The Souvenir of Forty Years

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 1)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 1)


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The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 2)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 2)


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The Souvenir


Forty Years


Ohio Wesleyan University


W. D. CHERINGTON, Chillicothe, Ohio


L. C. BLACK, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. C. NYE, Delaware, Ohio

J. A. SMITH, Cleveland, Ohio. C. E. JONES, Chicago, Ill.
The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 3)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 3)


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[photo of Merrick]


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 4)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 4)


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[photo of Welch]


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 5)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 5)


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[image of OWU buildings and campus]

O.W.U. and O.W.F.C. in 1871

[images of President Donelson and his wife]


1871 1871
The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 6)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 6)


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[photo of University Hall]


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 7)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 7)


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[photo of Monnett Hall]

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The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 8)


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The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 9)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 9)


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The appropriate preface to this souvenir book of the Ohio Wesleyan

class of 1871, is the story of the '71 Reunion, which was held in Delaware,

June 13, 1911. Of the original class (both of the O.W.U. and the O.W.

F.C.) numbering sixty-eight, twenty-eight have died. The forty surviving

members are scattered over the United States, with two in South America.

We had sixteen members of the class at Delaware, and four of them brought

their wives, making a '71 company of twenty. Those who were present were

Mrs. Ella Downs Twitchell, Mrs. Helen Pease Merriam, Miss Delia Paine,

Miss Mary Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Nye, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith,

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Woolley, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lane, D. J. Smith, E. H.

Jewitt, J. M. Wilson, C. E. Jones, W. M. Day, L. C. Black, W. P. Mc-

Laughlin, and W. D. Cherington.

Room No. 5 in the University Hall was the appointed place for our

headquarters. Here we spent much of the day Tuesday, meeting each other,

and meeting our old friends of other classes, who called to see us. An in-

teresting exhibit of the earlier and later pictures of the members of our class

was suspended in a paper frame that reached around the room. Our table

was filled with old programs and souvenirs of our college days.

At noon we found ourselves happily together at the '71 table of the great

Alumni banquet, where John G. Woolley, of our class, presided and spoke

as toastmaster, and William P. McLaughlin delivered one of the addresses.

Both of them reflected much honor upon the class they represented.

It was very interesting to meet each other, for a number of us had not

met for forty years, and so great had been the changes that we did not know

each other.

Our '71 Reunion proper began at four o'clock. John G. Woolley was

elected president, and W. D. Cherington secretary. The roll of the class was

called, those present responding with the hearty freedom of the family circle;

and those absent being reported by letter or verbally. We deeply regretted

that many of our class could not be present. We had not program of speeches,

but just the hearty good time that members of the family circle would have,

after long years of separation. In the midst of our happiness, we were pained

to hear of the many members of our class who have passed forever beyond

the reach of earthly reunions.

At five o'clock we adjourned to have a reunion picture taken on the front

steps of University Hall. This picture appears in the opening pages of

this book.

At six o'clock we met in the parlors of the English Lutheran Church,

where the ladies of that church served us a class banquet, that we shall re-

member with pleasure for years to come. After the banquet we renewed the

roll call, and tarried together until a late hour.

The members of the class present unanimously passed the motion to

publish a Fortieth Anniversary Book, and appointed W. D. Cherington as

the editor, and L. C. Black, W. C. Nye, J. A. Smith and C. E. Jones as the

publication committee. Fifteen members present generously subscribed ten

dollars each, to start the fund for the publication of the book.

We certainly all felt that we had spent a happy day together, and that

in communion with those whom we had loved in our early life, we had re-

newed our youth.

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 10)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 10)


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Two score years ago, and for a long period earlier and later, it was the

custom in the Ohio Wesleyan University, for each Junior class to issue a

college publication, under such a name as the class might select. These an-

nual Junior records, under a variety of names, were the forerunners of the

College "Bijou," which has apparently come to stay.

The Junior record of the class of 1870 was known as "The Chain." There

appeared our University circles in 1910 a beautiful book, under the editor-

ship of Mr. J. A. Jackson, entitled "The Chain of Forty Links." The book,

published by the class of '70, has been such a delight to us all, that it gave us

an inspiration for a book of like character from our class, which we earnestly

trust may in turn have some influence to help the University that we all love.

The Junior record of our class of 1871, passed into history as "The Souvenir."

This brief historical record of the members of our class since graduation, re-

ceives its name by inheritance, as "The Souvenir of Forty Years."

By the appointment of the members of our class who were present at

our reunion in commencement week of 1911, it has fallen to our lot to prepare

the fortieth anniversary book of the class of '71. We are indebted to Mr. J.

A. Jackson for many kindnesses that have helped us in this enterprise; to

Dr. W. W. Davies, for much valuable information; to the University Regis-

trar, for giving us access to the Alumni records; and to the University Treas-

urer, for the loan of many valuable cuts of the buildings.

These pages will give the present day roll of our class, with the correct

present addresses of our living members, and with the addresses of the nearest

relatives of our deceased members, in so far as we have been able to secure


The reunion of our class in 1911, on the occasion of our fortieth anni-

versary, was a most interesting and delightful event that is briefly told in

these pages. But while this book had its birth in "The Reunion," the burden

of its message reaches far beyond a single "Red Letter Reunion Day." It is

definitely "The Souvenir of Forty Years" of the real life history of sixty-

eight men and women who went our from the University in 1871, to belt the

world 'round with their influence, and to encompass immortality itself with

their living presence.

Must we make defense of this book against the charge that it has a large

grave-yard department in it? Not until some one shall arise who can set to

music the real life story of an equal number of men and women, through a

like period, without a single minor note of death to mar the "hallelujah

chorus" of two score years of life.

Are any of our beloved classmates grieved because the delightful life-

stories which they kindly sent us, do not appear in full in these pages? This

volume already exceeds the original limitations marked out for it; and it

would have required a volume double its size, to have written the full history

of all the events worthy of record in our noble class.

Were any of the members of the class of '71 oppressed by being driven

to the art galleries against their will, to meet the expectations of this book?

In the coming years their children, and their children's children, will arise

to call this humble editor blessed, because in many instances he confessedly

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 11)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 11)


[page 11]

[corresponds to page 13 of Souvenir of Forty Years]

coerced them to place an order for the only shadows of themselves the world

has seen since their graduation day.

And after all, is "The Souvenir of Forty Years" only an enterprise of

extravagance, without any mission? We venture the prophecy that the little

offering we have made, once in a life-time, to make this little souvenir book

possible, will bring as large a measure of blessing to our lives, and to the

lives of others, as any offering that we have ever made, in these two score

busy years.

And so, under the commission of the class of '71, and greatly encouraged

by their hearty co-operation, we have sought to gather the histories and the

pictures of the royal men and women, who made up the diploma procession

of the Ohio Wesleyan University in 1871. Sixty-eight strong we went out

into the world, and through the long years since, our paths have crossed all

continents and all oceans. Twenty-eight of our number have already

completed the post-graduate work of earth, and have gone to receive their

immortal parchments, in the great Commencement day of their eternal life.

Our surviving members are living in many distant states and countries, and

it has required the search ligth of the marvelous postal system of the twen-

tieth century, to find them all.

Pity the limitations of an editor, whose office is the growth of a night,

and who is suddenly dispatched on the impossible errand of gathering the

histories and the shadows of more than three score men and women, widely

separated by distance and death. And know this: that however incom-

plete the work may be, it has been wrought in the ardent love of the old

college days, and is offered as a sincere contribution to the literature of our


[image of sun]

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 12)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 12)


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The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 13)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 13)


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ALBRIGHT, RUBY J. (deceased). Daughter,

Miss Estella M. Albright, Delaware, Ohio.

ANDERSON, THOMAS C. Portsmouth, Ohio.

BARNES-CHERINGTON, MARY, (deceased). Husband,

W. D. CHERINGTON, Chillicothe, Ohio.

BLACK, LEWIS C. Union Trust Building, Cincinnati, Ohio.

BREWSTER-MOUSER, ELIZA (deceased). Husband,

Mr. Homer S. Mouser, Huron, South Dakota.

BROCK, JOHN W. (deceased).

BUNDY-WELLS, ELIZA M. Office of Public Roads, Dept. of

Agriculture, Washington, D.C.

CAMPBELL-EDWARDS, MARY (deceased). Brother,

Mr. John E. Campbell, Delaware, Ohio.

CELLAR, THOMAS J. (deceased). Wife, Mrs. Eliza Cellar.,

Prospect, Ohio.

CHAMBERLAIN, MARY E. Humboldt, Kansas.

CHERINGTON, FLETCHER B. (deceased). Wife,

Mrs. Sue Cherington, Pasadena, California, R.F.D.

CHERINGTON, WILLIAM D. Chillicothe, Ohio.

CLARK, DAVIS W. Cincinnati, Ohio.


CLARK, LEMEN T. (deceased). Wife, Mrs. L. T. Clark,

731 Dennison Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.


CRABB, WILLIAM D. Address unknown.

CROW, HERMAN D. Olympia, Washington.


Mrs. Lois C. Murdoch, Delaware, Ohio.

DAVIDSON, WILLIAM. Lancaster, Ohio.

DAVIS, LUCIEN M. Troy, Ohio.

DAY, WILSON M. 900 Monolith Building, 45 W. 34th Street,

New York City.

DOVE, THEODORE F. (deceased). Wife, Mrs. T. F. Dove,

Shelbyville, Illinois.

DOWNS-TWITCHELL, ELLA. Winter Park, Florida.

DREES, CHARLES W. 133A Calle Lavalleja, Montevideo,

Uruguay, South America.

FRENCH-LEFEVRE, EVA. 1311 York Street, Denver, Colorado.

FUNK, THEODORE K. Portsmouth, Ohio.

GANN, JOHN A. (deceased). Wife, Mrs. Anna M. Gann,

Wooster, Ohio.

GOODIN, CHARLES W. Ottawa, Kansas.

HAMILTON, JAMES F. (deceased).

HASKINS, JOSEPH N. (deceased).

HASTINGS, ENOS W. (deceased). Relative,

Miss Sallie B. Donavin, Delaware, Ohio.

HICKS, WILLIAM A. 510-511 Johnston Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio.

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 14)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 14)


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HITT, GEORGE C. 814 Traction Terminal Building,

Indianapolis, Ind.

JEWITT, EDWARD H. 484 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio.

JONES, CHARLES E. 327 Pine Avenue, Austin Station,

Chicago, Illinois.

KENNEDY, ALICE. Address unknown.

LADD-WHITEHEAD, ANNETTE. Galena, Delaware Co.,

Ohio, R.F.D.

LANCE, WILLIAM W. Defiance, Ohio.

LANE, EUGENE. Columbus, Ohio.


McCAY, ELNORA J. 1429 College Avenue, Topeka, Kansas.

McCONNELL, CAREY W. 938 N. 25th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.

McLAUGHLIN, WILLIAM P. 718 Corrientes, Buenos Aires,

South America.

MEANS-GLOVER, MARGARET. 2121 Colfax Avenue S.,

Minneapolis, Minn.


MORRISON-MOORE, MARY (deceased. Sister,

Mrs. Dr. J. W. Murphy, "The Leverone," Cincinnati, Ohio.

NYE, WILLIAM C. Delaware, Ohio.

PAINE, DELIA E. Columbus, Ohio. Post Office, Shepard, Ohio.

PAINE, JAMES B. (deceased). Wife Mrs. Cornelia Paine,

Jackson, Ohio.

PEASE-MERRIAM, HELEN. 419 Garrison Street, Frement, Ohio.

ROBERTS, THOMAS G. (deceased). Son, Mr. G. M. Roberts,

945 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus, Ohio.

SHARP, EBENEZER P. (deceased).

SMITH, DAVID J. Granville, Ohio.

SMITH, JOHN A. 1206 Williamson Building, Cleveland, Ohio.

STUDY, JUSTIN N. Fort Wayne, Indiana.

THOMAN, WILLIAM G. (deceased).

VAN CLEVE, JOHN S. 285 Audubar Avenue, New York City.

WARNER, MILLARD F. (deceased). Wife,

Mrs. Mabel G. Warner, 7210, Melrose Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.

WATSON, ALGERUS C. (deceased). Wife,

Mrs. Jennette P. Watson, Boise, Idaho..

WELLS, CHARLES J. (deceased).

WHISLER, JOHN (deceased).

