The Owl, Vol. II, 1922
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to title page]
The Owl
Vol. II, 1922
Sunbury High School
[corresponds to title page]
The Owl
Vol. II, 1922
Sunbury High School
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.4)
[page 4]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 2]
Fly far and wide, little Owl, fly.
Spreading Sunbury High School's fame;
And may every one receive you
In the spirit in which you came.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 2]
Fly far and wide, little Owl, fly.
Spreading Sunbury High School's fame;
And may every one receive you
In the spirit in which you came.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 3]
This edition of The Owl
is respectfully dedicated
to the teachers of the
Sunbury [word 'High' crossed out] School.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 3]
This edition of The Owl
is respectfully dedicated
to the teachers of the
Sunbury [word 'High' crossed out] School.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4]
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to page 5]
THE OWL five
To the Patrons and Friends of the School and Readers of the Owl
In behalf of the teachers of the Sunbury Public Schools I wish to thank
you for the many kindnesses you have rendered toward your school and mine during
the past school year. Without your co-operation we could not have done the many
things we have succeeded to do. We have, with your help, made this school stand
well in this community and high in the esteem of the other schools in this and
other counties and well recommended by the State Department of Public Instruction.
Our pupils have enjoyed a pleasant year. Their fellowship has been
very close and the splendid co-operation of teacher and pupil has made this year's
social life amiable. Contact with good teachers makes the elements of education
real. The Sunbury teachers are devoted men and women whose lives are given to the
task of helping boys and girls realize their highest possibilities. They aim
to teach preparation for service. Their purpose, ideals, and motives are distinctly
Christian. Their high standards of scholarship, their interest in health,
social and recreational activities help to make the Sunbury boys and girls what we
would like to have them.
Our school system does not narrow to any one-sided course or pursuit,
but endeavors to broaden its possibilities in so far as expansion is co-extensive
with good pedagogy.
Each department of our school is not forgetful of their weekly or
daily religious services. The first six grades hold their services in their
respective rooms, while the grammar grades and the high school hold their
Chapel service together regularly on Wednesday of each week. This service is
frequently honored by some local or foreign visitor who speaks on current topics
of interest and shares with the students the inspiration gained through experience.
In order that the pupils may be stimulated in Literary Art the Sunbury
Board of Education regularly employees a teacher in Public Speaking and Expression.
The work of this teacher is required in the first six grades and is made elective
in the upper six. Much interest is taken in this work and a marked improvement in
expression is noticed among the students. Each pupil is given an opportunity to
appear in public at least once during the school year. November the twenty-third
the public had an opportunity to hear the lower grades in an appropriate program
rendered at the Opera House. While the grammar grades proved themselves capable
of pleasing the parents and patrons of the school in a patriotic program given
February the Twenty-fourth.
The high school regularly maintains its literary societies, the Athenian
and Philomathean. Each fall the freshman class is by lot divided into the above
mentioned societies. Separate meetings are held monthly at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in
the school building, where the public is cordially invited. Here the students are
trained in conducting business meetings and are drilled in oration, essay and debate
and other numbers of literary nature. Often times after the program a social time
is enjoyed in the basement of the building where teacher and pupil become better
acquainted and enjoy themselves together. In the spring a literary contest is held
between the societies where much interest is displayed. Our high school trains an
affirmative and a negative debating team, which meet similar teams from other high
schools in Delaware county in friendly debate. We also furnish an orator in the
County High School Oratorical Contest.
Freehand drawing and landscape painting is taught in the first eight
grades. Much interest has been created and the teachers report work well done and
much accomplished.
Music has made much progress in our schools. The lower grades are taught
by their teachers, while the upper grades are supervised by Mr. Neilson. The high
school orchestra and glee club have done exceedingly well, and have furnished
musical enjoyment at most of the school's public programs, and during Chapel. Now
and then they render a public program. They will furnish the music at the
baccalaureate and commencement exercises.
Although athletics are secondary in our school we think them necessary.
We try to develop winning teams, but to win at any price is not our aim. Our boys
and girls have won one bronze, one silver and two gold medals in athletic contests
within the last year. And the girls track team has held the silver loving cup of
the Delaware County Athletic Association as a prize won at the track meets in 1921
and 1922.
We encourage the moral, mental, physical and social aspects of our
school life and try not overemphasize any one of them to the utter lack or
destruction of the other. We believe in a system that will be all round and
one that will be adapted to the needs of the community in which we live.
We invite you to the school. We solicite the hearty co-operation
of citizen, patron and alumnus. We believe that where there is union there
is strength. A word now and then of constructive criticism and encouragement
will make your school and mine bigger and better.
So with best wishes to all we bid you farewell. ASA C. MYERS, Supt.
[corresponds to page 5]
THE OWL five
To the Patrons and Friends of the School and Readers of the Owl
In behalf of the teachers of the Sunbury Public Schools I wish to thank
you for the many kindnesses you have rendered toward your school and mine during
the past school year. Without your co-operation we could not have done the many
things we have succeeded to do. We have, with your help, made this school stand
well in this community and high in the esteem of the other schools in this and
other counties and well recommended by the State Department of Public Instruction.
Our pupils have enjoyed a pleasant year. Their fellowship has been
very close and the splendid co-operation of teacher and pupil has made this year's
social life amiable. Contact with good teachers makes the elements of education
real. The Sunbury teachers are devoted men and women whose lives are given to the
task of helping boys and girls realize their highest possibilities. They aim
to teach preparation for service. Their purpose, ideals, and motives are distinctly
Christian. Their high standards of scholarship, their interest in health,
social and recreational activities help to make the Sunbury boys and girls what we
would like to have them.
Our school system does not narrow to any one-sided course or pursuit,
but endeavors to broaden its possibilities in so far as expansion is co-extensive
with good pedagogy.
Each department of our school is not forgetful of their weekly or
daily religious services. The first six grades hold their services in their
respective rooms, while the grammar grades and the high school hold their
Chapel service together regularly on Wednesday of each week. This service is
frequently honored by some local or foreign visitor who speaks on current topics
of interest and shares with the students the inspiration gained through experience.
In order that the pupils may be stimulated in Literary Art the Sunbury
Board of Education regularly employees a teacher in Public Speaking and Expression.
The work of this teacher is required in the first six grades and is made elective
in the upper six. Much interest is taken in this work and a marked improvement in
expression is noticed among the students. Each pupil is given an opportunity to
appear in public at least once during the school year. November the twenty-third
the public had an opportunity to hear the lower grades in an appropriate program
rendered at the Opera House. While the grammar grades proved themselves capable
of pleasing the parents and patrons of the school in a patriotic program given
February the Twenty-fourth.
The high school regularly maintains its literary societies, the Athenian
and Philomathean. Each fall the freshman class is by lot divided into the above
mentioned societies. Separate meetings are held monthly at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in
the school building, where the public is cordially invited. Here the students are
trained in conducting business meetings and are drilled in oration, essay and debate
and other numbers of literary nature. Often times after the program a social time
is enjoyed in the basement of the building where teacher and pupil become better
acquainted and enjoy themselves together. In the spring a literary contest is held
between the societies where much interest is displayed. Our high school trains an
affirmative and a negative debating team, which meet similar teams from other high
schools in Delaware county in friendly debate. We also furnish an orator in the
County High School Oratorical Contest.
Freehand drawing and landscape painting is taught in the first eight
grades. Much interest has been created and the teachers report work well done and
much accomplished.
Music has made much progress in our schools. The lower grades are taught
by their teachers, while the upper grades are supervised by Mr. Neilson. The high
school orchestra and glee club have done exceedingly well, and have furnished
musical enjoyment at most of the school's public programs, and during Chapel. Now
and then they render a public program. They will furnish the music at the
baccalaureate and commencement exercises.
Although athletics are secondary in our school we think them necessary.
We try to develop winning teams, but to win at any price is not our aim. Our boys
and girls have won one bronze, one silver and two gold medals in athletic contests
within the last year. And the girls track team has held the silver loving cup of
the Delaware County Athletic Association as a prize won at the track meets in 1921
and 1922.
We encourage the moral, mental, physical and social aspects of our
school life and try not overemphasize any one of them to the utter lack or
destruction of the other. We believe in a system that will be all round and
one that will be adapted to the needs of the community in which we live.
We invite you to the school. We solicite the hearty co-operation
of citizen, patron and alumnus. We believe that where there is union there
is strength. A word now and then of constructive criticism and encouragement
will make your school and mine bigger and better.
So with best wishes to all we bid you farewell. ASA C. MYERS, Supt.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to page 6]
Top row, from left to right-Mabel Wolfe, William Whitney, Russell Pickering, Edna
A'Neal, Leota Domigan, Gerald Crowl, Craig Hicks, Marie Williams
Bottom row,from left to right-Melton Rogers, Ellsworth Meeker, Paul Miller, Sterling
Beaver, Walter Carpenter
[corresponds to page 6]
Top row, from left to right-Mabel Wolfe, William Whitney, Russell Pickering, Edna
A'Neal, Leota Domigan, Gerald Crowl, Craig Hicks, Marie Williams
Bottom row,from left to right-Melton Rogers, Ellsworth Meeker, Paul Miller, Sterling
Beaver, Walter Carpenter
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.9)
[page 9]
[corresponds to page 7]
THE OWL seven
The Sunbury school grounds contain about three acres, which furnish a
baseball diamond, a basketball field, a tennis court and ample space for other
school sports.
The building is located at the south-west corner of the school grounds
among fifty-six shade trees. There is a very good cement walk leading from
Harrison street to the building. A beautiful privet hedge lines the walk.
Although one of the oldest school buildings in the county it is not old
from general appearance, but is fast growing out of date for lack of adequate
recitation and study space. Every available place is being used. Three
rooms in the basement are used for Domestic Science, Manual Training and
Science. Five rooms are used on the first floor for the first six grades, the
library and office. And four rooms on the second floor are used for the Gram-
mar Grades and the High School.
The time is not far distant when this building will either have to be re-
placed by a new one or given over to the grades and a modern structure
erected elsewhere for high school purposes.
[corresponds to page 7]
THE OWL seven
The Sunbury school grounds contain about three acres, which furnish a
baseball diamond, a basketball field, a tennis court and ample space for other
school sports.
The building is located at the south-west corner of the school grounds
among fifty-six shade trees. There is a very good cement walk leading from
Harrison street to the building. A beautiful privet hedge lines the walk.
Although one of the oldest school buildings in the county it is not old
from general appearance, but is fast growing out of date for lack of adequate
recitation and study space. Every available place is being used. Three
rooms in the basement are used for Domestic Science, Manual Training and
Science. Five rooms are used on the first floor for the first six grades, the
library and office. And four rooms on the second floor are used for the Gram-
mar Grades and the High School.
The time is not far distant when this building will either have to be re-
placed by a new one or given over to the grades and a modern structure
erected elsewhere for high school purposes.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.10)
[page 10]
[corresponds to page 8]
eight THE OWL
The illustrious class of 1922 began their eventful sojourn through the
Sunbury High School in September, 1918. When we climbed the historic
stairs to the large Assembly Room it was with nervous and lagging steps.
But when we beheld many other unfortunate "Freshies" who were from the
surrounding townships and greener yet than we, we took courage and re-
solved to stay.
A meeting was held the first week of school and the following officers
were elected: Leota Domigan, President; William Whitney, Vice-President;
and Mary Brookins, Secretary. As the days rolled by we received our share
of hazing, but nevertheless we proceeded to acquire laurels by diligent study.
In September, 1919, when the Sophomore Class collected, it was to our
sad disappointment to find that our number was reduced to seventeen. But
we proceeded to make the best of the affair and elected William Whitney,
President; Walter Carpenter, Vice-President, and Sterling Beaver, Secre-
tary and Treasurer. The crowning event of the year was the reception we
gave the Freshmen in the basement of our school building. It was a great
success and it has been a custom since then for the Sophomore Class to give
a reception for the Freshmen.
In our Junior year our number was reduced to fourteen, but they were
the old stand-bys and we proceeded to elect Gerald Crowl, President; Ells-
worth Meeker, Vice-President; Walter Carpenter, Secretary and Treasurer.
We gave a class play at the K.P. Opera House in the latter part of April,
which was a great success. During this year the President called a special
meeting at which time our motto was changed to "Out of School Life into
Life's School." The greatest of our achievements was the successful han-
dling of the Junior-Senior banquet--a success from start to finish due to the
natural ability of the Juniors.
At an early meeting in the Senior Year, we bestowed upon Walter Car-
penter the honorable office of President of the Senior Class, also elected Ells-
worth Meeker, Vice-President, and William Whitney, Secretary and Treas-
urer. The Senior Class is very well represented in all the Athletic Events
and in the Literary Work.
Our class rings are very artistic, and of our own designing, having our
class colors gold and blue on the ring, which is something new.
One of our last and most enjoyable events of the year was the Junior-
Senior Banquet given in our honor and the Commencement in which but
fourteen participated.
This ends the history of the class of '22 and in passing from the confines
of good old S.H.S. we pause to extend heartiest thanks to the Faculty and
congratulations to the classes following us in the hope that they may attain
loftier standards and ideals than we were able to attain.
We are proud to say that it was in S.H.S. that we were prepared to cope
with the problems of the world which we are to face.
We turn our backs reluctantly on the High School where we are now
numbered among the Alumni.
[corresponds to page 8]
eight THE OWL
The illustrious class of 1922 began their eventful sojourn through the
Sunbury High School in September, 1918. When we climbed the historic
stairs to the large Assembly Room it was with nervous and lagging steps.
But when we beheld many other unfortunate "Freshies" who were from the
surrounding townships and greener yet than we, we took courage and re-
solved to stay.
A meeting was held the first week of school and the following officers
were elected: Leota Domigan, President; William Whitney, Vice-President;
and Mary Brookins, Secretary. As the days rolled by we received our share
of hazing, but nevertheless we proceeded to acquire laurels by diligent study.
In September, 1919, when the Sophomore Class collected, it was to our
sad disappointment to find that our number was reduced to seventeen. But
we proceeded to make the best of the affair and elected William Whitney,
President; Walter Carpenter, Vice-President, and Sterling Beaver, Secre-
tary and Treasurer. The crowning event of the year was the reception we
gave the Freshmen in the basement of our school building. It was a great
success and it has been a custom since then for the Sophomore Class to give
a reception for the Freshmen.
In our Junior year our number was reduced to fourteen, but they were
the old stand-bys and we proceeded to elect Gerald Crowl, President; Ells-
worth Meeker, Vice-President; Walter Carpenter, Secretary and Treasurer.
We gave a class play at the K.P. Opera House in the latter part of April,
which was a great success. During this year the President called a special
meeting at which time our motto was changed to "Out of School Life into
Life's School." The greatest of our achievements was the successful han-
dling of the Junior-Senior banquet--a success from start to finish due to the
natural ability of the Juniors.
At an early meeting in the Senior Year, we bestowed upon Walter Car-
penter the honorable office of President of the Senior Class, also elected Ells-
worth Meeker, Vice-President, and William Whitney, Secretary and Treas-
urer. The Senior Class is very well represented in all the Athletic Events
and in the Literary Work.
