Minutes of the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association Begun and Held With Marlborough Church, Delaware County, O.
Minutes of the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association Begun and Held With Marlborough Church, Delaware County, O. (p 1.)
[page 1]
[corresponds to front cover of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
Forty-Sixth Annual Session
30th & 31st of Aug., & 1st of Sept., 1878.
[corresponds to front cover of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
Forty-Sixth Annual Session
30th & 31st of Aug., & 1st of Sept., 1878.
Minutes of the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association Begun and Held With Marlborough Church, Delaware County, O. (p. 2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 2 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
Friday, August 30th, A.D. 1878, 10 o'clock, A.M. The introductory sermon
Was preached by Elder Wm. Dodd, from 2d Tim. 3d chapter, 16th 17th v.
The letters from the several churches were called for by Moderator and read,
and the Messenger's names enrolled and statistics noted as follows:
CHURCHES MINISTERS Experience, Baptism Received by Letter Restored Dismis'd by Letter Excluded, Died, Total Contributions,
Wayne, Knox Co. Elder David Jenkins, 2 2 2 51 5 00
Reuben Metler, 4th Sabbath.
Joseph Denman,
Geo. Tulloss.
Harmony, Morrow Elder L. B. Sherwood, 2 3 65 6 50
County. 1st Sabbath.
Morgan Kerney,
Benjamin Rusk,
Newton McClucken,
Marlborough, Dela- Elder L. B. Sherwood, 1 1 49 4 80
ware Co. 3d Sabbath.
Eld. L. B. Sherwood,
Levi Bishop,
Joseph Main.
Mt. Pisgah, Morrow Elder John Prichard, 1 1 1 2 2 115 11 17
County. 3d Sabbath.
Eld. David Jenkins,
Jessie Mason,
David Ulery,
Alum Creek. Dela- Elder L. B. Sherwood, 3 1 16 3 50
ware Co. 2d Sabbath.
L. D. Sherwood,
Wellington Shoemaker,
M. P. Ashbrooks.
Westfield, Morrow Elder Peter Powell, 8 1 00
County. 4th Sabbath.
Eld. Peter Powell,
*E F. Place,
B. W. Williams.
Hartford, Del. Co. Elder L. B. Hanover, 1 21 3 00
John Clark 2d Sabbath.
Jessie Stith,
Refuge, Del. Co. Elder Peter Powell, 1 14 2 00
A. J. Olmstead, 3d Sabbath.
J. C. Hanover,
Geo Coons
Monroe, Licking Co. Elder T. P. Ashbrook, 10 1 50
Eld. T. P. Ashbrooks, 4th Sabbath.
*Jesse Evans,
Salem, Morrow Co. Elder M. B. Smith, 1 1 3 26 3 00
Nelson Vandorn, 4th Sabbath.
David Buckingham,
Eld. M. B. Smith.
Adjourned for one hour. Benediction by Elder Wm. Dodd.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 2 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
Friday, August 30th, A.D. 1878, 10 o'clock, A.M. The introductory sermon
Was preached by Elder Wm. Dodd, from 2d Tim. 3d chapter, 16th 17th v.
The letters from the several churches were called for by Moderator and read,
and the Messenger's names enrolled and statistics noted as follows:
CHURCHES MINISTERS Experience, Baptism Received by Letter Restored Dismis'd by Letter Excluded, Died, Total Contributions,
Wayne, Knox Co. Elder David Jenkins, 2 2 2 51 5 00
Reuben Metler, 4th Sabbath.
Joseph Denman,
Geo. Tulloss.
Harmony, Morrow Elder L. B. Sherwood, 2 3 65 6 50
County. 1st Sabbath.
Morgan Kerney,
Benjamin Rusk,
Newton McClucken,
Marlborough, Dela- Elder L. B. Sherwood, 1 1 49 4 80
ware Co. 3d Sabbath.
Eld. L. B. Sherwood,
Levi Bishop,
Joseph Main.
Mt. Pisgah, Morrow Elder John Prichard, 1 1 1 2 2 115 11 17
County. 3d Sabbath.
Eld. David Jenkins,
Jessie Mason,
David Ulery,
Alum Creek. Dela- Elder L. B. Sherwood, 3 1 16 3 50
ware Co. 2d Sabbath.
L. D. Sherwood,
Wellington Shoemaker,
M. P. Ashbrooks.
Westfield, Morrow Elder Peter Powell, 8 1 00
County. 4th Sabbath.