WILLIAMS-SWEET, ROSE. 1507 S. Santa Fe, Salina, Kansas.

WILSON, JOHN M. Station A, Box 774, Columbus, Ohio.

WILSON, MARY D. Station A, Box 774, Columbus, Ohio.

WINKLER-CADOT, MARY (deceased). Daughter,

Mrs. R. O. LeBaron, Portsmouth, Ohio.

WOOLLEY, JOHN G. University Heights, Madison, Wisconsin.

ZINSER, SOLOMON L. (deceased).

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The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 15)


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1-- The names marked (*) are our deceased members.

2-- The Portrait Pictures on the left side, are those taken in 1871;

those on the right side are pictures taken from late photographs.

3-- In some instances we have only the one photograph; while in a

few instances we have been unable to secure any picture.
The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 16)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 16)


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[corresponds to page 18 of Souvenir of Forty Years]



*RUBY J. ALBRIGHT was the youngest of all the "Boys of '71." His

home was in Delaware. After his graduation he went to Europe, where he

spent eighteen months in special study in Halle University. Returning to

Delaware, he spent quite a time in the study of law. June 14, 1876, he was

joined in marriage with Miss Adah Adams, who was a member of the O.W.

F.C. class of '73. They lived for a time in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he

practiced law. Returning to Delaware, he took up the work of the law there.

He then moved to Selma, Ohio, where he engaged in teaching, and where

his wife died March 10, 1879. Their only child is a daughter, Estella Mar-

garet, whose home is in Delaware, with her maternal grandmother. After his

wife's death he returned to his law work in Delaware, and later was Super-

intendent of the Public Schools in Gambier, Ohio. He died at his mother's

home in Delaware, July 31, 1885. Failing eyesight compelled him to give up

his law practice and his teaching. The early death of his beloved wife and

of others near to him, and his blindness, made our dear classmate's life full

of discouragement. The entire Albright family to which he belonged, so well

and favorably known in University circles, have all passed to the great beyond.

THOMAS C. ANDERSON began the study of law at Portsmouth, Ohio,

in December, 1872, and was admitted to the Bar in 1874. In January, 1875, he

formed a law partnership, that brought him at once into a large practice.

Since his graduation, he has spent his life in Portsmouth, where he is still

engaged in the practice of law. In recent years, he has been actively engaged

also in real estate enterprises. September 21, 1876 he was joined in marriage

with Miss Ida Frances Cole, of Portsmouth. They have seven children, all

living, Clifford B., Bessie L. Frederick, Martha Kate Jordan, Lollie L., Charles

L., Mary E., and Hayward M. They have also three surviving grand-children,

two having died in infancy.

September 16, 1911, Mrs. Anderson, the beloved wife of our classmate,

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 17)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 17)


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heard God's call, and entered into rest. Thus are the homes of our class

broken alogn the years. May our family circles be complete in God's re-

union country.





*MARY G. BARNES (Mrs. W. D. Cherington).

For three years after her graduation, Mary G. Barnes remained at her

home in Delaware, where she was a teacher in the public schools. September

24, 1874, she was joined in marriage with William D. Cherington, of the

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 18)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 18)


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class of '71. Her homes throughout their married life were in the cities of

the state to which her husband was appointed as a minister in the Ohio Con-

ference. It falls to the lot of the partner of her life to write the following

historical note in her memory: We had a happy life-union, covering a period

of thirty-one years. November 25, 1905, from our home in Lancaster, Ohio,

she crossed over to God's better country. We have had four children. The

eldest and youngest were daughters, bearing the names of Eva and Minnie.

God claimed them both for heaven in their infancy. Our two sons, Frank

and Fred, are both graduates of the Ohio Wesleyan. Frank also graduated

from Harvard University, and has been for nine years as teacher of English

in the University High School of the University of Chicago. Fred graduated

from the normal school of the Ohio University in 1911, and is about to enter

upon the work of teaching. Our united tribute to the wife and mother of

our household, is that her memory is forever sacred in our home, and in all

the churches where she lived and labored. We are living in the holy evening

twilight of her beautiful life, with the full assurance that we shall meet her

in God's new and radiant morning.



LEWIC C. BLACK sends us the following statement of his life:

"After graduation in 1871, I was appointed to a clerkship in the Depart-

ment of the Interior at Washington, D.C. The faculty of Ohio Wes-

leyan University had been offered the opportunity of nominating two mem-

bers of the graduating class of 1871 to clerkships in the office of General

James H. Baker, then Commissioner of Pensions. The Faculty nominated

Mr. John G. Woolley and myself. I accepted and went to Washington; Mr.

Woolley declined.

While at Washington I matriculated in the Columbia Law College, and

graduated thereform in 1873. Columbia Law College has consolidated with,

and is a part of, the George Washington University, of Washington, D.C.

I was admitted to the practice of law in the Supreme Court of the Dis-

trict of Columbia in 1873, in the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio in 1875,

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 19)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 19)


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and in the Supreme Court of the United States in 1878.

I remained in Washington four and one-half years and removed to Cin-

cinnati in 1875. In 1878 I formed a partnership with the Hon. J. B. Foraker.

This partnership continued, with an intermission while Mr. Foraker was Gov-

ernor of Ohio, until 1893.

I married Abbie L. Lounsbury, a member of the graduating class of Mon-

nett Hall, of 1870. Two children were born to us, Margaret Eleanor and

Robert Lounsbury. My wife died on the twenty-eighth anniversary of our

wedding, October 23, 1906.

My son Robert graduated from Yale University in the class of 1903, and

is a graduate of the Harvard Law School of the class of 1906. Since his

graduation he has been in partnership with me in Cincinnati in the practice

of law."



*ELIZA A. BREWSTER (Mrs. Homer S. Mouser).

We will remember Eliza Brewster, whose home at the time of gradua-

tion was at Shelbyville, Illinois. The college records show that on the date of

June 4, 1873, she was joined in marriage with Mr. Homer S. Mouser, who

was a member of the Ohio Wesleyan class of 1867. Mr. Mouser was for sev-

eral years Superintendent of Public Instruction for Shelby County, Illinois;

and later an attorney at law, with his later and present residence at Huron,

S. Dakota. These notes of his residence and labors, indicate where Mrs.

Mouser's life was spent. Her death occured July 18, 1899. Her memory is

cherished by her classmates, who knew well the worth of her high character.

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The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 20)


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*JOHN W. BROCK was a soldier in the Civil War, being a sergeant in

the 156th O.V.I. At the close of the war he came to the Ohio Wesleyan,

and graduated with us. 1871-73 he was Superintendent of Schools at New

London, Ohio; 1873-77, Principal of high schools, Winona, Minnesota, and

Orrville, California; 1880-83, Superintendent of Schools at Walla Walla; 1883-

85, Superintendent of Schools for the County of Walla Walla. He received

the degree of A.M. from Ohio Wesleyan in 1874. He died March 15, 1907.



ELIZA M. BUNDY (Mrs. Eliza M. Wells).

Mrs. Wells found it impossible to be at our Reunion, to her great regret.

She said in a personal letter: "It would give me much pleasure to gaze once

more upon some of the young-old faces, this side of the Borderland." She

has sent us the following letter as her greeting to the class:

"Dear Classmates:

All Hail! I send greetings and regrets. While I cannot be with you in

the bodily form, my spirit ego will most assuredly hover near. For forty

years you have been, more or less, in my waking thoughts, and quite often

some of you have been mixed up in that stuff of which my dreams are made.

According to calendar years the seventeenth of June, 1911, will find me

sixty-one years young. When those figures were reversed, I was wandering

up and down the halls of Monnett in innocent and ignorant adolescence. Was

this a dream also? And if it was, I hope it was the kind from which I will

never awaken.

Did you ask for a little of my history? For the past fourteen years I

have been drawing my salary from "Uncle Sam" in Washington, D.C., and

you should know that government clerks have no history.

Dear old Girls and Boys! I am sorry that I have never done anything

to make you proud of me--only in my dreams--but just wait a little while

and I promise you, theosophically speaking, that I shall do great things in

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 21)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 21)


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my next incarnation, when my dreams shall become a reality.

And now, good-bye, and if the editor cuts out everything else, I hope he

will leave the love between the lines.

Yours in '71,




*MARY D. CAMPBELL (Mrs. Chas. M. Edwards).

Mary Campbell died in early life. She will ever be held in loving remem-

brance by her classmates. All will read with tender interest the following

story of her short, sweet life, written by her beloved brother:

"Mary Campbell Edwards, eldest daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. J. S.

Campbell, was born in Ripley, Brown County, Ohio, March 9, 1854. After

being graduated from college, she taught in the Delaware city schools, finally

becoming the Principal of the East Building, until her growing deafness

compelled her to give up the work in the year 1876. She was an earnest

Christian from early childhood, and at this time was active in all departments

of church work, being also church organist.

On January 8, 1880, she was married to Mr. Charles M. Edwards, of Cin-

cinnati, Ohio. Three daughters were born to them: Antoinette Campbell

(Mrs. W. D. Thomson), Catherine Lefavre (deceased), and Mary Joe (Mrs.

E. L. Main).

After a long illness in her father's home at Delaware, Ohio, she died

July 8, 1887. The words "Only Believe" were often on her lips, and death

for her was a triumphant going home."

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 22)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 22)


[page 22]

[corresponds to page 24 of Souvenir of Forty Years]



*THOMAS J. CELLAR was born in 1827, in Delaware County, Ohio, was

reared on the farm, and was largely self educated. He graduated from Ohio

Wesleyan in 1871, and received the degree of A.M. in 1874. He was prob-

ably the oldest member of his class, being forty-four years of age at his grad-

uation. Long before he entered Ohio Wesleyan, he had taught Latin for

three years in Kenyon College, had been Principal of the Mount Pleasant

Academy at Kingston, Ohio, and had served his country in the Civil War,

being a member of the 145th O.V.I. He was licensed to preach by the

Presbytery of Marion in 1866, and was pastor of the Presbyterian Church at

Marseilles, Ohio. During his pastorate at Marseilles, he finished his course at

Ohio Wesleyan. In 1873 he became pastor of the Presbyterian Church at

Forest, Ohio, where he remained for eighteen years. He then served as pastor,

successively, the churches of Rador, Radnor Township, and Prospect, where

he had his last work, and where he died May 25, 1904.

He was married December 28, 1859, to Eliza Harter, of Delaware County,

who is still living. Six children were born to them, one son dying in child-

hood. The children living are: G. A. Cellar, Supt. of Telegraph of Penn.

Lines at Pittsburg; Mrs. R. M. Horn, of Prospect; Miss Elnora Cellar, of

Prospect, (to whom we are indebted for our information concerning his life);

Miss Martha Cellar, a trained nurse in Toledo; and Miss Anna P. Cellar, a

teacher in Toledo. He have no picture of him at his graduation, but present

in this book a picture taken in later life.

MARY E. CHAMBERLAIN lives with her aged mother in Humboldt,

Kansas. Her dear mother, far on in life's eventide, is her sweet and sacred

care, and she could not think of leaving her, much as she desired to be at the

Reunion. She sent the following message to us, on the reunion day: "To

the class of '71, and friends assembled at Delaware, greetings, with loving

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 23)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 23)


[page 23]

[corresponds to page 25 of Souvenir of Forty Years]

remembrances of the past, and high hopes for the future of Ohio Wesleyan."

In response to our request for her history, Miss Chamberlain writes:

"You want to know what I have been doing? Not much of a record, but here

it is, summed up: When we first came to Kansas, I taught two terms in a



country school--genuine pioneering; then one year in the Eureka schools:

then I was offered a position in the Humboldt schools where I taught for

sixteen years. I was county superintendent for two years. After my father's

death, which was the one great sorrow of my life, I was bookkeeper in a

store. For several years I have devoted all my time to giving lessons in

china and water color painting, and to doing order work. I am happy in my

home, my friends and my work, and feel that in many ways I have been

greatly blessed. I hold Delaware and the Ohio Wesleyan in great affection,

for the influence and inspiration received there, have been great factors in

my life.

*FLETCHER B. CHERINGTON joined the Upper Iowa Conference of

the Methodist Episcopal Church, in September, 1871, and was pastor in Iowa

for one year. In the fall of 1872 he was joined in marriage with Miss Carrie

Reed, who was for many years the beloved partner of his life, both in India

and in America. By this marriage he had four sons: Reed, now pastor of

a Congregational church in California; Paul, Assistant Professor in the Col-

lege of Commerce, in Harvard University; William, a business man in Los

Angeles; and Howard, deceased.