Our class rings are very artistic, and of our own designing, having our
class colors gold and blue on the ring, which is something new.
One of our last and most enjoyable events of the year was the Junior-
Senior Banquet given in our honor and the Commencement in which but
fourteen participated.
This ends the history of the class of '22 and in passing from the confines
of good old S.H.S. we pause to extend heartiest thanks to the Faculty and
congratulations to the classes following us in the hope that they may attain
loftier standards and ideals than we were able to attain.
We are proud to say that it was in S.H.S. that we were prepared to cope
with the problems of the world which we are to face.
We turn our backs reluctantly on the High School where we are now
numbered among the Alumni.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.11)
[page 11]
[corresponds to page 9]
THE OWL nine
Senior Class President 4th year
Treasurer of Class 3rd year
Vice-President of Class 2nd year
Business Manager of Owl 4th year
Treasurer of Philomathean Literary Society
4th year
Treasurer Philomathean Literary Society,
3rd and 4th years
Vice-President of Class, 3rd and 4th years
Treasurer Athletic Association, 3rd year.
Played on Basketball team 3rd and 4th years
Played on Baseball team 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
On Debating Team 4th year
President of High School 4th year
President of Athenian Literary Society 4th
Secretary of Class 4th year
Assistant Editor of the Owl 4th year
Played on Basketball team 3rd year
On Debating team 3rd year
President of Class 2nd year
Orchestra 4th year
Marengo High School 1st and 2nd years
Class Poet 4th year
[corresponds to page 9]
THE OWL nine
Senior Class President 4th year
Treasurer of Class 3rd year
Vice-President of Class 2nd year
Business Manager of Owl 4th year
Treasurer of Philomathean Literary Society
4th year
Treasurer Philomathean Literary Society,
3rd and 4th years
Vice-President of Class, 3rd and 4th years
Treasurer Athletic Association, 3rd year.
Played on Basketball team 3rd and 4th years
Played on Baseball team 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
On Debating Team 4th year
President of High School 4th year
President of Athenian Literary Society 4th
Secretary of Class 4th year
Assistant Editor of the Owl 4th year
Played on Basketball team 3rd year
On Debating team 3rd year
President of Class 2nd year
Orchestra 4th year
Marengo High School 1st and 2nd years
Class Poet 4th year
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.12)
[page 12]
[corresponds to page 10]
Vice-President Athenian Literary Society
4th year
Cheer Leader 4th year
On Debating Team 3rd and 4th years
Track Manager 3rd year
Editor-in-Chief of Owl 4th year
[photo] RUTH DAVIS
Music 1st, 2nd, 4th years
Class Reporter of the Owl, 4th year
Treasurer of Class 3rd year
Secretary of Athenian Literary Society 4th
Music 1st, 3rd, and 4th years
Played on Basketball team 2nd, 3rd, 4th years
Played on Baseball team 2nd, 3rd, 4th years
Track 3rd and 4th years
Assistant Subscription Manager of the Owl
4th year
President of Class 1st year
Played on Basketball team 1st, 2nd, 3rd and
4th years
Alumni Editor of the Owl 4th year
Music 4th year
Art Editor of the Owl 4th year
Played on Basketball team 2nd, 3rd--Capt.,
4th years
Played on Baseball Team 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Track 3rd and 4th years
On Debating team 4th year
[corresponds to page 10]
Vice-President Athenian Literary Society
4th year
Cheer Leader 4th year
On Debating Team 3rd and 4th years
Track Manager 3rd year
Editor-in-Chief of Owl 4th year
[photo] RUTH DAVIS
Music 1st, 2nd, 4th years
Class Reporter of the Owl, 4th year
Treasurer of Class 3rd year
Secretary of Athenian Literary Society 4th
Music 1st, 3rd, and 4th years
Played on Basketball team 2nd, 3rd, 4th years
Played on Baseball team 2nd, 3rd, 4th years
Track 3rd and 4th years
Assistant Subscription Manager of the Owl
4th year
President of Class 1st year
Played on Basketball team 1st, 2nd, 3rd and
4th years
Alumni Editor of the Owl 4th year
Music 4th year
Art Editor of the Owl 4th year
Played on Basketball team 2nd, 3rd--Capt.,
4th years
Played on Baseball Team 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Track 3rd and 4th years
On Debating team 4th year
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.13)
[page 13]
[corresponds to page 11]
Oratory 3rd year
On Debating team 3rd year
Secretary of High School 4th year
Class Treasurer 2nd year
Subscription Manager of the Owl 4th year
Vice-President of High School 4th year
Music 3rd and 4th years
Played on Basketball team 3rd and 4th years
Played on Baseball team 3rd year
Assistant Business Manager of the Owl 4th
On Debating team 3rd year
Played on Basketball team 3rd and 4th years
Track 3rd year
Centurburg High School, three years
Track 4th year
Basketball 4th year
[corresponds to page 11]
Oratory 3rd year
On Debating team 3rd year
Secretary of High School 4th year
Class Treasurer 2nd year
Subscription Manager of the Owl 4th year
Vice-President of High School 4th year
Music 3rd and 4th years
Played on Basketball team 3rd and 4th years
Played on Baseball team 3rd year
Assistant Business Manager of the Owl 4th
On Debating team 3rd year
Played on Basketball team 3rd and 4th years
Track 3rd year
Centurburg High School, three years
Track 4th year
Basketball 4th year
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.14)
[page 14]
[corresponds to page 12]
twelve THE OWL
I am the prophet of Gren, And be so pleased with the western
From my window high in my tower He will get a cowgirl for a wife.
I can see the fates of all men, Taffy Domigan will be a farmer's wife
From their birth to their dying hour. And have to milk the cow,
O'er the broad field of life I can see, But she will like the country life
From the tramp to the man on the Much more than she does now.
There's a class at Sunbury High School Gerald Crowl doesn't like English Lit.
Wants to know its fortune kind or And he doesn't like to figger,
So if each of the class will come here But with pick and shovel make a hit,
I will tell what his future will be. So makes a fine grave digger.
Do not wait and stand back for fear To Rome Corners Ellsworth Meeker
will go,
For I tell the truth and it's free. And become Chief Constable there.
The first to inquire is Squire Grey He will make the autos run slow,
Who comes to school in a fliver Coupe. And he won't even let people swear.
A Lecturer he will try to be, Ruth Davis will be a stenographer,
But become a conductor on the C.A.&C. And punch a typewriter all the long day,
Mutt Rogers will put his savings Till a butcher falls in love with her,
In a good ole Missouri mule, And with him she'll run away.
But when he learns its ravings, Bill Whitney will be a bandit
He will start a dancing school. And go to Mexico,
Doc Carpenter, the President of Class But soon get caught and in prison sit,
Who gets his lessons first rate, For a couple of years or so.
Will join a Red Cross ship Frances McCormick will marry an
And become chief surgeon's mate. And wear a bracelet of diamond and
Olive Scott will be a suffragette But she will leave him soon
Or try a hand in politics, And look for another honeymoon.
And take any office she can get Dutch Cring will build in Condit Town
From the men, by various tricks. A shoe repairing shop,
Craig Hicks is ambitious to be And live quite well the year aroun'
Manager of a gum factory, On crackers, cheese and pop.
But he will chew so much that the --As for the future of the Prophet of Gren,
business won't pay,
So will otherwise make a living by Tell me, please, anyone who can.
pitching hay.
Pete Beaver will go out West PAUL MILLER, '22
[corresponds to page 12]
twelve THE OWL
I am the prophet of Gren, And be so pleased with the western
From my window high in my tower He will get a cowgirl for a wife.
I can see the fates of all men, Taffy Domigan will be a farmer's wife
From their birth to their dying hour. And have to milk the cow,
O'er the broad field of life I can see, But she will like the country life
From the tramp to the man on the Much more than she does now.
There's a class at Sunbury High School Gerald Crowl doesn't like English Lit.
Wants to know its fortune kind or And he doesn't like to figger,
So if each of the class will come here But with pick and shovel make a hit,
I will tell what his future will be. So makes a fine grave digger.
Do not wait and stand back for fear To Rome Corners Ellsworth Meeker
will go,
For I tell the truth and it's free. And become Chief Constable there.
The first to inquire is Squire Grey He will make the autos run slow,
Who comes to school in a fliver Coupe. And he won't even let people swear.
A Lecturer he will try to be, Ruth Davis will be a stenographer,
But become a conductor on the C.A.&C. And punch a typewriter all the long day,
Mutt Rogers will put his savings Till a butcher falls in love with her,
In a good ole Missouri mule, And with him she'll run away.
But when he learns its ravings, Bill Whitney will be a bandit
He will start a dancing school. And go to Mexico,
Doc Carpenter, the President of Class But soon get caught and in prison sit,
Who gets his lessons first rate, For a couple of years or so.
Will join a Red Cross ship Frances McCormick will marry an
And become chief surgeon's mate. And wear a bracelet of diamond and
Olive Scott will be a suffragette But she will leave him soon
Or try a hand in politics, And look for another honeymoon.
And take any office she can get Dutch Cring will build in Condit Town
From the men, by various tricks. A shoe repairing shop,
Craig Hicks is ambitious to be And live quite well the year aroun'
Manager of a gum factory, On crackers, cheese and pop.
But he will chew so much that the --As for the future of the Prophet of Gren,
business won't pay,
So will otherwise make a living by Tell me, please, anyone who can.
pitching hay.
Pete Beaver will go out West PAUL MILLER, '22
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.15)
[page 15]
[corresponds to page 13]
THE OWL thirteen
Through four short annums we now have traveled,
Our future is soon to be unraveled.
As o'er our lessons we have pondered
Our minds have oft to the future wandered.
In our Athletics we often excel
But life has taught us defeats as well.
But these things tend to make us stronger,
So we will dwell on them no longer.
"Out of school life, into life's school"
Which is our motto; to us is a rule,
We all look forward to success,
This, nothing more, nothing less.
As Freshmen we numbered thirty-five,
As a class of fourteen we now thrive,
Each struggling to maintain
Some honor for our High School's gain.
We bid farewell to teachers dear
For we have finished our work here.
Schoolmates we ne'er will forget you,
As o'er this world we wander through.
[corresponds to page 13]
THE OWL thirteen
Through four short annums we now have traveled,
Our future is soon to be unraveled.
As o'er our lessons we have pondered
Our minds have oft to the future wandered.
In our Athletics we often excel
But life has taught us defeats as well.
But these things tend to make us stronger,
So we will dwell on them no longer.
"Out of school life, into life's school"
Which is our motto; to us is a rule,
We all look forward to success,
This, nothing more, nothing less.
As Freshmen we numbered thirty-five,
As a class of fourteen we now thrive,
Each struggling to maintain
Some honor for our High School's gain.
We bid farewell to teachers dear
For we have finished our work here.
Schoolmates we ne'er will forget you,
As o'er this world we wander through.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.16)
[page 16]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 14]
Top row, from left to right-Arline Cochran, Allan Fisher, Ralph Clark, Robert Allison, Frank Stelzer, Earl Cline, Allan Cochran, Carl Loar, Helen Stockwell
Bottom Row, from left to right-Mary Brookens, Ella Murphy, Mabel Loar,
Mabel Hill, Geneva Wigton, Edna A'Neal, Janet Rogers, Ruth Spencer, Netta Barton
[corresponds to unlabeled page 14]
Top row, from left to right-Arline Cochran, Allan Fisher, Ralph Clark, Robert Allison, Frank Stelzer, Earl Cline, Allan Cochran, Carl Loar, Helen Stockwell
Bottom Row, from left to right-Mary Brookens, Ella Murphy, Mabel Loar,
Mabel Hill, Geneva Wigton, Edna A'Neal, Janet Rogers, Ruth Spencer, Netta Barton
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.17)
[page 17]
[corresponds to page 15]
THE OWL fifteen
In the year of 1919 we were introduced into S.H.S. with the proud title
of Freshmen. We then believed that we had reached the heights of learning.
But lo! Not long had we traveled the road of High School when we saw loom-
ing up in our pathway a hugh mountain. The composition of the rugged por-
tion of this mountain was hard studies, examinations, hazing rules, and the
smooth and bright part was composed of athletics, parties, and all social fa-
fairs. We were all struck dumb with horror, but at last we formed the con-
clusion that we must work and strive for the summit.
Slowly we began the ascent endeavoring to take a firm footing at every
step in order that we would not fall back on dangerous grounds called low
grades. In the beginning all worked diligently but as time swept on and on
the mountain became more rugged, and some became careless and they took
no care in choosing their footing and downward slid, not stopping at one step
but sliding many.
Some seemed to move on with an easy pace. The way seemed free from
obstacles for them, while for others the way was more difficult and blocaded,
but onward we struggled, sometimes slipping a step downward, this inspiring
us to work and study harder for that set goal.
The careless became more careless, indifferent, discouraged, and weary
of heart, and looking up they could see moving forms of the others disappear-
ing far in the distance of high grades.
Many times we were saved from hard and bruising falls by a winding
root or firm shrub projecting from out the side of the cliff or by a ray of light
thrown out by our instructors into our dark and bewildered minds brighten-
ing the shadows there.
At the end of many months of striving we came to our final struggle,
which was to determine whether we were strong enough to reach the first
ledge and be termed Sophomores or remain below. But to our joy a number
of seventeen stood the test and were classed as Sophomores.
We were faint and weary with the struggle which we had maintained,
but here upon the ledge we were to remain for a brief length of time called
vacation. Here we inhaled the pure and invigorating air which strengthened
our bodies and minds for another struggle.
Soon we started on with light hearts all pushing toward the same goal,
which was to gain Junior rank. Onward and upward we strove. This ascent
was not as steep as the preceding one but we kept working, working from
daylight until dark. Often as we passed along we saw the signs "Do not
trespass" which were the laws layed down by our experienced instructors.
These warnings were excellent ones and bade us beware, for if we broke
through into these grounds we were justly punished. Quickly the time sped
onward and soon we all safely mounted the second ledge together, where we
made a stop for a brief period of time.
From this second ledge we see very distinctly the top and how light our
hearts become when we think of the time when we will stand on the highest
point of the mountain and smile as we think we have gained it at last.
But let me not for a moment impress upon your mind that our school life
has been all trials and hardships for much time have we had for our enjoy-
ments, which partly was spent for athletics and we are proud to be able to say
that one of our girl classmates received the highest honors ever presented to
any girl in the county. We are also proud of the fact that one of our boys
received a medal for a worthy feat. We have also indulged in literary work,
parties and all kinds of funmaking.
Now we start on again for the last ledge called Seniors, we are putting
forth every effort as we sincerely believe that it will not be long until we have
reached the long sought for goal. HELEN STOCKWELL, '23
[corresponds to page 15]
THE OWL fifteen
In the year of 1919 we were introduced into S.H.S. with the proud title
of Freshmen. We then believed that we had reached the heights of learning.
