider from Battle Creek 40.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.17)
[page 17]
[corresponds to page 25 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun 6
Mon 7 Mrs Pickering to Mt Carmel 1.50
Trip to Dunham 1.50
First call to Dunham & work at office 2.00
May 8 Box to cemetery & at office most of day 1.50
May 9 Mr Dunhams funeral & cleaned car 1.50
Mrs Deering from Hospital 1.50
Betty Strosnider to Mt Carmel 1.50
May 10
Fri 11
Sat 12 Mrs Pickering from Mt Carmel 1.50
May 13 Strosniders to Granville 3.50
May 14 Woman from Ferris House to University Hospital 1.50
May 15 To Portsmouth for Mrs Shaffer
May 16 Chairs to Shaffers
Mrs Shaffer funeral
Chairs from Shaffers
May 17 Betty Strosnider from Mt Carmel 1.50
May 18 Mrs Sedgwick & sisters to Delaware 2.00
Sat 19
Sun 20 Ruth Bailey from Mt Carmel 1.50
Mon 21
Tues 22 Hose & Wilson to University Hospital then
did work at Worthington back to Hospital for
post Mortum then brot home, all day 4.00
Wed 23 6 hrs
Thurs 24 Work at office. Mrs Walters taken home 2.00
May 25 Flowers to Walters thereto Croton Cemetery 2.00
Mr Walters funeral 2.00
[corresponds to page 25 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun 6
Mon 7 Mrs Pickering to Mt Carmel 1.50
Trip to Dunham 1.50
First call to Dunham & work at office 2.00
May 8 Box to cemetery & at office most of day 1.50
May 9 Mr Dunhams funeral & cleaned car 1.50
Mrs Deering from Hospital 1.50
Betty Strosnider to Mt Carmel 1.50
May 10
Fri 11
Sat 12 Mrs Pickering from Mt Carmel 1.50
May 13 Strosniders to Granville 3.50
May 14 Woman from Ferris House to University Hospital 1.50
May 15 To Portsmouth for Mrs Shaffer
May 16 Chairs to Shaffers
Mrs Shaffer funeral
Chairs from Shaffers
May 17 Betty Strosnider from Mt Carmel 1.50
May 18 Mrs Sedgwick & sisters to Delaware 2.00
Sat 19
Sun 20 Ruth Bailey from Mt Carmel 1.50
Mon 21
Tues 22 Hose & Wilson to University Hospital then
did work at Worthington back to Hospital for
post Mortum then brot home, all day 4.00
Wed 23 6 hrs
Thurs 24 Work at office. Mrs Walters taken home 2.00
May 25 Flowers to Walters thereto Croton Cemetery 2.00
Mr Walters funeral 2.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.18)
[page 18]
[corresponds to page 26 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat 26
Sun 27
Mon 28
Tues 29
Wed 30
Thus 31
Fri June 1
Sat 2
Sun 3
Mon 4
Tues 5 First call Mr Courter Kilbourne, then to Del 3.00
June 6 Casket to Courters 1.50
June 7 Chairs to Courters 2.00
Mr Courter funeral 2.00
Strosnider to Granville for Elizabeth 3.50
Fri 8
Sat 9
Sun 10 Mrs Olinger from Mt Carmel 1.50
Mon 11
Tues 12
Wed 13
Thus 14
Fri 15 First call Mrs Mann
June 16 To Pipers Strosniders & Gerhards
cleaned 24 chairs brot them to Wheatons 1.50
Mrs Mann in casket
June 17 Taggart to Delaware 1.50
Mrs Mann funeral, taken home & chairs back 3.00
Mon 18
Tues 19
Wed 20
Thurs 21
Fri 22
Sat 23
Sun 24
Mon 25
Tues 26
Wed 27
[corresponds to page 26 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat 26
Sun 27
Mon 28
Tues 29
Wed 30
Thus 31
Fri June 1
Sat 2
Sun 3
Mon 4
Tues 5 First call Mr Courter Kilbourne, then to Del 3.00
June 6 Casket to Courters 1.50
June 7 Chairs to Courters 2.00
Mr Courter funeral 2.00
Strosnider to Granville for Elizabeth 3.50
Fri 8
Sat 9
Sun 10 Mrs Olinger from Mt Carmel 1.50
Mon 11
Tues 12
Wed 13
Thus 14
Fri 15 First call Mrs Mann
June 16 To Pipers Strosniders & Gerhards
cleaned 24 chairs brot them to Wheatons 1.50
Mrs Mann in casket
June 17 Taggart to Delaware 1.50
Mrs Mann funeral, taken home & chairs back 3.00
Mon 18
Tues 19
Wed 20
Thurs 21
Fri 22
Sat 23
Sun 24
Mon 25
Tues 26
Wed 27
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.19)
[page 19]
[corresponds to page 27 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus 28
Fri 29
Sat 30
Sun July 1
Mon 22
Tues 3 Mr Taggart home
Wed 4
Thus 5
Fri 6
Sat 7
Sun 8
Mon 9
Tues 10
Wed 11
Thus 12
Fri 13 First call Mr Mason, 4 hrs Allen House 1.50
July 14 Mr Mason in casket 1.00
Sun 15
Mon 16 Chairs to Masons box & grass & device to Ebenzer cemetery
& Mr Mason funeral 3.50
July 17 Mrs Corbin to St Francis Hospital 1.50
Wed 18
Thus 19
Fri 20
Sat 21 First call Mr Wintermute 15 hrs 5.00
First call Louise Neisley
July 22 Work cleaning back office 1.00
July 23 Mr Wintermute put in casket & taken home
Louise Neisley put in casket all day & taken home other work 3.50
July 24 Helped with chairs & Wintermute funeral 4.00
Nicely Girl funeral & burial Alton
Wed 25
Thus 26 First call Louis Weiser 2.00
July 27 Casket to Clevingers 1.00
[corresponds to page 27 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus 28
Fri 29
Sat 30
Sun July 1
Mon 22
Tues 3 Mr Taggart home
Wed 4
Thus 5
Fri 6
Sat 7
Sun 8
Mon 9
Tues 10
Wed 11
Thus 12
Fri 13 First call Mr Mason, 4 hrs Allen House 1.50
July 14 Mr Mason in casket 1.00
Sun 15
Mon 16 Chairs to Masons box & grass & device to Ebenzer cemetery
& Mr Mason funeral 3.50
July 17 Mrs Corbin to St Francis Hospital 1.50
Wed 18
Thus 19
Fri 20
Sat 21 First call Mr Wintermute 15 hrs 5.00
First call Louise Neisley
July 22 Work cleaning back office 1.00
July 23 Mr Wintermute put in casket & taken home
Louise Neisley put in casket all day & taken home other work 3.50
July 24 Helped with chairs & Wintermute funeral 4.00
Nicely Girl funeral & burial Alton
Wed 25
Thus 26 First call Louis Weiser 2.00
July 27 Casket to Clevingers 1.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.20)
[page 20]
[corresponds to page 28 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
July 28 Chairs to & from Clevengers - Clevenger funeral 3.00
Sun 29 Mrs Ransey to White Cross 1.50
Mon 30
Tues 31
Wed Aug 1
Thus 2 First call Scott Patrick 3 1/2 hr 1.50
Aug 3 Work at office & Mr Patrick taken home 1.00
Aug 4 Mr Patrick funeral 2.00
Sun 5
Mon 6
Tues 7
Wed 8 Work at office & Mrs Fisher taken home 1.50
Aug 9 Mildred Thrall from Case Hospital 1.00
Mrs Fisher funeral 2.00
Fri 10
Sat 11 First call Allie Merideth & work at office 2.50
Taggart to Delaware 1.50
Aug 12 Allie Merideth in casket & taken home 1.00
Mon 13
Tues 14
Wed 15 Allie Meredith funeral 2.00
Thus 16
Fri 17
Sat 18 Taggart to Delaware 1.50
Sun 19
Mon 20
Tues 21
Wed 22
Thus 23
Fri 24 Mrs Corbin from St Francis Hospital 1.50
Sat 25
Sun 26
Mon 27
Tues 28
Wed 29
Chairs to & from Jacksons 1.00
Thus 30 First call Mrs Layman 1.50
[corresponds to page 28 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
July 28 Chairs to & from Clevengers - Clevenger funeral 3.00
Sun 29 Mrs Ransey to White Cross 1.50
Mon 30
Tues 31
Wed Aug 1
Thus 2 First call Scott Patrick 3 1/2 hr 1.50
Aug 3 Work at office & Mr Patrick taken home 1.00
Aug 4 Mr Patrick funeral 2.00
Sun 5
Mon 6
Tues 7
Wed 8 Work at office & Mrs Fisher taken home 1.50
Aug 9 Mildred Thrall from Case Hospital 1.00
Mrs Fisher funeral 2.00
Fri 10
Sat 11 First call Allie Merideth & work at office 2.50
Taggart to Delaware 1.50
Aug 12 Allie Merideth in casket & taken home 1.00
Mon 13
Tues 14
Wed 15 Allie Meredith funeral 2.00
Thus 16
Fri 17
Sat 18 Taggart to Delaware 1.50
Sun 19
Mon 20
Tues 21
Wed 22
Thus 23
Fri 24 Mrs Corbin from St Francis Hospital 1.50
Sat 25
Sun 26
Mon 27
Tues 28
Wed 29
Chairs to & from Jacksons 1.00
Thus 30 First call Mrs Layman 1.50
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.21)
[page 21]
[corresponds to page 29 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri 31 Chairs to & from Jacksons [crossed out] 1.00
First call Mrs Lehman [crossed out] 1.50
Sept 1 Work at office & Mrs Lehman in casket [crossed out]1.00
Sept 31 Work at office with casket & casket to Laymans 1.00
Sat Sept 1
Sept 2 Mrs Laymon funeral 1.50
Mon 3
Tues 4 Junior Whitney to Mt Carmel 1.50
Wed 5
Thus 6 Mrs Gutridge from Case Hospital & Miss Thrall 2.00
to Grant Hospital
Sept 7 Adda Cooke from Union Station 5.00
Sat 8
Sun 9
Mon 10
Tues 11 Mrs Utley from Jane Case 1.00
Wed 12
Thus 13
Fri 14
Sat 15 Mr & Mrs Roof out to Henrys .75
Sun 16
Mon 17
Tues 18
Wed 19
Thus 20
Fri 21
Sat 22
Sun 23
Mon 24
Tues 25
Wed 26
Thus 27 Addie Cooke & Leta Likes to Columbus 5.00
Jack Taggart to Delaware 1.50
Fri 28
Sat 29
[corresponds to page 29 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri 31 Chairs to & from Jacksons [crossed out] 1.00
First call Mrs Lehman [crossed out] 1.50
Sept 1 Work at office & Mrs Lehman in casket [crossed out]1.00
Sept 31 Work at office with casket & casket to Laymans 1.00
Sat Sept 1
Sept 2 Mrs Laymon funeral 1.50
Mon 3
Tues 4 Junior Whitney to Mt Carmel 1.50
Wed 5
Thus 6 Mrs Gutridge from Case Hospital & Miss Thrall 2.00
to Grant Hospital
Sept 7 Adda Cooke from Union Station 5.00
Sat 8
Sun 9
Mon 10
Tues 11 Mrs Utley from Jane Case 1.00
Wed 12
Thus 13
Fri 14
Sat 15 Mr & Mrs Roof out to Henrys .75
Sun 16
Mon 17
Tues 18
Wed 19
Thus 20
Fri 21
Sat 22
Sun 23
Mon 24
Tues 25
Wed 26
Thus 27 Addie Cooke & Leta Likes to Columbus 5.00
Jack Taggart to Delaware 1.50
Fri 28
Sat 29
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.22)
[page 22]
[corresponds to page 30 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun 30
Mon Oct 1
Tues Oct 2 Adda Cooke & Leta Likes to Columbus 5.00
Wed 3
Thus 4
Fri 5 Mrs Strosnider, Abe & Jeff to Granville 3.50
Sat 6
Sun 7
Mon 8
Tues 9
Wed 10
Thus 11
Fri 12 First call Mrs Stark 1.50
Oct 13 Mrs Stark in casket 1.00
Sun 14
Mon 15 Mrs Stark Funeral 1.50
Oct 16 Mrs Roush to Case Hospital 1.00
Wed 17
Thus 18
Fri 19
Sat 20
Sun 21
Mon 22
Tues 23
Wed 24
Thus 25 Mr Davis, near C. Village to White Cross 1.50
Fri 26
Sat 27
Sun 28
Mon 29
Tues 30
Wed 31
Thus Nov 1
Fri 2
Sat 3 Mrs Strosnider to Granville 3.00
Mrs Strosnider back from Granville 3.00
Mr Taggart home 1.50
Sun 4
Mon 5 Otto Young from Terrace Gardens 1.00
[corresponds to page 30 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun 30
Mon Oct 1
Tues Oct 2 Adda Cooke & Leta Likes to Columbus 5.00
Wed 3
Thus 4
Fri 5 Mrs Strosnider, Abe & Jeff to Granville 3.50
Sat 6
Sun 7
Mon 8
Tues 9
Wed 10
Thus 11
Fri 12 First call Mrs Stark 1.50
Oct 13 Mrs Stark in casket 1.00
Sun 14
Mon 15 Mrs Stark Funeral 1.50
Oct 16 Mrs Roush to Case Hospital 1.00
Wed 17
Thus 18
Fri 19
Sat 20
Sun 21
Mon 22
Tues 23
Wed 24
Thus 25 Mr Davis, near C. Village to White Cross 1.50
Fri 26
Sat 27
Sun 28
Mon 29
Tues 30
Wed 31
Thus Nov 1
Fri 2
Sat 3 Mrs Strosnider to Granville 3.00
Mrs Strosnider back from Granville 3.00
Mr Taggart home 1.50
Sun 4
Mon 5 Otto Young from Terrace Gardens 1.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.23)
[page 23]
[corresponds to page 31 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues 6
Wed 7
Thus 8
Fri 9
Sat 10 Mr, Mrs, Elizabeth Strosnider & friend to Delaware game 2.50
Sun 11
Mon 12
Tues 13
Wed 14
Thus 15
Fri 16 Hattie Hall to Mt Carmel Hospital 1.50
Nov 17 Hattie Hall from Hospital work at office 2.00
Nov 18 Work at office & Hattie Hall taken home 1.00
Mon 19
Tues 20 Chairs to & from Osbournes 3.50
Two trips to Kilbourne
Wed 21
Thus 22
Fri 23
Sat 24
Sun 25
Mon 26 Abe Strosnider to Zinker Bros. Col. 5.00
Nov 27 A.D Strosnider to Dudley's & Hines 1.50
Nov 28
Nov 29 Floyd Myers to Worthington 1.00
Nov 30 Charlotte Gumno to depot .25
Sat Dec 1
Sun 2
Mon 3
Tues 4
Wed 5
Thurs 6
Fri 7 Mrs Roma Stockwell to T.B. Hospital, Del. 1.00
Sat 8
Sun 9
Mon 10
Tues 11
[corresponds to page 31 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues 6
Wed 7
Thus 8
Fri 9
Sat 10 Mr, Mrs, Elizabeth Strosnider & friend to Delaware game 2.50
Sun 11
Mon 12
Tues 13
Wed 14
Thus 15
Fri 16 Hattie Hall to Mt Carmel Hospital 1.50
Nov 17 Hattie Hall from Hospital work at office 2.00
Nov 18 Work at office & Hattie Hall taken home 1.00
Mon 19
Tues 20 Chairs to & from Osbournes 3.50
Two trips to Kilbourne
Wed 21
Thus 22
Fri 23
Sat 24
Sun 25
Mon 26 Abe Strosnider to Zinker Bros. Col. 5.00
Nov 27 A.D Strosnider to Dudley's & Hines 1.50
Nov 28
Nov 29 Floyd Myers to Worthington 1.00
Nov 30 Charlotte Gumno to depot .25
Sat Dec 1
Sun 2
Mon 3
Tues 4
Wed 5
Thurs 6
Fri 7 Mrs Roma Stockwell to T.B. Hospital, Del. 1.00
Sat 8
Sun 9
Mon 10
Tues 11
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.24)
[page 24]
[corresponds to page 32 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed 12 First call Mr Jeffries 5 hrs 1.50
Thus 13
Fri 14
Sat 15 Harry Hill Van Kirk to Mt Carmel 1.50
Work at office later, cleaned up 1.00
Sun 16
Mon 17
Tues 18
Wed 19
Thus 20
Fri 21
Sat 22
Sun 23
Mon 24
Tues 25
Wed 26
Thus 27 First call John Ginn 1.50
Dec 28 Casket to John Ginn 1.00
Strosnider to family to Will Strosniders 1.00
Jay Smith to Delaware then to Johnny Cake 1.50
Dec 29 Casket from Ginns & family from Ginns funeral 1.50
Sun 30
Mon 31
Tues Jan 1
Wed 2
Thus 3
Fri 4 First call to Fairchilds, with machine 2.50
then back in amb & work at office
Jan 5 Fairchild girl taken home 1.00
Jan 6 Woman (2) to Marengo 1.50
Jan 7 Casket to Fairchilds 1.00
Machine to Fairchilds to have flowers 2.50
Jan 8 Clarence Piper to White Cross 1.50
Wed 9
Thus 10
[corresponds to page 32 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed 12 First call Mr Jeffries 5 hrs 1.50
Thus 13
Fri 14
Sat 15 Harry Hill Van Kirk to Mt Carmel 1.50
Work at office later, cleaned up 1.00
Sun 16
Mon 17
Tues 18
Wed 19
Thus 20
Fri 21
Sat 22
Sun 23
Mon 24
Tues 25
Wed 26
Thus 27 First call John Ginn 1.50
Dec 28 Casket to John Ginn 1.00
Strosnider to family to Will Strosniders 1.00
Jay Smith to Delaware then to Johnny Cake 1.50
Dec 29 Casket from Ginns & family from Ginns funeral 1.50
Sun 30
Mon 31
Tues Jan 1
Wed 2
Thus 3
Fri 4 First call to Fairchilds, with machine 2.50
then back in amb & work at office
Jan 5 Fairchild girl taken home 1.00
Jan 6 Woman (2) to Marengo 1.50
Jan 7 Casket to Fairchilds 1.00
Machine to Fairchilds to have flowers 2.50
Jan 8 Clarence Piper to White Cross 1.50
Wed 9
Thus 10
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.25)
[page 25]
[corresponds to page 33 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri 11 Stayed at office
Sat 12
Sun 13
Mon 14 First call Robert Walker almost all day 2.50
Tues 15
Wed 16 Walker & casket & taken home 1.00
Jan 17 Walker boy funeral & burial 1.50
Jan 18
Jan 19 First call Mr Cupp & office 6 hrs 2.00
Jan 20
Jan 21 Strosnider to Court House to Delaware 2.00
Jan 22 (Cupp funeral) 10 hrs
Jan 23 First call & Mrs Skinner - work at office 3.00
Jan 24 Jack out to take photo of Boulder and McBoyd [illegible]
Mrs Runnan dressed and taken home 1.00
Jan 25 Certificates baby & Swickland Mrs skinner to Dr [illegible] 000
certificates taken to Strosniders, moved chairs & rough base 1.00
Sat (Mrs Skinner funeral)
Jun 26 First call Mr. Vermillion Liberty 2.50
Jan 27 Burial of Wolfe baby at [illegible] Hill in Vinton Co 4.00
Mrs Vermillion taken home
Mon 28
Tues 29 Got body from Vermillion and prepared for [illegible] 1.00
Clarence Piper from White Cross 1.50
Hose took ^Wilsons Mrs [illegible] and went to Worthington
Jan 30 Mrs Ahrens to Rome Corners .75
Man to Pagetown 1.50
Thus 31
Fri Feb 1 A.D. Strosnider, Wife & Elizabeth to Hospital 5.00
Sat 2
Sun 3
Mon 4
Tues 5
Wed 6 Mrs Ahrens to Bus Station .75
Mr Robinson to Galena .75
& Nettie
Thus 7 A.D. Strosnider to Hospital 5.00
[corresponds to page 33 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri 11 Stayed at office
Sat 12
Sun 13
Mon 14 First call Robert Walker almost all day 2.50
Tues 15
Wed 16 Walker & casket & taken home 1.00
Jan 17 Walker boy funeral & burial 1.50
Jan 18
Jan 19 First call Mr Cupp & office 6 hrs 2.00
Jan 20
Jan 21 Strosnider to Court House to Delaware 2.00
Jan 22 (Cupp funeral) 10 hrs
Jan 23 First call & Mrs Skinner - work at office 3.00
Jan 24 Jack out to take photo of Boulder and McBoyd [illegible]
Mrs Runnan dressed and taken home 1.00
Jan 25 Certificates baby & Swickland Mrs skinner to Dr [illegible] 000
certificates taken to Strosniders, moved chairs & rough base 1.00
Sat (Mrs Skinner funeral)
Jun 26 First call Mr. Vermillion Liberty 2.50
Jan 27 Burial of Wolfe baby at [illegible] Hill in Vinton Co 4.00
Mrs Vermillion taken home
Mon 28
Tues 29 Got body from Vermillion and prepared for [illegible] 1.00
Clarence Piper from White Cross 1.50
Hose took ^Wilsons Mrs [illegible] and went to Worthington
Jan 30 Mrs Ahrens to Rome Corners .75
Man to Pagetown 1.50
Thus 31
Fri Feb 1 A.D. Strosnider, Wife & Elizabeth to Hospital 5.00
Sat 2
Sun 3
Mon 4
Tues 5
Wed 6 Mrs Ahrens to Bus Station .75
Mr Robinson to Galena .75
& Nettie
Thus 7 A.D. Strosnider to Hospital 5.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.26)
[page 26]
[corresponds to page 34 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri 8
Sat 9 Mrs Gail Longshore from Grant Hospital 1.00
Sun 10
Mar 11 Murphey from White Cross Hospital 1.50
Tues 12
Wed 13
Thus 14
Fri 15
Sat 16 Mrs William Ross from White Cross 1.50
Feb 17 To people week people to Columbus for Williams 5.00
Mon 18
Tues 19
Wed 20
Thus 21
Fri 22
Sat 23
Sun 24
Mon 25
Tues 26
Wed 27
Thus 28
Fri Mar 1
Sat Mar 2 White Boy home from White Cross 1.50
Mar 3 Mrs Robert Patrick from White Cross at office 7 hr & work 3.00
Went back to office & kept house 3 1/2 hr 1.00
Mar 4 Dr Gorsuch to Columbus 2.00
Mrs Patrick in casket & stayed all forenoon also at suppertime 1.50
Mar 5 Work all day at office Mrs Patrick funeral 3.00
Wed 6
Thus 7 Strosnider to Courthouse Del 2.00
Fri 8
Sat 9
Sun 10
Mon 11
Tues 12 Dr Gorsuch to U.S. & Columbus 1.50
Wed 13 Strosniders to Groves at C. Village 1.50
[corresponds to page 34 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri 8
Sat 9 Mrs Gail Longshore from Grant Hospital 1.00
Sun 10
Mar 11 Murphey from White Cross Hospital 1.50
Tues 12
Wed 13
Thus 14
Fri 15
Sat 16 Mrs William Ross from White Cross 1.50
Feb 17 To people week people to Columbus for Williams 5.00
Mon 18
Tues 19
Wed 20
Thus 21
Fri 22
Sat 23
Sun 24
Mon 25
Tues 26
Wed 27
Thus 28
Fri Mar 1
Sat Mar 2 White Boy home from White Cross 1.50
Mar 3 Mrs Robert Patrick from White Cross at office 7 hr & work 3.00
Went back to office & kept house 3 1/2 hr 1.00
Mar 4 Dr Gorsuch to Columbus 2.00
Mrs Patrick in casket & stayed all forenoon also at suppertime 1.50
Mar 5 Work all day at office Mrs Patrick funeral 3.00
Wed 6
Thus 7 Strosnider to Courthouse Del 2.00
Fri 8
Sat 9
Sun 10
Mon 11
Tues 12 Dr Gorsuch to U.S. & Columbus 1.50
Wed 13 Strosniders to Groves at C. Village 1.50
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.27)
[page 27]
[corresponds to page 35 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus 14
Fri 15
Sat 16
Sun 17
Mon 18 Mrs Abbe Kimball to Delaware 2.00
Tues 19 Mrs Ewing from Case Hospital to E. Liberty 1.00
Wed 20 Leta Gikes home Yankee St 1.00
Thus 21
Fri 22 Mrs Mid Perfect to T.B. Hospital Del 1.00
Mr Taggart to Galena .50
Sat 23
Sun 24 First call Mr Fisher & work at office 2.00
Mar 25 Mrs Brown from St Francis Hospital home on Red Bank Road 1.00
Mrs Fisher in casket & taken home 1.00
Mar 26 Mr Fisher funeral & took friends home 2.50
Wed 26
Thus 28
Fri 29
Sat 30
Sun 31
Mar Apr 1
Tues 2
Wed 3
Thus 4 First call Mr Pumphrey work at office 2.00
Fri 5
Sat Apr 6 Mr Pumphrey taken home 1.00
6 Mrs Stoffer from St France to N.W. Boulevard 1.50
Apr 7 Flowers to Pumphreys
body from Pumphreys 3.50
Funeral & burial at Rich Hill all day
Apr 8 Mrs Mills funeral & trip to Galena 1.50
Tues 9
Wed 10
Thus 11 Taggart to Delaware 1.00
Apr 12 A.D. Strosnider to Del Court House 2.00
Sat 13
Sun 14
[corresponds to page 35 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus 14
Fri 15
Sat 16
Sun 17
Mon 18 Mrs Abbe Kimball to Delaware 2.00
Tues 19 Mrs Ewing from Case Hospital to E. Liberty 1.00
Wed 20 Leta Gikes home Yankee St 1.00
Thus 21
Fri 22 Mrs Mid Perfect to T.B. Hospital Del 1.00
Mr Taggart to Galena .50
Sat 23
Sun 24 First call Mr Fisher & work at office 2.00
Mar 25 Mrs Brown from St Francis Hospital home on Red Bank Road 1.00
Mrs Fisher in casket & taken home 1.00
Mar 26 Mr Fisher funeral & took friends home 2.50
Wed 26
Thus 28
Fri 29
Sat 30
Sun 31
Mar Apr 1
Tues 2
Wed 3
Thus 4 First call Mr Pumphrey work at office 2.00
Fri 5
Sat Apr 6 Mr Pumphrey taken home 1.00
6 Mrs Stoffer from St France to N.W. Boulevard 1.50
Apr 7 Flowers to Pumphreys
body from Pumphreys 3.50
Funeral & burial at Rich Hill all day
Apr 8 Mrs Mills funeral & trip to Galena 1.50
Tues 9
Wed 10
Thus 11 Taggart to Delaware 1.00
Apr 12 A.D. Strosnider to Del Court House 2.00
Sat 13
Sun 14
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.28)
[page 28]
[corresponds to page 36 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon 15
Tues 16
Wed 17
Thus 18 Taggart home in Delaware 1.00
Apr 19 Mrs Horn from home to Case Hospital 1.00
Sat 20
Sun 21
Mon 22
Tues 23
Wed 24
Thus 25 Mr Boice from Hospital from Columbus 1.50
First call Mr Shockley & work at office 2.00
Apr 26 People taken back to Shackley home
chairs to Shockleys & he put in casket 3.00
Sat 27
Sun 28 Mr Shockley brot from home
Shockley funeral & trip to Galena
People taken up near Fargo all day 4.00
Mon 29 Helped all day with Reese boy 2.50
Apr 30 Reece boy funeral with Maclune 2.00
Wed May 1 Parker boy to Berkshire .50
Thus 2
Fri 3
Sat 4 Dr Shreve from White Cross 1.50
Woman and girl to west of Best's Berkshire .75
Sun 5
Mon 6
Tues 7
Wed 8 Parker boy to Berkshire .50
Thus 9
Fri 10
Sat 11
Sun 12
Mon 13
Tues 14
Wed 15
Thus 16 Bess Walker to Delaware 1.50
Mr Butler out to farm in Ambulance .75
Fri 17
Sat 18 Forest Day farm man to Marion 4.50
Sun 19
[corresponds to page 36 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon 15
Tues 16
Wed 17
Thus 18 Taggart home in Delaware 1.00
Apr 19 Mrs Horn from home to Case Hospital 1.00
Sat 20
Sun 21
Mon 22
Tues 23
Wed 24
Thus 25 Mr Boice from Hospital from Columbus 1.50
First call Mr Shockley & work at office 2.00
Apr 26 People taken back to Shackley home
chairs to Shockleys & he put in casket 3.00
Sat 27
Sun 28 Mr Shockley brot from home
Shockley funeral & trip to Galena
People taken up near Fargo all day 4.00
Mon 29 Helped all day with Reese boy 2.50
Apr 30 Reece boy funeral with Maclune 2.00
Wed May 1 Parker boy to Berkshire .50
Thus 2
Fri 3
Sat 4 Dr Shreve from White Cross 1.50
Woman and girl to west of Best's Berkshire .75
Sun 5
Mon 6
Tues 7
Wed 8 Parker boy to Berkshire .50
Thus 9
Fri 10
Sat 11
Sun 12
Mon 13
Tues 14
Wed 15
Thus 16 Bess Walker to Delaware 1.50
Mr Butler out to farm in Ambulance .75
Fri 17
Sat 18 Forest Day farm man to Marion 4.50
Sun 19
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.29)
[page 29]
[corresponds to page 37 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[crossed out:
Mon 20 000
Tues 21 000
Wed 22 000
Thus 23 000
Fri 24 000
Sat 25 000
Sun 26 000
Mon 27 000
Tues 28 000
Wed 29 000
Thus 30 000
Fri 31 000
June 1 000
2 000
3 000
4 000 Mrs Horn from Case Hospital home 1.00
5 000
6 000
7 000
8 000
9 1.50 Mrs Fetching from W. Cross to home on Burr Bailey farm 1.50
Mon May 20
Tues 21
Wed 22
Thus 23
Fri 24
Sat 25
Sun 26
Mon 27
Tues 28
Wed 29
Thu 30 30
Fri 31
Sat June 1
Sun 2
Mon 3 Mrs Horn from Case Hospital 1.00
Tues 4
Wed 5
Thus 6
Fri 7
Sat 8
Sun 9 Fletcher woman for W. Cross to Bailey farm 1.50
Mon 10
Tues 11
Wed 12
Thus 13
Fri 14
Sat 15
Sun 16
Mon 17
Tues 18
Wed 19
Thus 20
Fri 21
Sat 22
Sun 23
Mon 24 .75
Tues 25 To U. Station for Geo McKay 1.50
[corresponds to page 37 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[crossed out:
Mon 20 000
Tues 21 000
Wed 22 000
Thus 23 000
Fri 24 000
Sat 25 000
Sun 26 000
Mon 27 000
Tues 28 000
Wed 29 000
Thus 30 000
Fri 31 000
June 1 000
2 000
3 000
4 000 Mrs Horn from Case Hospital home 1.00
5 000
6 000
7 000
8 000
9 1.50 Mrs Fetching from W. Cross to home on Burr Bailey farm 1.50
Mon May 20
Tues 21
Wed 22
Thus 23
Fri 24
Sat 25
Sun 26
Mon 27
Tues 28
Wed 29
Thu 30 30
Fri 31
Sat June 1
Sun 2
Mon 3 Mrs Horn from Case Hospital 1.00
Tues 4
Wed 5
Thus 6
Fri 7
Sat 8
Sun 9 Fletcher woman for W. Cross to Bailey farm 1.50
Mon 10
Tues 11
Wed 12
Thus 13
Fri 14
Sat 15
Sun 16
Mon 17
Tues 18
Wed 19
Thus 20
Fri 21
Sat 22
Sun 23
Mon 24 .75
Tues 25 To U. Station for Geo McKay 1.50
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.30)
[page 30]
[corresponds to page 55 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[pages 38 to 54 are missing]
[ledger of cab fee Aug 1, 1933 to Jan 31, 1934]
[corresponds to page 55 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[pages 38 to 54 are missing]
[ledger of cab fee Aug 1, 1933 to Jan 31, 1934]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.31)
[page 31]
[corresponds to page 56 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[ledger of cab fees Feb 1, 1934 through Aug 31, 1934]
[corresponds to page 56 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[ledger of cab fees Feb 1, 1934 through Aug 31, 1934]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.32)
[page 32]
[corresponds to page 57 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[ledger of cab fees Sept 1, 1934 through Apr 30, 1935]
[corresponds to page 57 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[ledger of cab fees Sept 1, 1934 through Apr 30, 1935]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.33)
[page 33]
[corresponds to page 58 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[ledger of cab fees May 1, 1935 through Jun 30, 1935]
[corresponds to page 58 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[ledger of cab fees May 1, 1935 through Jun 30, 1935]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.34)
[page 34]
[corresponds to page 65 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Account information and figures
[corresponds to page 65 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Account information and figures
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.35)
[page 35]
[corresponds to page 69 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[pages 66 to 68 are missing]
1933 Tues
July 25 Lovely cool day, We got 4 qts of blackberries
of the White boy. Irene & Leland called a few
minutes. I was at Hetties this evening.
Wed July 26. Nice cool day. Hose busy. Mert &
Lo Smythe called. I was at Lilys in the
evening. I canned 3 1/2 qts blackberries
Thus, July 27
Fine day, getting warmer. I spent the day at &
Irenes. Mrs Irwin called.
Fri, July 28
Getting warmer, nice day Mrs Foster, Ruth
Domigan & her mother called to give me an in-
vitation to Missionary Tea. I was over to see Mrs
Mann this evening. Eloise married to day.
Sat, July 29
Very warm. I made 9 glasses of blackberry Jelly.
We went to Delaware & signed for the Gazette an-
other year. Laura Shaffer died yesterday
Sun, July 30
very warm day, a little breeze. We went
to Mansfield and called at Whittiers & at
Mr Shaffers, then went to funeral home to
see Laura Shaffer. We went through
Clearfork Park, pretty wild. Jane Chap-
man called a few minutes. Mrs Raredon called
Mon. July 31
Very warm day, hard rains around us
but none here, very dry, every thing parched,
We did not go to Laura S's funeral, Maggie
called this evening. Bess called on way to funeral.
Tues, Aug 1
Very very warm day. We washed some sheets.
Callie Gorsuch made a short call. Little
shower in the evening
Wed, Aug. 2
Quite warm after shower. Did not do much
3 over night last night. Daisy Wheaton
called this evening. We had our first
tomato today.
[corresponds to page 69 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[pages 66 to 68 are missing]
1933 Tues
July 25 Lovely cool day, We got 4 qts of blackberries
of the White boy. Irene & Leland called a few
minutes. I was at Hetties this evening.
Wed July 26. Nice cool day. Hose busy. Mert &
Lo Smythe called. I was at Lilys in the
evening. I canned 3 1/2 qts blackberries
Thus, July 27
Fine day, getting warmer. I spent the day at &
Irenes. Mrs Irwin called.
Fri, July 28
Getting warmer, nice day Mrs Foster, Ruth
Domigan & her mother called to give me an in-
vitation to Missionary Tea. I was over to see Mrs
Mann this evening. Eloise married to day.
Sat, July 29
Very warm. I made 9 glasses of blackberry Jelly.
We went to Delaware & signed for the Gazette an-
other year. Laura Shaffer died yesterday
Sun, July 30
very warm day, a little breeze. We went
to Mansfield and called at Whittiers & at
Mr Shaffers, then went to funeral home to
see Laura Shaffer. We went through
Clearfork Park, pretty wild. Jane Chap-
man called a few minutes. Mrs Raredon called
Mon. July 31
Very warm day, hard rains around us
but none here, very dry, every thing parched,
We did not go to Laura S's funeral, Maggie
called this evening. Bess called on way to funeral.
Tues, Aug 1
Very very warm day. We washed some sheets.
Callie Gorsuch made a short call. Little
shower in the evening
Wed, Aug. 2
Quite warm after shower. Did not do much
3 over night last night. Daisy Wheaton
called this evening. We had our first
tomato today.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.36)
[page 36]
[corresponds to page 70 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus Aug 3 Warm this forenoon and very
windy. This afternoon fine rain and
much cooler. Mrs Stark & Mr Parsons
called. Entertainment on square. I did not go.
Fri Aug 4
Quite cool all day. not much doing. Jane
Chapman & Rosa Barcus called and we
went to missionary Tea at Hetties
Sat Aug 5
Still cool. Hose and I went out to Henrys
and got a chicken for Sunday dinner.
Hose went to Delaware for Dave Cupp.
Aug 6
Very fine day. Hose busy in forenoon
We took a ride to near Reynoldsburg to
Gahanna up Sunbury road home.
Mert & Lo Smythe called in the evening
Mon Aug 7
Getting warmer partly cloudy. We wash-
ed a little this morning. Hose a little busy.
Got my Progress Club Program today. I was
at Maggies, then we went up to see old Mrs Cring
Tues Aug 8
Cloudy all day. Mrs Foster called. fine rain this a.m.
cooler. Hose busy. I did the usual work.
I was at Barcus awhile and had to come
home as Irene & Leland called
Aug 9 Getting warmer. Hose and I went
to our Reunion out at Henrys: Had a
nice time.
Thus Aug 10
Rained for about 5 hrs this morning
Much needed. Entertainment on square
tonite. I did not go, too damp.
Fri Aug 11
Nice cool day. Hose and I went to
Columbus. Mrs Foster called this evening.
[corresponds to page 70 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus Aug 3 Warm this forenoon and very
windy. This afternoon fine rain and
much cooler. Mrs Stark & Mr Parsons
called. Entertainment on square. I did not go.
Fri Aug 4
Quite cool all day. not much doing. Jane
Chapman & Rosa Barcus called and we
went to missionary Tea at Hetties
Sat Aug 5
Still cool. Hose and I went out to Henrys
and got a chicken for Sunday dinner.
Hose went to Delaware for Dave Cupp.
Aug 6
Very fine day. Hose busy in forenoon
We took a ride to near Reynoldsburg to
Gahanna up Sunbury road home.
Mert & Lo Smythe called in the evening
Mon Aug 7
Getting warmer partly cloudy. We wash-
ed a little this morning. Hose a little busy.
Got my Progress Club Program today. I was
at Maggies, then we went up to see old Mrs Cring
Tues Aug 8
Cloudy all day. Mrs Foster called. fine rain this a.m.
cooler. Hose busy. I did the usual work.
I was at Barcus awhile and had to come
home as Irene & Leland called
Aug 9 Getting warmer. Hose and I went
to our Reunion out at Henrys: Had a
nice time.
Thus Aug 10
Rained for about 5 hrs this morning
Much needed. Entertainment on square
tonite. I did not go, too damp.
Fri Aug 11
Nice cool day. Hose and I went to
Columbus. Mrs Foster called this evening.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.37)
[page 37]
[corresponds to page 71 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat, Aug 12
very nice day but getting warmer, I did the
usual work. Elliott & Bess called also Mert
Smythe & Mack Blaney. I called at Mrs Stark.
The Gelston place did not sell today.
Sun Aug 13
Cool wind. we took Mert & Lo Smythe and
went to near airport to see stunt flying.
In the evening Lily, Rosa and Maggie
Mon Aug 14
Delightful cool day. We washed some. Hose
and Abe went to Delaware this evening.
Mr & Mrs. Gelston called this evening
Tues Aug 15
Lovely cool day, I ironed some. Hose busy
Rosa, Maggie & I went up to cemetery to
Myrtle Mosier burial, then to call at Aileen
Skeels. I was at Lily's this evening.