Eld. Peter Powell,
*E F. Place,
B. W. Williams.
Hartford, Del. Co. Elder L. B. Hanover, 1 21 3 00
John Clark 2d Sabbath.
Jessie Stith,
Refuge, Del. Co. Elder Peter Powell, 1 14 2 00
A. J. Olmstead, 3d Sabbath.
J. C. Hanover,
Geo Coons
Monroe, Licking Co. Elder T. P. Ashbrook, 10 1 50
Eld. T. P. Ashbrooks, 4th Sabbath.
*Jesse Evans,
Salem, Morrow Co. Elder M. B. Smith, 1 1 3 26 3 00
Nelson Vandorn, 4th Sabbath.
David Buckingham,
Eld. M. B. Smith.
Adjourned for one hour. Benediction by Elder Wm. Dodd.
Minutes of the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association Begun and Held With Marlborough Church, Delaware County, O. (p. 3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 3 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
One o'clock p. m.--Association met pursuant to adjournment.
Praise and prayer by Elder T. P. Ashbrooks.
1. Messengers names called.
2. Organized for the present session by choosing David Jenkins
Moderator, and Joseph Main, Clerk.
3. Visiting brethren invited to a seat with us in Council. Mod-
erator appointed Elder J. C. Reed and Elder John Prichard to
preach on the stand this p. m.
4. Committees appointed by Moderator as follows: On preach-
ing--The Messengers of Mt. Pisgah church and Reuben Metler,
M. A. Kerney, Levi Bishop, M. P. Ashbrook, Nelson Vandorn,
Henry Stith, J. C. Hanover and T. P. Ashbrooks. On Finance--
On motion Joseph S. Denman was appointed Treasurer, and Mat-
thew Bonar, Assistant Treasurer.
5. Churches wishing to unite with this Association called for.
6. Correspondence from sister Associations called for and pre-
sented as follows:
SCIOTO--Elder D. G. Barker, with minutes.
SANDUSKY--Minutes no Messenger.
MIAMI--Elder J. C. Reed, with minutes.
MUSKINGUM--Elder Samuel Meredith, with minutes.
7. Associations wishing to open correspondence with this Asso
ciation called for.
Corresponding Messengers to sister Associations were appointed
as follows :
SCIOTO--Elder Peter Powell.
SANDUSKY--Elders M. B. Smith and T. P. Ashbrooks.
MIAMI--Elder L. B. Sherwood and Bro. Levi Bishop.
MUSKINGUM--Elders L. B. Hanover and David Jenkins.
Circular Letter written by Elder L. B. Sherwood and Correspond-
ing Letter by Brother Matthew Bonar, read and received to be
Adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning.
Praise and prayer by Elder M. B. Smith.
Association met pursuant to adjournment. Praise and prayer by
Elder L. B. Sherwood.
Messengers names called.
On motion J. M. Struble was appointed to write the Circular
Letter and John Clark the Corresponding Letter.
Committee on Preaching report as follows:
Saturday, a. m.--Elder S. Meredith, Isiah 40, I. P. M.--Elder
M. B. Smith, Luke 14, 16. Elder D. G. Barker, John 6, 44.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 3 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
One o'clock p. m.--Association met pursuant to adjournment.
Praise and prayer by Elder T. P. Ashbrooks.
1. Messengers names called.
2. Organized for the present session by choosing David Jenkins
Moderator, and Joseph Main, Clerk.
3. Visiting brethren invited to a seat with us in Council. Mod-
erator appointed Elder J. C. Reed and Elder John Prichard to
preach on the stand this p. m.
4. Committees appointed by Moderator as follows: On preach-
ing--The Messengers of Mt. Pisgah church and Reuben Metler,
M. A. Kerney, Levi Bishop, M. P. Ashbrook, Nelson Vandorn,
Henry Stith, J. C. Hanover and T. P. Ashbrooks. On Finance--
On motion Joseph S. Denman was appointed Treasurer, and Mat-
thew Bonar, Assistant Treasurer.
5. Churches wishing to unite with this Association called for.
6. Correspondence from sister Associations called for and pre-
sented as follows:
SCIOTO--Elder D. G. Barker, with minutes.
SANDUSKY--Minutes no Messenger.
MIAMI--Elder J. C. Reed, with minutes.
