Sesquicentennial Scrapbook

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 1)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 1)


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Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 2)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 2)


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Sunbury OH


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 3)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 3)


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[corresponds to unlabeled page 1 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]






The Sunbury Sesquicentennial Seal 1

The Statement of Purpose 2

The Beginning 3

The Planning 4

The Incorporation of the Sunbury Sesquicentennial Commission 5

The 1965 Flea Market 6

The 1965 Fall Festival 7

Everyone's Help is Needed 8

More Planning 9

The 1966 Flea Market 10

The 1966 Flea Market - Pictures 11

Final Plans and Committees 12

Recogtnition from the Press and a Sesqui Agreement Form 13

The Commission Is Ready 14

A Celebration June 27 - July 4, 1966 15


Ruth Truxall's "In Early Days" Column Is Published 16

The Log Cabin Is Celebration Headquarters 17

The Awards, The Sesqui-Programs, The Gooding Amusement Co. 18

The Gooding Amusement Company 19

The Sesqui News, Decorations, Welfare Marchers, Town Officials 20

Souvenirs 21

The Sesqui History SUNBURY'S PART IN OHIO HISTORY 22 - 23

The July 2nd Parade -

The Organization 24

The Parade Route and Interesting Sidelights 25

The Winners 26

More Winners 27

And More Winners - and Clowns 28

Parade Pictures 29

More Parade Pictures 30

And More Parade Pictures 31

The July 4th Parade -

Parade Pictures 32

More Parade Pictures and "the Old Veterans" 33

The Pageant 34

Pageant Pictures 35

Governor Rhodes Visits the Sunbury Celebration 36

The Sesquicentennial Queen 37

The Town Hall 38

The Library 39

The Historical Tours 40 - 41

The Stagecoach Inns 42

The Stagecoach Route Map 43

The Historical Hikes 44 - 45

The Historical Museum 46 - 47

The Horse Show 48

The Sesquicentennial Stamp Cancellation 49

The Cooking School and Special Dinners 50

The Lions Club Food Tent 51

The Red Cross First Aid Station and Special Police 52

Kangaroo Court 53
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Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 4)


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Monday - June 27th Kick-off Day 54 - 55

Tuesday - June 28th Kiddies' Day 56 - 57

Wednesday - June 29th Galena Day 58 - 59

Thursday - June 30th Veteran, Fraternal & Industrial Day 60 - 61

Friday - July 1st Youth Day 62 - 63

Saturday - July 2nd Senior Citizen Day 64 - 65

Sunday - July 3rd Religious Heritage Day 66 - 67

Monday - July 4th American Heritage Day 68 - 69


Sunbury News Headlines ( A Weekly Publication) 70 - 71

Delaware Gazette Headlines (Published Daily, Except Sunday) 72 - 75


The Schools 76 - 77

Our Neighbor - Galena 78 - 79

Churches 80

The Organizations 81

Big Walnut Athletic Boosters 82 - 83

More Organizations 84

Businesses 85 - 95

The Nestle' Company, Inc. 96 - 97

More Businesses 97 - 98

The Sunbury News 99 - 100

The Sesquicentennial Edition of The Sunbury News 101







Photo George Lindsey (left) Photo Harold Kintner (right)


Our sincere thanks to all the Book complied by F. Ruthig
many, many people who have
contributed time and material Cover by D. Ruthig
to make this book possible.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 5)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 5)


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Sunbury Sesquicentennial Seal (photo)

Sunbury, Ohio

1816 1966


Seal designed by

-Bernard Stockwell

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 6)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 6)


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[corresponds to labeled page 2 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]


Commission, Inc.

George Lindsay, Chairman
Harold Kintner, Assistant Chairman
Harold Ault, Treasurer
Mrs. Harold Curren, Secretary
Mrs. Paul Stelzer, Assistant Secretary
Joseph Schilder, Attorney
Rev. Donald Wagner, Ministerial Representative
O. W. Whitney, Sr., Advisory
Mrs. William Whitney, Sunbury News Representative
Miss Esther McCormick, Historian
Douglas Kemp, Commercial Artist
Paul Stelzer, Business Men
Mrs. Lawrence Hill, Sr., Community

Statement of Purpose

A. To put on a successful Sesqui-Centennial celebration with as many
participants as possible.

( I) To encourage strong school and youth participation.

(II) To give recognition and awards for individual and
organizational achievements.

B. To make the community conscious of its heritage and to encourage
preservation of historical sites which historical societies or
civic improvement committees may carry on after 1966.

C. To encourage and promote a community program of beautification.

D. To engage in activities which will permit the Sesqui-Centennial
Commission to fulfill its goal.
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Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 7)


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SIDE BAR: The Beginning

It all began here → [Photo of the Sunbury Town Hall]

← like this

- and developed into
the greatest community
activity Sunbury has
ever experienced in all
its 150 years. This
book strives to tell
the story of the





Sesquicentennial Minutes of May 18, 1965

A group of interested citizens met in the Town Hall Tuesday, May 18, 1965, to the
groundwork for the 1966 Sesquicentennial celebration.

Mayor Kintner called the meeting to order. During the discussion which followed, George
Lindsay was chosen as a co-chairman for the event. Mrs. Jeannette (Harold) Curren was named
secretary with Mrs. Wilma Mitchell and Mrs. Elizabeth Stelzer assistant secretaries. Others
named to a Steering Committee were: Mr. Harold Ault, Treasurer; Mr. Joseph Schilder, legal
advisor; Mr. Douglas Klemp, commercial artist; Reverend Donald Wagner, ministerial represent-
ative; Harold Kintner, Mayor; Mr. C. W. Whitney, Mr. Vere Williamson, and Mr. Leonared Utley,
advisors; Miss Esther McCormick; and a representative of The Sunbury News.

The duties of this group include: (1) planning a pre-sesquicentennial agenda for the
purpose of raising money to finance the major event; (2) naming committees to promote various
phases of the Sesquicentennial; (3) considering the possibility and advisability of incorpo-
rating; and (4) synchronizing the activities of individual community organizations with those
of the Sesquicentennial Committee.

Mr. Paul Stelzer moved that the recommendations made by such a Steering Committee be
accepted in order to make the July 4th, Labor Day, and Halloween Celebrations profitable.

Mr. Kenneth Cook moved and Mr. Larry Hill seconded the motion that all drinks and rides
be reserved for the Sesquicentennial Steering Committee. All other organizations participating
in these celebrations would decide whether or not each would donate a percentage of its profits
to the Sesquicentennial fund.

In the name of the Sunbury Grill, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stelzer donated a pony, bridle, and
saddle to be raffled off for the benefit of the Sesquicentennial celebration.

Miss Mary Kaye Sidders introduced the Flea Market idea for promoting the Sesquicentennial.
She explained that footage around the square be contracted by antique dealers, coin dealers,
organizations and other interested parties, and that the money be donated to the Sesquicenten-
nial fund. Miss Sidders and Miss Esther McCormick were asked to make the arrangements for
this activity to be held early in August.

Harlem Community, represented by E. C. Borden, and the Conservation Club, represented by
Mr. Shoaf, desired to be informed of what was expected of them and their groups.

Mrs. Ron Barnett and Mrs. Mary Hervey, representing the Pythian Sisters, requested the
priority to sell plates during the celebration.

Mrs. Rachel Stockwell requested the priority for the Trademark.

Mr. Douglas Klemp was asked to have a scale drawing made of the town square by the
meeting of June 8, 1965.

Plans were made for the July 4th celebration. Mrs. Wilma Mitchell moved and Mrs. Marion
Whitney seconded that the BST Firemen and the Business Man's Association plans be incorporated
into the Sesquicentennial Committee's plans. The BST Firemen will have the fireworks display,
The Business Men's Association will have the prizes for floats, bicycles, ponies, etc., and
sponsor a Queen contest. Colonel Hough Legion Post will conduct the parade, Organizations
requested the following concessions: CCL Federation-sandwiches and drinks; Legion Auxiliary-
Desserts and ice cream; Band Boosters-cotton candy, sno-cones, dance; Pythian Sisters-sit-
down meals; Sunshine Girls-fish pond; BST Firemen-balloons, up-set the Milk, pitch-a-ball,.

Other groups who wish to participate in the July 4th celebration should contact Mrs.
Harold Curren by noon on June 25th.

Mrs. Ted Forman was asked to contact her husband about portable restrooms which can be
used for such occasions. Mr. Willie Bryant was placed in charge of sanitation for the event.
Mr. Lindsey stated that the Boy Scouts, First Aid Units, and Candy Stripers be utilized at
these events. He also suggested that such groups as the 4-H, Athletic Association, FFA, and
FHA be contacted and encouraged to participate.

Concessions still available are: pronto-pups, corn-on-the-cob, chicken barbecue, African
dip, cat racks, gold fish bowl, melons, baked potato, pizza, pitch-the-rings, pottery break.

A meeting of the Steering Committee was set for Friday, May 28, 1965 at 7:30 PM at the
Town Hall, and a general meeting of the Sesquicentennial group was set for Tuesday, June 8,
1965, at the Town Hall at 8:30 P.M.

George Lindsey, Chairman
Jeannette Curren, Secretary



The Steering committee of the Sesquicentennial met Monday,
May 31, 1965, at 8:30 PM in the Town Hall. Present at the
meeting were: Mr. George Lindsey, Chairman; Mr. Harold Kintner;
Mr. Harold Ault, Treasurer; Reverend Don Wagner; Mrs. Ruth Truxall; Miss
Esther McCormick; and Mrs. Jeannette Curren, secretary.
Plans for the July 4th celebration were discussed. The
agenda for the celebration which will be held on July 5, 1965,
includes: Little League baseball games; games and contests for
the youth of the community; rides and concessions; a parade; a
Beauty Pageant; dancing; and fireworks. Other highlights will
be a speech and the awarding of prizes for the various events.
All boys and girls between the ages of six and eighteen
are invited to enter the Poster Contest. Posters are to be made
advertising the July 4th celebration, on the standard size paper.
those posters which best publicize the celebration according to
the judges will be awarded cash prizes. For details of this contest
contact Mrs. Wilma Mitchell, Mrs. Lib Stelzer, or Mrs. Jeannette
A general meeting of all persons interested in the promotion
of the Sunbury Sesquicentennial of 1966 will be held Tuesday,
June 8, 1965 at 7:30 PM in the Town Hall.

Sunbury Ohio 43074 photocopy

Thursday, May 20, 1965

Headline: Sunbury Starts on 1966 Sesquicentennial Plans Made for July Fourth Celebration.

Names in Article: George Lindsey
Harold Curren
Mrs. Harold Curren
Sunbury Business Men's Association
BST Firemen
Col. Hough Legion Post

Headline: Memoirs of Our Town, Sunbury
by Lucille Peregrine
English Teacher, Big Walnut School
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 8)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 8)


[page 8]

[corresponds to labeled page 4 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]



What: A general meeting of all persons interested in promoting the

WHEN: Tuesday, June 8, 1965, at 7:30 P. M.

WHERE: The Town Hall

WHY: For the purpose of informing each and every person and organ-
ization of the steps which have been taken by the steering

To encourage suggestions for future steps and actions.

To reach everyone interested in taking an active part in the
planning and preparation necessary to make this event a

To provide an opportunity for everyone to have his "say".




Plans for the Fourth of July Celebration to be

held at the Sunbury Playground on Monday, July 5, 1965,

are in the final stages. Guest speaker of the afternoon

will be Mr. John F. Finch, Professor of English at

Otterbein College.

Judging of the Queen Contest will take place at

10:00 A.M. and the crowning ceremonies will be held at

approximately 3:00 P.M.

The complete schedule of events will be announced

following the last general meeting of persons interested

in the celebration. This meeting will be held Monday,

June 28, 1965, at 7:00 P.M. at the Shelter House on the

Sunbury Playground. A meeting of the Sesquicentennial

commission will follow the general meeting. All persons

interested are urged to attend these meetings.

SUNBURY NEWS 6/10/65 Photocopy

HEADLINE: Everyone Invited to Enter Parade
At Sunbury July Fourth Celebration

NAMES IN ARTICLE: Robert Morris, American Legion
Curren's Sohio
Wilma's Little Shop

Delaware Gazette

HEADLINE: Meeting on
Sunbury Fourth
Set for Friday

Mrs. Jeanette Curren
Robert Morris
Wilma's Little Shop

Thursday, 6/3/65
Sunbury Ohio

HEADLINE: Sunbury July Fourth Celebration to
Feature Entertainment, Sports, Dance

NAMES IN ARTICLE: Mrs. Wilma Mitchell
Mrs. Lib Stelzer
Mrs. Jeannette Curren
George Lindsey
Harold Kintner
Harold Ault
Douglas Klemp
O. W. Whitney
Vere Williamson
Rev. Don Wagner
Mrs. Ruth Truxall
Miss Esther McCormick
Mrs. Jeannette Curren

Headlines from the Sunbury News proclaim SUNBURY's JULY 4th DRAWS RECORD CROWD and "The
News Editor Speaks" as follows:
We are proud of our community and the people of it who cooperated so well,
gave so unselfishly of their time and energies to plan and carry out the
largest and best July 4th celebration this community has had since 1913.
Our personal thanks goes to each and everyone who helped in any way and
we know that next year's Sesqui-Centennial will be huge and
well organized as it will be planned by the same commission.

Delaware, O. Gazette Friday, July 16, 1965 (Photocopy)

Headline: Flea Market on Aug. 8 is First
Sunbury Sesqui Group Plans
Several Fund-Raising Events

Names in Article: Big Walnut High School Band
Miss Helen McCormick
Miss Mary Kaye Sidders
Sunbury Lions Club
Bernard Stockwell

Sunbury News Aug. 1965 (photocopy)
Sunbury's Sesqui Auto Plates are on sale at most places of
business. Display one on your car or truck now. Many
are already appearing. Yours will help put our celebration
on the map.

The date for the celebration of the Sunbury Sesqui-Centennial
was set for July first, second, third, and fourth 1966. The Sesqui-
Centennial Commission moved rapidly into plans to promote this coming
historical, central-Ohio village event at a meeting held Monday, July
12, 1965 at 7:30 P. M. in the Town Hall.
Mrs. Bernard Stockwell presented an excellent drawing of a
trademark for the Sesqui celebration. The Commission quickly adopted
the simple but dignified symbol for the official label to be used
throughout the entire existence of the Sesqu-Centennial celebration.
Goals to be achieved by the Sesqui-Centennial commission were
written by Miss Esther McCormick and accepted as official by the
Commission members. Monthly meetings of the Commission will be held
on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 P. M. in the Town Hall.
Plans for the Flea Market to be held Sunday, August 8, 1965,
on the east side of the village square, were outlined by Miss Esther
McCormick, who with the assistance of Miss Mary Kaye Sidders has laid
the groundwork for this event. Contracts have been received from
dealers in antiques, guns, coins, ceramics, side walk markets, food,
and old-fashioned fabrics. The Flea Market will also feature an old-
fashioned ice cream social, buggy and other types of rides, a Book
Mart, a Country Store, and music by the Big Walnut High School Band.
A donation of a $1.00 will give one a chance on a pony, bridle, saddle,
and blanket to be raffled off at the Labor Day celebration. Booth
space, priced at $5.00, is still available to any interested parties.
Admission to the Flea Market will be a donation of 50 cents for each adult
but children under 12 will be admitted free if accompanied by an adult.
Mark this date on your calendar!
Tentative plans were discussed for the forth-coming Labor Day.
Mr. Lou Guidotti, president of the Lions Club, granted permission to
the Sesqui-Centennial commission to share in the activities of this
annual holiday which for many years has featured an Ox Roast.
Also tentative are the plans for the Halloween Festival to be
held on October 29th and 30th this year. Any persons or organizations
interested in these holiday celebrations should contact the Commission
as soon as possible.

Mrs. Jeannette Curren
WO 5 - 3986
Box 117
Sunbury, Ohio
Secretary and Publicity Chairman
Sunbury Sesqui-Centennial Commission

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Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 9)


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[corresponds to labeled page 5 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]


Articles of Incorporation of
Sunbury Sesqui-Centennial Commission

HEADLINE: Sunbury Sesqui Incorporates

NAMES IN ARTICLE: George Lindsey
Esther McCormick
Harold Kintner
Joseph Schilder



NEWS RELEASE (August 23, 1965)


1. Have you your chances on the pony,bridle, and
saddle to be given away at the Ox Roast on
Labor Day? Every community-spirited Suburyte
and friend should support the Sesquicentennial
by getting his or her chances soon. $1.00 dona-
tion will obtain a chance on this pony.

2. Is your car in style? Are you sporting a
Sesquicentennial license plate? For $1.00
you can tell the world about Sunbury's
future celebration. do your part. Buy a
license plate today. Your local merchants
have them.

3. Will you be at the Sunbury Playground on
September 6th? The Labor Day Ox Roast spon-
sored by the Lions Club will be assisted this
year by the Sesquicentennial Commission.
Plan to attend this annual event. The proceeds
will go for good causes.

4. Do you know that the monthly meetings of
the Sesquicentennial Commission are held
on the first Monday of each month at 7:30
P.M. in the Town Hall? The September
meeting, however, will be the third Monday
in September due to Labor Day on the first.
Any interested person is welcome to these

Columbus Dispatch 8/8/65 (photocopy)

HEADLINE: Flea Market Kicks off Sunbury Sesqui Plans

1.George Lindsey
2. Mayor Harold Kintner
3. (photo) Miss Louise Sheets

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[corresponds to labeled page 6 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]



Flea market
on the Village Square Sunbury Ohio
Sunday - August 8 1965
9:30 - 5:30
Antiques - Coins - Ceramics
Ice Cream Social - Food
Guns - Country Store - Book mart
Music by the Big Walnut Band
Please Post

Sunbury News 7/29/65 (photocopy)
Headline: Many Dealers Attracted Here
for Sunbury's First Flea Market

1.Miss Esther McCormick
2.Miss Mary Kaye Sidders

Copied from the Sunbury News of Thursday, August 12, 1965

Rain Fails To Dampen Itch Of Flea Market

Sunbury's biggest crowd in years is shown at the village's first flea market
at booths under awnings on the east side of the square during Sunday's rains.
Hundreds of people from all over central Ohio flocked into Sunbury Sunday
in spite of rain and overcast skies to attend the Flea Market held on
the streets to open festivities for the Sesquicentennial next year.
Nearly fifty dealers put up their wares in vacant store rooms and under awnings of store
fronts and cheerfully handled the throngs that passed through the lines all day starting
at 10:00 that morning.
Many residents had inquired before the day just what was a Flea Market? The News was
anxious to learn. George Lindsey of the Sesquicentennial Commission which sponsored the
affair tells that the custom originated in France in the 1500's. Looters and thieves of
the time would set up their stolen goods on the streets in the cities and sell it.
Since the merchants at that time were quite dirty and "buggy" the term "Flea Market was
given to that particular type of sale. The name remains though circumstances are different.