Wed Aug 16
Fine day. getting warmer. I had my first
finger wave this morning Alice Johnston
did the work. Did not do much today. I was
at Maggies this evening.
Thus Aug 17
Nice Day, partly cloudy. Hose busy most of
the day. I visited Mrs Lawson, went down
on the bus, then Hose came after me. Nice
little shower this evening.
Fri Aug 18 Jane Chapman called a few minutes
Cloudy & cool. I washed my pique & shanting
dresses this a.m. After dinner I took my
coupons over to get my soap, then went to Het-
ties to call. Dr G. is coming home this
evening after being in Grant Hospital 5 days
Lily, Rosa & I went to community Hall to hear Merl Davis talk
Sat Aug 19
Still cool. I did the usual work. Mrs Foster call-
ed a little while. I was at Lilys this evening.
[corresponds to page 71 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat, Aug 12
very nice day but getting warmer, I did the
usual work. Elliott & Bess called also Mert
Smythe & Mack Blaney. I called at Mrs Stark.
The Gelston place did not sell today.
Sun Aug 13
Cool wind. we took Mert & Lo Smythe and
went to near airport to see stunt flying.
In the evening Lily, Rosa and Maggie
Mon Aug 14
Delightful cool day. We washed some. Hose
and Abe went to Delaware this evening.
Mr & Mrs. Gelston called this evening
Tues Aug 15
Lovely cool day, I ironed some. Hose busy
Rosa, Maggie & I went up to cemetery to
Myrtle Mosier burial, then to call at Aileen
Skeels. I was at Lily's this evening.
Wed Aug 16
Fine day. getting warmer. I had my first
finger wave this morning Alice Johnston
did the work. Did not do much today. I was
at Maggies this evening.
Thus Aug 17
Nice Day, partly cloudy. Hose busy most of
the day. I visited Mrs Lawson, went down
on the bus, then Hose came after me. Nice
little shower this evening.
Fri Aug 18 Jane Chapman called a few minutes
Cloudy & cool. I washed my pique & shanting
dresses this a.m. After dinner I took my
coupons over to get my soap, then went to Het-
ties to call. Dr G. is coming home this
evening after being in Grant Hospital 5 days
Lily, Rosa & I went to community Hall to hear Merl Davis talk
Sat Aug 19
Still cool. I did the usual work. Mrs Foster call-
ed a little while. I was at Lilys this evening.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.38)
[page 38]
[corresponds to page 72 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun Aug 20
Beautiful day, a little cool. We did not go
any place as Hose was busy. Hose went up
to see Dr. Gorsuch, he is not so well gallstones.
There is no preaching at the Baptist Church.
Minister taking vacation
Mon Aug 21
Nice cool day. We went to Delaware and got
Hall electric fixtures. I was Hetties this eve.
Dr Gorsuch is sick in bed.
Tues Aug 22
Lovely cool breezy day. Hose cleaned
upstairs. Mrs Foster called a minute. I
was at Lilys this evening.
Wed Aug 23
Lovely cool day, also windy. Mr Loop put
light in front hall. I was at Hetties a
few minutes, then to Abbie Kimballs. Dr
Gorsuch is not so well.
Thus Aug 24
Fine day. Nothing doing much. Erns-
bergers put the entertainment on the
square this evening. I did not go
Fri Aug 25
Getting warmer. Alice waved my
hair again this morning. I was
up to see Dr. Gorsuch this evening.
He is better again. Jack settled
Sat Aug 26
Nice day. We went to Delaware in the mor-
ning. Jack T. went with us. I was at Lilys
in the evening. canned 2 pts of tomatoes.
Sun Aug 27
Warm day. We took a ride to Ashley & Del-
aware and home. Blanch & Sylvia Cupp
called also Rosa & Lily Barcus a few
minutes. I called at Maggies before
time for church.
[corresponds to page 72 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun Aug 20
Beautiful day, a little cool. We did not go
any place as Hose was busy. Hose went up
to see Dr. Gorsuch, he is not so well gallstones.
There is no preaching at the Baptist Church.
Minister taking vacation
Mon Aug 21
Nice cool day. We went to Delaware and got
Hall electric fixtures. I was Hetties this eve.
Dr Gorsuch is sick in bed.
Tues Aug 22
Lovely cool breezy day. Hose cleaned
upstairs. Mrs Foster called a minute. I
was at Lilys this evening.
Wed Aug 23
Lovely cool day, also windy. Mr Loop put
light in front hall. I was at Hetties a
few minutes, then to Abbie Kimballs. Dr
Gorsuch is not so well.
Thus Aug 24
Fine day. Nothing doing much. Erns-
bergers put the entertainment on the
square this evening. I did not go
Fri Aug 25
Getting warmer. Alice waved my
hair again this morning. I was
up to see Dr. Gorsuch this evening.
He is better again. Jack settled
Sat Aug 26
Nice day. We went to Delaware in the mor-
ning. Jack T. went with us. I was at Lilys
in the evening. canned 2 pts of tomatoes.
Sun Aug 27
Warm day. We took a ride to Ashley & Del-
aware and home. Blanch & Sylvia Cupp
called also Rosa & Lily Barcus a few
minutes. I called at Maggies before
time for church.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.39)
[page 39]
[corresponds to page 73 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Aug 28
Cloudy & rained a little. Hose and I
went to the State Fair, Had a nice time
Frank McMann went down & back with
us. Ed & Mary Strohm, & Gill Beatties girl
and husband made an auto call.
Tues Aug 29
Lovely cool day. We washed some sheets.
and I made quite a lot of grape sunshine.
I was a Lily's this evening Ellen
John Furry called this evening.
Wed Aug 30
Fine day, cool & cloudy, fine State Fair weath-
er. I canned 2 pts of tomatoes, and ironed
some. I was over at Wheatons this P.M.
House full this evening
Thus Aug 31
Rained last night today cool and
partly cloudy. I washed quite a good
many towels. I am not working much
as Monroe's are here. Entertainment
on square tonight: Lewis Center musicians
Fri Sept 1
Beautiful day, much warmer, I washed a
few towels & canned 2 pt of tomatoes.
Monroes left this evening. Jack Taggart
moved most of his things out of his
room today. ^he is not leaving. Mrs Foster called.
Sat Sept 2
Warm day. I baked a cake, had early
dinner and went down to Joe's near
Utica, they were not a home and
back and called to see Mary Armstrong.
We got 3 fine muskmelons in Johnny
It rained this evening. I was down at Lily
Sun Sept 3
Rained most of last night and today. We went
to Delaware and got butter & cottage cheese Hose was
up to see Dr. Gorsuch, he is better. Maggie called this evening
[corresponds to page 73 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Aug 28
Cloudy & rained a little. Hose and I
went to the State Fair, Had a nice time
Frank McMann went down & back with
us. Ed & Mary Strohm, & Gill Beatties girl
and husband made an auto call.
Tues Aug 29
Lovely cool day. We washed some sheets.
and I made quite a lot of grape sunshine.
I was a Lily's this evening Ellen
John Furry called this evening.
Wed Aug 30
Fine day, cool & cloudy, fine State Fair weath-
er. I canned 2 pts of tomatoes, and ironed
some. I was over at Wheatons this P.M.
House full this evening
Thus Aug 31
Rained last night today cool and
partly cloudy. I washed quite a good
many towels. I am not working much
as Monroe's are here. Entertainment
on square tonight: Lewis Center musicians
Fri Sept 1
Beautiful day, much warmer, I washed a
few towels & canned 2 pt of tomatoes.
Monroes left this evening. Jack Taggart
moved most of his things out of his
room today. ^he is not leaving. Mrs Foster called.
Sat Sept 2
Warm day. I baked a cake, had early
dinner and went down to Joe's near
Utica, they were not a home and
back and called to see Mary Armstrong.
We got 3 fine muskmelons in Johnny
It rained this evening. I was down at Lily
Sun Sept 3
Rained most of last night and today. We went
to Delaware and got butter & cottage cheese Hose was
up to see Dr. Gorsuch, he is better. Maggie called this evening
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.40)
[page 40]
[corresponds to page 74 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Sept 4
Labor Day fine day. we washed 11 sheets
I was at Hetties in the evening but had to
come home as Hose had to go away.
Tues Sept 5
Lovely day. we did not get to up to the Lake
as we had people over night. Irene and
William called this afternoon. I was at
Barcus this evening.
Wed Sept 6
Beautiful day. we took our trip up to
the Lake, brot home some fish and
fruit. Had a fine trip.
Thus Sept 7
Very nice day, quite warm. Mrs
Beum called twice. Alice Johnson
waved my hair again today. I was
at Lilys awhile this evening.
Fri Sept 8
Very warm. Shop closed this morning.
We washed some sheets. Harvey Allen
put the dining room gas pipe be-
tween the floors. I was at Hetties
this evening.
Sat Sept 9
very warm day, Hose got a chicken at
Nellies. I did not do much. Hose took Mrs
Beum down to Bexley. I was at Maggies
this evening
Sun Sept 10
Cooler, we called at John Trimmers
they were not at home. then we
went to Weavers and called Lily and
Rosa came up and we went to the
Baptist Church. Dora Beattie stayed
over night.
Mon Sept 11
Lovely cool day, rained a little
this morning we washed a spread
and some sheets.
[corresponds to page 74 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Sept 4
Labor Day fine day. we washed 11 sheets
I was at Hetties in the evening but had to
come home as Hose had to go away.
Tues Sept 5
Lovely day. we did not get to up to the Lake
as we had people over night. Irene and
William called this afternoon. I was at
Barcus this evening.
Wed Sept 6
Beautiful day. we took our trip up to
the Lake, brot home some fish and
fruit. Had a fine trip.
Thus Sept 7
Very nice day, quite warm. Mrs
Beum called twice. Alice Johnson
waved my hair again today. I was
at Lilys awhile this evening.
Fri Sept 8
Very warm. Shop closed this morning.
We washed some sheets. Harvey Allen
put the dining room gas pipe be-
tween the floors. I was at Hetties
this evening.
Sat Sept 9
very warm day, Hose got a chicken at
Nellies. I did not do much. Hose took Mrs
Beum down to Bexley. I was at Maggies
this evening
Sun Sept 10
Cooler, we called at John Trimmers
they were not at home. then we
went to Weavers and called Lily and
Rosa came up and we went to the
Baptist Church. Dora Beattie stayed
over night.
Mon Sept 11
Lovely cool day, rained a little
this morning we washed a spread
and some sheets.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.41)
[page 41]
[corresponds to page 75 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues Sept 12
Cloudy & cool & showery, We went to columb
us. I got a new hat & shoes. I went down to
Barcus. they were not at home.
Wed Sept 13
Cool & quite rainy. I ironed 11 sheets
this morning. Did not do much else
was at Barcus this evening.
Thurs Sept 14
Cool and very rainy. I did not do much
business very slow. Mr Cormer here tonight
Fri Sept 15
Beautiful day. warmer. Hose swept the big
north room. He was busy most of the day. In
the evening Lily, Rosa & I went to school auditorium
to see Amos and Andy. Jack kept house.
Sat Sept 16
Beautiful day. Hose quite busy. Mrs [illegible]
& Mrs Foster called. I was at Hetties in
Mary Armstrong died this morning
Sept 17 Beautiful cool day. Hose busy we
went down to see Mary Armstrong in
her casket. there Mrs Strosnider [illegible]
and Maggie went out to Maisie to
see gypsises. I went to church this
evening. Mr Barnhardt resigned
Mon Sept 18
Beautiful cool day. Hose busy. I washed
a few pieces. I did not go to Mary Armstrongs
funeral on account of Hose being busy. I
was at Lilys this evening.
Tues Sept 19
Cool day, but rained quite hard this after-
noon. Alice Johnston waved my hair
this morning. Hose busy. Mrs Foster
called a little while.
Wed Sept 20
Quite cool and bright. Hose very busy. I
[corresponds to page 75 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues Sept 12
Cloudy & cool & showery, We went to columb
us. I got a new hat & shoes. I went down to
Barcus. they were not at home.
Wed Sept 13
Cool & quite rainy. I ironed 11 sheets
this morning. Did not do much else
was at Barcus this evening.
Thurs Sept 14
Cool and very rainy. I did not do much
business very slow. Mr Cormer here tonight
Fri Sept 15
Beautiful day. warmer. Hose swept the big
north room. He was busy most of the day. In
the evening Lily, Rosa & I went to school auditorium
to see Amos and Andy. Jack kept house.
Sat Sept 16
Beautiful day. Hose quite busy. Mrs [illegible]
& Mrs Foster called. I was at Hetties in
Mary Armstrong died this morning
Sept 17 Beautiful cool day. Hose busy we
went down to see Mary Armstrong in
her casket. there Mrs Strosnider [illegible]
and Maggie went out to Maisie to
see gypsises. I went to church this
evening. Mr Barnhardt resigned
Mon Sept 18
Beautiful cool day. Hose busy. I washed
a few pieces. I did not go to Mary Armstrongs
funeral on account of Hose being busy. I
was at Lilys this evening.
Tues Sept 19
Cool day, but rained quite hard this after-
noon. Alice Johnston waved my hair
this morning. Hose busy. Mrs Foster
called a little while.
Wed Sept 20
Quite cool and bright. Hose very busy. I
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.42)
[page 42]
[corresponds to page 76 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Spent the day at Bess.
Thus Sept 21
Still cool we had to have a fire. Hose
busy. Mrs Foster called. In the evening
I was at Mrs Sedgwicks, took up quilt
Fri Sept 22
Getting warmer Hose busy. I went out
to Progress Club with Maggie, Irene
and Grace Fisher. I was at Lilys this evening
Sat Sept 23
Warmer and very rainy this forenoon
We took Jack to Delaware this morning and
did a little shopping. Elliott made us
quite a call and brot us a chicken
lima beans, beets & head of cabbage.
Sun Sept 24
Much warmer, beautiful day. Hose and I did
not go any place as Hose had to stay home.
Mert Smythe, Leta Likes, Lily & Rose & I went to
Delaware and called on Annabel Smythe.
In the evening I went up to hear Rosa in
Barnhardts farewell sermon.
Mon Sept 25
Nice day rained some Mrs Lawson
spent the day here. I was at Hetties
a little while in the evening.
Tues Sept 26
A little drizzly today, Hose busy. We
washed a little. 4 over night:
Wed Sept 27
Rained most of last night & part of today.
This afternoon cooler. I canned 1 qt of beets
4 qts of tomatoes. I was at Lilys this evening
Thus Sept 28
Long forenoon. I ironed quite a lot. We had
covered dish dinner for Clara & James. Very
are here from Cleveland. going home tomorrow.
all here but Gorsuchs.
[corresponds to page 76 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Spent the day at Bess.
Thus Sept 21
Still cool we had to have a fire. Hose
busy. Mrs Foster called. In the evening
I was at Mrs Sedgwicks, took up quilt
Fri Sept 22
Getting warmer Hose busy. I went out
to Progress Club with Maggie, Irene
and Grace Fisher. I was at Lilys this evening
Sat Sept 23
Warmer and very rainy this forenoon
We took Jack to Delaware this morning and
did a little shopping. Elliott made us
quite a call and brot us a chicken
lima beans, beets & head of cabbage.
Sun Sept 24
Much warmer, beautiful day. Hose and I did
not go any place as Hose had to stay home.
Mert Smythe, Leta Likes, Lily & Rose & I went to
Delaware and called on Annabel Smythe.
In the evening I went up to hear Rosa in
Barnhardts farewell sermon.
Mon Sept 25
Nice day rained some Mrs Lawson
spent the day here. I was at Hetties
a little while in the evening.
Tues Sept 26
A little drizzly today, Hose busy. We
washed a little. 4 over night:
Wed Sept 27
Rained most of last night & part of today.
This afternoon cooler. I canned 1 qt of beets
4 qts of tomatoes. I was at Lilys this evening
Thus Sept 28
Long forenoon. I ironed quite a lot. We had
covered dish dinner for Clara & James. Very
are here from Cleveland. going home tomorrow.
all here but Gorsuchs.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.43)
[page 43]
[corresponds to page 77 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri Sept 29
Beautiful day. Just the usual work. Hose busy
Sat Sept 30 Clara & James went home.
Lovely day, like summer. I canned 2 pts of
tomatoes, Maggie called twice. I was Lilys
this evening.
Sun Oct 1
Rained some last night and this morning
clearing this afternoon. We took a ride to
Delaware. O. Shaughnessy Dam, back home thru
Powel, up High Str to Delaware home, got butter
and Muskmelons. No church tonight.
Mon Oct 2
Beautiful day. I washed the windows on
on the outside and we took down the porch
vallance. I went over to see Zella Knoder
about making sleeves for my dress, then I
made long call at Cora Wilsons. Hose took
me up to Gelstons, but they were not at home.
Tues Oct 3
Beautiful day. Hose very busy I washed and
ironed the sitting room curtains. Mrs Fos-
ter called also Mrs Irwin.
Wed Oct 4
Lovely day. I did not do much. Hose busy. I was
at Lilys this evening.
Thus Oct 5
Quite a lot colder, mostly cloudy. Hose busy
Lester Perry took off sod from my flower bed.
I was at Maggies but had to come home as
John & Ella Furry came to teach us to play eucre.
Friday Oct 6
Cool and quite foggy this morning. Alice
Johnson gave my hair a wave this morning
Clem & Ada Boyd called a few minutes.
Mrs Foster called. Hose busy.
Sat Oct 7
Very nice day. partly cloudy. We reset some of our
flowers this morning. Bess called and
[corresponds to page 77 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri Sept 29
Beautiful day. Just the usual work. Hose busy
Sat Sept 30 Clara & James went home.
Lovely day, like summer. I canned 2 pts of
tomatoes, Maggie called twice. I was Lilys
this evening.
Sun Oct 1
Rained some last night and this morning
clearing this afternoon. We took a ride to
Delaware. O. Shaughnessy Dam, back home thru
Powel, up High Str to Delaware home, got butter
and Muskmelons. No church tonight.
Mon Oct 2
Beautiful day. I washed the windows on
on the outside and we took down the porch
vallance. I went over to see Zella Knoder
about making sleeves for my dress, then I
made long call at Cora Wilsons. Hose took
me up to Gelstons, but they were not at home.
Tues Oct 3
Beautiful day. Hose very busy I washed and
ironed the sitting room curtains. Mrs Fos-
ter called also Mrs Irwin.
Wed Oct 4
Lovely day. I did not do much. Hose busy. I was
at Lilys this evening.
Thus Oct 5
Quite a lot colder, mostly cloudy. Hose busy
Lester Perry took off sod from my flower bed.
I was at Maggies but had to come home as
John & Ella Furry came to teach us to play eucre.
Friday Oct 6
Cool and quite foggy this morning. Alice
Johnson gave my hair a wave this morning
Clem & Ada Boyd called a few minutes.
Mrs Foster called. Hose busy.
Sat Oct 7
Very nice day. partly cloudy. We reset some of our
flowers this morning. Bess called and
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.44)
[page 44]
[corresponds to page 78 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
give us a loaf of bread and some cooked
lima beans. Home game a O.S.U. today.
opening game. I was at Hetties a little while
Then at Lilys a few minutes afraid of storm
and I came home, rained a little.
Sun Oct 8
Rained off and on all day. We went down to
see Joe to day, then Hose went with Abe to Hos-
pital. Maggie spent the evening here. We
extended a call to Mr Peters today for Baptist minister
Mon Oct 9
Cloudy and a little showery. We went to Colum-
bus. got new sleeves for my dress also sorghum
molasses. Mert & Lo Smythe made us a long call
this afternoon. I was at Lily's this evening.
Tues Oct 10
Nice day warmer. I took my dress over
to Zellas to have it made over. I also
called to see Mr Chapman, and was
at Ramsey's this evening.
Wed Oct 11
Lovely day. The Mission Circle spent the day
in Columbus with Mrs Huston, had a fine time.
Thus Oct 12
Cloudy Ann DeWilt put new ceiling
on the dining room. Hose made ap-
plication for License plates for machine
We cleaned the dining room and
washed the curtains.
Fri Oct 13
Much cooler. We washed some sheets. Carrie
Chapman made a short call. Hose busy.
John & Ella came over and gave us our eucre lesson
Sat Oct 14
Beautiful day, hard frost last night, the
first one. I made 8 pies & ironed some
sheets today. Hose busy. Mr & Mrs Whittier
and Clarence & Gordon made us a nice
call. I was at Barcus in the evening
[corresponds to page 78 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
give us a loaf of bread and some cooked
lima beans. Home game a O.S.U. today.
opening game. I was at Hetties a little while
Then at Lilys a few minutes afraid of storm
and I came home, rained a little.
Sun Oct 8
Rained off and on all day. We went down to
see Joe to day, then Hose went with Abe to Hos-
pital. Maggie spent the evening here. We
extended a call to Mr Peters today for Baptist minister
Mon Oct 9
Cloudy and a little showery. We went to Colum-
bus. got new sleeves for my dress also sorghum
molasses. Mert & Lo Smythe made us a long call
this afternoon. I was at Lily's this evening.
Tues Oct 10
Nice day warmer. I took my dress over
to Zellas to have it made over. I also
called to see Mr Chapman, and was
at Ramsey's this evening.
Wed Oct 11
Lovely day. The Mission Circle spent the day
in Columbus with Mrs Huston, had a fine time.
Thus Oct 12
Cloudy Ann DeWilt put new ceiling
on the dining room. Hose made ap-
plication for License plates for machine
We cleaned the dining room and
washed the curtains.
Fri Oct 13
Much cooler. We washed some sheets. Carrie
Chapman made a short call. Hose busy.
John & Ella came over and gave us our eucre lesson
Sat Oct 14
Beautiful day, hard frost last night, the
first one. I made 8 pies & ironed some
sheets today. Hose busy. Mr & Mrs Whittier
and Clarence & Gordon made us a nice
call. I was at Barcus in the evening
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.45)
[page 45]
[corresponds to page 79 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun Oct 15
Beautiful day like summer. Hose and I went
to Westerville, New Albany, Granville & home, then
Mert Smythe took Rosa, Lily & I over to the
Dam. Lo Smythe made a short call. I want to
church to hear the new minister. I had to
come home as Hose had to go away.
Mon Oct 16
Nice day in forenoon. We went down this A.M.
to see Joe, he is not so well. It has drizzled
most of the afternoon. I was at Maggies this
evening. We washed 9 sheets
Tues Oct 17
Beautiful day. Much cooler. Hose busy. I
ironed some and dried the rest of sheets
I was at Lily but had to come home.
Wed Oct 18
Fine day. I did the usual work.
Ella Reeder & Mrs Foster called.
Thus Oct 19
Nice cool day. Jack left this morning
after rooming with us for 16 yrs. We
will miss him. Ot Young made us a
nice call this forenoon I was at
Mrs Stark this evening. We got a bu of potatoes.
Fri Oct 20
Nice day partly cloudy. Bess was here for
dinner. Elliott made a short call. I was
over at Zella Knoderers to try on my dress
that she is fixing over. I was at Lilys
this evening.
Sat Oct 21
Beautiful summer day. Calvin's birthday [crossed out]
I did the usual work. Hose and I went to Dr.
VanHouten's sale. In the evening I was at
Hetties. She gave us a small watermelon.
Sun Oct 22
Calvins birthday a rainy one. We took rids out E
Broad St to Reynoldsburg home. I went to Maggie
then to church to hear our new preacher for the first time.
[corresponds to page 79 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun Oct 15
Beautiful day like summer. Hose and I went
to Westerville, New Albany, Granville & home, then
Mert Smythe took Rosa, Lily & I over to the
Dam. Lo Smythe made a short call. I want to
church to hear the new minister. I had to
come home as Hose had to go away.
Mon Oct 16
Nice day in forenoon. We went down this A.M.
to see Joe, he is not so well. It has drizzled
most of the afternoon. I was at Maggies this
evening. We washed 9 sheets
Tues Oct 17
Beautiful day. Much cooler. Hose busy. I
ironed some and dried the rest of sheets
I was at Lily but had to come home.
Wed Oct 18
Fine day. I did the usual work.
Ella Reeder & Mrs Foster called.
Thus Oct 19
Nice cool day. Jack left this morning
after rooming with us for 16 yrs. We
will miss him. Ot Young made us a
nice call this forenoon I was at
Mrs Stark this evening. We got a bu of potatoes.
Fri Oct 20
Nice day partly cloudy. Bess was here for
dinner. Elliott made a short call. I was
over at Zella Knoderers to try on my dress
that she is fixing over. I was at Lilys
this evening.
Sat Oct 21
Beautiful summer day. Calvin's birthday [crossed out]
I did the usual work. Hose and I went to Dr.
VanHouten's sale. In the evening I was at
Hetties. She gave us a small watermelon.
Sun Oct 22
Calvins birthday a rainy one. We took rids out E
Broad St to Reynoldsburg home. I went to Maggie
then to church to hear our new preacher for the first time.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.46)
[corresponds to page 80 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Oct 23
Margaret A. married today.
Beautiful day, frost last night. Alice Johnson
waved my hair this morning. Hose busy
three overnight - Wisconsin man came
to be at Creamery a few days. I was at
Jno Furry's making a call. Mrs Foster called
Tues Oct 24
Very windy and some colder. Hose busy
I did not do much. Furry's came up and we
played eucre a little.
Wed Oct 25
Cold & a little windy. I washed a little today
I was at Mrs Ramsays a few minutes. at
Lilys this evening. Mrs Mann made us
a call also Leland Fisher. The House is
quite busy this week. Mrs Perry swept upstairs.
Thurs Oct 26
Very nice day, cloudy & quite cool. Jack is
back for a few days. Mrs Foster called.
Fri Oct 27
I got my dress from Zella Knuderers
Quite windy & threatening, but did not rain
We washed 11 sheets. Hose got a chicken
from Produce man for Sunday dinner.
Florence Saunders called a few minutes.
I attended the Club at Mrs Ramseys.
Sat Oct 28
very nice day, a little cool. I dressed a chick-
en and baked pies this morning. Maggie
called this evening.
Sun Oct 28
Beautiful day, like indian summer
We did not take a ride as Hosea is busy
I went to church in the evening but
lead to come home as Hose had a try
Mon Oct 29
Beautiful day. I ironed 17 sheets and did
other work. I went up to Maggies then we went
over to the Baptist Basement to the new
ministers shower.
Mon Oct 23
Margaret A. married today.
Beautiful day, frost last night. Alice Johnson
waved my hair this morning. Hose busy
three overnight - Wisconsin man came
to be at Creamery a few days. I was at
Jno Furry's making a call. Mrs Foster called
Tues Oct 24
Very windy and some colder. Hose busy
I did not do much. Furry's came up and we
played eucre a little.
Wed Oct 25
Cold & a little windy. I washed a little today
I was at Mrs Ramsays a few minutes. at
Lilys this evening. Mrs Mann made us
a call also Leland Fisher. The House is
quite busy this week. Mrs Perry swept upstairs.
Thurs Oct 26
Very nice day, cloudy & quite cool. Jack is
back for a few days. Mrs Foster called.
Fri Oct 27
I got my dress from Zella Knuderers
Quite windy & threatening, but did not rain
We washed 11 sheets. Hose got a chicken
from Produce man for Sunday dinner.
Florence Saunders called a few minutes.
I attended the Club at Mrs Ramseys.
Sat Oct 28
very nice day, a little cool. I dressed a chick-
en and baked pies this morning. Maggie
called this evening.
Sun Oct 28
Beautiful day, like indian summer
We did not take a ride as Hosea is busy
I went to church in the evening but
lead to come home as Hose had a try
Mon Oct 29
Beautiful day. I ironed 17 sheets and did
other work. I went up to Maggies then we went
over to the Baptist Basement to the new
ministers shower.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.47)
[page 47]
[corresponds to page 81 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues Oct 31
Lovely day. I washed lots of stockings. Mrs
Foster called awhile. I was at Hetties this
evening. Will Campbell died today.
Wed Nov 1
Beautiful day. I swept our bedroom and cleaned
other part of house. Mrs Irwin called to leave
my menu Progress Club ship, Lily Barcus al-
so called awhile. Oil Co came today to see
about more land for their filling station.
Did not go any place tonite.
Thus Nov 2
Beautiful day. We took a fine trip to James-
ville, McConelsville & Marietta, called on
some of our cousins. I was at Lilys this
Fri Nov 3
Fine day but rained in the night a little
and cooler. Bess & Lida Truax called awhile.
John & Ella Furry gave us another euchre
Sat Nov 4
Nice day. cool I dressed a chicken
and made gingerbread. Hose went
down to see Joe he is worse. They gave
us some potatoes. I was at Lilys this evening
Sun Nov 5
Cold rain & sleet on trees most of day very disa-
greeable. We went down to call on Smythes in
the afternoon, they were not at home. It is
rainy tonight and I did not go to church.
Mon Nov 6
Cold and cloudy we washed 8 sheets
Mrs Foster, Mrs Wheaton & Mrs Kimball called
today. I am making pear butter today
Tues Nov 7
Cold and drizzly, snowed a little. Hose and I went
to Columbus. I got orchid suiting dress to be made. We
went over & voted before we went. I took my shoe to John-
sons, then went to Hetties. It is snowing tonight.
[corresponds to page 81 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues Oct 31
Lovely day. I washed lots of stockings. Mrs
Foster called awhile. I was at Hetties this
evening. Will Campbell died today.
Wed Nov 1
Beautiful day. I swept our bedroom and cleaned
other part of house. Mrs Irwin called to leave
my menu Progress Club ship, Lily Barcus al-
so called awhile. Oil Co came today to see
about more land for their filling station.
Did not go any place tonite.
Thus Nov 2
Beautiful day. We took a fine trip to James-
ville, McConelsville & Marietta, called on
some of our cousins. I was at Lilys this
Fri Nov 3
Fine day but rained in the night a little
and cooler. Bess & Lida Truax called awhile.
John & Ella Furry gave us another euchre
Sat Nov 4
Nice day. cool I dressed a chicken
and made gingerbread. Hose went
down to see Joe he is worse. They gave
us some potatoes. I was at Lilys this evening
Sun Nov 5
Cold rain & sleet on trees most of day very disa-
greeable. We went down to call on Smythes in
the afternoon, they were not at home. It is
rainy tonight and I did not go to church.
Mon Nov 6
Cold and cloudy we washed 8 sheets
Mrs Foster, Mrs Wheaton & Mrs Kimball called
today. I am making pear butter today
Tues Nov 7
Cold and drizzly, snowed a little. Hose and I went
to Columbus. I got orchid suiting dress to be made. We
went over & voted before we went. I took my shoe to John-
sons, then went to Hetties. It is snowing tonight.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.48)
[page 48]
[corresponds to page 82 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Nov 8
Cold and cloudy. I made 2 pts of pear but-
ter today Alice Johnson curled my hair
Mrs Grace & Marry Ellen & baby Miller made us a cake
this morning. I was at Lilys this evening,
Hose bought a turkey from Produce man today.
Thurs Nov 9 [crossed out]
very cold windy day, snowed some.
I went over to the bank and had some
business attended to Maggie Hosea and I
went to the Pageant & style Show at Memo-
rial Hall this afternoon.
Fri Nov 10
Not quite so cold. We moved the extra
bed out of our bedroom it makes more
room. Maggie was here a few minutes
I went over to the Masonic entertainment
and dinner this evening at the com-
munity Hall.
Sat Nov 11
Armistice Day
A bad day cold and rainy. I dressed a
turkey for tomorrow dinner. Mrs Lee is
quite sick. I was at Lilys this evening.
Hose not busy
Sun Nov 12
Beautiful bright day. not very cold. We
had turkey for dinner. We called at Smythe
they were not at home, then ride on down
the 3 C's. Lily, Rose and I went to the
Peace Declamation at Methodist Church. The
Copley boy won.
Mon Nov 13
A.D. Strosnider had stroke.
Cold and windy. Snowed some, Mrs Hixenbaugh
died today. Mrs Foster called this P.M. Also Leland Fishers
Tues Nov 14
Cold and blew and snowed most of the
day. Hose busy all day. I did not do much.
I was at Lilys & Chapmans this evening.
[corresponds to page 82 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Nov 8
Cold and cloudy. I made 2 pts of pear but-
ter today Alice Johnson curled my hair
Mrs Grace & Marry Ellen & baby Miller made us a cake
this morning. I was at Lilys this evening,
Hose bought a turkey from Produce man today.
Thurs Nov 9 [crossed out]
very cold windy day, snowed some.
I went over to the bank and had some
business attended to Maggie Hosea and I
went to the Pageant & style Show at Memo-
rial Hall this afternoon.
Fri Nov 10
Not quite so cold. We moved the extra
bed out of our bedroom it makes more
room. Maggie was here a few minutes
I went over to the Masonic entertainment
and dinner this evening at the com-
munity Hall.
Sat Nov 11
Armistice Day
A bad day cold and rainy. I dressed a
turkey for tomorrow dinner. Mrs Lee is
quite sick. I was at Lilys this evening.
Hose not busy
Sun Nov 12
Beautiful bright day. not very cold. We
had turkey for dinner. We called at Smythe
they were not at home, then ride on down
the 3 C's. Lily, Rose and I went to the
Peace Declamation at Methodist Church. The
Copley boy won.
Mon Nov 13
A.D. Strosnider had stroke.
Cold and windy. Snowed some, Mrs Hixenbaugh
died today. Mrs Foster called this P.M. Also Leland Fishers
Tues Nov 14
Cold and blew and snowed most of the
day. Hose busy all day. I did not do much.
I was at Lilys & Chapmans this evening.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.49)
[page 49]
[corresponds to page 83 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Nov 15
Snowed last night and this A.M. 12 degree above zero
this morning. Mrs Hixenbaugh buried to
day. Mrs Foster and Christine called to
day. Our Creamery man left today.
Thurs Nov 16
4 degrees above zero this morning. very bright-
day, not much wind, getting a little
warmer. A.D. Strosnider is sick in bed.
Sada and Daisy Burrer were in soliciting
for the Red Cross. Nothing doing in that line.
Fri Nov 17
Getting warmer rained some this P.M.
Mrs Stark, Hettie & Mrs Anderson call. Jno and
Ella Furry came this evening. we played euchre
Sat Nov 18
Cloudy and some colder. I made pies this
morning. Jack Taggart left this morning
After being here almost 16 yrs. We will miss
him. Mert Smythe called this P.M. I was
at Lilys this evening.
Sun Nov 19
Cloudy this forenoon & snowed a little,
This afternoon beautiful and bright Mag-
gies was here all afternoon. I went to
church this evening.
Mon Nov 20
Beautiful day like indian summer.
We washed some sheets. Hose went to
Columbus with Dr Gorsuch, Mrs Foster called
this afternoon. I was at Maggies & Abbie Kimballs this eve.
Tues Nov 21
rainy today, thunder and lightning. I
spent the day at Irenes. Leland and his
Dad brot me home.
Wed Nov 22
Nice day cloudy. Delaware Ford man called.
I was Lilys this evening. A.D. is not much
[corresponds to page 83 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Nov 15
Snowed last night and this A.M. 12 degree above zero
this morning. Mrs Hixenbaugh buried to
day. Mrs Foster and Christine called to
day. Our Creamery man left today.
Thurs Nov 16
4 degrees above zero this morning. very bright-
day, not much wind, getting a little
warmer. A.D. Strosnider is sick in bed.
Sada and Daisy Burrer were in soliciting
for the Red Cross. Nothing doing in that line.
Fri Nov 17
Getting warmer rained some this P.M.
Mrs Stark, Hettie & Mrs Anderson call. Jno and
Ella Furry came this evening. we played euchre
Sat Nov 18
Cloudy and some colder. I made pies this
morning. Jack Taggart left this morning
After being here almost 16 yrs. We will miss
him. Mert Smythe called this P.M. I was
at Lilys this evening.
Sun Nov 19
Cloudy this forenoon & snowed a little,
This afternoon beautiful and bright Mag-
gies was here all afternoon. I went to
church this evening.
Mon Nov 20
Beautiful day like indian summer.
We washed some sheets. Hose went to
Columbus with Dr Gorsuch, Mrs Foster called
this afternoon. I was at Maggies & Abbie Kimballs this eve.
Tues Nov 21
rainy today, thunder and lightning. I
spent the day at Irenes. Leland and his
Dad brot me home.
Wed Nov 22
Nice day cloudy. Delaware Ford man called.
I was Lilys this evening. A.D. is not much
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.50)
[page 50]
[corresponds to page 84 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thurs Nov 23
Beautiful day. I did not do much. Jack T.
came back for two days, Hosea worked a
little for Abe S.
Fri Nov 24 Fathers birthday
Nice day cloudy, Hose busy all day. Mert
Smythe [illegible] Undertaker Willson called.
I went to Progress Club banquet.
Elliott, Bess & Carrie called a few minutes.
Sat Nov 25
Beautiful bright day. Hose busy. Abe
still sick in bed. Dr Gerhardt is also
sick. I was at Maggies and Hetties this
evening. Jack gone home again.
Sun Nov 26
Awful bad day, rained & snowed and
froze. Hose awful busy. Abe is a little
better. Dr Gerhardt is sick. I did not go
to church this evening.
Mon Nov 27
Very nice day, Hose very busy. Mrs Foster
called. Dr Gerhardt is quite sick. I
was at Lilys this evening.
Tues Nov 28
Beautiful day. I washed a little and ir-
oned a little and dressed a chicken. I
was at Maggies this evening.
Wed Nov 29
Mothers birthday, beautiful day like spring
I made gingerbread, washed green dress
and dressed a chicken. Hose not busy
Dr. G. is not much better. I was over to see Mrs Mann
Thus Nov 30
Thanksgiving Day Beautiful day. On ac-
count of Dr Gerhardt being sick. We went to
Dr Gorsuch's for our union dinner. Hose aw-
ful busy. Two calls today. We had a nice time
at Gorsuchs.
[corresponds to page 84 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thurs Nov 23
Beautiful day. I did not do much. Jack T.
came back for two days, Hosea worked a
little for Abe S.
Fri Nov 24 Fathers birthday
Nice day cloudy, Hose busy all day. Mert
Smythe [illegible] Undertaker Willson called.
I went to Progress Club banquet.
Elliott, Bess & Carrie called a few minutes.
Sat Nov 25
Beautiful bright day. Hose busy. Abe
still sick in bed. Dr Gerhardt is also
sick. I was at Maggies and Hetties this
evening. Jack gone home again.
Sun Nov 26
Awful bad day, rained & snowed and
froze. Hose awful busy. Abe is a little
better. Dr Gerhardt is sick. I did not go
to church this evening.
Mon Nov 27
Very nice day, Hose very busy. Mrs Foster
called. Dr Gerhardt is quite sick. I
was at Lilys this evening.
Tues Nov 28
Beautiful day. I washed a little and ir-
oned a little and dressed a chicken. I
was at Maggies this evening.
Wed Nov 29
Mothers birthday, beautiful day like spring
I made gingerbread, washed green dress
and dressed a chicken. Hose not busy
Dr. G. is not much better. I was over to see Mrs Mann
Thus Nov 30
Thanksgiving Day Beautiful day. On ac-
count of Dr Gerhardt being sick. We went to
Dr Gorsuch's for our union dinner. Hose aw-
ful busy. Two calls today. We had a nice time
at Gorsuchs.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.51)
[page 51]
[corresponds to page 85 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri Dec 1
Fine day. Hose very busy. Lots of sickness
and death. Man killed up on No 61 this morning.