MUSKINGUM--Elder Samuel Meredith, with minutes.
7. Associations wishing to open correspondence with this Asso
ciation called for.
Corresponding Messengers to sister Associations were appointed
as follows :
SCIOTO--Elder Peter Powell.
SANDUSKY--Elders M. B. Smith and T. P. Ashbrooks.
MIAMI--Elder L. B. Sherwood and Bro. Levi Bishop.
MUSKINGUM--Elders L. B. Hanover and David Jenkins.
Circular Letter written by Elder L. B. Sherwood and Correspond-
ing Letter by Brother Matthew Bonar, read and received to be
Adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning.
Praise and prayer by Elder M. B. Smith.
Association met pursuant to adjournment. Praise and prayer by
Elder L. B. Sherwood.
Messengers names called.
On motion J. M. Struble was appointed to write the Circular
Letter and John Clark the Corresponding Letter.
Committee on Preaching report as follows:
Saturday, a. m.--Elder S. Meredith, Isiah 40, I. P. M.--Elder
M. B. Smith, Luke 14, 16. Elder D. G. Barker, John 6, 44.
Minutes of the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association Begun and Held With Marlborough Church, Delaware County, O. (p. 4)
[page 4]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
Sabbath, a. m.--Elder Wm. Dodd, Revelations 2, 25. Elder
J. C. Reed, Philippia 2, 12. P. M.--Elder D. G. Barker, I Peter
2, 18.
On motion the Association decided to meet with the Marlbor-
ough Church, seven miles North of Delaware and five miles West
of Ashley on the C. C. C. & I. Railroad, on Wednesday after the
fourth Sabbath in August, A. D. 1879, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Brethren coming by rail on C. & T. Railroad will be met at
Radnor, and those on the C. C. C. & I. Railroad will be met at
Ashley, and conveyed to place of meeting.
On motion it was ordered that the Clerk superintend the printing
and distribution of the minutes.
Contributions for minutes and correspondence.
The Treasurer reports funds received as follows:
Total contributions of the churches $41.47, appropriated as fol-
lows :
For Clerk and minutes, . . . . . . $11.20
Correspondence Miami, . . . . . . . 7.25
Correspondence Sandusky, . . . . . . 7.25
Correspondence Muskingum, . . . . . 9.52
Correspondence Scioto, . . . . . . . 6.25
On motion the Association adjourned to meet with the Marlbor-
ough Church, on Wednesday, after the fourth Sabbath in August,
A. D. 1879 at 10 o'clock.
Praise and benediction by Elder D. G. Barker.
Clerk. Moderator.
The past session was made all the more agreeable by the re-union
of Salem Church. The love and harmony that prevailed to see
those friends with us once more could be enjoyed, but not describ-
Visitation meetings were appointed as follows:
WAYNE--Fourth Lord's day in June, A. D. 1879, Friday and
Saturday preceding at I o'clock, Elder J. Harvey Oliphant to
HARMONY--Fifth Lord's day in March, A. D. 1879, Friday and
Saturday preceding at I o'clock Elders D. G. Barker and David
Jenkins. Also third Lord's day in May, A. D. 1879, and Friday
preceding at 10 o'clock a. m., Elders J. C. Reed and L. B. Sher-
wood to attend.
ALUM CREEK--Fourth Lord's day in May, A. D. 1879, and Sat-
urday preceding at I o'clock p.m., Elders Wm. Dodd and David
Jenkins to attend.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
Sabbath, a. m.--Elder Wm. Dodd, Revelations 2, 25. Elder
J. C. Reed, Philippia 2, 12. P. M.--Elder D. G. Barker, I Peter
2, 18.
On motion the Association decided to meet with the Marlbor-
ough Church, seven miles North of Delaware and five miles West
of Ashley on the C. C. C. & I. Railroad, on Wednesday after the
fourth Sabbath in August, A. D. 1879, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Brethren coming by rail on C. & T. Railroad will be met at
Radnor, and those on the C. C. C. & I. Railroad will be met at
Ashley, and conveyed to place of meeting.
On motion it was ordered that the Clerk superintend the printing
and distribution of the minutes.
Contributions for minutes and correspondence.