Returning now, in our story of his life, to the time of his marriage, it

should be recorded that October 23, 1872, he and his wife sailed from New

York for India, where he was a missionary, being stationed at Setapore.

After four years, the rapidly failing health of his wife necessitated his return

to this country, where for a number of years, he was pastor of leading

churches in Kansas and Iowa. In 1886 he was transferred to the Southern

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 24)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 24)


[page 24]

[corresponds to page 26 of Souvenir of Forty Years]

California Conference, where he was pastor of University Church in Los An-

geles, and later Professor in the Theological School, and Dean of the College

of Liberal Arts in the University of Southern California. Later he was Presi-

dent of Puget Sound University, and pastor of churches in Tacoma, Spokane,

San Francisco and Los Angeles. He was an eloquent preacher, beloved in the

churches. A few years after his return to America his wife died. In 1888 he

was joined in marriage with Mrs. Sue Durbin, a teacher in the University of

Southern California, with whom he lived most hapily during the last twenty

years of his life, who was his strong helper in the work on the Pacific coast.



and who now survives him and is living with her son, Mr. William Durbin,

in their home near Pasadena. He died November 6, 1908.

Since his retirement he had lived in a little surburban home, where to use

his own words, he "camped on the border-land of Heaven." While thus

waiting at the crossing between the worlds, he sent this message to the Min-

isterial Association at Los Angeles: "Tell the brethren it is more than resig-

nation; it is peace, perfect peace."

WILLIAM D. CHERINGTON is charged with the preparation of this

book, and must be permitted to tell his personal story in the first person. In

the autumn of 1871 I entered Drew Theological Seminary, where I graduated,

with the degree of B.D., in May, 1873. During most of this time I served a

church as a student pastor, and thus made my way through the theological

school. In september, 1873, I joined the Ohio Conference of the Methodist

Episcopal Church, of which I have been an active member ever since. Sep-

tember 24, 1874, I was joined in marriage with Miss Mary G. Barnes, of Dela-

ware, a member of the class of '71. The record of our family will be found

in this book, under her name. My appointments in the Ohio Conference have

been as follows: Alexandria; Third Avenue, Columbus; Trinity, Chillicothe;

Washington C.H.; Jackson; First Church, Newark; First Church, Columbus;

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 25)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 25)


[page 25]

[corresponds to page 27 of Souvenir of Forty Years]


Grace Church, Zanesville; Third Avenue, Columbus (second time); Circle-

ville; Presiding Elder, London District; First Church, Marietta; First Church,

Athens; Presiding Elder, Lancaster District; District Superintendent, Chilli-

cothe District. In 1894 I received the degree of D.D. from Ohio Wesleyan.

In 1896 I was a member of the General Conference. My entire life has been

given to the preaching of the gospel, and the care of the churches. At the

call of the dear old class of '71, and sustained by their generous co-operation,

I esteem it as one of the sweetest labors of my life, to give to the world

"The Souvenir of Forty Years."



DAVIS W. CLARK sends us the following brief notes of his life: In

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 26)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 26)


[page 26]

[corresponds to page 28 of Souvenir of Forty Years]

Europe, 1872-73--Boston University School of Theology S.T.B., 1875--Ohio

University, D.D.--Pastor in Cincinnati, Ohio and Kentucky Conferences,

stationed in Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus and Covington, District Superin-

tendent of Cincinnati District six years--Author of "From a Cloud of Wit-

nesses," and "American Child and Moloch of Today, Child Labor Primer"--

Editor of "International Religious Literature Bureau" (Incorporated).

HARRIET E. CLARK (Mrs. Joseph Mendenhall). The Alumni records

of the University give us the information of the marriage of Harriet E. Clark

to Joseph Mendenhall. On furthur inquiry, we have ascertained that their

home is in Piqua, Ohio, where they are held in high esteem in the influential

circles of the city.



*LEMEN T. CLARK was joined in marriage with Miss Martha A. Robin-

son, July 30, 1871. In the following September they removed to Defiance,

Ohio, where he was the successful Superintendent of the Public Schools for

three years. During this time he preached frequently where opportunity of-

fered, believing that the ministry was his life-work. During one summer he

filled the pulpit at Defiance, made vacant by the removal of the pastor to the

west. In 1874 he joined the Central Ohio Conference of the Methodist Epis-

copal Church, and was pastor of the following charges: Florida, Pioneer and

Perrysburg. His ministry was very short, but was signally successful in

revivals, and in adding strength to the churches. He died of typhoid fever at

Perrysburg, Ohio, December 1, 1878. Shortly after his death, great revivals

swept over the churches where he had labored as pastor, and these revivals

were believed by the people to have been the fruits of his earnest ministry,

and with the deep impression that his early death made upon the churches.

His wife survives him, and is living in Columbus, Ohio. They have two sons:

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 27)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 27)


[page 27]

[corresponds to page 29 of Souvenir of Forty Years]

Walter Ernest, who after his graduation at Ohio Wesleyan, received the

degree of Ph. D. from Columbia University, and is now Professor of Political

Science in the College of the City of New York; and Frederick Smith, who

received the degree of M. D. from the Ohio Medical College.



*CHARLES L. CLIPPINGER was Principal of the Central Ohio Con-

ference Seminary in 1871-72. From 1874 to 1880 he was Superintendent of the

Public Schools at Lithopolis, Mt. Sterling, and Celina, Ohio. In 1880 he be-

came Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy in Taylor University, at

Upland, Indiana. He received the degree of A.M. from Ohio Wesleyan in

1874. Beyond this we find no record of his life, except the statement of his

death. He died at Columbus, Ohio, January 27, 1903, in his fifty-seventh year.

We all remember him as one of the most pains-taking and conscientious

members of the class. We could always bank on him to be on the right side

of every question.


WILLIAM D. CRABB received the degree of A.M. from the Ohio Wes-

leyan in 1890. In 1873 he published a poetical volume entitled "Poems of the

Plains." He was for many years a minister in the California Conference of

the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is one of the surviving members of our

class whose address we have been unable to find, after the most diligent

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 28)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 28)


[page 28]

[corresponds to page 30 of Souvenir of Forty Years]



search. We expect to find him some day, when we are not looking for him,

but it will then be too late for this book.



HERMAN D. CROW, after graduation, returned to his home in Urbana,

where he read law in the office of his father, and of Young and Chance. He

was admitted to the practice of law by the supreme court of Ohio in Decem-

ber, 1873. After spending a year in Texas, he returned to Urbana, Ohio,

where he practiced law for eleven years, five years of that time being city

attorney. In 1886 he went to Winfield, Kansas, where he practiced law until

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 29)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 29)


[page 29]

[corresponds to page 31 of Souvenir of Forty Years]

1890. In 1890 he was sent to Spokane by a wealthy client, to represent his

interest there. He formed a law partnership, and remained there for eight

years. In 1898 he was elected to the state senate of Washington, and was

re-elected in 1900. In 1901 he was appointed regent of the Washington State

College at Pullman, which position he held until 1905, when he was appointed

Justice of the Supreme Court, which position he has held ever since, and is

now on a new term in his high office which will not expire until 1915. He

was presidential elector in 1904, and had the pleasure of voting for his old

college mate, Charles W. Fairbanks, for vice-president. He was married in

1877 to Miss Florence Mendenhall, of Delaware, who was a member of the

O.W.F.C. class of '73. They have one son, Captain Denton M. Crow, who

is married and practicing law at Spokane. Judge Crow received the degree

of L.L.D. from the Washington State College in 1908, and the same degree

from the Ohio Wesleyan in 1911.



*EUNICE M. CRUIKSHANK (Mrs. W. B. Leeper).

Mrs. Lois Cruikshank Murdoch, of the O.W.F.C. class of '73, the

esteemed sister of our deceased classmate, had kindly furnished the following

account of Mrs. Leeper's life:

After her graduation, Eunice M. Cruikshank taught very successfully for

three years, first in a district school and afterwards in the public schools of

Delaware. She was married July 8, 1875, to William B. Leeper. Living here

for a time, they afterwards removed to Portland, Indiana, and went from there

to Hartwell, Ohio, her husband being a partner in a wholesale hardware

house in Cincinnati. They returned to Delaware in the year 1887, where her

husband died, after a protracted illness, some ten years later, and where she

resided, with the exception of some months spent in the Southwest in the

hope of recovery from tuberculosis, until the day of her death, in July, 1905.

Her life, always unselfish, was, after the death of her husband, one of constant

and loving sacrifice for her children. Her husband, having been previously

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 30)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 30)


[page 30]

[corresponds to page 32 of Souvenir of Forty Years]

married, had one son; and she was the mother of four children--two sons and

two daughters. The younger son died on December 23, 1909. The elder re-

sides in Kansas City, Missouri. The elder daughter, Mrs. John Bowdle,

resides in San Diego, California; the younger daughter in Los Angeles.



WILLIAM DAVIDSON is a successful attorney-at-law, in Lancaster,

Ohio. In response to our appeal to him to come to the Reunion, and to give

us his history and picture, he gave the following reply:

"Regreat that I cannot attend the reunion. Have mailed you two recent

photos. Was admitted to the bar in August, 1873; have been busy in the

office ever since. Kept out of politics, married, have one child, a son, past

sixteen years of age. Hope the reunion will be a success."

In response to our further appeal to him to expand his history, he wrote

the following:

"I have nothing to add to my biography. 'My days have been passed as

a tale that is told'--each much like its predecessor. While there is variety

in the cases tried by a lawyer, even yet it becomes monotonous. Each im-

portant trial possesses consuming interest until its end; and then the dust of

forgetfulness covers the files, and matters of less moment claim the maximum

of attention. When I say I have practiced law here since 1873, there is noth-

ing more to be said. Best wishes to every member of 1871."

LUCIEN M. DAVIS sends us the following interesting statement of

his life:

I came into this world sixty-six years ago this April. I spent my infant

days in Hamilton County, and my boyhood days in Clermont County. Our

county was made famous by being made the birthplace of such men as U. S.

Grant, Randolph S. Foster, and General Corbin. While we were permitted to

breathe the pure air of that county the same as these illustrious men, we were

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 31)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 31)


[page 31]

[corresponds to page 33 of Souvenir of Forty Years]



never able to become so great as they. In January, 1864, I entered the Ohio

Wesleyan. I did not know very much when I entered; and when I graduated

in 1871, I was informed, with others of my class, by President Merrick, tthat

we had just learned our A. B. C.'s, and that we were going forth to spell out

the lessons of life. I have spent the last forty years in spelling out these life

lessons, and I must say that there are some lessons that I am not able to

spell yet. My life has been spent in an earnest effort to make the world

better. I have given thirty-five years of active life in the Methodist ministry.

I now feel that my active life is almost past. Great changes have come in

forty years. Many of our classmates have gone. I greet the living members

of the class of '71, and express a hope that when we are called to the final

Reunion we may all be there.

WILSON M. DAY resides in New York City. In response to our earnest

request, he has given us the following summary of his busy life:

1871-73, city editor Akron (O.) Daily Beacon; 1874, night editor Cleve-

land Leader; 1875-83, associate editor Akron Beacon; 1876, traveled in Europe;

1884-90 founder and editor Iron Trade Review, Cleveland; 1886, national pres-

ident Delta Tau Delta Fraternity; 1886-87, treasurer National Safe and Lock

Co.; 1887-1905, organizer, president and treasurer Cleveland Printing and Pub-

lishing Co. (The Imperial Press); 1888-1903, trustee Ohio Wesleyan Univer-

sity; 1890-95-98, member citizens' commission on public improvements, (appoint-

ed by mayor of Cleveland); 1890, special agent manufacturing statistics, Elev-

enth Federal Census; 1893-96, director-general Cleveland Cenennial Com-

mission; 1893-1902, vice-president and member board of managers National Board of

Trade; 1896-1904, trustee, chairman executive board and acting president

Chautauqua Institution; 1898-1903, trustee Cleveland College of Physicians

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 32)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 32)


[page 32]

[corresponds to page 34 of Souvenir of Forty Years]



and Surgeons, and of Cleveland General Hospital; 1989-1904, trustee and

treasurer Cleveland Y.M.C.A.; 1903-04, citizen-member Cleveland Civic

Federation; 1900-05, organizer and secretary-treasurer Caxton Building Co.;

1910, organizer and president Business Properties Corporation, New York

City, Present address, 900 Monolith Building, 45 W. 34th St., New York.