But lo! Not long had we traveled the road of High School when we saw loom-
ing up in our pathway a hugh mountain. The composition of the rugged por-
tion of this mountain was hard studies, examinations, hazing rules, and the
smooth and bright part was composed of athletics, parties, and all social fa-
fairs. We were all struck dumb with horror, but at last we formed the con-
clusion that we must work and strive for the summit.
Slowly we began the ascent endeavoring to take a firm footing at every
step in order that we would not fall back on dangerous grounds called low
grades. In the beginning all worked diligently but as time swept on and on
the mountain became more rugged, and some became careless and they took
no care in choosing their footing and downward slid, not stopping at one step
but sliding many.
Some seemed to move on with an easy pace. The way seemed free from
obstacles for them, while for others the way was more difficult and blocaded,
but onward we struggled, sometimes slipping a step downward, this inspiring
us to work and study harder for that set goal.
The careless became more careless, indifferent, discouraged, and weary
of heart, and looking up they could see moving forms of the others disappear-
ing far in the distance of high grades.
Many times we were saved from hard and bruising falls by a winding
root or firm shrub projecting from out the side of the cliff or by a ray of light
thrown out by our instructors into our dark and bewildered minds brighten-
ing the shadows there.
At the end of many months of striving we came to our final struggle,
which was to determine whether we were strong enough to reach the first
ledge and be termed Sophomores or remain below. But to our joy a number
of seventeen stood the test and were classed as Sophomores.
We were faint and weary with the struggle which we had maintained,
but here upon the ledge we were to remain for a brief length of time called
vacation. Here we inhaled the pure and invigorating air which strengthened
our bodies and minds for another struggle.
Soon we started on with light hearts all pushing toward the same goal,
which was to gain Junior rank. Onward and upward we strove. This ascent
was not as steep as the preceding one but we kept working, working from
daylight until dark. Often as we passed along we saw the signs "Do not
trespass" which were the laws layed down by our experienced instructors.
These warnings were excellent ones and bade us beware, for if we broke
through into these grounds we were justly punished. Quickly the time sped
onward and soon we all safely mounted the second ledge together, where we
made a stop for a brief period of time.
From this second ledge we see very distinctly the top and how light our
hearts become when we think of the time when we will stand on the highest
point of the mountain and smile as we think we have gained it at last.
But let me not for a moment impress upon your mind that our school life
has been all trials and hardships for much time have we had for our enjoy-
ments, which partly was spent for athletics and we are proud to be able to say
that one of our girl classmates received the highest honors ever presented to
any girl in the county. We are also proud of the fact that one of our boys
received a medal for a worthy feat. We have also indulged in literary work,
parties and all kinds of funmaking.
Now we start on again for the last ledge called Seniors, we are putting
forth every effort as we sincerely believe that it will not be long until we have
reached the long sought for goal. HELEN STOCKWELL, '23
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.18)
[page 18]
[corresponds to page 16]
sixteen THE OWL
We started to Sunbury a merry team
In nineteen hundred and nineteen.
Our band numbered just forty-three,
A worthwhile number don't you see?
We battled and struggled amid the blast,
Striving always to be ahead in our class.
Though often times we failed to succeed
It stirred us on to a worthier deed.
Some were discouraged, gave up in despair,
While the rest struggled on with the greatest of care,
And at the beginning of the following year
Some were held back, we were sorry to hear.
But onward and upward we worked with a will,
Endeavoring with fervor our tasks to fulfill.
At last came our test for the second year,
But our work was successful in spite of our fear.
But now happy Juniors, we, you will find;
And because of our conduct we are sometimes behind,
But with better endeavor we resolve now to strive
To be dignified Seniors, our hope and our pride.
[corresponds to page 16]
sixteen THE OWL
We started to Sunbury a merry team
In nineteen hundred and nineteen.
Our band numbered just forty-three,
A worthwhile number don't you see?
We battled and struggled amid the blast,
Striving always to be ahead in our class.
Though often times we failed to succeed
It stirred us on to a worthier deed.
Some were discouraged, gave up in despair,
While the rest struggled on with the greatest of care,
And at the beginning of the following year
Some were held back, we were sorry to hear.
But onward and upward we worked with a will,
Endeavoring with fervor our tasks to fulfill.
At last came our test for the second year,
But our work was successful in spite of our fear.
But now happy Juniors, we, you will find;
And because of our conduct we are sometimes behind,
But with better endeavor we resolve now to strive
To be dignified Seniors, our hope and our pride.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.19)
[page 19]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 17]
Top row, from left to right-Oscar Jepsen, Russel A'Neal, Russel Pickering,
Edward Mathews, Van Hoover, Packard Schneider
Middle row, from left to right-Viola Utley, Jessie Walker, Helen Little,
Mabel Wolfe, Velda Walker, Angeline Stanforth, Erma Anderson,
Lillian Searles, Janet Culver, Almeda Buckingham
Bottom row, from left to right-Madaline Allison, Virginia Frye, Grace Cring,
Ersul Farris, Mable Cochran, Margaret Barton, Marie Williams, Nora White
[corresponds to unlabeled page 17]
Top row, from left to right-Oscar Jepsen, Russel A'Neal, Russel Pickering,
Edward Mathews, Van Hoover, Packard Schneider
Middle row, from left to right-Viola Utley, Jessie Walker, Helen Little,
Mabel Wolfe, Velda Walker, Angeline Stanforth, Erma Anderson,
Lillian Searles, Janet Culver, Almeda Buckingham
Bottom row, from left to right-Madaline Allison, Virginia Frye, Grace Cring,
Ersul Farris, Mable Cochran, Margaret Barton, Marie Williams, Nora White
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.20)
[page 20]
[corresponds to page 18]
eighteen THE OWL
On the first Monday in September, 1920, we began our career at S.H.S.
as Freshmen. There were thirty-five of us and all were a little shy and
silently took the jokes which were thrust at us by the upper classmen. The
first thing of any importance was the Welcome Party given us by the Sopho-
more. We were initiated at that party and when we returned home nearly
every one was thinking "Some one is always taking the joy out of life," but
that thought was never spoken.
Several members of the class were on the Girls Basketball Team and two
or three were on the Track Team.
All were in great fear of the examinations but when they were over most
of us passed to the dignified rank of Sophomores, although a few found it too
hard to make a grade of 75% and remained in the Freshman Class.
In September, 1921, twenty-eight again made their appearance at S.H.S.
but now we were Sophomores and no longer feared the taunts of the other
classes. We had the satisfaction of initiating the "Little Freshies" this year
and held a party in their honor. Before Christmas the four classes had been
selling Christmas Seals and the "Freshies" sold more than we did, so to
satisfy them, we, together with the Seniors, gave a party at the schoolhouse
in honor of the Juniors and Freshmen. When the time to return home came
all were loath to go but when we did the vote that we had had a good time was
At the beginning of the second semester some of us attempted Geometry,
but goodness! Our smiles faded from our faces and perplexing looks began
to take their place. But we are all striving, ever striving to reach our goal
and become Juniors.
This is our history as Freshmen and Sophomores, but as Juniors and
Seniors we expect to become more brilliant and to wear even wiser looks than
we do now and we shall always have with us our motto "Hard work brings
One time I got to thinking of the way we Sophomores have spent our time,
On the humdrum work of studying, and the tasks that never end.
So I counted up the minutes, and the answer made me blink;
I found we spent one hour in five merely trying to think.
And so we got to hating the dull things we had to do,
School doesn't seem worth a snap, with the Sophomores so blue,
For we would stand there working problems, in a mood as black as ink,
Till teacher called the class to order, just merely trying to think.
And then as we sat thinking we could look away so far,
Passed the meadows to the woodland, where the red wood lilies are,
And in fancy we could wander down the blossom bordered stream,
And our hated tasks we finished, when we came back from our dream.
And now it isn't drudging, and the reason is, we think,
That the Sophomores have discovered the importance of ink.
And now we hardly ever think, for we write things with a smile,
And take time each day to dream, a little dream once in awhile.
[corresponds to page 18]
eighteen THE OWL
On the first Monday in September, 1920, we began our career at S.H.S.
as Freshmen. There were thirty-five of us and all were a little shy and
silently took the jokes which were thrust at us by the upper classmen. The
first thing of any importance was the Welcome Party given us by the Sopho-
more. We were initiated at that party and when we returned home nearly
every one was thinking "Some one is always taking the joy out of life," but
that thought was never spoken.
Several members of the class were on the Girls Basketball Team and two
or three were on the Track Team.
All were in great fear of the examinations but when they were over most
of us passed to the dignified rank of Sophomores, although a few found it too
hard to make a grade of 75% and remained in the Freshman Class.
In September, 1921, twenty-eight again made their appearance at S.H.S.
but now we were Sophomores and no longer feared the taunts of the other
classes. We had the satisfaction of initiating the "Little Freshies" this year
and held a party in their honor. Before Christmas the four classes had been
selling Christmas Seals and the "Freshies" sold more than we did, so to
satisfy them, we, together with the Seniors, gave a party at the schoolhouse
in honor of the Juniors and Freshmen. When the time to return home came
all were loath to go but when we did the vote that we had had a good time was
At the beginning of the second semester some of us attempted Geometry,
but goodness! Our smiles faded from our faces and perplexing looks began
to take their place. But we are all striving, ever striving to reach our goal
and become Juniors.
This is our history as Freshmen and Sophomores, but as Juniors and
Seniors we expect to become more brilliant and to wear even wiser looks than
we do now and we shall always have with us our motto "Hard work brings
One time I got to thinking of the way we Sophomores have spent our time,
On the humdrum work of studying, and the tasks that never end.
So I counted up the minutes, and the answer made me blink;
I found we spent one hour in five merely trying to think.
And so we got to hating the dull things we had to do,
School doesn't seem worth a snap, with the Sophomores so blue,
For we would stand there working problems, in a mood as black as ink,
Till teacher called the class to order, just merely trying to think.
And then as we sat thinking we could look away so far,
Passed the meadows to the woodland, where the red wood lilies are,
And in fancy we could wander down the blossom bordered stream,
And our hated tasks we finished, when we came back from our dream.
And now it isn't drudging, and the reason is, we think,
That the Sophomores have discovered the importance of ink.
And now we hardly ever think, for we write things with a smile,
And take time each day to dream, a little dream once in awhile.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.21)
[page 21]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 19]
Top row, from left to right--Owen Meredith, Georgie Walker, Louis Duckworth,
Nelson Laughery, Herbert Dearing, Howard Cring, Deane Barker, Harold White,
Arlo Searles, Virgil Blaine, Percy Downing, William Lee, Arthur A'Neal
Middle row, from left to right--Lawrence Callahan, Stanley Strosnider, Damon Ross,
Frank Van Auken, Russel Weiss, Harlan Williamson, Raymond Jennings, John Comstock,
Noah Green, Ralph Piper, Boyd Hoskingson, Walter Weiser
Bottom row, from left to right--Laura Vermillion, Mary Snavely, Mathilda Longshore,
Ethel Matthews, Lena Bonham, Anna Mae Meeker, Mildred Lahmon, Helen Morris,
Edna Comstock, Bunice Vermillion, Virginia Strosnider, Frances Perfect
[corresponds to unlabeled page 19]
Top row, from left to right--Owen Meredith, Georgie Walker, Louis Duckworth,
Nelson Laughery, Herbert Dearing, Howard Cring, Deane Barker, Harold White,
Arlo Searles, Virgil Blaine, Percy Downing, William Lee, Arthur A'Neal
Middle row, from left to right--Lawrence Callahan, Stanley Strosnider, Damon Ross,
Frank Van Auken, Russel Weiss, Harlan Williamson, Raymond Jennings, John Comstock,
Noah Green, Ralph Piper, Boyd Hoskingson, Walter Weiser
Bottom row, from left to right--Laura Vermillion, Mary Snavely, Mathilda Longshore,
Ethel Matthews, Lena Bonham, Anna Mae Meeker, Mildred Lahmon, Helen Morris,
Edna Comstock, Bunice Vermillion, Virginia Strosnider, Frances Perfect
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.22)
[page 22]
[corresponds to page 20]
twenty THE OWL
We the Class of '25 have not as yet much history to relate, but all hope to
have their names enrolled before our four years of high school life have
passed. We entered the High School on Sept. 5, 1921, greeted by the happy
cheers and jibes of the upper classmen and our friends-to-be.
All started out to have a good time, thinking it was a joke to drop from
nine subjects to four. It did not take long however, for most of us to realize
our mistake and start to work with the resolve to make good.
After three weeks of hard study the Sophomores gave an initiation party
in our honor. It was held in the basement of the School Building and every
one turned out to have a good time, also to enjoy the refreshments. Every
one was then properly and some painfully initiated. Then we were really and
truly Freshmen and Oh, what a "grand and glorious feel" it was.
As we were then Freshmen proper a meeting was held to organize the
class and elect officers, and choose our class colors. Ralph Piper was elected
President; Bunice Vermillion, Vice-President; Helen Morris, Secretary, and
Kenneth Roof, Treasurer, with Raymond Jennings, Sergeant-at-Arms. A
vote was then taken on the class colors and purple and gold were chosen. Gold
the conquering hue of the sun and purple to represent royalty.
What a grand thing it would be if the forty that started in as Freshmen
and chose those colors to represent them through their high school course,
could graduate under them in the Spring of '25 and know that they had won
a great victory. They would then enter upon the broad plain of life with those
inspiring colors ever before their eyes as a guide, and a new resolution to win
the greater battle before them, even as they had won that other battle which
had started in the Assembly Room of the Sunbury High School on Sept.
5th, 1921.
'Twas in the Fall of 'twenty-one,
As a Freshman class they had just begun,
They came to old S. H. S. and they
Will be remembered for many a day.
They entered school some forty strong,
and showed the Sophomores that they were wrong
In thinking Freshmen were all green
And never should be heard nor seen.
And in the classroom it was found,
As well as on the athletic ground,
That Freshmen were the ones to shine,
And take the honors every time.
Though Freshmen come and Freshmen go,
The time will never come, I know,
When you will find a class more alive
Than the famous class of 'twenty-five.
[corresponds to page 20]
twenty THE OWL
We the Class of '25 have not as yet much history to relate, but all hope to
have their names enrolled before our four years of high school life have
passed. We entered the High School on Sept. 5, 1921, greeted by the happy
cheers and jibes of the upper classmen and our friends-to-be.
All started out to have a good time, thinking it was a joke to drop from
nine subjects to four. It did not take long however, for most of us to realize
our mistake and start to work with the resolve to make good.
After three weeks of hard study the Sophomores gave an initiation party
in our honor. It was held in the basement of the School Building and every
one turned out to have a good time, also to enjoy the refreshments. Every
one was then properly and some painfully initiated. Then we were really and
truly Freshmen and Oh, what a "grand and glorious feel" it was.