Crowd Fills Town All Day
"Possibly never before has the historic public square and the old brick town hall
looked prettier and more inviting. Compliments on the town and friendly people came from
all sides on Sunday," Miss Esther McCormick told the News.
Miss McCormick and Miss Mary Kaye Sidders were co-chairmen of the Flea market committee.
Other members working on it besides those on the Sesqui Commission were Mrs. Charles
Ward and Mrs. Peter Corna.

Thanks to Everyone Helping
Miss McCormick asked that the News pass on their thanks to everyone who helped with
special thanks to Progress and Searchlight Clubs for the Country Store; the Community Library
for its Book Mart; the CCL League and Mrs. Marian Whitney and her volunteers and the Wester-
ville Creamery for the Oldtime Ice Cream Social; the Band Boosters for their food booth; Big
Walnut Band for music (musicians, the crowd would have liked more); the men who gave enjoy-
ment to children and added a note of festivity with firetruck rides; Frank Stelzer, James
Hoover and the village policemen who gave extra time and effort; the Sunbury News for excell-
ent publicity; Delaware Chamber of Commerce and Delaware County Council of Social Agencies as
well as WDLR for the good coverage and Dan Clancy of the Columbus Dispatch for interesting
write ups.

Very special thanks to Williamsons and Hill's Drugs who quickly made their stores and
buildings available to the community and the visiting dealers. Sunbury, we put ourselves on
the Ohio map Sunday: Let's keep going, " Miss McCormick added.
Mr and Mrs Jack Wintermute of Galion spent most of the day in the News Office. These
former residents were the oldest attending: she is 95 and he is 90 The News will bring
you more about them later. Scores of other former residents were in town.

Sunbury News 8/5/66 (photocopy)

Headline: Big Crowd Expected for
Sunbury's first Flea Market

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[corresponds to labeled page 7 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Sunbury Sesqui To Give Pony Away at Ox
Roast Labor Day --Auto Plates Going Fast

1.Lib and Paul Stelzer
2. Mrs. Jeanette Curren

The Sunbury Sesquicentennial Commission has entered into a
contract with the Gooding Amusements to hold a Fall Festival on
the streets of the Sunbury Square from 3:00 P.M. Thursday, October
21, to midnight, October 23, 1965.

The Commission wishes to extend to you the opportunity to
participate in this celebration also. Any group or organization
may have a concession or game of skill (1) provided that the game
of skill or concession does not violate the privileges granted by
contract to the Gooding Amusements, and (2) provided that the said
group or organization promises to pay to the Sunbury Sesquicentennial
Commission 50% of the net profit.

If you care to join this activity, contact JEANNETTE CURREN
WO 5-3986 before OCTOBER 15, 1965, for arrangements and your

Merchants could greatly assist in this celebration by
planning special sales for these three days.

Jeannette Curren, Secretary

Sunbury News, 10/21/65 (photocopy)
Fall Festival to
Open this Afternoon

1. Harold Ault
2. Galen Holtrey

Delaware Gazette, Friday October 1, 1965

The Sunbury News, 10/7/65 (photocopy)
Sunbury Festival
Brings Fun for All

1.Mary Evans

2. Joe Miles

Delaware Gazette, Friday October 1, 1965
Sunbury Sesqui
Group to Hold
Fall Festival

The Sunbury News,10/14/65 (photocopy)
Festival to Be Held
Here Next Week

1.Miss Mary Evans

Commission Members At Work

Photos: Harold Ault Treas.
O.W. Whitney, Lib Stelzer, Jeannette Curren
Harold Kintner, Don Wagner.

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 12)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 12)


[page 12]

[corresponds to labeled page 8 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio,

Delaware Gazette, 3/25/66
Sesqui Plans
Picking up
At Sunbury

1.Joe Schilder
2. Mrs Larry B. Hill
3. Harold Kintner

Churches Combine to Present
Messiah for Sesquicentennial

1.Lew B. Radabaugh

Photos: Mrs. Charles Ward, Mrs Hallie Day , Mrs Merle Williamson

Sunbury Prepares For Sesqui

1.George Lindsey

The Sunbury News, 3/17/66
Sesqui Celebration
Requires Help of All

1. Mrs Mary Kay Sidders 14.Marion Owen
` 2.George Lindsey, 15.Miss Margaret Garee
3. Harold Kintner 16.Mrs Carl Dawson
4. Jeanette Curren 17.Mrs Burleigh Eley
5.Harold Ault 18. Clyde Hottle
6.Esther McCormick 19. William Warner.
7.Rev. Donald Wagner 20.Mrs Merle Williamson
8.O.W. Whitney Sr. 21. Mrs. Wilma Ward
9.Douglas Klemp 22. Mrs Hallie Day
10.Paul Steltzer 23. Mrs. Ruth Truxall
11.Joe Schilder 24. Mrs Anna Smith Pabst
12.Gladys B. Hill Sr. 25. Carleton Burrer
13.Mrs Marian Whitney 26. William Whitney
27. Marian Whitney
28. Hoyt Whitney

29.Carl Loar
30.Bernard Stockwell
31. Mrs Rachel Stockwell
32.Douglas Klemp
33.Mrs. Dan Warner
34.Miss Mary Evans
35.Emerson Mathews
36.Charles Nettelhorst, Charles Reese Gerald Strosnider,
Burrell Denune, George Lindsey
37. Duane Alward and Mary Ellen Laymon
38. Mrs. Joanne Ward, Miss Shirley Olinger, Mrs. Truda Ross Hite
39.Mrs Betty Nichols Mrs. Janet Sechrist and Mrs Frances Ruthig
40. Miss Louise Sheets Mrs Hazel Hoover Robert Perry Leonard Utley
41. Mr. Mrs Danny Conant Mr. Mrs Douglas Ruthig
42.Robert Daniels Barry Brown Gary Shannon Mary Kay Sidders

Delaware Gazette, Tuesday February 15, 1966
Any Old Photographs for Sunbury Sesqui?
Photo: Mrs. Charles Ward, Mrs Hallie Day , Mrs Merle Williamson


Sunbury Ohio
1816 1966

Visit Sunbury's Celebration
June 27th to July 4th

Sunbury Plans many Contests
for Huge Sesqui Celebration

1. Harold Curren 12. Kenneth Cook, Lou Guidotti, George Main
2. John Reichelderfer 13. Rev. Donald Wagner
3. Robert Searles 14. Mrs. Dillie Burrer Mrs Mary Ellen Miller and
4. Jack Kohler Mrs Florinel Cring, Mrs Douglas Ruthig,
5. Mrs Larry B. Hill Edward Hoke, Tammy Buell Robert Daniels
6. Mrs Pauline Livingston
7. Mrs Marcine Shipman
` 8. Mrs Kay Miller
9. Mrs. Mary Wise
10. Mrs Wilma Mitchell Mrs Ellen Stemen
11. Larry Hill and Paul Miller
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 13)


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[page 13]

[corresponds to labeled page 9 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Sunbury News, 5/5/66
Sunbury Council Discusses
Annexation, Sesqui Plans

1. Gerald Belvo
2. Harold Kintner
` 3. Jay Stemen

Delaware Gazette 4/16/66
Sunbury Sesqui Sets
Observance Program

The Columbus Dispatch, 3/29/66
Johnny Jones House Painting Helps Sesqui

Photo:Mrs. Edward Saver Krisdan Farm
Johnny Jones

Letter to the Editor

1. Ruth Ackman

The Sunbury News, 4/14/66
Sesqui Commission Completes
Plans for Summer Celebration

1. Harold Kintner , Bob Morris
2. Mrs Lola Dell Searles , Mrs. Lucille Peregrine
3. Mrs Frank Bergandine
4. Joe Schilder
5. Harold Ault, Gladys Hill, Mrs. Pauline Livingston
6. Robert Taylor, Gladys B. Hill Mr. Kibler
7. Jerry Razor
8. Mrs Gladys Hill O.W. Whitney
9. Carleton Burrer, Larry M. Hill

The Sunbury News 6/17/66
Sunbury Works Hard on Sesqui

1. Harold Kintner George Lindsey, Esther McCormick

The Sunbury News, Thursday, March 24, 1966
The News Editor Speaks
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Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 14)


[page 14]

[corresponds to labeled page10 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Dispatch, Sunday, June 5, 1966
Sale Today
At Sunbury 1.Sally Wirick 2. Laurie Beth Stockwell
3. Mr Mrs Harold Kintner
4. Esther McCormick 5. George Lindsey
6. Robert Morris 7. Rachel Stockwell
8. Carol Wirick

The Sunbury News, 6/9/66
Belle of Yesterday
1. Jette Whitt
2. Thelma Mathews
3. Doris Beck
4. Judy Morris
5. Bertha Milligan
6. Gladys Cross
7. Lurettta Day

Delaware Gazette, 5/26/66 Delaware Gazette
40 Dealers Plan Flea Market
Sunbury June 5 Sunday at Sunbury
Flea Market

The Sunbury News, 6/9/66
Sunbury Flea Market
Attracts larger Crowd

1. Jack Brehm 2. Bernard Stockwell 3. Helen Nincehelser 4. Amy Stockwell
5. Mrs Rachel Stockwell 6. Beth Stockwell 7. Sally Wirick 8. David Stockwell
9. Earl Fravel 10. Harry White 11. Supt. Hylen Souders 12. Lawrence Hill
13. Mrs George Lindsey 14. Bud Alward 15. Joe Schilder 16. Willie bryant

Sunbury News, 3/24/66
Sunbury Sesqui Flea Market
Will be Held in June

1. Mrs W.J. Crowl 2. Miss Mary Kay Siddeers

The Sunbury News, 5/26/66
Sesqui Plans Flea
Market on Square

1. Ed Saver 2. Mrs Paul Stelzer 3. Mrs Loy Perfect 4. Mrs Mary Kaye Sidders
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 15)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 15)


[page 15]

[corresponds to labeled page 11 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Photo: The Cabin Relaxing at the Cabin
the Cabin and Jail builders Jette Whitt, Vera Paul and Wilma Ward
worked hard and long to have take advantage of the cabin portico.
these buildings completed for
the Flea Market.

Photos: Crowds filled the Public Square
and enjoyed its beauty while they viewed the wares
of the many dealers present at the Flea market

Delaware Gazette 6/7/66
Sunbury Flea Mart Draws 3,000

1. Mary Kaye Sidders wearing 1880 dress 2. Mary Wise

Photo: Marian Whitney, Lib Stelzer, Wilma Mitchell, Gladys Hill
Neva Kintner, Maxine Link.

The News Editor Speaks...
1. Mary Kaye Sidders 2. Lib Stelzer 3. Mrs. Harold Kintner

Photo: Commission members hard at work in the kitchen
of the Sunbury Grill preparing food for the Sesqui
Commission food counter at the flea market.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 16)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 16)


[page 16]

[corresponds to labeled page 12 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Sunbury News Thursday, June 2, 1966
Flea market points to Sesqui;
Pageant Needs Many Actors

1. Mrs W.J. Crowl, Miss Louise Sheets, Mrs D.C Hoover
2. Lucille Peregrine , Mrs Lola Dell Searles

Sunbury Sesqui Commission members:

1. Mrs Lib Stelzer, Mrs Marian Whitney Miss Esther McCormick, Mrs Gladys Hill,

2. Mrs Jeannette Curren, Joseph Schilder, Rev. Donald Wagner, O.W. Whitney,
Harold Kintner, George Lindsey, Harold Ault, Paul Stelzer, Doug Klemp.

Sunbury Sesquicentennial

1. Executive Committee
Sunbury Sesquicentennial Commission, Inc.
George C. Lindsey, Jr. .............Chairman
Harold Kintner......................Assistant Chairman
Jeannette G. Curren.................Secretary
Harold Ault.........................Treasurer
Esther McCormick....................Historian
Rev. Donald Wagner..................Ministerial Rep.
O.W. Whitney, Sr....................Advisory
Douglas Klemp.......................Commercial Artist
Paul Stelzer........................Business Men
Joe Schilder........................Atty, Legal Advisor
Gladys B. Hill, Sr..................Community
Elizabeth Stelzer...................Asst. Secretary
Marian Whitney......................Sunbury News


George Lindsey Jr........................Chairman
Harold Kintner...........................Insurance
Harold Ault..............................Finance
Joe Schilder.............................Legal Counsel

Esther McCormick.................Chairman
George Lindsey...................Asst. Chairman

1. Advertisement Committee
a. Mr Marion Owens
b. Mrs Marion Owens
c. Miss Margaret Garee
d. Mrs. Carl Dawson
e. Mrs Burleigh Eley
f. Mr Clyde Hottle
g. Mr William Warner

2. Old Picture Committee
a. Mrs Merle Williamson
b. Mrs Wilma Ward
c. Mrs Hallie Day

3. Writers
a. Miss Esther McCormick
b. Mr. Carleton Burrer
c. Mrs Anna Smith Pabst
d. Mr O.W. Whitney
e. Rev. Donald Wagner
f. Mr Hylan Sounders
g. Mrs Edna Zieschang
h. Mrs Ruth Truxall

4. Research Personnel
a. William Whitney
b. Marian Whitney
c. O.W. Whitney Sr.
d. Hoyt Whitney
e. Carl Loar (recently deceased)

5. Seal and Historical Map
a. Bernard Stockwell
b. Rachel Stockwell, Researcher

6. Historical Milestones
a. Bertha Huddleston
b. Mary Ellen Miller
c. Leonard Utley
d. E.B. Franklin

7. Art Department
a. Douglas Klemp
b. Mrs Dan Warner
c. Miss Mary Evans
d. Bernard Stockwell

8. Editing
a. Emerson Mathews

9. Photographers
a. Charles Nettlehorst
b. Charles Reese
c. Gerald Strosnider
d. Burle DeNune
e. George Lindsey
f. Mary Ellen Laymon -Scheduling
g. Duane Alward

10. Typists
a. Mrs Joanne Ward
b. Miss Shirley Olinger
c. Mrs Truda Hite
d. Mrs Betty Nichols
e. Mrs Janet Sechrist
f. Mrs Frances Ruthig
g. Mrs Elizabeth Conant

11. Historical Tours
a. Miss Louise Sheets, Chairman
b. Mrs Hazel Hoover
c. Mr Robert Perry
d. Mr. Leonard Utley

12. Historical Hikes
a. Mr and Mrs. Danny Conant
b. Mr and Mrs Douglas Ruthig

13. Historical Canoe Trip
a. Robert Daniels , Chairman
b. Barry Brown
c. Gary Shannon
d. Gary Boughman

14. Flea Market
a. Mary Kaye Sidders


Joe Schilder......................Chairman

1. Brothers of the Brush
a. Harold Curren, Chairman
b.John Reichelderfer
c. Robert Searles
d. Jack Kohler

2. Ladies Sunbonnets - Sunbonnet Gals
a. Mrs Larry Mill, Chairman
b. 1. Celebration Belles (Queen Crowning)
a. Mrs Mary Wise, Chairman
b. Mrs Wilma Mitchell
c. Mrs Ellen Stemen

2. Sesqui Belles and Mens Costumes
a. Mrs Pauline Livingston
3. Old Fashioned style Show
a. Marcine Shipman
b. Kay Miller
3. Men's and Son's hats and ties
a. Mr Larry Hill, chairman
b. Mr Paul Henry Miller

Reverend Donald Wagner..................Chairman

1. Organization and Preservation of Historical Documents
a. Dorothy Burrer
b. Mary Ellen Miller
c. Florinel Cring

2. Preservation of Clippings
a. Mrs Douglas Ruthig

3. Youth Participation
a. Tammy Buell
b. Robert Daniels

4. Religious Music
a. Edward Hoke


Harole Kintner......................Chairman


1. Pagent
a. Mrs Lucille Peregrine, Co-Director
b. Mrs Lola Dell Searles, Co-Director

2. Parade Master
a. Robert Morris

3. Music Directors
a. Edward Hoke, Vocal

2. Parade Master
a. Robert Morris

3. Music Directors
a. Edward Hoke, Vocal
b. Jack Rolfes, Instrumental

4. Stage and Construction of Cabin
a. Paul Henry
b. Robert Nichols
c. Russell DeWitt
5. Merchant Promotion Days
a. Local Businessmen's Association


1.General Law Enforcement
a. Ted Budnick
b. Lloyd Stamper
c. Gene Jackson, Sheriff and deputies

2. Parking and traffic
a. Boy Scouts
c. Civilian Defense

3. Transportation
a. Wayne Sanders

4. First Aid - Red Cross
a. Mary Ellen Miller
b. Richard DeVore
c. Ken Cook
d. Mary Curren


Douglas Klemp.....................Chairman

1. Decorations Committee
a. Emil Boxwell
b. James Conley

2. Electricity, Sound System, Lighting
a. Ed Hoke
b. Willie Bryant
3. Clean up Committee
a. Boy Scouts
b. Harold Decker - Chairman
c. Frank Stelzer
d. Ralph Meeker
e. Perry Spangler
f. Cub Scouts # 247


Jeannette Curren.....................Chairman

1. Secretarial Committee
a. Elizabeth Stelzer
b. Wilma Mitchell
2. Poster Committee
a. Vera Vromen
b. Norma Davis
3. TV and Radio
a. George Lindsey
4. Press Release
a. Marian Whitney

Paul Stelzer...................Chairman

1. Rides
a. Gooding Amusements
b. George Lindsey

2. Souvenirs Committee

a, Plates- Pythian Sisters - Mrs Marjorie Stith
b. License Plates - Sesqui Commission -Harold Kintner
c. Sunbury Map - Bernard Stockwell

3. Sesquicentennial Booth
a. Mrs Jeannette Curren, Chairman
b. Mrs Ellen Stemen
c. Alice Stemen
d. Mrs Vera Vromen
e. Miss Mary Curren
f. Mrs Polly Bergandine

4. Old-Fashioned Games
a. Wayne Sanders, Chairman

1. Museum
a. Neva Kintner, Chairman
b. Mary Ellen Miller
c. Mrs Mable Southworth
d. Mrs Ellen Stemen

2.Old Time Crafts
a. Mrs Verna Bergandine, Chairman
b. Mrs. Judy Morris, Handicrafts
c. Mrs Marjorie Saver, Paintings
d. Mrs Shirley Gray, youth

3. Garden Clubs
a. Mrs Gladys B. Hill

4. Fireworks
a. Robert Barcus
b. Local Fireman

O.W. Whitney, Sr.........................Chairman

1. Dignitaries and hospitality Committee
a. Mr and Mrs Richard Paul
b. Mr and Mrs Forrest Day
c. Mrs Merle Williamson
d. Mrs Jette Rogers Whitt
e. Mrs O.W. Whitney, Sr.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 17)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 17)


[page 17]

[corresponds to labeled page 13 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Delaware, O. Gazette
Thursday, June 23, 1966
Sunbury Planning Its Sesqui,
First Platted November 9, 1816

1. William and Lawrence Myers
2. Joe Kimball
3. Col. Moses Byxbe
4. Russell W. Miller
5. Joe Adams

Delaware Ohio Gazette
Wednesday, June 22, 1966
Stelzers Among Key Boosters

1. Mr. and Mrs Paul Stelzer

Sunbury to Celebrate Sesquicentennial

1. Miss Esther McCormick

Sunbury Sesqui-Centennial Agreement Form.
Sunbury Ohio

The Sunbury Sesquicentennial Commission is
incorporated organization; therefore any organization
or individual(s), or other engaging in activities of
any nature under its name must fully understand that:
(1) The Sunbury Sesquicentennial commission is to
receive fifty percent (50%) of the net profits from
said activity: (2) the membership of an active
organization or individual(s) is fully aware of this
agreement and the minutes of said organization records
the motion, seconded, and passed by its' membership,
and/or sanctioned by the individual(s) involved: (3)
the Sunbury Sesquicentennial Commission is not to be
held responsible for loss, theft, breakage, or bodily
harm sustained by an organization or individual(s)
involved in said activities.