Mrs Perry called a few minutes today. I was at
Maggies this morning.
Dec 2 Nice day partly cloudy. rained
some in afternoon. Hose busy John and
Ellen gave us another euchre lesson
Sun Dec 3
Quite nice day. rained a little off and
on. Hose helped with Wheeland funeral
in forenoon, then we went down to Joe's
He is very poorly. Rose & Lily called and we
went up to the Baptist church.
Mon Dec 4
Cloudy and threatening all day. I went
to see "Ten Nights in a Barroom. at auditorium
Tues Dec 5
Beautiful day Zella Knoderer fit my lavender
dress this morning. I spent the afternoon at
Maggies. Robert Perry got me a root of lovely
grass at Aileen Skeels. I was at Lilys this evening
Wed Dec 6
Colder and cloudy all day. Hose not busy
Mrs Foster called. Jack T. back for a day or two.
This evening I called at Gelstons back shop
Hetties and Maggies. Dr G. is better.
Thurs Dec 7
Beautiful day, cool. I am not very busy
Made gingerbread. Helen Gutridge got
struck by the train today, but not seriously
hurt. I called at Smythes a few minutes.
Found Lo not very well from her accident.
I called at Meads and Shicks this evening.
Fri Dec 8
Very nice day. I was out home all day. Had
a nice time. Ella & John gave us another
echre lesson.
[corresponds to page 85 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri Dec 1
Fine day. Hose very busy. Lots of sickness
and death. Man killed up on No 61 this morning.
Mrs Perry called a few minutes today. I was at
Maggies this morning.
Dec 2 Nice day partly cloudy. rained
some in afternoon. Hose busy John and
Ellen gave us another euchre lesson
Sun Dec 3
Quite nice day. rained a little off and
on. Hose helped with Wheeland funeral
in forenoon, then we went down to Joe's
He is very poorly. Rose & Lily called and we
went up to the Baptist church.
Mon Dec 4
Cloudy and threatening all day. I went
to see "Ten Nights in a Barroom. at auditorium
Tues Dec 5
Beautiful day Zella Knoderer fit my lavender
dress this morning. I spent the afternoon at
Maggies. Robert Perry got me a root of lovely
grass at Aileen Skeels. I was at Lilys this evening
Wed Dec 6
Colder and cloudy all day. Hose not busy
Mrs Foster called. Jack T. back for a day or two.
This evening I called at Gelstons back shop
Hetties and Maggies. Dr G. is better.
Thurs Dec 7
Beautiful day, cool. I am not very busy
Made gingerbread. Helen Gutridge got
struck by the train today, but not seriously
hurt. I called at Smythes a few minutes.
Found Lo not very well from her accident.
I called at Meads and Shicks this evening.
Fri Dec 8
Very nice day. I was out home all day. Had
a nice time. Ella & John gave us another
echre lesson.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.52)
[page 52]
[corresponds to page 86 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat Dec 9
Nice day but much colder. We went to Delaware
this morning and got some paint and other
things. Came home and dressed a turkey.
We put up our Christmas wreaths today.
Bess called a few minutes. I was at
Lilys this evening.
Sun Dec 10
Snow all day long. Dr and Maggie
were here for turkey dinner. We had a
good visit. It is too snowy for me to
go out tonight.
Mon Dec 11
Much colder today from 10 degrees to 20 degrees all day. Sunshiny
We did not do much, too cold.
Tues Dec 12
Not quite so cold. I spent the day at
Mrs Lawsons, had a nice time. Grace
Baird died early this morning. I was
at Lilys this evening.
Wed Dec 13
Very nice day, getting warmer. Hose a lit-
tle busy. Rosa and I went to the K of P
euchre party at K of P Hall tonight:
Thurs Dec 14
Getting much warmer, bright day. Le
land brot us some meat. I did not
do much. Four over night. Zella sent my dress home.
Fri Dec 15
Cloudy in forenoon, awful blowing rain
in the evening. I did not do much
Sat Dec 16
Fine day a little cooler, but misting tonite.
Bess called a few minutes, brot me a
qt of beets. Mrs Foster called. I was at
Lilys this evening.
Sun Dec 17
Awful rainy bad day. Joe Hopkins died
this morning. We went down to see
them. Bill Hixenbaugh called.
[corresponds to page 86 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat Dec 9
Nice day but much colder. We went to Delaware
this morning and got some paint and other
things. Came home and dressed a turkey.
We put up our Christmas wreaths today.
Bess called a few minutes. I was at
Lilys this evening.
Sun Dec 10
Snow all day long. Dr and Maggie
were here for turkey dinner. We had a
good visit. It is too snowy for me to
go out tonight.
Mon Dec 11
Much colder today from 10 degrees to 20 degrees all day. Sunshiny
We did not do much, too cold.
Tues Dec 12
Not quite so cold. I spent the day at
Mrs Lawsons, had a nice time. Grace
Baird died early this morning. I was
at Lilys this evening.
Wed Dec 13
Very nice day, getting warmer. Hose a lit-
tle busy. Rosa and I went to the K of P
euchre party at K of P Hall tonight:
Thurs Dec 14
Getting much warmer, bright day. Le
land brot us some meat. I did not
do much. Four over night. Zella sent my dress home.
Fri Dec 15
Cloudy in forenoon, awful blowing rain
in the evening. I did not do much
Sat Dec 16
Fine day a little cooler, but misting tonite.
Bess called a few minutes, brot me a
qt of beets. Mrs Foster called. I was at
Lilys this evening.
Sun Dec 17
Awful rainy bad day. Joe Hopkins died
this morning. We went down to see
them. Bill Hixenbaugh called.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.53)
[page 53]
[corresponds to page 87 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Dec 18. Alice Johnston waved my hair.
Quite nice day. cloudy. Hose very bad cold.
Tues Dec 19
Cold, cloudy, threatening, we went to Joe's
funeral at Johnstown, Maggie and Mrs Irwin
called in the evening.
Wed Dec 20
Rainy bad day. Hose sick with a cold.
had Dr Gorsuch down. Mrs Foster called.
Maggie came down, brot our mail and some
groceries. very rainy tonite
Thus Dec 21
Much cooler, nice winter day. Hose better,
out a little today. We are receiving some
Christmas cards. Undertaker Wilson called a while
Fri Dec 22
Beautiful bright day, Dr Gorsuch called
this morning. Jack here tonight. I did not go
to Club at Bessie Perfects.
Sat Dec 23
Beautiful bright day. I have a cold too. Dr
Gorsuch called this morning. Elliott & Bess
called a while this afternoon, brot a little
present from Calvins. I was at Lilys this eve.
Sun Dec 24
Cloudy this forenoon, rain this afternoon
a little cold. I cannot go to Christmas
exercises tonight because of my cold
Mon Dec 25
Christmas Day. Cold & cloudy, but nice
We all went out home for dinner.
Tues Dec 26
Snowed last night and most of to-
day. Baily Mead did not come to paint.
Wed Dec 27
4 degrees below zero this morning. Our water
froze & bursted gasket on meter Harvey
Allen thawed water out, and put in
new meter until ours is fixed. Maggie
called also Mrs Foster
[corresponds to page 87 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Dec 18. Alice Johnston waved my hair.
Quite nice day. cloudy. Hose very bad cold.
Tues Dec 19
Cold, cloudy, threatening, we went to Joe's
funeral at Johnstown, Maggie and Mrs Irwin
called in the evening.
Wed Dec 20
Rainy bad day. Hose sick with a cold.
had Dr Gorsuch down. Mrs Foster called.
Maggie came down, brot our mail and some
groceries. very rainy tonite
Thus Dec 21
Much cooler, nice winter day. Hose better,
out a little today. We are receiving some
Christmas cards. Undertaker Wilson called a while
Fri Dec 22
Beautiful bright day, Dr Gorsuch called
this morning. Jack here tonight. I did not go
to Club at Bessie Perfects.
Sat Dec 23
Beautiful bright day. I have a cold too. Dr
Gorsuch called this morning. Elliott & Bess
called a while this afternoon, brot a little
present from Calvins. I was at Lilys this eve.
Sun Dec 24
Cloudy this forenoon, rain this afternoon
a little cold. I cannot go to Christmas
exercises tonight because of my cold
Mon Dec 25
Christmas Day. Cold & cloudy, but nice
We all went out home for dinner.
Tues Dec 26
Snowed last night and most of to-
day. Baily Mead did not come to paint.
Wed Dec 27
4 degrees below zero this morning. Our water
froze & bursted gasket on meter Harvey
Allen thawed water out, and put in
new meter until ours is fixed. Maggie
called also Mrs Foster
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.54)
[page 54]
[corresponds to page 88 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thurs Dec 28
About this morning. beautiful bright
day. We did not do much.
Fri Dec 29
6 degrees above zero this morning. nothing doing
my severe cold is getting some better
Sat Dec 30
10 degrees above zero this morning, got much
warmer and is thawing rapidly
tonight. Hose took two people to Delaware from
Furry's garage.
Sun Dec 31
Very slippery and bad, cloudy and rainy
People skidding off of the road.
Mon Jan 1
Quite a little colder, gray & cloudy
Maggie and Hettie called. We did not
take our washing to Patricks this week.
Tues Jan 2
Cloudy a cool. My cold is slowly
getting better. Irene & Leland called
also Mrs Foster.
Wed Jan 3
Nice day, cloudy, not so cold. Mrs Kimball
called in the afternoon. Ella & John Furry
came up in the evening. We played euchre
Some over night.
Thurs Jan 4
Cloudy and threatening, rainy tonight.
Hose and Jno Furry have gone on an ambu-
lance trip.
Fri Jan 5
Cloudy & a little rainy. Bessie Perfect
and Myrt Smythe called. We took Mert
back home. In the evening Lily & Rosa
came up and we played euchre.
Sat Jan 6
Partly cloudy, warmer. I backed a mince
pie for Maggie in payment for a debt.
[corresponds to page 88 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thurs Dec 28
About this morning. beautiful bright
day. We did not do much.
Fri Dec 29
6 degrees above zero this morning. nothing doing
my severe cold is getting some better
Sat Dec 30
10 degrees above zero this morning, got much
warmer and is thawing rapidly
tonight. Hose took two people to Delaware from
Furry's garage.
Sun Dec 31
Very slippery and bad, cloudy and rainy
People skidding off of the road.
Mon Jan 1
Quite a little colder, gray & cloudy
Maggie and Hettie called. We did not
take our washing to Patricks this week.
Tues Jan 2
Cloudy a cool. My cold is slowly
getting better. Irene & Leland called
also Mrs Foster.
Wed Jan 3
Nice day, cloudy, not so cold. Mrs Kimball
called in the afternoon. Ella & John Furry
came up in the evening. We played euchre
Some over night.
Thurs Jan 4
Cloudy and threatening, rainy tonight.
Hose and Jno Furry have gone on an ambu-
lance trip.
Fri Jan 5
Cloudy & a little rainy. Bessie Perfect
and Myrt Smythe called. We took Mert
back home. In the evening Lily & Rosa
came up and we played euchre.
Sat Jan 6
Partly cloudy, warmer. I backed a mince
pie for Maggie in payment for a debt.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.55)
[page 55]
[corresponds to page 89 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mert & Lo came and took Hose and I
ride out as for as the Dent place. I was
at Lilys in the evening.
Sun Jan 7
Cloudy all day and some misty. Long day. Dora
Beattie stayed all night.
Mon Jan 8
Cloudy all day. Hose a little busy. Mrs
Foster called. I went over to see Mrs Mann
in the evening, but had to come home as
Maggie came down.
Tues Jan 9
Snowed some last night, thawing fast today
Hose busy all day. Lily & Rosa came up and we
played euchre
Thus Jan 11 omitted Jan 10 news
Bright beautiful day, not very cold. I
washed a few towels. I paid up my church
dues today. I was at Hetties this evening, when I
came home Mrs Lawson was here.
Fri Jan 12
Cloudy and warmer not much doing. Jack
is here tonight.
Sat Jan 13
Rained in the night, today cloudy and
getting colder, snowed and froze tonight.
Elliott & Bess made us a short call. John &
Ella were coming up to play cards but did not
I took my pink dotted dress over to Zella
to have the front fixed. I dressed a chick-
en this morning.
Sun Jan 14
Snowed quite a little in the night and
some this A.M. Tonight quite slippery. Mrs
Schneider & Bertha Huddlestun called a little while
Mon Jan 15
Beautiful bright day, ice & snow thawed off.
Hose busy. Mrs Foster called. I was at Barcus in evening
Tues Jan 16
Beautiful day. windy & much colder. We went to Del and p'd taxes
not so high, got part of a ham. John & Ella came and played euchre
[corresponds to page 89 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mert & Lo came and took Hose and I
ride out as for as the Dent place. I was
at Lilys in the evening.
Sun Jan 7
Cloudy all day and some misty. Long day. Dora
Beattie stayed all night.
Mon Jan 8
Cloudy all day. Hose a little busy. Mrs
Foster called. I went over to see Mrs Mann
in the evening, but had to come home as
Maggie came down.
Tues Jan 9
Snowed some last night, thawing fast today
Hose busy all day. Lily & Rosa came up and we
played euchre
Thus Jan 11 omitted Jan 10 news
Bright beautiful day, not very cold. I
washed a few towels. I paid up my church
dues today. I was at Hetties this evening, when I
came home Mrs Lawson was here.
Fri Jan 12
Cloudy and warmer not much doing. Jack
is here tonight.
Sat Jan 13
Rained in the night, today cloudy and
getting colder, snowed and froze tonight.
Elliott & Bess made us a short call. John &
Ella were coming up to play cards but did not
I took my pink dotted dress over to Zella
to have the front fixed. I dressed a chick-
en this morning.
Sun Jan 14
Snowed quite a little in the night and
some this A.M. Tonight quite slippery. Mrs
Schneider & Bertha Huddlestun called a little while
Mon Jan 15
Beautiful bright day, ice & snow thawed off.
Hose busy. Mrs Foster called. I was at Barcus in evening
Tues Jan 16
Beautiful day. windy & much colder. We went to Del and p'd taxes
not so high, got part of a ham. John & Ella came and played euchre
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.56)
[page 56]
[corresponds to page 90 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Jan 17
Very bright day but cold. Lily & Rosa came up
and we played euchre
Thus Jan 18 Mrs Sedgewick called
Partly cloudy, but very nice day. We went
to Columbus. I got new sitting room
curtains. I was up to Gerhardts
tonight, Hose paid his Masonic
dues. We traded machines with Vala-
Green tonight. We changed our Bank
Certificates today for less interest.
My changed bonds are back to the bank.
Fri Jan 19
Beautiful day like spring. I did not
do much. Hose a little busy. Mert Smythe called.
Sat Jan 20
Beautiful day like spring. I did not
do much. Hose a little busy. Mert Smythe called.
Sat Jan 20
Beautiful day like spring. We took a
short ride in new machine, called a
minute at Baily Meads. Irene called a few
minutes. I was at Lilys a few minutes, had to
come home as John & Ella came to play cards
Sun Jan 21
Beautiful day, Hose busy. We took a ride
to Johnstown. Lily & Rosa came up and
we went to church.
Monday, Jan 22
Cloudy most of the day tonight rainy
Mrs Lawson spend the day here, Mert
Smythe called. Lily & Rosa came up and
we played euchre. Alice Johnson waved my hair.
Wed Jan 24 Missed Tuesday
Rained terribly hard in the night. today cloudy
Hose busy all day. Mrs Foster called. Rosa & I
went to Pythians euchre party & I won lunch cloth
Thur Jan 25
Cloudy & some rainy. Hose and I went to
Delaware & took bill of sale over, also took 8
sheets to Cleo Feasel to be washed. Undertaker
Wilson called a few minutes. I was at Lily's this evening
[corresponds to page 90 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Jan 17
Very bright day but cold. Lily & Rosa came up
and we played euchre
Thus Jan 18 Mrs Sedgewick called
Partly cloudy, but very nice day. We went
to Columbus. I got new sitting room
curtains. I was up to Gerhardts
tonight, Hose paid his Masonic
dues. We traded machines with Vala-
Green tonight. We changed our Bank
Certificates today for less interest.
My changed bonds are back to the bank.
Fri Jan 19
Beautiful day like spring. I did not
do much. Hose a little busy. Mert Smythe called.
Sat Jan 20
Beautiful day like spring. I did not
do much. Hose a little busy. Mert Smythe called.
Sat Jan 20
Beautiful day like spring. We took a
short ride in new machine, called a
minute at Baily Meads. Irene called a few
minutes. I was at Lilys a few minutes, had to
come home as John & Ella came to play cards
Sun Jan 21
Beautiful day, Hose busy. We took a ride
to Johnstown. Lily & Rosa came up and
we went to church.
Monday, Jan 22
Cloudy most of the day tonight rainy
Mrs Lawson spend the day here, Mert
Smythe called. Lily & Rosa came up and
we played euchre. Alice Johnson waved my hair.
Wed Jan 24 Missed Tuesday
Rained terribly hard in the night. today cloudy
Hose busy all day. Mrs Foster called. Rosa & I
went to Pythians euchre party & I won lunch cloth
Thur Jan 25
Cloudy & some rainy. Hose and I went to
Delaware & took bill of sale over, also took 8
sheets to Cleo Feasel to be washed. Undertaker
Wilson called a few minutes. I was at Lily's this evening
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.57)
[page 57]
[corresponds to page 91 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri Jan 26
Bright beautiful day. Hose busy. I washed some
towels. Carrie Chapman called. I went to club at
Hetties and helped entertain.
Sat Jan 17
Beautiful day like summer. We washed 10 sheets.
not much doing. I stayed at home tonight
Sun Jan 28
Rained some this forenoon, This evening
much colder with snow flurries. We did not
go any place. Alkire from Westerville called a few minutes
Mon Jan 29
Last night bitter cold 2 degrees above and windy, our pipes
froze. Today bright sunshine, but very windy
we did not do anything too cold. Did not go to Masonic dinners
Tues Jan 30
5 degrees below zero last night. today very cold but
not so windy, nothing doing. Hugh Rosecrans
adjusted our new machine today. I was at Lilys tonite
Wed Jan 31
12 degrees above this a.m. Cold wave broken. getting warmer.
Hose a little busy. Lily & Rosa came & we played euchre.
Thus Feb 1 Mrs Kimball called
Not so cold. I fixed some sandwiches & baked
beans. and went up to church meeting.
Fri Feb 2 Bailey Mead came to paint Jacks room.
Snowed lightly all forenoon. I ironed 10 sheets
This P.M. bright, ground hog saw plenty of
shadow. John & Ella came and played euchre
Sat Feb 3
3 degrees below zero last night, not windy today bright.
Bailey still here. Hose at office most all day.
John Strosnider dead. Maggie was here a
while this evening.
Sun Feb 4
Cloudy this a.m. Sunshiny this afternoon
Hose spent most of the day at the office, a little
storm wind blowing. at 3.15 we went over to Del-
aware & got butter & cottage cheese. I went up to Baptist
church to hear radio singers.
[corresponds to page 91 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri Jan 26
Bright beautiful day. Hose busy. I washed some
towels. Carrie Chapman called. I went to club at
Hetties and helped entertain.
Sat Jan 17
Beautiful day like summer. We washed 10 sheets.
not much doing. I stayed at home tonight
Sun Jan 28
Rained some this forenoon, This evening
much colder with snow flurries. We did not
go any place. Alkire from Westerville called a few minutes
Mon Jan 29
Last night bitter cold 2 degrees above and windy, our pipes
froze. Today bright sunshine, but very windy
we did not do anything too cold. Did not go to Masonic dinners
Tues Jan 30
5 degrees below zero last night. today very cold but
not so windy, nothing doing. Hugh Rosecrans
adjusted our new machine today. I was at Lilys tonite
Wed Jan 31
12 degrees above this a.m. Cold wave broken. getting warmer.
Hose a little busy. Lily & Rosa came & we played euchre.
Thus Feb 1 Mrs Kimball called
Not so cold. I fixed some sandwiches & baked
beans. and went up to church meeting.
Fri Feb 2 Bailey Mead came to paint Jacks room.
Snowed lightly all forenoon. I ironed 10 sheets
This P.M. bright, ground hog saw plenty of
shadow. John & Ella came and played euchre
Sat Feb 3
3 degrees below zero last night, not windy today bright.
Bailey still here. Hose at office most all day.
John Strosnider dead. Maggie was here a
while this evening.
Sun Feb 4
Cloudy this a.m. Sunshiny this afternoon
Hose spent most of the day at the office, a little
storm wind blowing. at 3.15 we went over to Del-
aware & got butter & cottage cheese. I went up to Baptist
church to hear radio singers.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.58)
[page 58]
[corresponds to page 92 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Feb 5 Mrs Stark made a short call
very nice day partly cloudy. Baily Mead still
here. Harvey Allen fixed our stove upstairs.
I was at Lilys but had to come home as Mrs Lawson came
Tues Feb 6
Beautiful day, like spring. Hose busy all day
Baily Mead did not paint the floor, not dry enough
I went up to chapel to see J. Strosnider then
went in to see Mrs Mann she is not very good
I was at Hetties this evening.
Wed Feb 7
Very nice day mostly bright. snowed a little
Bess spent the day here. Hose busy. Lily
and Rosa came in the evening we played euchre
Thus Feb 8
Beautiful bright day, not so cold, Hose quite busy
Did not do much. Baily Mead through painting
Knoderer girls brot my pink Dress home
Fri Feb 9
13 degrees below zero last night today bright & beautiful
east wind, not very strong. Hovered near Zero
all day. Nothing doing tho cold. Maggie
called a while this p.m. I was at Lilys this eve
Sat Feb 10
Fine day, getting much warmer. I did the
usual work. Ella & John came in the evening we played euchre
Sun Feb 11
Very fine day partly sunshine. We took a
ride to Del, down west side Olentangy to Worthi-
ington & home. I went to church in evening
Mon Feb 12
Cloudy, snowed a little, We went to Columbus
I got new blue silk crepe dress and took it
over to Zella Knoders to be made snowing
freezing and thawing this evening. very
bad night. Lily & Rosa came up and we played
cards. Three people over night.
Tues Feb 13
Not such a bad day snowed some then bright
sunshine, thawing, Hose and I changed
[corresponds to page 92 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Feb 5 Mrs Stark made a short call
very nice day partly cloudy. Baily Mead still
here. Harvey Allen fixed our stove upstairs.
I was at Lilys but had to come home as Mrs Lawson came
Tues Feb 6
Beautiful day, like spring. Hose busy all day
Baily Mead did not paint the floor, not dry enough
I went up to chapel to see J. Strosnider then
went in to see Mrs Mann she is not very good
I was at Hetties this evening.
Wed Feb 7
Very nice day mostly bright. snowed a little
Bess spent the day here. Hose busy. Lily
and Rosa came in the evening we played euchre
Thus Feb 8
Beautiful bright day, not so cold, Hose quite busy
Did not do much. Baily Mead through painting
Knoderer girls brot my pink Dress home
Fri Feb 9
13 degrees below zero last night today bright & beautiful
east wind, not very strong. Hovered near Zero
all day. Nothing doing tho cold. Maggie
called a while this p.m. I was at Lilys this eve
Sat Feb 10
Fine day, getting much warmer. I did the
usual work. Ella & John came in the evening we played euchre
Sun Feb 11
Very fine day partly sunshine. We took a
ride to Del, down west side Olentangy to Worthi-
ington & home. I went to church in evening
Mon Feb 12
Cloudy, snowed a little, We went to Columbus
I got new blue silk crepe dress and took it
over to Zella Knoders to be made snowing
freezing and thawing this evening. very
bad night. Lily & Rosa came up and we played
cards. Three people over night.
Tues Feb 13
Not such a bad day snowed some then bright
sunshine, thawing, Hose and I changed
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.59)
[page 59]
[corresponds to page 93 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
two beds to Jack's room, and straitened it up
for our double room.
Wed Feb 14
very nice day. much warmer. Mrs Foster called a
few minutes. Rosa & I went to P.S. card party in evening
Thurs Feb 15
Lovely day, we cleaned some upstairs. I was
down to see the Smythe girls a little while this P.M.
Lo not much better. I was Lilys this evening.
Fri Feb 16
I went over to Zellas and tried on my new blue dress.
very beautiful day, quite cold about 4 degrees above
zero. In the evening I was Hetties and Abbie Kimballs
Sat Feb 17
very beautiful day, but cold. Alice Johnson
waved my hair. not much doing. Ella & John came
up and we played euchre.
Sun Feb 18
Beautiful day, partly cloudy with a hazy golden
sun. Rosa, Lily Hose and I took a ride to Cen-
terburg, Croton, Johnstown & home. Mary, James
and Helen called. It is raining tonite but I went to church
beginning of our weeks services.
Mon Feb 19
5 degrees above zero this morning and quite snowy today
cold all day. I did not go to church this eve too cold.
Tues Feb 20
10 degrees zero this morning, getting warm-
er today, not much doing, too cold, I
went up to Maggies this evening, then to
Wed Feb 21 (Feb 23 also went to Hub on business
(23 Hose and I went to Col and got new blinds)
Much warmer, cloudy, Mrs Foster called a
few minutes. I went out to Zellas and
tried on my dress. Leland called on
Hosea while I was at church this evening.
Thurs Feb 22
Snowed all fore noon. Some warmer
thawed, then got much colder. Rosa and I went
up to card party at K of P Hall in the
[corresponds to page 93 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
two beds to Jack's room, and straitened it up
for our double room.
Wed Feb 14
very nice day. much warmer. Mrs Foster called a
few minutes. Rosa & I went to P.S. card party in evening
Thurs Feb 15
Lovely day, we cleaned some upstairs. I was
down to see the Smythe girls a little while this P.M.
Lo not much better. I was Lilys this evening.
Fri Feb 16
I went over to Zellas and tried on my new blue dress.
very beautiful day, quite cold about 4 degrees above
zero. In the evening I was Hetties and Abbie Kimballs
Sat Feb 17
very beautiful day, but cold. Alice Johnson
waved my hair. not much doing. Ella & John came
up and we played euchre.
Sun Feb 18
Beautiful day, partly cloudy with a hazy golden
sun. Rosa, Lily Hose and I took a ride to Cen-
terburg, Croton, Johnstown & home. Mary, James
and Helen called. It is raining tonite but I went to church
beginning of our weeks services.
Mon Feb 19
5 degrees above zero this morning and quite snowy today
cold all day. I did not go to church this eve too cold.
Tues Feb 20
10 degrees zero this morning, getting warm-
er today, not much doing, too cold, I
went up to Maggies this evening, then to
Wed Feb 21 (Feb 23 also went to Hub on business
(23 Hose and I went to Col and got new blinds)
Much warmer, cloudy, Mrs Foster called a
few minutes. I went out to Zellas and
tried on my dress. Leland called on
Hosea while I was at church this evening.
Thurs Feb 22
Snowed all fore noon. Some warmer
thawed, then got much colder. Rosa and I went
up to card party at K of P Hall in the
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.60)
[page 60]
[corresponds to page 94 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri Feb 23 Leland & Wm spent the evening with Hosea.
very cold this morning below zero, could not do
much. I went to club at Rosas in evening.
Sat Feb 24
Not quite so cold today. nothing doing. I
dressed a chicken and went to church this
evening and called at Gelstons store.
Sun Feb 25
Not so cold, but snowed hard all day from the
east. Hose and I went over to see Delaware City Hall
after the fire, then went over to the dam.
Mon Feb 26
8 degrees above zero. snowed most all night and
all forenoon, biggest snow in 20 yrs. Mrs
Foster called, nothing doing too cold
Tues Feb 27
12 degrees below zero this morning. Today bright
and sunshine, thawed very little. I was up to
see Strosnider and over to see Mrs Mann.
neither one extra good. Jack Taggart called
few minutes also Maggie called. I was at
Lilys a while.
Wed Feb 28
3 degrees below zero but not windy. Nothing doing
Lily & Rosa came up and we played cards
Thurs Mar 1
12 degrees above zero last night, March came in like
a lamb. It is threatening weather today
and thawing alot. I was at Chapmans a while.
Fri Mar 2
Cloudy, rainy, foggy & ice & snow going fast
nothing much doing
Sat Mar 3
rainy & foggy all day. Irene, Wm & Leland
were here for dinner Elliott & Bess called
also Mert Smythe. Abe sold out part interest
in business. Hose was up to see him.
Sun Mar 4
Quite foggy & rainy but sun shine some. Mrs Lawson called
but Hose and I had taken a short ride. Too rainy for church
[corresponds to page 94 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri Feb 23 Leland & Wm spent the evening with Hosea.
very cold this morning below zero, could not do
much. I went to club at Rosas in evening.
Sat Feb 24
Not quite so cold today. nothing doing. I
dressed a chicken and went to church this
evening and called at Gelstons store.
Sun Feb 25
Not so cold, but snowed hard all day from the
east. Hose and I went over to see Delaware City Hall
after the fire, then went over to the dam.
Mon Feb 26
8 degrees above zero. snowed most all night and
all forenoon, biggest snow in 20 yrs. Mrs
Foster called, nothing doing too cold
Tues Feb 27
12 degrees below zero this morning. Today bright
and sunshine, thawed very little. I was up to
see Strosnider and over to see Mrs Mann.
neither one extra good. Jack Taggart called
few minutes also Maggie called. I was at
Lilys a while.
Wed Feb 28
3 degrees below zero but not windy. Nothing doing
Lily & Rosa came up and we played cards
Thurs Mar 1
12 degrees above zero last night, March came in like
a lamb. It is threatening weather today
and thawing alot. I was at Chapmans a while.
Fri Mar 2
Cloudy, rainy, foggy & ice & snow going fast
nothing much doing
Sat Mar 3
rainy & foggy all day. Irene, Wm & Leland
were here for dinner Elliott & Bess called
also Mert Smythe. Abe sold out part interest
in business. Hose was up to see him.
Sun Mar 4
Quite foggy & rainy but sun shine some. Mrs Lawson called
but Hose and I had taken a short ride. Too rainy for church
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.61)
[page 61]
[corresponds to page 95 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Mar 5
Rained very hard. We washed some. I went over to Zellas
and she fixed my new blue dress a little. We rented a room
to Mr Wilson for a few weeks. He is coming day after tomorrow
I was at Lilys in the evening.
Tues Mar 6
Terribly windy and a bad snow squall. Mr Wilson
did not come today. I washed and ironed his curtains.
I was a Lilys this evening & Mrs Foster called.
Wed Mar 7
very nice day. cool. I spent the day at Bessies'
Mr Wilson came to room and for garage. We
did not do anything much to day
Thus Mar 8
Cloudy & quite cold. Hose busy. Mr & Mrs Wilson
called late in the evening. I washed a few
things. I finished writing my club paper.
Fri Mar 9
Not so cold, partly sunshine. I did a little
ironing. I was at Maggies then went over
to open meeting of Missionary society.
Sat Mar 10
Ground covered with snow this morning.
Hose busy. Mrs Foster also Elliott & Bess called.
I was at Barcus this evening.
Sun Mar 11
8 degrees above zero but nice day. We went to Jims
place then to call on Strohms. Mrs Stark called
a while. I went to church in evening.
Mon Mar 12
4 degrees above zero this a.m. but got much warmer.
Did not do much but had my hair waved. Mert
Smythe made along call. Phone man here for 2 weeks
Tues Mar 13
Much much warmer, snow all gone. I washed
and ironed the west room curtains and washed
the windows. Hose a little busy. Old Gelston house torn
down. Lily & Rosa came up and we played cards.
Wed Mar 14
Fine day. We did the usual work and Rosa and I
went to card party in the evening.
[corresponds to page 95 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Mar 5
Rained very hard. We washed some. I went over to Zellas
and she fixed my new blue dress a little. We rented a room
to Mr Wilson for a few weeks. He is coming day after tomorrow
I was at Lilys in the evening.
Tues Mar 6
Terribly windy and a bad snow squall. Mr Wilson
did not come today. I washed and ironed his curtains.
I was a Lilys this evening & Mrs Foster called.
Wed Mar 7
very nice day. cool. I spent the day at Bessies'
Mr Wilson came to room and for garage. We
did not do anything much to day
Thus Mar 8
Cloudy & quite cold. Hose busy. Mr & Mrs Wilson
called late in the evening. I washed a few
things. I finished writing my club paper.
Fri Mar 9
Not so cold, partly sunshine. I did a little
ironing. I was at Maggies then went over
to open meeting of Missionary society.
Sat Mar 10
Ground covered with snow this morning.
Hose busy. Mrs Foster also Elliott & Bess called.
I was at Barcus this evening.
Sun Mar 11
8 degrees above zero but nice day. We went to Jims
place then to call on Strohms. Mrs Stark called
a while. I went to church in evening.
Mon Mar 12
4 degrees above zero this a.m. but got much warmer.
Did not do much but had my hair waved. Mert
Smythe made along call. Phone man here for 2 weeks
Tues Mar 13
Much much warmer, snow all gone. I washed
and ironed the west room curtains and washed
the windows. Hose a little busy. Old Gelston house torn
down. Lily & Rosa came up and we played cards.
Wed Mar 14
Fine day. We did the usual work and Rosa and I
went to card party in the evening.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.62)
[page 62]
[corresponds to page 96 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus Mar 15
nice day. warmer. Maggie and I went up to Meth-
odist church to Circle entertainment. had a nice
time. I wrote a letter to Mrs Whittier this eve.
Fri Mar 16
Fine day. Hose quite busy. I washed a few things.
We had a fish dinner today. I was at Lilys this evening
Sat Mar 17
Warm Balmy day. We cleaned the north room
upstairs this morning, and dressed a chicken.
Hose a little busy. Maggie was here this evening
Sun Mar 18
Ground covered with snow this a.m.
and snowed until 10 a.m. then thawed a
little this p.m. Mr Chapman held a recep-
tion today. His 90th birthday. I attended
I went to church this evening.
Mon Mar 19
4 degrees above zero last night. Hose and I
went to Columbus this a.m. I got a
new hat made at Lazarus: we attended to
some financial business. Hose busy all afternoon
Tues Mar 20
Beautiful spring day. Hose busy. Hose took
Maggie & I out to see Minnie Searles in
her casket. I was at Hetties this evening but
had to come home, as Furrys & Mrs Kimball called.
Wed Mar 21
Beautiful day. much warmer. Hose busy
I could not go to Col. Missionary, as Hose was busy
Lily & Rosa came up and we played cards
Thurs Mar 22
Quite a little colder. Hose and I went to Del and
paid personal tax. Telephone men (3) came
to stay over a week.
Friday Mar 23
Cold wind. We did not do much. In the
evening I went to Club at Mrs Kimballs.
Sat Mar 24
Cold and cloudy. Hose has a swelled jaw
[corresponds to page 96 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus Mar 15
nice day. warmer. Maggie and I went up to Meth-
odist church to Circle entertainment. had a nice
time. I wrote a letter to Mrs Whittier this eve.
Fri Mar 16
Fine day. Hose quite busy. I washed a few things.
We had a fish dinner today. I was at Lilys this evening
Sat Mar 17
Warm Balmy day. We cleaned the north room
upstairs this morning, and dressed a chicken.
Hose a little busy. Maggie was here this evening
Sun Mar 18
Ground covered with snow this a.m.
and snowed until 10 a.m. then thawed a
little this p.m. Mr Chapman held a recep-
tion today. His 90th birthday. I attended
I went to church this evening.
Mon Mar 19
4 degrees above zero last night. Hose and I
went to Columbus this a.m. I got a
new hat made at Lazarus: we attended to
some financial business. Hose busy all afternoon
Tues Mar 20
Beautiful spring day. Hose busy. Hose took
Maggie & I out to see Minnie Searles in
her casket. I was at Hetties this evening but
had to come home, as Furrys & Mrs Kimball called.
Wed Mar 21
Beautiful day. much warmer. Hose busy
I could not go to Col. Missionary, as Hose was busy
Lily & Rosa came up and we played cards
Thurs Mar 22
Quite a little colder. Hose and I went to Del and
paid personal tax. Telephone men (3) came
to stay over a week.
Friday Mar 23
Cold wind. We did not do much. In the
evening I went to Club at Mrs Kimballs.
Sat Mar 24
Cold and cloudy. Hose has a swelled jaw
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.63)
[page 63]
[corresponds to page 97 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
The Dr says either from a tooth or sinus trouble
Mrs Kimball called a while this evening.
Sun Mar 25
Beautiful spring day. I have a cold in
my throat. Hose has a bad tooth. We
went out home to call a few minutes this
p.m. Forest & Anna Moore called a while
Mon Mar 26
Rained all day until 3 o'clock. Mrs Foster called.
Hose had his tooth pulled. I still have a cold.
Tues Mar 27
Rained this morning, turned colder with a snow
flurry. Our colds are better. Had several over night
last night.
Wed Mar 28
very nice day. Lily & Rosa came up and we
played cards.
Thus Mar 29
Beautiful day. I visited at Irenes. My cold
is a little better. Hose took Abe for a ride to
day. Maggie was here this evening
Fri Mar 30
Beautiful day, warm. I went up to the Dr and
got medicine for my cold. Phone men left. Mrs
Woodruff, Mrs McQuinn & Mrs Foster called.
Sat Mar 31
Beautiful warm day. Elliott & Bess called.
Cora Wilson spent the evening here.
Sun Apr 1
Beautiful Easter day. We took a ride
over to O'Shaunessey dam, up Olentangy
to Delaware then home. I was at Mag-
gies before church. They showed slides.
Mon Apr 2
Fine day. I washed some towels. Hose changed
mine on porch. I was at Barcus this evening.
Tues Apr 3
Nice warm cloud day. I washed, dress, green cur-
tains & towels. Hettie called a few minutes. Hose
[corresponds to page 97 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
The Dr says either from a tooth or sinus trouble
Mrs Kimball called a while this evening.
Sun Mar 25
Beautiful spring day. I have a cold in
my throat. Hose has a bad tooth. We
went out home to call a few minutes this
p.m. Forest & Anna Moore called a while
Mon Mar 26
Rained all day until 3 o'clock. Mrs Foster called.
Hose had his tooth pulled. I still have a cold.
Tues Mar 27
Rained this morning, turned colder with a snow
flurry. Our colds are better. Had several over night
last night.
Wed Mar 28
very nice day. Lily & Rosa came up and we
played cards.
Thus Mar 29
Beautiful day. I visited at Irenes. My cold
is a little better. Hose took Abe for a ride to
day. Maggie was here this evening
Fri Mar 30
Beautiful day, warm. I went up to the Dr and
got medicine for my cold. Phone men left. Mrs
Woodruff, Mrs McQuinn & Mrs Foster called.
Sat Mar 31
Beautiful warm day. Elliott & Bess called.
Cora Wilson spent the evening here.
Sun Apr 1
Beautiful Easter day. We took a ride
over to O'Shaunessey dam, up Olentangy
to Delaware then home. I was at Mag-
gies before church. They showed slides.
Mon Apr 2
Fine day. I washed some towels. Hose changed
mine on porch. I was at Barcus this evening.
Tues Apr 3
Nice warm cloud day. I washed, dress, green cur-
tains & towels. Hettie called a few minutes. Hose
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.64)
[page 64]
[corresponds to page 98 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Apr 4
Fine Day. Hose very busy. I ironed my green
curtains. Hose and I went to Worthington to
have suit pressed. Lily & Rosa came up to play euchre
Thus April 5
Nice day, showery. Hose busy. I was over
to see Mrs Mann awhile. Two over night
Fri Apr 6
Showery today. Hose busy. Ann Dewitt pa-
pered the register room today.