As we were then Freshmen proper a meeting was held to organize the
class and elect officers, and choose our class colors. Ralph Piper was elected
President; Bunice Vermillion, Vice-President; Helen Morris, Secretary, and
Kenneth Roof, Treasurer, with Raymond Jennings, Sergeant-at-Arms. A
vote was then taken on the class colors and purple and gold were chosen. Gold
the conquering hue of the sun and purple to represent royalty.
What a grand thing it would be if the forty that started in as Freshmen
and chose those colors to represent them through their high school course,
could graduate under them in the Spring of '25 and know that they had won
a great victory. They would then enter upon the broad plain of life with those
inspiring colors ever before their eyes as a guide, and a new resolution to win
the greater battle before them, even as they had won that other battle which
had started in the Assembly Room of the Sunbury High School on Sept.
5th, 1921.
'Twas in the Fall of 'twenty-one,
As a Freshman class they had just begun,
They came to old S. H. S. and they
Will be remembered for many a day.
They entered school some forty strong,
and showed the Sophomores that they were wrong
In thinking Freshmen were all green
And never should be heard nor seen.
And in the classroom it was found,
As well as on the athletic ground,
That Freshmen were the ones to shine,
And take the honors every time.
Though Freshmen come and Freshmen go,
The time will never come, I know,
When you will find a class more alive
Than the famous class of 'twenty-five.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.23)
[page 23]
[corresponds to page 21]
THE OWL twenty-one
Faithful and true hearted,
Let us cheer our dear "Old High,"
We revere her and defend her,
And her colors proudly fly;
We will stand for her united,
Of her deeds we gladly tell,
Her colors streaming, Glad faces beaming,
So here's a cheer for her that we all love so well.
Joyous and ever loyal,
Let us boost for our "Old High,"
Let ev'ry heart sing,
Let ev'ry voice ring,
There's no time to grieve or sigh;
It's ever onward, our course pursuing,
May defeat ne'er our ardor cool,
But, united, we will boost for her,
Our Old High School.
Honors she has taken,
On the track and with the ball,
May she always rank the highest,
May her colors never fail;
There's no other that can match her,
When her team is on the field,
Her boys the fleetest, her girls the sweetest,
Then here's a cheer for her, for her who ne'er will yield.
Hear the echo prolong See the look in our eye:
While we're singing our song; Hear the chorus we cry:
"We're out to win! "We're out to win!
We're out to win! We're out to win!
We're out to win today!" We're out to win today!"
See them shiver and shake! Sing it over again!
See them quiver and quake! All together again!
We're out to win! We're out to win!
We're out to win! We're out to win!
We're out to win today! We're out to win today!
We're out to win!
No matter what's before us.
We're out to win!
O hear the mighty chorus!
We're out to win!
The signs are right today!
O see our grim determination as we say,
"We're out to win!"
We're out to win!
No matter what's before us.
We're out to win!
O hear the mighty chorus!
We're out to win!
The signs are right today!
We're out to win!
We're out to win!
[corresponds to page 21]
THE OWL twenty-one
Faithful and true hearted,
Let us cheer our dear "Old High,"
We revere her and defend her,
And her colors proudly fly;
We will stand for her united,
Of her deeds we gladly tell,
Her colors streaming, Glad faces beaming,
So here's a cheer for her that we all love so well.
Joyous and ever loyal,
Let us boost for our "Old High,"
Let ev'ry heart sing,
Let ev'ry voice ring,
There's no time to grieve or sigh;
It's ever onward, our course pursuing,
May defeat ne'er our ardor cool,
But, united, we will boost for her,
Our Old High School.
Honors she has taken,
On the track and with the ball,
May she always rank the highest,
May her colors never fail;
There's no other that can match her,
When her team is on the field,
Her boys the fleetest, her girls the sweetest,
Then here's a cheer for her, for her who ne'er will yield.
Hear the echo prolong See the look in our eye:
While we're singing our song; Hear the chorus we cry:
"We're out to win! "We're out to win!
We're out to win! We're out to win!
We're out to win today!" We're out to win today!"
See them shiver and shake! Sing it over again!
See them quiver and quake! All together again!
We're out to win! We're out to win!
We're out to win! We're out to win!
We're out to win today! We're out to win today!
We're out to win!
No matter what's before us.
We're out to win!
O hear the mighty chorus!
We're out to win!
The signs are right today!
O see our grim determination as we say,
"We're out to win!"
We're out to win!
No matter what's before us.
We're out to win!
O hear the mighty chorus!
We're out to win!
The signs are right today!
We're out to win!
We're out to win!
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.24)
[page 24]
[corresponds to page 22]
twenty-two THE OWL
Editor-in-Chief..........................Paul Miller
Assistant Editor-in-Chief................William Whitney
Business Manager.........................Walter Carpenter
Assistant Business Manager...............Craig Hicks
Subscription Manager.....................Sterling Beaver
Assistant Subscription Manager...........Gerald Crowl
Literary Editor..........................Ellsworth Meeker
Art Editor...............................Melton Rogers
Assistant Art Editor.....................Mabel Wolfe
News Editor..............................Russell Pickering
Assistant News Editor....................Marie Williams
Athletic Editor..........................Edna A'Neal
Alumni Editor............................Leota Domigan
We have done our utmost to make this edition of the Owl better than the
last in every respect. We have endeavored to extend its contents to our
present school year eliminating all that was possible concerning activities
previous to that time.
As we are all human we are subject to mistakes. But by the efficient
labor of the Staff, we strove to free our Annual from all mistakes.
We feel that our school is giving you an edition equal to that of much
larger schools and one which you cannot call cheap.
We hope that in future years many Editions will be added to the present
ones and that each one will find itself farther advanced than the latter.
Athletics in Sunbury High, the year of 1922, show a marked success over
those of the past few years.
We had one of the best basketball quintettes ever produced by our school,
and one which deserves much credit. One of its members received the gold
medal at the O.W.U. State Tournament for the highest scoring guard from
villages with a population from 500 to 1500.
We are also able to place a real baseball team on the field, one which will
bring honor in future years, as it is composed of seven first year men.
Our girls were able to participate in the County Championship basket-
ball game. They also brought home the honors from the track meet last
spring. One member of the squad won three events which was sufficient to
obtain a gold medal.
Athletics have been and will be beneficial to our school. It has taken the
place of Physical Training. It has aroused our spirit to the highest point and
has helped to bring honor to Sunbury and Community.
A High School Glee Club and a High School Orchestra were organized.
Mr. Neilson acted as director of both organizations.
[corresponds to page 22]
twenty-two THE OWL
Editor-in-Chief..........................Paul Miller
Assistant Editor-in-Chief................William Whitney
Business Manager.........................Walter Carpenter
Assistant Business Manager...............Craig Hicks
Subscription Manager.....................Sterling Beaver
Assistant Subscription Manager...........Gerald Crowl
Literary Editor..........................Ellsworth Meeker
Art Editor...............................Melton Rogers
Assistant Art Editor.....................Mabel Wolfe
News Editor..............................Russell Pickering
Assistant News Editor....................Marie Williams
Athletic Editor..........................Edna A'Neal
Alumni Editor............................Leota Domigan
We have done our utmost to make this edition of the Owl better than the
last in every respect. We have endeavored to extend its contents to our
present school year eliminating all that was possible concerning activities
previous to that time.
As we are all human we are subject to mistakes. But by the efficient
labor of the Staff, we strove to free our Annual from all mistakes.
We feel that our school is giving you an edition equal to that of much
larger schools and one which you cannot call cheap.
We hope that in future years many Editions will be added to the present
ones and that each one will find itself farther advanced than the latter.
Athletics in Sunbury High, the year of 1922, show a marked success over
those of the past few years.
We had one of the best basketball quintettes ever produced by our school,
and one which deserves much credit. One of its members received the gold
medal at the O.W.U. State Tournament for the highest scoring guard from
villages with a population from 500 to 1500.
We are also able to place a real baseball team on the field, one which will
bring honor in future years, as it is composed of seven first year men.
Our girls were able to participate in the County Championship basket-
ball game. They also brought home the honors from the track meet last
spring. One member of the squad won three events which was sufficient to
obtain a gold medal.
Athletics have been and will be beneficial to our school. It has taken the
place of Physical Training. It has aroused our spirit to the highest point and
has helped to bring honor to Sunbury and Community.
A High School Glee Club and a High School Orchestra were organized.
Mr. Neilson acted as director of both organizations.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.25)
[page 25]
[corresponds to page 23]
THE OWL tweny-three
These societies have appeared at most of the Chapel exercises, also have
given public entertainments and on all of the occasions have performed
There is no doubt that the musical organizations of the year are the best
in the history of the Sunbury High School.
This school-year has witnessed increased interest and activity in both
Athenian and Philomathean Literary Societies. Several evening programs
have been given at the school and a contest between the two societies given
at K. of P. Hall was enthusiastically received by old members of the societies,
as well as by the public in general. The support given the officers of the or-
ganization by the pupils has been quite satisfactory.
Education is to fit one to take his place in the world. Knowledge is val-
uable only when translated into action. The society work gives training in
expression, and opportunity for application of knowledge gained in class-
room work.
The only adverse criticisms we have to make of the year's work is that
from a literary standpoint the programs given at the school were of a light
nature. The programs should not necessarily be funerals, but their purpose
should be instructive rather than entertaining.
A thought was expressed in each society this year, that is worth re-
membering this year and possibly the next: Keep on improving, but re-
member there is always room for more improvement. The benefit you
receive from your society is equal to the effort you put into it.
One of the rules Ohio hands down to her first-class high schools is, that
they shall have a library in the school which contains reference on the
various subjects taught.
We are glad to say that the past four years have each seen some im-
provement made in our library. The class of '17 presented the school with
two sectional bookcases, which met the approval of the school inspector and
saved our school from loss of charter.
Last fall the library was moved to the lower floor into the room formerly
used by the Superintendent. Since then Miss Jeffrey, with the assistance of
two boys in the school, has succeeded in indexing the three hundred and fifty
books under the duo-decimal system.
The Encyclopedia which had been in the school for some time was get-
ting out of date, and the new Encyclopedia, the gift of the Class of '21, made
a great addition to the library.
Current news and literature are provided this year by the Ohio State
Journal, Atlantic Monthly, American Magazine, Scientific Review and Amer-
ican Boy. Next year should see some improvement in the care of magazines.
It is progress like this that keeps Sunbury on top!
[corresponds to page 23]
THE OWL tweny-three
These societies have appeared at most of the Chapel exercises, also have
given public entertainments and on all of the occasions have performed
There is no doubt that the musical organizations of the year are the best
in the history of the Sunbury High School.
This school-year has witnessed increased interest and activity in both
Athenian and Philomathean Literary Societies. Several evening programs
have been given at the school and a contest between the two societies given
at K. of P. Hall was enthusiastically received by old members of the societies,
as well as by the public in general. The support given the officers of the or-
ganization by the pupils has been quite satisfactory.
Education is to fit one to take his place in the world. Knowledge is val-
uable only when translated into action. The society work gives training in
expression, and opportunity for application of knowledge gained in class-
room work.
The only adverse criticisms we have to make of the year's work is that
from a literary standpoint the programs given at the school were of a light
nature. The programs should not necessarily be funerals, but their purpose
should be instructive rather than entertaining.
A thought was expressed in each society this year, that is worth re-
membering this year and possibly the next: Keep on improving, but re-
member there is always room for more improvement. The benefit you
receive from your society is equal to the effort you put into it.
One of the rules Ohio hands down to her first-class high schools is, that
they shall have a library in the school which contains reference on the
various subjects taught.
We are glad to say that the past four years have each seen some im-
provement made in our library. The class of '17 presented the school with
two sectional bookcases, which met the approval of the school inspector and
saved our school from loss of charter.
Last fall the library was moved to the lower floor into the room formerly
used by the Superintendent. Since then Miss Jeffrey, with the assistance of
two boys in the school, has succeeded in indexing the three hundred and fifty
books under the duo-decimal system.
The Encyclopedia which had been in the school for some time was get-
ting out of date, and the new Encyclopedia, the gift of the Class of '21, made
a great addition to the library.
Current news and literature are provided this year by the Ohio State
Journal, Atlantic Monthly, American Magazine, Scientific Review and Amer-
ican Boy. Next year should see some improvement in the care of magazines.
It is progress like this that keeps Sunbury on top!
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.26)
[page 26]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 24]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 24]
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.27)
[page 27]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 25]
[image] Literary.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 25]
[image] Literary.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.28)
[page 28]
[corresponds to page 26]
twenty-six THE OWL
Top row, from left to right--Marie Williams, Vergil Blaine
Bottom row, from left to right--Paul Miller, Miss Jeffrey, Coach; Melton Rogers
Speaking to the question, resolved, That The United States should pro-
hibit Immigration to the United States, (territory comprising 48 states) for
a Period of Five Years, Sunbury High Debators won over Ostrander and lost
to Berlin at Berlin, Friday evening, March 31st.
Marie Williams, Melton Rogers, Paul Miller, and Virgil Blaine, alternate,
comprising the affirmative team, met and defeated Ostrander 3 to 0. Both
teams showed that they were well prepared on the subject, and showed
marked ability in presenting their arguments. The outcome was in doubt
until the final decision of the Judges. The Judges were Messrs. Harmont
and Spaulding of Delaware, and Prof. Rosselot of Otterbein.
[corresponds to page 26]
twenty-six THE OWL
Top row, from left to right--Marie Williams, Vergil Blaine
Bottom row, from left to right--Paul Miller, Miss Jeffrey, Coach; Melton Rogers
Speaking to the question, resolved, That The United States should pro-
hibit Immigration to the United States, (territory comprising 48 states) for
a Period of Five Years, Sunbury High Debators won over Ostrander and lost
to Berlin at Berlin, Friday evening, March 31st.
Marie Williams, Melton Rogers, Paul Miller, and Virgil Blaine, alternate,
comprising the affirmative team, met and defeated Ostrander 3 to 0. Both
teams showed that they were well prepared on the subject, and showed
marked ability in presenting their arguments. The outcome was in doubt
until the final decision of the Judges. The Judges were Messrs. Harmont
and Spaulding of Delaware, and Prof. Rosselot of Otterbein.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.29)
[page 29]
[corresponds to page 27]
THE OWL twenty-seven
Top row, from left to right--Netta Barton, Mabel Wolfe
Bottom row, from left to right--Carl Loar, Miss Jeffrey, Coach; Ellsworth Meeker
The negative team composed of Netta Barton, Carl Loar, Ellsworth
Meeker and Mabel Wolfe, alternate, met the affirmative team of Berlin at
Berlin on the same evening, unaccompanied by a corp of rooters on account
of the debate at home. Substitution was made necessary on our negative
team on account of sickness. Although meeting a number of reverses they
labored diligently on.
The same thing can be said of our negative team and of the team at
Berlin in regard to the preparing and delivery of their speeches as has
been said of the teams mentioned before. The Sunbury team seemed to have
the better arguments but lacked the necessary punch to put them across due
to their short period of training, while Miss Stevens of Berlin won the debate
for her school in her last rebuttal speech, due to her effective style.
The decision of the Judges was read by the Chairman, Attorney C.F.