The Treasurer reports funds received as follows:
Total contributions of the churches $41.47, appropriated as fol-
lows :
For Clerk and minutes, . . . . . . $11.20
Correspondence Miami, . . . . . . . 7.25
Correspondence Sandusky, . . . . . . 7.25
Correspondence Muskingum, . . . . . 9.52
Correspondence Scioto, . . . . . . . 6.25
On motion the Association adjourned to meet with the Marlbor-
ough Church, on Wednesday, after the fourth Sabbath in August,
A. D. 1879 at 10 o'clock.
Praise and benediction by Elder D. G. Barker.
Clerk. Moderator.
The past session was made all the more agreeable by the re-union
of Salem Church. The love and harmony that prevailed to see
those friends with us once more could be enjoyed, but not describ-
Visitation meetings were appointed as follows:
WAYNE--Fourth Lord's day in June, A. D. 1879, Friday and
Saturday preceding at I o'clock, Elder J. Harvey Oliphant to
HARMONY--Fifth Lord's day in March, A. D. 1879, Friday and
Saturday preceding at I o'clock Elders D. G. Barker and David
Jenkins. Also third Lord's day in May, A. D. 1879, and Friday
preceding at 10 o'clock a. m., Elders J. C. Reed and L. B. Sher-
wood to attend.
ALUM CREEK--Fourth Lord's day in May, A. D. 1879, and Sat-
urday preceding at I o'clock p.m., Elders Wm. Dodd and David
Jenkins to attend.
Minutes of the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association Begun and Held With Marlborough Church, Delaware County, O. (p. 5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 5 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
HARTFORD--Third Lord's day in October, A. D. 1878, and Sat-
urday preceding at 10 o'clock a.m., Elder M. B. Smith to attend.
MARLBOROUGH--Second Lord's day in November, A. D. 1878,
and Saturday preceeding at 11 o'clock, Elder John Prichard to
SALEM--Fifth Lord's day in September, A. D. 1878, and Satur
day preceding at 10 o'clock a.m., Elder John Prichard to attend.
MT. PISGAH--Third Lord's day in June A. D. 1879, and Friday
preceding at 1 o'clock p.m., Saturday at 11 o'clock a.m., Elders
J. Harvey Oliphant and M. B. Smith to attend.
REFUGE--Third Lord's day in November, A. D. 1878, Saturday
preceding at 10 o'clock a.m., Elders Peter Powell and M. B.
Smith to attend.
ALUM CREEK--Fifth Lord's day in March, A. D. 1879, and Sat-
urday preceding at I o'clock p.m., Elders John Prichard and M.
B. Smith to attend. Also third Lord's day in December, A. D.
1878, and Saturday preceding at I o'clock p.m., Elder J. C. Reed
to attend.
Elder L. B. Sherwood, . . Ashley, Delaware County, O.
Elder David Jenkins, . . Sparta, Morrow County, O.
Elder Peter Powel, . . . Marengo, Morrow County, O.
Elder L. B. Hanover, . . Center Village, Del. Co., O.
Elder T. P. Ashbrooks, . Bennington, Morrow Co., O.
Elder M. B. Smith, . . . Shaucks, Morrow County, O.
Wayne--Matthew Bonar, Fredericktown, Knox county, O.
Harmony--Barton Lewis, Woodview, Morrow county O.
Marlborough--Joseph Main, Delaware, Delaware county, O.
Mt. Pisgah--J. D. Bruce, Chesterville, Morrow county, O.
Alum Creek--Wm. Ashbrook. Ashley, Delaware county O.
Westfield--B. W. Williams, Cardington, Morrow county, O.
Hartford--George Clark, Condit, Delaware county, O.
Refuge--James Hoover, Center Village, Delaware county, O.
Monroe--Samuel Carson, Johnstown, Licking county, O.
Salem--David Buckingham, Shaucks, Morrow county, O.
Elder S. Meredith, Lynnville, Licking county, O.
Elder Wm. Dodd, Centerville, Montgomery county, O.
Elder D. G. Barker, Pleasantville, Fairfield county, O.
Elder John Prichard, St. Louisville, Licking county, O.
Elder J. C. Reed, Blanchester, Clinton county, O.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 5 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
HARTFORD--Third Lord's day in October, A. D. 1878, and Sat-
urday preceding at 10 o'clock a.m., Elder M. B. Smith to attend.
MARLBOROUGH--Second Lord's day in November, A. D. 1878,
and Saturday preceeding at 11 o'clock, Elder John Prichard to
SALEM--Fifth Lord's day in September, A. D. 1878, and Satur
day preceding at 10 o'clock a.m., Elder John Prichard to attend.