Sat Apr 7
Beautiful day, a little cooler, Maggies birth
day. I did a little ironing this a.m. Hose
cleaned register room rug & we fixed room up
I went to Galena with Hose & called at Smythes.
not at home. I went to Lilys this eve & had to come home
Sun Apr 8
Beautiful day. Hose quite busy. We took
a ride to Worthington & took Mr Wilson home.
Mon Apr 9
Beautiful day. Hose busy. I washed a
little this a.m. Carrie Chapman & Mrs Foster
Called. I went with Hose to Wade Budds
for funeral chairs.
Tues Apr 10
Fairly nice day, mostly cloudy. Hose has
taken Strosniders to Battle Creek, Mich.
Maggie will stay all night with me.
Mrs Foster called. Hose got home about
11:30 after driving over 500 miles
Wed Apr 11
Cold, cloudy & very windy. I did not do
much. Mrs Fivaz & I went in to see Jake Boston
spitting snow tonight
Thurs Apr 12
very bad day, snow squalls & very cold windy
I spent the day at Lawsons, Rode down will
Mr Monroe, Hose busy.
Fri Apr 13
Awful cold & windy, snow flurries.
[corresponds to page 98 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Apr 4
Fine Day. Hose very busy. I ironed my green
curtains. Hose and I went to Worthington to
have suit pressed. Lily & Rosa came up to play euchre
Thus April 5
Nice day, showery. Hose busy. I was over
to see Mrs Mann awhile. Two over night
Fri Apr 6
Showery today. Hose busy. Ann Dewitt pa-
pered the register room today.
Sat Apr 7
Beautiful day, a little cooler, Maggies birth
day. I did a little ironing this a.m. Hose
cleaned register room rug & we fixed room up
I went to Galena with Hose & called at Smythes.
not at home. I went to Lilys this eve & had to come home
Sun Apr 8
Beautiful day. Hose quite busy. We took
a ride to Worthington & took Mr Wilson home.
Mon Apr 9
Beautiful day. Hose busy. I washed a
little this a.m. Carrie Chapman & Mrs Foster
Called. I went with Hose to Wade Budds
for funeral chairs.
Tues Apr 10
Fairly nice day, mostly cloudy. Hose has
taken Strosniders to Battle Creek, Mich.
Maggie will stay all night with me.
Mrs Foster called. Hose got home about
11:30 after driving over 500 miles
Wed Apr 11
Cold, cloudy & very windy. I did not do
much. Mrs Fivaz & I went in to see Jake Boston
spitting snow tonight
Thurs Apr 12
very bad day, snow squalls & very cold windy
I spent the day at Lawsons, Rode down will
Mr Monroe, Hose busy.
Fri Apr 13
Awful cold & windy, snow flurries.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.65)
[page 65]
[corresponds to page 99 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Hose busy. Mrs Foster called. I was at
Barcus in evening.
Sat Apr 14
Not quite so cold, we got a ton more of coal.
Hose busy.
Sun Apr 15
Not so cold, a little rainy. Hose busy. I went
with him up to Geddes to get chairs, met many of my
old friends. Jane Chapman called.
Mon Apr 16
A little cooler, fine day. we washed some. Hose
helped bury Gallogly baby. I was at Hetties and
gave her birthday present (refrigerator pan)
Tues Apr 17
Beautiful day. We went to Columbus. I got a
new white dress & dining room curtains & shoes
We attended to some business
Wed Apr 18
Alice Johnson waved my hair
Lovely day. Hose attended to some business here.
Lily & Rosa came up and we played euchre.
I ironed this morning. Frank Bell called.
Thus Apr 19
very fine day. We washed and ironed doub-
le room curtains. Mrs Foster called. Hose
went over and got sitting room ceiling
I was at Lilys this evening.
Fri Apr. 20
Cold today. We cleaned the north room
down stairs. Mert Smythe called. It spit
snow today. I went to E.O.S. inspection
Sat Apr 21
Ground covered with snow this mor-
ning, melting now. finally cleared up.
Bess called awhile. I was at Maggies this
evening. Jimmie V Gave us 1 lb of honey.
Sun Apr 22
Rained most of the day, and cool. no
church tonight. Mrs Peters quite sick.
Mon Apr 23
Newark man took rug to clean
Cold day. We washed. I took my white dress
[corresponds to page 99 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Hose busy. Mrs Foster called. I was at
Barcus in evening.
Sat Apr 14
Not quite so cold, we got a ton more of coal.
Hose busy.
Sun Apr 15
Not so cold, a little rainy. Hose busy. I went
with him up to Geddes to get chairs, met many of my
old friends. Jane Chapman called.
Mon Apr 16
A little cooler, fine day. we washed some. Hose
helped bury Gallogly baby. I was at Hetties and
gave her birthday present (refrigerator pan)
Tues Apr 17
Beautiful day. We went to Columbus. I got a
new white dress & dining room curtains & shoes
We attended to some business
Wed Apr 18
Alice Johnson waved my hair
Lovely day. Hose attended to some business here.
Lily & Rosa came up and we played euchre.
I ironed this morning. Frank Bell called.
Thus Apr 19
very fine day. We washed and ironed doub-
le room curtains. Mrs Foster called. Hose
went over and got sitting room ceiling
I was at Lilys this evening.
Fri Apr. 20
Cold today. We cleaned the north room
down stairs. Mert Smythe called. It spit
snow today. I went to E.O.S. inspection
Sat Apr 21
Ground covered with snow this mor-
ning, melting now. finally cleared up.
Bess called awhile. I was at Maggies this
evening. Jimmie V Gave us 1 lb of honey.
Sun Apr 22
Rained most of the day, and cool. no
church tonight. Mrs Peters quite sick.
Mon Apr 23
Newark man took rug to clean
Cold day. We washed. I took my white dress
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.66)
[page 66]
[corresponds to page 100 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
over to Zella Knoders to be made. Bessie Per
fect called on church business. Hose and I
went up to Ernsbergers and got garden seeds.
Lily & Rosa came up and we played cards.
Tues Apr 24
Cold today and windy. I washed the doors
&windows in sitting room & hall. Mrs Foster
called. I was at Lilys this evening.
Wed Apr 25
Cold & cloudy hard frost last night. Al
Dewitt papered sitting room ceiling. I made
new curtains for room & put them up. We
cleaned the sitting room rug. Rosa
and I went to card party at Hall
Thurs Apr 26
Cloudy & a little drizzly. Laundry man
brot rug home, looks fine. Hettie called
a few minutes. I am making my dining
room curtains. I did not go to operatta.
Fri Apr 27
Clear day but cold and windy. Lechler
plowed our littler garden & potato patch
I was at Mrs Irwins at club tonight
Sat Apr 28
Getting warmer. I did the usual Satur-
day's work. John & Ella Furry came up
and we played cards.
Sun Apr 29
Beautiful warm Sunday We went down
to Joes. they not at home then to Elliotts
they not at home. I went to Maggies then
to church this evening. Mr & Mrs Corbin called
Mon Apr 30
Beautiful warm day. We made garden and
washed quite a little. Lily and Rosa came
up and we played cards.
Tues May 1
Beautiful warm day. We planted quite
a few flower seed. Mrs Foster called. Maggie
called a few minutes this evening.
[corresponds to page 100 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
over to Zella Knoders to be made. Bessie Per
fect called on church business. Hose and I
went up to Ernsbergers and got garden seeds.
Lily & Rosa came up and we played cards.
Tues Apr 24
Cold today and windy. I washed the doors
&windows in sitting room & hall. Mrs Foster
called. I was at Lilys this evening.
Wed Apr 25
Cold & cloudy hard frost last night. Al
Dewitt papered sitting room ceiling. I made
new curtains for room & put them up. We
cleaned the sitting room rug. Rosa
and I went to card party at Hall
Thurs Apr 26
Cloudy & a little drizzly. Laundry man
brot rug home, looks fine. Hettie called
a few minutes. I am making my dining
room curtains. I did not go to operatta.
Fri Apr 27
Clear day but cold and windy. Lechler
plowed our littler garden & potato patch
I was at Mrs Irwins at club tonight
Sat Apr 28
Getting warmer. I did the usual Satur-
day's work. John & Ella Furry came up
and we played cards.
Sun Apr 29
Beautiful warm Sunday We went down
to Joes. they not at home then to Elliotts
they not at home. I went to Maggies then
to church this evening. Mr & Mrs Corbin called
Mon Apr 30
Beautiful warm day. We made garden and
washed quite a little. Lily and Rosa came
up and we played cards.
Tues May 1
Beautiful warm day. We planted quite
a few flower seed. Mrs Foster called. Maggie
called a few minutes this evening.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.67)
[page 67]
[corresponds to page 101 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed May 2
Beautiful warm day. Hose spaded fewer
garden and set out glad bulbs. also planted
more flower seed. Rosa, Lily and I went to
Kings Daughters play.
Thus May 3
Beautiful warm hazy day. very dry. I col-
ored the north room curtains yellow, ironed
and put them up. Hose spaded petunia bed and
we planted seed. I went up to Hetties this eve
but had to come home. Leland called a minute.
Fri May 4
partly cloudy and very warm. Leland called. Hose has
gone to Battle Creek for Strosniders. I did the
usual work. Did not go to Chapter, had to keep house.
Maggie is coming to stay all night with me,
Sat May 5
Lovely day Maggie came over night.
I did the usual work. Hose got home today.
I was at Lilys this evening.
Sun May 6
Beautiful day. We did not go any place as Wil-
son went home. Mrs Lawson called a min-
ute. I went to Maggies then to church this eve.
Mon May 7
Mr Volk came to room
Lovely day, cooler and windy. I washed a
little, then washed a blanket, Hose busy.
I was over to see Mrs Mann & Daisy W.
Rosa & Lily came up and we played euchre.
Tues May 8
Beautiful day. We cleaned the bath room.
Jack is here tonite. Mrs Stark called.
Wed May 9
very cloudy all day. I went to church
meeting but had to come home
Thurs May 10
Dust clouds all & terribly windy. I washed
double room spreads. Bessie Perfect and I
entertained missionary meeting in the
evening at her house.
[corresponds to page 101 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed May 2
Beautiful warm day. Hose spaded fewer
garden and set out glad bulbs. also planted
more flower seed. Rosa, Lily and I went to
Kings Daughters play.
Thus May 3
Beautiful warm hazy day. very dry. I col-
ored the north room curtains yellow, ironed
and put them up. Hose spaded petunia bed and
we planted seed. I went up to Hetties this eve
but had to come home. Leland called a minute.
Fri May 4
partly cloudy and very warm. Leland called. Hose has
gone to Battle Creek for Strosniders. I did the
usual work. Did not go to Chapter, had to keep house.
Maggie is coming to stay all night with me,
Sat May 5
Lovely day Maggie came over night.
I did the usual work. Hose got home today.
I was at Lilys this evening.
Sun May 6
Beautiful day. We did not go any place as Wil-
son went home. Mrs Lawson called a min-
ute. I went to Maggies then to church this eve.
Mon May 7
Mr Volk came to room
Lovely day, cooler and windy. I washed a
little, then washed a blanket, Hose busy.
I was over to see Mrs Mann & Daisy W.
Rosa & Lily came up and we played euchre.
Tues May 8
Beautiful day. We cleaned the bath room.
Jack is here tonite. Mrs Stark called.
Wed May 9
very cloudy all day. I went to church
meeting but had to come home
Thurs May 10
Dust clouds all & terribly windy. I washed
double room spreads. Bessie Perfect and I
entertained missionary meeting in the
evening at her house.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.68)
[page 68]
[corresponds to page 102 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
May 11
nice day but quite cold. I spent the day
at Irenes. had a nice time. She basted up
hem in my dark chiffon dress. Lily Rosa & I
went to 8th grade cantata 3 over night
Sat May 12
Still cold, froze then ice last night. We
washed 13 towels & ironed 8 sheets. Bess
and Elliott called. Bess gave me 3 qts of tomatoes.
I was at Lilys this evening
Sun May 13
Fine day. We took a trip to Del Mt Gilead, Galion
to Mansfield to call on Whittiers. We took
our lunch. I did not go to church as Hose went away
Mon May 14
Drizzled lightly most of the day. Mert
Smythe called. I planted cosmos seed.
May 15 cloudy most of the day. Hose gone to
Portsmouth. Robert Gelston called.
evacuation took place.
May 16 cold, light frost last night. We
changed some banking business.
Hose took me over to Zellas to try on
my new white dress. Lily & Rosa came we played euchre
Thus May 17
very nice day, getting warm. Rosa B. sick
Wilson's family called, also Mr Chapman
I was at Durings, Barcus & Dr Gorsuchs
Fri May 18
Much warmer today. I made my curtains
longer. Dr Gorsuch is sick. Two Pennsylvania
Creamery men here tonight. Mr & Mrs. Strosnider
spent the evening. I was down to see Rosa.
Sat May 19
Getting quite warm. We filled the porch
boxes with petunias today. I was down to
see Rose today, she is better. I made pies
[corresponds to page 102 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
May 11
nice day but quite cold. I spent the day
at Irenes. had a nice time. She basted up
hem in my dark chiffon dress. Lily Rosa & I
went to 8th grade cantata 3 over night
Sat May 12
Still cold, froze then ice last night. We
washed 13 towels & ironed 8 sheets. Bess
and Elliott called. Bess gave me 3 qts of tomatoes.
I was at Lilys this evening
Sun May 13
Fine day. We took a trip to Del Mt Gilead, Galion
to Mansfield to call on Whittiers. We took
our lunch. I did not go to church as Hose went away
Mon May 14
Drizzled lightly most of the day. Mert
Smythe called. I planted cosmos seed.
May 15 cloudy most of the day. Hose gone to
Portsmouth. Robert Gelston called.
evacuation took place.
May 16 cold, light frost last night. We
changed some banking business.
Hose took me over to Zellas to try on
my new white dress. Lily & Rosa came we played euchre
Thus May 17
very nice day, getting warm. Rosa B. sick
Wilson's family called, also Mr Chapman
I was at Durings, Barcus & Dr Gorsuchs
Fri May 18
Much warmer today. I made my curtains
longer. Dr Gorsuch is sick. Two Pennsylvania
Creamery men here tonight. Mr & Mrs. Strosnider
spent the evening. I was down to see Rosa.
Sat May 19
Getting quite warm. We filled the porch
boxes with petunias today. I was down to
see Rose today, she is better. I made pies
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.69)
[page 69]
[corresponds to page 103 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
and dressed a chicken. Started refrigerator &
Sun May 20
very warm. Joe Wilson stayed here while Hose
and Wilson was on an amb. trip. I went up to
Hetties this eve. Did not go to Baccalaureate.
Mon May 21
Cloudy & warm today. rained a little in Columbus,
Hose and I went to Columbus. Did business at Hub.
I got silverware, shoes, gloves & pocketbook. Mert
Smythe, Mrs Sedgwick & Ella Furry called today. I went to
inspection at Pythia Lodge tonight.
Tues May 22
Cloudy & threatening & windy this a.m. We washed
some. Mrs Foster called. Mrs Perry helped
clean front hall. cooler tonite.
Wed May 23
Quite cool. Alice Johnston curled my hair.
Did not do much. Our creamery roomer went
home. I was at Barcus this evening. Rosa better
Thurs May 24
Cold and cloudy, drizzled a little. I am cleaning
kitchen. Hose swept big north room. I was at
Maggies this evening.
Fri May 25
Nice day but cool. I am cleaning kitchen. I
invited Cora Wilson for my guest and we went
to a garden party given by the Progress Club at Ruth
Whitneys. We had a fine time.
Sat May 26
Nice day but cold. We set in 24 tomato plants and
12 stocks & 12 snapdragons. Bess & Elliott called. John
and Ella came up and we played cards.
Sun May 27
Beautiful day, getting warmer. We took a ride to Jims
then on to Utica & got 1 dz tomato plants & a red iris.
I went to church in evening.
Mon May 28
Getting much warmer. We washed a little and set
out plants, getting ready for Dec party.
[corresponds to page 103 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
and dressed a chicken. Started refrigerator &
Sun May 20
very warm. Joe Wilson stayed here while Hose
and Wilson was on an amb. trip. I went up to
Hetties this eve. Did not go to Baccalaureate.
Mon May 21
Cloudy & warm today. rained a little in Columbus,
Hose and I went to Columbus. Did business at Hub.
I got silverware, shoes, gloves & pocketbook. Mert
Smythe, Mrs Sedgwick & Ella Furry called today. I went to
inspection at Pythia Lodge tonight.
Tues May 22
Cloudy & threatening & windy this a.m. We washed
some. Mrs Foster called. Mrs Perry helped
clean front hall. cooler tonite.
Wed May 23
Quite cool. Alice Johnston curled my hair.
Did not do much. Our creamery roomer went
home. I was at Barcus this evening. Rosa better
Thurs May 24
Cold and cloudy, drizzled a little. I am cleaning
kitchen. Hose swept big north room. I was at
Maggies this evening.
Fri May 25
Nice day but cool. I am cleaning kitchen. I
invited Cora Wilson for my guest and we went
to a garden party given by the Progress Club at Ruth
Whitneys. We had a fine time.
Sat May 26
Nice day but cold. We set in 24 tomato plants and
12 stocks & 12 snapdragons. Bess & Elliott called. John
and Ella came up and we played cards.
Sun May 27
Beautiful day, getting warmer. We took a ride to Jims
then on to Utica & got 1 dz tomato plants & a red iris.
I went to church in evening.
Mon May 28
Getting much warmer. We washed a little and set
out plants, getting ready for Dec party.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.70)
[page 70]
[corresponds to page 104 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues May 29
Warmer. I was up to see Dr Gerhardt, he is here
Wed May 30
Dec Day Lovely day. Calvins & Gerhardts did
not come. I was at Maggies in evening
Thurs May 31
Quite warm 90 degrees. We did the usual work
Floyd Myers called. I was at Barcus in
evening. Washed some today
Fri June 1
very warm, nothing doing. Did the usual work.
Sat June 2
very warm 90 degrees. We went to Del this morning and
got Elliott a thermos jug. I was at Hetties this evening
Sun June 3
Mr Wilson called
very very warm. We took our dinner and
went to Cochoston, then stopped at Elliotts &
[illegible] on our way home. I did not go to church.
Mon June 4
very warm, this a.m. We washed some.
Sunshine feed man came to room awhile
We got a fine rain this p.m. Mr Wilson
and Joe called while it was raining
Tues June 5
Not so warm since the shower. Floyd called. Hose busy.
I did not do much. Mr Monroe called this a.m.
I went over to O.E.S. tonite to practice for June 7.
Wed, June 6
Quite warm again. Alice Johnston curled
my hair. I did not do much. I was at Barcus in eve
Thus June 7
Much cooler. Hose busy, Mrs Foster called.
went to O.E.S. anniversary tonite. Floyd Myers kept house
Fri June 8
Getting warmer. We washed some today. Boy
scouts on the square. Jim Lee called
Sat June 9
Drought broke, fine rain. I was at Maggies
this evening & called on Mrs Peters.
[corresponds to page 104 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues May 29
Warmer. I was up to see Dr Gerhardt, he is here
Wed May 30
Dec Day Lovely day. Calvins & Gerhardts did
not come. I was at Maggies in evening
Thurs May 31
Quite warm 90 degrees. We did the usual work
Floyd Myers called. I was at Barcus in
evening. Washed some today
Fri June 1
very warm, nothing doing. Did the usual work.
Sat June 2
very warm 90 degrees. We went to Del this morning and
got Elliott a thermos jug. I was at Hetties this evening
Sun June 3
Mr Wilson called
very very warm. We took our dinner and
went to Cochoston, then stopped at Elliotts &
[illegible] on our way home. I did not go to church.
Mon June 4
very warm, this a.m. We washed some.
Sunshine feed man came to room awhile
We got a fine rain this p.m. Mr Wilson
and Joe called while it was raining
Tues June 5
Not so warm since the shower. Floyd called. Hose busy.
I did not do much. Mr Monroe called this a.m.
I went over to O.E.S. tonite to practice for June 7.
Wed, June 6
Quite warm again. Alice Johnston curled
my hair. I did not do much. I was at Barcus in eve
Thus June 7
Much cooler. Hose busy, Mrs Foster called.
went to O.E.S. anniversary tonite. Floyd Myers kept house
Fri June 8
Getting warmer. We washed some today. Boy
scouts on the square. Jim Lee called
Sat June 9
Drought broke, fine rain. I was at Maggies
this evening & called on Mrs Peters.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.71)
[page 71]
[corresponds to page 105 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun June 10
very cool nice day. Hose some busy. Some over
night last night. We took Mert & Lo Smythe and
went down to swimming pool below Westerville. I
called at Maggies a minute then went to church.
Mon June 11
Beautiful cool day. Mrs Lawson spent the
day here. Lily & Rose came up on evening and we played euchre
Tues June 12
Beautiful cool day. I ironed some. Maggie called
this evening.
Wed June 13
Eva's birthday. Partly cloudy & cool. We washed a little
this a.m.
Thus June 14
Beautiful day cool. I washed a lot of old curtains Sally M. married
I was at Lilys this evening. Floyd Myers called.
Fri June 15
Getting warmer. I ironed some. Mrs Mann died
today. I was at Hettie this evening had to come home.
Sat June 16
Much warmer. I went over this morning to call
on Daisy Wheaton. Jane Chapman called.
Sun June 17
very warm today. I went over to see Mrs Mann in
her casket. I did not go to the funeral. After Hose
came home we took Strosniders for a ride to
Johnstown. I was at Maggie this evening then
we went to Childrens Day at Baptist Church
Mon June 18
Partly cloudy. spit rain some. we washed
a little, rained a fine shower about noon.
nothing much doing.
Tues June 19
very windy still cool. nothing much doing. I
was at Barcus this evening. Leland called a minute.
Wed June 20
Quite warm, Maggie called this evening. John
& Ella came up to play cards. Daisy Wheaton
called awhile.
[corresponds to page 105 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun June 10
very cool nice day. Hose some busy. Some over
night last night. We took Mert & Lo Smythe and
went down to swimming pool below Westerville. I
called at Maggies a minute then went to church.
Mon June 11
Beautiful cool day. Mrs Lawson spent the
day here. Lily & Rose came up on evening and we played euchre
Tues June 12
Beautiful cool day. I ironed some. Maggie called
this evening.
Wed June 13
Eva's birthday. Partly cloudy & cool. We washed a little
this a.m.
Thus June 14
Beautiful day cool. I washed a lot of old curtains Sally M. married
I was at Lilys this evening. Floyd Myers called.
Fri June 15
Getting warmer. I ironed some. Mrs Mann died
today. I was at Hettie this evening had to come home.
Sat June 16
Much warmer. I went over this morning to call
on Daisy Wheaton. Jane Chapman called.
Sun June 17
very warm today. I went over to see Mrs Mann in
her casket. I did not go to the funeral. After Hose
came home we took Strosniders for a ride to
Johnstown. I was at Maggie this evening then
we went to Childrens Day at Baptist Church
Mon June 18
Partly cloudy. spit rain some. we washed
a little, rained a fine shower about noon.
nothing much doing.
Tues June 19
very windy still cool. nothing much doing. I
was at Barcus this evening. Leland called a minute.
Wed June 20
Quite warm, Maggie called this evening. John
& Ella came up to play cards. Daisy Wheaton
called awhile.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.72)
[page 72]
[corresponds to page 106 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues June 21
very warm. Wilsons took us to Beechwold
Hotel for 6 o'clock dinner. Maggie kept hers.
Fri June 22
very warm this forenoon, hard rain
this afternoon drought broken. Lily &
Rosa came up and we played cards.
Sat June 23
A little cooler, beautiful day. Floyd
called this evening. I was at Hetties this evening
Sun June 24
Warm and partly cloudy. At 3 o'clock we
took a ride to Mt Air pool, then home. Floyd
Myers spent the evening.
Mon June 25
A little cooler. We washed some also Lida
did and Hose staked tomatoes. Abbie Kimball
called this afternoon.
Tues June 26
Quite warm. We went up to Lake Erie today.
In terrific storm coming home. Storm
here too but is much cooler tonight
Wed June 26
Elliott & Bess called.
Terribly warm. We had a fish dinner
and cherry pudding for today. Bess
Hixenbaugh & Floyd Myers called. Mr
Firery from Cleveland came to see
the house and take pictures. I was
at Chapmans this evening.
Thus June 28
Awful warm today. I was at Maggies this evening
Fri June 29
very warm. I spent the day at Bess, and at
Barcus this evening
Sat June 30
very warm. I made 2 cherry pies. Rosa and
Lily called, also Floyd Myers. Leland Foster
Sun July 1
cloudy and drizzly in forenoon, afternoon
[corresponds to page 106 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues June 21
very warm. Wilsons took us to Beechwold
Hotel for 6 o'clock dinner. Maggie kept hers.
Fri June 22
very warm this forenoon, hard rain
this afternoon drought broken. Lily &
Rosa came up and we played cards.
Sat June 23
A little cooler, beautiful day. Floyd
called this evening. I was at Hetties this evening
Sun June 24
Warm and partly cloudy. At 3 o'clock we
took a ride to Mt Air pool, then home. Floyd
Myers spent the evening.
Mon June 25
A little cooler. We washed some also Lida
did and Hose staked tomatoes. Abbie Kimball
called this afternoon.
Tues June 26
Quite warm. We went up to Lake Erie today.
In terrific storm coming home. Storm
here too but is much cooler tonight
Wed June 26
Elliott & Bess called.
Terribly warm. We had a fish dinner
and cherry pudding for today. Bess
Hixenbaugh & Floyd Myers called. Mr
Firery from Cleveland came to see
the house and take pictures. I was
at Chapmans this evening.
Thus June 28
Awful warm today. I was at Maggies this evening
Fri June 29
very warm. I spent the day at Bess, and at
Barcus this evening
Sat June 30
very warm. I made 2 cherry pies. Rosa and
Lily called, also Floyd Myers. Leland Foster
Sun July 1
cloudy and drizzly in forenoon, afternoon
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.73)
[page 73]
[corresponds to page 107 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
very warm and sunshine, We took a ride to Oshannsey
dam, called on Mrs Bale. Mert & Lo came up and
took us a ride west of Delaware. Rosa Barcus called
and we went to Baptist Church. I called at Daisey's
after church.
Mon July 2
very warm, we went to Columbus. Did not get much
Jack is here tonight
Tues July 3
very warm. we washed some. Hose took Jack home
Wed July 4
A little cooler. Elliott & Bess spent the day here.
Maggie was here this evening.
Thus July 5
very warm, hard rain this evening. I ironed
some this morning. Jack Taggart back tonight
I was at Lilys this evening.
Fri July 6
Not quite so warm. we went to Delaware
this morning. I got 3 new blinds and floor
polish. Floyd Myers and Dave Rosecrans
called. I was Hetties this evening.
Sat July 7
Much cooler & very rainy. Did not do much. Mrs
Foster called. John & Ella came up and we played euchre.
Sun July 8
Lovely day. We took a ride to Millersport, there
to near the airport, saw 17 planes in a
race. I was at Maggies then we went to Church.
Mon July 9
Fine day, cool. we washed a little. I was down
to see Mrs Lee this evening. She is much better.
I also called at Barcus
Tues July 10
Fine day, getting warmer. I ironed some and Hose
waxed the car. Hose took me down to Yeomans
and I stayed an hour. Leland Fisher called.
Jack is here tonight.
Wed July 11
Getting warmer. I was at Hetties to Baptist miss-
ionary. Rained very hard. Lily & Rose came, we played euchre
[corresponds to page 107 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
very warm and sunshine, We took a ride to Oshannsey
dam, called on Mrs Bale. Mert & Lo came up and
took us a ride west of Delaware. Rosa Barcus called
and we went to Baptist Church. I called at Daisey's
after church.
Mon July 2
very warm, we went to Columbus. Did not get much
Jack is here tonight
Tues July 3
very warm. we washed some. Hose took Jack home
Wed July 4
A little cooler. Elliott & Bess spent the day here.
Maggie was here this evening.
Thus July 5
very warm, hard rain this evening. I ironed
some this morning. Jack Taggart back tonight
I was at Lilys this evening.
Fri July 6
Not quite so warm. we went to Delaware
this morning. I got 3 new blinds and floor
polish. Floyd Myers and Dave Rosecrans
called. I was Hetties this evening.
Sat July 7
Much cooler & very rainy. Did not do much. Mrs
Foster called. John & Ella came up and we played euchre.
Sun July 8
Lovely day. We took a ride to Millersport, there
to near the airport, saw 17 planes in a
race. I was at Maggies then we went to Church.
Mon July 9
Fine day, cool. we washed a little. I was down
to see Mrs Lee this evening. She is much better.
I also called at Barcus
Tues July 10
Fine day, getting warmer. I ironed some and Hose
waxed the car. Hose took me down to Yeomans
and I stayed an hour. Leland Fisher called.
Jack is here tonight.
Wed July 11
Getting warmer. I was at Hetties to Baptist miss-
ionary. Rained very hard. Lily & Rose came, we played euchre
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.74)
[page 74]
[corresponds to page 108 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus July 12
Partly cloudy. I did not do much. I called on Mrs
Ramsey tonite. Mr Wilson called
Fri July 13
Quite warm. threatening. I did not do much
We got our first blackberries, 2 qts today. Mr & Mrs
Barker called this evening. Hose busy this evening.
Sat July 14
very warm day. Made my first blackberry pies
this season. Mrs Stilley called. I was at
Lilys in the evening.
Sun July 15
very warm day. We did not go any place.
was Daisy Wheaton a little while, Elliott & Bess here
in the evening. Much cooler this evening
Mon July 16
A little cooler. We washed some. Hose busy
I was at Maggies this evening.
Tues July 17
Still cool. I ironed some. not very well today
I was at Lilys this evening.
Wed July 18
Getting warmer. Not very busy. I was at
the Baptist Church to a missionary entertainment
Thus July 19
very warm, I canned 3 qts & 1 pt of black-
berries today.
Fri July 20
very very warm. I canned 4 qts of beets. I was to
Hetties this evening. Maggie called this evening
and visited with Hosea.
Sat July 21
Terribly warm, Hose busy for 15 hrs. I dressed
chicken, Jane Chapman and Lida Patrick
Sun July 22
terribly warm. Nice rain in afternoon
Floyd Myers called.
Mon July 23 Lida washed
Not quite so warm. Alice Johnston waved my hair
[corresponds to page 108 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus July 12
Partly cloudy. I did not do much. I called on Mrs
Ramsey tonite. Mr Wilson called
Fri July 13
Quite warm. threatening. I did not do much
We got our first blackberries, 2 qts today. Mr & Mrs
Barker called this evening. Hose busy this evening.
Sat July 14
very warm day. Made my first blackberry pies
this season. Mrs Stilley called. I was at
Lilys in the evening.
Sun July 15
very warm day. We did not go any place.
was Daisy Wheaton a little while, Elliott & Bess here
in the evening. Much cooler this evening
Mon July 16
A little cooler. We washed some. Hose busy
I was at Maggies this evening.
Tues July 17
Still cool. I ironed some. not very well today
I was at Lilys this evening.
Wed July 18
Getting warmer. Not very busy. I was at
the Baptist Church to a missionary entertainment
Thus July 19
very warm, I canned 3 qts & 1 pt of black-
berries today.
Fri July 20
very very warm. I canned 4 qts of beets. I was to
Hetties this evening. Maggie called this evening
and visited with Hosea.
Sat July 21
Terribly warm, Hose busy for 15 hrs. I dressed
chicken, Jane Chapman and Lida Patrick
Sun July 22
terribly warm. Nice rain in afternoon
Floyd Myers called.
Mon July 23 Lida washed
Not quite so warm. Alice Johnston waved my hair
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.75)
[page 75]
[corresponds to page 115 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Hose busy. I was at Lilys & Chapmans in evening
Tues July 24 I went down to Wintermutes to see Argi in casket
very warm. I did not do much. Hose busy,
Mrs Lawson called in the evening
Wed July 25
very warm. Mrs Foster called 2 canned 4 qt blackberries
Thus July 26
Still warm. I went to Methodist tea. Showered in the night
Fri July 27
not so warm. I went to picnic at Golf Course
Made 11 glasses of black jelly
Sat July 28
Cooler showered a little during picnic
Our first sweet corn today. I washed a few towels
I was at Lilys this evening Mrs Ramsey fell broke hip
Sun July 29
Beautiful cool day. Mr Tennant left for Conneat
We went to Delaware to see government cattle, Hettie
down and called on Smythes. Floyd Myers called
Mon July 30
Nice day, breezy. we washed some. I was
at Maggies & Mrs Kimballs tonight.
Tues July 31
Beautiful cool day. We cleaned our bedroom
Nothing much doing. I was at Lilys this evening
Wed Aug 1
Cloudy, cool. I canned 8 qts of beets. Daisy Wheaton
called this evening
Thurs Aug 2
Nice shower this morning, fairly cool. We got our
first ripe tomatoes today. nothing much doing.
I called Gelstons back shop then went to Hetties.
Fri Aug 3
Fine rain last night. today cool & cloudy
Hose busy. John Furry gave up tomatoes & corn.
Sat Aug 4
Fine day. Hose busy. Mr & Mrs. Strosnider spent the evening.
Sun Aug 5
Fine day. nothing doing. We took a ride to Utica
& Newark. Stopped at Mary Hopkins
[corresponds to page 115 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Hose busy. I was at Lilys & Chapmans in evening
Tues July 24 I went down to Wintermutes to see Argi in casket
very warm. I did not do much. Hose busy,
Mrs Lawson called in the evening
Wed July 25
very warm. Mrs Foster called 2 canned 4 qt blackberries
Thus July 26
Still warm. I went to Methodist tea. Showered in the night
Fri July 27
not so warm. I went to picnic at Golf Course
Made 11 glasses of black jelly
Sat July 28
Cooler showered a little during picnic
Our first sweet corn today. I washed a few towels
I was at Lilys this evening Mrs Ramsey fell broke hip
Sun July 29
Beautiful cool day. Mr Tennant left for Conneat
We went to Delaware to see government cattle, Hettie
down and called on Smythes. Floyd Myers called
Mon July 30
Nice day, breezy. we washed some. I was
at Maggies & Mrs Kimballs tonight.
Tues July 31
Beautiful cool day. We cleaned our bedroom
Nothing much doing. I was at Lilys this evening
Wed Aug 1
Cloudy, cool. I canned 8 qts of beets. Daisy Wheaton
called this evening
Thurs Aug 2
Nice shower this morning, fairly cool. We got our
first ripe tomatoes today. nothing much doing.
I called Gelstons back shop then went to Hetties.
Fri Aug 3
Fine rain last night. today cool & cloudy
Hose busy. John Furry gave up tomatoes & corn.
Sat Aug 4
Fine day. Hose busy. Mr & Mrs. Strosnider spent the evening.
Sun Aug 5
Fine day. nothing doing. We took a ride to Utica
& Newark. Stopped at Mary Hopkins
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.76)
[page 76]
[corresponds to page 116 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Aug 6
cloudy & cool. nothing doing. I was at Lilys
this evening. Ed Ginn called.
Tues Aug 7
Cloudy & warmer. Mrs Perry swept upstairs
Hodge put crown back on my tooth. Mrs Fisher
died last night. Mr Chapman & Floyd Myers called.
Wed Aug 8
very warm. Our reunion over at Hodges, fun
time. Floyd Myers called
Thus Aug 9
very warm today. Terribly threatening this
p.m. but no rain. Mrs Fisher buried today.
Maggie was here this evening drizzled some
Fri Aug 10
A little cooler. I spent the day at Bess'
Mert & Lo Smythe called a while Jack T.
went home today. I was at Lilys this evening
Sat Aug 11
Rained quite hard early this a.m. cool & cloudy
Rosa Barcus very bad last night. Hose and I
went down. Allie Merideth died today.
canned 2 pts of tomatoes today, the first canned
Got some more canned cherries today. Was at Hetties this eve
Sun Aug 12
Getting warmer. I was down to see Rosa a
minute. She is better. We went over to Delaware
and got some buttermilk today.
Mon Aug 13
Much warmer. I was down to see Rosa. Floyd
Myers called. some over night
Tues Aug 14
cool this morning. We went over and voted [illegible]
went out to see the cattle at Delaware
came home and washed some. Mert Smythe
called also Floyd Myers. I was up at Maggies
Wed Aug 15
cooler & cloudy. I was down to see Rosa She
is some better. several over night.
[corresponds to page 116 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Aug 6
cloudy & cool. nothing doing. I was at Lilys
this evening. Ed Ginn called.
Tues Aug 7
Cloudy & warmer. Mrs Perry swept upstairs
Hodge put crown back on my tooth. Mrs Fisher
died last night. Mr Chapman & Floyd Myers called.
Wed Aug 8
very warm. Our reunion over at Hodges, fun
time. Floyd Myers called
Thus Aug 9
very warm today. Terribly threatening this
p.m. but no rain. Mrs Fisher buried today.
Maggie was here this evening drizzled some
Fri Aug 10
A little cooler. I spent the day at Bess'
Mert & Lo Smythe called a while Jack T.
went home today. I was at Lilys this evening
Sat Aug 11
Rained quite hard early this a.m. cool & cloudy
Rosa Barcus very bad last night. Hose and I
went down. Allie Merideth died today.
canned 2 pts of tomatoes today, the first canned
Got some more canned cherries today. Was at Hetties this eve
Sun Aug 12
Getting warmer. I was down to see Rosa a
minute. She is better. We went over to Delaware
and got some buttermilk today.
Mon Aug 13
Much warmer. I was down to see Rosa. Floyd
Myers called. some over night
Tues Aug 14
cool this morning. We went over and voted [illegible]
went out to see the cattle at Delaware
came home and washed some. Mert Smythe
called also Floyd Myers. I was up at Maggies
Wed Aug 15
cooler & cloudy. I was down to see Rosa She
is some better. several over night.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.77)
[page 77]
[corresponds to page 117 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus Aug 16
Rained most all night last night - cooler today
Hose got 6 cans of corn today. I was down to see
Rosa. Mrs Foster called, Maggie, Mrs Fivaz & Mr
Wilson sat on the porch during O.K. Baker movie
Fri Aug 17
Lovely day. Ada & Clem Boyd called. Hose got 6
more cans of corn. Mrs Kimball called this evening
We washed a little
Sat Aug 18
Warm day, partly cloudy. Our cattle buyers left today.
I was down to see Rosa this evening. She is
Sun Aug 19
Partly cloudy & windy, we took a ride to 161
New Albany, Granville & home
Mon Aug 20
Beautiful cool day, partly cloudy. We went up to cattle range
this morning, stopped in Delaware, got blinds & chair seats,
Daisy W. left this a.m. I was at Netties this evening.
Tues Aug 21
Quite cool last night; Alice Johnson waved my hair
in her new beauty shop. Swickards moved today.
I was at Barcus this evening. Floyd Myers called.
Wed Aug 22
Getting warmer. I ironed some. Hose not busy.
I was at Chapman a few minutes and at Maggies
this evening. Dr Gerhardt is sick
Thurs Aug 23
cloudy & cool. not very busy. This p.m. rainy so
Hettie could not have her missionary tea on the lawn
I did to go to the church. Irene, Wm, Leland & Grace called
Fri Aug 24
Rained some this morning, cooler. Hose has
an absessed jaw. I washed some this a.m.