This agreement should be returned to the Commission
within ten days of receipt and be signed by either the
individuals(s) or presiding officer and secretary of an


Jeannette Curren, Sec.

George C. Lindsey, Jr.

Columbus Dispatch, Sunday, June 26,1966
Sunbury Sesquicentennial Bursts
Into 8-Day Extravaganza Monday

1. U.S. Rep. Jackson Betts R-Ohio
2. Harold Kintner, George Lindsey
3. Willie J. Bryant
4. Bob Morris
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 18)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 18)


[page 18]

[corresponds to labeled page 14 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Sesquicentennial Commission
outlines its aims and achieve-
ments to date.

Sunbury June 13, 1966
Commission, Inc.

Mr. William Whitney, Editor
The Sunbury News
Sunbury, Ohio

Dear Mr. Whitney:

The Sunbury Sesquicentennial celebration is scheduled for June 27
through July 4th, 1966. Such a celebration is an honorable and
historical event. In May, 1965, several interested citizens volun-
tered their services to the planning, promoting, and administering
of this celebration. For legal functioning and the protection of its
members, the group was incorporated under the name of the Sunbury
Sesquicentennial Commission. The goals of the Commission are: (1) to
present a successful celebration with an many parti-
cipants as possible; (a) to encourage strong school and youth parti-
cipation: (b) to give recognition and awards for individual and organ-
izational achievements; (2) to make the community conscious of its
heritage and to encourage the preservation of an historical society
or civic committee to carry on after 1966; (3) to engage, encourage,
and promote a community program of beautification; and (4) to engage in
activities which will permit the Sunbury Sesquicentennial Commission to
fulfill its goals. The Commission is a non-salaried, non-profit,
organization dedicated to the goals outlined above.

A more dedicated group would be difficult to find anywhere. The
Commission has met once every month and many times more in some of
those months. Each member has also headed up a committee, and that
committee has involved many sub-committees where numbers of persons
have donated time and energy over and beyond the call of duty. The
names of these persons are too numerous to list but each worked long
and hard without any monetary compensation. Many organizations have
also cooperated with the Sesquicentennial movement and realizing the
need for funds have agreed to the fifty-fifty split of the net profits.
Over and above the time, energy, and work given, many individuals on
the Commission have also donated valuable items and cash money toward
the activities for the promotion of this grand celebration. If these
people have been willing to give so generously of themselves, surely
all residents of the Big Walnut School District should be cognizant
of their efforts and reward them and the community during the coming
eight days of festivity by: (1) encouraging them with constructive
criticism; (2) active participation in and attendance at all events:
(3) being courteous and gracious to all those who will be visiting
our community at this time; and (4) realizing that there are and will
be personality clashes, mistakes, and words uttered thoughtlessly but
nevertheless the goals remain the same and will be attained if every-
one keeps them in mind.

Look about you to see what the Commission has accomplished to date.
Are people conscious of their heritage? We think so for it is showing in
many ways - the flags on the street, the articles in the newspapers, and
more. There have been two successful Flea Markets, a wonderful Fourth of
July, and interesting Labor Day, and Fall Festival on the activity level.
The Commission backed the Town Council in the restoration of the Town Hall,
the planting of shrubbery, and has had an indirect influence on the laying
of the new sidewalks. New electrical hook-ups have been placed around the
square to handle the news of an activity such as the Flea Market, and
organizational activities have increased many times over.

Because the Sunbury Sesquicentennial Commission is incorporated, any
individual or organization which uses the words of the name, the dates,
the seal, or any type of Commission materials, etc. are required to pay
the Commission fifty percent of the net profits gained from such use.
The Commission would appreciate the receipt of these profits without the
need for billing each individual or organization.

Mark your calendar. Send in your entry or registration form for
an event. Join in a celebration which can put Sunbury on the map!


Jeannette Curren


The Time has Come - and the Sesqui Commission is about to witness
the results of months of planning, promoting, administering, and
lots of hard work and long hours!

Pictured seated, left to right: Mrs Paul Stelzer, Mrs Marian Whitney
Miss Esther McCormick, Mrs. Gladys Hill, Mrs. Jeannette Curren, Joseph
Schilder, and Rev. Donald Wagner.

Standing, left to right: O.W. Whitney, Harold Kintner, George Lindsey,
Harold Ault, Paul Stelzer, and Doug Klemp.


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 19)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 19)


[page 19]

[corresponds to labeled page 15 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]


Sesqui Program
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 20)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 20)


[page 20]

[corresponds to labeled page 16 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Features of the Sesquicentennial

Photo of Mrs Ruth Truxall

Writer of Early Days
who has been bringing you the articles
weekly on the history of early days,
much of it as it appeared in
the newspapers of the day.

And So It Was!

How did it happen, you ask, that these articles
were written?

The answer is simple: To fulfill the promise made
to the Sesquicentennial Commission that I would do some-
thing to help the sesquicentennial effort.

From doing other research I knew that there is a
wealth of interesting historical material to be had for
the searching.

With that in mind I offered to research and write
several articles for THE SUNBURY NEWS if they would care
to publish them. Graciously, they consented - - and the number
of articles eventually grew to thirty-one.

The work, time-consuming though it was, has been
exceedingly interesting. I have been happy to have this
part in the Sesquicentennial and to share my findings with
anyone who cared to read the articles.

Ruth Domigan Truxall

Sunbury , Ohio
September 29, 1966

Starting on January 27, 1966 and continuing through October 6, 1966, articles
of historical interest, written by Mrs Ruth Truxall, were published in The
Sunbury News. The subject matter of these articles is listed below. All the
articles will be preserved in a scrap book to be kept in the Community Library.
Two of the articles are shown as they were printed in The Sunbury News.

January 27 Taxation
February 3 Subscription Schools
February 10 Fence Viewer
February 17 Earmarks
February 24 Unwanted Residents (Welfare Cases)
March 3 Newspaper Subscriptions Paid by Barter
March 10 Estrays
March 17 Fulling Mill and Carding Mill at Berkshire
March 24 District Schools Established
March 31 The Mails
April 7 Retail Advertising
April 14 Waste Materials Were Salvaged (Rags, Ashes, etc.)
April 21 Opportunities for Apprenticeship
April 28 Rewards Offered for Livestock
May 5 Runaways
May 12 School Year Divided into Terms
May 19 The Barter System was a Way of Life
May 26 Penitentiary Notes - 1822
June 2 Duns Were Published in the Newspapers
June 9 Delaware County Teachers' Institute
June 16 Much Land Changed Owners
June 23 Rewards Were Offered for Escaped Prisoners
June 30 Wildcat Banking Flourished
July 14 Newspapers Provided the Only Means of Mass Communication
July 21 Drug Stores Carried a Variety of Merchandise
August 4 A Wax Museum and Wild Animals Were Offered as Entertainment
August 18 Skeels Family
September 1 Beauty Preparations Offered for Sale
September 8 The Peddler Was a Familiar Figure
September 29 Central College Was a College
October 6 Travel was Slow

The Sunbury News 4/14/66

James Kooken K.O.P (Keeper Ohio Penitentiary)
Alexander Morrison, Orris Parish
Levi Buttles

The Sunbury News 4/28/66

Bixbe Rogers
Solomon Jones
Benjamin Hillman Jr.
William Myers
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 21)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 21)


[page 21]

[corresponds to labeled page 17 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Photos (left to right):
Mr. and Mrs. Hylen Souders The Log Cabin Val Roberts and Frank Stelzer
relax at the cabin Activity Headquarters pause for a picture at the

The Log Cabin served as the headquarters of the Sesquicentennial
Celebration. It housed the public address system which had been
installed with the compliments of The Ohio Central Telephone Corp;
it was the souvenir shop where the history books, ties, hats, shoulder
patches, garters, license plaques,and other items could be purchased;
it served as the hospitality center where one could register and gather
information on the Sesqui activities; it became a station for the
arrival and departure of shuttle buses, hikers and touring guides; and
far from least, it was a haven for lost children and forgotten items.

The Log Cabin was the hub of the entire administration of the
celebration. From early morning until late at night, the cabin was
aglow with activity and light.

Many, many persons assisted in the work done there. A list of
scheduled workers has been included here but there were others whose
names do not appear as there is no record to consult. Miss Karen
Lane headed a group of young girls who served as information aides and
assisted the Hospitality Committee.

Scheduled workers included:
Jeannette Curren Erma Anderson
Ronnie Stemen Maxine Link
Polly Bergandine Hylen Souders
Paul Stelzer Lib Stelzer
Charity Walker Ellen Stemen
Lawrence Hill, Sr. Gladys Hill
Marguerite Williamson Wilma Ward
Margaret Garee Mary Kaye Sidders

Other members of the Commission whose names are not listed also
assisted in the Cabin throughout the celebration when their help
was needed.
Photos (left to right):
Larry Hill "clownin' around" Miss Ohio State Fair is
at the cabin pictured at the Cabin on Opening
Day with Lib and Paul Stelzer

Log Cabin Registration Facts and Figures

Visitors from twenty-three states other than Ohio, from Washington D.C. and from
Canada registered at the Log Cabin during the Sunbury Sesqui-Centennial. There were
2,369 entries in the registration book and most of them were families or couples.
Besides Sunbury, 122 Ohio cities were represented. There were many who did not register.

The registrations included people from:

College, Alaska Detroit, Michigan
Nome, Alaska Madison Heights, Michigan
Monroe, Mich.
Aaleta California Royal Oak, Mich.
Dublin, Ca. Saginaw, Mich.
Huntington Beach Ca. Valede, Mich.
Inglewood, Ca. Wyandotte, Mich.
Lancaster, Ca. Flint, Mich.
San Francisco, Ca. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Simi, Ca.

Boulder, CO. Minneapolis, Mn.
Denver, CO Willman, Mn.
Lakewood, CO.
Macon, MO.
St. Louis, MO.
Greenwich, Ct.
Milford, Ct. Clifton, New Jersey
Irvington NJ.
Bradenton Fl. Madison N.J.
Delray Beach Fl. Parlen, N.J
Clearwater, Fl. South Orange, N.J
Fort Lauderdale, Fl.
Fort Myers, Fl. Hempstead, N.Y.
Fort Pierce, Fl. Long Island City, N.Y.
Hobe Sound, Fl. Newark, N.Y
Jacksonville, Fl. West Point, N.Y.
Palm Beach, Fl.
Sanford, Fl. Cromwell Ok.
St Cloud, Fl.
St. Petersburg, Fl. Portland OR
Tampa, Fl.
New Kensington, Pa.
Columbus Ga. Pittsburg, Pa.

Chicago, Ill. Davisville R.I.
Decatur, Ill.
Granite City, Ill. Frogmore S.C.
Harvey, Ill.
Streamwood, Ill. Martin, Tn.
Memphis, Tn.
Indianapolis, In.
Lawrenceburg, In. Ft. Worth, Tx.
Shelbyville, In.
Charleston, W.Va
Berea, Ky. Core, W.Va
Louisville, Ky. Dunbar, W.Va
Middletown, Ky. Holden, W.Va
Huntington, W.Va
Baltimore, MD. South Charleston, W.Va
College Park, MD Radnor, W.Va
Wallace, W.Va
Whitefish Canada Wheeling, W.Va

Washington D.C.

Ashley, Ohio Galena, Ohio
Athens, Ohio Grove City, Ohio
Akron, Ohio Gahanna, Ohio
Ada, Ohio Granville, Ohio
Alger, Ohio Grandview Heights, O.
Ashtabula, O. Galion, O.
Alexandria, O. Groveport, O.
Blacklick, O. Gambier, O.
Belle Center, O. Green Camp, O.
Baltimore, O. Galloway, O.
Bellevue, O. Heath, O.
Bidwell, O. Hilliard, O.
Bucyrus, O. Huron, O.
Bainbridge, O. Hamilton, O.
Bethesda, O. Harrold, O.
Bucyrus, O. Ironton, O.
Barberton, O. Iberia, O.
Columbus, O. Johnstown, O.
Centerburg, O. Kenton, O.
Croton O. Kilbourne, O.
Cheshire O. Lancaster, O.
Cleveland O. Leonardsburg, O.
Coshocton O. Lima, O.
Cardington O. Lyndon, O.
Circleville O. London, O.
Chesterhill O. Logan, O.
Canal Winchester O. Lexington, O.
Creston O. Loudenville, O.
Cincinnati O. Lima, O.
Delaware O. Lewis Center, O.
Dayton O. Lithopolis, O.
Dublin O. Marion, O.
Dresden O. Marysville, O.
Defiance O. Marengo, O.
Danville O. MacArthur, O.
Elyria O. Melmore, O.
Edison, Ohio Milford Center, O.
Fredericktown, Ohio Mansfield, O.
Findlay, Ohio Mecca, O.
Findlay, Ohio Marshallville, O.
Munroe Fall,s O.
Mechanicsburg, O.
McDonald, O.

Mt Gilead, Ohio
Mt Vernon, Ohio
Newark, Ohio
New Albany, Ohio
Nevada, Ohio
Northfield, Ohio Photo:
Parma, Ohio Frank Stelzer and Wally
Ostrander, Ohio
Pataskala, Ohio Wilcox at the cabin
Prospect, Ohio
Plain City, Ohio
Powell, Ohio
Port Clinton, Ohio
Pickerington, Ohio
Radnor, Ohio
Richwood, Ohio
Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Roseville, Ohio
Ravenna, Ohio
South Charleston, Ohio
Summit Station, Ohio
South Vienna, Ohio
Springfield, Ohio
Sparta, Ohio
Thornville, Ohio
Toledo, Ohio
Tiffin, Ohio
Utica, Ohio
Unionville Center, Ohio
Washington C.H., Ohio
Westerville, Ohio
West Alexandria, Ohio
Warsaw, Ohio
Worthington, Ohio
Waldo, Ohio
Wooster, Ohio
Willowick, Ohio
Whitehall, Ohio
Zanesville, Ohio

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 22)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 22)


[page 22]

[corresponds to labeled page 18 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Sesquicentennial Awards (photo) Sesquicentennial Program

The Sesquicentennial Committee carefully chose 1816 1966
the awards given during the celebration so that June 27 - July 4
they would be lasting and have meaning Monday, Kick-Off Day
- The walnut plaque with brass plate
bearing the Sesquicentennial seal and 10:00 AM .....Open for Business
space for engraving, the plaque in .....Cols. & Southern
the shape of the State of Ohio Ohio Electric Company
-The small brass plaque in the shape of Ohio Cooking School at
bearing the Sesquicentennial seal Big Walnut High School- Room 107
-The blue rosettes with gold seal and 11:00 AM.....OFFICIAL OPENING
lettering Ribbon cutting
-The red, white and blue ribbons with gold Registration
seal and lettering 1:30 PM.....ANTIQUE CAR PARADE
2:30 PM....Speaker
Correspondence From Gooding Amusement Co.Inc. 3:30 PM....Arts and Crafts
George Lindsey Demonstration at Sunbury Elem.
R.G. Cashner 5:00 PM....Little League Game
Concession manager Playground
Photos: Served at Sunbury Elem. School
Concession stands lined the 7:00 PM....BIG WALNUT BAND
entire south side of the CONCERT... Jack Rolfes, Dir.
Public Square. The above 8:00 PM....PAGEANT
picture was taken before the Big Walnut High
stands had opened for the day. ....Arts and Crafts
Demonstration at Sunbury Elem.
8:30 PM....Kangaroo Court
Everyone's favorite Village Square
-THE MERRY-GO-ROUND- 9:00 PM....Queen Crowning
Village Square

Gooding Amusement Co.Inc.
George Lindsey
R.G. Cashner
Concession manager
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 23)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 23)


[page 23]

[corresponds to labeled page19 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Sesquicentennial Poster with dates of the event
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 24)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 24)