Meyer, 3-0 in favor of Berlin. The Judges were Messrs. Crist, and J.C. Lara-
son of Delaware and Dr. Snavely of Otterbein.
[corresponds to page 27]
THE OWL twenty-seven
Top row, from left to right--Netta Barton, Mabel Wolfe
Bottom row, from left to right--Carl Loar, Miss Jeffrey, Coach; Ellsworth Meeker
The negative team composed of Netta Barton, Carl Loar, Ellsworth
Meeker and Mabel Wolfe, alternate, met the affirmative team of Berlin at
Berlin on the same evening, unaccompanied by a corp of rooters on account
of the debate at home. Substitution was made necessary on our negative
team on account of sickness. Although meeting a number of reverses they
labored diligently on.
The same thing can be said of our negative team and of the team at
Berlin in regard to the preparing and delivery of their speeches as has
been said of the teams mentioned before. The Sunbury team seemed to have
the better arguments but lacked the necessary punch to put them across due
to their short period of training, while Miss Stevens of Berlin won the debate
for her school in her last rebuttal speech, due to her effective style.
The decision of the Judges was read by the Chairman, Attorney C.F.
Meyer, 3-0 in favor of Berlin. The Judges were Messrs. Crist, and J.C. Lara-
son of Delaware and Dr. Snavely of Otterbein.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.30)
[page 30]
[corresponds to page 28]
twenty-eight THE OWL
On the outskirts of the little town of Clydesville, New York, stood a small
four roomed cottage. At a glance one could tell it was a home where poverty
prevailed, yet there was not a dry leaf or broken stick to mar the tidiness of
the miniature lawn. This was the home of John Henderson, his wife and twin
children, Jimmie and Jennie, who were now ten years of age.
At six o'clock a tall man of apparently fifty years, opened the door of this
little house and with a heavy step entered. Discouragement was apparent by
the weariness of his eyes and in the stoop of his shoulders; but his eyes
brightened somewhat as he caught sight of the curly heads of the twins, who,
as they saw him, sprang up from their play with the joyful cry of "Daddy"
and receiving in turn a hug and a kiss.
"Any success, John?" called the gentle voice of his wife, from the kitch-
en where she was preparing their meager dinner.
"No," the discouraged look was in his eyes again, "and Clara I've about
given up hope of ever getting a position. It seems there are no vacant places
for salesmen. I'm sure I don't know how we are going to meet the rent next
"There, dear, you are just tired. Things will look better in a few days.
See, I've got warm biscuits for dinner." Mrs. Henderson spoke with a voice
that was lighter than her heart.
"And, oh, Daddy," spoke up Jennie's voice excitedly, "Teacher says Jim-
mie and I must each have two new books. Won't that be nice?" but she did
not know that her innocent words caused her father to groan inwardly, and
her mother's heart to sink.
After the children were in their little beds and peacefully sleeping, the
father and mother held a consultation. How could they meet the rent and
pay for the children's books? They were of too proud and fine a nature to
allow Jimmie and Jennie to be without the necessities of the school life; and
they knew the landlord would willingly turn them out if the rent was not paid.
At last Mrs. Henderson said--
"Well, we can sell my prize quilt for at least thirty-five dollars. That
will pay the rent for this month and leave ten dollars for books and clothing for
the children. By next month business will surely pick up."
"I certainly hope so. But wait until Monday and if I do not find anything
by that time, then I'm afraid that altho I am reluctant to do it we shall have
to sell the quilt. If this should be necessary we shall have to replace it with
another and as I saw one advertised among the unclaimed articles at the
Custom House perhaps we can buy that at a low price."
Upon this decision they were agreed, and so on Saturday, as Mr. Hen-
derson was still unemployed, his wife got out her quilt and with a sad heart,
brushed and aired it, bringing out the lights of its richly embroidered colors.
It was indeed a beautiful thing and was famous for the prizes that had been
awarded it; but to Mrs. Henderson it carried thoughts of its maker, her old
The wonderful quilt had not been advertised long, before Mr. Simpson,
the wealthiest man in town bought it as a wedding present for his niece. He
was a kind old gentleman, and knowing the financial circumstances of the
Hendersons, he at once offered them fifty dollars for it. With great thank-
fulness Mrs. Henderson accepted, thinking that surely her cup of blessings
was overflowing. But alas! her happiness was to be shortlived.
She was preparing lunch for just herself and the children as Mr. Hender-
son had gone to the auction, when Jimmie, who was standing near the window
[corresponds to page 28]
twenty-eight THE OWL
On the outskirts of the little town of Clydesville, New York, stood a small
four roomed cottage. At a glance one could tell it was a home where poverty
prevailed, yet there was not a dry leaf or broken stick to mar the tidiness of
the miniature lawn. This was the home of John Henderson, his wife and twin
children, Jimmie and Jennie, who were now ten years of age.
At six o'clock a tall man of apparently fifty years, opened the door of this
little house and with a heavy step entered. Discouragement was apparent by
the weariness of his eyes and in the stoop of his shoulders; but his eyes
brightened somewhat as he caught sight of the curly heads of the twins, who,
as they saw him, sprang up from their play with the joyful cry of "Daddy"
and receiving in turn a hug and a kiss.
"Any success, John?" called the gentle voice of his wife, from the kitch-
en where she was preparing their meager dinner.
"No," the discouraged look was in his eyes again, "and Clara I've about
given up hope of ever getting a position. It seems there are no vacant places
for salesmen. I'm sure I don't know how we are going to meet the rent next
"There, dear, you are just tired. Things will look better in a few days.
See, I've got warm biscuits for dinner." Mrs. Henderson spoke with a voice
that was lighter than her heart.
"And, oh, Daddy," spoke up Jennie's voice excitedly, "Teacher says Jim-
mie and I must each have two new books. Won't that be nice?" but she did
not know that her innocent words caused her father to groan inwardly, and
her mother's heart to sink.
After the children were in their little beds and peacefully sleeping, the
father and mother held a consultation. How could they meet the rent and
pay for the children's books? They were of too proud and fine a nature to
allow Jimmie and Jennie to be without the necessities of the school life; and
they knew the landlord would willingly turn them out if the rent was not paid.
At last Mrs. Henderson said--
"Well, we can sell my prize quilt for at least thirty-five dollars. That
will pay the rent for this month and leave ten dollars for books and clothing for
the children. By next month business will surely pick up."
"I certainly hope so. But wait until Monday and if I do not find anything
by that time, then I'm afraid that altho I am reluctant to do it we shall have
to sell the quilt. If this should be necessary we shall have to replace it with
another and as I saw one advertised among the unclaimed articles at the
Custom House perhaps we can buy that at a low price."
Upon this decision they were agreed, and so on Saturday, as Mr. Hen-
derson was still unemployed, his wife got out her quilt and with a sad heart,
brushed and aired it, bringing out the lights of its richly embroidered colors.
It was indeed a beautiful thing and was famous for the prizes that had been
awarded it; but to Mrs. Henderson it carried thoughts of its maker, her old
The wonderful quilt had not been advertised long, before Mr. Simpson,
the wealthiest man in town bought it as a wedding present for his niece. He
was a kind old gentleman, and knowing the financial circumstances of the
Hendersons, he at once offered them fifty dollars for it. With great thank-
fulness Mrs. Henderson accepted, thinking that surely her cup of blessings
was overflowing. But alas! her happiness was to be shortlived.
She was preparing lunch for just herself and the children as Mr. Hender-
son had gone to the auction, when Jimmie, who was standing near the window
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.31)
[page 31]
[corresponds to page 29]
THE OWL twenty-nine
"Oh, Mother, there's a lot of people coming down the street and they are
carrying some one on a cot. Who do you suppose it is?"
As Mrs. Henderson glanced out of the window she noticed that the men
were looking in the direction of her house anxiously but thinking nothing of
it she resumed her work. Suddenly Jennie cried,
"Mother! Mother! It's our Daddy and he is so white!"
Mrs. Henderson grasped the back of a chair for support. Yes, the men
were stopping at the gate and there was no need questioning to whom that
pallid face belonged. Stumbling she groped her way to the door with the chil-
dren following her, crying hysterically. But before answering the hesitating
knock she turned to the children and said in a voice that she struggled to keep
"Listen children, remember if something has happened to Daddy, you
are Mother's little helpers."
Almost instantly they dried their tears and by this assurance of their
aid she regained her composure somewhat, then opened the door.
It seemed that host of weeping women and grave-faced men swarmed
around that still form. The one, who seemed to be the spokesman, stepped
forward a trifle and coughed twice before he said stammeringly,
"I'm very sorry to have to tell you but--but there--there's something
happened. It's his heart, and--and--"
"Go on," she whispered hoarsely.
"He's dead, ma'am."
Oh, what grief and trouble those words have the power to bring about!
To Mrs. Henderson they brought the commencement of many years of strug-
gle for the livelihood of herself and children. Poverty had not been so hard to
bear when the two had borne it together, but she could not as yet trouble the
merry hearts of the children with her worries. But young as they were they
realized why her eyes were troubled and her face so often careworn, and they
strove to make her life a little happier each day. They longed for an educa-
tion and by working in the summers and on holidays, the twins were able to
go regularly to the village school.
Now we shall turn over the chapters of the lives of the three till seven
years from the day of the unexpected death of Mr. Henderson.
The quilt that he had bought just an hour before his death, had been
brought in unnoticed by a neighbor and was kept by the widow as something
sacred. It was by no means beautiful, but at the sight of it on this day, Mrs.
Henderson's eyes filled with tears. She was replacing it gently in the box
when a young girl of seventeen entered the room and crossed to where her
mother was standing. She laid her arm across the silent woman's shoulders
and touched the quilt reverently and as she did so a sharp rustle of paper at-
tracted her attention. They looked at each other wonderingly.
"Why, Mother, there is a paper inside! What do you suppose it is?
And Look! The quilt seems to have been slit and loosely sewed up. Oh, let's
"Now Jennie you mustn't expect to find a package of love letters or
anything so romantic," smiled her mother teasingly, "But to satisfy our curiosity
I suppose we shall have to look. Get the scissors, dear."
Very much excited Jennie started to reopen the slit in the quilt. She
hoped it would contain something that would lead to an adventure! Or if it was
money, both she and Jimmie could graduate at the same time, she hoped it would be
so, for Jimmie had generously given up the thought of graduating at the same time
as his sister, knowing that they could not afford it. So, eagerly she pulled out
the envelope that was within and tore it open. Then she gave a little cry of
"Oh, Mother, it is nothing but some kind of an old map. Oh why couldn't
it have been something worth while?"
"Perhaps it is, dear, let me see it," and carefully scanning the paper
Mrs. Henderson saw on the reverse side these closely written words.
To the Receiver:--I am bequeathing all my wealth in this crude manner to
the one who buys this quilt. May it be that one who is needy will receive it.
As I have no living
[corresponds to page 29]
THE OWL twenty-nine
"Oh, Mother, there's a lot of people coming down the street and they are
carrying some one on a cot. Who do you suppose it is?"
As Mrs. Henderson glanced out of the window she noticed that the men
were looking in the direction of her house anxiously but thinking nothing of
it she resumed her work. Suddenly Jennie cried,
"Mother! Mother! It's our Daddy and he is so white!"
Mrs. Henderson grasped the back of a chair for support. Yes, the men
were stopping at the gate and there was no need questioning to whom that
pallid face belonged. Stumbling she groped her way to the door with the chil-
dren following her, crying hysterically. But before answering the hesitating
knock she turned to the children and said in a voice that she struggled to keep
"Listen children, remember if something has happened to Daddy, you
are Mother's little helpers."
Almost instantly they dried their tears and by this assurance of their
aid she regained her composure somewhat, then opened the door.
It seemed that host of weeping women and grave-faced men swarmed
around that still form. The one, who seemed to be the spokesman, stepped
forward a trifle and coughed twice before he said stammeringly,
"I'm very sorry to have to tell you but--but there--there's something
happened. It's his heart, and--and--"
"Go on," she whispered hoarsely.
"He's dead, ma'am."
Oh, what grief and trouble those words have the power to bring about!
To Mrs. Henderson they brought the commencement of many years of strug-
gle for the livelihood of herself and children. Poverty had not been so hard to
bear when the two had borne it together, but she could not as yet trouble the
merry hearts of the children with her worries. But young as they were they
realized why her eyes were troubled and her face so often careworn, and they
strove to make her life a little happier each day. They longed for an educa-
tion and by working in the summers and on holidays, the twins were able to
go regularly to the village school.
Now we shall turn over the chapters of the lives of the three till seven
years from the day of the unexpected death of Mr. Henderson.
The quilt that he had bought just an hour before his death, had been
brought in unnoticed by a neighbor and was kept by the widow as something
sacred. It was by no means beautiful, but at the sight of it on this day, Mrs.
Henderson's eyes filled with tears. She was replacing it gently in the box
when a young girl of seventeen entered the room and crossed to where her
mother was standing. She laid her arm across the silent woman's shoulders
and touched the quilt reverently and as she did so a sharp rustle of paper at-
tracted her attention. They looked at each other wonderingly.
"Why, Mother, there is a paper inside! What do you suppose it is?
And Look! The quilt seems to have been slit and loosely sewed up. Oh, let's
"Now Jennie you mustn't expect to find a package of love letters or
anything so romantic," smiled her mother teasingly, "But to satisfy our curiosity
I suppose we shall have to look. Get the scissors, dear."
Very much excited Jennie started to reopen the slit in the quilt. She
hoped it would contain something that would lead to an adventure! Or if it was
money, both she and Jimmie could graduate at the same time, she hoped it would be
so, for Jimmie had generously given up the thought of graduating at the same time
as his sister, knowing that they could not afford it. So, eagerly she pulled out
the envelope that was within and tore it open. Then she gave a little cry of
"Oh, Mother, it is nothing but some kind of an old map. Oh why couldn't
it have been something worth while?"
"Perhaps it is, dear, let me see it," and carefully scanning the paper
Mrs. Henderson saw on the reverse side these closely written words.
To the Receiver:--I am bequeathing all my wealth in this crude manner to
the one who buys this quilt. May it be that one who is needy will receive it.
As I have no living
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.32)
[page 32]
[corresponds to page 30]
thirty THE OWL
relatives or friends and am now having what I fear to be my last sickness, I
care little to whom my wealth is given; only let it be known that it was obtained
honestly, for I stumbled upon it while exploring a lonely island about ten years
ago, and I believe it to be a portion of a pirate's hoard. I have in my possession
about ten thousand dollars in gold, silver, and jewels and it is buried under
a block in my cellar. The block can be lifted out of position by a sidewise pull on
the iron ring that is attached to it.
My hut is deep in the woods known as Giant Forest. Perhaps it will be hard
to find, but don't be discouraged for the goal is worth working for.
I am too feeble to write more, buy may it be that this wealth will bring
more happiness and be more useful to you than to me.--Simon La Mon.
Even Mrs. Henderson could not contain her excitement. If this were true
and they could find the treasure, it would mean no more economizing for the
dire necessities of life. But she was silent until evening when Jimmie, now
a handsome stalwart youth, could be with them to hear the circumstances.