MT. PISGAH--Third Lord's day in June A. D. 1879, and Friday
preceding at 1 o'clock p.m., Saturday at 11 o'clock a.m., Elders
J. Harvey Oliphant and M. B. Smith to attend.
REFUGE--Third Lord's day in November, A. D. 1878, Saturday
preceding at 10 o'clock a.m., Elders Peter Powell and M. B.
Smith to attend.
ALUM CREEK--Fifth Lord's day in March, A. D. 1879, and Sat-
urday preceding at I o'clock p.m., Elders John Prichard and M.
B. Smith to attend. Also third Lord's day in December, A. D.
1878, and Saturday preceding at I o'clock p.m., Elder J. C. Reed
to attend.
Elder L. B. Sherwood, . . Ashley, Delaware County, O.
Elder David Jenkins, . . Sparta, Morrow County, O.
Elder Peter Powel, . . . Marengo, Morrow County, O.
Elder L. B. Hanover, . . Center Village, Del. Co., O.
Elder T. P. Ashbrooks, . Bennington, Morrow Co., O.
Elder M. B. Smith, . . . Shaucks, Morrow County, O.
Wayne--Matthew Bonar, Fredericktown, Knox county, O.
Harmony--Barton Lewis, Woodview, Morrow county O.
Marlborough--Joseph Main, Delaware, Delaware county, O.
Mt. Pisgah--J. D. Bruce, Chesterville, Morrow county, O.
Alum Creek--Wm. Ashbrook. Ashley, Delaware county O.
Westfield--B. W. Williams, Cardington, Morrow county, O.
Hartford--George Clark, Condit, Delaware county, O.
Refuge--James Hoover, Center Village, Delaware county, O.
Monroe--Samuel Carson, Johnstown, Licking county, O.
Salem--David Buckingham, Shaucks, Morrow county, O.
Elder S. Meredith, Lynnville, Licking county, O.
Elder Wm. Dodd, Centerville, Montgomery county, O.
Elder D. G. Barker, Pleasantville, Fairfield county, O.
Elder John Prichard, St. Louisville, Licking county, O.
Elder J. C. Reed, Blanchester, Clinton county, O.
Minutes of the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association Begun and Held With Marlborough Church, Delaware County, O. (p. 6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
Elder Lewis Seitz, Bloomville, Seneca county, O.
Elder John J. Vanhorn, Zanesville, O., box 320.
Elder T. N. Robertson, Young's Creek, Orange county, Ind.
Elder A. S. Shoemaker, Osceola, Clark county, Iowa.
Elder S. C. Main, Everette, Cass county, Mo.
Elder Ephraim Barker, Gratiot, Licking county, O.
Elder Wm. Lippincott, St. Paris, Champaign county, O.
Elder E. Stevens, Florence, Boone county, Ky.
Elder J. P. Taylor, Hope, Franklin county, O.
Elder Zachariah Thomas, Albian, Noble connty, Ind.
Elder Jas. Harvey Oliphant, Buenavista, Jefferson Co., Ind.
MUSKINGUM--To meet with the Falls of Licking Church, at the
lower house, commencing on Wednesday before the fourth Lord's
day in August, A. D. 1879, at 10 o'clock a.m.
SANDUSKY--To be held with the Vanburen Church, Hancock
county, O., (seven miles North of Finlay and four miles from
North Baltimore and Bairdstown, on the B. & O. Railroad,) com-
mencing on Friday before the second Lord's day in June, A. D.
1879, at 10 o'clock a.m.
SCIOTO--Pleasant Run Church, seven miles each from Lancaster,
where brethren by railroad will be met, commencing on Friday
before the third Lord's day in August, A. D. 1879, at 10 o'clock
a. m.
MIAMI--Nettle Creek Church, Champaign county, O., (four
miles west of Urbana, at Westville, on the P. C. & St. L, R. R.,)
commencidg [sic] on Friday before the second Lord's day in September,
A. D. 1878, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association to her sister
Associations with whom she corresponds, sendeth christain [sic] salutation.