[page 24]

[corresponds to labeled page20 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

1. Bebe Conant, Sesqui News editor (Photo) 3. Doug Klemp
and publisher 4. Emil Boxwell
2. Jeannette Curren, Star Reporter 5. Mrs Taylor
6. Mrs McDonald
7. Mrs Larry Hill
News Article:
Welfare Marchers Go through East County
Gov. James A. Rhodes Denveer L. White
Richard L. Krabach
Dick Gregory George Wiley


SESQUI NEWS Village workers
Frank Stelzer,Jim Hoover, Perry Spangler Ted Budnick,
Ralph Meeker, Lloyd Stamper, Willie Bryant, Tom Barnett,
Joe Hess, Dean Edwards, Charles Hastilow, Charlie Robinson

News Photo:
Frank Stelzer
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 25)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 25)


[page 25]

[corresponds to labeled page21 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Bumper Sticker: 1816 Sunbury, O. 1966
June 27 thru July 4
(bumper stickers, above, or license plate attachments were evident on almost every Sunbury car)

The Big Deal Tie Co. photos
Jean Crist, Marge Stith, Larue Stith
John Meeker, Dutch Strosnider, Robert Nichols

Photos of ties

Article from Delaware Gazette- Paul & Lib Stelzer, pre- Sesqui souvenir salesmen

Boy Scout Troop #87 Sesquicentennial Plate (photo and details)
Vic Young Margo Stith, Charles Nettlehorst

Sesqui-News Eastern Stars Brochure: Sunbury's Mirror of the Past
Pythian Sisters
Souvenir sales tent
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 26)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 26)


[page 26]

[corresponds to labeled page 22 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Sunbury News 1/20/66 Sunbury News 3/24/66
They'll Handle Your Sesqui- Ads Sunbury Sequi History Needs More Patrons
1. Virginia Owen 8. Carl Dawson Mrs. Marion Owens
2. Clyde Hottle 9.Mrs Burleigh Eley
3. Lula Eley 10.Miss Margaret Garee
4.Evelyn Dawson 11. Esther McCormick
5.Marion Owen
6.Margaret Garee
7.Bill Warner

Sunbury News 1/27/66
Want Yesteryear Pictures
Sunbury News 1/13/66 Mrs. Wilma Ward, Mrs. Hallie Day and Mrs Marguerite
Sunbury Sesqui Wants Blue Book of Early Auto Days Williamson
Miss Esther McCormick

News Article 11/4/1965 Sunbury News 2/24/1966
Seeking Stage Coach Information Memorials May Be Obtained in Sunbury Sesqui History
Miss Esther McCormick Mrs. Walter Pabst

History Book photo
Willie Bryant
O.W. Whitney

The Committees Old Pictures Writers
Advertising Mrs Merle Williamson Miss Esther McCormick
Mr. Marion Owen Mrs Wilma Ward Mr Carlton Burrer
Mrs Marion Owen Mrs Hallie Day Mrs Anna Smith Pabst
Miss Margaret Caree Mr.O.W.Whitney Sr.
Mrs Carl Dawson Rev. Donald Wagner
Mrs Burleigh Eley Mr. Hylen Souders
Mr Clyde Hottle Mrs. Edna Zieschang
Mr William Warner Mrs. Ruth Truxall

Seal and Historical Map
Bernard Stockwell
Rachel Stockwell, Researcher

Research Personnel Historical Milestones
William Whitney Bertha Huddlestun
Marian Whitney Mary Ellen Miller
O.W. Whitney Sr. Leonard Utley
Hoyt Whitney E.B. Franklin
Carl Loar (recently deceased)

Art Department Editing
Douglas Klemp Emerson Mathews
Mrs Dan Warner
Miss Mary Evans Photographers
Bernard Stockwell Charles Nettlehorst
Charles Reese
Publication Chairman Gerald Strosnider
Esther McCormick Burle DeNune
George Lindsey
Assistant chairman Mary Ellen Laymon, scheduling
George Lindsey Duane Alward

Mrs Joanne Ward
Miss Shirley Olinger
Mrs Truda Hite
Mrs Betty Nichols
Mrs. Janet Sechrist
Mrs Frances Ruthig
Mrs Elizabeth Conant

150 Years of history in eight Months
Esther McCormick
Marvalene Frasher
"Jakie" Burrer
Carleton Burrer
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 27)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 27)


[page 27]

[corresponds to labeled page 23 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Sunbury's Part in Ohio History (published by George C. Lindsey, Jr.)
Doug Klemp, Esther McCormick
Joanne Ward, C.S. Burrer
Bertha Huddlestun E.B. Franklin
Mary Ellen Miller
Leonard Utley

Table of Contents: Page
1966 Crossroads in Time 3
From Trails to Rails- Early Days 5
From Trails to Rails- The Stagecoach Era 13
From Rails to Rockets 21
Maps 40-41
Biography 43
Churches 46
Sesqui Program 108-109
Advertisements 54
Sesqui Committees and Old Pictures 52-53
Appendix 145
Picturesque Sunbury 154

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 28)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 28)


[page 28]

[corresponds to labeled page 24 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Invitation to Join the Big Parade

Notice of Confirmation - Parade Entry Received
Robert B. Morris

The Judges Guide Hostess:
Float Judges Judy Morris
Nick Basso
Earl Hassenpflug
Dean Browne

Horse Judges
Bill Zipf Hostess:
Bill Mnick Betty Jo Guidotti
Forest Day

Antique Car Judges Hostess:
Herm Groezinger Iva Souders
Jay Perfect
Maxwell Cox

Bicycles and Unclassified judges
Bill Steck Hostess:
Sally Steck Margaret Milem
John Mowder

Walking Costumes & Marching Units
Ruth Tarpy Hostess:
Virginia Ihle Frances Ruthig
Marcia Browne

Information Sheet for Review Stand Announcer

Sesqui News: Join The Parade 7/1/66
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 29)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 29)


[page 29]

[corresponds to labeled page 25 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Map of Parade Route

Parade master and helpers
Bob Morris (photograph)
Ed Hoke, Paul Milem, Jim Shannon, Adrian Abolins
Jerry Brownfield, Jim Dixon, John Wise,
Todd Leidtke, Estel Miller.

Parade Hostesses (photograph):
Judy Morris, Betty Jo Guidotti
Dean Browne, Earl Hassenpflug , Nick Basso

B.S.T Float
Charles Nettlehorst
Dale McMain
Robert Barcus

Crowds filled every yard
Parade on the Street
(Sesqui News) Photo of Keystone Cops, from Findlay, in the Parade

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 30)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 30)


[page 30]

[corresponds to labeled page 26 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

First Prize Non-Commercial (photographs)
The Show Boat
entered by the Bershire-Sunbury-Trenton Volunteer Fire Department
Charles Nettelhorst, Robert Barcus, Dale McMain, The Melody Makers

2nd Prize Non-Commercial (photograph)
The Little Red Schoolhouse
entered by the Child Conservation League
Mrs. Gerald Brownfield, Mrs. Tom Buell, Mrs. Bernard Daily, Mrs. Ray Wirick, and Mrs. Dan Curtis.
Mr. Bernard Daily. Mrs. Gary Girberd, Kelly Jones, Teresa Cockrell, Jodi Westerman, Barry
Gallogly, David Hall, and Sheri Girberd.

3rd Prize Float
The Queen's Float (photograph)
Jodelle Guidotti
Karen Lane
Penny Beaver

First Prize - Horse Drawn Vehicle (photograph)
George Lindsey and his mother

First Prize - Horses and riders (photograph)
Mrs Jeanne Link

Walking Costumes (photograph)
Best Family Group- Jeff & Stephanie Shipman
Best Gentleman - Joe Blanton
Best Lady - Darlene Stauch

First Prize
pony drawn vehicles (photograph)
Sherry Buell & daughter Krista

2nd Prize:unclassified entries
John Whitney on a high wheeler (photograph),
first prize was won by Jon Bennet and dog
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 31)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 31)


[page 31]

[corresponds to labeled page 27 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

First Prize - Commercial
The Nestle Float (photographs)
Jude Reese, Vicki Corwin, Hallie Day, Doug Ruthig, Jack Lake
Lester Mercer, Frank Bergandine

Second Prize
The Freedom Float (photographs)
Hoke Electric Co.
Miss Eugena Hoke, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crowl and their children Tom, Susie and Doug.

The Goodwill Float
Goodwill Industries (photograph)

Best Preserved & Restored Car
Edgar Smith 1923 Nash four door touring car (photograph)

First Prize
Horse Groups (photograph)
Rusty Trail Dusters

Best Ford in show Award
Clarence Bale 1931 Model A

Oldest Car
Kermit Dilts 1906 `1 cyl runabout

2nd Prize Pony Drawn vehicle
Spider Stelzer's entry (photograph)
John Warner, Burnice Wilcox, Mrs. Jay Stemen
Mrs Pete Laymon, Mrs. Bob Barcus

Most interesting car
R.R. Kiner with 1913 Cartevear touring car

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 32)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 32)


[page 32]

[corresponds to labeled page 28 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Third prize Pony drawn vehicle
R.J. Wheaton (photograph)

Mobile equipment
first prize (photograph):
Bob Bergandine, Terri Bergandine Chris O'Bryan

Horse and Rider (photograph)
Steve Link, 3rd prize
Jeanne Link 1st prize

Pony and Rider
1st prize: Cindy & Danny Myers
2nd Prize: Judy Pierson

Horse and Rider
2nd prize: Mrs Millard Fisher

Mobile equipment
2nd prize Amy Westerman

1st Prize - Marching Unit (photograph)
National Military Department of the Sons of Union Veterans

Horse- Drawn Vehicles
3rd Prize: Paul and Jane Jackson (photograph)
2nd Prize: Harold Curren

2nd Prize Marching Units (photograph)
The Bonnettes from Johnstown Ohio

Bicycles before Judges Stand (photograph)
1st Prize: John VanSickle 2nd to
Darl & Keith Wolfe
3rd to Linda Boyd

Tricycles (photograph)
1st prize to Randy McKibben
2nd to Bryan McKibben

Third Prize Mobile Equipment
Gil Godshall covered wagon (photograph)

Clown: Richard Sechrist (photograph)

Bearded character : Larue Stith (photograph)

Parade (Sesqui News) (listing of all winners by categories)
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 33)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 33)


[page 33]

[corresponds to labeled page 29 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Parade Pictures:

The Keystone Cops

Reviewing Stand

The Legion Color Guard

Mayor Sweazy and wife

The Queen's Float

Welcome sign carried by:
Debbie Miller and Cindy Crowl

Milo Condit Jr. and friend

Big Walnut Ramblers Campers Club

The Big Walnut High School Band

The Centerburg High School Band

The Antique Cars

Mar-ee's Beauty Salon Float

Pony-Drawn Vehicles

The Knights of Pythias and the Pythian Sisters Float

The Lions Club Cage Float

1909 Ford Touring Car driven by:
Russell Nolting and the Alden Nolting family

The Big Walnut Junior High Band

Gene McCurdy and Pony and Buggy
followed by Suzanne Van Sickle
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 34)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 34)


[page 34]

[corresponds to labeled page 30 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Parade Photographs:

Wilma Mitchell's Little Shop float

Here Comes The Show Boat

Order of the Feather Indian Group

Sherwood Horse and Buggy Entry

The Old and The New Nestle's Float

Ohio Central Telephone Co. Float

Sunbury Oven and Thimble 4 H Club

Zoar Rebekah Lodge

Mrs. Vic Young's Generation "4"

The Village of Galena Float

The Sesqui Baby Jeffrey Fleak on the Zoar Rebekah Float

The Progress Club

Senior Citizens of Delaware, Ohio

Harold Kintner and old oil tanker

Daughters of American Colonists

The Scout Troops and Little League

Jack Whitney with the school bell

Northride High Band
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 35)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 35)


[page 35]

[corresponds to labeled page 31 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Sunbury News Thursday, July 7, 1966
Parade Article
Parade winners:

Best Family Unit: Jeff and Stephanie Shipman (photograph)
Best Gentleman: Joe Blanton (photograph)
Best Lady: Darlene Stauch (photograph)

Best Outfit of Mobile Equipment with or without rider: Terri Bergandine, Chris O'Bryan, Bobby
Bergandine and Raymond Saunders (photograph)

Horse Drawn Vehicle: George Lindsey (photograph)

Pony Drawn Vehicle: sherry Buel and daughter Krista (photograph)

Horse and Riders: Jean Link (first) and Steve Link (third) (photograph)

Sesqui queen
Jodelle Guidotti (third prize) (photograph)

Forman Realtors Float (photograph)

A Jeep load of Clowns (photograph)

Bill Fling Jr. and retired pumper (photograph)

Big Walnut Athletic Boosters Float (photograph)

A few of the antique cars (photograph)

Sunbury Cleaners Float (photograph)

Close up of Sesqui Baby Float (photograph)

The Big Walnut Band (photograph)

Schlairet Transfer Co. Truck (photograph)

Patrick Livingston (photograph)
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 36)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 36)


[page 36]

[corresponds to labeled page 32 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]


Debbie Miller and Cindy Crowl

George Lindsey and mother in buggy

The Showboat

The Keystone Cops

The littlest hobo:
Ronnie Mead

You Can't Get a Good Jeep Down (clowns)

Order of the Feather Indian Group

Order of the Feather Indian Group on the March

Sherwood Horse and Buggy

Antique Cars

Mobile Units

Clownin' Around

Bevelhymer's Mule team

Daughters of American Colonists

Bob Bergandine and Ray Saunders with
their mobile unit

The Queen's Float
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 37)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 37)


[page 37]

[corresponds to labeled page 33 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Parade Float's (pics) July 4th parade

Cyclin' Clown Tom Buell

The Little Shop Float

Freedom Float Edna Hoke

The Goodwill Industries float

Foreman's float

The Queen's Float

The Boy Scouts and Legion Color Guard

The Big Walnut High Band

The Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sisters

The Little Red School House

Bicycles and Tricycles

Commission Members Paul Steller and Joe Schilder

Circuit rider float: Harold Ault stands with Bible in hand
over Jeannette Curren and Harold Kintner.

Jeannette has revived
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 38)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 38)



[corresponds to labeled page 34 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Sunbury News Thursday, July 7, 1966
Sesqui' Pageant "Our Town" draws crowds

Characters in the Pageant:
Organist- Larry Lane
Trumpeteers- Kenda Cook, Jennifer Morris
Hometown Boys 1966- Bob Daniels, L.J. Guidotti
Indians Braves;: Vic Young's Boy Scout Troop
Chief- Charles Hoppes - Evelyn Searles
Squaws- Beverly Goodrich, Margaret Milem Joan Shultz

Dance of Death Mrs Ethel Baker

Founders of "Our Town" William Myers - Donald Wolfe
Laurence Myers - Bruce Saunders
Johnny Appleseed- Ted Frost
Children: Teri, Tami and Bobby Searles, Bridget Baranek
Dennis and Debbie Day, Dell Ann, Daris, Melodie and Joanna Shultz Jeffrey Milem
Raymond Saunders, Joyce VanSickle, Jody Hill, Scott Girberd, Donna Wolfe and
many many more!

Townspeople- Loyal Citizens
Passengers on Stagecoach- Mrs E.E. Buxton, Marilee Warner
Stagecoach Driver- Dr Paul E. Milem
Circuit Rider- Harold Ault
Singing Master- Kenneth Crowl
Civil War Mother- Mrs Kimball Donna Baranek
Aunt Nett Armstrong- Sheri Buel
Little Louise Brown Sedgwick- Krista Buel
Late Comer Liza Perfect- Deanna Searles and Children
Bicyclists High Wheeler- John Whitney
Built for two- Eugena Hoke and Bonnie Nichols
The New Look- Scott Root
Our first Mailmen Oatfield Whitney - Jim Conley
Arthur Culver - Dick Link
Mrs Charley Wheaton- Mary Hervey
Charley Wheaton- Ralph Nettlehorst
World War I Boys- Big Walnut High School Boys
Sunbury News paper boys- Jeffery Milem, Raymond Saunders
Bobby Searles
Son- Henry Joseph Kimball Don Wolfe
Neighbor- Charlie Kempton (killed in action) Ralph Nettlehorst
Charleston Flappers- Mary Curren Jennifer Morris Jodi Hill, Kenda Cook
Linda Drake Donita Levi, Cris Saver, Alice Stemen, Jodelle Guidotti, Peggy Wise
and Nan Searles

Our Home Town- Orville Barcus, composer Ted Frost

Jenny Lind- Florence Perfect Barcus Susan Arthur
Patriotic Finale Accompanied by Big Walnut High School Choir
Soloists- Ted Frost, Jeannette Curren, Cris Saver, Mary Curren Betty Jo Guidotti,
Ross Peregrine (harmonica)
Group Music- Big Walnut High Choir,Townspeople
Scene- Southwest corner of town commons across from the
Hopkins House through the years
Stage Scenes- John Eley Carl Mitchell, Ross Peregrine, Bernard Searles

Writer and director (pic) Lola Dell Searles
Writer and director (pic) Lucille Peregrine

The Script
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 39)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 39)


[page 39]

[corresponds to labeled page 35 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Photos of the pageant and those participating

The Indians on the Sunbury Commons L. J. Guidotti and Bob Daniels

Indians Cris Saver and Chuck Hoppes

The Dance of Death by Ethel Baker

Johnny Appleseed (Ted Frost)

Cris Saver, Larry Lane and Ted Frost

Johnny Appleseed (Ted Frost)

The Stagecoach is Coming

Henry Joseph Kimball (Don Wolfe), his mother (Donna Baranok) and Charlie Kempton (Ralph

Girls after Charlie Kempton (Ralph Nettelhorst), wife Daisy (Mary Hervey)

John Whitney (highwheeler)

The Charleston Girls

Big Walnut Choir

Cris Saver, Charleston Girl

Orville Barcus (Ted Frost), Florence Perfect (Susan Arthur), Larry Lane

Cris Saver singing Star Spangled Banner

Betty Jo Guidotti singing God Bless America

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 40)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 40)


[page 40]

[corresponds to labeled page 36 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Governor Rhodes surprise visit to the Sesquicentennial
Registers at the Log Cabin, with his wife. various pics of him with Sesqui
volunteers. Brings his granddaughter back at night.