At last with the dishes cleared away the lamps lighted she read the
scribbled note to the attentive twins. Jimmie's eyes shown like stars as he
welcomed this opportunity for adventure, and Jennie's heart sang as she
pictured her mother no longer a drudge, and herself wearing pretty clothes.
For what young girl doesn't like to be well dressed?
"Why Mother, I saw that cabin and became quite good friends with the old
man while picking blackberries several years ago. I am sure I can find the
place again, will you let me try?" asked Jimmie eagerly.
"And can I go with him?" chimed in Jennie.
"Why, yes, you may both go, altho it will not be very safe to enter Giant
Forest without a guide. Don't you suppose you had better get Indian Joe to
help you?"
"He's the very one, Mother! I'm sure he'll help us. I'll run over and see
him now." So saying Jimmie left the house.
Arriving at the hut where the old guide lived, Jimmie quickly explained
his mission. At the conclusion Joe gave his characteristic grunt,
"Ugh! Me know old white man and know way to his wigwam. Me lead you and
good sister to it. Me like to return good deed for good deed. When do we start?"
"Sis and I will be here as early as possible tomorrow morning. Thanks
Joe, you're a real friend."
Who would not dream of great things if such an opportunity were thrown in their
way? So it was with the twins, and they could hardly wait for morning to
come. When the first gray streaks had begun to show in the east they were up and
off to Indian Joe's hut, dressed in old clothes and carrying a day's provisions;
but they were not ahead of the old hunter for he was also prepared, having whittled
out three stout sticks to help them over the rough places and as they started
to leave he handed Jimmie a light gun, the duplicate of the one he carried himself.
The great woods was only two miles out of town, but strangely enough the
lonely in habitant had been known by a very few, perhaps because he depended on
game and fish for his food and very rarely any one visited the Giant Forest for
fear of becoming lost. But with Indian Joe as a guide the twins were safe for he
had the power of guidance habitual to his tribe. Easily he found the faint trace
of a foot-path that lead to the old cabin, and Jimmie and Jennie must be forgiven
for not hearing the joyous song of the birds or noting so many of Nature's works
as they usually did, for they were eagerly looking forward to getting a glimpse
of the Treasure Hut.
Ah, there it was! Jimmie broke into a run and had just reached the
sagging door when a call of"Help!" sounded down the trail. He glanced around
quickly. Where was Jennie?
"What has become of Jennie, Joe?" he asked excitedly.
"Me do not know. Me hear good sister call. We must search," so saying
he retraced his steps, with Jimmie at his heels.
"Jennie, Jennie!" he kept calling, "Answer me. It's Jim."
Faintly a voice floated down the path to them, "Here I am in this old
well, just down the path a little farther. I stumbled when I started to
When they came upon her, she was standing upright in a cavity about seven feet
deep. In answer to their anxious inquiries she denied that she was hurt; and
so they assisted her out by the aid of their sticks and progressed to the hut,
this time without mishap.
It was a ram-shackle old place and the musty odor was repugnant. But
they kept on and entered the cellar. Piles of dried herbs which had been placed
there apparently by design were lying here and there and a few pieces of rickety
home-made furniture were placed helter-skelter.
Eagerly all these were pushed aside as they hunted for the block. But
strain their eyes as they would, they could see nothing of the tell-tale iron
ring. Suddenly Jennie stumbled and fell heavily to the floor and as Jimmie
ran to assist her, he shouted,
"Look Jennie! Look Joe! We have found the treasure! Jennie has caught
her foot on the camouflaged iron ring and in doing so has uncovered the treasure.
Hurrah! Hurrah!"
"Hurrah!" echoed Jennie, "now we Hendersons and Indian Joe will live just
as in story books, 'happy every after.'"
[corresponds to page 30]
thirty THE OWL
relatives or friends and am now having what I fear to be my last sickness, I
care little to whom my wealth is given; only let it be known that it was obtained
honestly, for I stumbled upon it while exploring a lonely island about ten years
ago, and I believe it to be a portion of a pirate's hoard. I have in my possession
about ten thousand dollars in gold, silver, and jewels and it is buried under
a block in my cellar. The block can be lifted out of position by a sidewise pull on
the iron ring that is attached to it.
My hut is deep in the woods known as Giant Forest. Perhaps it will be hard
to find, but don't be discouraged for the goal is worth working for.
I am too feeble to write more, buy may it be that this wealth will bring
more happiness and be more useful to you than to me.--Simon La Mon.
Even Mrs. Henderson could not contain her excitement. If this were true
and they could find the treasure, it would mean no more economizing for the
dire necessities of life. But she was silent until evening when Jimmie, now
a handsome stalwart youth, could be with them to hear the circumstances.
At last with the dishes cleared away the lamps lighted she read the
scribbled note to the attentive twins. Jimmie's eyes shown like stars as he
welcomed this opportunity for adventure, and Jennie's heart sang as she
pictured her mother no longer a drudge, and herself wearing pretty clothes.
For what young girl doesn't like to be well dressed?
"Why Mother, I saw that cabin and became quite good friends with the old
man while picking blackberries several years ago. I am sure I can find the
place again, will you let me try?" asked Jimmie eagerly.
"And can I go with him?" chimed in Jennie.
"Why, yes, you may both go, altho it will not be very safe to enter Giant
Forest without a guide. Don't you suppose you had better get Indian Joe to
help you?"
"He's the very one, Mother! I'm sure he'll help us. I'll run over and see
him now." So saying Jimmie left the house.
Arriving at the hut where the old guide lived, Jimmie quickly explained
his mission. At the conclusion Joe gave his characteristic grunt,
"Ugh! Me know old white man and know way to his wigwam. Me lead you and
good sister to it. Me like to return good deed for good deed. When do we start?"
"Sis and I will be here as early as possible tomorrow morning. Thanks
Joe, you're a real friend."
Who would not dream of great things if such an opportunity were thrown in their
way? So it was with the twins, and they could hardly wait for morning to
come. When the first gray streaks had begun to show in the east they were up and
off to Indian Joe's hut, dressed in old clothes and carrying a day's provisions;
but they were not ahead of the old hunter for he was also prepared, having whittled
out three stout sticks to help them over the rough places and as they started
to leave he handed Jimmie a light gun, the duplicate of the one he carried himself.
The great woods was only two miles out of town, but strangely enough the
lonely in habitant had been known by a very few, perhaps because he depended on
game and fish for his food and very rarely any one visited the Giant Forest for
fear of becoming lost. But with Indian Joe as a guide the twins were safe for he
had the power of guidance habitual to his tribe. Easily he found the faint trace
of a foot-path that lead to the old cabin, and Jimmie and Jennie must be forgiven
for not hearing the joyous song of the birds or noting so many of Nature's works
as they usually did, for they were eagerly looking forward to getting a glimpse
of the Treasure Hut.
Ah, there it was! Jimmie broke into a run and had just reached the
sagging door when a call of"Help!" sounded down the trail. He glanced around
quickly. Where was Jennie?
"What has become of Jennie, Joe?" he asked excitedly.
"Me do not know. Me hear good sister call. We must search," so saying
he retraced his steps, with Jimmie at his heels.
"Jennie, Jennie!" he kept calling, "Answer me. It's Jim."
Faintly a voice floated down the path to them, "Here I am in this old
well, just down the path a little farther. I stumbled when I started to
When they came upon her, she was standing upright in a cavity about seven feet
deep. In answer to their anxious inquiries she denied that she was hurt; and
so they assisted her out by the aid of their sticks and progressed to the hut,
this time without mishap.
It was a ram-shackle old place and the musty odor was repugnant. But
they kept on and entered the cellar. Piles of dried herbs which had been placed
there apparently by design were lying here and there and a few pieces of rickety
home-made furniture were placed helter-skelter.
Eagerly all these were pushed aside as they hunted for the block. But
strain their eyes as they would, they could see nothing of the tell-tale iron
ring. Suddenly Jennie stumbled and fell heavily to the floor and as Jimmie
ran to assist her, he shouted,
"Look Jennie! Look Joe! We have found the treasure! Jennie has caught
her foot on the camouflaged iron ring and in doing so has uncovered the treasure.
Hurrah! Hurrah!"
"Hurrah!" echoed Jennie, "now we Hendersons and Indian Joe will live just
as in story books, 'happy every after.'"
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.33)
[page 33]
[corresponds to page 31]
THE OWL thirty-one
The poets write of Sunny France When old "King Winter" has had his sway
Where life is gay and free, And we feel the south wind blow
We sing the songs of Michigan And the warm sunshine thaws out the earth
And Sunny Tennessee; And the sap begins to flow,
But take me back to boy-hood days 'Tis then fond memories come back to me
When all happiness was mine, And for those days I pine,
The days I spent with my old Dad The days we spent in our old camp
In Sugar-making time. In sugar-making time.
The memory of the little tasks
That Dad told us to do,
Just fills my soul with longings
And thrills me thru and thru;
The buckets first were scalded out
Then placed beside the trees,
And all the time the dear old camp
Just ringing with our glees.
And then we laid the old arch up Then well do I remember,
And took our brace and bit When the sap was gathered in,
And started out to tap the trees, How we filled the pans and built the fires
And nearly had a fit And worked with lots of vim.
To see the sap come spurting out, Nor did we mind the smoke and steam
Oh: say but it was fine Which made us cry and cough,
To see that sap just run a stream For joy was ours when Dad said;
In sugar-making time. "Boys, Its time to syrup off."
Twas then we'd use our wooden spoons
To sample it you know,
And then we'd take the syrup sweet
And to the house we'd go,
Then mother dear with skill and vim,
That no one ere surpasses,
Would clarify it on the stove
And we would have molasses.
Then we'd ask Ma to sugar off, But all these things have passed away.
Which she'd always let us do Our Dad, the camp, and all,
And besides she'd make us taffy, And nothing but the memories,
And we'd be sweetness thru and thru; Which we often now recall,
The doctor then would make a call, Come flocking back to cheer us
But we would lay supine, And fill your soul and mine
Just thinking of the fun we'd had With the happy days we spent with Dad
In sugar-making time. In sugar-making time.
J.R. Neilson
[corresponds to page 31]
THE OWL thirty-one
The poets write of Sunny France When old "King Winter" has had his sway
Where life is gay and free, And we feel the south wind blow
We sing the songs of Michigan And the warm sunshine thaws out the earth
And Sunny Tennessee; And the sap begins to flow,
But take me back to boy-hood days 'Tis then fond memories come back to me
When all happiness was mine, And for those days I pine,
The days I spent with my old Dad The days we spent in our old camp
In Sugar-making time. In sugar-making time.
The memory of the little tasks
That Dad told us to do,
Just fills my soul with longings
And thrills me thru and thru;
The buckets first were scalded out
Then placed beside the trees,
And all the time the dear old camp
Just ringing with our glees.
And then we laid the old arch up Then well do I remember,
And took our brace and bit When the sap was gathered in,
And started out to tap the trees, How we filled the pans and built the fires
And nearly had a fit And worked with lots of vim.
To see the sap come spurting out, Nor did we mind the smoke and steam
Oh: say but it was fine Which made us cry and cough,
To see that sap just run a stream For joy was ours when Dad said;
In sugar-making time. "Boys, Its time to syrup off."
Twas then we'd use our wooden spoons
To sample it you know,
And then we'd take the syrup sweet
And to the house we'd go,
Then mother dear with skill and vim,
That no one ere surpasses,
Would clarify it on the stove
And we would have molasses.
Then we'd ask Ma to sugar off, But all these things have passed away.
Which she'd always let us do Our Dad, the camp, and all,
And besides she'd make us taffy, And nothing but the memories,
And we'd be sweetness thru and thru; Which we often now recall,
The doctor then would make a call, Come flocking back to cheer us
But we would lay supine, And fill your soul and mine
Just thinking of the fun we'd had With the happy days we spent with Dad
In sugar-making time. In sugar-making time.
J.R. Neilson
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.34)
[page 34]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 32]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 32]
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.35)
[page 35]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 33]
[image] Music
[corresponds to unlabeled page 33]
[image] Music
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.36)
[page 36]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 34]
[photo] GLEE CLUB
Top row, from left to right--Raymond Jennings, Ralph Clark, Gerald Crowl,
Craig Hicks, Noah Greene, John Comstock, Oscar Jepson, Robert Allison,
Earl Cline, Melton Rogers, Packard Schneider, Frank Van Auken, Lawrence
Callahan, Harlan Williamson, Dean Barker, Virgil Blaine
Middle row, from left to right--Mr. Neilson, Conductor; Mabel Wolfe, Anna
Mae Meeker, Mary Snavely, Lela Stith, Almeda Buckingham, Viola Utley,
Angeline Stanforth, Janet Rogers, Erma Anderson, Mabel Hill, Edna A'Neal,
Helen Morris, Grace Cring, Lillian Searles, Ruth Spencer
Bottom row, from left to right--Virginia Strosnider, Ruth Davis, Alma
Jean Scott, Laura Vermillion, Netta Barton, Mary Brookens, Ella Murphy,
Helen Stockwell, Helen Davidson, Freda Linnaberry, Marie Williams,
Frances Perfect
[corresponds to unlabeled page 34]
[photo] GLEE CLUB
Top row, from left to right--Raymond Jennings, Ralph Clark, Gerald Crowl,
Craig Hicks, Noah Greene, John Comstock, Oscar Jepson, Robert Allison,
Earl Cline, Melton Rogers, Packard Schneider, Frank Van Auken, Lawrence
Callahan, Harlan Williamson, Dean Barker, Virgil Blaine
Middle row, from left to right--Mr. Neilson, Conductor; Mabel Wolfe, Anna
Mae Meeker, Mary Snavely, Lela Stith, Almeda Buckingham, Viola Utley,
Angeline Stanforth, Janet Rogers, Erma Anderson, Mabel Hill, Edna A'Neal,
Helen Morris, Grace Cring, Lillian Searles, Ruth Spencer
Bottom row, from left to right--Virginia Strosnider, Ruth Davis, Alma
Jean Scott, Laura Vermillion, Netta Barton, Mary Brookens, Ella Murphy,
Helen Stockwell, Helen Davidson, Freda Linnaberry, Marie Williams,
Frances Perfect
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.37)
[page 37]
[corresponds to page 35]
THE OWL thirty-five
Top row, from left to right--Carl Loar, Mr. J.R. Neilson, Almeda
Buckingham, William Whitney
Bottom row, from left to right--Gerald Crowl, Janet Rogers, Erma
Anderson, Ralph Clark
[corresponds to page 35]
THE OWL thirty-five
Top row, from left to right--Carl Loar, Mr. J.R. Neilson, Almeda
Buckingham, William Whitney
Bottom row, from left to right--Gerald Crowl, Janet Rogers, Erma
Anderson, Ralph Clark
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.38)
[page 38]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 36]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 36]
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.39)
[page 39]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 37]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 37]
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.40)
[page 40]
[corresponds to page 38]
thirty-eight THE OWL
Top row, from left to right--Frank Stelzer, Manager; Russel Cring,
Ralph Piper, Lowell Gray, Earl Cline, Ellsworth Meeker, Lewis
Duckworth, Mr. J.S. Goughnour, Coach
Bottom row, from left to right--Ralph Clark, Captain; Robert Allison,
Raymond Jennings, Melton Rogers, Gerald Crowl, Craig Hicks
No one can say that the 1921-22 basketball season was not a success.
