Camp Creek Arizona
Dublin Core
Camp Creek Arizona
Ohio--Delaware County--Sunbury--History--Early 20th century
Personal narratives--American--Early 20th century
Photography--Stereographs--United States--Early 20th century
Travel--United States--Arizona--Maricopa County--Camp Creek--Early 20th century
Personal narratives--American--Early 20th century
Photography--Stereographs--United States--Early 20th century
Travel--United States--Arizona--Maricopa County--Camp Creek--Early 20th century
Friday- Dec. 25-1925.
In Arizona.
Accompanied by Mr and Mrs
W.J. Stohlberg of Denver, Colo.
and Mother Mann we started
forth on Christmas day to
enjoy a picnic dinner at
Camp Creek. Getting on the
wrong road, some body suggested
that we go to Black Canyon
instead and toward that point we
headed. We drove and drove on
corrugated (slightly) and, in
places dusty roads until the
driver weared of desert and a
sameness of scenery and suggested
that we stop at the first sign
of water. At a corner store,
kept by a "lumper", we learned
that there was water on a branch
road a mile or two beyond, and
so we found it and a fair camp
spot in the glorious hills where
somebody had had a home sometime.
The crude fence is made from
Ocotillo (oc'o'tee'o) branches.
On Tues. 29th Mrs Stohler- mother and ?
picknicked at Clear Creek. Mother -I got-
terrible colds. 3 lions were killed on Cam C
a day or so later.
In Arizona.
Accompanied by Mr and Mrs
W.J. Stohlberg of Denver, Colo.
and Mother Mann we started
forth on Christmas day to
enjoy a picnic dinner at
Camp Creek. Getting on the
wrong road, some body suggested
that we go to Black Canyon
instead and toward that point we
headed. We drove and drove on
corrugated (slightly) and, in
places dusty roads until the
driver weared of desert and a
sameness of scenery and suggested
that we stop at the first sign
of water. At a corner store,
kept by a "lumper", we learned
that there was water on a branch
road a mile or two beyond, and
so we found it and a fair camp
spot in the glorious hills where
somebody had had a home sometime.
The crude fence is made from
Ocotillo (oc'o'tee'o) branches.
On Tues. 29th Mrs Stohler- mother and ?
picknicked at Clear Creek. Mother -I got-
terrible colds. 3 lions were killed on Cam C
a day or so later.
Daisy E Green Wheaton
Dec 25, 1925.
Daisy Wheaton Stereographs
Still Image
Daisy E Green Wheaton, “Camp Creek Arizona,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 12, 2025,