DEAR BRETHREN:--Through the kind and tender mercies of our
beloved, we are once more permitted to meet, and we feel to praise
Him for the many tokens of his love to us. And as we have the
favor of meeeting [sic] our brethren from the different associations with
whom we correspond, we hope that the good of Zion may be kept
in view, and that we all may speak the same thing. Beloved
Brethren, as the Bride is but one and has but one Husband, so let
us strive for the unity of the Spirit, bearing one another's burdens,
and so fulfill the law of Christ, praying that peace may reign in
our borders, and that love may abound, and we appear like Jesus'
[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
Elder Lewis Seitz, Bloomville, Seneca county, O.
Elder John J. Vanhorn, Zanesville, O., box 320.
Elder T. N. Robertson, Young's Creek, Orange county, Ind.
Elder A. S. Shoemaker, Osceola, Clark county, Iowa.
Elder S. C. Main, Everette, Cass county, Mo.
Elder Ephraim Barker, Gratiot, Licking county, O.
Elder Wm. Lippincott, St. Paris, Champaign county, O.
Elder E. Stevens, Florence, Boone county, Ky.
Elder J. P. Taylor, Hope, Franklin county, O.
Elder Zachariah Thomas, Albian, Noble connty, Ind.
Elder Jas. Harvey Oliphant, Buenavista, Jefferson Co., Ind.
MUSKINGUM--To meet with the Falls of Licking Church, at the
lower house, commencing on Wednesday before the fourth Lord's
day in August, A. D. 1879, at 10 o'clock a.m.
SANDUSKY--To be held with the Vanburen Church, Hancock
county, O., (seven miles North of Finlay and four miles from
North Baltimore and Bairdstown, on the B. & O. Railroad,) com-
mencing on Friday before the second Lord's day in June, A. D.
1879, at 10 o'clock a.m.
SCIOTO--Pleasant Run Church, seven miles each from Lancaster,
where brethren by railroad will be met, commencing on Friday
before the third Lord's day in August, A. D. 1879, at 10 o'clock
a. m.
MIAMI--Nettle Creek Church, Champaign county, O., (four
miles west of Urbana, at Westville, on the P. C. & St. L, R. R.,)
commencidg [sic] on Friday before the second Lord's day in September,
A. D. 1878, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association to her sister
Associations with whom she corresponds, sendeth christain [sic] salutation.
DEAR BRETHREN:--Through the kind and tender mercies of our
beloved, we are once more permitted to meet, and we feel to praise
Him for the many tokens of his love to us. And as we have the
favor of meeeting [sic] our brethren from the different associations with
whom we correspond, we hope that the good of Zion may be kept
in view, and that we all may speak the same thing. Beloved
Brethren, as the Bride is but one and has but one Husband, so let
us strive for the unity of the Spirit, bearing one another's burdens,
and so fulfill the law of Christ, praying that peace may reign in
our borders, and that love may abound, and we appear like Jesus'
Minutes of the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association Begun and Held With Marlborough Church, Delaware County, O. (p. 7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 7 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
bride, and that our prayer may be that the chosen on Zion walls
may give the trumpet the certain sound.
Brethren, we close by commending you to God and to the word
of His Grace, desiring a continuance of your correspondence as
long as we are both mutually blest.
Finally, brethren, farewell.
Clerk. Moderator.
The Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association, held with the
Mt. Pisgah Church, Morrow County, Ohio, August 30th, 31st, and
September 1st, 1878, To the several Churches composing the same.
Greeting :
DEAR BRETHREN IN THE LORD:--As it is the custom of the
Association to send a Circular Letter with her Minutes, we will
address you on the subject of the Holy Ghost, as revealed in the
Bible. The Apostle John tells us there is three that bear record in
Heaven; the Father; the Word and the Holy Ghost; and that these
three are one. Hence we learn that the record of these three, is but
the record of the Eternal God. God is a spirit; and they that
worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Therefore,
Brethren, we conclude the Heaven, where these three bear record,
is the Church of God. For when we look in the Bible, the reveal-
ed Word of God, we find in creation that the Spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters. And God said let there be light, and
there was light. And when God said let us make man in our
image after our likeness, so God created man in his own image;
and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the earth, and
breathed in his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living
soul. Turning to the gospel according to St. John, 1st chapter and
3d virse, we find that all things were made by him, (the word)
and without Him was not enything made that was made. Showing to
the Church of God the comforting conclusion of the work of Crea-
tion by the three that are one, to the overthrow of all the false no-
tions of men concerning Creation. And oh, the wonderful wisdom
and power of God manifested in Providence over all the workman-
ship of His hands, according to his own eternal perfection; and
throughout the Old Testament it is described the spirit of God.