True, there are those who think that anything which does not come close to
the thousand per cent mark is not worth of praise. Our boys were good
losers as well as good winners. They played a clean game and never gave up
until the final whistle. They went into the game with a spirit that "you must
play even better than you know how to play, never quit for one second but
play yourself to a standstill,--remember that if you are hurt there is another
just as good and anxious to take your place."
The individuals on the team played exceptionally well. The center was
accurate, for the ball came to the guards or forwards with the greatest regu-
larity. Our forwards were unselfish and were exceedingly good in getting
the ball by the opponent's guards. It was not so with our opponent's for-
wards as they found it a hard task to get by our guards.
We closed our season of 1921-22 by playing in the State Tournament at
Delaware, Ohio. The first team we drew was Verona, a team that had not
lost a game until we broke their record by a score of fifteen to twelve. We
lost our second game to N. Lewisburg but all voted that we had a good time
in Delaware and that every year would be a success if we would play as good
as we did this year.
[corresponds to page 38]
thirty-eight THE OWL
Top row, from left to right--Frank Stelzer, Manager; Russel Cring,
Ralph Piper, Lowell Gray, Earl Cline, Ellsworth Meeker, Lewis
Duckworth, Mr. J.S. Goughnour, Coach
Bottom row, from left to right--Ralph Clark, Captain; Robert Allison,
Raymond Jennings, Melton Rogers, Gerald Crowl, Craig Hicks
No one can say that the 1921-22 basketball season was not a success.
True, there are those who think that anything which does not come close to
the thousand per cent mark is not worth of praise. Our boys were good
losers as well as good winners. They played a clean game and never gave up
until the final whistle. They went into the game with a spirit that "you must
play even better than you know how to play, never quit for one second but
play yourself to a standstill,--remember that if you are hurt there is another
just as good and anxious to take your place."
The individuals on the team played exceptionally well. The center was
accurate, for the ball came to the guards or forwards with the greatest regu-
larity. Our forwards were unselfish and were exceedingly good in getting
the ball by the opponent's guards. It was not so with our opponent's for-
wards as they found it a hard task to get by our guards.
We closed our season of 1921-22 by playing in the State Tournament at
Delaware, Ohio. The first team we drew was Verona, a team that had not
lost a game until we broke their record by a score of fifteen to twelve. We
lost our second game to N. Lewisburg but all voted that we had a good time
in Delaware and that every year would be a success if we would play as good
as we did this year.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.41)
[page 41]
[corresponds to page 39]
THE OWL thirty-nine
Top row, from left to right--Francis Perfect, Helen Morris, Mabel Hill,
Angeline Stanforth, Viola Utley, Erma Anderson, Miss Huston, Coach
Bottom row, from left to right--Janet Rogers, Mabel Loar, Edna A'Neal,
Captain; Leota Domigan, Jessie Walker, Manager
The Girls' Basketball team of Sunbury High School played an active
part in the County Championship race, tieing with Radnor and Ashley for
the honors. In the Championship series the girls eliminated Radnor, but
lost a hard fought game to Ashley. This fast and hard fighting team re-
mains intact for the coming season with the exception of one guard, Leota
Domigan, by graduation. Therefore the hopes are high for bringing the cup
to Sunbury next year. This team was coached by Miss Huston and played
under the leadership of Captain Edna A'Neal.
[corresponds to page 39]
THE OWL thirty-nine
Top row, from left to right--Francis Perfect, Helen Morris, Mabel Hill,
Angeline Stanforth, Viola Utley, Erma Anderson, Miss Huston, Coach
Bottom row, from left to right--Janet Rogers, Mabel Loar, Edna A'Neal,
Captain; Leota Domigan, Jessie Walker, Manager
The Girls' Basketball team of Sunbury High School played an active
part in the County Championship race, tieing with Radnor and Ashley for
the honors. In the Championship series the girls eliminated Radnor, but
lost a hard fought game to Ashley. This fast and hard fighting team re-
mains intact for the coming season with the exception of one guard, Leota
Domigan, by graduation. Therefore the hopes are high for bringing the cup
to Sunbury next year. This team was coached by Miss Huston and played
under the leadership of Captain Edna A'Neal.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.42)
[page 42]
[corresponds to page 40]
forty THE OWL
In the Spring a young man's fancy turns to love of baseball and other
outdoor sports. Hardly had the snow disappeared from the ground until the
crack of the bat and the spat of the ball was heard all over the lot.
Any doubt about the possibilities of a team soon vanished when the can-
didates got into action, with a good man for each position and other good ones
to spare, a team was formed.
Galena was first to try out the strength of our organization and lost 2-0,
when rain stopped the game at the end of the fifth inning. Bad weather has
prevented constant practice and play. However, we have between showers
again defeated Galena and Orange High Schools and twice a picked local nine.
Our next trip was made on April 28th to Centerburg where their high school
team gave us our first defeat. The team played good ball, but with cold
weather, the break was against us.
We have hopes for better luck for the remainder of our schedule with
Ashley, Hyattsville, and again with Centerburg.
The spring baseball season is too short to satisfy the desire for the game.
This year a movement has been started to give the boys more baseball and
to break the monotony of the country boy's summer life by having the County
High Schools play summer ball. This will give the boys the Saturday half
holiday as enjoyed by the city worker.
The warm weather has also awakened the spirit of the trackmen. Every
day these fellows may be seen running and jumping, getting into shape for
the County Meet at Delaware on May 12th. There is no branch of school
sport which takes the consistent training required to trackmen and much
praise and comment are due those who so faithfully go on with this daily
grind in order to be fit for the one day's sport.
Track, unlike most other sports, is unlimited in the number who may de-
rive benefit from it. Any one may get out alone or in small groups and train
for a few minutes each day. Other sports require a team and real training
can be carried on only when the entire team is present. The track game is
fundamentally an individual contest and teaches a person to rely entirely
upon himself.
Our team made a creditable showing at Ashley May 3rd and expect to
give a good account of themselves at the County Meet.
Not only do the boys awaken to the call of spring but the girls have taken
on the spirit of the "Athletic Maid" and are training for girls' events in
the County Meet. Some rare ability has been shown by the girls on the field
and track. This is commendable and more girls should avail themselves of
the opportunity to develop a sound body by indulging in systematic physical
training. There would be less loss of time through illness if parents would
encourage their daughters to engage in this healthful school sport.
Too often we can see only the winning side of Athletics and overlook the
personal benefit to be derived from the games. We say there is no use in try-
ing because so and so can do that so much better than I. Not only do we gain
physically from the training but we learn to lose. I do not mean to be a good
loser to the point that we lose without effort. But we learn to go down fight-
ing and that spirit often wins even in the face of defeat.
[corresponds to page 40]
forty THE OWL
In the Spring a young man's fancy turns to love of baseball and other
outdoor sports. Hardly had the snow disappeared from the ground until the
crack of the bat and the spat of the ball was heard all over the lot.
Any doubt about the possibilities of a team soon vanished when the can-
didates got into action, with a good man for each position and other good ones
to spare, a team was formed.
Galena was first to try out the strength of our organization and lost 2-0,
when rain stopped the game at the end of the fifth inning. Bad weather has
prevented constant practice and play. However, we have between showers
again defeated Galena and Orange High Schools and twice a picked local nine.
Our next trip was made on April 28th to Centerburg where their high school
team gave us our first defeat. The team played good ball, but with cold
weather, the break was against us.
We have hopes for better luck for the remainder of our schedule with
Ashley, Hyattsville, and again with Centerburg.
The spring baseball season is too short to satisfy the desire for the game.
This year a movement has been started to give the boys more baseball and
to break the monotony of the country boy's summer life by having the County
High Schools play summer ball. This will give the boys the Saturday half
holiday as enjoyed by the city worker.
The warm weather has also awakened the spirit of the trackmen. Every
day these fellows may be seen running and jumping, getting into shape for
the County Meet at Delaware on May 12th. There is no branch of school
sport which takes the consistent training required to trackmen and much
praise and comment are due those who so faithfully go on with this daily
grind in order to be fit for the one day's sport.
Track, unlike most other sports, is unlimited in the number who may de-
rive benefit from it. Any one may get out alone or in small groups and train
for a few minutes each day. Other sports require a team and real training
can be carried on only when the entire team is present. The track game is
fundamentally an individual contest and teaches a person to rely entirely
upon himself.
Our team made a creditable showing at Ashley May 3rd and expect to
give a good account of themselves at the County Meet.
Not only do the boys awaken to the call of spring but the girls have taken
on the spirit of the "Athletic Maid" and are training for girls' events in
the County Meet. Some rare ability has been shown by the girls on the field
and track. This is commendable and more girls should avail themselves of
the opportunity to develop a sound body by indulging in systematic physical
training. There would be less loss of time through illness if parents would
encourage their daughters to engage in this healthful school sport.
Too often we can see only the winning side of Athletics and overlook the
personal benefit to be derived from the games. We say there is no use in try-
ing because so and so can do that so much better than I. Not only do we gain
physically from the training but we learn to lose. I do not mean to be a good
loser to the point that we lose without effort. But we learn to go down fight-
ing and that spirit often wins even in the face of defeat.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.43)
[page 43]
[corresponds to page 41]
THE OWL forty-one
Top row,from left to right-Miss Jeffrey,Lillian Searles,Velda Walker,Ersul Ferris,
Virginia Wigton, Edna A'Neal, Janet Rogers, Helen Little
Bottom row,from left to right-Nora White, Madaline Allison, Mabel Cochran, Jessie
Walker, Virginia Frye, Margaret Barton, Olive Scott
Much benefit is derived from the study of Domestic Science in the school. Everyone
realizes that it is necessary that all girls should know how to sew and cook. In
high school some subjects are taught which make us wonder if they will be of any use
to us in the future while it is easily seen of what use Domestic Science will be.
It is possible for several girls, never before interested in sewing or cooking,
to become interested when working together as a class.
This year the study was divided into two parts. The first semester sewing
was taught and the second semester cooking.
A class of eighteen girls worked individually on sewing projects and other
forms of Domestic Art, such as; basketry and embroidery work, the first semester.
At the end of the semester a display of their sewing was given and tea was served
to the ladies who attended. It was even surprising to the girls themselves
to notice their own advancement from such articles as handkerchiefs, to
dresses, lovely embroidered cushions and stand scarfs.
At the beginning of the second semester the girls were presented with three
laboratory tables made by the Manual Training Class.
After much begging on the boys' part and extra work for the girls, the Domestic
Science class entertained the Manual Training boys and the Faculty of the school
at a luncheon one noon.
In honor of the girls' and boys' basketball squads, they also entertained one
evening with a dinner. There were about twenty-five present.
The class of the second semester consisted of fourteen girls. They were divided
into groups of two to work. Each girl had a note book, in which she kept a record
of experiments and all of the recipes. They, each, took their turn with the
cleaning of the cupboards, washing dishes, scrubbing the floor, and learning to
be neat and clean with the kitchen, as well as the cooking.
[corresponds to page 41]
THE OWL forty-one
Top row,from left to right-Miss Jeffrey,Lillian Searles,Velda Walker,Ersul Ferris,
Virginia Wigton, Edna A'Neal, Janet Rogers, Helen Little
Bottom row,from left to right-Nora White, Madaline Allison, Mabel Cochran, Jessie
Walker, Virginia Frye, Margaret Barton, Olive Scott
Much benefit is derived from the study of Domestic Science in the school. Everyone
realizes that it is necessary that all girls should know how to sew and cook. In
high school some subjects are taught which make us wonder if they will be of any use
to us in the future while it is easily seen of what use Domestic Science will be.
It is possible for several girls, never before interested in sewing or cooking,
to become interested when working together as a class.
This year the study was divided into two parts. The first semester sewing
was taught and the second semester cooking.
A class of eighteen girls worked individually on sewing projects and other
forms of Domestic Art, such as; basketry and embroidery work, the first semester.
At the end of the semester a display of their sewing was given and tea was served
to the ladies who attended. It was even surprising to the girls themselves
to notice their own advancement from such articles as handkerchiefs, to
dresses, lovely embroidered cushions and stand scarfs.
At the beginning of the second semester the girls were presented with three
laboratory tables made by the Manual Training Class.
After much begging on the boys' part and extra work for the girls, the Domestic
Science class entertained the Manual Training boys and the Faculty of the school
at a luncheon one noon.
In honor of the girls' and boys' basketball squads, they also entertained one
evening with a dinner. There were about twenty-five present.
The class of the second semester consisted of fourteen girls. They were divided
into groups of two to work. Each girl had a note book, in which she kept a record
of experiments and all of the recipes. They, each, took their turn with the
cleaning of the cupboards, washing dishes, scrubbing the floor, and learning to
be neat and clean with the kitchen, as well as the cooking.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.44)
[page 44]
[corresponds to page 42]
forty-two THE OWL
Top row, from left to right--Russell Cring, Van Hoover, Ralph Clark, Russell A'Neal,
Paul Miller, Lowell Gray, Edward Matthews, Melton Rogers, Mr. Goughnour,
Bottom row, from left to right--Allan Fisher, Earl Cline, Craig Hicks,
Robert Allison, Frank Stelzer, Gerald Crowl, Sterling Beaver,
Walter Carpenter
Education now has a much broader application than formerly, and in-
cludes the training of the hand as well as the training of the head. Sunbury
High School keeps abreast the progress in educational matters, and during
the past year manual training has been given as a regular feature of the
The course was opened to the three upper classes and about fifteen boys
availed themselves of the training. The first six weeks were spent in study-
ing the care and use of tools. The balance of the year was devoted to mak-
ing equipment for the school, and improvements about the building. The
more important jobs being the construction of tables for the Domestic
Science Department and the ceiling of their room, and the refinishing of the
initial-cut desks of the Junior room.
The last eight weeks opportunity was given the boys to make some use-
ful article on their own initiative. The result was a varied collection of
piano benches, book cases, magazine racks, foot rests, candle adapters, and
jardiniere stands.
If more space were provided in a new school building, it would be pos-
sible to extend this course so as to include leather and forge work. At present
the small class we have taken all the space that can be given over to this work.