(Sunbury News Photos):
Governor Rhodes with Harold Curren and Paul Stelzer.
Governor Rhodes with local children at one of the concessions.
Governor Rhodes and granddaughter with Lib Stelzer.
Governor Rhodes with Athletic Booster, Judy Morris.
Governor Rhodes at the Athletic Boosters dunking concession.
Governor and Mrs Rhodes signatures on the registry.

Delaware Gazette 6/28/66
Rhodes in Surprise Visit to Sunbury.

Sesqui News:
Governor Rhodes escorted about by Paul Stelzer, Harold Curren and Joe Schilder.

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 41)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 41)


[page 41]

[corresponds to labeled page 37 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Sesqui Queen (pics)

Delaware Gazette, 6/28/66
Jodelle Guidotti picked as the Queen

Queen contest : winners were Jodelle Guidotti, Karen Lane first runner-up, Penny Beaver second
Most original costume went to Cheri Bunker
Bouquets to Mrs Mary Wise and her assistants for the queen contest

Winners of Queen Contest
Jodelle Guidotti Received trophy $25.00 savings bond and a scholarship to
Nonemaker Charm School $10 dry cleaning certificate, $5 gift cert. $5 cash
and roses
1st runner up Karen Lane - Received trophy and $25 savings bond
2nd Runner up Penny Beaver - Received trophy $25 Beeline certificate
Most original costume Cheri Bunker Received trophy
Each entry received a Sesqui-centennial charm

Photo of Robert Skeens presenting the queen contestants

Queen's judges were: Sylvia Janis, Miss Clintonville Universe
Evelyn Pool, Miss Columbus Universe,
Mr Al Sapp, district Mgr of Independent Order of Foresters

Queen Contest Entries:
Penny Beaver Theresa Kroniger
Phyllis Berry Karen Sue Lane
Diana Lynn Borden Mary McQuillan
Melinda Brenner Edna McQuillan
Cheri Bunker Phyllis O-Quinn
Jane Cochran Becky sherbourne
Judy Conley Vicki Starling
Nancy Craig Alice Stemen
Jodelle Guidotti Bonnie Jean Temple
Eugena Hoke Terry Delight Warner

Queen's contest prizes donated by:
Trophies Tom Dern Bowling & Billiard Supply
$25 Bond Sunbury Savings and Loan
$25. Bond The Farmers Bank
Scholarship to charm school Noni Nonemaker
$5 cash Don Kassell Monumental Ins. Rep.
$10 dry cleaning certificate Sunbury Cleaners
$25 Beeline cert. Maxine Keltrovetz
$5 gift cert. Wilma's Little Shop
Dozen roses Warner Breece Florist
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 42)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 42)


[page 42]

[corresponds to labeled page 38 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Town Hall (pics)

The Sunbury News 1/13/66
Town Hall Plaque demonstrated by Fuller monument works rep Myron Rausch,
Harold Kintner former mayor, John J. Lane rep of Fuller monuments and Mrs Gladys
Hill who collected contributions for the project.

The Sunbury News 6/30/66
Board of Public Affairs members shown (pic)
Ted Ashbaugh in charge of sewers, Eldon Frakes board member,
Mrs Nancy Stapp, clerk, Willard Ross chairman of the board,
Richard Paul board member and Stanley Holmquist head
of the village water and sewer plants.

The Planting (flowers outside Town Hall): (pics)
Hazel Hoover Louise Burrer,and Louise Sheets

The Sunbury News 6/30/66 "Sunbury's Dads"
pics of the Mayor and village council
Willie Bryant , Gary Girberd, Attorney Peter Manos, village solicitor;
Harold Kintner, president of council; Mayor Harold Sweazy; Robert Nichols,
village clerk; councilmen Gene Sparks, Harold Curren, and Jay Stemen

The Watering (photo)
Louise Sheets, Margaret Lenhart and Hazel Hoover

The Admiring (photo)
Louise Sheets, Louise Burrer and some interested visitors

The Sunbury News Thursday July 7,1966
New approach to the community library by Forman construction company. Plantings given and set out
by Breece's florist, Miss Louise Sheets, Mrs. C. S. Burrer, Mrs. Hazel Hoover, Mrs. Louise Burrer
and Harold Kintner.

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 43)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 43)


[page 43]

[corresponds to labeled page 39 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Sunbury News, Thursday, June 20, 1966
Sunbury Town Hall Is Home of the Community Library and Civic Offices

Library board member in 1952 (pic)
Mrs Russell W. Miller, H.C. Hicks, Mrs Clyde E. Hottle,
V.R. Howard, Mrs William H. Patton, and Karl O. Burrer
Mrs Maude Horlocker, librarian, and Mrs Marcella Anderson Asst.
The library was in the Cook building on E. Cherry St. at that time.

Community Library History and development
June 3, 1944 the dream of a library was realized by the Sunbury
Board of Education trustees. Chairman H.P. Miller, V.R. Howard,
Mrs W.O.Lenhart, Mrs S.P. McNaught, H.P Irwin, Rev. M.K Lasley and Mrs
Clyde E. Hottle.
Official opening in the Old Kempton building on the S.E. corner of the square
where the Sunbury News stood.

Sesqui News 7/2/66
Display in Community Library
Historical Documents

Sesqui News 6/28/66
Library has display of town platters, old documents, old children's books, etc.

A note of thanks from Gary Girberd, President of the Child's Conservation League for the use of the
Library on Kiddie's Day during the Sesqui.

Letter to the Editor, Ohio Library Trustee
Beasley-Deshler Hotel, Suite 330
Columbus, Ohio 43215
From the Sesqui Library Committee: Mrs. Russell Miller, Mrs. Howard Cring and Mrs. C. S. Burrer
Letter spoke of the success of the Sesqui and of the historical displays at the Community Library

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 44)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 44)


[page 44]

[corresponds to labeled page 40 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Typed notes taken from a Tour Guide
Historical Tour and description of Sunbury during its early years
conducted during the sesquicentennial (pics) and narrative of tour

Shuttle Buses courtesy of Jeff Kerns, Mgr. of Ohio State Fair
Tractors used during celebration: Courtesy of Delaware Tractor Sales, Snyder Milling Company, Miller
Implement Company and Farmers Exchange
Sunbury School built in 1878
The Sunbury Branch of the G. J. Burrer Mill & Elevator Co.- home of "White Loaf" flour
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 45)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 45)


[page 45]

[corresponds to labeled page 41 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Historical tour and guides during sesquicentennial (pics)

1866 map of Sunbury

Miss Louise Sheets Chairman of Historical Tour committee
Historical Tour committee: Leonard Utley, Louise Sheets,
Hazel Hoover, Robert Perry
Tour Guides: Rachel Stockwell, Valerie Roberts, Mary Kay Sidders
and Rachel Cring.

Sunbury town hall built by public subscription in 1868 (pic)

Monument of the blind preacher, Peter Van Houten, prize winner at the first Ohio State fair. (pic)

The Sunbury Cooperative Creamery co. built in 1892 Home
of Sunbury Butter (pic)

The south side of the square looking west toward the Hopkins House (pic)

The north side of the square looking east. - Note the hitching rail. (pic)

Sesqui News Historical Tours schedule and listing of tour guides: Val Roberts, Louise Sheets
(chairman), Rachel Cring, Mary Kay Sidders and Rachel Stockwell
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 46)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 46)


[page 46]

[corresponds to labeled page 42 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Sunbury News Thursday June 30, 1966
Stage Coach Inns of Sunbury Area Are Rich in Historical Lore

Seven stage coach inns around the Sunbury area (pics) with historical
descriptions of each. Hopkins House built before 1820 by Lawrence Myers
one of the founders of Sunbury.

The Columbus Dispatch Friday June 3, 1966
Old Inns Recalled as Sunbury Prepares to Celebrate

Esther McCormick

Bernard Stockwell Family

Mr and Mrs Bernard Stockwell giving maps of the stagecoach routes to each of the schools in the
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 47)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 47)


[page 47]

[corresponds to labeled page 43 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Stage coach map (illegible)
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[page 48]

[corresponds to labeled page (0) of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Old map of Eastern Delaware County with drawings of stage coach inns:
Sunbury Tavern G. Blainey
Union Hotel J. Stark
Dustin House Center Inn
M. Curtiss

Walhonding Indian Trails.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 49)


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[page 49]

[corresponds to labeled page 44 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Historical Hikes
Hike to the "Big Rock" on the Mac Boyd Farm (pics)
led by Harold Decker
Scout Troop Cadette #811 leading a hike to the "Rock" Marty Jones leader.
Spring at the Big Walnut Conservation Club

Letter from Ohio Girl Scouts Council Inc. regarding the hike to the "Rock"
by the Cadette Troop for inclusion in the New's letter from Ruth Schollenbarger
Executive Director.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 50)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 50)


[page 50]

[corresponds to labeled page 45 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Site of Sunbury Stone Co. Now part of Big Walnut Conservation Club grounds
Historical Hike committee was Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ruthig and Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Conant.
Historical Hike Schedule
Hikes and shuttle-bus tours of historical sites east of Sunbury.
Bob Daniels, Big Walnut Track Star, and narrator on the hikes to the McGee home

Tour of the Sunbury Stone Co operating in 1855, the Nathan Dustin Stagecoach
Inn. The "petrified spring" on the grounds of the conservation club.
Mayor Hugh Strider and Helen Campbell pointing out points of historical interest

Historical point of interest was the Billy Southworth home. Billy was the manager
of the St Louis Cardinals for 6 years and won the pennant 3 years and world series
2 years. He managed the Boston Braves 5 years and won the pennant 1 years and lost
the series to Cleveland . In 1870 people took milk to a cheese factory that was located
a little south of the Southworth home. Mr Jim Loar was brought here from Maryland
to make the cheese. The McGee home was built in 1837 and many interesting people
have stopped there.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 51)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 51)


[page 51]

[corresponds to labeled page 46 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Historical Museum Chairman
Mrs. Harold Kintner- Antiques; Mrs. Frank Bergandine- Arts and Crafts; Mrs. Edward Saver-
Paintings; Mrs. Ted Gray- Youth Crafts

Committee Members:
Mrs. William Southworth
Mrs. Jay Stemen,
Mrs. Russell Miller
Mrs. Robert C. Morris
Mrs. C. Dean Browne
Mrs. Lewis C. Beacom

Committee members- Mrs. Ted Gray, Mrs. Frank Bergandine, Mrs. Edward Saver
Committee members- Mrs. Harold Kintner, Mrs. Jay Stemen, Mrs. Russell Miller, Mrs. William

Special Exhibits to be held at Sesqui article
Mrs. Frank Bergandine, Mrs. Ed Saver, Mrs. Harold Kintner, Mrs. W. H. Southworth, Mrs. Russell W.
Miller, Mrs. Jay Stemen

Historical Museum in Elementary School article
Mrs. Verna Bergandine and Mrs. Neva Kintner were
in charge of the exhibit of arts and crafts, including
paintings by Henry Stith, Virginia Ihle, Loraine Crowl, Helen Hoover, Charlotte Burns, Forest Main
Lawrence, Mrs. Monte Hoover, Verna Hines, Mary Grau, Gladys Hill, Hazel Hoover, Ella Jordan, and
Jesse Hawley.
Rug weaving demonstrations by Mrs. Helen Cline and Mrs. Roy Nolting, and quilting display
including Log Cabin quilt by Ruth Truxall.

Sesqui News 6/28/66:
Arts and Crafts
Chair caning- Loraine Crowl, knitting- Mrs. Louise Burrer, quilting bee- Minni Farris, Ethel
Rinehart, Mrs. Thorpe , crewel embroidery- Miss Louise Sheets, Hook rugs by Mrs. Louise Pinney,
Mrs. Hazel Johnson, Mrs. Helen Pepper, weaving- Mrs. Ray Nolting.
Music by Henry Stith's old Edison music box entertained and added atmosphere to the museum.

Youth Group Craft Exhibitors listing

Sesqui News Arts and Crafts 6/29/66 article

Sesqui News Arts and Crafts 6/30/66 article
Braid Rugs by Mrs. Barbara Kennedy; Weaving by Mrs. Roy Nolting; Rug hooking by Mrs. Louise Pinney
and Mrs. Hazel Johnson. Mrs Tiffany demonstrated ceramics and Loraine Crowl canning.

Sesqui News Museum 7/1/66 article
Mrs. Lola Owen demonstrated candle making

Sesqui News Museum 7/2/66 article
Wendell Smith, Mrs. Ralph Tiffany, Mrs. Janet Lake, Mrs. Wilma Ward

Museum Exhibitors Listing by category
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 52)


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[page 52]

[corresponds to labeled page 47 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Historical Museum
Hostess of the Museum Mrs.Hortense Pieper (photo)

Museum Registration facts and figures
There were 1,192 entries in the register , many of them couples
There were 14 states other than Ohio registered and two countries outside
of the United States. There were 83 cities other
than Sunbury registered.There were also visitors from Alaska.(pics)

The Sunbury News 6/30/66
Historical Museum Full of Old Fashions, Art, Antiques (article and photographs)
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 53)


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[page 53]

[corresponds to labeled page 48 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Horse Show sponsored by the Sunbury 4-H Halter and Saddle Club

Corky David, Kathy Fraser and Bill Beacom

Earl Cherry, Pam Frakes and Debbie Heyder

Program prepared by Mrs. L. Heyder

Show was held on the playground. There are 22 members of the club
with Charlie Fraser of Galena as the advisor.
There were winners in several classes, including showmanship, Pony Lead
In Class. Western Horsemanship, English Pleasure, Race Class Western Pleasure
English Equitation Western Pony Horse 14 and under. Pleasure Pony Hitch,
Trail Horse, Western Pony Horsemanship, Western Pony trail .

Show was Held July 1, 1966, with a rain date of July 9.

There were several races including egg and spoon race, clover leaf barrel,
stake bend race.The feature attraction was the Nationally known
Marion Cadets Drum and bugle Corps.

Debbie Heyder and Crackers the horse

Listing of members of Sunbury 4 H Halter and Saddle Club
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 54)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 54)


[page 54]

[corresponds to labeled page 49 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Sunbury News 12-3-65
Sesqui special cancellation stamp approved by the Govt. for use by the P.O
to celebrate the 150 years of Sunbury. January 3, 1966 will be the date the stamp
will first be used on advertising letters and be used only during the year of 1966
according to Hoyt Whitney Sunbury Postmaster

Cancelling Machine

Violet Lee holding envelope with the Sesqui cancellation

Sunbury News 6/30/66
These People Keep Your Mail Moving
Photo: Cecil Townley, Kenneth Crowl, Danny Conant, Bill Smith, Mrs. Violet Lee, Robert Hoover and
Postmaster Hoyt Whitney

Requests for the special cancellation stamp were received from collectors from
every state and Canada and Mexico (pic) of the stamp shown.

Sunbury News 12/31/65
Sunbury to Begin Sesqui P.O Cancellation

Hoyt Whitney

Letter advising of approval of special Die Hub for 1966 from Hoyt Whitney, Postmaster
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 55)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 55)


[page 55]

[corresponds to labeled page 50 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Cooking school held each morning at 10 a.m in room #107 at Big Walnut H.S

Special menus were prepared by various groups for the food tents set up
on the square. Lions Club, Porter Grange, CCL Federation, Eastern Star
Galena Methodist Church , Communicator's Club, Pythian Sisters.

Kenneth Cook was director of Food Tent Operations, helped by Walter Borcher
George Main, Donald Conant, Wallace Wilcox, Roger Higgins, Doug Ruthig
and Ted Forman
George Main was Lions Club president during the Sesqui celebration

Louis Guidotti
Geogre Main
Kenneth Cook

Photographs of the Food Tents

Lions Club Food Tent Menu
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 56)


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[page 56]

[corresponds to labeled page 51 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Lion's Club Food tent worker's schedule (pics)

Richard Craig, Queen Jodelle Guidotti, Paul Milem D.D.S.
Gary Rasor local TV celebrity visiting the tent. Hi Morris shown at work. Rosella Ault and Hallie Day

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 57)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 57)


[page 57]

[corresponds to labeled page 52 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

First Aid station and schedule of workers

First Aid committee members (pics)
Richard Devore, Mary Curren and Ellen Miller.

List of First Aid Volunteers:
Drs. M. W. Livingston, L. M. Ihle, and Carl Godshall. RN's Jane Hannah, Bess Whitney, Margaret
Milen, Karen Fichtelman, Mary Abell, Edith Lake, Grace Johnson, Frances Rowland, Joan Lawrence,
Helen Bartok, Barbara Whitney, Clara Schultz, Novella Lieurance, Jaunita Pike, Sue Leidtke and
Dorothy Meeker. PN's Ruth and Donna Crawford. Dental Hygienist Mary M. Reppart. Nurse's Aide Ruth
Watts. First Aid Instructor Ross Peregrine.

Law Enforcement Committee (pics)
Harold Kintner, Ted Budnick and Lloyd Stamper

Photo of Mrs Burr Johnson of Galena in her WWI uniform in front of
the first aid trailer.She is employed at the Jane Case hospital in Delaware
and volunteered during the Sesqui. she has been in the nursing profession
for 52 years.

Photo of Miss Mary Kaye Sidders at the First Aid trailer

Letter in the Sunbury News from the County Red Cross Director
Miss Abigail Semans expressing her appreciation to Ken Cook and all
the workers who staffed the trailer.

Photo of Special Policeman Kenneth Shipman

Photo of Auxiliary Policemen

Auxiliary Police listing:
E. Moore, D. C. McVay, T. L. Murfield, J. Falke, B. Griffith, H. Skats, Capt. Carl Skeels, Doug
Sparks and R. L. Powell.

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 58)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 58)


[page 58]

[corresponds to labeled page 53 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Delaware Gazette 6/22/66
Kangaroo Court
Pictured were: Ed Hoke, Mrs. Harold Curren, Carl Cole, Mrs. Judy Perry and Harold Kintner.
Jailer was Paul Stelzer

Clean shaven men and "painted" ladies jailed unless they purchase a permit
Kop Joe Schilder and Thomas Clark a Municipal Court Judge charges Virginia Knisely
a Gazette reporter as a "painted" lady and she was thrown in Ye Olde Jail.

