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[corresponds to page titled Laws of Ohio Regarding the Enumeration of Youth.]
Laws of Ohio Regarding the Enumeration of Youth.
SEC. 4030. (As amended March 20, 1890.) There shall be taken in each district,
annually, during the two weeks ending on the fourth Saturday in July, an enumer-
ation of all unmarried youth, noting sex, between six and twenty-one years of age,
resident within the district and not temporarily there, designating also the number
between six and eight years of age, the number between eight and fourteen years of
age, the number between fourteen and sixteen years of age, the number between
sixteen and twenty-one years of age, and the number residing in the Western Re-
serve, the Virginia military district, the United States military district, and in any
original surveyed township or fractional township to which belongs section six-
teen, or other land in lieu thereof, or any other lands for the use of public schools,
or any interest in the proceeds of such lands.
SEC. 4031. (As amended April 19, 1883.) Each person required or employed under
this chapter to take such enumeration shall take an oath or affirmation to take the
same accurately and truly to the best of his skill and ability. When making re-
turn thereof to the proper officers, he shall accompany the same with a list of the
names of all the youth so enumerated, noting the age of each, and with his affida-
vit duly certified that he has taken and returned the enumeration accurately and
truly to the best of his knowledge and belief, and that such list contains the names
of all the youth so enumerated and none others. The officers to whom such return
is required to be made, may administer such oath or affirmation and take and cer-
tify such affidavit, and shall keep in his office for the period of five years such re-
port and list of names, and each person so taking and returning the enumeration
shall be allowed by the proper board of education reasonable compensation for his
services, which in sub-districts shall not exceed two dollars for each person author-
ized, required or appointed to perform the service.
SEC. 4033. The director, who is clerk in each sub-district, shall take, or cause to be
taken, annually, according to the provisions of this chapter, an enumeration of
youth resident within his sub-district, and return a certified copy thereof to the
clerk of the township board of education; if any such director fail to perform such
duty, and make said return on or before the fourth Saturday in July, the clerk of
the township board shall employ a competent person to take and return the enumer-
ation, give him an order on the treasurer of the board for his compensation, pay-
able from the contingent fund, and proceed to recover the amount so paid, in a civil
action, before any court having jurisdiction of the matter, in the name of the State,
against such director; and the money so collected shall be paid to the treasurer of
the board, and credited to the contingent fund; but in a township district which is
not divided into sub-district, the president of the board shall take and return the
enumeration, or cause the same to be done.
The Law for the Enumeration of Youth in a Joint Sub-District (composed
of parts of two or more Townships), is as follows:
SEC. 4034. The enumeration of a joint sub-district shall be taken by the clerk of
the board of directors, who shall transmit a certified copy thereof to the clerk of
the board of education of the district in which the school house of the sub-district
is situate, and designate therein the number of youth residing in the respective
fractions of townships of which the sub-district is composed; and if such sub-
district is composed of parts of two or more counties, the clerk to whom the return
is made shall transmit a certified copy thereof to the auditor of each county having
territory within the sub-district