*THEODORE F. DOVE was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, in 1846. He

prepared for college in the Fairfield Union Academy, where he graduated in

1869. He then entered Ohio Wesleyan, where he graduated in 1871. After

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 33)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 33)


[page 33]

[corresponds to page 35 of Souvenir of Forty Years]

his graduation he engaged in teaching. In 1874, he became superintendent of

the city schools in Shelbyville, Illinois. Later he entered upon the practice of

law, first at Columbus, Ohio, and then at Danville, Illinois; but in a short

time returned to Shelbyville, where he spent his life as a successful lawyer,

and as a very remakable financial manager. He accumulated a large fortune.

At the time of his death he was reputed to be the wealthiest man in Shelby

County. He owned stock in several banks, elevators, and mercantile estab-

lishments. He possessed thousands of acres of the choicest land in central


In 1877 he was united in marriage with Miss Alta W. Clark, of Mechanics-

burg, Ohio, an O.W.F.C. graduate of the class of 1876. Two sons were

born of this union, Theodore Clark and Franklin Roy. Both of these sons

were educated in the Ohio Wesleyan, and they now form a law firm known

as Dove and Dove, in Shelbyville, and are the successors of their father in his

chosen profession. Mrs. Alta C. Dove died May 24, 1896. Mr. Dove was

again married August 25, 1898, to Mary Belle Williams, of Columbus, Ohio,

who survives him. He died very suddently of apoplexy, July 27, 1908. Mr.

Dove was a life-long member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In his

memory his family placed a beautiful pipe-organ in the First Methodist Epis-

copal Church of Shelbyville.



ELLA C. DOWNS (Mrs. A. J. Twitchell).

The college records state that in 1872-74, Ella C. Downs was instructor in

music in Ohio Wesleyan Female College. September 24, 1874, she was joined

in marriage with Albert J. Twitchell, of the O.W.U. class of 1872. Their

home was in Mansfield, Ohio. Since here husband's death, she and her chil-

dren have lived mostly in Florida. Mrs. Twitchell was with us at the Re-

union, and we were glad indeed that she could be present. In response to our

request, she wrote us the folowing note for our book:

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 34)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 34)


[page 34]

[corresponds to page 36 of Souvenir of Forty Years]

"As for the condensed history you ask for, I have been the commonplace

but happy wife and mother for thirty-one years, from my marriage in Sep-

tember, 1874, until I lost my husband in 1906. My seven children, six of them

boys, are living, and continue to be my chief joy and reason for being. For

three years past, I have resided principally in Florida, the two younger boys

being in Rollins College in this place. Like the mother of the Gracchi, I can

point to my seven, and say, 'These are my jewels.'"



CHARLES W. DREES has spent his life in the missionary work of the

church, where he had held very high rank, among the world's greatest mis-

sionaries. From his residence in Montevideo, Uruguay, South America, he

writes us, giving the following statement of his life-work:

"In brief outline, my 'manner of life' since we parted on the Commence-

ment platform in front of the old Library Building in June, 1871, has been as

follows: A three year course in the School of Theology of Boston University,

leading up to the usual degrees, was followed by appointment as missionary

to Mexico, and ordination as deacon and elder at the hands of Bishop Peck

at the old Providence Conference at North Bridgewater, Mass. In Mexico

it fell to my lot to establish the mission in Puebla, found the Theological

Seminary, and succeed to the superintendency of the Mission, remaining at its

head until its organization as an Annual Conference. Had charge of the Thelogical Sem-

inary in Buenos Aires, and supervision of printing and publication interests.

In the discharge of my duties had occasion to visit all the countries of South

America, except Venezuela and the Guianas. In 1900 was asked to establish

our mission in Porto Rico, where four very interesting years were spent. In

1904, returned to South America, my relation with this field having never

been severed, and my service in Porto Rico having been of the nature of

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 35)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 35)


[page 35]

[corresponds to page 37 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

detached duty for a special purpose. Have since, as before, been treasurer of

the Mission and legal representative of the Missionary Board, with duties as

district superintendent and pastor. Have traveled in the forty years about

five hundred thousand miles.

"The years have brought many interesting and unusual experiences. Have

been twice delegate to the General Conference and once reserve delegate;

made a tour of investigation and exploration through Spain; was appointed

delegate to the Ecumenical Conference in London; designated by the Argen-

tine Government Chief of Staff of Interpreters and Translators to the Pan

American Congress held in Buenos Aires in 1910. Was a member of a special

commission for the preparation of a new version of the Gospels in the Spanish

language, meeting with that commission in New York during the first eight

months of 1909. Interpreted Mr. Bryan in Buenos Aires.

"Was married in 1877 to Miss Ada M. Combs, of the class of 1872,

O.W.F.C. God gave me his best gift, a true helpmeet. I am now in my

sixtieth year, in good health, a blessing which I have enjoyed, with only

the slightest imaginable interruptions, during the forty years; and have pros-

pect of a good many years of future work. I believe in God, in Jesus Christ

as a living presence in the world, making for righteousness, and sure of

universal dominion.

"Dr. W. P. ("Billy Patterson") McLaughlin, our classmate, and I have

been associates for a good many years in Buenos Aires. I hope he may be

with you at the reunion and carry my greetings by word of mouth. He is

a true yoke-fellow and has done grand work. All hail! And front face; for

the day's march.

Faithfully yours,




EVA FRENCH (Mrs. O. E. LeFevre).

Mrs. LeFevre writes us, from her home in Denver, Colorado, the follow-

ing letter, concerning the events of her life:

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 36)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 36)


[page 36]

[corresponds to page 38 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

"According to the belief current in college, life really begins at the Grad-

uation Day. That was my wedding day as well. I was married in the large

drawing room of Monnett Hall, June 28, '71, to Owen Edgar LeFevre, of

the class of '70, Michigan University. The president of O.W.F.C., Dr.

Donelson of blessed memory, performed the ceremony, in the presence of a

few of our relatives, and about two hundred interested young college friends.

Denver, Colorado, became our home, in the summer of 1873, and has con-

tinued so all these interesting years. We consider ourselves fortunate to have

had a part in the growth of such an important commonwealth. Although it

has been our home, we have been permitted to live several years abroad, at

different times. Our only child, Frederica, is a graduate of Bryn Mawr Col-

lege. We have much to be thankful for, that time and fortune have been so

lenient and can truly say, God has been very gentle with us, and led us over

a safe and pleasant way, these forty years. With a warm greeting to my

comrades of '71, and with a heart full of pleasant memories of dear old Alma

Mater, I am yours in all good wishes for a great reunion.




THEODORE K. FUNK entered the law office of Judge William Law-

rence, of Bellefontaine, Ohio, in the fall of 1871, and was admitted to the bar

in 1873. He located in Portsmouth, Ohio, the same year, where he has been

in the active practice of law ever since. In 1883, he was elected Prosecuting

Attorney of his county and served successfully in that office for six years.

He was elected Presidential Elector in 1892, and cast his vote in the electoral

college for Benjamin Harrison.

In 1874 he received the degree of A.M. from the Ohio Wesleyan. In

1874, he was united in marriage with Miss Emma Kinney, the only daughter

of Colonel Kinney of the 56th O.V.I. Mr. and Mrs. Funk have an interest-

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 37)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 37)


[page 37]

[corresponds to page 39 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

ing family of forty children, and reside in a beautiful suburban home, one mile

from the city of Portsmouth. Concerning his professional work, a biographer

from whom we quote, writes as follows:

"He has devoted much of his time to criminal practice, and has been

engaged in more important murder trials than any other lawyer in Southern

Ohio, outside of Cincinnati, his practice in that respect extending to a number

of states. He is an eloquent speaker, an able advocate, and a wise coun-




*JOHN A. GANN, a brother beloved by us all, was well worthy of the

following noble tribute written by his brother-in-law, Hon. A. D. Metz, of

Wooster, Ohio:

"One of the most brilliant, learned and highly esteemed of the class of

'71 was our beloved Dr. John A. Gann. After his graduation he became

Superintendent of the Public Schools at Shelby, Ohio, which position he held

for four years, and then began the study of medicine, graduating in 1877 from

the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College.

"He practiced a short time in Berea, and then located in Wooster, Ohio,

where he made his home and practiced until the time of his untimely death

from arteo sclerosis in 1901.

"He attained to great distinction in his profession. He was a member of

the faculty and lecturer in the Cleveland Medical College for years. In 1884

the doctor was married to Anna M. Metz, of Wooster, who survives him.

Two sons blessed this union; one son, John A. Gann, a graduate of Case

School of Applied Science and now attending the Massachusetts Institute of

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 38)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 38)


[page 38]

[corresponds to page 40 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

Technology in Boston, and the other son attending the Miami Military Insti-

tute, Germantown, Ohio.

"No man ever lived in Wooster, or Wayne County, who attained to such

popularity as Dr. Gann. He was the 'beloved physician' in every family.

When he departed this life, such was his character and the purity of his life,

that sorrow profound pervaded the whole community and mourning was

universal. His career was brilliant and his influence for the uplift of man-

kind, incalculable. He was a great Methodist. He worshipped God. He

loved mankind. His whole life was like the benediction that follows after

prayer. 'He was a man, take him for all in all, we shall not look upon his

like again.' He honored the class of 1871."



CHARLES W. GOODIN writes us from his home, at Ottawa Kansas,

and presents to "The Souvenir" the following summarized statement of his


"Since graduating from O.W.U. in June, 1871, I have continuously lived

at Ottawa, Kansas. Have married here, and spent nearly forty years of steady

work here in my business, which is real estate and loans. About 1880, I

established a State Bank, but after some ten years sold my interest in it, and

continued business alone as a matter of preference. Have had excellent

health, and feel that life is well worth living, if one lives for others as well

as for himself.


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 39)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 39)


[page 39]

[corresponds to page 41 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



*JAMES F. HAMILTON was born in Brownsville, Licking County, Ohio,

May 31, 1847. He entered the Ohio Wesleyan, September 16, 1869, from which

he graduated in 1871. He graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in

1873. He was married to Miss Matilda C. Hazlett, at Cincinnati, Ohio, and

resided for a short time in Newport, Kentucky, and later in Columbus, Ohio.

He was a Presbyterian minister, and was for a time pastor in Columbus. He

was also pastor of the Muskingum church, near Zanesville.

In October, 1886, his health failing, he went to San Bernadino, California.

In the summer of 1887 he went to Redlands. He did not preach regularly in

California. Sticken with typhoid fever, with a complication of other troubles,

he died at Redlands, California, October 9, 1899, and was buried there. His

widow and two daughters, Ethel and Sarah, survive him. He was one of the

noble Christian men of our class, and was useful in his generation, up to the

full measure of his health and strength.

*JOSEPH N. HASKINS died in early life, and we have very brief records

of his history. 1871-73, he was principal of the Lodi Academy; 1874, principal

of High School, Oakland, California; 1874-77, principal of Golden Gate Acad-

emy, Oakland, California. He died at Colusa, California, July 17, 1877. He

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 40)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 40)


[page 40]

[corresponds to page 42 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



was an earnest, thorough student and a successful teacher, but his history is

limited by his short life.



*ENOS W. HASTINGS was married March 28, 1872, to Miss Bessie

Rippey, who was a teacher in the public schools of Delaware. They had one

daughter, Melle M., a lovely girl who died at the age of sixteen years. After

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 41)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 41)


[page 41]

[corresponds to page 43 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

his graduation Mr. Hastings was Superintendent of Schools at Chesterville,

Ohio, for two years. In 1873 he became Superintendent of Public Schools at

Delphos, Ohio, and held this important position for twenty-eight years. His

life was practically spent at Delphos, where he left an impression for good

that will abide upon the generation that grew up under his care. Failing

health compelled him to give up his position at Delphos, which he had filled

so honorably and so long. His death was from Bright's disease, after a long

illness. All the testimony of those who knew best his work would assure his

classmates that he was, through all his life, an ideal Christian Public School




WILLIAM A. HICKS gives us the following very brief summary of his


"As for my personal history, I was married to Miss Nettie Whittaker, of

Amelia, Ohio, on December 13, 1883, and we have one son, Lewis R. Hicks, a

graduate of the Cincinnati Law School in 1908, and one daughter, Helen Rose

Hicks, who was a member of the graduating class of the Madisonville High

School in 1910.