Jane called a minute. I was at Lilys tonight
Sat Aug 25
cool. Hose jaw better. Wm spent the afternoon here
I was at Chapmans to a small euchre party.
Bess called a minute on her way home.
[corresponds to page 117 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus Aug 16
Rained most all night last night - cooler today
Hose got 6 cans of corn today. I was down to see
Rosa. Mrs Foster called, Maggie, Mrs Fivaz & Mr
Wilson sat on the porch during O.K. Baker movie
Fri Aug 17
Lovely day. Ada & Clem Boyd called. Hose got 6
more cans of corn. Mrs Kimball called this evening
We washed a little
Sat Aug 18
Warm day, partly cloudy. Our cattle buyers left today.
I was down to see Rosa this evening. She is
Sun Aug 19
Partly cloudy & windy, we took a ride to 161
New Albany, Granville & home
Mon Aug 20
Beautiful cool day, partly cloudy. We went up to cattle range
this morning, stopped in Delaware, got blinds & chair seats,
Daisy W. left this a.m. I was at Netties this evening.
Tues Aug 21
Quite cool last night; Alice Johnson waved my hair
in her new beauty shop. Swickards moved today.
I was at Barcus this evening. Floyd Myers called.
Wed Aug 22
Getting warmer. I ironed some. Hose not busy.
I was at Chapman a few minutes and at Maggies
this evening. Dr Gerhardt is sick
Thurs Aug 23
cloudy & cool. not very busy. This p.m. rainy so
Hettie could not have her missionary tea on the lawn
I did to go to the church. Irene, Wm, Leland & Grace called
Fri Aug 24
Rained some this morning, cooler. Hose has
an absessed jaw. I washed some this a.m.
Jane called a minute. I was at Lilys tonight
Sat Aug 25
cool. Hose jaw better. Wm spent the afternoon here
I was at Chapmans to a small euchre party.
Bess called a minute on her way home.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.78)
[page 78]
[corresponds to page 118 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun Aug 26
bright cool day. we went to the State Fair Grounds
and saw lots of the Fair already there. I was
down to see Rose tonight.
Mon Aug 27
Partly cloudy & cool, sprinkled a little this eve
made 8 pts of grape sunshine. I was down to see
Rosa a little while. Chapmans movies tonight.
Mr Wilson called. Mert Smythe called a while
Wed Aug 29
Cool & cloudy. I made 7 more pts of grape jam
and canned 2 pts of tomatoes. I took my winter
coat over to Zella to draw in the waist seam.
I was at Hettie this evening.
Thus Aug 30
Cool & bright Fair day. Hose a little busy.
Maggies called a while, then we called
at Mrs Starks, Wilsons & Otis Perfects
Fri Aug 31
Much warmer, partly cloudy. Lily Barcus
came up and brot us in 4 cookies & some peaches.
I washed a few pieces. I was at Lilys this evening
Sat Sept 1
Partly cloudy & very warm. Elliott & Bess called
Bess borrowed 19 fruit cans. Not very busy today
Sun Sept 2
very warm, Hose & I called at Smythes this
afternoon. I went to church this evening.
Mon Sept 3
I canned 6 pts of tomatoes
Still warm, partly cloudy. I have two road
men came to room. Ella Furry called. I was
not at home. I was at Maggies. Hose dug 1 bu pot
Tues Sept 4
Cooler, rained a little this morning. I
spent the day at Irenes. I was at Rosa's and
played euchre, with Mrs Beum.
[corresponds to page 118 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun Aug 26
bright cool day. we went to the State Fair Grounds
and saw lots of the Fair already there. I was
down to see Rose tonight.
Mon Aug 27
Partly cloudy & cool, sprinkled a little this eve
made 8 pts of grape sunshine. I was down to see
Rosa a little while. Chapmans movies tonight.
Mr Wilson called. Mert Smythe called a while
Wed Aug 29
Cool & cloudy. I made 7 more pts of grape jam
and canned 2 pts of tomatoes. I took my winter
coat over to Zella to draw in the waist seam.
I was at Hettie this evening.
Thus Aug 30
Cool & bright Fair day. Hose a little busy.
Maggies called a while, then we called
at Mrs Starks, Wilsons & Otis Perfects
Fri Aug 31
Much warmer, partly cloudy. Lily Barcus
came up and brot us in 4 cookies & some peaches.
I washed a few pieces. I was at Lilys this evening
Sat Sept 1
Partly cloudy & very warm. Elliott & Bess called
Bess borrowed 19 fruit cans. Not very busy today
Sun Sept 2
very warm, Hose & I called at Smythes this
afternoon. I went to church this evening.
Mon Sept 3
I canned 6 pts of tomatoes
Still warm, partly cloudy. I have two road
men came to room. Ella Furry called. I was
not at home. I was at Maggies. Hose dug 1 bu pot
Tues Sept 4
Cooler, rained a little this morning. I
spent the day at Irenes. I was at Rosa's and
played euchre, with Mrs Beum.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.79)
[page 79]
[corresponds to page 119 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Sept 5
Getting warmer. We washed a lot of sheets and other
things. Hose is digging potatoes. I canned 10 more pts
of peaches. Leta Likes called
Thus Sept 6
Cool, partly cloudy. I ironed some sheets and
canned 2 pts of tomatoes. Hose a little busy.
rained lightly this evening. I was down to
Barcus' and we played euchre.
Fri Sept 7
Cloudy, rained last night and off and on all day today
Hosea has gone to Col. for Adda Cooke, Ed Ginn
made us a new cellar door today.
Sat Sept 8
Partly cloudy. Ed Ginn fixed dining room chairs
Mert & Lo Smythe called, I was down to Barcus
and played euchre.
Mon Sept 10
Lovely day. Hose, Maggie & I went to Columbus
this morning. Hose got a hat, I got hat, purse, hose
& gloves. I was at Hetties this evening, over night
Sun Sept 9
Dates backward, beautiful day. We took a ride
to Delaware, Marysville, Plain City & home. I
was at Maggies then went to church this eve
Tues Sept 11
Partly cloudy, warmer. I washed lots of towels & ironed
8 sheets. Hose busy. I went to Zellas and got my coat,
that she fixed. rained some this p.m. I was at
Barcus, this evening.
Wed Sept 12
very nice day. I ironed some did not do much
Thus Sept 13
very nice day, Mrs Foster was here this p.m.
and Maggie spent the evening.
Fri Sept 14
Fine day. I ironed some more. Hose painted
mirror frame & changed oil in machine.
Lily, Rosa & Mrs Beum came up and we played
euchre. It is threatening rain. Mrs Lawson called
[corresponds to page 119 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Sept 5
Getting warmer. We washed a lot of sheets and other
things. Hose is digging potatoes. I canned 10 more pts
of peaches. Leta Likes called
Thus Sept 6
Cool, partly cloudy. I ironed some sheets and
canned 2 pts of tomatoes. Hose a little busy.
rained lightly this evening. I was down to
Barcus' and we played euchre.
Fri Sept 7
Cloudy, rained last night and off and on all day today
Hosea has gone to Col. for Adda Cooke, Ed Ginn
made us a new cellar door today.
Sat Sept 8
Partly cloudy. Ed Ginn fixed dining room chairs
Mert & Lo Smythe called, I was down to Barcus
and played euchre.
Mon Sept 10
Lovely day. Hose, Maggie & I went to Columbus
this morning. Hose got a hat, I got hat, purse, hose
& gloves. I was at Hetties this evening, over night
Sun Sept 9
Dates backward, beautiful day. We took a ride
to Delaware, Marysville, Plain City & home. I
was at Maggies then went to church this eve
Tues Sept 11
Partly cloudy, warmer. I washed lots of towels & ironed
8 sheets. Hose busy. I went to Zellas and got my coat,
that she fixed. rained some this p.m. I was at
Barcus, this evening.
Wed Sept 12
very nice day. I ironed some did not do much
Thus Sept 13
very nice day, Mrs Foster was here this p.m.
and Maggie spent the evening.
Fri Sept 14
Fine day. I ironed some more. Hose painted
mirror frame & changed oil in machine.
Lily, Rosa & Mrs Beum came up and we played
euchre. It is threatening rain. Mrs Lawson called
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.80)
[page 80]
[corresponds to page 120 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat Sept 15
Rained very hard this p.m. I washed sitting room
windows this forenoon. We took bouquet to Mrs Stark
She is very bad with heart trouble.
Sun Sept 16
Beautiful cool day, after yesterday's rain.
We took Mert & Lo Smythe and went to Air
port, then to Granville, had dinner at Patsey's
place, then came home. Mary Hopkins and
family stopped a few minutes on way to
range. I went to church tonight
Mon Sept 17
cool this morning. almost frost last night
Our first fire in stove. I washed some sheets,
and made a little peach butter and canned 2 pts
of peaches. I was at Barcus this evening.
Tues Sept 18
quite cold last night, today I ironed and Hose
finished digging potatoes. I was at Hetties this eve.
Wed Sept 19
Lovely day a little warmer. Ironed a little. Hose painted
sign shades. I spent the evening at Strosniders,
then called at Abbie Kimballs
Thurs Sept 20
Lovely day. We went to Delaware & got some things
signed for Gazette at 3.50 a year. I was at Baptist and
at entertainment, called at Maggie first.
Fri Sept 21
Quite warm, partly cloudy. I canned 4 pts of sliced
cucumbers, Alta Beard called. I was not at home.
I was at Lilys this evening.
Sat Sept 22
Cloudy & threatening this a.m. Abe Strosnider gave
us a 3 or 4 lb fish for dinner. brot from Michigan
Bess gave us 1 qt of sorghum molasses, and made a
short call. Mert & Lo Smythes made a long call,
rained quite hard this evening.
Sun Sept 23
very foggy this morning auto accident people stayed over
night while machine being repaired. We took
[corresponds to page 120 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat Sept 15
Rained very hard this p.m. I washed sitting room
windows this forenoon. We took bouquet to Mrs Stark
She is very bad with heart trouble.
Sun Sept 16
Beautiful cool day, after yesterday's rain.
We took Mert & Lo Smythe and went to Air
port, then to Granville, had dinner at Patsey's
place, then came home. Mary Hopkins and
family stopped a few minutes on way to
range. I went to church tonight
Mon Sept 17
cool this morning. almost frost last night
Our first fire in stove. I washed some sheets,
and made a little peach butter and canned 2 pts
of peaches. I was at Barcus this evening.
Tues Sept 18
quite cold last night, today I ironed and Hose
finished digging potatoes. I was at Hetties this eve.
Wed Sept 19
Lovely day a little warmer. Ironed a little. Hose painted
sign shades. I spent the evening at Strosniders,
then called at Abbie Kimballs
Thurs Sept 20
Lovely day. We went to Delaware & got some things
signed for Gazette at 3.50 a year. I was at Baptist and
at entertainment, called at Maggie first.
Fri Sept 21
Quite warm, partly cloudy. I canned 4 pts of sliced
cucumbers, Alta Beard called. I was not at home.
I was at Lilys this evening.
Sat Sept 22
Cloudy & threatening this a.m. Abe Strosnider gave
us a 3 or 4 lb fish for dinner. brot from Michigan
Bess gave us 1 qt of sorghum molasses, and made a
short call. Mert & Lo Smythes made a long call,
rained quite hard this evening.
Sun Sept 23
very foggy this morning auto accident people stayed over
night while machine being repaired. We took
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.81)
[page 81]
[corresponds to page 121 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
ride up & over new road to Mt Gilead Fair
ground. I went to church this evening.
Mon Sept 24
very warm today & yesterday. Alice Johnston waved my
hair. I washed mattress protector & some towels.
Tues Sept 25
very warm day. I washed yellow rayon spread
and towels, ironed some and canned tomatoes,
Jack Taggart is here tonight, Wilson Edwards called.
Wed Sept 26
Warm, We washed 9 sheets & ironed some. Jack
still here. I was at Barcus, so was Jane, we play-
ed euchre. I got 1 qt of apple butter from Mrs Bonham
Thus Sept 27
Rained hard early this morning, later bright
and much colder, Hose took Leta & Addie Cooke to
Columbus. Mert & Lo Smthe, Maggie & Mrs Par-
sons called. Hose has taken Jack to Delaware 9 p.m.
Fri Sept 28
Light frost last night, the first, not very busy
today. we went out & invited Bess over tomorrow
she can not come. Leland took Hettie Irene & I out
to Neilsons to the club.
Sat Sept 29
Cool & cloudy and quite rainy. Elliott & Bess
called and gave me some apples for Jelly. I was
at Barcus in the evening. Mr Parsons called
Sun Sept 30
Quite cool today. shut off refrigerator We took a ride to Delaware
Stratford, west side of river to Worthington & home
I was at Maggies, then to church this eve.
Ed Strohm & Mary and Mary Hopkins & Marie called.
Mon Oct 1
Quite a frost last night. we washed some
sheets & towels. Mert & Lo Smythe called. I was
at Hetties this evening. Mrs Budd brot Hose in o'clock at home
Tues Oct 2
Cool. I made 12 glasses of apple jelly
Hose has taken Likes & Cooke to Columbus
Maggie was here this evening.
[corresponds to page 121 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
ride up & over new road to Mt Gilead Fair
ground. I went to church this evening.
Mon Sept 24
very warm today & yesterday. Alice Johnston waved my
hair. I washed mattress protector & some towels.
Tues Sept 25
very warm day. I washed yellow rayon spread
and towels, ironed some and canned tomatoes,
Jack Taggart is here tonight, Wilson Edwards called.
Wed Sept 26
Warm, We washed 9 sheets & ironed some. Jack
still here. I was at Barcus, so was Jane, we play-
ed euchre. I got 1 qt of apple butter from Mrs Bonham
Thus Sept 27
Rained hard early this morning, later bright
and much colder, Hose took Leta & Addie Cooke to
Columbus. Mert & Lo Smthe, Maggie & Mrs Par-
sons called. Hose has taken Jack to Delaware 9 p.m.
Fri Sept 28
Light frost last night, the first, not very busy
today. we went out & invited Bess over tomorrow
she can not come. Leland took Hettie Irene & I out
to Neilsons to the club.
Sat Sept 29
Cool & cloudy and quite rainy. Elliott & Bess
called and gave me some apples for Jelly. I was
at Barcus in the evening. Mr Parsons called
Sun Sept 30
Quite cool today. shut off refrigerator We took a ride to Delaware
Stratford, west side of river to Worthington & home
I was at Maggies, then to church this eve.
Ed Strohm & Mary and Mary Hopkins & Marie called.
Mon Oct 1
Quite a frost last night. we washed some
sheets & towels. Mert & Lo Smythe called. I was
at Hetties this evening. Mrs Budd brot Hose in o'clock at home
Tues Oct 2
Cool. I made 12 glasses of apple jelly
Hose has taken Likes & Cooke to Columbus
Maggie was here this evening.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.82)
[page 82]
[corresponds to page 122 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Oct 3
A little warmer. I made 3 pts of tomato juice, ironed
12 sheets & washed a letter, was at Barcus this evening
Thus Oct 4
Lovely day. I spent the day at Mrs Lawsons
Hose, Mert & Lo came after me.
Fri Oct 5
Cloudy & threatening, Abbie Kimball called. Hose
has taken A, D & Wife to Granville, got chicken of Nellie
Sat Oct 6
Partly cloudy & windy. I dressed a chicken. Elliott
& Bess called awhile. Michigan people here 3 nights
John & Ella came up and we played euchre
Sun Oct 7
Beautiful day, cooler. We did not go any place
as people were here all day. I was at Maggies we
went to church
Mon Oct 8
Lovely day, we washed some. I was at Mrs Fosters
and Mrs Bostons this evening
Tues Oct 9
Beautiful day. I ironed sheets & cases. Mrs Bonham
brot my 2 qts of apple butter. I was calling over at
Gelston bake shop. Had to come home as Maggie came
Wed Oct 10
Beautiful day. We washed 10 sheets. Jack T is here
I went up this evening and called on Mrs Freeman
Thurs Oct 11
Beautiful day. Jack went home. Jane Chapman
gave me a few years. I canned 1 qt Bess, Clara and
Mary called this p.m. McBlayney called. Floyd called
Fri Oct 12
Beautiful day. cool. Mrs Stark died today. Bess Clara & Mary
spent the day here. I called at Mrs Starks
a minute with a bouquet then went to Hetties
Sat Oct 13
Beautiful day. hard frost last night. not killing
Clare went home today. Alice Johnston waved
my hair. Rosa & I went up to see Mrs Stark in her
casket. Rosa & Lily came up and we played euchre
[corresponds to page 122 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Oct 3
A little warmer. I made 3 pts of tomato juice, ironed
12 sheets & washed a letter, was at Barcus this evening
Thus Oct 4
Lovely day. I spent the day at Mrs Lawsons
Hose, Mert & Lo came after me.
Fri Oct 5
Cloudy & threatening, Abbie Kimball called. Hose
has taken A, D & Wife to Granville, got chicken of Nellie
Sat Oct 6
Partly cloudy & windy. I dressed a chicken. Elliott
& Bess called awhile. Michigan people here 3 nights
John & Ella came up and we played euchre
Sun Oct 7
Beautiful day, cooler. We did not go any place
as people were here all day. I was at Maggies we
went to church
Mon Oct 8
Lovely day, we washed some. I was at Mrs Fosters
and Mrs Bostons this evening
Tues Oct 9
Beautiful day. I ironed sheets & cases. Mrs Bonham
brot my 2 qts of apple butter. I was calling over at
Gelston bake shop. Had to come home as Maggie came
Wed Oct 10
Beautiful day. We washed 10 sheets. Jack T is here
I went up this evening and called on Mrs Freeman
Thurs Oct 11
Beautiful day. Jack went home. Jane Chapman
gave me a few years. I canned 1 qt Bess, Clara and
Mary called this p.m. McBlayney called. Floyd called
Fri Oct 12
Beautiful day. cool. Mrs Stark died today. Bess Clara & Mary
spent the day here. I called at Mrs Starks
a minute with a bouquet then went to Hetties
Sat Oct 13
Beautiful day. hard frost last night. not killing
Clare went home today. Alice Johnston waved
my hair. Rosa & I went up to see Mrs Stark in her
casket. Rosa & Lily came up and we played euchre
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.83)
[page 83]
[corresponds to page 123 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun Oct 14
Beautiful day. We took a ride to Newark Thompson
Lancaster, men called to see Mussers at their farm
home. I went up to Starks. then to church.
Mon Oct 15
Beautiful day. quite cold. wrote for license numbers Harry Lockwood left to-
day. road 61 about finished. I was up at Maggies
but had to come home as Dora Beattie came.
Tues Oct 16
Beautiful day. We washed 5 sheets & took in porch fur-
niture. Mr Roller left us road 61 is finished.
Marie Demorest called this afternoon. I was at Barcus
this evening.
Wed Oct 17
Partly cloudy. We went to Columbus & got slippers,
underwear & bulbs. Put new 30's in our sign. Mrs
Foster called. I attended the first Phtyian and party tonight
Thus Oct 18
Cloudy & lowery all day. cooler. I went over to Welch's
to fowl party. did not get any. Maggie and I went
over and called on Mrs Swickart then Maggie
called here
Fri Oct 19
Beautiful day, cool. I went to O.E.S. this evening
Mrs Perry cleaned upstairs.
Westerville put the work on the floor.
Sat Oct 20
very nice day, has not rained yet. I was quite
busy today, several overnight last night
Elliott made a short call and brot us pears.
Floyd Griffith called, Jno & Ella came and we played euchre
Sun Oct 2
Rained some in the night. Today partly cloudy & windy
We took a ride to Delaware, Mt Gilead & home, then
went down to call at Smythes, Floyd Myers called
Mon Oct 22
Beautiful day. Calvin's birthday. We cleaned the big
north room and ironed curtains. I was at Rosas tonite
Tues Oct 23
Lovely day, partly cloudy. We washed some. Hose took up bulbs.
I was at Maggies this evening. Floyd Myers called.
[corresponds to page 123 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sun Oct 14
Beautiful day. We took a ride to Newark Thompson
Lancaster, men called to see Mussers at their farm
home. I went up to Starks. then to church.
Mon Oct 15
Beautiful day. quite cold. wrote for license numbers Harry Lockwood left to-
day. road 61 about finished. I was up at Maggies
but had to come home as Dora Beattie came.
Tues Oct 16
Beautiful day. We washed 5 sheets & took in porch fur-
niture. Mr Roller left us road 61 is finished.
Marie Demorest called this afternoon. I was at Barcus
this evening.
Wed Oct 17
Partly cloudy. We went to Columbus & got slippers,
underwear & bulbs. Put new 30's in our sign. Mrs
Foster called. I attended the first Phtyian and party tonight
Thus Oct 18
Cloudy & lowery all day. cooler. I went over to Welch's
to fowl party. did not get any. Maggie and I went
over and called on Mrs Swickart then Maggie
called here
Fri Oct 19
Beautiful day, cool. I went to O.E.S. this evening
Mrs Perry cleaned upstairs.
Westerville put the work on the floor.
Sat Oct 20
very nice day, has not rained yet. I was quite
busy today, several overnight last night
Elliott made a short call and brot us pears.
Floyd Griffith called, Jno & Ella came and we played euchre
Sun Oct 2
Rained some in the night. Today partly cloudy & windy
We took a ride to Delaware, Mt Gilead & home, then
went down to call at Smythes, Floyd Myers called
Mon Oct 22
Beautiful day. Calvin's birthday. We cleaned the big
north room and ironed curtains. I was at Rosas tonite
Tues Oct 23
Lovely day, partly cloudy. We washed some. Hose took up bulbs.
I was at Maggies this evening. Floyd Myers called.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.84)
[page 84]
[corresponds to page 124 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Oct 24
Beautiful day. I ironed some and canned
2 qts of pears
thus 25 cloudy this a.m. rained this p.m.
I canned a few pears. Hose has gone on amb
trip. I was at Lilys awhile but had to come home.
Fri Oct 26
Fine Day. Hettie, Maggie & I were at Irenes
for supper, and stayed at her house for the Club.
Sat Oct 27
Cloudy & much colder. very windy & sleety. I did the
usual Saturdays work. We did not go to Demo-
cratic meeting in Delaware too bad day.
Sun Oct 28
Froze thin ice last night, today cold cloudy and
windy. Our first oysters today. We took a ride
to the Range, O. Shaunessey, Westerville & home
Floyd Myers & Mose Baumgardner called. I was
at Maggies, then went to church.
Mon Oct 29
Quite cold, we washed 1 spread 3 sheets & other things. Mrs
Leslie Baker made a call and brot us 8 doughnuts.
Tues Oct 30
Beautiful day, quite cool. Alice Johnson waved my
hair. I colored my old lace curtains yellow for
the north room upstairs. Ruth Whitney & baby
called a few minutes
Wed Oct 31
Cold and cloudy. I washed and ironed green
room curtains & put them up, ironed most of
my yellow curtains. Lily & Rosa came up. we
played euchre awhile then to Halloween frolic
Tues Nov 1
Cold cloudy, sleeted some. I spent the day
at Bess. then Jane & I played euchre at Lilys
Fri Nov 2
Froze hard last night, today bright. I did the usual
work. I was over to see Mr Chapman. Jack T. here
tonight. I did not go to card party tonight
Sat Nov 3 very nice day, warmer. I did the usual work,
dressed & chicken, made pies. Hose busy. I was at
[corresponds to page 124 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Oct 24
Beautiful day. I ironed some and canned
2 qts of pears
thus 25 cloudy this a.m. rained this p.m.
I canned a few pears. Hose has gone on amb
trip. I was at Lilys awhile but had to come home.
Fri Oct 26
Fine Day. Hettie, Maggie & I were at Irenes
for supper, and stayed at her house for the Club.
Sat Oct 27
Cloudy & much colder. very windy & sleety. I did the
usual Saturdays work. We did not go to Demo-
cratic meeting in Delaware too bad day.
Sun Oct 28
Froze thin ice last night, today cold cloudy and
windy. Our first oysters today. We took a ride
to the Range, O. Shaunessey, Westerville & home
Floyd Myers & Mose Baumgardner called. I was
at Maggies, then went to church.
Mon Oct 29
Quite cold, we washed 1 spread 3 sheets & other things. Mrs
Leslie Baker made a call and brot us 8 doughnuts.
Tues Oct 30
Beautiful day, quite cool. Alice Johnson waved my
hair. I colored my old lace curtains yellow for
the north room upstairs. Ruth Whitney & baby
called a few minutes
Wed Oct 31
Cold and cloudy. I washed and ironed green
room curtains & put them up, ironed most of
my yellow curtains. Lily & Rosa came up. we
played euchre awhile then to Halloween frolic
Tues Nov 1
Cold cloudy, sleeted some. I spent the day
at Bess. then Jane & I played euchre at Lilys
Fri Nov 2
Froze hard last night, today bright. I did the usual
work. I was over to see Mr Chapman. Jack T. here
tonight. I did not go to card party tonight
Sat Nov 3 very nice day, warmer. I did the usual work,
dressed & chicken, made pies. Hose busy. I was at
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.85)
[page 85]
[corresponds to page 125 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Chapmans this p.m. and played cards. Maggie
was here tonight. It is blowing and raining hard
Sun Nov 4
Cloudy & a little cooler. I dressed a chicken. Hose
and I went up to Chapel to see Mr Parsons. I stayed
for the funeral. Floyd Myers called. Lily, Rosa & I
went to church this evening.
Mon Nov 5
Rained off & on all day, getting colder. Mrs Law
son spent the day here. Floyd Myers called this evening
and brot me bouquet of Holly.
Tues Nov 6
very nice day, not cold. Hose and I went over this a.m.
and voted. Hose brot Strosniders down to vote. Lily & Rosa
came up and we played euchre. Democrats ahead.
Wed Nov 7 Mr Wilson called
Nice day, but windy. Frank Bell called also Mrs
Foster. I was at Maggies, then we went to fellowship supper
Thus Nov 8
Partly cloudy, we went to Delaware. I got coat lining
and 100 lbs of potatoes. I canned 1 qt of pears. I was at Lilys this evening
Sat Nov 10
Partly cloudy. Lib Yeoman called. Hose took Strosnider
to Del. I was at Barcus for 1 game, they came up
and we played euchre.
Fri 9
Fine day. I went to Missionary at Maggies
Sun Nov 11
Cloudy in forenoon. Armistice Day in afternoon sleeted and
snowed a little, a lot colder. We went to Galion
& Mansfield, called at Whittiers, found her very
poorly, Coming home. to miss a truck we struck
the barn on the roadside, and damaged the car
some. Gay Overturf fixed it. Did not go to Prince of Peace Del.
Mon Nov 12
Cold & cloudy, spit snow a little. We put my summer
bed away for the year. I was at Hetties this evening
Tues Nov 13
Cold, cloudy, windy. Mert & Lo Smythe took us to
Delaware. I got electric fixture for sitting room.
[corresponds to page 125 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Chapmans this p.m. and played cards. Maggie
was here tonight. It is blowing and raining hard
Sun Nov 4
Cloudy & a little cooler. I dressed a chicken. Hose
and I went up to Chapel to see Mr Parsons. I stayed
for the funeral. Floyd Myers called. Lily, Rosa & I
went to church this evening.
Mon Nov 5
Rained off & on all day, getting colder. Mrs Law
son spent the day here. Floyd Myers called this evening
and brot me bouquet of Holly.
Tues Nov 6
very nice day, not cold. Hose and I went over this a.m.
and voted. Hose brot Strosniders down to vote. Lily & Rosa
came up and we played euchre. Democrats ahead.
Wed Nov 7 Mr Wilson called
Nice day, but windy. Frank Bell called also Mrs
Foster. I was at Maggies, then we went to fellowship supper
Thus Nov 8
Partly cloudy, we went to Delaware. I got coat lining
and 100 lbs of potatoes. I canned 1 qt of pears. I was at Lilys this evening
Sat Nov 10
Partly cloudy. Lib Yeoman called. Hose took Strosnider
to Del. I was at Barcus for 1 game, they came up
and we played euchre.
Fri 9
Fine day. I went to Missionary at Maggies
Sun Nov 11
Cloudy in forenoon. Armistice Day in afternoon sleeted and
snowed a little, a lot colder. We went to Galion
& Mansfield, called at Whittiers, found her very
poorly, Coming home. to miss a truck we struck
the barn on the roadside, and damaged the car
some. Gay Overturf fixed it. Did not go to Prince of Peace Del.
Mon Nov 12
Cold & cloudy, spit snow a little. We put my summer
bed away for the year. I was at Hetties this evening
Tues Nov 13
Cold, cloudy, windy. Mert & Lo Smythe took us to
Delaware. I got electric fixture for sitting room.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.86)
[page 86]
[corresponds to page 126 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
I was at Lilys this evening.
Wed Nov 14
Beautiful day, nothing doing. Carrie Blaney &
Ella Shicks called. We had family dinner tonite
for Calvins. Gorsuchs did not come.
Thus Nov 15
Bright beautiful day. I took my spring coat to Zellas for a
new lining. I was at Jno Furrys this evening.
Fri Nov 16
Beautiful day. I turned my stamp book in, also
got blinds for the West room & wall paper for the little room
Mrs Foster called. Hattie Hall got terribly hurt, Hose on an am. trip
Sat Nov 17
Fine day, Hattie Hall died. I made gingerbread today. Hose quite busy
Several football people here tonight. John
& Ella came up and we played euchre.
Sun Nov 18
Fine day. We took a ride to Delaware and got cottage
cheese & buttermilk. I went up to Maggies then to
Mon Nov 19
Nice day, partly cloudy, threatening. We washed
12 sheets and other pieces. Showed a little this
p.m. Hose & I took A.D. & wife and went out to see Hattie
Hall. beautiful moonlight - night - this eve
Tues Nov 20
very nice day, Hose busy. Mrs Foster called
I was at Hetties this evening and got rheumatism
Wed Nov 21
Sada here soliciting for Red Cross.
Very nice, day mild. Alice Johnston waved my
hair. Carleton Burrer put our new E. Light
fixture on in the sitting room. Mrs Lib
Bale made us a 2 hr call this p.m. Lily & Rosa
came up and we played euchre.
Thus Nov 22
Cloudy, mild this a.m. rainy this p.m. & evening
Fri Nov 23
colder & cloudy. Mrs Huston called a few minutes. I
invited Billy as my guest and went to P.C. Banquet
[corresponds to page 126 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
I was at Lilys this evening.
Wed Nov 14
Beautiful day, nothing doing. Carrie Blaney &
Ella Shicks called. We had family dinner tonite
for Calvins. Gorsuchs did not come.
Thus Nov 15
Bright beautiful day. I took my spring coat to Zellas for a
new lining. I was at Jno Furrys this evening.
Fri Nov 16
Beautiful day. I turned my stamp book in, also
got blinds for the West room & wall paper for the little room
Mrs Foster called. Hattie Hall got terribly hurt, Hose on an am. trip
Sat Nov 17
Fine day, Hattie Hall died. I made gingerbread today. Hose quite busy
Several football people here tonight. John
& Ella came up and we played euchre.
Sun Nov 18
Fine day. We took a ride to Delaware and got cottage
cheese & buttermilk. I went up to Maggies then to
Mon Nov 19
Nice day, partly cloudy, threatening. We washed
12 sheets and other pieces. Showed a little this
p.m. Hose & I took A.D. & wife and went out to see Hattie
Hall. beautiful moonlight - night - this eve
Tues Nov 20
very nice day, Hose busy. Mrs Foster called
I was at Hetties this evening and got rheumatism
Wed Nov 21
Sada here soliciting for Red Cross.
Very nice, day mild. Alice Johnston waved my
hair. Carleton Burrer put our new E. Light
fixture on in the sitting room. Mrs Lib
Bale made us a 2 hr call this p.m. Lily & Rosa
came up and we played euchre.
Thus Nov 22
Cloudy, mild this a.m. rainy this p.m. & evening
Fri Nov 23
colder & cloudy. Mrs Huston called a few minutes. I
invited Billy as my guest and went to P.C. Banquet
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.87)
[page 87]
[corresponds to page 127 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat Nov 24 Father's birthday
Beautiful day. I made a cake, nothing much
doing. I was at Rosas & with Jane we played euchre.
Sun Nov 25
Beautiful day, cool. we took Mert & Lo Smythes
and went to the zoo. then near Columbus home.
I went to church this evening.
Mon Nov 26
Cloudy, sprinkled a little. Hose gone most of the day with Abe.
I patched some.
Tues Nov 27
Partly cloudy, mild. Jack Taggart came over. Hose
was away with Abe. Maggie spent the evening cure.
Wed Nov 28
Cloudy & a little drizzly most of the day. Jack T went
home. Dr Gorsuch called a few minutes. I went to Pyth
ian Card party
Thus Nov 29 Mothers birthday
very nice day. Hose took Floyd Myers to Worthington
We lead a family dinner at Dr Gerlandts
Fri Nov 30
Rained hard last night. Very nice day today.
We washed quite a big wash today. Mrs Fos
ter called. Lily & Rosa came up and we played euchre.
Sat Dec 1
Cloudy, colder and quite windy. Elliott called a few
minutes. I ironed some. Nothing doing
Sun Dec 2 Vaughn Fuller spent the evening here
Bright beautiful day like spring. We took a
ride down to old Livingstone farm, south of Col
I was at Maggies then went to W.W. T Versper Services.
Mon Dec 3
Cloudy & a little drizzly, nothing doing.
Tues Dec 4
Bright nice day, cool 28 degrees above, quite windy, Jack T.
over night. I was at Rosas & played euchre
Wed Dec 5
Beautiful day, We went to Del to get some things
Jack T. rode over with us. I attended a covered dish
diner at Mrs Davisons, had a nice time.
[corresponds to page 127 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat Nov 24 Father's birthday
Beautiful day. I made a cake, nothing much
doing. I was at Rosas & with Jane we played euchre.
Sun Nov 25
Beautiful day, cool. we took Mert & Lo Smythes
and went to the zoo. then near Columbus home.
I went to church this evening.
Mon Nov 26
Cloudy, sprinkled a little. Hose gone most of the day with Abe.
I patched some.
Tues Nov 27
Partly cloudy, mild. Jack Taggart came over. Hose
was away with Abe. Maggie spent the evening cure.
Wed Nov 28
Cloudy & a little drizzly most of the day. Jack T went
home. Dr Gorsuch called a few minutes. I went to Pyth
ian Card party
Thus Nov 29 Mothers birthday
very nice day. Hose took Floyd Myers to Worthington
We lead a family dinner at Dr Gerlandts
Fri Nov 30
Rained hard last night. Very nice day today.
We washed quite a big wash today. Mrs Fos
ter called. Lily & Rosa came up and we played euchre.
Sat Dec 1
Cloudy, colder and quite windy. Elliott called a few
minutes. I ironed some. Nothing doing
Sun Dec 2 Vaughn Fuller spent the evening here
Bright beautiful day like spring. We took a
ride down to old Livingstone farm, south of Col
I was at Maggies then went to W.W. T Versper Services.
Mon Dec 3
Cloudy & a little drizzly, nothing doing.
Tues Dec 4
Bright nice day, cool 28 degrees above, quite windy, Jack T.
over night. I was at Rosas & played euchre
Wed Dec 5
Beautiful day, We went to Del to get some things
Jack T. rode over with us. I attended a covered dish
diner at Mrs Davisons, had a nice time.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.88)
[page 88]
[corresponds to page 128 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus Dec 6
Cold & cloudy, spit quite a little snow. I went
up to Hetties, she not at home, then went to Maggies
Four over night
Fri Dec 7
Beautiful day, cold. I was slightly indisposed last
night & today. Hose got Milk of Magnesia from Dr Gerbarhdt
Mrs Bonham made a business call today, Lily & Rosa
came up and we played euchre.
Sat Dec 8
Snowed in the night & all forenoon. about 8 in. Bess
called a few minutes and brot us some ponehorse
I played euchre at Chapmans this evening.
Sun Dec 9
Snow on ground. 8 degrees above zero this morning. Hosea
& I went out home this p.m. to borrow coffee mill
to grind wheat. I did not go to church, slippery
Mon Dec 10
20 degrees above this morning, not windy, cloudy. Mr Taggart
is here this evening.
Tues Dec 11
10 degrees above this a.m. Jack went home today. Hose & I
went down to Smythes to call, then I called to see
Mrs Foster. She is a little better. Jane & I played
euchre at Barcus.
Wed Dec 12 Mrs Lawson called this afternoon
8 degrees above zero this morning. Too cold to do much.
did not go to the card party tonight: too cold
Thus Dec 13
Not so cold, thawing. Mert & Lo Smythe took me to
Delaware this p.m. Lily & Rosa came up and we played euchre
Fri Dec 14
Fine day, a little cooler. Hose and I went to
Mr A.H. Jeffries funeral. I was at Hetties & Abbie
Kimballs tonight
Sat Dec 15 I wrote Daisy W tonight
Much warmer & cloudy. We went to Delaware this
morning and got eats. Bess in a few minutes. Hose
went on an amb trip. I went no place tonight
Sun Dec 16
Cloudy & a little colder. Bill Hixenbaugh & Pete Baker called.
[corresponds to page 128 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Thus Dec 6
Cold & cloudy, spit quite a little snow. I went
up to Hetties, she not at home, then went to Maggies
Four over night
Fri Dec 7
Beautiful day, cold. I was slightly indisposed last
night & today. Hose got Milk of Magnesia from Dr Gerbarhdt
Mrs Bonham made a business call today, Lily & Rosa
came up and we played euchre.
Sat Dec 8
Snowed in the night & all forenoon. about 8 in. Bess
called a few minutes and brot us some ponehorse
I played euchre at Chapmans this evening.
Sun Dec 9
Snow on ground. 8 degrees above zero this morning. Hosea
& I went out home this p.m. to borrow coffee mill
to grind wheat. I did not go to church, slippery
Mon Dec 10
20 degrees above this morning, not windy, cloudy. Mr Taggart
is here this evening.
Tues Dec 11
10 degrees above this a.m. Jack went home today. Hose & I
went down to Smythes to call, then I called to see
Mrs Foster. She is a little better. Jane & I played
euchre at Barcus.
Wed Dec 12 Mrs Lawson called this afternoon
8 degrees above zero this morning. Too cold to do much.
did not go to the card party tonight: too cold
Thus Dec 13
Not so cold, thawing. Mert & Lo Smythe took me to
Delaware this p.m. Lily & Rosa came up and we played euchre
Fri Dec 14
Fine day, a little cooler. Hose and I went to
Mr A.H. Jeffries funeral. I was at Hetties & Abbie
Kimballs tonight
Sat Dec 15 I wrote Daisy W tonight
Much warmer & cloudy. We went to Delaware this
morning and got eats. Bess in a few minutes. Hose
went on an amb trip. I went no place tonight
Sun Dec 16
Cloudy & a little colder. Bill Hixenbaugh & Pete Baker called.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.89)
[page 89]
[corresponds to page 129 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Dec 17 Clara sent us a Christmas gift
colder & cloudy all day. We went to Columbus this morning
Did not get much but galoshes. Put Christmas trees on our
square today. I was at Jane's this evening to play euchre.