Someone stole the front of the jail and it had to be replaced. (pics)

All males over 18 and females between 18 and 39 were required to have a special
permit to go clean shaven and "painted" or be subject to Kangaroo Court and thrown
in Ye Old Jail for the violation.

Sunbury, Ohio Thursday, November 4, 1965
Article titled Beards Appearing for Sunbury Sesqui

Bearded Brothers & Sunbonnet Gals
Joe Schilder, Mrs. Larry Hill, Harold Curren

Cheerful Captives: Charlene Alward, Gladys Hill and Jack Shipman

Delaware Gazette 4/29/66
Sunbury Sesqui Opens Kangaroo Kourt


Painters Permit and Shavers Permit
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 59)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 59)


[page 59]

[corresponds to labeled page 54 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Sunbury Sesquicentenial Program
program from 10 a.m to 10 p.m showing the events of the day.

Sesqui begins, celebration day by day
Monday June 27, first day of event

Miss Patti Moodie West Alexandria, Miss Ohio State Fair cuts the blue
ribbon at the official opening ceremony (photograph). Jeff Keirns director of the Ohio
State Fair cut the red ribbon and mayor Harold Sweazy cut the white ribbon

Delaware Gazette 6/27/66
Sunbury Sesqui is Open
Queen Helps Open Sunbury Sesqui (photograph)

Opening Ceremonies (Sesqui News) article

Mayor Harold Sweazy speaks (photograph)

Miss Patti Moodie and Mr. E. Jeff Keirns visit the town Hall (photograph)

Sunbury News 6/30/66
Several Stores Exhibit Antiques

E. Jeff Keirns, Director Ohio State Fair, speaks (photograph)

Cooking school recipe for Great Grandmother's Pot Roast
classes held in rm #107 at the H.S.

Museum (photograph)

Pageant (photograph)

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 60)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 60)


[page 60]

[corresponds to labeled page 55 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Continuation of opening Day of the Sesqui

Sunbury News 6/30/66
Sesqui Starts
Ribbon cutting ceremony photograph- Miss Patti Moodie, W. Jeff Keirns, Mayor Harold Sweazy

Delaware Gazette
Monday, June 27, 1966
(Kickoff Day)

An antique car parade was held with nearly 20 cars participating
with many Fords, Model T's and A's Chevies, Chryslers and a Mack Truck.
Miniature Model T Ford driven by Kurt Wall with Miss Debbie Hayder as passenger (pics)

Big Walnut High School Band (photograph)

Sesqui News
Kangaroo Court
Karen Lane, Mrs. John Eley, Cheryl Saunder, Dr. Liedke, Esther Dixon, Jim Shannon, Mrs. Marion,
Morris, Carol Cook, Candy Barnett, Mrs. Cecil Townley and Jim Hoover were cited. Judge Thomas C.
Clark, Delaware Municipal Court presided.

Sesqui News
Local Group on TV
A local talent group known as the Community choir (Director Ed Hoke) joined Sally Flowers
and Gene Fullen on Dialing for Dollars TV show Monday Morning. Harold
Curren George Lindsey Jr. and Mrs Lucy Lane and Mrs Anna Goff gave the
Sesqui a big send off on the program. They presented Sally with a pair of
garter's and Gene a top hat. They were invited back to perform on July

Sesqui News
Guest Speakers
Attorney General Saxbe

Photograph: Attorney General William Saxbe, Mayor Sweazy and Horace Domigan. Harry Morgan and
Hal Trost.

A baseball game between the Red Wings and Jets played a league game
at the Playground at 5:30 , the Jets won.

A band concert was held and the group looked "sharp" in their new
uniforms. Mr Rolfes was the director.

Sesqui News
Closing Ceremonies
Fireworks at night ended the first day celebrations.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 61)


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[page 61]

[corresponds to labeled page 56 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Second day of the Sesqui June 28 1966

program of days activities, Hike to the Big Rock, Historical tour, Cooking school
Flippo the Clown, Diane Alward with Flippo the Clown (pics)

A recipe for Rock Cornish Game hen was published by the cooking school.

Sesqui News
Kiddies Games
Bargain Day
Flippo the Clown (and Harold Hammler as another clown)

Displays Civil War flag
Mrs. Milo Owen's Grandfather's flag
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 62)


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[page 62]

[corresponds to labeled page 58 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Third day of the Sesqui June 29, 1966

Schedule of Events
Galena Day

Hopkins House photograph
Dustin Stagecoach Inn photograph

Historical tour of the Hopkins House a stagecoach inn in the old days
The Dustin Stagecoach Inn on the Galena Hike.

Sesqui News
Tour of Galena with Hugh Strider and Helen Campbell

A special edition of the Sunbury News was made and "hawked" by four
boys on the streets. this has not been done for forty years but this special
38 page edition will not be sold any other way.
Photograph: Harold Curren purchasing newspaper from David Gould

Photograph: Museum display

A recipe for maple nut whip -pie was published by the cooking school.

A Big Walnut chorus under the direction of Mrs. Fritchie was given
on the playground at 7:00 in the evening. Ted Frost was the featured

Program for choir performance (members)
Esther Angel Patty Coffman Rodney Ross
Mickey Arthur Beth Collier Becky Sherbourne
Susan Arthur Nancy Craig Gary Snelzer
Diane Borden Mary Curren Jerry Strider
Randy Borden Nike Edwards Don Wolfe
Sharon Boyer Linda Hamilton Linda Wollett
Randy Bricker Rhonda Haycock Vicky Corwin
Barry Browne Larry Lane Claire Longshore
Raymond Bryant Debbie Layton Estelle Hunter
Linda Cantrell Lanta Martindale Janet Wollett
Cathy Carroll Linda Moreland Edward Hoke
Tim Chandler Bonnie Ncihols Joanne Blackford
Phyllis O'Quinn Ted Frost

The Sinclair dinosaur made its appearance at Jerry's Sinclair Station.

Delaware Gazette
Galena Methodist Church serves dinner
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 63)


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[page 63]

[corresponds to labeled page 57 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Tuesday June 28 2nd day of the Sesqui

Sesqui News
Fashion Day Schedule
(Kiddies Day)

Sunbury News 6/30/66
Photograph Winners of Kiddies Fashion Parade (child and parents)
Lou Ann Forman, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Forman; Sharma Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Higgins; Jamie Milem,
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Milem; Lisa Link, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Link; Debbie Dowd, Rev. and Mrs. James
Dowd; Sherri Girberd, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Girberd.
Mike Link, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Link; Bruce Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Higgins; Jess Jackson; Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Jackson.
Scott Girberd, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Girberd; Nancy Condit, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Condit; Pete Jackson,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jackson; Linda Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hall; David hall, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin
Hall; Susie Crowl, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Crowl.

Susqui News
Kiddie Supper served by CCL

Kiddies assemble before the judges
Three and four year olds await their turn
Five and six year olds await their turn
Miss Nancy Condit with first prize ribbon
Museum displays
Melody Makers: Marge Stith, Ed Cooley, Eileen Robertson, Wayne Robertson

Street Dance had to held indoors due to inclement weather
Melody makers provided the music led by Marge Stith at the

Tuesday, June 28
Kiddies Day Schedule of Events

Sesqui News
Kangaroo Court
Jail occupants: Jack and Polly Brehm, Dean Miller, Ed Hoke Jr., Bob Morris, Carl Godshall, O. W.
Whitney Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Dick Beaver, John Pierson, Charles Clark, Mrs. Carlton Burrer, and Jim
Photograph: Decree of Joe Schilder, Bearded Brothers Chairman

Columbus Chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet
Singing in America sings at the HS

Laddie Dads Quartet sang on the Square

Photograph: Pageant at Big Walnut High School
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 64)


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[page 64]

[corresponds to labeled page 59 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Wednesday June 29 1966 (Galena Day) third day of the Sesqui

Steam Engine exhibit and Galena Day
Mr. Charles Harrison's Frick engine.
Mr. Clinton Metzger's 22-65 Case engine
Albert Meeker, Walter Lenhart, and Jim Hoover
Bearded Brother Robert Barcus guards Ye Olde Jail
Harry Metzger, Burnice Wilcox, forest Love, Harry Lake.
George Walker and Chuck Nettelhorst
2" scale model of 1915 HB Case traction engine built by Forest Love
Pageant at Big Walnut High School
16-50 Reeves engine owned by R. R. Kiner

T. R. Gullet and four of his fiddling friends provided music and a contest for the best fiddler
Judges were George Lindsey Jr., Harold Curren and Wayne Robertson

The Mt. Vernon Drum and Bugle Corp gave a rousing performance (photograph)

The Red Sox and Indians provide a baseball game Wednesday evening
the Red Sox won.

The sesqui was mentioned on the Ruth Lyons TV show.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 65)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 65)


[page 65]

[corresponds to labeled page 60 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Thursday June 30th 1966

Schedule of Events

Veterans Fraternal and Industrial Day

Sesqui News:
Candlemaking demonstration by Lola Owen
FFA boys demonstrated how they conduct meetings
Caning, weaving and hook rug making were featured

Mr. Les Sherwood had an industrial and Commercial lighting equipment display

Mayor Sweazy reported that Kenneth Wooster, Mayor of Baltimore wrote to wish Sunbury luck with the

Sesqui News:
Nestles provided candy and free ice tea from their stand to the

Memorial Service performed at the plaque on the NW corner
of the square.
Rev. Samuel Miller offered prayer at the memorial.
Firing Squad members: Clyde Liming, George Main, Bob Townley and Robert Nichols
"Star Spangled Banner" played at the Memorial Service (musicians: Tom Warner, Bruce Saunders, Dick
Warner, David Morris, Kyle Rolfes, Linda Peet, Jim Beaver, Jim Boyd, Mickey Jahn and Phil Stith
under the direction of Mr. Jack Rolfes)
Boy Scouts at the Memorial Service
Legion Commander Dorn places wreath at the base of the memorial.

Billy Southworth was the honored guest at the little league game between the Jay Stemen's Reds and
Les Mercer's the Giants

Mrs. Louise Heyder and Frank Bergandine and Anita Owen

Sesqui News:
Hike of forty-nine persons made the trek to the McGhee home
along the banks of the Big Walnut Creek. Hike stopped at the Billy Southworth home, Bill and
Mabel, along with Billy's brother Press and family joined the hike.
Hike was narrated by Bob Daniels.

Sesqui News:
An 1886 Bible owned by Perry and Frances Blakely, was presented to Sparrow Lodge #400 by
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hogg.

Sesqui News:
Girl Scouts had a candle lighting ceremony on the reviewing stand. Participants included: Scouts
Danny Boyd and Bill Decker; Leaders: Mrs. Mary Lou Mitchell and Mrs. Dorothy Skeens; Debbie
Skeens, Leslie Page, Diane Alward, Carol and Donna Wigton, Eva Bushee, Diane Cantrell, and Terri

Girl Scouts Candle Lighting Court of Awards participants

Junior Troop #779 lead by Mrs. Jewell Sabados. Karen Evans lit the three candles

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 66)


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[page 66]

[corresponds to labeled page 61 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Thursday June 30, 1966

Sunbury News, Thursday, July 7, 1966
Sesqui-Belle Costume contest and winners
Costume Maker Mrs. Beverly Ward
Gary Girberd Family (Gary, Erlene, and children Scott and Sherri)
Mardell Shultz and her four daughters, Jona, Melody, Daria and Dell Ann
Ted Forman Family (Ted, Betty, and children Mike, Brent, LuAnn and Mary Jo
Melinda Brenner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brenner

Sesqui News "Gnat Boxers"
Musical group from Wooster includes: Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mackey, Mr. and
Mrs. Neil Mairs, Mr. and Mrs. Achamire, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Woodhall, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Canankamp,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordie Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mairs, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mairs, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
Mairs, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mowery, Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Swaysgood, and Bob Alkire

Melody Makers: Marge Stith, Ed Cooley, Eileen Robertson

Tour vehicle

Miss Melinda Brenner- the Sesqui Belle

Sesqui Belle Costume winners 7/1/66
Family: 1st place- Mr. and Mrs. Gary Girberd, 2nd place- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Forman, 3rd place Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Seitz
Ladies: 1st place- Melinda Brenner,2nd place- Cheri Bunker, 3rd place- Mrs. Wendell Davidson
Mother/daughter: 1st place- Mrs. John Schultz, Jr., 2nd place- Mrs. Tom Buell, 3rd place- Mrs.
James Dowd
Gents: 1st place- Ted Forman, 2nd place- Kenneth Crowl, 3rd place- Harold Curren
Chairman of the costume committee was Mrs. Larry Hill

Zoar Rebekah Lodge #887's drill team performed

History of the Odd Fellows and Flag Program
Listing of participants

Knights of Pythias showed two movies in the KP Lodge hall

Cooking School's recipe for cooking Wild Rice

Schedule of Events

Sesqui Belle Judges: Mrs. M. W. Livingston, Miss Louise Sheets, Mrs. J. P. Ingmire

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 67)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 67)


[page 67]

[corresponds to labeled page 62 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Friday July 1st 1966

Schedule of Events
Youth Day and a pet parade
Historical tours and Drum and bugle corps from Marion

Pets on Parade (7 photos)
The Judges' Stand and Winners
George Lindsey III and 1st Prize AKC registered Dacshund
Jimmy Hildreth with his goat
Carmen Watts with monkey
Mike Forman and dalmation

Sesqui News 6/30/66
Listing of Pet Show Classes

Sunbury News 6/30
Baby Contest sponsored by Zoar Rebekah Lodge #887.
Baby Contest candidates: Marcia Fichtelman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fichtelman; Jeffrey
Lynn Fleak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Fleak; John Bricker, Jr.; son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Bricker; Anne Rebecca Meadows, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Meadows; Lisa Jean McKibben,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry McKibben
The Winner was Jeffrey Lynn Fleak

News article: Thirty Compete in Pet Parade (2 photos)

Sesqui News
Pet parade organizers: Mrs. Hill Sr. and Mrs. Taylor
Winners of the Pet Parade: George Lindsey III for best AKC registered dog; Bonnie Burwell, best
non-registered dog; Valerie Walker, best cat; Larry Lawhead, most unusual pet, a lamb; Arnold
Bryant, best trick pet; David Hoover, prettiest pet, a poodle; Larry Lawhead, best in show, a
lamb; showmanship, Pat Reppart, a poodle.
Judges were Mrs. Leonard Parsons, Mr. Forest Day and Mrs. Becky Hodapp

Sesqui Horse Show sponsored by the Sunbury 4H Halter and Saddle Club
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 68)


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[page 68]

[corresponds to labeled page 63 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Friday July 1st 1966
Youth Day (cont'd)

Sesqui News:
Surprise Visit by Governor Jim Rhodes

The Emeralds music group
members: Dave Alexander- drums, Dan Blazer- lead, Mike Held- rhythm, Bob Martini- organ, Ralph
Decarolin- bass
The Equations music group
members: Fred- rhythm guitar, Tom- lead guitar, Mike- drums, Larry- bass
Drum and Bugle Corps from Marion (listing of membership)
Jerry Rasor emceed a music program for the crowd
Pennsylvania RR Station

Sesqui News:
Hiking trips

Porter Grange Supper

Ball Games
The Red Wings vs. the Royals and the Cards vs. the Dodgers

Kangaroo Court was also held.

Shuttle bus tour of the "Quarry" and the spring

Cooking School recipe for Raspberry Punch
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 69)


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[page 69]

[corresponds to labeled page 64 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Saturday July 2nd 1966

Senior Citizens Day Schedule

Sunbury News 6/28/66
Calling all Senior Citizens; luncheon invitation; served by Columbia chapter 33 Order of the
Eastern Star

Sesqui News
Representative Jackson E. Betts visited the Senior citizen Luncheon

Sesqui News
Conservation award given to Huey Shoaf by Gary Girberd, president of the Big Walnut Conservation

Parade Photographs (4)
Hospitality Committee photos: Mr. and Mrs. Forest Day, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paul, Mrs. Merle
Williamson, Host: O. W. Whitney, Sr.
Senior Citizens luncheon (2)
Senior Citizens Kitchen Band float in the parade

Sunbury News 7/21/66
Citizens Enjoy Luncheon in their Honor During Sesqui (photos)
Lists names of participants (eighty-five residents and former residents attended)

Big Walnut High School cooking school

Hike to the Big Rock

Old Fashioned Style show, street dance
Eastern Star sponsored the Special Lunch for the Senior Citizens
State Rep. Jackson E. Betts was a guest at the Senior Citizens Luncheon
The Delaware County Senior Citizen Kitchen Band entertained and the
Kiwanis Quartet was a special feature of the program
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 70)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 70)



[corresponds to labeled page 65 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Saturday July 2nd 1966

Senior Citizens Day
Schedule of Events

Sunbury News 7/7/66
A Style Show of colonial clothing was held for Senior citizens day.

Mrs. Gary Girbard
Donita Levi
Mrs. Fred Neeley
Parade photos (4)
Street dance photo- Harry and Annamae Haycock
Mock Battle at the Town hall when the Sons of The Union Veteran and the American Legion provided
the action- photo

Special supper by Eastern Stars at the Elem. school.

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 71)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 71)


[page 71]

[corresponds to labeled page 66 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

July 3rd 1966

Religious Heritage Day

Individual Services and Homecoming in all churches of the Big Walnut School district (Including
Condit United Presbyterian Church, First Baptist Church of Sunbury, Sunbury Methodist Church)
Homecoming and Reunions.

Lions Club Food Tent and Ice Cream Social. Community Choir and community service

Sunbury News June 30, 1966
Listing of church activities in the Sunbury area acknowledging the Sesqui
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 72)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 72)


[page 72]

[corresponds to labeled page 67 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

July 3rd 1966

Religious Heritage Day (cont'd)

Script written by Dan Wagner

Sesquicentennial Chorus
Chorus and Audience
Chorus Director Edward L. Hoke Jr.
Rev. James Dowd, Narrator
Rev. Donald Wagner, Script Writer
Larry Lane, Accompanist

Program listing members of the Chorus

Sunbury News 4/14/66
Sesqui Chorus Calls Practice

Sunbury News 5/5/66
Sesqui Chorus Needs More Singers

Sunbury News
Bible Display in Roots Store

Ice Cream Social offered by Big Walnut Athletic Boosters

The classes of 1920-21-22 of Sunbury High School held a reunion at the
American Legion hall. Gooding Amusement rides and midway had left
during the night but the steam engines were still there.