But when we come to the New Testament we find it called the
Holy Gost [sic]. With reverence and humility let us look at some of
the teachings of the New Testament. O, poor, sinful man, be as-
tonished, the marvelous work of the Holy Ghost, (contrary to the
weak capacity of mans' understanding,) the power of the highest
overshadows the Virgin Mary and prepares her to be the mother
of Jesus, the only saviour of sinners. Matthew 1st ch., 18th 20th
virses, tells us it is of the Holy Ghost. Of all the millions that is
born of woman, there is none like Him, for He is the Christ the
Son of God, and he was full of the Holy Ghost, and if Jesus was
full of the Holy Ghost and called the Son of God, how can dying
[corresponds to unlabeled page 7 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
bride, and that our prayer may be that the chosen on Zion walls
may give the trumpet the certain sound.
Brethren, we close by commending you to God and to the word
of His Grace, desiring a continuance of your correspondence as
long as we are both mutually blest.
Finally, brethren, farewell.
Clerk. Moderator.
The Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association, held with the
Mt. Pisgah Church, Morrow County, Ohio, August 30th, 31st, and
September 1st, 1878, To the several Churches composing the same.
Greeting :
DEAR BRETHREN IN THE LORD:--As it is the custom of the
Association to send a Circular Letter with her Minutes, we will
address you on the subject of the Holy Ghost, as revealed in the
Bible. The Apostle John tells us there is three that bear record in
Heaven; the Father; the Word and the Holy Ghost; and that these
three are one. Hence we learn that the record of these three, is but
the record of the Eternal God. God is a spirit; and they that
worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Therefore,
Brethren, we conclude the Heaven, where these three bear record,
is the Church of God. For when we look in the Bible, the reveal-
ed Word of God, we find in creation that the Spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters. And God said let there be light, and
there was light. And when God said let us make man in our
image after our likeness, so God created man in his own image;
and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the earth, and
breathed in his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living
soul. Turning to the gospel according to St. John, 1st chapter and
3d virse, we find that all things were made by him, (the word)
and without Him was not enything made that was made. Showing to
the Church of God the comforting conclusion of the work of Crea-
tion by the three that are one, to the overthrow of all the false no-
tions of men concerning Creation. And oh, the wonderful wisdom
and power of God manifested in Providence over all the workman-
ship of His hands, according to his own eternal perfection; and
throughout the Old Testament it is described the spirit of God.
But when we come to the New Testament we find it called the
Holy Gost [sic]. With reverence and humility let us look at some of
the teachings of the New Testament. O, poor, sinful man, be as-
tonished, the marvelous work of the Holy Ghost, (contrary to the
weak capacity of mans' understanding,) the power of the highest
overshadows the Virgin Mary and prepares her to be the mother
of Jesus, the only saviour of sinners. Matthew 1st ch., 18th 20th
virses, tells us it is of the Holy Ghost. Of all the millions that is
born of woman, there is none like Him, for He is the Christ the
Son of God, and he was full of the Holy Ghost, and if Jesus was
full of the Holy Ghost and called the Son of God, how can dying
Minutes of the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association Begun and Held With Marlborough Church, Delaware County, O. (p. 8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 8 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
men and women be known as the Sons of God to that church known
in the Bible as the Church of the First Born, unless they are spirit-
ually taught for this Jesus is the express image of the invisible God,
the first born of every creature. This Jesus, born in Bethleham,
Judeah, was declared to be the salvation that God had prepared,
before all people, as witnessed by good old Simeon under the teach-
ing of the Holy Ghost. So we find that men taught by the Holy
Ghost looked for the coming of Jesus, and received him when he
came. This same Jesus came to John the Baptist, his forerunner,
and demanded baptism, and when they were coming up out of the
water the Holy Ghost appeared in the form of a dove and lighting
upon him--and a voice from heaven saying. this is my beloved Son
in whom I am well pleased. Thus the Holy Ghost bearing witness
in heaven. (the church,) the testimony who receives it, that person
that enjoys the gift of eternal life. This eternal life is the Holy
Ghost, for says Paul know you not that your body is the temple of
the Holy Ghost, and all the New Testaments examples exhibit the
power of the Holy Ghost in teaching no man can call Jesus Lord,
but by the Holy Ghost. And oh, dear brethren, the Holy Ghost
acts as a sovereign like the wind that bloweth where it listeth, and
thou heareth the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh
or whither it goeth, so is every one that is born of the Spirit. And
this Spirit beareth witness with our Spirit that were are the children
of God. If children, then heirs of God and joint heirs with
the Lord Jesus Christ. Seeing our need of understanding, where
will we go dear brethren, to the world or to the institutions of the
world, which may all be good in their places, but can do us no
good spiritually. But to God, the Father, through the mediation
of Jesus our Saviour, and in his name we ask the Father, and the
Father has promised to give the Holy Ghost to them that ask him,
and it is one of the names that we are baptized in when we
put on Jesus by profession. The Holy Ghost is to be teacher and
guide through all our pilgrimage, it gives the children of God to feel
the love of God in their hearts, and enables them to enjoy fellow-
ship with the Father and the Son, and it always leads the children
of God to love one another, and to be patient in trials, viewing in
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God from whom all blessings
flow. To his praise and glory in the church throu hout all ages,
by Christ Jesus. World without end. Amen.