Tues Dec 18
Beautiful bright day, not very cold, not much
doing. Maggie called this evening
Wed Dec 19
Rained most of the day, then colder, windy and
blizzardy with light snow. I did not go to Preachers Xmas party
Thus Dec 20
Cloudy all day, thin snow on ground, 1 over night
Fri Dec 21
Cloudy, not so cold. Alice Johnson waved my hair
Hose & I went to Del with Mert & Lo Smythe. I am busy
sending out Christmas cards.
Sat Dec 22
Fine day, partly cloudy. I made several mince pies
I was at Lilys & Rosas & played euchre. Fred Bale
here over night. Jim, Henry sent Hose pants home
Sun Dec 23
Beautiful day, not cold partly sunshine. We took Lo &
Mert Smythe & went to Beautiful Black Hand Gorge.
Rosa, Lily & I went up to Baptist Christmas Pageant
Mon Dec 24
Very nice day, tonight snowing, rainy & freezing
I washed a little, nothing doing.
Tues Dec 25 Bess gave us 6 qts of blackberries
Cloudy & foggy. We spent the day at Elliotts & Bess
I was down at Bostons to see Mrs Foster this evening
Wed Dec 26
Cold, windy & disagreeable. I have a slight cold and
sore throat. Rosa sick again, Hose went after
Barcus before daylight - did not go to card party.
Thus Dec 27
10 degrees above zero this morning, beautiful day, got
much warmer. Hose a little busy. I was down
to see Rosa this p.m. She is better
Fri Dec 28
Lowery today, not cold. Hose a little busy. I was down
Progress Club at Connelss Hose took Hettie & I up and
Leland brot us home. Foggy
[corresponds to page 129 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Dec 17 Clara sent us a Christmas gift
colder & cloudy all day. We went to Columbus this morning
Did not get much but galoshes. Put Christmas trees on our
square today. I was at Jane's this evening to play euchre.
Tues Dec 18
Beautiful bright day, not very cold, not much
doing. Maggie called this evening
Wed Dec 19
Rained most of the day, then colder, windy and
blizzardy with light snow. I did not go to Preachers Xmas party
Thus Dec 20
Cloudy all day, thin snow on ground, 1 over night
Fri Dec 21
Cloudy, not so cold. Alice Johnson waved my hair
Hose & I went to Del with Mert & Lo Smythe. I am busy
sending out Christmas cards.
Sat Dec 22
Fine day, partly cloudy. I made several mince pies
I was at Lilys & Rosas & played euchre. Fred Bale
here over night. Jim, Henry sent Hose pants home
Sun Dec 23
Beautiful day, not cold partly sunshine. We took Lo &
Mert Smythe & went to Beautiful Black Hand Gorge.
Rosa, Lily & I went up to Baptist Christmas Pageant
Mon Dec 24
Very nice day, tonight snowing, rainy & freezing
I washed a little, nothing doing.
Tues Dec 25 Bess gave us 6 qts of blackberries
Cloudy & foggy. We spent the day at Elliotts & Bess
I was down at Bostons to see Mrs Foster this evening
Wed Dec 26
Cold, windy & disagreeable. I have a slight cold and
sore throat. Rosa sick again, Hose went after
Barcus before daylight - did not go to card party.
Thus Dec 27
10 degrees above zero this morning, beautiful day, got
much warmer. Hose a little busy. I was down
to see Rosa this p.m. She is better
Fri Dec 28
Lowery today, not cold. Hose a little busy. I was down
Progress Club at Connelss Hose took Hettie & I up and
Leland brot us home. Foggy
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.90)
[page 90]
[corresponds to page 130 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat Dec 29
Not so cold, not freezing but cloudy. I made pies this a.m.
I was down to see Rosa this evening. She is better
Sun Dec 30
Nice bright day, not cold. We went down to Dales
and Janes to call. Alice Skeels made us a call
this afternoon. I went to Maggies then to Baptist Church
Mon Dec 31
Nice this forenoon. This p.m. rainy. I made an
orange pie and dressed a chicken. Nothing doing
today. I was at Janes a little while this evening.
Tues Jan 1
Cold, cloudy, blustery day, spitting snow. Did
not do much.
Wed Jan 2
15 degrees above this morning, beautiful day got much
warmer 40 degrees above. We washed some. Jack here tonite
I was down to see Rosa tonight. she is better.
Thurs Jan 3
very nice day not cold but windy. Elliotts Birthday
Got much colder tonight wind in the north
Fri Jan 4
10 degrees above this a.m. very still today beautiful, clear, I did
the usual work. Hose busy this evening.
Sat Jan 5
Beautiful day like Indian summer. Hose a
little busy. We went to Delaware about noon
for a few things. Ed Ginn put weather strip
on our side door. Elliott & Bess called a while.
I was at Hetties this evening. Hose pd Masonic dues
Sun Jan 6
very mild day, cloudy. We did not take a ride. Trix
& Bill made us a nice call and gave us a nice col-
ander. Dora Beattie called this evening.
Mon Jan 7
cloudy & a little misty. Hose busy all day. I washed
a little. I was at Lilys & Chapmans this evening.
Tues Jan 8
Cloudy & some drizzly. Ann Dewitt papered the
little front room today. We cleaned it. Very foggy this evening
[corresponds to page 130 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sat Dec 29
Not so cold, not freezing but cloudy. I made pies this a.m.
I was down to see Rosa this evening. She is better
Sun Dec 30
Nice bright day, not cold. We went down to Dales
and Janes to call. Alice Skeels made us a call
this afternoon. I went to Maggies then to Baptist Church
Mon Dec 31
Nice this forenoon. This p.m. rainy. I made an
orange pie and dressed a chicken. Nothing doing
today. I was at Janes a little while this evening.
Tues Jan 1
Cold, cloudy, blustery day, spitting snow. Did
not do much.
Wed Jan 2
15 degrees above this morning, beautiful day got much
warmer 40 degrees above. We washed some. Jack here tonite
I was down to see Rosa tonight. she is better.
Thurs Jan 3
very nice day not cold but windy. Elliotts Birthday
Got much colder tonight wind in the north
Fri Jan 4
10 degrees above this a.m. very still today beautiful, clear, I did
the usual work. Hose busy this evening.
Sat Jan 5
Beautiful day like Indian summer. Hose a
little busy. We went to Delaware about noon
for a few things. Ed Ginn put weather strip
on our side door. Elliott & Bess called a while.
I was at Hetties this evening. Hose pd Masonic dues
Sun Jan 6
very mild day, cloudy. We did not take a ride. Trix
& Bill made us a nice call and gave us a nice col-
ander. Dora Beattie called this evening.
Mon Jan 7
cloudy & a little misty. Hose busy all day. I washed
a little. I was at Lilys & Chapmans this evening.
Tues Jan 8
Cloudy & some drizzly. Ann Dewitt papered the
little front room today. We cleaned it. Very foggy this evening
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.91)
[page 91]
[corresponds to page 131 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Jan 9 Ground wheat
very foggy this morning cloudy & lowery all day. I washed
won 1 lb of coffee
little front room curtains. I went to Pythian card party.
Thus Jan 10
Cooler, very nice day. We went to Columbus this a.m. I got a
corset of Kathryn S. Bell. Maggie was here this morning
Fri Jan 11
Heavy frost last night, today beautiful, like spring
Maggie & I went to M.E. missionary at church to hear
Miss Lopez, fine. I was at Chapmans a while.
Sat Jan 12 Beautiful day, I was quite sick
had to leave Dr Gebhardt, Maggie came down
& stayed a long time
Sun Jan 3 13 Getting colder. I am still
Mon Jan 14
Cold day, Maggie called & brot us some [illegible] also Jno Furrie
to see me. I am better. Hose [illegible] all [illegible]
Tues Jan 15
very nice day, not so cold, Maggie stayed with me
While Hosea went with Wilson. Jane & Carrie Chapman
and Leland Froher called. I am better, by Ina
Cox has the Scarlet fever. I had no Institute people
Wed Jan 16
very nice day until 4 p.m. then raining & froze a little
Carrie Chapman Mrs Irwin, Maggie & Irene
& Leland called. Maggie brot five pieces cake
Thus Jan 17
Fine day, quite cool. Callers were Carrie & Jane
Mrs Irwin & Mrs Whitney, Mr Conner here tonight. I
guess I am better. Did some mending but no work
Fri 18 Jan
Fine day, cool. We took our certificates to the bank
and got interest. Elliott called. Hettie sent 1 qt of
cranberry jelly down Leland called & brot up pic of beef
Sat Jan 19
Lowery all day snow touring to rain. Bess & Elliott called
Bess brot us Tapica pudding. It is a long day. Cupp
died Hose had been at the office until 2.30 at night
Sun Jan 20
very lowery & foggy. Maggie called and brot some tomato juice
Did not go anywhere. It is raining quite a little
[corresponds to page 131 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Wed Jan 9 Ground wheat
very foggy this morning cloudy & lowery all day. I washed
won 1 lb of coffee
little front room curtains. I went to Pythian card party.
Thus Jan 10
Cooler, very nice day. We went to Columbus this a.m. I got a
corset of Kathryn S. Bell. Maggie was here this morning
Fri Jan 11
Heavy frost last night, today beautiful, like spring
Maggie & I went to M.E. missionary at church to hear
Miss Lopez, fine. I was at Chapmans a while.
Sat Jan 12 Beautiful day, I was quite sick
had to leave Dr Gebhardt, Maggie came down
& stayed a long time
Sun Jan 3 13 Getting colder. I am still
Mon Jan 14
Cold day, Maggie called & brot us some [illegible] also Jno Furrie
to see me. I am better. Hose [illegible] all [illegible]
Tues Jan 15
very nice day, not so cold, Maggie stayed with me
While Hosea went with Wilson. Jane & Carrie Chapman
and Leland Froher called. I am better, by Ina
Cox has the Scarlet fever. I had no Institute people
Wed Jan 16
very nice day until 4 p.m. then raining & froze a little
Carrie Chapman Mrs Irwin, Maggie & Irene
& Leland called. Maggie brot five pieces cake
Thus Jan 17
Fine day, quite cool. Callers were Carrie & Jane
Mrs Irwin & Mrs Whitney, Mr Conner here tonight. I
guess I am better. Did some mending but no work
Fri 18 Jan
Fine day, cool. We took our certificates to the bank
and got interest. Elliott called. Hettie sent 1 qt of
cranberry jelly down Leland called & brot up pic of beef
Sat Jan 19
Lowery all day snow touring to rain. Bess & Elliott called
Bess brot us Tapica pudding. It is a long day. Cupp
died Hose had been at the office until 2.30 at night
Sun Jan 20
very lowery & foggy. Maggie called and brot some tomato juice
Did not go anywhere. It is raining quite a little
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.92)
[page 92]
[corresponds to page 132 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Jan 21 Lowery, cloudy, & rainy. I asked for an
extension of time at the Public Library on account
of sickness. It is snowing tonight. [illegible]
man called gave us morning paper.
Jan 22, 1935 Tues
This forenoon cloudy, this p.m. bright sunshine
We are not helping with Cupp's funeral. Carrie called
Jan 23 Wed
Cold cloudy day, some snowy. Commenced
firing the furnace for Wilson. Elliott made
a short call. Mrs Skinner died today. Hose helping
Jack here tonight.
Thus Jan 24
Beautiful day 0 degrees this morning. Jane Made us a
short call also Maggie. Maggie did Hosea's [illegible]
and spread (table) fine.
Fri Jan 25
Cold day, nothing much doing. Hose a little busy.
I got a new sweater from Chauncey Root.
Sat Jan 26 Cold & snowy. Hose busy all p.m. Did not
help with Mrs Skinner. Mrs Bertie Budd [illegible]
Leland, Wm & Irene called a little while as
Carrie Chapman brot over an order flour.
Sun Jan 27
Bright beautiful day 7 degrees above zero. Hose has gone
all day below Chilicothe to bury wife
baby. then took Mr Vermillion body home
I did not go to church
Mon Jan 28
very nice day, about 10 degrees above this a.m. Abbie
Kimball called. I was at Chapmans took
their dish home, then Maggies this evening
Tues Jan 29
very nice day, warmer, we did not dri[illegible] water Hose
some busy. Wilson went to Lima.
Wed Jan 30
Beautiful day, not so cold, Mrs Perry made a long
call, Hose some busy. I ironed a little
Thurs Jan 31
Frank Bell came to [illegible]
very nice day. toward evening threatening. Nothing doing
Had our house numbered (45) today. New Electric [illegible]
[corresponds to page 132 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mon Jan 21 Lowery, cloudy, & rainy. I asked for an
extension of time at the Public Library on account
of sickness. It is snowing tonight. [illegible]
man called gave us morning paper.
Jan 22, 1935 Tues
This forenoon cloudy, this p.m. bright sunshine
We are not helping with Cupp's funeral. Carrie called
Jan 23 Wed
Cold cloudy day, some snowy. Commenced
firing the furnace for Wilson. Elliott made
a short call. Mrs Skinner died today. Hose helping
Jack here tonight.
Thus Jan 24
Beautiful day 0 degrees this morning. Jane Made us a
short call also Maggie. Maggie did Hosea's [illegible]
and spread (table) fine.
Fri Jan 25
Cold day, nothing much doing. Hose a little busy.
I got a new sweater from Chauncey Root.
Sat Jan 26 Cold & snowy. Hose busy all p.m. Did not
help with Mrs Skinner. Mrs Bertie Budd [illegible]
Leland, Wm & Irene called a little while as
Carrie Chapman brot over an order flour.
Sun Jan 27
Bright beautiful day 7 degrees above zero. Hose has gone
all day below Chilicothe to bury wife
baby. then took Mr Vermillion body home
I did not go to church
Mon Jan 28
very nice day, about 10 degrees above this a.m. Abbie
Kimball called. I was at Chapmans took
their dish home, then Maggies this evening
Tues Jan 29
very nice day, warmer, we did not dri[illegible] water Hose
some busy. Wilson went to Lima.
Wed Jan 30
Beautiful day, not so cold, Mrs Perry made a long
call, Hose some busy. I ironed a little
Thurs Jan 31
Frank Bell came to [illegible]
very nice day. toward evening threatening. Nothing doing
Had our house numbered (45) today. New Electric [illegible]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.93)
[page 93]
[corresponds to page 133 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri Feb 1 1935
very nice day. warmer. Hose took some people to Columbus
I am one of the P.C. entertained, but am not able to go
I got a letter from Juliann today. Mrs Wilson, Carrie called
Sat Feb 2
Cloudy & threatening. Ground Hog did not see his shadow
Hoyt & Pearl, Elliot & Bess & Hettie called I am &
much better. It is getting colder I am afraid
We go on of cold today.
Sun Feb 3
Mostly cloudy, spit snow all day. Bill Hixenbaugh
called. We took a ride up 61. getting a little colder
Mon Feb 4
Cloudy most of the day. Hose helped Wilson to
put a table together, free gratis, was the all p.m.
Mrs Perry called. Also, Bess West, I was at Netties tonight
Tues Feb 5
Snowed almost all day and thawed. Hose took Abe
to Delaware and pd taxes they are not nearly so
high. Jack has gone home. He gave those a picture of
himself at the big Boyd store.
Wed Feb 6
Ice going away, partly sunshine, 2 degrees above zero the a.m.
people from Ashtabula here while McMann fixes [illegible].
Thus Feb 7
Lily Barcus called.
very nice day, much warmer. Elizabeth S. came
home, today. Hose gone most of day, Maggie called.
Dwight Hoover made that change for us.
Fri Feb 8
Drizzled all day. I was out home for the day
Elliott went to McMasters sale. Hose brot & took me.
Mert Smythe called here but I was not at home.
Sat Feb 9
Colder & cloudy. Hose some busy. I did the usual work
John & Ella came up in the evening and we played euchre.
Sun Feb 10
Cold & cloud. We went to Columbus & called on
Hixenbaughs. Mr Peters called.
Mon Feb 11
very nice day. Mrs Sedgwick came in the evening
We was [illegible] and a few other things
Hose a little busy
[corresponds to page 133 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri Feb 1 1935
very nice day. warmer. Hose took some people to Columbus
I am one of the P.C. entertained, but am not able to go
I got a letter from Juliann today. Mrs Wilson, Carrie called
Sat Feb 2
Cloudy & threatening. Ground Hog did not see his shadow
Hoyt & Pearl, Elliot & Bess & Hettie called I am &
much better. It is getting colder I am afraid
We go on of cold today.
Sun Feb 3
Mostly cloudy, spit snow all day. Bill Hixenbaugh
called. We took a ride up 61. getting a little colder
Mon Feb 4
Cloudy most of the day. Hose helped Wilson to
put a table together, free gratis, was the all p.m.
Mrs Perry called. Also, Bess West, I was at Netties tonight
Tues Feb 5
Snowed almost all day and thawed. Hose took Abe
to Delaware and pd taxes they are not nearly so
high. Jack has gone home. He gave those a picture of
himself at the big Boyd store.
Wed Feb 6
Ice going away, partly sunshine, 2 degrees above zero the a.m.
people from Ashtabula here while McMann fixes [illegible].
Thus Feb 7
Lily Barcus called.
very nice day, much warmer. Elizabeth S. came
home, today. Hose gone most of day, Maggie called.
Dwight Hoover made that change for us.
Fri Feb 8
Drizzled all day. I was out home for the day
Elliott went to McMasters sale. Hose brot & took me.
Mert Smythe called here but I was not at home.
Sat Feb 9
Colder & cloudy. Hose some busy. I did the usual work
John & Ella came up in the evening and we played euchre.
Sun Feb 10
Cold & cloud. We went to Columbus & called on
Hixenbaughs. Mr Peters called.
Mon Feb 11
very nice day. Mrs Sedgwick came in the evening
We was [illegible] and a few other things
Hose a little busy
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.94)
[page 94]
[corresponds to page 134 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues Feb 12 Lincoln's birthday
Fine day. I spent the day at Mrs Lawsons. Had a
fine time. Hose took me and he and Abe came
after me
Wed Feb 13 Jane Chapman called cloudy, rainy & foggy this eve.
I changed my savings account. I am writing my
P.C. Paper this week. Subject Lincoln other great [illegible]
Thus Feb 14
Valentine Day, rained all day. Not many
went to the young peoples M.E. circle concert.
Fri Feb 15
Lilian Whitters died yesterday. Today colder
a very windy but clear
Sat Feb 16
Cloudy. We went to Delaware and did some
shopping. I finished my club [illegible] today. I
must write to Mr Whittier tonight. Cold
rainy & snowy. Mrs Boston called.
Sun Feb 17
Cold, cloudy, snowed a little. [illegible]
came for a short time. I did not go to [illegible]
speak tonight too cold. Hose took some [illegible]
to Columbus at 11.20 P.M.
Mon Feb 18
Cloudy, very windy cold. Rosa made us a
call. I was at Maggies this evening. I
got more medicine.
Tues Feb 19
very nice forenoon, this p.m. very Marchy, Sun-
shine, snow squalls & the like. I was at Chapmans
Wed Feb 20
very Blizzardy or [illegible] snow squall. I did not
go to Washington Party church meeting too bad
Hose a went down & called on Sam Rosecrans.
Thus Feb 21
Cloudy, I washed a little, then went to Barcus
and Chapmans. There was a big card party last night.
Fri Feb 22
Washington's Birthday. Snowed turning to rain
[corresponds to page 134 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues Feb 12 Lincoln's birthday
Fine day. I spent the day at Mrs Lawsons. Had a
fine time. Hose took me and he and Abe came
after me
Wed Feb 13 Jane Chapman called cloudy, rainy & foggy this eve.
I changed my savings account. I am writing my
P.C. Paper this week. Subject Lincoln other great [illegible]
Thus Feb 14
Valentine Day, rained all day. Not many
went to the young peoples M.E. circle concert.
Fri Feb 15
Lilian Whitters died yesterday. Today colder
a very windy but clear
Sat Feb 16
Cloudy. We went to Delaware and did some
shopping. I finished my club [illegible] today. I
must write to Mr Whittier tonight. Cold
rainy & snowy. Mrs Boston called.
Sun Feb 17
Cold, cloudy, snowed a little. [illegible]
came for a short time. I did not go to [illegible]
speak tonight too cold. Hose took some [illegible]
to Columbus at 11.20 P.M.
Mon Feb 18
Cloudy, very windy cold. Rosa made us a
call. I was at Maggies this evening. I
got more medicine.
Tues Feb 19
very nice forenoon, this p.m. very Marchy, Sun-
shine, snow squalls & the like. I was at Chapmans
Wed Feb 20
very Blizzardy or [illegible] snow squall. I did not
go to Washington Party church meeting too bad
Hose a went down & called on Sam Rosecrans.
Thus Feb 21
Cloudy, I washed a little, then went to Barcus
and Chapmans. There was a big card party last night.
Fri Feb 22
Washington's Birthday. Snowed turning to rain
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.95)
[page 95]
[corresponds to page 135 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Very icy. I did not go to club at Hazel Hoovers
on account of my peper. Bess was to read it
Sat Feb 23 I was Chapmans with Rosa & played euchre
Bright day, thawing fast, Sunbury Host at Tournament
Sun Feb 24
Bright day, snow & ice most gone. We Took a
ride to Delaware & got some things. I did not go to [illegible] Mt Gilead home
Mon Feb 25
Bad rained off and on all day, nothing doing
Tues Feb 26
Cold, snow flurries all day. Bess & Elliott here for dinner
Wed 27 Feb
cold 9 degrees above, clear, nothing doing. I was at Barcus
Thus Feb 28
Cloudy this a.m. Shiny this p.m. Mr Conner came.
Taggart went home. So cold.
Fri Mar 1
very windy, not cold. Mrs Perry called. I was at Johns
this evening. Merl & Louise came.
Sat Mar 2
Beautiful day. we went to Delaware & pd personal
tax, not high. Our callers were Mrs Sedgwick & Mrs Gill
Lily & Rosa Barcus, Hose burnt weeds off of grass in
Sun Mar 3
Beautiful day. Hose busy most all day. We did not go
any place. I did not go to church as Hose is busy. Beauty
woman did not come.
Mon Mar 4 Nice day. Hose busy. I washed quite
a little Mrs Peters & Ella Neilsen called. I was at
Janies in the evening and played euchre.
Tues Mar 4
Nice day. Mrs Edna Patrick buried. Hose busy
I was at Maggies then went to church, Dust [illegible]
Wed Mar 6 cloudy Threatening. I ironed some
went over to Welches and got 8 bolts of wallpaper
I went to church tonight and it rained some. [illegible]
Thus Mar 7
Got quite a little colder, rained. Hose took Abe
to Delaware McMonroe is here. I was at Barcus
[corresponds to page 135 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Very icy. I did not go to club at Hazel Hoovers
on account of my peper. Bess was to read it
Sat Feb 23 I was Chapmans with Rosa & played euchre
Bright day, thawing fast, Sunbury Host at Tournament
Sun Feb 24
Bright day, snow & ice most gone. We Took a
ride to Delaware & got some things. I did not go to [illegible] Mt Gilead home
Mon Feb 25
Bad rained off and on all day, nothing doing
Tues Feb 26
Cold, snow flurries all day. Bess & Elliott here for dinner
Wed 27 Feb
cold 9 degrees above, clear, nothing doing. I was at Barcus
Thus Feb 28
Cloudy this a.m. Shiny this p.m. Mr Conner came.
Taggart went home. So cold.
Fri Mar 1
very windy, not cold. Mrs Perry called. I was at Johns
this evening. Merl & Louise came.
Sat Mar 2
Beautiful day. we went to Delaware & pd personal
tax, not high. Our callers were Mrs Sedgwick & Mrs Gill
Lily & Rosa Barcus, Hose burnt weeds off of grass in
Sun Mar 3
Beautiful day. Hose busy most all day. We did not go
any place. I did not go to church as Hose is busy. Beauty
woman did not come.
Mon Mar 4 Nice day. Hose busy. I washed quite
a little Mrs Peters & Ella Neilsen called. I was at
Janies in the evening and played euchre.
Tues Mar 4
Nice day. Mrs Edna Patrick buried. Hose busy
I was at Maggies then went to church, Dust [illegible]
Wed Mar 6 cloudy Threatening. I ironed some
went over to Welches and got 8 bolts of wallpaper
I went to church tonight and it rained some. [illegible]
Thus Mar 7
Got quite a little colder, rained. Hose took Abe
to Delaware McMonroe is here. I was at Barcus
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.96)
[page 96]
[corresponds to page 136 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri Mar 8 I got blue slanting from [illegible]
Nice day. Mert & Lo called. I was at Maggies & went to church
Sat Mar 9
Beautiful day. Maggies & Rosa called. I got a qt of
white paint. Ella & John came up and we played
euchre & went to the drawing at Irwins
Sun Mar 10
Rained all day. Mert made us a short call.
Hose took me up to church. We took a ride to
Bexley & Reynoldsburg & home, Meeting closed.
Mon Mar 11 5 ceiling 6 side wall
rained all day. Ann Dewitt came and started
papering big front room downstairs.
Tues Mar 12
Colder. Hose took Dr Gorsuch to Columbus. O.S. for
Forida. And Dewitt papered kitchen 2 bolts all over [illegible]
Mr Monroe is here.
Wed Mar 13
very nice day. Cold & windy. I was at Hetties in the
evening. Hose went with Wilson to Worthington to [illegible]
Thus Mar 14. Cold but nice day, Miss Nellson
called and I got 2 pr of stockings. Nothing doing
Fri Mar 15
nice summery day. Alice waved my hair
I was at Hetties a few minutes. I washed
the north front room curtains. Ironed and
put them up. I was at Lilys a while
Sat Mar 16
Nice day. Loop wired our double room, Jacks, Mr
Gelston made a short call
Sun Mar 17
St Patricks Day. Cold & windy. We were out
home about an hour. Did not take a ride.
Alice, Jack & M.A. also were callers
Mon Mar 18
very nice a.m. later threatening. We went to Columbus
and I got suit, hat & other things. Hose took Abbie [illegible]
to Del, to pay taxes. I was up at Maggies. She took my measure
Tues Mar 19
rainy most of the day. We had our hall done
[corresponds to page 136 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Fri Mar 8 I got blue slanting from [illegible]
Nice day. Mert & Lo called. I was at Maggies & went to church
Sat Mar 9
Beautiful day. Maggies & Rosa called. I got a qt of
white paint. Ella & John came up and we played
euchre & went to the drawing at Irwins
Sun Mar 10
Rained all day. Mert made us a short call.
Hose took me up to church. We took a ride to
Bexley & Reynoldsburg & home, Meeting closed.
Mon Mar 11 5 ceiling 6 side wall
rained all day. Ann Dewitt came and started
papering big front room downstairs.
Tues Mar 12
Colder. Hose took Dr Gorsuch to Columbus. O.S. for
Forida. And Dewitt papered kitchen 2 bolts all over [illegible]
Mr Monroe is here.
Wed Mar 13
very nice day. Cold & windy. I was at Hetties in the
evening. Hose went with Wilson to Worthington to [illegible]
Thus Mar 14. Cold but nice day, Miss Nellson
called and I got 2 pr of stockings. Nothing doing
Fri Mar 15
nice summery day. Alice waved my hair
I was at Hetties a few minutes. I washed
the north front room curtains. Ironed and
put them up. I was at Lilys a while
Sat Mar 16
Nice day. Loop wired our double room, Jacks, Mr
Gelston made a short call
Sun Mar 17
St Patricks Day. Cold & windy. We were out
home about an hour. Did not take a ride.
Alice, Jack & M.A. also were callers
Mon Mar 18
very nice a.m. later threatening. We went to Columbus
and I got suit, hat & other things. Hose took Abbie [illegible]
to Del, to pay taxes. I was up at Maggies. She took my measure
Tues Mar 19
rainy most of the day. We had our hall done
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.97)
[page 97]
[corresponds to page 137 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
over, enamel & painted floors, fine Hose a little
busy. I am not going to card party tonite. to rainy
Wed Mar 20
Nice day, I went to all day Missionary convention
and the Baptist church, raining tonight. I
was Hetties a while
Thurs Mar 21 Mrs Foster left for Richmond I guess
Frank finished up [illegible] Terrible dust
storm. I was at Barcus this eve (weather fair
Fri Mar 22
Nice day, still dust cloud. Hose a little busy
I went to the Progress Club at Callie's Gorsuches with Mrs [illegible]
Sat Mar 23
Last night our first thunder storm. Today off and or
rainy. spring showers windy. Lily & Rosa also [illegible]
& Ella Furry played cards some.
Sun Mar24
Beautiful day. everybody out. Hose & I went to
O'Shaunessy dam, saw some wild ducks
Mert & Lot took us a ride after up 61. I did not
go to church as Hose had to stay at the office
Mon Mar 25
Nice day. Hose busy. I was at Hetties this evening
Tues Mar 26 I washed 4 sheets & others
Beautiful day, Hose busy, Mr Fisher funeral. I was at
Chapmans & Barcus played euchre.
Wed Mar 27
Beautiful day. we went to Columbus. I got suit
waist, eatables, batiste etc. I have the earache
Thurs Mar 28
Beautiful day, cold & windy. I had my hair bobbed
at Delaware at Angus, shampooed & [illegible]
Vinnie & Leland Fisher were in. Leland brot us some liver
Fri Mon 29
Fine day. I spent the day at Bess' had a fine
time. Maggies was here in the evening
Sat Mar 30
Cloudy, threatening William brot us a piece of [illegible]
bone. I made a pair of drawers.
Sun Mar 31 Cloudy day a little rainy. We took
[corresponds to page 137 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
over, enamel & painted floors, fine Hose a little
busy. I am not going to card party tonite. to rainy
Wed Mar 20
Nice day, I went to all day Missionary convention
and the Baptist church, raining tonight. I
was Hetties a while
Thurs Mar 21 Mrs Foster left for Richmond I guess
Frank finished up [illegible] Terrible dust
storm. I was at Barcus this eve (weather fair
Fri Mar 22
Nice day, still dust cloud. Hose a little busy
I went to the Progress Club at Callie's Gorsuches with Mrs [illegible]
Sat Mar 23
Last night our first thunder storm. Today off and or
rainy. spring showers windy. Lily & Rosa also [illegible]
& Ella Furry played cards some.
Sun Mar24
Beautiful day. everybody out. Hose & I went to
O'Shaunessy dam, saw some wild ducks
Mert & Lot took us a ride after up 61. I did not
go to church as Hose had to stay at the office
Mon Mar 25
Nice day. Hose busy. I was at Hetties this evening
Tues Mar 26 I washed 4 sheets & others
Beautiful day, Hose busy, Mr Fisher funeral. I was at
Chapmans & Barcus played euchre.
Wed Mar 27
Beautiful day. we went to Columbus. I got suit
waist, eatables, batiste etc. I have the earache
Thurs Mar 28
Beautiful day, cold & windy. I had my hair bobbed
at Delaware at Angus, shampooed & [illegible]
Vinnie & Leland Fisher were in. Leland brot us some liver
Fri Mon 29
Fine day. I spent the day at Bess' had a fine
time. Maggies was here in the evening
Sat Mar 30
Cloudy, threatening William brot us a piece of [illegible]
bone. I made a pair of drawers.
Sun Mar 31 Cloudy day a little rainy. We took
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.98)
[page 98]
[corresponds to page 138 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Strosniders and went to OShaunssey back up
the Olentangy home. I went to church the evening
Mon April 1 I took my blue silk blouse over to Zella to hem
Parly cloudy. Mert & Lo called. I was at Barcus in evening
Tues Apr 2
Cold, clear. Mrs Perry called. I got a new pair of
stockings from Miss Nelson. I went to the Baptist
church to a Methodist - Baptist concert.
Wed Apr 3 I was at Maggie first
Beautiful day. we went to Col and I got printed non
wrinkle voil and we took it over to Zella Knoder
I was Hetties this evening.
Thurs Apr 4
Beautiful day, cool. Hose a little busy. He mow
ed the yard for the first time this yr. Maggies
was here for my missionary dues this eve. $1. Mr
Connor is here. I am making my slip
Fri Apr 5
Cloudy & drizzly. Mrs Perry swept up stairs, I am clean
ing upstairs. also sewing a little.
Sat Apr 6
very nice day. Hose busy. I went to Democratic
meeting at Hall here.
Sun Apr 7
Windy, cold and threatening. Maggie birthday
I went with Hose up to Pumphreys to take flowers
Glad to have one
Mon Apr 8
Cold & rainy Hose a little busy. Hose and I went down
to call at Smythes. I was at Lilys this evening
Tues Apr 9
Cold and damp, cloudy, Mrs Irwin called
Wed Apr 10
Nice day. I tried on my waist & dress at Zellas
then went to Cora Wilson to call. Mrs [illegible]
called. Two here tonight
Thurs Apr 11
Cold & rainy. We cleaned the sitting room.
[corresponds to page 138 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Strosniders and went to OShaunssey back up
the Olentangy home. I went to church the evening
Mon April 1 I took my blue silk blouse over to Zella to hem
Parly cloudy. Mert & Lo called. I was at Barcus in evening
Tues Apr 2
Cold, clear. Mrs Perry called. I got a new pair of
stockings from Miss Nelson. I went to the Baptist
church to a Methodist - Baptist concert.
Wed Apr 3 I was at Maggie first
Beautiful day. we went to Col and I got printed non
wrinkle voil and we took it over to Zella Knoder
I was Hetties this evening.
Thurs Apr 4
Beautiful day, cool. Hose a little busy. He mow
ed the yard for the first time this yr. Maggies
was here for my missionary dues this eve. $1. Mr
Connor is here. I am making my slip
Fri Apr 5
Cloudy & drizzly. Mrs Perry swept up stairs, I am clean
ing upstairs. also sewing a little.
Sat Apr 6
very nice day. Hose busy. I went to Democratic
meeting at Hall here.
Sun Apr 7
Windy, cold and threatening. Maggie birthday
I went with Hose up to Pumphreys to take flowers
Glad to have one
Mon Apr 8
Cold & rainy Hose a little busy. Hose and I went down
to call at Smythes. I was at Lilys this evening
Tues Apr 9
Cold and damp, cloudy, Mrs Irwin called
Wed Apr 10
Nice day. I tried on my waist & dress at Zellas
then went to Cora Wilson to call. Mrs [illegible]
called. Two here tonight
Thurs Apr 11
Cold & rainy. We cleaned the sitting room.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.99)
[page 99]
[corresponds to page 140 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[missing page 139]
140 Rooms
Oct 2 - .50 Voik. Dec 7 - .50 Mr Taggart
" 3 - 1.00 Bay Village " 7 - 1.00 Bay Village
6 - 1.00 Bay Village " 11 - 1.00 Cincinnati
9 - .35 Produce man " 12 - 1.00 Richmond Ind
11 - 1.50 Minneapolis Minn 14 - 1.50 Buffalo NY
11 - 1.50 Marion Ind 14 - .50 Produce man
13 - 1.50 Akron 14 - .50 Mr Taggart
13 - 1.00 Cleveland 15 - .50 Mr Taggart
14 - 1.00 Washington Pa 17 - .50 Produce man
22 - .50 Mr Taggart
17 - .35 Produce man 23 - 1.50 New Castle Pa
17 - 1.50 Buffalo 26 - .50 Produce man
18 - .50 Gettysburg 27 - 1.50 Yonkers NY
19 - 1.00 Mr Conner 28 - 1.00 McArthur O
20 - 1.00 Hamlin Va 31 - .50 Mr Taggart
21 - 1.50 Portsmouth O 31 - 1.00 Austin Texas
23 - .75 Oakland Cal. 1934 Jan 3 - 1.00 Norwalk
23 - .75 Washington D.C " 3 - .50 Dora Beattie
25-29 - 3.00 Wis Creamery Man " 3 - 1.50 Skeffield Ala.
5 - .50 Mr Taggart
24 - .75 Washington D.C. 7 - .50 Dora Beattie
25-28 - 1.50 Mr Taggart 8 - .50 Produce man
25 - 1.50 Cleveland 9 - .50 Produce man
25 - 1.00 Delaware Harvester Co 10 - 1.00 Powell
11 - 1.00 Mr Conner
27 - 1.00 Columbus Harvester Co 11 - 1.00 Jackson Mich
12 - .50 Mr Taggart
28 - 1.50 Cincin. 16 - .50 Produce man
29 - 1.00 St Louis 16 - 1.00 Bay Village
29 - .75 Akron O. 17 - .50 Produce man
31 - 1.00 Bay Village 19 - .50 Mr Taggart
Nov 4 - 1.00 Chicago 19 - 1.00 Elyria O
Nov 4 - 1.50 Cleveland 20 - 1.50 Cleveland O
22 - 1.00 Zanesville
" 4 - 3.00 Creamery 22 - 1.00 Cleveland O
" 6 - .50 Cleveland 24 - 1.00 Zanesville
" 12 - 1.00 Pittsburg 24 - 1.00 Greenville
13 - .75 Produce man 24 - .50 Produce man
14 - Produce man Feb 10 - 1.00 Columbus
6- 15 - 4.00 Oconomowoc Wis " 12 - 1.00 Cleveland
15 - 37 1/2 Produce man 12 - 1.50 Los Angeles Calif.
Nov 7 .50 Mr Taggart 16 - .50 Austin Texas
Nov 23 .50 Voix Produce man 20 - 2.50 St Clairsville O
Nov 23 .50 22 - 1.00 Mr Conner
" 24 .50 28 - .50 Delaware O
" 25 - 1.50 Akron O Mar 1 - 2.00 Bay Village
" 26 - .75 Ripley O " 1 - 1.00 Chicago
" 27 - 1.00 Huntsville O. 4 - 1.50 Newark O
Dec 4 - 1.00 Mr Gephart 7 - .50 Produce man
" 5 - 1.00 Mr Gephart 14 - .50 Mr Taggart
" 6 - .50 Mr Taggart 14 - .50 Produce Man
" 6 - 1.00 Bay Village 15 - 1.00 Kokomo Ind
[corresponds to page 140 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[missing page 139]
140 Rooms
Oct 2 - .50 Voik. Dec 7 - .50 Mr Taggart
" 3 - 1.00 Bay Village " 7 - 1.00 Bay Village
6 - 1.00 Bay Village " 11 - 1.00 Cincinnati
9 - .35 Produce man " 12 - 1.00 Richmond Ind
11 - 1.50 Minneapolis Minn 14 - 1.50 Buffalo NY
11 - 1.50 Marion Ind 14 - .50 Produce man
13 - 1.50 Akron 14 - .50 Mr Taggart
13 - 1.00 Cleveland 15 - .50 Mr Taggart
14 - 1.00 Washington Pa 17 - .50 Produce man
22 - .50 Mr Taggart
17 - .35 Produce man 23 - 1.50 New Castle Pa
17 - 1.50 Buffalo 26 - .50 Produce man
18 - .50 Gettysburg 27 - 1.50 Yonkers NY
19 - 1.00 Mr Conner 28 - 1.00 McArthur O
20 - 1.00 Hamlin Va 31 - .50 Mr Taggart
21 - 1.50 Portsmouth O 31 - 1.00 Austin Texas
23 - .75 Oakland Cal. 1934 Jan 3 - 1.00 Norwalk
23 - .75 Washington D.C " 3 - .50 Dora Beattie
25-29 - 3.00 Wis Creamery Man " 3 - 1.50 Skeffield Ala.