After graduating, I engaged in business at Macon, Georgia, for three and

one-half years, and then returned to Ohio, and graduated at the Cincinnati

Law School in the spring of '76; and I have been practicing law in this city

since that time, and expect to continue doing so to the remainder of my days."

GEORGE C. HITT insisted that he hadn't any history to give. But on

our urgency he has furnished the following statement:

George Cooper Hitt, of Indianapolis, Indiana, was born at Brookville,

Indiana, May 30, 1851; received his education in the schools of his native town

and the Ohio Wesleyan University, from which he graduated in 1871; was

assistant cashier of the Brookville National Bank and a paymaster's clerk in

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 42)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 42)


[page 42]

[corresponds to page 44 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



the United States Army, from 1871 to 1875; became the business manager of

the Indianapolis (Ind.) Journal in 1875, and afterwards was a part owner;

was connected with that paper in its active management until 1903, a period

of twenty-eight years; was married in 1877 to Elizabeth Barnett, of Andover,

Mass., and to them four children have been born, three sons and one daugh-

ter; was Vice-Consul-General of the United States at London, England, 1890

and 1891; became receiver of the Star League of newspapers, consisting of

the Indianapolis (Ind.) Star, the Muncie (Ind.) Star, and the Terre Haute

(Ind.) Star, in May, 1908, and have operated those properties for three and

one-half years.



EDWARD H. JEWITT received the degree of M.D. in 1878, from the

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 43)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 43)


[page 43]

[corresponds to page 45 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

Cleveland Homeopathic College. He has been Professor of Obstetrics in the

Cleveland Medical College; also physician to the Cleveland workhouse. He

was with us at the reunion, and we all enjoyed his good fellowship. While

he has not furnished us with any historical statement, we clip the following

from one of the letters received before the reunion:

"I do not think I have seen six men of our class since we shook the dust

of the town from our feet, in the month of June, 1871. While I have not

revisited the place but two or three times, I have sent three of my children

there, and I have sent many good 'plunks' to keep them there."

His history is summd up in forty years successful work as a physician in

his chosen city of Cleveland.



CHARLES E. JONES received the degree of M.D. in 1874 from Miami

Medical College, and the degree of M.D. also, in 1876, from Bellevue Medical

College. From 1876 to 1884 he was a practicing physician in Cincinnati.

Since 1884 he has been in the practice of medicine in Chicago, where he is

still in the active work. He was with us at the reunion, in such vigor of body

and such heartiness of brotherly spirit that it was a delight to meet him.

Since the reunion he has written us: "The day spent at Delaware was a

record-breaker with me. I never enjoyed a better day."

ALICE KENNEDY was a member of the O.W.F.C. class of 1871.

Her name appears on the commencement program, with her residence then

at Delaware. We have been unable to secure any further information. We

enter her name in this souvenir, in its rightful place, as a recognized and

esteemed member of our class.

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 44)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 44)


[page 44]

[corresponds to page 46 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



ANNETTE M. LADD (Mrs. F. H. Whitehead).

Mrs. Whitehead writes us as follows:

"After leaving the O.W.F.C., I taught the home schools for the first

few years. I graduated from the Worthington Normal School in 1875, taught

one year in Morrow County, then entered the graded schools at DeGraff,

Ohio, where I taught two years. October 16, 1878, I was married to Mr. F.

H. Whitehead, of Indianapolis, Indiana. We resided in that city seven years,

when, on account of my husband's health, we left the city, and came to Ohio,

living on farms in Licking and Delaware counties. In 1892, we came to the

farm in Delaware County, where we still reside. Our little family of seven

children, five daughters and two sons, came to bless our union. Two of

them, a son and a daughter, have been called to the great beyond; and one

daughter is an invalid and helpless, and I am her sole nurse, and never leave

her. For this reason I could not get to the reunion. With all possible good

wishes to the class, I remain ever your classmate of '71.


WILLIAM W. LANCE writes us that he entered the Ohio Wesleyan

in the fall of 1866, with but two dollars and fifty cents. This was all he had

in the world, and no one to look to for help, but his own efforts and God.

He graduated with the class of 1871, without any debt but that of gratitude

to his Heavenly Father, and good will to his Alma Mater and fellow students.

In the fall of 1871 he entered the Central Ohio Conference, and has filled

many of its leading appointments. After completing his Conference course

of study, he studied under Professor William Rainey Harper, and later re-

ceived the degree of Ph. B. He received the degree of A.M. from the Ohio

Wesleyan, and the degree of D.D. from the Ohio Northern. In his confer-

ence he has served the following charges in their order: Prospect, Marseilles,

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 45)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 45)


[page 45]

[corresponds to page 47 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



Carey, Dunkirk, Bryan, VanWert, Defiance, Sidney, Broadway-Toledo, Fos-

toria, Bowling Green, Findlay District, William Street-Delaware, Wauseon,

and is now on the fourth year of his second pastorate at Defiance.

October 19, 1871, he married Miss C. Anna Howard, of Delaware, Ohio.

She has been an ideal preacher's wife, and his strong helper in all his work.

In the recent great revival at Defiance she was instrumental in bringing nearly

half a hundred souls to Christ.

Six children have been born to them. All are living but the second son.

a bright young lawyer. The oldest son is a Cincinnati dentist. The third son

is an electrical engineer in Washington, D.C. The youngest son is in the

last year of the high school at home. The oldest daughter is a teacher of

pipe-organ and piano in the Ohio Northern. The second is Mrs. Clyde J.

Hull, of Fostoria, Ohio. These are all active Christians.

Dr. Lance, during the last thirty years, has written many important ar-

ticles for the church papers, in discussion of great church questions. He has

also been a writer for the secular and scientific press. He is a charter trustee

of the Ohio Northern University, president of the Board of Trustees of his

own Conference, and has represented his Conference in the General Confer-

ence. He was deeply disappointed that a very important meeting of the

church prevented him from being at the Reunion, and he expresses his ardent

love for "the whole '71 bunch."

EUGENE LANE gives the following summary of his life:

"One of the first events of my life after my graduation, was the develop-

ment, or rather culmination of a romance that had been pursued under the

eyes of my classmates--and others--for six months. Marriage turned the

romance into reality, but it never for a moment has been prosaic or un-


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 46)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 46)


[page 46]

[corresponds to page 48 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

"Something to support the family, present and prospective, was the next

necessity. We moved to Quincy, Illinois, that fall, where I went into business.

In the summer of 1875, my business partner decided to go to California; so

we disposed of our affairs, and I returned to Delaware, Ohio. I had in the

meantime taken up the study of law, which had been my choice and intention

when I graduated.



"I came to Columbus, Ohio, in the month of April, 1876, and entered the

law office of L. J. Critchfield as a student of law. I was admitted to the bar

in 1878, and have been in the active practice of my profession ever since.

"In the fall of 1893, I was elected a representative from Franklin County,

Ohio, to the seventy-first General Assembly.

"The panic of 1893-96 caught me in its grasp, and when the twentieth

century came, I was back where I started, financially speaking.

"When I sum up the years that have passed since I was an active mem-

ber of Ohio Wesleyan, I have few regrets and very many happy days to fill

out the forty years. The past is not very interesting except as a matter of

history. The future contains the land of promise, the goal of living hopes.

Let us each 'look up and not down, look forward and not back' and 'love

our neighbor as ourself, an the Lord our God with all our heart'; then we

can look forward to a life eternal in the place he has prepared for those that

love him."

Yours fraternally,


*ELIZABETH SIMS MAGUIRE (Mrs. James Mandeville).

We have very little knowledge of the history of this esteemed classmate.

We have the record that October 8, 1873, she was joined in marriage with

Mr. James Mandeville. Her last address given in the college records was

Kingston, Ontario. The University office has the information of her death,

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 47)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 47)


[page 47]

[corresponds to page 49 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



but not the date of it. We have written to her old home town to secure some

information for this book, but have received no response. We all remember

her as one of the most beautiful girls in the class of '71, who gave every

promise of a long life. Her work is finished early, but her place in the re-

membrance and friendship of the class will ever abide.



ELNORA J. McCAY writes as follows:

"Since '73, I have been teaching. Have been in the schools of Topeka

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 48)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 48)


[page 48]

[corresponds to page 50 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

since '82. I am now eligible to a pension of five hundred dollars a year,

whenever I choose to avail myself of it. However, I hope to see several years

of active service in the work I love so well. I often think of the happy days

spent in college, and my classmates of '71. I send heartiest greetings to those

who attend the Reunion, and for them the latch string is always out, at 1429

College Avenue, Topeka, Kansas.

Very sincerely yours,




CAREY W. McCONNELL writes us from Lincoln, Nebraska:

"Since graduation, I have been principal of schools in Minnesota, includ-

ing east Minneapolis, and pastor of Baptist churches in Nebraska. Have

worked some as an evangelist. I now reside in Lincoln, Nebraska. I was

married in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1877, and have three sons.

Very truly,


WILLIAM P. McLAUGHLIN was with us at the Reunion. It was a

good providence that brought him from his distant South American home to

this country, just in time to make connection with the '71 Reunion. He was

brimful of funny stories that he had gathered in his journeys around the

world, by which he very much enlivened the occasion. He did us much

honor by making a splendid speech at the Alumni banquet, and on Commence-

ment day the University greatly honored him by conferring on him the de-

gree of D.D.

But our grievance against him is that in his short stay in this country, he

failed to give us a historical sketch for this book. We note, however, a few

facts in our possession.

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 49)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 49)


[page 49]

[corresponds to page 51 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



In 1875 he received the degree of S.T.B. from Boston University. From

1875 to 1885 he was a minister in the Ohio Conference, and filled some of its

leading pulpits. 1885-1892 he was pastor of Ames Chapel, New Orleans, and

missionary to the French population. In 1892 he was transferred to Buenos

Aires, Argentina, and has through all the years since been pastor of the First

Methodist Episcopal (English) Church in that city. He has been a tower of

strength to the church in South America.



MARGARET E. MEANS (Mrs. Samuel Glover).

Mrs. Margaret Means Glover sends us from her home in Minneapolis,

the following brief statement of her personal history:

"After graduation in June, 1871, I returned to my home in Bellefontaine,

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 50)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 50)


[page 50]

[corresponds to page 38 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

Ohio, and spent a busy summer, preparing to return to Delaware to make

my future home. September 21, 1871, I was united in marriage to Samuel

Glover, of Delaware, Ohio, where we lived many happy years. Three chil-

dren, two daughters and a son, came to gladden our home. Irma and Edna

are married and live in Chicago. Frederick Samuel is married and lives near

me. I have three grandsons.

"In 1885 we moved to North Dakota. Another daughter came to us,

Marguerite, who is just in young womanhood, and is with me. Have lived in

Minneapolis since 1889. The greatest sorrow of my life came January 24,

1910, when my beloved husband was taken from me. 'To live in hearts we

leave behind is not to die.'"

The editor desires to add these historical notes, his personal apprecia-

tion of Mrs. Glover's great interest and enthusiasm in the Reunion, and in

the "Souvenir of Forty Years." She kindly wrote to all the girls in the class,

and sent to the Reunion many souvenirs of our college days, which she had

carefully gathered. While it was impossible for her to be present at the

Reunion, she has been deeply interested in the fortieth anniversary of the

class of '71.



*SARAH A. O. MOORE (Mrs. J. W. Edwards).

We have only the following brief record concerning Sarah Moore, whose

home during her school days was at Mohawk Valley. 1873-80, she was a

teacher in the high school of her home town. June 29, 1881, she was mar-

ried to Mr. J. W. Edwards. She died at Jefferson, Iowa, November 24, 1884.

Many times our limited records must wait for the more full information from

the "Book of God's Kingdom."

*MARY MORRISON (Mrs. Joseph L. Moore).

We are indebted to Mrs. Moore's brother-in-law, Dr. J. W. Murphy, of

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 51)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 51)


[page 51]

[corresponds to page 53 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

Cincinnati, for the following information:

After graduating from the music department of O.W.F.C. in 1871,

Mary Morrison continued to make her home with her widowed mother in

Delaware. She took an active interest in all church and missionary work,

and was especially interested in all works of art and music. In the great

loan exhibition of William Street Church (of which she was a member) she

had chrage of the art department, and did much for the success of the enter-

prise. Later she identified herself with Asbury church, and was very active

in its building and furnishing enterprises. November 12, 1891, she was mar-

ried to Joseph L. Moore, vice-president of the Carthage (Missouri) National

Bank, and at once took up her residence in Carthage. She there joined the

Presbyterian church, of which her husband was a member. No children were

born of their marriage. After an illness of several weeks, she passed quietly

away August 14, 1896.