The Community Program at the HS was an outstanding event. The
Sesquicentennial Chorus performed. Anyone wishing to sing was invited
to enroll. The Chorus were guests on Channel 6 TV show "Dialing for
Dollars" on June 27th and July 4th.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 73)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 73)


[page 73]

[corresponds to labeled page 68 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

July 4th 1966 Independence Day Program and Schedule of Events

Parade, speaker , prizes and awards, Special Supper at the
Elem. school. Mt. Vernon Drum and bugle Corps.
Bearded Brothers contest , Bingo, and Fireworks that night
Cooking School provided a recipe for Homemade Noodles.

"Bearded Brothers": L. McKibben, E. Fultz, D. Layton, L. Heyder, H. Stith, K. Hall, E. Mathews,
G. Girberd, P. Milem, J. Lane
Dutch Strosnider with "Most Fantastic" plaque
"Long Bearded" Harold Ault and Queen Jody
The Beautiful Red Beard of Kenny Crowl
Crowd at "Bearded Brothers" contest
The "scrub brush" beard of Howard Roof
Parade Floats (3)

Sunbury News 7/7/66
Fifty Compete for Prizes in contest of the Beards
Photo of Larue Stith, listing of winners by category

Bearded Brothers contest Judges: Mr. Robert Searles, Mr. Jack Kohler, Mrs. Merle Williamson
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 74)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 74)


[page 74]

[corresponds to labeled page 69 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Monday July 4th 1966
Heritage Day cont'd

Parade, state senator Robin Turner, Marion
Prizes and awards, special supper. Bearded brothers
contest , bingo, historical hikes, fireworks.
List of businesses and individuals who contributed to the purchase
of fireworks for July 4, 1966. BST Fire Dept. handled the fireworks.

Plaques in the shape of Ohio where handed out to the members
serving on the Commission.

Rachel Stockwell, Valerie Roberts, Rachel Cring, Mary Kaye Sidders, in period costumes, served as
tour guides
Crowd Photo
Jeannette Curren, Secretary of the Sesqui Commission, receiving plaque from George Lindsey
Harold Kintner, Co-chairman of the Sesqui Commission, receiving plaque from George Lindsey
Photographs of parade floats (3)
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 75)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 75)


[page 75]

[corresponds to labeled page 70 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Headlines, advertising the upcoming sesquicentennial in the Sunbury
News. Dated June 23, 1966.
State senators to speak at the sesqui, Jackson Betts and Robin Turner

Sunbury News June 23, 1966
Sunbury Sesqui Ready For Whole Week of Activities
Photo of Colonel Daniel F. Clancy of Columbus representing the National Military Department of the
Sons of Union Veterans

Sunbury News June 30, 1966
Sunbury Sesqui is Making Village History
Photos of Congressman Jackson Betts, Senator Robin Turner
The News Editor Speaks

Sunbury News
Every Day of Sesquicentennial Is Full of Activities (lists every day's activities)
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 76)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 76)



[corresponds to labeled page 71 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Newspaper headlines dated July 7, 1966 recounting the sesquicentennial
and the events that took place and crediting all those who made it possible.
A list of those who returned for the celebration was printed. Those that had
moved away from the Sunbury area but registered from their present address.

Sunbury News Thursday July 7, 1966
Thousands Enjoy Sunbury's Big Sesqui Parade
Photos of Floats (4)
Sesqui Parade Winners
Many Return for Sesqui Celebration
Many Worked Behind Scenes to Make Sesqui
Letter to the Editor
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 77)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 77)


[page 77]

[corresponds to labeled page 72 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Sunbury News headlines dated June 24, 25th announcing the upcoming
sesquicentennial celebration to take place the 27th thru the 30th of June.

William Saxbe the attorney general will speak at the opening ceremonies.
Gov Rhodes will attend the opening if he can. Jeff Keirns director of the State
Fair will also be there.

Delaware Gazette Friday Evening June 24, 1966
Sunbury Sesqui Opens on Monday
Photo: Trumpeters to Herald Pageant Opening: Jennifer Morris and Kenda Cook
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Set at 11 a.m.

Delaware Gazette Saturday Evening June 25, 1966
Sunbury Sesqui Is Ready For Opening on Monday
Photos: Ceremony Site; Pageant Indians- Evelyn Searles and Charles Hoppes

Delaware Gazette 6/17/66
Intercepted Note (author Miss Della Ware)

Delaware Gazette 6/24/66
Intercepted Note (author Miss Della Ware)
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 78)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 78)



[corresponds to labeled page 73 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Delaware Gazette Monday Evening June 27, 1966
Sunbury Sesqui is Opened

Queen Helps Open Sunbury Sesqui, Kids Turn Out at Sunbury, Rain Hampers Some Events

Sesqui-Belles Choice Tonight at Sunbury, Friday Youth Day

Keirns Top Official at Ribbon Cutting.

Miss Ohio State Fair, Miss Patti Moodie at ribbon-cutting ceremony with E. Jeff Kierns, Director
of the Ohio State Fair, and Mayor Harold Sweazy
Gazette Reporter "Jailed" at Sunbury: Kop Joe Schilder, Virginia Knisely (reporter) and Judge
Thomas Clark
Sunbury Pageant Opens Tonight: Debbie Day, Mrs. Dale Ashbrook, Mrs. Bud Hervy and Mrs. Everett
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 79)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 79)



[corresponds to labeled page 74 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Delaware Gazette Friday Evening July 1, 1966
Mrs. Schulz, Daughters Are Winners- Mrs. John Schulz, Melody, Dell Ann, Jona Lee and Darla
Girberds Win Family Costume Honors- Gary Girberd, Scott and Sheri and Mrs. Girberd
Ladies and Gents Costume Winners- Ted Forman and Miss Melinda Brenner

Sunbury Crowds Pick Up as Big Weekend Nears.

Sunbury Sesqi Coverage Lauded By Commission

The Delaware Gazette Saturday Evening July 2, 1966
Sunbury Parade Today to Feature 1500 Persons
Fireworks Will Close Sesqui on Monday
Sunday "Religious Heritage Day"
Pet Awards Made
Other Awards

The Delaware Gazette 7/5/66
Intercepted Note (Miss Della Ware)

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 80)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 80)


[page 80]

[corresponds to labeled page 75 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Delaware Gazette Tuesday Evening July 5, 1966
Over 10,000 at Sunbury
Sesqui Closes: Two Mile Parade Held on Saturday

First Prize (float)- the Berkshire Sunbury-Trenton fire department "Sunbury Showboat" float
Second Prize (float)- The Sunbury Child Conservation League "Schoolhouse" float
Horse Winner- George Lindsey, accompanied by his mother Mrs. George Lindsey
Miniature Model T Ford driven by Curt Wall
Bonnettes baton twirling group
Color Guard- The sons of the Union Veterans
Senior Citizens Kitchen Band
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 81)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 81)


[page 81]

[corresponds to labeled page 76 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Sunbury News Thursday, June 30, 1966
Big Walnut High School's First Graduates (photograph); First graduating class of the combined Big
Walnut School in 1951.
School Grows from One Room to 1700 Students.
Photograph: Original School Building on Harrison Street
Photograph: Sunbury School Building that was torn down in 1957
Photograph: Aerial View of Big Walnut High School under construction
Photograph: Sunbury class of '22 Taken While In Grade School
Photograph: Pupils of Trenton Special School (picture taken in 1888)

First school built in Kingston Twp. in 1820. In 1831 a brick school was built in Sunbury on
the SE corner of the square.
Schools merge in 1950. Galena and Sunbury, and later Harlem joined
to form the new Big Walnut School district
In 1957 a new elementary school was built on Harrison St. north
of Sunbury proper. The former schools were razed to make room for
the new school.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 82)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 82)


[page 82]

[corresponds to labeled page 77 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]


The Sunbury News 2/17/66
Sunbury Sesqui Commission Sponsoring Essay Contest

Folder of Winning Essays which were published in the Sesqui History

Two old photos of school buildings (not clearly identified)

Article: "'Pop' Neilson Taught Hundreds (photograph)
"Pop" Neilson lauded for his educational history in the community
He came to Sunbury in 1913 and taught 7th and 8th grade for years.
Died of a heart attack while a substitute teacher in the Galena elem. school
in 1957.

Esther McCormick (photograph) and Mrs. Bernard Stockwell relate to the school children
about the early history of Sunbury. A pageant was performed by the students
about early events in the area, about a man treed by wolves, two young boys
spending the winter alone in an unfinished cabin etc.... The pageant was given
a standing ovation by the audience. It was titled "Our Town".

Thank you notes were written by some students to Miss McCormick for
her stories of the area.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 83)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 83)



[corresponds to labeled page 78 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Our neighbor Galena:

Program from Dedication Of Historical Marker
The County Historical Society dedicated the Dustin Inn plaque in Galena
on Sunday May 15,1966 at the Methodist church .
Nathan Dustin (1791 - 1872) had a home and stagecoach inn in Zoar,
or Galena as it was later called

Sunbury News 5/19/66
County Historical Society Dedicates Dustin Plaque
Photographs: The Dustin Inn and The Dustin Plaque

Photograph: The M. Curtiss Inn, near Galena (photo includes Miss Leta Curtiss, who still resides
in the home)

Sunbury News 4/14/66
Building of Hoover Dam takes Galena's East Side (article has photos of buildings removed)
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 84)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 84)


[page 84]

[corresponds to labeled page 79 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Neighbor Galena:

Sunbury News Thursday, April 14, 1966
Galena Village Will Have 150th Birthday Saturday
- Village Called Zoar When First Laid Out; Few Pioneer Buildings Remain in Village
Town known as Zoar when first settled by Gilbert Carpenter around 1816.

Delaware Gazette 4/15/66
Galena 150 on Saturday, Village Officials Feted

April 15, 1966
Sunbury Sesqui Commission held a birthday party for the Village of Galena in the Galena School.
The Mayor Gordon Walker and all the village officials were guests of honor.
(5 photos)

Photograph: Zoar-Galena Float

Delaware Gazette 6/27/66
Galena also celebrating Its Sesqui

From the Sunbury Sesqui History Book: (The Galena Tile and Brick Co. was a major employer for many
years.- 3 photos)

[page 85]

The Churches:

many churches were built in the Sunbury area to facilitate the many
faiths that resided in the area. Some area churches started as early as 1818
Eleven churches were in operation at one time. The close proxmity of many were
due to distances traveled.

(photos of various local churches)

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 85)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 85)


[page 86]

[corresponds to labeled page 81 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Organizations:

Sunbury News 6/23/66
Legion Flags Sunbury
The American Legion Post No. 457 was granted its charter on Oct. 18
1939. Now owns a building on Otis street which they erected in 1957, 58
The Legion Auxiliary was granted its charter June 21, 1940 with 12 charter
Photograph: Ed Hoke, Arthur Dorn, George Main, Hoyt Whitney, and Bob Morris

Sunbury News 6/30/66
Sunbury Legion Starts in 1939

Photograph: 1966 American Legion Memorial Day Service: Ed Hoke, Chairman; Bob Daniels speaking;
American Legion Honor Guard

Sunbury News Thursday June 30, 1966
Columbia Chapter is Instituted in 1894; Has 25 Fifty-Year Members
On June 7, 1894 the Columbia Chapter 33 Order of the Eastern Star
was instituted by Deputy Grand Worth Patron Charles H. Eckert
Photograph: New Sparrow Columbia Masonic Temple, Mrs. Henry Wilson, Jr. installed as Worthy Grand
Matron of the Grand Chapter of Ohio O. E. S.
Columbia Masonic Temple on Otis Street was dedicated on Dec. 6, 1959.

Sunbury News 6/30/66
The first meeting of the Sunbury K of P was held Dec. 13, 1886 for the purpose
of organizing.
Otis Kimball Temple 276 organized in 1905.

Sesqui News:
Genoa Conservation Club "break-a-plate"

Sesqui News
Boy Scout Troop 87 souvenir plaques

Sesqui News
Boy Scout Troup 578 participated in Memorial Ceremonies, lists members

Sunbury News 7/21/66
Boy Scouts Receive Recognition

Sunbury News 6/30/66
BTS is Fire Department Is One of Best Volunteer
BST fire department one of the best volunteer groups around. manned by
22 volunteers serves three area Townships

Sesqui News 7/4/66
Boy Scouts keeping grounds clean
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 86)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 86)


[page 87]

[corresponds to labeled page 82 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Athletic Organizations:

Sunbury News Thursday June 30, 1966
Baseball Was Always Popular; Billy Southworth Boosts Sport
First football team in 1926 (photograph)
Sketch of Billy Southworth
Billy Southworth and his wife moved here in the late thirties and put
Sunbury on the map. He managed the St. Louis Cardinals and won the
National League pennant and World Series in 1942-44
The Capital City League was a semi-pro team formed just after WW I
which was the best in Central Ohio. Cy Young Dewey Miller played for the
league, along with many other well knowns.
Photograph: Sunbury High Girls' Basketball team (formed in 1921-22)
Photograph: John Loar's Baseball Team

Sunbury News 7/14/66
Athletic Field Fund Drive Approaches $3,000 Mark
Athletic Boosters field drive to raise $48,000 to build a new athletic field
just west of the HS.

Sunbury News 6/23/66
Boosters Club Starts New Athletic Field Drive
Photograph: Men who kicked off the fund drive- Jack Brehm, Bob Morris, Jim Shannon, Ed Hoke and
Jay Stemen

Athletic Boosters Ice Cream Social

Photograph: David Meek, George Justice, David Morris and Ronnie Stemen look over Billboard of the
Big Walnut Athletic Boosters

Three Cheers For-----!!!! Persons who are buying many feet of the football field.

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 87)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 87)



[corresponds to labeled page 83 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Athletic and Band Boosters:

Forman Realtors and Savings and Loan Kick-off field fund drive.
Dunking machine set up to raise funds for the drive. Queen's night
bathing beauties agree to be dunked to help out the drive. Area
athletes and former athletes invited to be dunked.

Govenor Rhodes even attended the event.

Concessions stands and a parade were part of the festivities.

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 88)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 88)


[page 88]

[corresponds to labeled page 83 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Athletic and Band Boosters:
Sunbury News 6/30/666
Forman Realtors, Savings and Loan Kick-off Athletic Field Fund Drive
Photograph: Big Walnut "Stars" Dream- Bob Daniels, David Morris, Gary DeVore, L. J. Guidotti,
David Meek, George Justice and Ronny Stemen.

Sesqui News
Athlete's Day
Dunking machine set up to raise funds for the drive. (Governor Rhodes even attended the event)
Queen's night bathing beauties agree to be dunked to help out the drive.
Area athletes and former athletes invited to be dunked.

George Lindsey over the Dunk Tank
Paul Milem, D.D.S., over the Dunk Tank
Band Members work the concession stand- Mickey Jahn, B. Saunders, R. Saunders, Dianne Metzger, Don
Wolfe, Becky Justice, Janet Budd, and Kyle Rolfes.
Big Walnut High School Band- Don Wolfe, Drum Major
two photos of marching band in the parade
one photo of the concession area

Concessions stands and a parade were part of the festivities.

Listing of the Big Walnut Band Boosters who worked the concession stand
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 89)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 89)


[page 89]

[corresponds to labeled page 84 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Organizations:

Columbus Dispatch Monday, July 11, 1966
Delaware County's Hugh Shoaf Honored for Game Conservation
Photograph: Wildlife conservation award presented to Hugh Shoaf by the Department of Natural
Resources in front of the Sesqui log cabin- Hugh Shoaf; Jeff Keirns, Ohio State Fair manager;
Gerald Scott, Knox County game protector; and Bob Terry, Delaware County game protector.

The Sunbury News 6/9/66
Sesqui Trap Shoot to be Held
A chicken trap shoot to be held with proceeds to go to the Sesqui-Centennial Commission.

The Sunbury News 6/30/66
Conservation Club Starts
Big Walnut Conservation Club was incorporated Sept. 28, 1949 to advance the conserving and
enjoyment of nature.They own 47 acres of land east of Sunbury on Croton Road. The club has about
175 members and 63 lifetime members.

Brochure: Big Walnut Conservation Club 1966 Trap Shoot Schedule

The Sunbury News 7/14/1966
Farmer Wins Delaware County Conservation Award
Photograph: Hugh Shoaf receiving his award; Jeff Keirns, Ohio State Fair manager;
Gerald Scott, Knox County game protector; and Bob Terry, Delaware County game protector.
Hugh was awarded for his efforts to help existing wildlife and promote bluebird propagation with
his bird boxes. He plants fence rows with dwarf cane and millet to provide feed for the wildlife.

The Sunbury News, 6/30/66
Progress, Searchlight Clubs Start at Turn of Century
Sunbury has two literary societies, the Progress Club and the Searchlight Club. The Progress Club
was organized March 16, 1899. The Searchlight Club was organized Jan. 14, 1904. Both clubs have
sponsored projects in the community such as renovation of the Town Hall's second floor.

The Sunbury News 6/30/66
Mothers of Small Children Organized CCL in 1960
The Child Conservation League Federation sponsored by the Kiddies Fashion Parade.
The League was formed Dec. 5, 1960 to make more worthy and effective the relationship of parents
with their children in their homes.