5 - .50 Mr Taggart
24 - .75 Washington D.C. 7 - .50 Dora Beattie
25-28 - 1.50 Mr Taggart 8 - .50 Produce man
25 - 1.50 Cleveland 9 - .50 Produce man
25 - 1.00 Delaware Harvester Co 10 - 1.00 Powell
11 - 1.00 Mr Conner
27 - 1.00 Columbus Harvester Co 11 - 1.00 Jackson Mich
12 - .50 Mr Taggart
28 - 1.50 Cincin. 16 - .50 Produce man
29 - 1.00 St Louis 16 - 1.00 Bay Village
29 - .75 Akron O. 17 - .50 Produce man
31 - 1.00 Bay Village 19 - .50 Mr Taggart
Nov 4 - 1.00 Chicago 19 - 1.00 Elyria O
Nov 4 - 1.50 Cleveland 20 - 1.50 Cleveland O
22 - 1.00 Zanesville
" 4 - 3.00 Creamery 22 - 1.00 Cleveland O
" 6 - .50 Cleveland 24 - 1.00 Zanesville
" 12 - 1.00 Pittsburg 24 - 1.00 Greenville
13 - .75 Produce man 24 - .50 Produce man
14 - Produce man Feb 10 - 1.00 Columbus
6- 15 - 4.00 Oconomowoc Wis " 12 - 1.00 Cleveland
15 - 37 1/2 Produce man 12 - 1.50 Los Angeles Calif.
Nov 7 .50 Mr Taggart 16 - .50 Austin Texas
Nov 23 .50 Voix Produce man 20 - 2.50 St Clairsville O
Nov 23 .50 22 - 1.00 Mr Conner
" 24 .50 28 - .50 Delaware O
" 25 - 1.50 Akron O Mar 1 - 2.00 Bay Village
" 26 - .75 Ripley O " 1 - 1.00 Chicago
" 27 - 1.00 Huntsville O. 4 - 1.50 Newark O
Dec 4 - 1.00 Mr Gephart 7 - .50 Produce man
" 5 - 1.00 Mr Gephart 14 - .50 Mr Taggart
" 6 - .50 Mr Taggart 14 - .50 Produce Man
" 6 - 1.00 Bay Village 15 - 1.00 Kokomo Ind
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.100)
[page 100]
[corresponds to page 141 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
1934 Garage
Oct11 - .25 Minneapolis Minn. May 8 - 2.50 Philadelphia Pa
Nov 4 - .25 Cleveland " 9 - .50 Mr Taggart
" 7 .25 Capt Federle " 10 - 2.00 Mr Volk
Dec 1 .25 Cup to Federle " 10 - 1.00 Mr Conner
" 31 .25 Cristin Texas 10 - 1.00 Findlay
Mar 1 .25 Chicago 11 - 1.00 Bay Village
20 .25 Phone boy 11 - 2.00 E. Palestine
" 30 .50 Phone boy 12 - 3.50 Warren Lisbon
Apr26 .25 Camden Mi 14 - 2.50 Lisbon Hanoverton
Aug 1 .25 foreigner 16 - .50 Taggart
" 11 .50 Jew 18 - 1.00 Washington Pa
Sept 9 .25 Cleveland
" 23 .50 Youngstown 19 - 3.00 Alliance
Oct 27 .25 Walronding
Nov 12 .25 Akron 18-23 3.75 Washington creamery
1934 21 2.00 Akron Cleveland
Mar 12-16 2.00 Phone boy 25 - 1.00 Akron
" 19 1.00 Cleveland 25 - 5.00 Mr Wilson
" 20 .50 Produce man 25 - 1.00 Bay Village
" 24 .50 Produce 25 - .50 Erie Pa
June 3 - 2.00 Pasadena Cal
" 23 1.50 Phone boys 4 - 11 - 1.50 Sunshine man
24 .50 Produce 4 - 3.00 Chicago Ill
26 3.00 Buffalo NY 6 - 1.00 Ray Buel
27 .50 Produce man 9 - 1.50 Cleveland
28 .50 Mr Taggart 9 - 2.00 [illegible] N.Y.
26-30 6.00 Phone man 11-18 1.50 Sunshine to June 18
12 - 1.00 Gallion O
Apr 2 - 1.50 Toledo 13 - 1.50 Monica Calif
" 3 - 5.00 Mr Wilson 13 - 1.00 Kansas City Mo
" 4 - .50 Produce man 14 - 1.00 Mr Conner
" 5 - 1.00 Mr Conner 16 - .50 Mr Taggart
" 5 - 1.00 Akron 23 - .50 Zanesville
10 - .50 Produce man 1T 25 - 1.50 Sunshine boy
10 - 1.00 Cleveland 26 - 2.00 Savannah Ga
11 - 1.00 Bay Village 26 - 1.00 Akron O
11 - 1.00 Los Angeles 27 - 1.50 Sunshine to July 20
13 - 1.00 Bay Village 27 - 1.00 Mr Frehrey
16 - .50 Produce man 27 - 1.00 Scales man
17 - .50 produce man 30 - 1.50 Dayton
19 - .50 produce man
20 - .50 produce man July 3 - 1.50 Sunshine to July 9
21 - .50 produce man " 2 - .50 Mr Taggart
20 - 1.00 Georgetown 3 - 5.00 Mr Wilson
23 - .50 produce man 5 - .50 Mr Taggart
24 - 1.00 Indianapolis 6 - .50 Mr Taggart
24 - .50 Produce man 10 - .50 Mr Taggart
25 - .50 produce man 11 - .50 Mr Taggart
25 - 1.00 Oak Park Ill 12 - .50 Mr Taggart
26 - Camden Mi 12 - 1.00 [illegible]
27 - .75 [illegible] 13 - .50 Mr Taggart
29 - 3.00 St Petersburg Fla 14 - 1.00 Sunshine to July 16
[illegible] N.Y 16 - 1.50 Sunshine to July 23
29 - 1.00 Columbus 16 - 3.00 Chicago party
30 - .50 Produce man 18 - 1.50 Youngstown O
May 1 - .50 Produce man 19 - 1.00 Mr Conner
8 - .50 Mr Taggart
[corresponds to page 141 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
1934 Garage
Oct11 - .25 Minneapolis Minn. May 8 - 2.50 Philadelphia Pa
Nov 4 - .25 Cleveland " 9 - .50 Mr Taggart
" 7 .25 Capt Federle " 10 - 2.00 Mr Volk
Dec 1 .25 Cup to Federle " 10 - 1.00 Mr Conner
" 31 .25 Cristin Texas 10 - 1.00 Findlay
Mar 1 .25 Chicago 11 - 1.00 Bay Village
20 .25 Phone boy 11 - 2.00 E. Palestine
" 30 .50 Phone boy 12 - 3.50 Warren Lisbon
Apr26 .25 Camden Mi 14 - 2.50 Lisbon Hanoverton
Aug 1 .25 foreigner 16 - .50 Taggart
" 11 .50 Jew 18 - 1.00 Washington Pa
Sept 9 .25 Cleveland
" 23 .50 Youngstown 19 - 3.00 Alliance
Oct 27 .25 Walronding
Nov 12 .25 Akron 18-23 3.75 Washington creamery
1934 21 2.00 Akron Cleveland
Mar 12-16 2.00 Phone boy 25 - 1.00 Akron
" 19 1.00 Cleveland 25 - 5.00 Mr Wilson
" 20 .50 Produce man 25 - 1.00 Bay Village
" 24 .50 Produce 25 - .50 Erie Pa
June 3 - 2.00 Pasadena Cal
" 23 1.50 Phone boys 4 - 11 - 1.50 Sunshine man
24 .50 Produce 4 - 3.00 Chicago Ill
26 3.00 Buffalo NY 6 - 1.00 Ray Buel
27 .50 Produce man 9 - 1.50 Cleveland
28 .50 Mr Taggart 9 - 2.00 [illegible] N.Y.
26-30 6.00 Phone man 11-18 1.50 Sunshine to June 18
12 - 1.00 Gallion O
Apr 2 - 1.50 Toledo 13 - 1.50 Monica Calif
" 3 - 5.00 Mr Wilson 13 - 1.00 Kansas City Mo
" 4 - .50 Produce man 14 - 1.00 Mr Conner
" 5 - 1.00 Mr Conner 16 - .50 Mr Taggart
" 5 - 1.00 Akron 23 - .50 Zanesville
10 - .50 Produce man 1T 25 - 1.50 Sunshine boy
10 - 1.00 Cleveland 26 - 2.00 Savannah Ga
11 - 1.00 Bay Village 26 - 1.00 Akron O
11 - 1.00 Los Angeles 27 - 1.50 Sunshine to July 20
13 - 1.00 Bay Village 27 - 1.00 Mr Frehrey
16 - .50 Produce man 27 - 1.00 Scales man
17 - .50 produce man 30 - 1.50 Dayton
19 - .50 produce man
20 - .50 produce man July 3 - 1.50 Sunshine to July 9
21 - .50 produce man " 2 - .50 Mr Taggart
20 - 1.00 Georgetown 3 - 5.00 Mr Wilson
23 - .50 produce man 5 - .50 Mr Taggart
24 - 1.00 Indianapolis 6 - .50 Mr Taggart
24 - .50 Produce man 10 - .50 Mr Taggart
25 - .50 produce man 11 - .50 Mr Taggart
25 - 1.00 Oak Park Ill 12 - .50 Mr Taggart
26 - Camden Mi 12 - 1.00 [illegible]
27 - .75 [illegible] 13 - .50 Mr Taggart
29 - 3.00 St Petersburg Fla 14 - 1.00 Sunshine to July 16
[illegible] N.Y 16 - 1.50 Sunshine to July 23
29 - 1.00 Columbus 16 - 3.00 Chicago party
30 - .50 Produce man 18 - 1.50 Youngstown O
May 1 - .50 Produce man 19 - 1.00 Mr Conner
8 - .50 Mr Taggart
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.101)
[page 101]
[corresponds to page 142 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
July 21 - 1.50 Gouster Mass Sept 19 - 2.00 Cincinnati
" 21 - 1.50 Pleasant Mich " 19 - .50 Accomondation
" 23 - 1.00 Findlay O " 22 - 2.00 Detroit Newark
" 24 - .50 Mr Taggart 23 - 3.00 Youngstown
" 26 - 2.50 Brooklyn N.Y 17 - 24 - 2.00 Lockwood
24 - 2.00 St. Petersburg, Hollywood
26 - .75 Los Angeles Cal 25 - .50 Mr Taggart
26 - .50 Mr Taggart
23 - 1.50 sunshine to July 30 27 - 1.00 Mr Conner
Aug 1 - .50 Foreigner 24 - Oct 1 - 2.00 Lockwood
" 2 - 1.00 Akron 17 - Oct 1 - 4.00 Mr Roller
2 - .75 Youngstown Sept 30 - 2.50 Salem, O
6 - 2.50 Alabama Oct 1 - 1.00 Akron
7 - .50 Mr Taggart " 2 - 1.00 truck driver
3 - 1.00 Columbus, O.
8 - .50 Mr Taggart 4 - 1.00 Cleveland
9 - .50 Mr Taggart Oct 1-8 - 2.00 Mr Lockwood
10 - 17 - 4.00 Juv Mass. " 5 - 1.50 Benton Harbor, Mich.
10 - 5.00 Mr wilson 6 - 1.50 Benton Harbor Mich
10 - 1.50 Middleton O 7 - 1.50 Benton Harbor Mich
12 - 1.00 Kansas City 7 - 1.50 Youngston O
13 - 2.00 [illegible] Ala 8 - 1.00 Cleveland
15 - .50 Mr Taggart 9 - .50 Mr. Taggart
15 - 2.50 Cleveland 9 - 1.50 Wheeling W.Va
15 - 1.00 Cleveland 10 - .50 Mr Taggart
20 - 1.50 Cleveland 8 - 15 2.00 Mr Lockwood
21 - .50 Mr Taggart 15 - 1.50 Canton, Mt Ephraim N.J.
21 - 2.50 Youngstown O 16 - 4.00 Mr Rolles
22 - 1.00 New Castle Pa 16 - 1.50 Mt [illegible] Camden N. J.
22 - 23 - 1.50 Fort Wayne Ind 17 - 1.00 Bowerston O
22 - .50 Mr Taggart 18 - 1.00 Springfield O
24 - 1.50 Memphis 18 - 1.50 Canton, Mt Ephraim N.J.
25 - .50 August Mi 19 - .50 Mr Taggart
27 - .50 Zanesville 19 - 2.00 Canton, Ephraim N.J
28 - 1.00 Chicago Ill
29 - 2.00 Massilon O 19 - 1.50 Dayton, O
31 - 2.00 Chicago Ill 21 - .50 Meadville, Pa.
Sept 1 - 1.50 Cleveland 22 - 1.00 Providence R.I.
2 - 1.50 Columbus 23 - .75 Bucyrus, O
3 - 10 - 2.00 Mr Lockwood 24 - .75 Bucyrus, O
3 - 10 - 2.00 Mr Roller 26 - 1.00 Walkouding, O
3 - 2.00 Anister Ala 27 - 1.50 Indianapolis
6 - 4.00 Mr Wilson 27 - 1.50 Columbus
6 - .75 Jew Mass. 28 - 1.50 Cleveland
9 - 3.00 Cleveland Nov 1 - 1.00 N. Lexington
10 - 2.00 Rutherfordton N.C. 2 - .50 Mr Taggart
2 - 1.00 Cincinnati
10 - 1.00 Fort Wayne Ind. 3 - 2.00 Bellefountaine O
10 - 2.50 Kansas City Mo. 5 - 1.00 Ashland
11 - 2.50 Akron 6 - 2.50 Mt Pleasant Mich
13 - 1.00 Bay Village 12 - 1.00 Akron O.
13 - 1.00 Cleveland 13 - 2.00 Mt Pleasant Mich
10 - 15 - 2.00 Mr Roller 15 - .25 Hunters changed clothes
10 - 17 - 2.00 Mr Lockwood 15 - 1.50 Green Springs
17 - 1.00 Columbus 17 - 1.50 Chicago
19 - 1.00 Doylestown O 17 - 4.50 Mantau
[corresponds to page 142 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
July 21 - 1.50 Gouster Mass Sept 19 - 2.00 Cincinnati
" 21 - 1.50 Pleasant Mich " 19 - .50 Accomondation
" 23 - 1.00 Findlay O " 22 - 2.00 Detroit Newark
" 24 - .50 Mr Taggart 23 - 3.00 Youngstown
" 26 - 2.50 Brooklyn N.Y 17 - 24 - 2.00 Lockwood
24 - 2.00 St. Petersburg, Hollywood
26 - .75 Los Angeles Cal 25 - .50 Mr Taggart
26 - .50 Mr Taggart
23 - 1.50 sunshine to July 30 27 - 1.00 Mr Conner
Aug 1 - .50 Foreigner 24 - Oct 1 - 2.00 Lockwood
" 2 - 1.00 Akron 17 - Oct 1 - 4.00 Mr Roller
2 - .75 Youngstown Sept 30 - 2.50 Salem, O
6 - 2.50 Alabama Oct 1 - 1.00 Akron
7 - .50 Mr Taggart " 2 - 1.00 truck driver
3 - 1.00 Columbus, O.
8 - .50 Mr Taggart 4 - 1.00 Cleveland
9 - .50 Mr Taggart Oct 1-8 - 2.00 Mr Lockwood
10 - 17 - 4.00 Juv Mass. " 5 - 1.50 Benton Harbor, Mich.
10 - 5.00 Mr wilson 6 - 1.50 Benton Harbor Mich
10 - 1.50 Middleton O 7 - 1.50 Benton Harbor Mich
12 - 1.00 Kansas City 7 - 1.50 Youngston O
13 - 2.00 [illegible] Ala 8 - 1.00 Cleveland
15 - .50 Mr Taggart 9 - .50 Mr. Taggart
15 - 2.50 Cleveland 9 - 1.50 Wheeling W.Va
15 - 1.00 Cleveland 10 - .50 Mr Taggart
20 - 1.50 Cleveland 8 - 15 2.00 Mr Lockwood
21 - .50 Mr Taggart 15 - 1.50 Canton, Mt Ephraim N.J.
21 - 2.50 Youngstown O 16 - 4.00 Mr Rolles
22 - 1.00 New Castle Pa 16 - 1.50 Mt [illegible] Camden N. J.
22 - 23 - 1.50 Fort Wayne Ind 17 - 1.00 Bowerston O
22 - .50 Mr Taggart 18 - 1.00 Springfield O
24 - 1.50 Memphis 18 - 1.50 Canton, Mt Ephraim N.J.
25 - .50 August Mi 19 - .50 Mr Taggart
27 - .50 Zanesville 19 - 2.00 Canton, Ephraim N.J
28 - 1.00 Chicago Ill
29 - 2.00 Massilon O 19 - 1.50 Dayton, O
31 - 2.00 Chicago Ill 21 - .50 Meadville, Pa.
Sept 1 - 1.50 Cleveland 22 - 1.00 Providence R.I.
2 - 1.50 Columbus 23 - .75 Bucyrus, O
3 - 10 - 2.00 Mr Lockwood 24 - .75 Bucyrus, O
3 - 10 - 2.00 Mr Roller 26 - 1.00 Walkouding, O
3 - 2.00 Anister Ala 27 - 1.50 Indianapolis
6 - 4.00 Mr Wilson 27 - 1.50 Columbus
6 - .75 Jew Mass. 28 - 1.50 Cleveland
9 - 3.00 Cleveland Nov 1 - 1.00 N. Lexington
10 - 2.00 Rutherfordton N.C. 2 - .50 Mr Taggart
2 - 1.00 Cincinnati
10 - 1.00 Fort Wayne Ind. 3 - 2.00 Bellefountaine O
10 - 2.50 Kansas City Mo. 5 - 1.00 Ashland
11 - 2.50 Akron 6 - 2.50 Mt Pleasant Mich
13 - 1.00 Bay Village 12 - 1.00 Akron O.
13 - 1.00 Cleveland 13 - 2.00 Mt Pleasant Mich
10 - 15 - 2.00 Mr Roller 15 - .25 Hunters changed clothes
10 - 17 - 2.00 Mr Lockwood 15 - 1.50 Green Springs
17 - 1.00 Columbus 17 - 1.50 Chicago
19 - 1.00 Doylestown O 17 - 4.50 Mantau
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.102)
[page 102]
[corresponds to page 143 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Nov 17 - 1.50 Akron Mar 6 - 1.00 Mr Monroe
" 20 - .75 Lakewood " 6 - .75 Mr Rennick
24 - 1.50 Cleveland " 7 - 2.00 Frank Bell [crossed out]
25 - 1.50 Dalton O
26 - 1.50 E. Liberty 7 - 1.00 Mr Monroe
27 - .50 Mr Taggart
Dec 4 - .50 Mr Taggart 11 - 1.00 Mason Ky
" 6 - 1.00 Mr Conner 12 - 1.00 Mr Monroe
6 - 2.00 Geneva 13 - .50 Chicago, Ill
11 - .50 Mr Taggart Mar 14 Feb 21-28 2.00 Frank Bell [crossed out]
15 - 1.00 Detroit Mich 13 - 1.00 Durgmen Col
17 - .50 Mr Taggart
19 - 1.00 Casper Wyoming 16 - 2.00 Cleveland, [illegible] Mich
20 - 1.00 Cleveland 16 - 2.00 Frank Bell 28 - 7 men
21 - 1.50 Akron 16 - .75 Fredricktown
22 - 1.00 Fred Bale 18 - 2.00 [illegible] O
30 - 2.50 Akron Mar 21 - 4.00 Frank Bell to Mar 21
1935 22 - .50 Mr Taggart
Jan 2 - .50 Mr Taggart 22 - 1.00 Canton O
2 - 1.00 Salgin O 24 - .60 Jews [illegible]
8 - 1.00 Ashland 31 - 2.00 Frank Bell Mar 21-28
10 - .75 Greensboro N.C. 30 - 2.00 Akron
17 - 1.00 Mr Conner 30 - 1.00 N.Y City
23 - .50 Mr Taggart 1.00 Battle Creek
24 - .50 Mr Taggart 3 - .75 Art Bradfield
24 - 1.00 Tecumseh Mich 4 - 1.00 Mr Conner
31 - 1.00 [illegible] Columbus 4 - 2.00 Frank Bell
Feb 7 - 2.00 Frank Bell 8 - 1.00 St Johns O.
10 - .50 Mr Taggart
Feb 4.50 Mr Taggart 10 - 1.00 [illegible] O
" 4 - 1.00 Marengo 11 - 2.00 Frank Bell [illegible]
5 - 2.00 Ashtabula O 11 - 1.00 [illegible] O
.75 St Louis, Mo 11 - 1.00 Columbus
13 - 1.50 Pittsburg
1.00 Cleveland 15 - .75 Art Bradfield
Feb 14 .50 Mr Taggart 16 - .50 Mr Taggart
15 - 4.00 Dr Graff O 17 - .50 Mr Taggart
16 - 3.00 Cleveland O 18 - 1.00 Cleveland diesel
7 - 14 - 2.00 Frank Bell 18 - .50 Mr Loveless
18 - 2.00 Frank Bell pd
17 -19 - 2.00 [illegible] 19 - .50 Mr Loveless
19 - 1.00 Cleveland 19 - 1.00 Cleveland diesel engine
21 - .75 Cleveland 19 - 1.00 Mr Monroe
20 - 1.00 diesel engine
22 - 1.00 Cleveland 21 - .50 diesel engine
24 - 2.00 Frank Bell Feb 14 -21,22 - .50 Diesel engine
24 - .75 Plainfield 23 - .50 Diesel
24 - .50
26 - 1.00 Boston Mass 25 .50 Diesel engine
27 - .50 Mr Taggart 25 - 2.00 Frank Bell 11-25
28 - 2.00 Frank Bell 28 - 1.50 McAllen Texas
28 - 1.00 Mr Conner 30 - 1.00 Indianapolis Ind
Mar 4 - .75 Mr Rinneck 30 - 1.00 Cleveland O
" 5 .75 Art Bardfield May 3 - 1.00 Canton diesel
" 5 1.00 Cleveland Diesel engine 4 - 2.00 Frank Bell
6 1.00 Cleveland Diesel engine 8 - .50 Cincin (25 - May 2
6 - .50 Mr Taggart 9 - 1.50 Mr Conner
[corresponds to page 143 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Nov 17 - 1.50 Akron Mar 6 - 1.00 Mr Monroe
" 20 - .75 Lakewood " 6 - .75 Mr Rennick
24 - 1.50 Cleveland " 7 - 2.00 Frank Bell [crossed out]
25 - 1.50 Dalton O
26 - 1.50 E. Liberty 7 - 1.00 Mr Monroe
27 - .50 Mr Taggart
Dec 4 - .50 Mr Taggart 11 - 1.00 Mason Ky
" 6 - 1.00 Mr Conner 12 - 1.00 Mr Monroe
6 - 2.00 Geneva 13 - .50 Chicago, Ill
11 - .50 Mr Taggart Mar 14 Feb 21-28 2.00 Frank Bell [crossed out]
15 - 1.00 Detroit Mich 13 - 1.00 Durgmen Col
17 - .50 Mr Taggart
19 - 1.00 Casper Wyoming 16 - 2.00 Cleveland, [illegible] Mich
20 - 1.00 Cleveland 16 - 2.00 Frank Bell 28 - 7 men
21 - 1.50 Akron 16 - .75 Fredricktown
22 - 1.00 Fred Bale 18 - 2.00 [illegible] O
30 - 2.50 Akron Mar 21 - 4.00 Frank Bell to Mar 21
1935 22 - .50 Mr Taggart
Jan 2 - .50 Mr Taggart 22 - 1.00 Canton O
2 - 1.00 Salgin O 24 - .60 Jews [illegible]
8 - 1.00 Ashland 31 - 2.00 Frank Bell Mar 21-28
10 - .75 Greensboro N.C. 30 - 2.00 Akron
17 - 1.00 Mr Conner 30 - 1.00 N.Y City
23 - .50 Mr Taggart 1.00 Battle Creek
24 - .50 Mr Taggart 3 - .75 Art Bradfield
24 - 1.00 Tecumseh Mich 4 - 1.00 Mr Conner
31 - 1.00 [illegible] Columbus 4 - 2.00 Frank Bell
Feb 7 - 2.00 Frank Bell 8 - 1.00 St Johns O.
10 - .50 Mr Taggart
Feb 4.50 Mr Taggart 10 - 1.00 [illegible] O
" 4 - 1.00 Marengo 11 - 2.00 Frank Bell [illegible]
5 - 2.00 Ashtabula O 11 - 1.00 [illegible] O
.75 St Louis, Mo 11 - 1.00 Columbus
13 - 1.50 Pittsburg
1.00 Cleveland 15 - .75 Art Bradfield
Feb 14 .50 Mr Taggart 16 - .50 Mr Taggart
15 - 4.00 Dr Graff O 17 - .50 Mr Taggart
16 - 3.00 Cleveland O 18 - 1.00 Cleveland diesel
7 - 14 - 2.00 Frank Bell 18 - .50 Mr Loveless
18 - 2.00 Frank Bell pd
17 -19 - 2.00 [illegible] 19 - .50 Mr Loveless
19 - 1.00 Cleveland 19 - 1.00 Cleveland diesel engine
21 - .75 Cleveland 19 - 1.00 Mr Monroe
20 - 1.00 diesel engine
22 - 1.00 Cleveland 21 - .50 diesel engine
24 - 2.00 Frank Bell Feb 14 -21,22 - .50 Diesel engine
24 - .75 Plainfield 23 - .50 Diesel
24 - .50
26 - 1.00 Boston Mass 25 .50 Diesel engine
27 - .50 Mr Taggart 25 - 2.00 Frank Bell 11-25
28 - 2.00 Frank Bell 28 - 1.50 McAllen Texas
28 - 1.00 Mr Conner 30 - 1.00 Indianapolis Ind
Mar 4 - .75 Mr Rinneck 30 - 1.00 Cleveland O
" 5 .75 Art Bardfield May 3 - 1.00 Canton diesel
" 5 1.00 Cleveland Diesel engine 4 - 2.00 Frank Bell
6 1.00 Cleveland Diesel engine 8 - .50 Cincin (25 - May 2
6 - .50 Mr Taggart 9 - 1.50 Mr Conner
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.103)
[page 103]
[corresponds to page 144 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
May 11 - Frank Bell 2.00 2-9 24 - 2.00 Frank Bell to June 27
14 - 1.50 Akron 30 - 1.00 Baltimore Md
15 - .50 Mr Taggart 30 .50 Akron
21 - .75 Grandview Heights
22 - 4.00 Frank Bell May 9 - 23 July
May 22 .75 Warren, O.
23 - 3.00 Canton E. Sparta
23 - 1.00 Bowerston
24 - .50 Mr Taggart
24 - .75 Art Bradfield
25 - 2.00 Frank Bell May 23 - 30
27 - 1.50 Columbus
28 - 1.50 Columbus Monument people
28- 31 - 1.50 Cincinnati [illegible]
28 - 1.00 Newark N.J.
29 - 1.50 Detroit Mich
31 - 2.00 Cleveland
June 2 - 1.50 Monument people
3 - 1.50 "
3 - 5 - 1.50 Map man
4 - 1.50 Monument people
4 - 1.00 Boston, Mass.
5 - 1.50 Monument people
5 - 2.00 Frank Bell May 30 - 6
5 - 1.00 Mr Monroe
6 - 1.50 Monument
7 - 1.50 "
7 - 1.00 Monroe
8 - 1.00 Monument
8 - 2.00 Washington C.H.
8 - 3.00 Urbana Ill
9 - 1.50 Monument folks
10 - 1.50 " "
11 - 1.50 " "
11 - 2.50 Coldwell O
W. Alexander Pa
11 - 1.50 Buffalo N.Y.
12 - 1.50 Monument folks
13 - 1.50 Monument folks
13 - .50 Mr Taggart
13 - 1.00 Mr Conner
13 - 4.00 Bell Jun 6 - 20th
14 - 1.50 Monument folks
14 - 1.50 Lakewood
14 - 1.00 Kansas City Mo.
15 - 1.50 Monument folks
15 - 1.00 Kansas Cy, Mo
16 - 1.50 Monument folks
17 - 1.50 Cincinnati
17 - 1.50 Monument folks
18 - 1.00 Monument folks
18 - 1.50 Gary Ind
21 - 1.00 Mr Monroe
21 - 1.50 Denver, Colorado
23 - 1.00 Sharon Pa
24 - 1.00 Cleveland
[corresponds to page 144 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
May 11 - Frank Bell 2.00 2-9 24 - 2.00 Frank Bell to June 27
14 - 1.50 Akron 30 - 1.00 Baltimore Md
15 - .50 Mr Taggart 30 .50 Akron
21 - .75 Grandview Heights
22 - 4.00 Frank Bell May 9 - 23 July
May 22 .75 Warren, O.
23 - 3.00 Canton E. Sparta
23 - 1.00 Bowerston
24 - .50 Mr Taggart
24 - .75 Art Bradfield
25 - 2.00 Frank Bell May 23 - 30
27 - 1.50 Columbus
28 - 1.50 Columbus Monument people
28- 31 - 1.50 Cincinnati [illegible]
28 - 1.00 Newark N.J.
29 - 1.50 Detroit Mich
31 - 2.00 Cleveland
June 2 - 1.50 Monument people
3 - 1.50 "
3 - 5 - 1.50 Map man
4 - 1.50 Monument people
4 - 1.00 Boston, Mass.
5 - 1.50 Monument people
5 - 2.00 Frank Bell May 30 - 6
5 - 1.00 Mr Monroe
6 - 1.50 Monument
7 - 1.50 "
7 - 1.00 Monroe
8 - 1.00 Monument
8 - 2.00 Washington C.H.
8 - 3.00 Urbana Ill
9 - 1.50 Monument folks
10 - 1.50 " "
11 - 1.50 " "
11 - 2.50 Coldwell O
W. Alexander Pa
11 - 1.50 Buffalo N.Y.
12 - 1.50 Monument folks
13 - 1.50 Monument folks
13 - .50 Mr Taggart
13 - 1.00 Mr Conner
13 - 4.00 Bell Jun 6 - 20th
14 - 1.50 Monument folks
14 - 1.50 Lakewood
14 - 1.00 Kansas City Mo.
15 - 1.50 Monument folks
15 - 1.00 Kansas Cy, Mo
16 - 1.50 Monument folks
17 - 1.50 Cincinnati
17 - 1.50 Monument folks
18 - 1.00 Monument folks
18 - 1.50 Gary Ind
21 - 1.00 Mr Monroe
21 - 1.50 Denver, Colorado
23 - 1.00 Sharon Pa
24 - 1.00 Cleveland
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.104)
[page 104]
[corresponds to page 147 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Apr 19 Mrs [illegible] from home to Case Hospital 1.00
Apr 25 Mr Boice from Hospital went to Col after him 1.50
Apr 25 First call Mr Shockley & work at office 2.00
" 26 people (Shockleys) taken back to Columbus
kept home 3 hrs
Stockley put in casket, chairs taken to Shockley 3.00
Apr 28 Mr Shockley from home Cal to Chapel
Helped with funeral
People up toward Fargo brother[illegible]all day 4.00
Apr 29 Helped with Reese boy all day 2.50
Apr 30 Reece boy funeral with [illegible] 2.00
May 4 Dr Shreve from Hospital, White Cross 1.50
3 2/3 mo [illegible] service 11.00
May 16 Trip to Butlers .50
June 3 Mrs Horn from Case Hospital to home 1.00
" 9 Fletcher woman from W. Cross to [illegible] Bailey 1.50
" 24 Took machine to [illegible] .75
" 25 To Union station for George McKay 1.20
" 26 Work at office & Geo McKay funeral 2.50
[corresponds to page 147 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Apr 19 Mrs [illegible] from home to Case Hospital 1.00
Apr 25 Mr Boice from Hospital went to Col after him 1.50
Apr 25 First call Mr Shockley & work at office 2.00
" 26 people (Shockleys) taken back to Columbus
kept home 3 hrs
Stockley put in casket, chairs taken to Shockley 3.00
Apr 28 Mr Shockley from home Cal to Chapel
Helped with funeral
People up toward Fargo brother[illegible]all day 4.00
Apr 29 Helped with Reese boy all day 2.50
Apr 30 Reece boy funeral with [illegible] 2.00
May 4 Dr Shreve from Hospital, White Cross 1.50
3 2/3 mo [illegible] service 11.00
May 16 Trip to Butlers .50
June 3 Mrs Horn from Case Hospital to home 1.00
" 9 Fletcher woman from W. Cross to [illegible] Bailey 1.50
" 24 Took machine to [illegible] .75
" 25 To Union station for George McKay 1.20
" 26 Work at office & Geo McKay funeral 2.50
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.105)
[page 105]
[corresponds to page 152 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[pages 148 - 151 missing]
Fri 19 [illegible] (1935)
Fine day. I went over to Zellas to try on my dress
to Lenton services at Auditorium in evening
Sat Apr 20
Fine day. Knoder girl brot my things home
I was at Hetties in the evening
Sun Apr 21
Easter, beautiful day. We went & got Mert & Lo Smythe
and took them to Delaware & Mt Gilead then home
Lily & Rosa called then we went to Baptist church
they had a pageant. I wore my new suit first time
Mon Apr 22
Partly cloudy. we washed 6 sheets & other things
Lida is doing the house washing
Maggie was here this evening and we gave her some rhubard
Wed, Apr 24
Partly cloudy, we cleaned our bedroom. Dowel
came and put coil in water. Hose went after him.
Tues Apr 23.
Fine day. I ironed quite a little and was at
Mrs Kimballs in the evening
Thus Apr 25
Beautiful day Alice Johnston waved my hair
Mrs Fivaz, Cora Wilson, Clara & James called.
Hose quite busy.
Fri Apr 26
Beautiful day. I did not go to Roland Sedgwick to
club as Hose was busy. I was at Lilys this evening
Sat Apr 27
Partly cloudy & rainy. Wilson Edwards had
plowing finished and planted potatoes
I was at Maggies this evening.
Sun, Apr 28
Fine day so far. Hose busy all day. We did not go
any place. I went to church in evening.
Mon Apr 29
Rainey some. Percie Lawson spent the day
here. I went to O.E.S. inspection nice time
Tues Apr 30. Cold and bustery. Maggie called
Rice boy buried.
[corresponds to page 152 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[pages 148 - 151 missing]
Fri 19 [illegible] (1935)
Fine day. I went over to Zellas to try on my dress
to Lenton services at Auditorium in evening
Sat Apr 20
Fine day. Knoder girl brot my things home
I was at Hetties in the evening
Sun Apr 21
Easter, beautiful day. We went & got Mert & Lo Smythe
and took them to Delaware & Mt Gilead then home
Lily & Rosa called then we went to Baptist church
they had a pageant. I wore my new suit first time
Mon Apr 22
Partly cloudy. we washed 6 sheets & other things
Lida is doing the house washing
Maggie was here this evening and we gave her some rhubard
Wed, Apr 24
Partly cloudy, we cleaned our bedroom. Dowel
came and put coil in water. Hose went after him.
Tues Apr 23.
Fine day. I ironed quite a little and was at
Mrs Kimballs in the evening
Thus Apr 25
Beautiful day Alice Johnston waved my hair
Mrs Fivaz, Cora Wilson, Clara & James called.
Hose quite busy.
Fri Apr 26
Beautiful day. I did not go to Roland Sedgwick to
club as Hose was busy. I was at Lilys this evening
Sat Apr 27
Partly cloudy & rainy. Wilson Edwards had
plowing finished and planted potatoes
I was at Maggies this evening.
Sun, Apr 28
Fine day so far. Hose busy all day. We did not go
any place. I went to church in evening.
Mon Apr 29
Rainey some. Percie Lawson spent the day
here. I went to O.E.S. inspection nice time
Tues Apr 30. Cold and bustery. Maggie called
Rice boy buried.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.106)
[page 106]
[corresponds to page 153 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues 30, nice day. I was Barcus in evening. Very bustery
Wed May 1. nice day we went to Columbus and got
shrubbery & other things. We changed B & L certificate
I went to fellowship meeting and took dinner.
Thus May 2
Cold & rainy all day. Miss Nelson brot my hose
Fri May 3. Rainy this a.m. quite windy I spent
the day at Irenes, had a nice time. Lily and Rosa
came up and we played euchre. we beat them.
Sat May 4
cold & cloudy. We did the usual work. Hose a little busy
In the evening John & Ella came and we played euchre
Sun May 5
Partly rainy & cold we called at Jims and
Strohms at Johnstown Strohm's were not in.
I went to a men's meeting at the church
Mon May 6
Cold & rainy, we washed. Jack Taggart called
a short time
Tues May 7
Cloudy, Alice Johnston waved my hair. I was
at Hetties & Mrs Deerings
Wed May 8
Beautiful day, but cool. I entertained the Mission circle.
[illegible] Rosecrans was here on business. I went to Rosa
but had to come home as Hose went to Berkshire
Thurs May 9
Nice a.m. This p.m. rained awful hard Mr Perry
skinned the grass off of my flower bed. I washed &
ironed the west room curtains. Mrs Perry called
Fri May 10
Nice day. I washed the double room spreads & curtains
I was at Barcus' this evening. Planted lettuce seed
Sat May 11
Fine day, much warmer. Jack & Alice Musser
called. on the hunt of a kind. Maggie called in
the evening
Sun May 12. Rained hard. Mary & Ed Strohm
called. Hose & I took a ride to Newark then Utica
[corresponds to page 153 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Tues 30, nice day. I was Barcus in evening. Very bustery
Wed May 1. nice day we went to Columbus and got
shrubbery & other things. We changed B & L certificate
I went to fellowship meeting and took dinner.
Thus May 2
Cold & rainy all day. Miss Nelson brot my hose
Fri May 3. Rainy this a.m. quite windy I spent
the day at Irenes, had a nice time. Lily and Rosa
came up and we played euchre. we beat them.
Sat May 4
cold & cloudy. We did the usual work. Hose a little busy
In the evening John & Ella came and we played euchre
Sun May 5
Partly rainy & cold we called at Jims and
Strohms at Johnstown Strohm's were not in.
I went to a men's meeting at the church
Mon May 6
Cold & rainy, we washed. Jack Taggart called
a short time
Tues May 7
Cloudy, Alice Johnston waved my hair. I was
at Hetties & Mrs Deerings
Wed May 8
Beautiful day, but cool. I entertained the Mission circle.
[illegible] Rosecrans was here on business. I went to Rosa
but had to come home as Hose went to Berkshire
Thurs May 9
Nice a.m. This p.m. rained awful hard Mr Perry
skinned the grass off of my flower bed. I washed &
ironed the west room curtains. Mrs Perry called
Fri May 10
Nice day. I washed the double room spreads & curtains
I was at Barcus' this evening. Planted lettuce seed
Sat May 11
Fine day, much warmer. Jack & Alice Musser
called. on the hunt of a kind. Maggie called in
the evening
Sun May 12. Rained hard. Mary & Ed Strohm
called. Hose & I took a ride to Newark then Utica
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.107)
[page 107]
[corresponds to page 154 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
got 1 doz tom plants & she gave me an iris
Mon May 13
Rained a little this morning. we washed a little. I was at
Maggies tonight
Tues May 14
sprinkled this a.m. Townley boy
plowed our garden. Quit firing Wilson furnace. Hose spaded flower beds and
Hose partly planted them. Our garden is
not in very good shape. Bess called a while tonight.
Wed May 15
Lovery very cool day. Fay & Ray Carnes called before
going to Arizona. We planted garden this a.m.
and rest of flower seeds. I was at Lilys this evening.