The editor well remembers Mary Morrison as one of his cherished per-

sonal friends. She was the very soul of music. She will certainly be at home

in the music halls of God's better country.



WILLIAM C. NYE was born at Tarlton, Ohio, July 8, 1848. After re-

ceiving a common school education in his native town, he entered the Ohio

Wesleyan University in the fall of 166, and graduated from that institution

June, 1871. In the following November he entered the law school at Cin-

cinnati, Ohio, and graduated from that institution May, 1872. In July, 1873,

Mr. Nye married Ella Virginia Lee, of Urbana, Ohio. In October of this

year he engaged with his father in the live stock and pork packing business,

consigning all their barrel meats for sale to the commission firm of Babcock

and Co., New York City. After the death of Mr. Nye's father, he removed

to Delaware, Ohio, in the spring of 1891, and in the following year formed a

partnership with Judge Rufus Carpenter in the real estate and loan business.

During the fall of 1901 the partnership was dissolved on account of the failing

health of Mr. Carpenter. From that time Mr. Nye continued the business

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 52)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 52)


[page 52]

[corresponds to page 54 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

alone, and is now ranked among the leading real estate brokers of the state.

Mr. Nye is a member of Saint Paul's M.E. Church, was president of the board

of trustees for six years, steward eighteen years, and has held the office of

superintendent in the Sunday school for nearly nineteen years. He has three

children, two daughters and a son. Mr. Nye is the one member of our class

who resides in Delaware. He and his esteemed wife were our local com-

mittee, and their work contributed very much to the success of our Reunion.



DELIA E. PAINE contributes to our '71 book the following story of

her life:

"When I first began to think seriously of coming to the fortieth reunion

of my class, I felt like a scarred veteran returning from the wars, but, as soon

as my feet really pressed the soil of my Alma Mater and I saw the old fa-

miliar faces once more, I felt like a school girl again, more even than on the

day when I held my diploma in my hand; for I was one who left the halls of

my Alma Mater broken in health, destined to struggle through years of ill

health and discouragement, until I learned to obey Nature's laws and to

apply them to every day life. For many years I made my home in a sani-

tarium, because I could not live anywhere else. Fortunately there were times

when I could make excursions to the various cities of the United States, thus

keeping in touch with art, music, and the drama, and most of all with the

bonhommie of the life of the world. Experience is a hard teacher, but many

of the severe trials of life, if rightly met, prove to be blessings in disguise;

and now the clouds of doubt and discouragement are passing away, and the

silver lining appears to me in the shpae of a health that is based more upon

self knowledge and mental poise than upon physical vigor. We must first

learn to help ourselves before we can learn to help others, and while my life

has not been as full of physical activities as those of most of you, my sym-

pathies have been broadened by my experiences, and I have done what good

I could do in passing. What does it matter where our lot has been cast, if only

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 53)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 53)


[page 53]

[corresponds to page 55 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

at the close of life we find ourselves optimistic, fearing nothing, looking to the

future with a cheerful, steady gaze? believing that God's laws operate every-

where, and that all really desirable things come to him who will but work

and wait.

Shepard, Ohio.




*JAMES B. PAINE after his graduation in 1871, served as tutor in Ohio

Wesleyan the following year. The next two or three years were spent in

Greenfield, Ohio, as superintendent of the public schools.

He was married in 1874 to Miss Fannie Allen, of Greenfield, who died a

year later. In 1878 he became a member of the bar and located at Jackson,

Ohio. In the same year he was elected to the Ohio legislature and was re-

elected in 1880. In 1879 he was married to Miss Cornelia Dickason, of Jackson,

who survives him. The later years of his life were spent upon the family

estate at Hamden, Ohio, where he died September 20, 1883, at the age of


He left two children, a daughter, now Mrs. Edward Newell, of Bristol,

Indiana, and a son, James B. Paine, Jr., who resides with his mother at Jack-

son, Ohio. James B. Paine was one of the intellectually strong men of our

class. As a member of the House of Representatives, he was stalwart for

temperance and righteousness. His sun went down while it was yet day, but

the good influence of his strong life shines on forever.

HELEN PEASE (Mrs. Merriam).

Mrs. Merriam was one of the happy company present at the Reunion.

We all felt that it was good to meet together and talk over the experiences of

the long years, since we separated in 1871. Mrs. Merriam has furnished us

with the following brief historical statement:

"I was married in July, 1874, lived in Brooklyn, New York, nine years,

and in Jersey City fifteen years. Have had six children, four boys and two

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 54)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 54)


[page 54]

[corresponds to page 56 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



girls. Three boys and one girl are still living. Have been living in Ohio for

nearly fourteen years. Have been in the postoffice work nearly ten years.

My home is in Fremont, Ohio.



*THOMAS G. ROBERTS was born July 10, 1843, in the parish of Fordon,

Montgomeryshire, North Wales, and emigrated to America in 1864. Decem-

ber 28, 1867, he was joined in marriage with Margaret Davies, who was also

a native of North Wales. To this union nine children were born, as follows:

Evan, Mary, Goodwin, Carrie, Mathew, Grace, Celestia, Algernon and Mabel,

all of whom survive with the exception of Celestia, who died in the year 1886.

The sons reside in Columbus, Ohio, being engaged in the plumbing business.

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 55)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 55)


[page 55]

[corresponds to page 57 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

Mary, now Mrs. Morgan Thomas, resides at New Haven, Indiana; Carrie, now

Mrs. Hosea Miller, resides at Delaware, Ohio; Grace, now Mrs. Alexander

Cummings, resides at Estero, Florida; and Mabel, unmarried, makes her home

with Mathew, her brother.

Thomas G. Roberts joined the North Ohio Conference of the M.E.

Church in 1870, in which he preached for about twenty-five years, having

charges at Amity, Mohawk, Utica, Penfield, New Moscow, Killrick, West

Bedford, Bakersville, and Richfield, after which he retired from the active

ministry on account of ill health. He died in Columbus, Ohio, March 14, 1904.

Margaret Roberts, his wife, died December 26, 1893, in Delaware, Ohio.

Besides their children, they are survived by eight grandchildren.



*EBENEZER P. SHARP after graduation studied law, and was for many years

engaged in the practice of law in Columbus, Ohio. He died August 7,

1890. We are without further information concerning him. We remember

him as a vigorous man, with much energy and activity, and with every fair

promise of a long life. But along with nearly half of our class, he has crossed

over into the great future.

DAVID J. SMITH joined the Ohio Conference in the fall of '71. He

has been pastor of the following charges: Coolville, Pleasanton, Athens Cir-

cuit, Middleport, McArthur, Royalton, Sedalia, Plain City, New Lexington,

Granville, Hamden, Lilly Chapel, Pine Street, Ironton, New Straitsville,

Amanda, and Croton. His ministry during these forty years has been crowned

with many revivals, and he has received many people into the churches.

When he was pastor of Sedalia charge, such a revival spirit prevailed, that

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 56)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 56)


[page 56]

[corresponds to page 58 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



five saloons went out of business, two saloon-keepers were converted and

joined the church, and sixty drinking men were saved. Rev. and Mrs. Smith

have one daughter, Bertha, who is the wife of Rev. T. R. Watson, of the Ohio

Conference. Mr. Smith's present address is Granville, Ohio.



JOHN A. SMITH since his graduation, has continuously practiced law.

He was admitted to the bar in the United States Court, July 4, 1872, and has

been in active practice ever since. He has avoided public offices, and has

given himself entirely to the law. The exceptions to this statement are that

he served on the Cleveland Library Board five and one-half years, and was one

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 57)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 57)


[page 57]

[corresponds to page 59 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

term in the city council. He is now, and has been for eight years, a resident

of East Cleveland, and is a member of the Board of Control and president of

the Commonwealth Club, which corresponds to the Chamber of Commerce.

Mrs. Smith was with him at the Reunion. We were glad to meet them and

to know of the health and prosperity that have attended them through life.

Mr. Smith spent his life since graduation in the city of Cleveland.



JUSTIN N. STUDY, superintendent of public schools in Fort Wayne,

Indiana, wrote us shortly before the Reunion as follows:

"My life has not been particularly eventful since graduation, but full of

hard work in the public school system of Indiana. I have been superintendent

of schools at Anderson, Greencastle and Richmond, Indiana, and for the last

fifteen years at Fort Wayne. For fifteen years I have also been a member

of the State Board of Education of Indiana, and with this work and the man-

agement of a considerable system of public schools, I have had my time so

taken up that I have been unable to keep in correspondence with the college,

or with the other members of the class.

"If I should not be able to be at the Reunion, I wish you to give my love

to all the members of '71 who may be so fortunate as to be at the meeting.

Yours fraternally,


*WILLIAM G. THOMAN is on the college records as a journalist. In

1876 he published a History of Indiana. In his college days he was a resident

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 58)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 58)


[page 58]

[corresponds to page 60 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



of Crestline, Ohio. In later years he resided in Columbus, Ohio. In the

office of the University, he is reported in the long list of our deceased mem-

bers. Death has certainly depleted our ranks, since the happy day of




JOHN S. VAN CLEVE received the degree of A.M. from Ohio Wes-

leyan in 1874. 1871-72 he was a special student in Boston University; 1872-75,

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 59)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 59)


[page 59]

[corresponds to page 61 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

teacher in the Insitution for the Blind, Columbus; 1875-79, teacher in the

Institution for the Blind, Janesville, Wisconsin. In 1879-83 he was musical

critic for the Cincinnati Commercial; 1883-84, musical critic for the News-

Journal and Graphic; and in 1885 special lecturer, music teacher and critic.

We have recently received a letter from him, expressing his ever-abiding love

to the class of '71. His present address is 285 Audubar Avenue, New York




*MILLARD F. WARNER was a historian of our class during our col-

lege life. We all esteemed him as a beloved brother, whom we greatly miss

since God called him home. His wife gives us the following interesting story

of his life.

"Dr. Millard F. Warner died August 29, 1908, at his home, 7210 Melrose

Avenue, Cleveland, at the age of fifty-nine years.

Dr. Warner graduated from the Ohio Wesleyan University in 1871, from

Drew Theological Seminary in 1873 and later from a medical college, the

University of the City of New York. He became a minister in the Newark

Conference of New Jersey, and in the North Ohio Conference, and occupied

several charges until 1887, when he became a professor of English Literature

in Baldwin University, of Berea, Ohio. He later became president of that

institution, occupying that position until 1899, when he resigned and took

post-graduate work at the Philadelphia Polyclinic.

"In 1902 he moved to Cleveland, and the same year was elected a mem-

ber of the Ohio State Senate, serving a term of two years. He then resumed

the practice of medicine in Cleveland.

"In 1976 Dr. Warner married Mabel DeWitt, daughter of a physician of

Harmony, New Jersey. To them were born two children, Faith and Carl.

The daughter married R. B. Newcomb, an attorney of Cleveland, and they

have two sons. The son married Kathryn Johnson, and they have two


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 60)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 60)


[page 60]

[corresponds to page 62 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]




"His was as beautiful life, well lived; sweet, serene, peaceful. A dweller

upon a high plane, a man gifted with the larger vision of things, sympathetic,

tender and humane, he was well respected and beloved by all.

"While he was conscientious in every detail of his business life, his heart

and mind were centered in his home; and there he was happiest; but his

beneficient influence was widely felt, and he left a heritage of stainless honor

to his children.

"After graduating from the O.W.U., he engaged in the banking business

with his uncle. In 1877, he married Jennette Platt, of Delaware, Ohio, adn

to them were born seven children. Three passed away in childhood. Of the

surviving ones, Anne married A. E. Merrick, of Chicago, and resides with her

husband and three children on a farm near Weiser, Idaho. David resides near

Cincinnati, is married, and has one son, David Algerus. Ellen and Robert

live in Idaho with their mother. Mrs. Nancy Watson, the aged mother of

A. C. Watson, lives in London, Ohio."

The above beautiful tribute to the memory of Mr. Watson was written,

at our request, by his wife, Mrs. Jennette Platt Watson, whose home is in

Boise, Idaho. We all remember A. C. Watson as a beautiful, polished pattern

of cultured Christian manhood, whom to know was to love.