Clerk. Moderator.
Received of Joseph Main $10 for printing 600 copies of Minutes.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 8 of Baptist Assoc. Minutes 1878]
men and women be known as the Sons of God to that church known
in the Bible as the Church of the First Born, unless they are spirit-
ually taught for this Jesus is the express image of the invisible God,
the first born of every creature. This Jesus, born in Bethleham,
Judeah, was declared to be the salvation that God had prepared,
before all people, as witnessed by good old Simeon under the teach-
ing of the Holy Ghost. So we find that men taught by the Holy
Ghost looked for the coming of Jesus, and received him when he
came. This same Jesus came to John the Baptist, his forerunner,
and demanded baptism, and when they were coming up out of the
water the Holy Ghost appeared in the form of a dove and lighting
upon him--and a voice from heaven saying. this is my beloved Son
in whom I am well pleased. Thus the Holy Ghost bearing witness
in heaven. (the church,) the testimony who receives it, that person
that enjoys the gift of eternal life. This eternal life is the Holy
Ghost, for says Paul know you not that your body is the temple of
the Holy Ghost, and all the New Testaments examples exhibit the
power of the Holy Ghost in teaching no man can call Jesus Lord,
but by the Holy Ghost. And oh, dear brethren, the Holy Ghost
acts as a sovereign like the wind that bloweth where it listeth, and
thou heareth the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh
or whither it goeth, so is every one that is born of the Spirit. And
this Spirit beareth witness with our Spirit that were are the children
of God. If children, then heirs of God and joint heirs with
the Lord Jesus Christ. Seeing our need of understanding, where
will we go dear brethren, to the world or to the institutions of the
world, which may all be good in their places, but can do us no
good spiritually. But to God, the Father, through the mediation
of Jesus our Saviour, and in his name we ask the Father, and the
Father has promised to give the Holy Ghost to them that ask him,
and it is one of the names that we are baptized in when we
put on Jesus by profession. The Holy Ghost is to be teacher and
guide through all our pilgrimage, it gives the children of God to feel
the love of God in their hearts, and enables them to enjoy fellow-
ship with the Father and the Son, and it always leads the children
of God to love one another, and to be patient in trials, viewing in
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God from whom all blessings
flow. To his praise and glory in the church throu hout all ages,
by Christ Jesus. World without end. Amen.
Clerk. Moderator.
Received of Joseph Main $10 for printing 600 copies of Minutes.
Dublin Core
Minutes of the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association Begun and Held With Marlborough Church, Delaware County, O.
Delaware County--Delaware--Ohio--History
Minutes--Administrative records--Delaware County--Ohio
Delaware County--Delaware--Ohio--History
Minutes--Administrative records--Delaware County--Ohio
This item contains the Minutes of the Owl Creek Harmony Baptist Association Meeting in Delaware County, Ohio.
Members of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association; Delaware County, Ohio
Geo. H. Thompson & Co., Delaware Co., Ohio
Meeting Minutes
Members of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association; Delaware County, Ohio, “Minutes of the Forty-Sixth Annual Session of the Owl Creek Harmony Regular Baptist Association Begun and Held With Marlborough Church, Delaware County, O.,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 2, 2025, https://130845.mmnkqq.asia/items/show/171.