The Sunbury News 6/30/66
Lions Club is Civic Group
Belles of Yesterday- Mrs. Rosella Ault, Mrs. Vera Paul, Mrs. Cora Perfect, Mrs. Pauline
Livingston, Mrs. Mary Ellen Main, Mrs. Lorraine Crowl, Mrs. Bea Compton and Mrs. Etta Main.
Another Belle of Yesterday- Frank Stelzer
The Lions Club was organized in 1938 as a civic organization to aid in worthwhile projects of the
community. Current president is George Main. The annual Ox Roast is one of their events. The Club
has 75 members.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 90)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 90)


[page 90]

[corresponds to labeled page 85 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Businesses:

Clippings from The Sunbury News:

Roland Geddis - Lime Spreading business
Sunbury Golf Club (photos of original clubhouse and current clubhouse)
Big Walnut Swimming and Recreation Center Inc. (photo of the swimming pool)
Bob and Nancy of: WDLR radio
Murphy Siding Co.
Dr. Godshall and family
Curren's Sohio station
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 91)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 91)


[page 91]

[corresponds to labeled page 86 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Businesses:

Clippings from The Sunbury News

Sunbury Savings and Loan Co.
56 years in business in Sunbury area

Sesqui Souvenir from the Sunbury Savings and Loan Company ($1000 bank note)
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 92)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 92)


[page 92]

[corresponds to labeled page 87 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Businesses:

Clippings from The Sunbury News

Sunbury IGA has built two additions in last twenty years (photo of building)
Photo of employees of 14 or more years: Ethel Wilcox, Bea Compton, Gladys Townley, Etta Main,
George Main, Earl Dustin, Cecil Townley, Violet Townley, Velma Main, John Main and John Warner.
Photo of other employees: Norma Howard, Louise Wagner, Kathleen Caito, Vivian Evans, Gladys
Ashbaugh, Juanita White, William Stebleton, David Snashall, Eugene Wampler, Robert Reed, Terry
Fravel, Bill Cain, Dick Warner, and Gary Saunders.

L.J. Realty & Auction Co. (L. J. Guidotti)

Marathon Oil Distributor owned by Harold Kintner
First motorized oil truck owned by Knox Oil Company- P. W. (Pearlee) Stith
Ohio Oil Company truck with "Toby" Feasel
Harold and Mrs. Kintner in front of Ohio Oil Company trucks
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 93)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 93)


[page 93]

[corresponds to labeled page 88 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Businesses:

Clippings from The Sunbury News June 30, 1966
Farmers Bank is Town's Oldest Financial Institution
Started in 1881 by group of men in the community. Various buildings have housed the bank over the
years. In 1965 it merged with the First National Bank of Delaware to provide better services to
the community.
Building Exterior
Building Interior- pictured are: Mrs. Anna Mae Haycook, Mrs. Judy Perry, Mrs. Pauline Ide, Mrs.
Darlene Kean, Paul Spires and Carleton Burrer (manager)

1900 Bank Explosion Fails to Awaken Sleeping Town
Attempted robbery in 1900 failed to breach the vault in the explosion.
Photo: R. O. Burrer, half a century of service

Old Farmers Bank Was One of Beauty
Photo: interior of bank, Otis H. Kimball, Charles Armstrong and Owne Kimball. (building was torn
down in 1960)

Progress Through the Years with Sunbury
Front of the Old Stone Building
Front of the Current Bank including staff: Carleton Burrer, Pauline Ide, Judy Perry, Darlene
Kean, Anna Mae Haycook, and Paul Spires

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 94)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 94)


[page 94]

[corresponds to labeled page 89 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Businesses:

News Clippings from The Sunbury News

Forman Realtors (photos of Ted L. and Betty G. Forman)
Hills Drug Store
The First National Bank of Delaware and Farmers Bank Office of Sunbury
Larue Stith's Mechanical Service for 40 years.(photos of Larue and Marge Stith)
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 95)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 95)


[page 95]

[corresponds to labeled page 90 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Businesses:

Clippings from The Sunbury News

Cook Funeral Home (photo of Kenneth B. Cook)

Wilma's Little Shop

The Whittier Insurance Co. later the Cupp Ins. Co. Cupp and Myers then Cupp & Whitney, then Whitney
Inc. Co. (photos: Margaret Garee; Mary L. Morris; Virginia Owen; Robert B. Morris; Hoyt G. Whitney,
former owner; and Oatfield W. Whitney Sr., former owner)

Delaware County Farm Bureau Cooperative Ass'n later to become Landmark
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 96)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 96)



[corresponds to labeled page 91 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Businesses:

Clippings from The Sunbury News

Dr. M.W. Livingston and family

Hoke Electric Sales and Service complete line of GE RCA Philco appliances (photos: Ed and Edna Hoke
in front of store, Ken Crowl, Floyd Griffith, Carol Cook, Kevin Hall, Jesse Simms, Rheta Reese,
Eddie Roshon, Harold Longshore, Carl Cole, Eddie Hoke III; interiors of the business)

LK Restaurant
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 97)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 97)


[page 97]

[corresponds to labeled page 92 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Businesses (notices in the newspaper):
Sunbury Mill, built in the early thirties
Bauereis Shoes
Devore Funeral Home since 1935
Marshall's in Delaware Pontiac and Rambler dealer
Sunbury Professional Center Building will be open to the public during business hours during the

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 98)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 98)


[page 98]

[corresponds to labeled page 93 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Businesses:
Clippings from the Sunbury News
Various businesses offer their congratulation to Sunbury for
its Sesqui celebration
The Peoples Store of Delaware offers its congratulations.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 99)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 99)


[page 99]

[corresponds to labeled page 94 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Businesses:
Clippings from The Sunbury News
Galena office of the Delaware County Bank
The Galena Shale Tile & Brick Co.
Delaware County United Appeal Salutes Sunbury
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 100)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 100)


[page 100]

[corresponds to labeled page 95 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Businesses:
Clippings from the Sunbury News
Anderson Clothing of Delaware extends its congratulations to Sunbury
Columbia Gas
Dunkle's Restaurant and Dairy Queen and D & D Pizza
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 101)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 101)


[page 101]

[corresponds to labeled page 96 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Nestle Company Inc.
Sunbury News Thursday, June 30, 1966
Nestle Company Stimulates Growth
Nestle Plant
Early Nestle Family- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fivaz
Frank Bergandine
Sunbury Nestle Awarded the Army-Navy E for its fine effort in food production for the armed forces
during WW II; providing large quantities of instant coffee, as well as individual servings for
mess kits.
Testing in the Lab (pictured: Frank Bergandine, Bruce Williamson, John Williams, Anton Nissi, Les
Mercer, Gerald "Dutch" Strosnider and Dan Connors)

Founded in Switzerland in 1866 by the Fivaz family.
History of the plant in Sunbury and its expansion.
Employing 130 in Sunbury at the time of the Sesqui celebration.
Frank Bergandine is tenth mgr of Nestle plant

First Sunbury Creamery
Sunbury Co-Operative Creamery

History of the Sunbury Co-Operative Creamery formed in 1892 by a group of farmers and business
men. Farmers were paid in gold for their milk. Plant later sold to the John Wildi Evaporated Milk
Co. in 1918 for $25,000 . John Wildi sold it to Hires in 1919 and Nestles took it over a
year later. Nestle was the original producer of Nestea and instant coffee.

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 102)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 102)


[page 102]

[corresponds to labeled page 97 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Nestles and other Businesses:
Clippings from the Sunbury News
Humphries Fords dealership of Delaware
The Delaware County Mutual Ins. Co. Est. 1877

Pamphlet: How Nestle makes 100% pure instant Nestea

The Nestle exhibit (3 photos)
The Nestle float
The remodeling is underway on the Sunbury Co-operative Creamery
The old Sunbury Co-operative Creamery
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 103)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 103)


[page 103]

[corresponds to labeled page 98 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Businesses:
Clippings from The Sunbury News
Every Last One of the Roush Employees congratulates Sunbury On It's 150 Years of Progress
Roush Hardware of Westerville offers it congratulations to Sunbury on its Sesqui celebration. They
were 15 years old during this time.

"Dubbs" Roush, Owner
Mel Kennedy, General Manager
Dale "Rocky" Rockhold, Garry Glass, Dwight "Doc" Hall, "VI" Smith, Mary Cummins,Lulu Richards, Marvin
Kennedy, Roger Cockrell, Marjorie Bennett, Judy Storts, Jean Brush, Vivian Bishop, Norma Wilkin, Don
Bierly, Jerry Teegarden, Jane Minnis,and Betty Roddy.
Photo of Business
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 104)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 104)


[page 104]

[corresponds to labeled page 99 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Sunbury News, Thursday, June 30, 1966:
The Sunbury News has Served This Community for More Than 93 Years
Started in 1873 by a group of men who formed a stock company for publication of the first paper
"The Enterprise" with D.M Pyle editor.

It was sold to Wayman Perfect who renamed it "The Spectator". Perfect sold it to J.S. Watson in
1876. He sold out in 1879. There were a few months when there was no paper. The paper was sold
many times over the years.

Oatfield W. Whitney purchased Fred Baker's interest in 1916 with partner Don Crawford. He bought
out Crawford's interest in 1919 and became sole owner.

History of the Sunbury News and a special Heidelberg press (photo).

Letts and Whittier Printing Shop Interior and exterior photos (on the south side of the square)
Linotype being moved out a second floor window in the old News Building (November 1949)
Sunbury News (Brick building)
Sunbury News Staff: Marilee Warner, Bill Whitney, John Whitney, Thelma Hardy, Marian Whitney,
Bill Haller, O. W. Whitney, and Jack Brehm

Delaware Gazette 7/1/66
Sunbury News Issues 36-Page Sesqui Edition
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 105)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 105)


[page 105]

[corresponds to labeled page 100 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Sunbury News, Thursday, June 30, 1066:
The News Editor Speaks:
Editorial edition dedicated to Mrs.Pearl Greene Whitney, mother, wife, faithful to her church and
Special edition commemorating the Sesqui of 36 pages, with additional copies printed due to
overwhelming requests for the paper.

Keefer Chevrolet and Cadillac dealership- Sincere Congratulations To A Fine All-American Community
On This Momentous Occasion

Sesqui commission thanks the News for its support.

Mrs. Pearl Greene Whitney
"On the Street Thursday Morning"- the first issue of The Sunbury News to be sold by newsboys on
the street. Mrs. Forest Day purchased a copy from George Lindsey III. With her is her
granddaughter, Amy Day. The other newsboy is David Gould of Westerville.

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 106)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 106)


[page 106]

[corresponds to labeled page 101 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Front page of the Sunbury Spectator dated May 29th 1879 No. 8

Many ads and interesting stories of the events of that day and time.

"Will Grant run again" ? Murder of a judge in Ky to avenge a wrong
perceived by his killer on his sister....
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 107)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 107)


[page 107]

[corresponds to labeled page 102 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Capers and Characters:

Photos of locals in period costumes in various poses and situations.
Margaret Stith and Ed Cooley
Gerald Strosnider, Larue Stith and Henry Stith
Charlene and Diane Alward
Marguerite Williamson, Debbie Davidson, Mrs. Goff, Martha Fravel and Vera Paul
Harold, Jeannette and Mary Curren
Harold Curren, Gladys Hill and Jodi Hill
Harold Kintner, Gladys Hill and Lawrence Hill
John, Lucy, Johnny and Larry Lane
Louise Sheets
Gerald "Dutch" Strosnider and Georgia Presley
Jessie Sims and Earl Dustin
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Burrer
The Melody Makers: W. Robertson, M. Stith, E. Cooley, and E. Robertson
Robert Barcus and 2 sons
Grandfather Howard Roof and Grandmother Evelyn Roof with granddaughter Lisa Jane
The Robert Barcus family
Jeanette Curren

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 108)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 108)


[page 108]

[corresponds to labeled page 103 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The last of the bearded brothers:

Local men with beards and long hair getting sheared by local barbers.

Dutch Strosnider and his "most fantastic beard"
Prospective customers for the village barbers- Willie Bryant, Gerald Strosnider, Larue Stith, and
Harold Curren
Bearded Larue Stith and Dutch Strosnider talk with clean-shaven visitor Homer Fisher
Dutch and his first place plaque
Dutch was so proud of that beard
Larry Stith and his first place plaque- longest all-over beard
"John the Barber" Reichelderfer is a happy man as the operation on Dutch's beard begins
Dutch in the brush- a fugitive from the barber
Jack Kohler does the honors for Larue
Half and half (unidentified man)
Roger Stith- a candidate for the barber chair
No beard- but plenty of hair (unidentified man)
The clean-shaven Gerald "Dutch" Strosnider
Harold Curren about to undergo treatment by John Reichelderfer
The job is complete- a clean-shaven short-haired Larue

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 109)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 109)


[page 109]

[corresponds to labeled page 104 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Success and appreciation:

Delaware Gazette, 8/20/1966
"Sunbury is "In Black" For the Sesqui"

Sunbury News August 18, 1966
"Sunbury Sesqui Pays Off; Commission Plans More"

Letter to the Community from Jeanette Curren, Secretary of the Sesquicentennial Commission

letters to the editor from individuals, commission members and organizations
expressing their appreciation for the success of the Sesqui and all those who took
part and contributed their time and aid to help it succeed.

Sunbury News applauded for its coverage of the Sesqui and subsequent events.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 110)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 110)


[page 110]

[corresponds to labeled page 105 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]


The Sesqui commissioners thank the community for all their support

(pic) of the commissioners: Mrs. Paul Stelzer, Mrs. Marian Whitney, Miss Esther McCormick, Mrs.
Gladys Hill, Mrs. Jeannette Curren, Joseph Schilder, Rev. Donald Wagner. O. W. Whitney, Harold
Kimmer, George Lindsey, Harold Ault, Paul Stelzer, and Doug Kemp.
(pic) of the commissioners.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 111)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 111)


[page 111]

[corresponds to labeled page 106 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The End?

Poster of The End? No the beginning of the second 150 years
for Village of Sunbury.
May it prove to be just as worthy of celebration as
is the 150 years period we
have just honored.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 112)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 112)


[page 112]

[corresponds to labeled page 107 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]


Freedom Foundation of Valley Forge Pa. presented with a nomination
to be awarded to Sunbury for its Sesquicentennial celebration.

News From the State Library : Community Library commended for its
historical exhibit presented during the Sesqui. More than 1800 registered
in the guest book during the week.

Sesqui nets a profit of $3,988 after its eight-day run. The commission
submitted the Sesqui book to the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge
for nomination for the George Washington community award.

Delaware Gazette, 12/31/1966
"Sesqui Unit Helps Sunbury In Its Award Aspirations"
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 113)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 113)


[page 113]

[corresponds to labeled page 108 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

The Awards:

The Sunbury News, Thursday, February 23, 1967
"The News Editor Speaks"

The Delaware Gazette, February 23, 1967
"Sunbury Sesqui Honored By Freedoms Foundation"

Freedom Foundation of Valley Forge awards Sunbury its George Washington
Honor Medal award for its 1966 Sesquicentennial celebration. One of only
50 awards given in the Community Programs Category.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 114)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 114)


[page 114]

[corresponds to labeled page 109 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]


Freedom Foundation of Valley Forge Pa. presented with a nomination to be awarded to Sunbury for
its Sesquicentennial celebration.
Letter from E. D. Mason of the Columbus Dispatch inviting the Commission to Luncheon at the Neil
House to receive the Freedoms Foundation award during the Armed Forces Day celebration. Gov. Frank
J. Lausche was featured speaker. The Navel Air Training Command choir performed and recognition of
the 25th anniversary of Lockbourne Air Force Base.

The Sunbury News, Thursday May 25, 1967
"Sunbury Sesqui Receives Trophy"
Photos: Ed Mason, Douglas Ruthig, Harold Kitner and Mrs Ruthig
Miss Esther McCormick, Mrs. Jeanette Curren, Mrs. Gladys Hill, Mrs. Harold Kintner, Mrs. Ruthig,
Harold Ault, Rev. Don Wagner, Mrs. Frank Bergandine, Ed Mason, O. W. Whitney and Doug Ruthig.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 115)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 115)


[page 115]

[corresponds to labeled page 110 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]


Sunbury News, April 13, 1967
"Sesquicentennial Commission Disbands: Distributes Remaining Funds in Community"

Delaware Gazette, April 7, 1967
"Sunbury Sesqui Group Ends Its Activities With Gifts"
Big Walnut Scholarship Board: Mrs. Harold Curren, Mrs. Harold Kintner, George Lindsey and Joseph

The Trustees and Officers of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge
invites the commission to share in the ceremony of dedication of
the Faith of Our Fathers Chapel at the American Freedom Center.

Group plants a blue spruce on the square to commemorate the 150th
Sesquicentennial and the laying out the village of Sunbury
Photo: Harold Kintner, Mrs. L. B. Hill, Paul Stelzer, Harold Ault, Lib Stelzer and ____
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 116)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 116)


[page 116]

[corresponds to labeled page 111 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]


The Delaware Gazette, September 5, 1967
Sunbury Sesqui Honors Papers, School District
Photograph of Virginia Knisely of the Delaware Gazette with Sunbury Sesqui Plaque
Sunbury News publisher Bill Whitney and Clyde Cochran of the Big Walnut Board of
Education were given award plaques. Plaques were presented by George Lindsey and Harold Kintner.
Howard Hale, president of the Sunbury Library Board, accepted the Sesqui Scrapbook from Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Ruthig, who compiled the book.

The Sunbury News, 9/14/67
Sesquicentennial Secretary Wins National Civic Award
Jeanette Curren given award by the Board of Editors of "Outstanding
Leaders of America". She was the secretary of the commission
and worked extremely hard to make the Sesqui a success. She was
a former teacher and deputy principal of Big Walnut Schools.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 117)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 117)


[page 117]

[corresponds to labeled page 112 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

1984 letter from the 150th Sesqui Celebration treasurer Harold Ault, donating money left over
to the Village of Sunbury for its 175 year event in 1991 to be used as it sees fit.

Flea Market announced for July 5th 1976 . Flea market began during
the Sesqui and has become an annual event since.
Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 118)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 118)


[page 118]

[corresponds to labeled page 113 of Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Big Walnut Bicentennial Celebration
Festival USA
Schedule of events for July 4, 5 and 11 through 17
Announcing the events to take place during the eight-day run
of the Sesqui and inviting all to come and participate.

Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 119)


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook (p. 119)


[page 119]

[corresponds to back cover of the Sesquicentennial Scrapbook, Sunbury, Ohio, 1816-1966]

Dublin Core


Sesquicentennial Scrapbook




This is a scrapbook containing photographs, newspaper clippings, letters and programs that document Sunbury's Sesquicentennial Celebration in 1965.


Sunbury Sesquicentennial Commission









Still Image





Sunbury Sesquicentennial Commission, “Sesquicentennial Scrapbook,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 3, 2025,

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