*CHARLES J. WELLS joined the Cincinnati Conference in the fall of

1871. His appointments during the twentyfive years of active ministry

were as follows: Decatur, Lewisburg, Addison, Lockington, Marathon, West

Union, East Liberty, Sabina and Bowersville, Sinking Springs, Rainsboro,

Martinsville, Owensville and Newtonville, Summerside, and Mount Orab.

December 5, 1875 he was married to Miss Rebecca Elizabeth Manse, of West

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 61)


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[corresponds to page 63 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



Alexandria, Ohio, who survives him. In 1896 he retired from the active work

of the Conference. Both in his active and retired life, his influence was always

sacred in the churches. He died very suddenly at Norfolk, Virginia, Sep-

tember 15, 1909.



*JOHN WHISLER received the degree of A.M. from the Ohio Wesleyan

University in 1874. 1871-1878, he was a minister in the North Ohio Confer-

ence; 18788-1885, member of the Minnesota Conference; 1885-1894, member of

the Colorado Conference; 1894, member of the Columbia River Conference.

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 62)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 62)


[page 62]

[corresponds to page 64 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

He died at Denver, Colorado, August 9, 1906. He was one of our oldest

members, and commanded the universal love of the class, by his intellectual

and moral worth, and by his genial, brotherly spirit.



ROSE A. WILLIAMS (Mrs. W. H. Sweet).

In 1871-72 she was a teacher in Worthington, Ohio; 1872-74, preceptress

in Rust University, Holly Springs, Mississippi. September 7, 1875, Miss Wil-

liams was married to W. H. Sweet, of the class of '72, who was then Pro-

fessor of Mathematics in Baker University, Baldwin, Kansas. Later she lived

for three years at Holton, Kansas, where her husband was pastor. Later

Dr. Sweet became president of Baker University, which re-established their

residence in Baldwin, where they remained seven years. In 1886 Dr. Sweet

was transferred to the Northwest Kansas Conference, and their residence was

in the different towns of Kansas to which he was appointed. The past thir-

teen years they have lived at Salina, Kansas, where Dr. Sweet has been pastor,

district superintendent, and financial secretary of the university.

Dr. and Mrs. Sweet have six children. The three oldest are Alumni of

the Ohio Wesleyan University. One of the others graudated at Bryn Mawr,

Pennsylvania, and the two youngest at Kansas Wesleyan University.

JOHN M. WILSON was with us at the Reunion, as was also his sister

Mary. After his graduation he settled on the home farm, in the suburbs of

Columbus, Ohio, and has remained there with his sister through all the years

since. He had strong desires to go to the western country, but his aged

father was so desirous for him to remain and take charge of the farm, that

he consented to do so. Along the years the city of Columbus has extended,

until the farm has been overtaken by the city, and has become very valuable.

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 63)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 63)


[page 63]

[corresponds to page 65 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



Concerning his life, he writes: "I might say that I have been fairly success-

ful. I have enjoyed good health the greater part of my life, and feel that the

kind Father has dealt most graciously with me."



MARY D. WILSON has spent her life since graduation with her brother

John, at their old home. Their father, who lived to the advanced age of

eighty-eight years, often related the experiences of his boyhood, when the

Indians camped on their home farm, that is now in the city of Columbus,

with long lines of buildings far beyond it, the finely paved High Street in

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 64)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 64)


[page 64]

[corresponds to page 66 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

front of it, and electric interurban cars passing the door every few minutes.

Recently John and Mary have had a great trip together through Arkansas,

Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska

and Missouri, and covering a period of six months. They have made a home

for each other all their lives, on the home farm, that was once in the country

but is now in the city.



*MARY J. WINKLER (Mrs. J. C. Cadot).

1871-73, Miss Winkler was a teacher in the public schools at Haverhill,

Ohio. March 25, 1874, she was joined in marriage with Mr. J. C. Cadot. All

of her married life was spent in or near Wheelersburg, Ohio. She died in

July, 1901. Her husband died in May, 1908. They had three children: Ava-

nelle, who is a graduate of the Ohio Wesleyan, and is the wife of Dr. R. O.

LeBaron, with their residence in Portsmouth, Ohio; May (deceased); and

Claire, a member of the O.W.U. class of 1900 (deceased). Mrs. Mary

Winkler Cadot was one of the notable women of our class. Our great regard

is assured to her daughter, who is the one surviving member of the household.

JOHN G. WOOLLEY has had a world-wide life. He tells it to us in

very few words.

1871, Ohio Wesleyan B.A.--Principal of the High School, Paris, Illinois;

1872, traveling in Europe--law department University of Michigan; 1873, ad-

mitted to the bar, Supreme Court of Illinois--married Mary V. Gerhard, Dela-

ware, Ohio; 1876, City Attorney, Paris, Illinois; 1878, practicing law, Minne-

apolis, Minnesota; 1882, Prosecuting Attorney, Minnesota; 1885, admitted to

the United States Supreme Court; 1887, General Counsel, Mutual Benefit Life

Insurance Co., New York City; 1888, lecture platform in America; 1892, lecture

platform in Great Britain; 1900-1907, editor The New Voice, Chicago--presi-

dential candidate Prohibition Party; 1901, lecture platform in Hawaii, Samoa,

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 65)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 65)


[page 65]

[corresponds to page 67 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]



New Zealand, Australia, Asia, Europe; 1905-1906, lecture platform in Hawaii,

Samoa, New Zealand, Australia, Philippines, China, Japan; 1908-1910, Super-

intendent Anti-Saloon League, Hawaii; 1911, lecture platform in America.

Author--"Seed," "A Sower," "Civilization by Faith," "A Lion Hunter," "The

Christian Citizen," "The Liquor Problem in the Nineteenth Century," "South

Sea Letters," "Civic Sermons," etc.

Mr. and Mrs. Woolley have three sons--(1) Paul G. Woolley, B.S. grad-

uate of University of Chicago, 1896; M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1900;

House Officer of Johns Hopkins, 1901; Fellow McGill University, 1902; Direc-

tor U.S. serum laboratory, Manila, P.I., 1904; Director Siamese government

serum laboratory, Bangkok, 1907; Professor of Pathology, University of Ne-

braska, 1909; Dean of the Medical University, Cincinnati; married--one child,

Eleanor. (2) Edwin C. Woolley, A.B., University of Chicago, 1898; Ph. D.,

Columbia University, 1901; Assistant Professor English, University of Wis-

consin; author of several books on the subject of English Composition;

married--one child, Charles. (3) John R. Woolley, photographer, Madison,

Wisconsin; married.

*SOLOMON L. ZINSER was not with us during our college life, but

was graduated in our class. He was born in Circleville, Ohio, September 24,

1830. In 1848 he moved to Marshall, Illinois, where for some time he was

engaged in the work of making wagons. He was a member of Company G.

86th Illinois V.I., and was first lieutenant. He served during the war, and

was discharged with the rank of captain. His first marriage was with Sarah

J. Grady. Eight children were born of this marriage. His wife died June 7,

1895. November 30, 1898, he was married to his wife's sister, Mrs. Mary A.

Homish. For six years he was a mail agent, but during most of his life he

was a druggist. He retired in 1899, and moved to Washington, Illinois. He

died of pneumonia at Minonk, Illinois, January 1, 1902.

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We present the following address on "The Spring," delivered by John

G. Woolley of '71, at the Alumni Banquet, June 13, 1911:

"Passing through Delaware on the train some time ago, with my senti-

mental spectacles fixed on the changed but still familiar sky line where the

University buildings seemed to be conferring, with portentious eaves ad-

vanced, among the naked branches of the campus grove--like a petrified

Faculty meeting; I heard one boy ask another, in the seat just back of mine,

'Say, what is the O.W.U.?' The answer fell with a thud of barbarian brev-

ity and finality: 'Aw, it's nothing but a spring."

Whereupon, straightway, I forgot the architecture and, without preju-

dice, the Faculty, with all the visible grandeur and solemnity appertaining,

and let the lead-line run through the fingers of my memory. And sure enough,

it gave no sign of anything substantial underlying the famous institution,

until it splashed into the spring and gave back a faint, far-away, sulphuretted

hydrogen atmosphere that justified the young cynic's irreverent summary,

dispelled the odor of old midnight oil and set me saying to my diplomaed and

degreed self-consciousness: 'He's right; it's a spring.'

And I reckon that if we old gray-beards and young men and women who

sit around these tables, could now and here detach ourselves from the arte-

riosclerosis of ancient conversations and the plaster bandages of present af-

fectations, and concentrate our liberated minds upon a personal definition of

the noble foundation in whose name we were christened in the family of let-

ters, and at whose beheset we have assembled here today, our simple, honest

thoughts would discover us to be naive and adventurous Ponce De Leons,

following through the storm and shine of strenuous years the sense of water

softly dripping from the brim of a low, marble basin into a shallow rivulet,

that glides away without a sound, as befits the survitor of our greatness.

"From every coign of unaffected contemplation, the careless caricature

appears to have a core of solid characterization. And the meaning of this

anniversary, in both its lighter and its graver harmonies, from the initial ac-

tion of the committee down to these culminating moments of affectionate

communion, can be expressed most simply and most perfectly by the oldest

and friendliest college salutation that any of us can remember, 'Come on,

let's go to the spring.'

"This fascinating pile, considered part by part, or in its splendid total,

was always and is yet the spring, and other appertaining epiphanies. For all

the glorious eloquence of Bishop Thomson, the snow-capped loftiness of

Doctor Merrick, the tropical luxurience of Doctor McCabe, the deadly certi-

tude of Professor Williams, the blood-curdling gentleness of Professor Per-

kins, the terrible smile of Professor Whitlock, the immanent, and (God for-

give me) inopportune ubiquity of Mrs. Donelson; for all the works of faith

of the great church concerned, and all the labors of love, and lesser matters,

in the student body, just a spring. No fountain playing in duress of pipes or

engines or hydraulic rams, nor any mere emblem of moral, mental, or mar-

ital beginnings, but a pool where cosmic reservoirs of the oxygen and hydro-

gen of vitality, culture, character and power utter themselves to refresh and

enrich the seeded acreage of youthful life.

"It is only a spring. And this reunion only an eddy in the Delaware

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 68)


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[page 69]

[corresponds to page 71 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

Run, whence presently we whose lives have thus happily circled back upon

each other for a day, shall resume their outward voyages, down our several

Olentangys, Sciotos, Ohios, Mississippis, and on through the jetties of achieve-

ment, and the bayous of old age, into the gulf of forgetfulness and out to sea.

"That was an astonishing stroke of prophetic scholarship in Isaiah, to

open his great exhortation into higher lines of thought and action with the

univented chemical symbol for water, 'Ho, every one that thirsteth.' And

all the cumulative analogies in vegetable, animal, intellectual and spiritual

evolution tend to corroborate the suggestion that we were and are in the

true order of progress in beginning, continuing and ending our college courses

at the spring. Events, too, are thoroughly and rapidly bringing general social

and political reinforcements to the idea. As a nation drinketh, so it is, from

liver to imagination.

The call of the Ohio Wesleyan University has always been directed sub-

stantially, like that of the eloquent old Hebrew, to 'every one that thirsteth.'

A desire for the more abundant life was always her fundamental requirement.

The entrance examinations were not severe. The conditions of promotion

were never hard. But ever the lines have fallen in very unpleasant places

for the youth whom our Faculty found wanting in a healthy thirst for the

living well of worthy development.

"There may have been great changes here, as elsewhere, since my time.

But many of us are witnesses that up to '71--whatever may have happened

afterward in the evolutionary variation and distribution of pedagogic species,

or as we may say, freaks, our Alma Mater has never felt constrained to apol-

ogize for her existence to the Doctors of Philosophy whose methods are so

scientifically thin and hollow-ground as to make the vulgar work of meeting

classes a condescension and a bore.