Thurs May 16
Cloudy, cold & a little showery. Jane gave me
some crythamseums plants. Jack had conference with Men. We got 1 doz more
tomato plants at Ernsbergers. I was up to
Hetties this evening but had to come home
as Hose helped Wilson to take Butler to farm
Fri May 17
Lovely day. warmer. I did not go to Senior play. I
spent the day at Bessies, had a fine time. Hose &
O.D. came after me.
Sat May 18
Cool, beautiful day. I made gingerbread & corn bread
Hose took a man to Marion. Jon & Ella came
up and we played euchre.
Sun May 19
Fine day we took a ride to Richwood and
home, Rosa & I went to Baptist church
Mon May 20
Cloudy all day, rained a little in evening
We cleaned dining room & washed the curtain
I was up to Maggies in the evening but had
to come home as Sada & Clarence were here
Tues May 21
very nice day, threating. We put up our porch
valance. I ironed dining room curtains
and put them up. I was Lilys this evening
Wed May 22
This a.m. nice this p.m. rain We went to Col
and Franklin changed. I got a crepe
[corresponds to page 154 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
got 1 doz tom plants & she gave me an iris
Mon May 13
Rained a little this morning. we washed a little. I was at
Maggies tonight
Tues May 14
sprinkled this a.m. Townley boy
plowed our garden. Quit firing Wilson furnace. Hose spaded flower beds and
Hose partly planted them. Our garden is
not in very good shape. Bess called a while tonight.
Wed May 15
Lovery very cool day. Fay & Ray Carnes called before
going to Arizona. We planted garden this a.m.
and rest of flower seeds. I was at Lilys this evening.
Thurs May 16
Cloudy, cold & a little showery. Jane gave me
some crythamseums plants. Jack had conference with Men. We got 1 doz more
tomato plants at Ernsbergers. I was up to
Hetties this evening but had to come home
as Hose helped Wilson to take Butler to farm
Fri May 17
Lovely day. warmer. I did not go to Senior play. I
spent the day at Bessies, had a fine time. Hose &
O.D. came after me.
Sat May 18
Cool, beautiful day. I made gingerbread & corn bread
Hose took a man to Marion. Jon & Ella came
up and we played euchre.
Sun May 19
Fine day we took a ride to Richwood and
home, Rosa & I went to Baptist church
Mon May 20
Cloudy all day, rained a little in evening
We cleaned dining room & washed the curtain
I was up to Maggies in the evening but had
to come home as Sada & Clarence were here
Tues May 21
very nice day, threating. We put up our porch
valance. I ironed dining room curtains
and put them up. I was Lilys this evening
Wed May 22
This a.m. nice this p.m. rain We went to Col
and Franklin changed. I got a crepe
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.108)
[page 108]
[corresponds to page 155 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[illegible] set, and other things.
Thurs May 23
Nice day. I went to card party at armory with
Furry's & Allens tonight. House nearly full
Fri May 24
Clear cold day. We had our annual picnic
down at Pulsis. Jack is here tonight.
Sat May 25
Nice day. I did the usual work. cool Maggie was
here this evening
Sun May 26
Warmer. We took Lily & Rosa and went to Black Gorge
When we all went to Baccalaurate sermon
Mon May 27
Much warmer. I did quite a little work. Clean and
Ada Boyd called. I went to commencement
Tues May 28
Raining Cold
Wed May 29
Rained some clearing, some busy
Thurs May 30
Beautiful Dec. day. Our annual dinner today
I was at Lilys & Rosas a little while
Calvin & Clara came. We had a nice time
Maggie & I went up to cemetery in the evening
Fri May 31
Cool, we washed quite a lot, Hose planted mari-
golds down in the old garden. I washed our green
blankets. Calvin & Clara called on way to Hetties
Sat June 1
Fine day. We washed sheets. Wall & Merrill [illegible] called
Ella & John came up and we played euchre.
Sun June 2
Partly cloudy, rained this p.m. cooler. We went
to Delaware & got some buttermilk. I went to church
this evening. Mr Swaller preached.
Mon June 3
Fine day. sprinkled Alice Johnson waved my
hair. quite busy.
Tues June 4 Washed a lot today Alice Johnson
clipped my hair. I was at Hetties this evening. I did
not go to Missionary meeting at Mrs Barker
[corresponds to page 155 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[illegible] set, and other things.
Thurs May 23
Nice day. I went to card party at armory with
Furry's & Allens tonight. House nearly full
Fri May 24
Clear cold day. We had our annual picnic
down at Pulsis. Jack is here tonight.
Sat May 25
Nice day. I did the usual work. cool Maggie was
here this evening
Sun May 26
Warmer. We took Lily & Rosa and went to Black Gorge
When we all went to Baccalaurate sermon
Mon May 27
Much warmer. I did quite a little work. Clean and
Ada Boyd called. I went to commencement
Tues May 28
Raining Cold
Wed May 29
Rained some clearing, some busy
Thurs May 30
Beautiful Dec. day. Our annual dinner today
I was at Lilys & Rosas a little while
Calvin & Clara came. We had a nice time
Maggie & I went up to cemetery in the evening
Fri May 31
Cool, we washed quite a lot, Hose planted mari-
golds down in the old garden. I washed our green
blankets. Calvin & Clara called on way to Hetties
Sat June 1
Fine day. We washed sheets. Wall & Merrill [illegible] called
Ella & John came up and we played euchre.
Sun June 2
Partly cloudy, rained this p.m. cooler. We went
to Delaware & got some buttermilk. I went to church
this evening. Mr Swaller preached.
Mon June 3
Fine day. sprinkled Alice Johnson waved my
hair. quite busy.
Tues June 4 Washed a lot today Alice Johnson
clipped my hair. I was at Hetties this evening. I did
not go to Missionary meeting at Mrs Barker
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.109)
[page 109]
[corresponds to page 156 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
June 5 Alice Johnston clipped my hair.
I did not go to Missionary at Mrs Barker today
Rained hard. We would. turned furniture
in west room today. busy
Thurs June 6
My birthday, cool, rained some toward evening
We washed and ironed. Map man left, also monument
people. Mr Hixenbaugh called
Fri June 7
Cold day. Rosa Barcus called. I called a few
minutes on Mrs Ramsey then went to O.E.S.
anniversary, busy.
Sat June 8
Still cold. we went to Delaware and did our
Saturdays shopping and I got new white felt
Maggie called in the evening Rosa & Lily came
up and we played euchre, houseful
Sun June 9
Cold we have fire, Did not go any place today
Hose a little busy. Lily, Rosa & I went to tent
meeting at school house. Hose took us up.
Mon June 10
Nice, day, warmer. We washed a lot of sheets.
I went to tent church in the evening. Did not
come to cut my hair.
Tues June 11
cloudy, threatening I washed blouse & 2 dresses al
so ironed. I went to tent meeting
Wed 12 cloudy warm. Mayme, Lily & I went to church
Thus 13 I went to tent meetings, washed
Fri 14 Hugh & Emma Rosecrans called. I went to
Sat June 15 Rained awful hard. Hugh, Emma
Irene Wilson & Leland called. Did not go to
Sun June 16 warm Did not go any where
too busy. Lily, Rosa & I went to Tent meeting ^I was at church
Mon June 17 We washed quite a little [illegible]
washed up shirts. Rained hard. McMapes cut
my hair Alice shampooed & waved it
[corresponds to page 156 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
June 5 Alice Johnston clipped my hair.
I did not go to Missionary at Mrs Barker today
Rained hard. We would. turned furniture
in west room today. busy
Thurs June 6
My birthday, cool, rained some toward evening
We washed and ironed. Map man left, also monument
people. Mr Hixenbaugh called
Fri June 7
Cold day. Rosa Barcus called. I called a few
minutes on Mrs Ramsey then went to O.E.S.
anniversary, busy.
Sat June 8
Still cold. we went to Delaware and did our
Saturdays shopping and I got new white felt
Maggie called in the evening Rosa & Lily came
up and we played euchre, houseful
Sun June 9
Cold we have fire, Did not go any place today
Hose a little busy. Lily, Rosa & I went to tent
meeting at school house. Hose took us up.
Mon June 10
Nice, day, warmer. We washed a lot of sheets.
I went to tent church in the evening. Did not
come to cut my hair.
Tues June 11
cloudy, threatening I washed blouse & 2 dresses al
so ironed. I went to tent meeting
Wed 12 cloudy warm. Mayme, Lily & I went to church
Thus 13 I went to tent meetings, washed
Fri 14 Hugh & Emma Rosecrans called. I went to
Sat June 15 Rained awful hard. Hugh, Emma
Irene Wilson & Leland called. Did not go to
Sun June 16 warm Did not go any where
too busy. Lily, Rosa & I went to Tent meeting ^I was at church
Mon June 17 We washed quite a little [illegible]
washed up shirts. Rained hard. McMapes cut
my hair Alice shampooed & waved it
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.110)
[page 110]
[corresponds to page 167 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[pages 157 to 166 missing]
Mr Strosnider
[This next section is crossed out:
Oct 5 A.D. Strosnider & wife and Jeff to Granville 3.50
Nov 3 Mrs Strosnider to Granville 3.00
" 3 Mrs Strosnider bck from Granville 3.00
" 10 Mr & Mrs Strosnider & Elizabeth & friend to Del game 2.50
" 26 Trip to Columbus 5.00
" 27 Trip to Dudley's & Hines (not pd) 1.50
Dec 28 Strosnider & family to Will Strosniders 1.00
I went to Tent meeting. 19.50]
Tues June 18
cloudy & rainy. I was at Hetties in the evening.
We washed sheets
Wed June 19
Cloudy, cold & rainy Patricks brot the 4 shirts
home. I went to Tent meeting. Monument folks felt
We washed.
Thurs June 20
very windy but clear. We washed again. O.K. [illegible]
is having a movie tonight at Station (Baker) [illegible]
& [illegible] Hervey called. Clouding up. Wilson called
I went to Tent meeting. Hose came up after me
Fri Jun 21
Cool & cloudy. rained hard garden covered
with water. I bring sheets up in the house.
I did not go to church but went to Barcus.
Sat June 22
Rained hard. we washed some then went to Del
and got some things. Bess & Elliott called I
went to Tent meeting tonight
Sun June 23
Partly cloudy. We took a ride to Cochocton, Newark
home, Rosa Lily & I went to Tent meeting
Mon June 24
Nice day, Did not do much. Went to Tent meeting
in the evening
Tues June 25
Beautiful day. I spent at Mrs Lawsons. Did not
go to Tent meeting as Hose went with Wilson to U[illegible]
[corresponds to page 167 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[pages 157 to 166 missing]
Mr Strosnider
[This next section is crossed out:
Oct 5 A.D. Strosnider & wife and Jeff to Granville 3.50
Nov 3 Mrs Strosnider to Granville 3.00
" 3 Mrs Strosnider bck from Granville 3.00
" 10 Mr & Mrs Strosnider & Elizabeth & friend to Del game 2.50
" 26 Trip to Columbus 5.00
" 27 Trip to Dudley's & Hines (not pd) 1.50
Dec 28 Strosnider & family to Will Strosniders 1.00
I went to Tent meeting. 19.50]
Tues June 18
cloudy & rainy. I was at Hetties in the evening.
We washed sheets
Wed June 19
Cloudy, cold & rainy Patricks brot the 4 shirts
home. I went to Tent meeting. Monument folks felt
We washed.
Thurs June 20
very windy but clear. We washed again. O.K. [illegible]
is having a movie tonight at Station (Baker) [illegible]
& [illegible] Hervey called. Clouding up. Wilson called
I went to Tent meeting. Hose came up after me
Fri Jun 21
Cool & cloudy. rained hard garden covered
with water. I bring sheets up in the house.
I did not go to church but went to Barcus.
Sat June 22
Rained hard. we washed some then went to Del
and got some things. Bess & Elliott called I
went to Tent meeting tonight
Sun June 23
Partly cloudy. We took a ride to Cochocton, Newark
home, Rosa Lily & I went to Tent meeting
Mon June 24
Nice day, Did not do much. Went to Tent meeting
in the evening
Tues June 25
Beautiful day. I spent at Mrs Lawsons. Did not
go to Tent meeting as Hose went with Wilson to U[illegible]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.111)
[page 111]
[corresponds to page 168 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
June 27 Beautiful day. We went to Harrisburg to Miss
ionary meeting at Mrs Schneiders. I went to Tent
meeting this evening
Thurs 28 We did not do much I went to Tent meeting
Fri 29 nice day. I went to Tent meeting
[Sat 30 nice day crossed out] Leland gave us 1 qt cherries
Sat June (29) nice day. I made cherry pud-
ding. Went to Tent meeting in evening
Sun June (30) Nice day. went to Richwood
to see Mrs Foster. got 2 qts of lovely
strawberries. Rosa & I went to Tent meet-
ing in the evening.
[corresponds to page 168 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
June 27 Beautiful day. We went to Harrisburg to Miss
ionary meeting at Mrs Schneiders. I went to Tent
meeting this evening
Thurs 28 We did not do much I went to Tent meeting
Fri 29 nice day. I went to Tent meeting
[Sat 30 nice day crossed out] Leland gave us 1 qt cherries
Sat June (29) nice day. I made cherry pud-
ding. Went to Tent meeting in evening
Sun June (30) Nice day. went to Richwood
to see Mrs Foster. got 2 qts of lovely
strawberries. Rosa & I went to Tent meet-
ing in the evening.
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.112)
[page 112]
[corresponds to page 172 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[corresponds to page 172 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.113)
[page 113]
[corresponds to page 179 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[pages 173 to 178 missing]
[corresponds to page 179 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[pages 173 to 178 missing]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.114)
[page 114]
[corresponds to page 180 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[corresponds to page 180 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.115)
[page 115]
[corresponds to page 181 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[entire page is crossed out]
Strosnider, Corbin & Wilson
July 13 First call Mr Mason 1.50
" 14 Casket to Masons 1.00
" 16 Chairs to Masons, trip to cemetery
and Mr Mason funeral 3.50
17 Mrs Corbin to St Francis Hospital 1.50
21 First call Mr Wintermute and
First call Louis Neisley 5.00
22 Work at office 1.00
23 Mr Wintermute in casket & taken home
Louis Nicely in casket & other office work 3.50
24 Helped with chairs & funeral Wintermute
Nicely girl funeral & burial Alton 4.00
26 First call Louise Weiser 2.00
27 Casket to Clevengers 1.00
28 Chairs to & from Clevengers & Weiser funeral 3.50
28 Mrs Ransey to White Cross Hospital 1.50
Aug 2 First call Mr Patrick 1.50
" 3 Work at office & Mr Patrick taken home 1.00
" 4 Mr Patrick funeral 1.50
" 8 Work at office & Mrs Fisher taken home 1.50
" 9 Mildred Thrall from Case Hospital 1.00
" 9 Mrs Fisher funeral 2.00
" 11 Trip to Merideths & work at office 2.50
" 12 Work at office & Mr Merideth taken home 1.00
" 15 Mr Merideth funeral 2.00
" 24 Mrs Corbin from Grant Hospital 1.50
30 Chairs to & from Jacksons 1.00
30 First call Mrs Layman 1.50
31 Work at office & casket to Laymons 1.00
Sept 2 Mrs Layman funeral 1.50
" 4 Junior Whitney to Mt Carmel 1.50
" 6 Mrs Gutride from Case Hospital and
Miss Thrall to Grant Hospital 2.00
7 Mrs Geo Utley to Jane Case 1.00
11 Mrs Utley from Jane Case Hospital 1.00
[corresponds to page 181 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[entire page is crossed out]
Strosnider, Corbin & Wilson
July 13 First call Mr Mason 1.50
" 14 Casket to Masons 1.00
" 16 Chairs to Masons, trip to cemetery
and Mr Mason funeral 3.50
17 Mrs Corbin to St Francis Hospital 1.50
21 First call Mr Wintermute and
First call Louis Neisley 5.00
22 Work at office 1.00
23 Mr Wintermute in casket & taken home
Louis Nicely in casket & other office work 3.50
24 Helped with chairs & funeral Wintermute
Nicely girl funeral & burial Alton 4.00
26 First call Louise Weiser 2.00
27 Casket to Clevengers 1.00
28 Chairs to & from Clevengers & Weiser funeral 3.50
28 Mrs Ransey to White Cross Hospital 1.50
Aug 2 First call Mr Patrick 1.50
" 3 Work at office & Mr Patrick taken home 1.00
" 4 Mr Patrick funeral 1.50
" 8 Work at office & Mrs Fisher taken home 1.50
" 9 Mildred Thrall from Case Hospital 1.00
" 9 Mrs Fisher funeral 2.00
" 11 Trip to Merideths & work at office 2.50
" 12 Work at office & Mr Merideth taken home 1.00
" 15 Mr Merideth funeral 2.00
" 24 Mrs Corbin from Grant Hospital 1.50
30 Chairs to & from Jacksons 1.00
30 First call Mrs Layman 1.50
31 Work at office & casket to Laymons 1.00
Sept 2 Mrs Layman funeral 1.50
" 4 Junior Whitney to Mt Carmel 1.50
" 6 Mrs Gutride from Case Hospital and
Miss Thrall to Grant Hospital 2.00
7 Mrs Geo Utley to Jane Case 1.00
11 Mrs Utley from Jane Case Hospital 1.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.116)
[page 116]
[corresponds to page 183 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[page 182 missing]
[entire page is crossed out]
Sept 11 Mrs Crowl from Grant Hospital 1.00
11 Jr. Whitney from Mt Carmel 1.00
Oct 12 First call Mrs Stark 1.50
" 13 Casket to Starks 1.00
" 15 Mrs Stark funeral 1.50
" 16 Mrs Roush to Case Hospital 1.00
" 25 Mr Davis to White Cross Hospital 1.50
Nov 16 Hattie Hall to Mt Carmel Hospital 1.50
17 Hattie Hall from Hospital and work at office 2.00
18 Work at office & Hattie Hall taken home 1.00
20 Chairs to & from Osbourne 3.50
Two trips to Kilbourne
Dec 6 Mrs Roma Stockwell to T.B. Hospital, Del 1.00
" 12 First call Mr Jeffries 1.50
" 15 Harry hill Van Kirk to Mt Carmel Hospital 1.50
15 Work at office 1.00
27 First call John Ginn 1.50
28 Casket to Ginns 1.00
29 Casket from Ginns & family from Ginns 1.50
3 mo storage $10.00
Paid $50 on bill
due $40 more
[corresponds to page 183 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[page 182 missing]
[entire page is crossed out]
Sept 11 Mrs Crowl from Grant Hospital 1.00
11 Jr. Whitney from Mt Carmel 1.00
Oct 12 First call Mrs Stark 1.50
" 13 Casket to Starks 1.00
" 15 Mrs Stark funeral 1.50
" 16 Mrs Roush to Case Hospital 1.00
" 25 Mr Davis to White Cross Hospital 1.50
Nov 16 Hattie Hall to Mt Carmel Hospital 1.50
17 Hattie Hall from Hospital and work at office 2.00
18 Work at office & Hattie Hall taken home 1.00
20 Chairs to & from Osbourne 3.50
Two trips to Kilbourne
Dec 6 Mrs Roma Stockwell to T.B. Hospital, Del 1.00
" 12 First call Mr Jeffries 1.50
" 15 Harry hill Van Kirk to Mt Carmel Hospital 1.50
15 Work at office 1.00
27 First call John Ginn 1.50
28 Casket to Ginns 1.00
29 Casket from Ginns & family from Ginns 1.50
3 mo storage $10.00
Paid $50 on bill
due $40 more
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.117)
[page 117]
[corresponds to page 186 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[pages 184 and 185 missing]
[corresponds to page 186 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[pages 184 and 185 missing]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.118)
[page 118]
[corresponds to page 187 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Oct 1 1933
[corresponds to page 187 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Oct 1 1933
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.119)
[page 119]
[corresponds to page 188 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sept 1934
[corresponds to page 188 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Sept 1934
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.120)
[page 120]
[corresponds to page 189 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[entire page is crossed out]
Strosnider & Corbin & Wilson
Mar 7 First call Trina Whitney 2.00
" 8 Work at garage .50
" 8 Mr Skinner to Johnstown cemetery 2.00
" 9 To trips out to Walkers 2.00
" 9 Work at office .50
" 10 Work at garage & Mrs Walker funeral 2.00
13 First call Mrs Walker 2.00
15 Casket to Walkers & work at office & garage 1.50
16 Chairs to Walkers 1.00
16 Mrs Walker funeral 2.00
16 Chairs from Walkers 1.00
17 Mr Rinehart to Hospital 1.50
18 First call Mr Richardson 2.00
18 Trip to Cheshire 1.50
19 First call Mrs Searles 2.00
19 Work at office .50
20 Trip to Searles with casket 1.00
20 Mr Richardson funeral 2.00
21 Chairs & flowers to Searles (2 loads)
21 Grass & device to cemetery
21 Flowers to cemetery
21 2 loads of chairs back 4.00
28 Work at office all day 3.00
30 Mrs Peters to Grant Hospital 1.50
Firing furnace 1 mo 3.00
Apr 2 Mrs Shomaker to Case Hospital 1.00
" 4 First call Mr Showalter & work at office 2.50
4 Trip to dry cleaners at Worthington & work at office 1.00
5 Work at office & Mr Showalter taken home 2.00
6 Mr Showalter funeral 2.00
6 First call Mr Budd & work at office 2.50
7 Work at office & trip to Iles in Galena 1.00
8 Box to Galena Cemetery 1.00
8 Mr Budd taken home 1.00
9 Mr Budd funeral & back for chairs 2.50
[corresponds to page 189 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[entire page is crossed out]
Strosnider & Corbin & Wilson
Mar 7 First call Trina Whitney 2.00
" 8 Work at garage .50
" 8 Mr Skinner to Johnstown cemetery 2.00
" 9 To trips out to Walkers 2.00
" 9 Work at office .50
" 10 Work at garage & Mrs Walker funeral 2.00
13 First call Mrs Walker 2.00
15 Casket to Walkers & work at office & garage 1.50
16 Chairs to Walkers 1.00
16 Mrs Walker funeral 2.00
16 Chairs from Walkers 1.00
17 Mr Rinehart to Hospital 1.50
18 First call Mr Richardson 2.00
18 Trip to Cheshire 1.50
19 First call Mrs Searles 2.00
19 Work at office .50
20 Trip to Searles with casket 1.00
20 Mr Richardson funeral 2.00
21 Chairs & flowers to Searles (2 loads)
21 Grass & device to cemetery
21 Flowers to cemetery
21 2 loads of chairs back 4.00
28 Work at office all day 3.00
30 Mrs Peters to Grant Hospital 1.50
Firing furnace 1 mo 3.00
Apr 2 Mrs Shomaker to Case Hospital 1.00
" 4 First call Mr Showalter & work at office 2.50
4 Trip to dry cleaners at Worthington & work at office 1.00
5 Work at office & Mr Showalter taken home 2.00
6 Mr Showalter funeral 2.00
6 First call Mr Budd & work at office 2.50
7 Work at office & trip to Iles in Galena 1.00
8 Box to Galena Cemetery 1.00
8 Mr Budd taken home 1.00
9 Mr Budd funeral & back for chairs 2.50
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.121)
[page 121]
[corresponds to page 190 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Oct 6 1934
[corresponds to page 190 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Oct 6 1934
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.122)
[page 122]
[corresponds to page 191 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[entire page is crossed out]
Apr 11 Casket to Bostons & work at office 1.00
" 12 Mr Boston funeral & other office work all day 3.00
" 13 First call Mrs Geddis 2.00
" 14 Box to Cheshire cemetery 1.00
14 Casket to Geddis 1.00
14 Casket to McWilliams 1.00
15 Chairs to Geddis 1.00
15 Flowers to McWilliams 1.50
15 Mrs Geddis funeral 2.00
15 First call Baby Gallogly 1.00
15 Chairs back from Geddis 1.00
16 Baby funeral & other work 1.00
28 Baby funeral & other work 1.00
May 3 First call Mrs Criss 2.00
" 7 Mrs Pickering to Mt Carmel 1.50
" 7 Trip to Dunhams 1.50
" 8 Box to cheshire & work at office 1.50
9 Mr Dunham funeral & chairs 1.50
9 Mrs Deering from Hospital 1.50
9 Betty Strosnider to Mt Carmel 1.50
12 Mrs Pickering from Mt Carmel 1.50
14 Woman from Ferris to University Hospital 1.50
15 Mrs Shaffer from Portsmouth 4.00
16 Chairs to Shaffers 1.00
16 Mrs Shaffer funeral 1.50
16 Chairs from Shaffers 1.50
17 Betty Strosnider from Mt Carmel 1.50
20 Ruth Bailey from Mt Carmel 1.50
22 First call for Walters at University Hospital 4.00
24 Work at office & Mr Walters taken home 2.00
25 Flowers to Walters then to Croton Cemetery 2.00
25 Mr Walters funeral 2.00
June 5 First call Mr Courters 3.00
" 7 Casket to Courters 1.50
7 Chairs to Courters 2.00
[corresponds to page 191 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[entire page is crossed out]
Apr 11 Casket to Bostons & work at office 1.00
" 12 Mr Boston funeral & other office work all day 3.00
" 13 First call Mrs Geddis 2.00
" 14 Box to Cheshire cemetery 1.00
14 Casket to Geddis 1.00
14 Casket to McWilliams 1.00
15 Chairs to Geddis 1.00
15 Flowers to McWilliams 1.50
15 Mrs Geddis funeral 2.00
15 First call Baby Gallogly 1.00
15 Chairs back from Geddis 1.00
16 Baby funeral & other work 1.00
28 Baby funeral & other work 1.00
May 3 First call Mrs Criss 2.00
" 7 Mrs Pickering to Mt Carmel 1.50
" 7 Trip to Dunhams 1.50
" 8 Box to cheshire & work at office 1.50
9 Mr Dunham funeral & chairs 1.50
9 Mrs Deering from Hospital 1.50
9 Betty Strosnider to Mt Carmel 1.50
12 Mrs Pickering from Mt Carmel 1.50
14 Woman from Ferris to University Hospital 1.50
15 Mrs Shaffer from Portsmouth 4.00
16 Chairs to Shaffers 1.00
16 Mrs Shaffer funeral 1.50
16 Chairs from Shaffers 1.50
17 Betty Strosnider from Mt Carmel 1.50
20 Ruth Bailey from Mt Carmel 1.50
22 First call for Walters at University Hospital 4.00
24 Work at office & Mr Walters taken home 2.00
25 Flowers to Walters then to Croton Cemetery 2.00
25 Mr Walters funeral 2.00
June 5 First call Mr Courters 3.00
" 7 Casket to Courters 1.50
7 Chairs to Courters 2.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.123)
[page 123]
[corresponds to page 192 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Nov 17
[corresponds to page 192 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Nov 17
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.124)
[page 124]
[corresponds to page 193 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[entire page is crossed out]
June 8 Mr Courter funeral 2.00
" 10 Mrs Olinger from Mt Carmel 1.50
" 15 First call Mrs Mann 1.50
16 Work at office 1.50
17 Mrs Mann funeral & other work 3.00
April 19 (1935)
25 & .05 cigars
08 creamer
11 pepper
[corresponds to page 193 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[entire page is crossed out]
June 8 Mr Courter funeral 2.00
" 10 Mrs Olinger from Mt Carmel 1.50
" 15 First call Mrs Mann 1.50
16 Work at office 1.50
17 Mrs Mann funeral & other work 3.00
April 19 (1935)
25 & .05 cigars
08 creamer
11 pepper
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.125)
[page 125]
[corresponds to page 194 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Jan 1
[corresponds to page 194 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Jan 1
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.126)
[page 126]
[corresponds to page 195 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Jan 1
[corresponds to page 195 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Jan 1
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.127)
[page 127]
[corresponds to page 196 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[corresponds to page 196 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.128)
[page 128]
[corresponds to page 197 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Strosnider & Wilson
1935 60 1/2 + 9 + 69 1/2
Jan 4 First call to Fairchilds & work at office 2.50
5 Fairchild girl taken home 1.00
7 Casket to Fairchilds 1.00
7 Madine to Fairchilds to have flowers 2.50
8 Clarence Piper to White Cross 1.50
15 First call Robert Walker almost all day 2.50
16 Walker in casket and taken home 1.00
17 Walker Boy funeral. burial 2.00
19 Work on Mr Cupp at office 2.00
23 Firing furnace
23 First call Mrs S Runier & work at office 3.00
24 Mrs S Runier put in casket & taken home 1.00
25 work at office 1.00
26 First call Mrs Vermillion E Liberty 2.50
27 Trip to 22 mi E of Chilicothe with Wolfe baby 3.00
27 Mr Vermillion in casket & taken home pd $1
29 Mr Vermilion brot down to [illegible] 1.00
29 Clarence Piper from White Cross 1.50
Feb 9 Mrs Longshore from Grant Hospital 1.50
11 Murphey from White Cross Hospital 1.50
16 Mrs William Ross from Wh Cross 1.50
Mar 2 White boy home from White Cross 1.50
" 3 Mrs Robert Patrick from Whitecross & work office 1.50
" 3 Went back to office & stayed 3 1/2 hrs
4 Mrs Patrick in casket & stayed at office 1.50
5 Work at office. Mrs Patrick funeral 3.00
19 Mrs Ewing from Case Hospital to E Liberty in amb 1.00
" 22 Mrs R.W. Perfect to T.B. Hospital Del 1.00
" 24 First call Mr Fisher 2.00
" 25 Mrs Brown from St Francis Hospital 1.50
" 25 Mr Fisher in casket & taken home 1.00
26 Mr Fisher funeral 2.50
Apr 4 First call Mr Phmphrey, work at office 2.50
" 6 Pumphrey taken home 1.00
" 6 Mrs Stoffer from St Francis to [illegible] 1.50
7 Flowers to Pumphreys. Body from [illegible] all day 3.50
7 Mr Pumphrey funeral & Burial [illegible]
[corresponds to page 197 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Strosnider & Wilson
1935 60 1/2 + 9 + 69 1/2
Jan 4 First call to Fairchilds & work at office 2.50
5 Fairchild girl taken home 1.00
7 Casket to Fairchilds 1.00
7 Madine to Fairchilds to have flowers 2.50
8 Clarence Piper to White Cross 1.50
15 First call Robert Walker almost all day 2.50
16 Walker in casket and taken home 1.00
17 Walker Boy funeral. burial 2.00
19 Work on Mr Cupp at office 2.00
23 Firing furnace
23 First call Mrs S Runier & work at office 3.00
24 Mrs S Runier put in casket & taken home 1.00
25 work at office 1.00
26 First call Mrs Vermillion E Liberty 2.50
27 Trip to 22 mi E of Chilicothe with Wolfe baby 3.00
27 Mr Vermillion in casket & taken home pd $1
29 Mr Vermilion brot down to [illegible] 1.00
29 Clarence Piper from White Cross 1.50
Feb 9 Mrs Longshore from Grant Hospital 1.50
11 Murphey from White Cross Hospital 1.50
16 Mrs William Ross from Wh Cross 1.50
Mar 2 White boy home from White Cross 1.50
" 3 Mrs Robert Patrick from Whitecross & work office 1.50
" 3 Went back to office & stayed 3 1/2 hrs
4 Mrs Patrick in casket & stayed at office 1.50
5 Work at office. Mrs Patrick funeral 3.00
19 Mrs Ewing from Case Hospital to E Liberty in amb 1.00
" 22 Mrs R.W. Perfect to T.B. Hospital Del 1.00
" 24 First call Mr Fisher 2.00
" 25 Mrs Brown from St Francis Hospital 1.50
" 25 Mr Fisher in casket & taken home 1.00
26 Mr Fisher funeral 2.50
Apr 4 First call Mr Phmphrey, work at office 2.50
" 6 Pumphrey taken home 1.00
" 6 Mrs Stoffer from St Francis to [illegible] 1.50
7 Flowers to Pumphreys. Body from [illegible] all day 3.50
7 Mr Pumphrey funeral & Burial [illegible]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.129)
[page 129]
[corresponds to page 198 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[crossed out: Strosnider & Wilson 1935
Mon 8 Trip to Galena his machine cemetery
Mrs Mills funeral & chapel, burial Galena 1.50]
Tues Apr 9 (1935)
Cloudy day. Lily & Rosa came up and we played euchre
Wed Apr 10
Very nice day. I went over to Zellas and tried on my
dress & waist. Then went to Hodges. Jack here today
Thurs Apr 11
Rainy most of the day. We cleaned the sit
ting room. We also took Jack home and got
Elliott a white shirt for his birthday. Eliz
abeth Knoderer brot my blue silk waist blouse
Fri Apr 12
Cold & cloudy. We got lbs #3.00 of coal. Hose took
Abe to Delaware and he gave us some fresh fish,
I was up to see Dr Gorsuch this evening.
Sat Apr 13
This morning rainy clearing this p.m. Elliott
& Bess called and we gave him white shirt
for a birthday present John & Ella came up
and we played euchre
Sun Apr 14
Beautiful day we took a ride to airport
and longest way home. I went to church this p.m.
Mon Apr 15
very cold and windy, herd snow flurries. We
washed a little. I was at Maggies this evening
Tues Apr 16
Cold day. I went to Del and had my hair shampooed and
waved, then went to Zella Knodor and tried on my
voile dress. I was at Lilys & played euchre
Wed Apr 17
partly cloudy. Bess spent the day here, Maggie called
I went to the kids missionary this evening. [illegible] here
I was at Maggies before Missionary
thus Apr 18
Beautiful day. Hose took Jack home. Mrs Rosecrans
had a stroke. Mr Loveless & deisel empire man here
[corresponds to page 198 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[crossed out: Strosnider & Wilson 1935
Mon 8 Trip to Galena his machine cemetery
Mrs Mills funeral & chapel, burial Galena 1.50]
Tues Apr 9 (1935)
Cloudy day. Lily & Rosa came up and we played euchre
Wed Apr 10
Very nice day. I went over to Zellas and tried on my
dress & waist. Then went to Hodges. Jack here today
Thurs Apr 11
Rainy most of the day. We cleaned the sit
ting room. We also took Jack home and got
Elliott a white shirt for his birthday. Eliz
abeth Knoderer brot my blue silk waist blouse
Fri Apr 12
Cold & cloudy. We got lbs #3.00 of coal. Hose took
Abe to Delaware and he gave us some fresh fish,
I was up to see Dr Gorsuch this evening.
Sat Apr 13
This morning rainy clearing this p.m. Elliott
& Bess called and we gave him white shirt
for a birthday present John & Ella came up
and we played euchre
Sun Apr 14
Beautiful day we took a ride to airport
and longest way home. I went to church this p.m.
Mon Apr 15
very cold and windy, herd snow flurries. We
washed a little. I was at Maggies this evening
Tues Apr 16
Cold day. I went to Del and had my hair shampooed and
waved, then went to Zella Knodor and tried on my
voile dress. I was at Lilys & played euchre
Wed Apr 17
partly cloudy. Bess spent the day here, Maggie called
I went to the kids missionary this evening. [illegible] here
I was at Maggies before Missionary
thus Apr 18
Beautiful day. Hose took Jack home. Mrs Rosecrans
had a stroke. Mr Loveless & deisel empire man here
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.130)
[page 130]
[corresponds to page 199 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mr Strosnider
[entire page is crossed out]
Apr 7 Strosniders to Delaware 2.00
" 8 Strosniders to Granville 3.50
" 8 Strosniders to Hoovers 3.00
" 10 Strosniders to Battle Creek Mich 40.00
May 5 Strosniders from Battle Creek 40.00
" 13 Strosniders to Granville 3.50
June 8 Trip to Granville 3.50
Jan 21 A.D. Strosnider to House to Del 2.00
Feb 2 A.D. Strosnider & family to Col 5.00
" 7 A.D. Strosnider Nellie to Hospital 5.00
Mar 7 A.D. Strosnider to Court House Del 2.00
" 13 A.D. Strosnider to Grove & C. Village 1.50
14 A.D. Strosnider to Del. Court House 2.00
Nov 17 Williamson for people 5.00
Dr Gorsuch to Columbus Mar 4 2.00
Leta Likes to [illegible] Johnstown on [illegible] 1.00
[corresponds to page 199 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Mr Strosnider
[entire page is crossed out]
Apr 7 Strosniders to Delaware 2.00
" 8 Strosniders to Granville 3.50
" 8 Strosniders to Hoovers 3.00
" 10 Strosniders to Battle Creek Mich 40.00
May 5 Strosniders from Battle Creek 40.00
" 13 Strosniders to Granville 3.50
June 8 Trip to Granville 3.50
Jan 21 A.D. Strosnider to House to Del 2.00
Feb 2 A.D. Strosnider & family to Col 5.00
" 7 A.D. Strosnider Nellie to Hospital 5.00
Mar 7 A.D. Strosnider to Court House Del 2.00
" 13 A.D. Strosnider to Grove & C. Village 1.50
14 A.D. Strosnider to Del. Court House 2.00
Nov 17 Williamson for people 5.00
Dr Gorsuch to Columbus Mar 4 2.00
Leta Likes to [illegible] Johnstown on [illegible] 1.00
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.131)
[page 131]
[corresponds to page 200 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[dates crossed out]
Rev J.H. Julian
314 N Gladstone Ave
Indianapolis Ind
327 N. [illegible]
Marie Hall 122 Shultz Ave
Columbus, O.
Blanch Coyner
Santa Ana
Box 229 R.D. 4
Daisy Wheaton
149 N. Merideth Ave
Pasadena Calif
Roland Sedgwick
[crossed out: Hose began to fire Mar 5th for firm.
Mr Wilson came Mar 7th
Mr Wilson in Mar 7 out May 29 12 weeks
Mr Voik in May 7th]
[crossed out: Funeral car in Apr 2. Pd up to July 1st]
[list of numbers]
[corresponds to page 200 of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[dates crossed out]
Rev J.H. Julian
314 N Gladstone Ave
Indianapolis Ind
327 N. [illegible]
Marie Hall 122 Shultz Ave
Columbus, O.
Blanch Coyner
Santa Ana
Box 229 R.D. 4
Daisy Wheaton
149 N. Merideth Ave
Pasadena Calif
Roland Sedgwick
[crossed out: Hose began to fire Mar 5th for firm.
Mr Wilson came Mar 7th
Mr Wilson in Mar 7 out May 29 12 weeks
Mr Voik in May 7th]
[crossed out: Funeral car in Apr 2. Pd up to July 1st]
[list of numbers]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.132)
[page 132]
[corresponds to unnumbered page of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[corresponds to unnumbered page of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.133)
[page 133]
[corresponds to unnumbered page of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
AIR MAIL - Continued
[corresponds to unnumbered page of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
AIR MAIL - Continued
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935 (p.134)
[page 134]
[corresponds to unnumbered page of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
[corresponds to unnumbered page of Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935]
Dublin Core
Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935
Hopkins, Hosea C--1870-1952
Hopkins House--Ohio--Sunbury
Hopkins, Roberta B--1871-1945--Journal
Myers Inn--Ohio--Sunbury
Hopkins House--Ohio--Sunbury
Hopkins, Roberta B--1871-1945--Journal
Myers Inn--Ohio--Sunbury
In addition to the 1933-1935 daybook information for the Hopkins Inn, this daybook contains Roberta Hopkins' journal, also dated 1933-1935.
Roberta B. Hopkins 1871-1945
Roberta B. Hopkins 1871-1945, “Hopkins House Day Book 1933-1935,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 3, 2025, https://130845.mmnkqq.asia/items/show/160.