"We should no doubt have been the better for some better laboratories,

in our day, for more training in the use of the library, for more liberty to

differ from our preceptors about the tariff and divine fore-knowledge. In a

word, we might have been gaited better for speed on the road we were to

travel. But, after all, the great thing was that we should get a sense of the

road itself. To bring us on sturdily in the great relay race of vital philoso-

phy, through the garden of Epicurus to the hut of Epicetus, then on through

the Academy of Plato and the Lyceum of Aristotle to the cross of Christ,

was the almost fierce concern of our great mother. Among the colleges of

our time, this was one of the great schools of the orientation. Many a boy

entered upon his journey-work through the doors of this machine-shop with a

kit that was none too good. But not one struck the road without a chance

of knowing well the lay of the land and the points of the compass.

"The primary doctrine of Aristotle, that a conquering man must first of

all grasp the social and religious bigness of the sceme of life, was never

held more nakedly or tenaciously than it was in this University. And the

fruits in justification of the philosophy were never grown in relatively greater

measure than in the personnel of our alumni. I do not brag. I exclude my-

self from the generalization, but I speak the simple truth in saying, that if

possibly on analysis, we might rank below the highest in specialized and fa-

mous scholarship, yet in the staple, stable vision and ability, without which

mere learning is 'wood, hay and stubble,' our mother is one of the Cornelias

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 70)


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[page 70]

[corresponds to page 72 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

of the sons of America.

"So, my head would speak, and more, to you, at length if there were

time. Now let my heart alone conclude. The sentiments aroused in me by

this reunion are not born of the event. They have run steadily in my blood

these forty years. My life has been busy and stormy, and our ways have

been wide apart. But I have loved this fellowship and wished for it through

everything. During the last year especially, in the place of my work beyond

the sea, I have felt that I simply must come up with you today. I am too

thankful for mere words that it was possible. The security of long life seems

better for it. And I seem able to look forward to some June day in 1921

(when I shall be in double import in the seventy-one class), when I shall

say to a beautiful gray old lady at my side: 'Come, deer, let's go to the


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[corresponds to page 51 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]


Millard F. Warner was the historian of our O.W.U. class. We reprint

here the following interesting exhibit, concerning the men of the class at the

time of our graduation. This does not include three of our men who grad-

uated with the class, but were not actively with us in our college life.

We regret also that it does not include our O.W.F.C. members. A like

exhibit for them would be full of interest. But we presume that our his-

torian, in that early day, had not the courage to undertake that part of the

work. He gives the following summary of the facts indicated in the table


"The aggregate ages are 969 years, (which happens to be 'all the days of

Methuselah'); average age 23 1/2 years. Aggregate weights, 5837 pounds;

average 139 pounds. Aggregate height, 241 feet three inches; average, 5 feet,

9 inches.

Names. Age. Weight. Height. Year of



Albright....... 18 125 lbs. 5 5 1/2 in. 1866

Anderson....... 20 130 5 10 1868

Black.......... 25 165 5 10 1869

Brock.......... .. ........ .......... 1871

Cherington, F. B. 21 120 5 3 1/2 in. 1866

Cherington, W. D. 19 138 6 1866

Clark, D. W...... 21 130 5 8 1/2 1869

Clark, L. T...... 24 135 5 8 1/4 1869

Clippinger....... 24 123 5 6 1869

Crabb............ 22 129 5 10 1866

Crow............. 20 126 5 11 1868

Davidson......... 21 170 6 1868

Drees............ 19 148 5 10 3/4 1869

Funk............. 23 161 6 1 1866

Gann............. 23 136 5 8 1/2 1870

Davis............ 26 147 5 9 1869

Day.............. 21 123 5 8 1868

Dove............. 25 180 5 8 1869

Goodin........... 21 136 5 8 1/4 1870

Hamilton......... 24 137 5 9 1/2 1869

Hastings......... 26 152 5 11 1867

Hicks............ 25 136 1/4 5 9 1869

Hitt............. 20 142 5 11 1867

Jewett........... 19 123 5 6 1871

Jones............ 20 168 6 1 1868

Lance............ 29 113 5 6 1869

Lane............. 22 139 6 1/2 1866

McConnell........ 26 150 5 10 1871

Nye.............. 20 144 5 9 1866

Paine............ 26 122 5 7 1867

Patterson........ 21 126 1/2 5 6 1868

Roberts.......... .. ....... ....... 1869

Sharp............ 27 145 5 8 1/2 1867

Smith, D. J...... 25 127 5 7 3/4 1870

Smith, J. A...... 23 140 5 10 1868

Study............ 25 125 5 8 1/2 1869

Thoman........... 27 141 5 9 1870

Van Cleve........ 19 131 5 7 1870

Warner........... 22 108 5 4 5/8 1866

Watson........... 22 131 1/2 5 10 1871

Wells............ 25 153 5 10 1/2 1866

Whisler.......... 35 167 5 7 1/4 1866

Woolley.......... 21 130 5 10 1870

Wilson........... 27 167 6 1866

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 73)


The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 73)


[page 73]

[corresponds to page 63 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]





Three years have passed away,

Three years of college lore,

And we to-day can see the bay,

In proud "Alumni's" shore.


We delved amid the waves

Of History's hidden deep,

Where thought-gems lave in ancient graves,

Where classic ages sleep.


We've crossed a happy sea,

We've drunk from Learning's spring,

Now o'er Life's lea, proud, broad and free,

Our banner we must fling.


When Time the roll shall read

Of men who dared to do,

Old Seventy-one shall have no need

To blush a son untrue.


Fair lips are breathing prayers

For Fame our name to call;

A shout! Forbear it he who dares

For home and Monnett Hall!


Hail! Alma Mater's fame!

Her way to glory tends.

Hail! To the noble men who name

And point to noble ends!


A toast for Seventy-one!

Two score this pledge repeat.

Our races run, our strivings done,

We'll meet, a class complete.


Then, shout! O, gallant band!

Your colors speak for you;

"Inveniam, aut faciam

Viam," your motto true!

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 74)


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[page 74]

[corresponds to page 76 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

Ohio Wesleyan Female College



Wednesday, June 28th 1871




Overture--Die Felseumble, (Eight Hands)........................REISSIGGER



Trio--Row Us Swiftly..............................................CAMPANA.


SUPREMACY OF CHARACTER...........................HELEN PEASE, s., Fremont.

CHARLES DICKENS...........................MARY CHAMBERLAIN, cl., Delaware.

THE USE OF THE BEAUTIFUL.........ELIZA M. BREWSTER, cl., Shelbyville, Ill.

Concert Galop--Qui Viva--(Four Hands)................................GANZ.



MIND, OMNIPOTENT............................MARY D. WILSON, cl., Delaware.

PARIS, THEN AND NOW........................ELNORA J. McCAY, cl., Delaware.

Solo--Croquet. ....................................................THOMAS.


SHODDY..................................ANNETTE M. LADD, s., Lewis Center.

GRADATIONS..........................SARAH A. O. MOORE, cl., Mohawk Valley.

HUNTERS AFTER TRUTH...........................DELIA E. PAINE, cl., Hamden.

Overture--Ray Blas--(Eight Hands).............................MENDELSSOHN.


BREAD FOR THE HUNGRY...............LIZZIE SIMS MAGUIRE, cl., New Carlisle.

TRANSITIONS..................................*ALICE KENNEDY, s., Delaware.

SOCIETY..........................................E. M. BUNDY, cl., Hamden.


Duet--Una Notte a Venezia..........................................ARDITI.




Pharaphrase de Concert (Eight Hands)...............................ASCHER.



Trio--The Violet...............................................CHURCHMANN.


COMMOTION..................................MARY D. CAMBELL, cl., Delaware.

WE GIRLS....................................MARY G. BARNES, cl., Delaware.

Overture--Festival (Eight Hands)..................................LEUINER.


THOU SHALT................................MARY J. WINKLER, cl., Haverhill.

GOVERNMENT IMPERIAL.................MARGARET E. MEANS, cl., Bellefontaine.

Duet--Brihdisi Waltz................................................MUZIO.


LOGICAL INFERENCES...................................EVA FRENCH, cl., Troy.

THE SCHOLAR, AN INTERPRETER...................ELLA C. DOWNS, cl., Defiance.

Etude de Concert--(Two pianos, four hands)........................KETTERER.


Baccalaureate Address, Conferring Degrees, by President P. S. Donelson, D.D.

Chorus........................................................HAIL COLUMBIA.


cl--Classical. s--Scientific.

* Excused from reading.

The Souvenir of Forty Years (p. 75)


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[page 75]

[corresponds to page 77 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]




Thursday June 29th, 1871





Music. PRAYER. Music.

ADVERSITY A NECESSITY........................?JOHN M. WILSON, Delaware.

* * * * * SOLOMON L. ZINSER, Washington, Ill.

TIDES......................................JOHN G. WOOLLEY, Paris, Ill.

FROM THE IDEAL TO THE REAL......................JOHN WHISLER, Delaware.

KEYS........................................CHARLES J. WELLS, Felicity.


IMPRESSIONS..................................ALGERUS C. WATSON, London.

SOME THINGS AS THEY ARE..................MILLARD F. WARNER, Tuscarawas.

FABLE....................................JOHN S. VAN CLEVE, Cincinnati.

THE GOLDEN AGE............................WILLIAM G. THOMAN, Crestline.


REFORMS AND REFORMERS.................JUSTIN N. STUDY, Hagerstown, Ind.

"LET US HAVE PEACE"..........................JOHN A. SMITH, Marysville.

MAGNA QUAESTIO................................DAVID J. SMITH, Delaware.


EBENEZER P. SHARP, Worthington.


* * * * * * THOMAS G. ROBERTS, Delaware.

LATIN.................................WILLIAM M. PATTERSON, Cincinnati.

NOTES.....................................JAMES B. PAINE, Reed's Mills.

SEVENTY-ONE, (Poem)............................WILLIAM C. NYE, Tarlton.

WE KNOW IN PART............................CAREY W. McCONNELL, Lebanon.


FROM SHORE TO SHORE..............................EUGENE LANE, Delaware.

LINKS.......................................WILLIAM W. LANCE, De Graff.

SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS....................EDWARD H. JEWITT, Sandusky City.

WESTERN ART...............................CHARLES E. JONES, Cincinnati.


THE AMERICAN PRESS.....................GEORGE C. HITT, Brookville, Ind.

THE TASK BEFORE US............................WILLIAM A. HICKS, Amelia.

* * * * * *JOSEPH N. HASKINS, Mt. Gilead.

FREE.................................ENOS W. HASTINGS, Spring Mountain.


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[page 76]

[corresponds to page 58 of The Souvenir of Forty Years]

2 O'CLOCK, P. M.

Music. PRAYER. Music.

ALONE................................JAMES F. HAMILTON, Brownsville.

LIFE-THOUGHTS........................CHARLES W. GOODIN, Ottawa, Kan.

ECHOES;...................................JOHN A. GANN, Monroeville.

TRUST AND BE TRUE..........................THEODORE K. FUNK, Urbana.


MYSTERY--ITS UTILITY........................CHARLES W. DREES, Xenia.

MONUMENTS.................................THEODORE F. DOVE, Carroll.

SETTLING DOWN..................................WILSON M. DAY, Akron.

THE BRAIN..................................LUCIEN M. DAVIS, Batavia.



FIRST CENTENNIAL, U.S........................HERMAN D. CROW, Urbana.

A PILGRIM'S PROGRESS....................WILLIAM D. CRABB, Iola, Kan.



STYLE........................................LEMEN T. CLARK, Mercer.

IF WE KNEW..............................*DAVIS W. CLARK, Cincinnati.

NATURE'S SHOW.......................WILLIAM D. CHERINGTON, Delaware.



* * * * * JOHN W. BROCK, Champlin, Minn.

INDIVIDUALITY.............................LEWIS C. BLACK, Lancaster.

BOYS' RIGHTS..........................THOMAS C. ANDERSON, Lancaster.

THE REGULAR ARMY.........................RUBY J. ALBRIGHT, Delaware.





* Excused from Speaking. ? Scientific.

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Dublin Core


The Souvenir of Forty Years


Class reunions--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware--Ohio
Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware--Ohio


This souvenir book is about the Ohio Wesleyan Class of 1871's 40th reunion in 1911, with biographical information about each of the graduates.


Class of 1871, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware County, Ohio




Editor: W. D. CHERINGTON, Chillicothe, Ohio; Co-Editors L.C. Black, Cincinnati, Ohio; W.C. Nye, Delaware, Ohio; J.A.Smith, Cleveland, Ohio; C.E. Jones







Still Image




Class of 1871, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware County, Ohio, “The Souvenir of Forty Years,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 3, 2025,

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