[corresponds to page 42]
forty-two THE OWL
Top row, from left to right--Russell Cring, Van Hoover, Ralph Clark, Russell A'Neal,
Paul Miller, Lowell Gray, Edward Matthews, Melton Rogers, Mr. Goughnour,
Bottom row, from left to right--Allan Fisher, Earl Cline, Craig Hicks,
Robert Allison, Frank Stelzer, Gerald Crowl, Sterling Beaver,
Walter Carpenter
Education now has a much broader application than formerly, and in-
cludes the training of the hand as well as the training of the head. Sunbury
High School keeps abreast the progress in educational matters, and during
the past year manual training has been given as a regular feature of the
The course was opened to the three upper classes and about fifteen boys
availed themselves of the training. The first six weeks were spent in study-
ing the care and use of tools. The balance of the year was devoted to mak-
ing equipment for the school, and improvements about the building. The
more important jobs being the construction of tables for the Domestic
Science Department and the ceiling of their room, and the refinishing of the
initial-cut desks of the Junior room.
The last eight weeks opportunity was given the boys to make some use-
ful article on their own initiative. The result was a varied collection of
piano benches, book cases, magazine racks, foot rests, candle adapters, and
jardiniere stands.
If more space were provided in a new school building, it would be pos-
sible to extend this course so as to include leather and forge work. At present
the small class we have taken all the space that can be given over to this work.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.45)
[page 45]
[corresponds to page 43]
THE OWL forty-three
Although we are the tiniest folk in the Sunbury School we are given a
space to tell the readers of the Owl who we are and what we are doing.
When the school year of 1921-22 started September Fifth we had an
enrollment of forty-five wide awake boys and girls. Twenty-three in the first
grade and twenty-two in the second grade. We knew very little of school life
and took up the new work with much enthusiasm. Just now we have twenty-three
boys and twenty-three girls. Each grade has twenty-three pupils.
Our percentage of attendance has been very good this year, the boys'
average has exceeded the girls' by a few points. We are a happy lot of children
and feel as to efficiency we are equal to any primary room in the state.
The Golden rule is taught at the beginning of the school year and each
child tries to remember its lesson in their work and play. We begin our
daily program with a cheery Good Morning from teacher to pupil and vice versa.
This is followed by a period of twenty minutes for song and story telling.
After this we begin our classes in reading, phonics work, number work, nature
study, language, drawing, writing, paper cutting, gymnastics and elocution.
We observe each holiday of the year with a special program and
appreciate the many visitors we have, who show us by their coming that they are
interested in the smaller children as well as the older ones. We extend a special
invitation to each reader of the Owl to come and visit us.
"Keep on the Sunny Side" is our motto and so we are on the Sunny Side
when Old Sol deems it wise to help us along, for we occupy the sunniest
room allotted to the grades. The Primary pupils look in at the door to see the
bright sunlight and like it so well, that as soon as they successfully complete
the work required in the Second Grade, come in to enjoy the sunshine with us.
Of course the dreary days are not so nice, but nevertheless our work goes on
from day to day.
Silent Reading has been emphasized the past year, and we like our new
Silent Readers which have been placed in our room. The teaching of Drawing has
proven one of the most interesting features of our work, and trust it may be
continued in the years to follow. Elocution is also deserving of mention.
Oh yes, we almost forgot tell you how many there are of us enjoying
the sunshine. We started the school year with seventeen in the Third Grade
and fifteen in the Fourth Grade, and at the present time have sixteen in the
Third and fifteen in the Fourth.
And now readers of the "Owl" if you wish to know more concerning our
work, come and visit us in our room.
We are glad to have the opportunity to tell you something of ourselves
and our work.
The Fifth and Sixth Grades have a total enrollment of forth-eight wide
awake boys and girls. Seven pupils have neither been absent nor tardy during
the entire school year.
The work in the Fifth Grade is not only a continuation of the work done
in the Fourth Grade, but in addition we take up the study of Geography.
In the Sixth Grade, History is added to the branches taught in the Fifth Grade.
Although Drawing was introduced into the school this year, we have
enjoyed the beginner's lessons very much and hope we may have the privilege of
continuing them through to the High School.
Besides our regular Elocution lessons given every Thursday Morning by Miss
Kidwell, we are doing some work in Rhetoricals. The two grades are divided
in sections, each section taking part on the program given every Wednesday morning.
Every boy and girl has had some part in this work.
We like to work but we also enjoy our play. Baseball seems to be the
favorite sport for both boys and girls and we think we have already won some
We are trying to live clean, straight, and honest lives, and want to do
our part in making the Sunbury School one of the best schools on the map.
On the 24th of February, 1922, the Sunbury Grammar School gave its
annual public entertainment. This program consisted of two parts. The first
being the play "A Patriotic Peanut Stand." The second part "The Indian Princess"
an operetta.
The pupils played their parts exceptionally well to a crowded house.
The Sunbury Grammar School has shown its ability to do things as they
have purchased a piano for their department also a sectional book-case well filled
with good books. These have added much to the enjoyment of the pupils and teacher
of the Sunbury Grammar School.
[corresponds to page 43]
THE OWL forty-three
Although we are the tiniest folk in the Sunbury School we are given a
space to tell the readers of the Owl who we are and what we are doing.
When the school year of 1921-22 started September Fifth we had an
enrollment of forty-five wide awake boys and girls. Twenty-three in the first
grade and twenty-two in the second grade. We knew very little of school life
and took up the new work with much enthusiasm. Just now we have twenty-three
boys and twenty-three girls. Each grade has twenty-three pupils.
Our percentage of attendance has been very good this year, the boys'
average has exceeded the girls' by a few points. We are a happy lot of children
and feel as to efficiency we are equal to any primary room in the state.
The Golden rule is taught at the beginning of the school year and each
child tries to remember its lesson in their work and play. We begin our
daily program with a cheery Good Morning from teacher to pupil and vice versa.
This is followed by a period of twenty minutes for song and story telling.
After this we begin our classes in reading, phonics work, number work, nature
study, language, drawing, writing, paper cutting, gymnastics and elocution.
We observe each holiday of the year with a special program and
appreciate the many visitors we have, who show us by their coming that they are
interested in the smaller children as well as the older ones. We extend a special
invitation to each reader of the Owl to come and visit us.
"Keep on the Sunny Side" is our motto and so we are on the Sunny Side
when Old Sol deems it wise to help us along, for we occupy the sunniest
room allotted to the grades. The Primary pupils look in at the door to see the
bright sunlight and like it so well, that as soon as they successfully complete
the work required in the Second Grade, come in to enjoy the sunshine with us.
Of course the dreary days are not so nice, but nevertheless our work goes on
from day to day.
Silent Reading has been emphasized the past year, and we like our new
Silent Readers which have been placed in our room. The teaching of Drawing has
proven one of the most interesting features of our work, and trust it may be
continued in the years to follow. Elocution is also deserving of mention.
Oh yes, we almost forgot tell you how many there are of us enjoying
the sunshine. We started the school year with seventeen in the Third Grade
and fifteen in the Fourth Grade, and at the present time have sixteen in the
Third and fifteen in the Fourth.
And now readers of the "Owl" if you wish to know more concerning our
work, come and visit us in our room.
We are glad to have the opportunity to tell you something of ourselves
and our work.
The Fifth and Sixth Grades have a total enrollment of forth-eight wide
awake boys and girls. Seven pupils have neither been absent nor tardy during
the entire school year.
The work in the Fifth Grade is not only a continuation of the work done
in the Fourth Grade, but in addition we take up the study of Geography.
In the Sixth Grade, History is added to the branches taught in the Fifth Grade.
Although Drawing was introduced into the school this year, we have
enjoyed the beginner's lessons very much and hope we may have the privilege of
continuing them through to the High School.
Besides our regular Elocution lessons given every Thursday Morning by Miss
Kidwell, we are doing some work in Rhetoricals. The two grades are divided
in sections, each section taking part on the program given every Wednesday morning.
Every boy and girl has had some part in this work.
We like to work but we also enjoy our play. Baseball seems to be the
favorite sport for both boys and girls and we think we have already won some
We are trying to live clean, straight, and honest lives, and want to do
our part in making the Sunbury School one of the best schools on the map.
On the 24th of February, 1922, the Sunbury Grammar School gave its
annual public entertainment. This program consisted of two parts. The first
being the play "A Patriotic Peanut Stand." The second part "The Indian Princess"
an operetta.
The pupils played their parts exceptionally well to a crowded house.
The Sunbury Grammar School has shown its ability to do things as they
have purchased a piano for their department also a sectional book-case well filled
with good books. These have added much to the enjoyment of the pupils and teacher
of the Sunbury Grammar School.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.46)
[page 46]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 44]
EIGHTH GRADE--Top row, from left to right--Mr. Neilson, Teacher; Lloyd Little,
Edward Lee, Clyde Cochran, Delbert Morris, Bernice Walker, Ralph Clark,
Lloyd Adams, Hammond Barcus, Gerald Knoderer, Albert Crabtree,
Edwin Fontanelle
Bottom row--Helen Strosnider, Olive Matthews, Alms Jean Scott, Dorothy Morris,
Mary Fontanelle, Lela May Stith, Freeda Linnabary, Ruby Wurtsbaugh,
Helen Davidson, Hazel Wintermute
SEVENTH GRADE--Top row, left to right--Lemard Totten, Lawrence Bell, Lucile Jenkins,
Mary Blaine, Minnie Willoughby, Cleo Wintermute, Leland Crowl, William Ross,
Mr. Neilson, Teacher
Middle row--Mary Elizabeth Webster, Nellie Gunnet, Caroline Allison,
Geraldine Michaels, Velma Longshore, Mildred Baker, Evelyn Patrick,
Frances Stelzer
Bottom row--LeRoy Perfect, Hoyt Whitney, Paul Stelzer, Kerfoot Morris,
Gerald Burrer, Henry Beaver, Bronson Culver
[corresponds to unlabeled page 44]
EIGHTH GRADE--Top row, from left to right--Mr. Neilson, Teacher; Lloyd Little,
Edward Lee, Clyde Cochran, Delbert Morris, Bernice Walker, Ralph Clark,
Lloyd Adams, Hammond Barcus, Gerald Knoderer, Albert Crabtree,
Edwin Fontanelle
Bottom row--Helen Strosnider, Olive Matthews, Alms Jean Scott, Dorothy Morris,
Mary Fontanelle, Lela May Stith, Freeda Linnabary, Ruby Wurtsbaugh,
Helen Davidson, Hazel Wintermute
SEVENTH GRADE--Top row, left to right--Lemard Totten, Lawrence Bell, Lucile Jenkins,
Mary Blaine, Minnie Willoughby, Cleo Wintermute, Leland Crowl, William Ross,
Mr. Neilson, Teacher
Middle row--Mary Elizabeth Webster, Nellie Gunnet, Caroline Allison,
Geraldine Michaels, Velma Longshore, Mildred Baker, Evelyn Patrick,
Frances Stelzer
Bottom row--LeRoy Perfect, Hoyt Whitney, Paul Stelzer, Kerfoot Morris,
Gerald Burrer, Henry Beaver, Bronson Culver
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.47)
[page 47]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 45]
SIXTH GRADE--Top row, left to right--Gerald Strosnider, Owen Baker, Elmer White,
Ashton Perfect, Bernard Morris, Merrill Matthews, Lewis Dixon,
Mrs. Horlocker, Teacher
Middle row--Clare Carpenter, Walter Adams, Edward Hoover, Lewis Edwards,
Arthur Gallogly, Wendal Horlocker
Bottom row--Esther Frye, Dorris Walker, Louise Knoderer, Nannie Snavely,
Geraldine Walker, Esther McCormick, Jeanette Allison, Elsie Little,
Katherine Fontanelle
FIFTH GRADE--Top row, left to right--Thelma Baker, Paul Morris, Harold Dixon,
Owen Mann, Closie Crowl, Raymond Jahn, Orvel Kempton, Lester Cline,
Louise Michaels, Mrs. Horlocker, Teacher
Bottom row--Margaret Monbarren, Dorothy Young, Hortense Wilson, Irene Morris, Nola
Edwards, Mildred Huff, Lucile Sherbourn, Grace Johnson, Mary Green
[corresponds to unlabeled page 45]
SIXTH GRADE--Top row, left to right--Gerald Strosnider, Owen Baker, Elmer White,
Ashton Perfect, Bernard Morris, Merrill Matthews, Lewis Dixon,
Mrs. Horlocker, Teacher
Middle row--Clare Carpenter, Walter Adams, Edward Hoover, Lewis Edwards,
Arthur Gallogly, Wendal Horlocker
Bottom row--Esther Frye, Dorris Walker, Louise Knoderer, Nannie Snavely,
Geraldine Walker, Esther McCormick, Jeanette Allison, Elsie Little,
Katherine Fontanelle
FIFTH GRADE--Top row, left to right--Thelma Baker, Paul Morris, Harold Dixon,
Owen Mann, Closie Crowl, Raymond Jahn, Orvel Kempton, Lester Cline,
Louise Michaels, Mrs. Horlocker, Teacher
Bottom row--Margaret Monbarren, Dorothy Young, Hortense Wilson, Irene Morris, Nola
Edwards, Mildred Huff, Lucile Sherbourn, Grace Johnson, Mary Green
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.48)
[page 48]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 46]
FOURTH GRADE-Top row,left to right-Miss Meredith,Teacher;Ruth Swinney,Clara Long-
shore, Oletha Clark, Burnice Lee, Alice Matthews, Frances Dixon
Bottom row-Kathryn Muladore, Thelma Williamson, Julian Cochran, Gerard Strosnider,
Donald Perfect, Georgianna Beaver, Loma Stanforth
THIRD GRADE-Top row, left to right-Miss Meredith, Teacher; Stanley Cockrell, Raymond
Morrison, Forest Clark, Ralphael Hervey, Robert Carpenter, Paul White,
Charles Jenkins
Bottom row-Aubrey Downing, Marjorie Williams, Helen Snavely, Martha Setty,
Hester Lee, Mary Stelzer, Mary Frances Stone, Bertha Cline
[corresponds to unlabeled page 46]
FOURTH GRADE-Top row,left to right-Miss Meredith,Teacher;Ruth Swinney,Clara Long-
shore, Oletha Clark, Burnice Lee, Alice Matthews, Frances Dixon
Bottom row-Kathryn Muladore, Thelma Williamson, Julian Cochran, Gerard Strosnider,
Donald Perfect, Georgianna Beaver, Loma Stanforth
THIRD GRADE-Top row, left to right-Miss Meredith, Teacher; Stanley Cockrell, Raymond
Morrison, Forest Clark, Ralphael Hervey, Robert Carpenter, Paul White,
Charles Jenkins
Bottom row-Aubrey Downing, Marjorie Williams, Helen Snavely, Martha Setty,
Hester Lee, Mary Stelzer, Mary Frances Stone, Bertha Cline
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.49)
[page 49]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 47]
SECOND GRADE--Top row, from left to right--Miss Utley, Teacher; Judson Messmore, Guy
Edwards, Chester Blaine, Richard Doane, Gordon Ford, Robert Muladore
Middle row--Raymond Allen, Junior Whitney, James Monbarren, Leroy Dixon,
Robert Hedden, Darwin Baker, Woodrow Huff, C.J. Pettit
Bottom row--Francis Knowder, Mary Young, Garnet Ahrendt, Lucile Cornell,
Juanita Vannest, Ruth Magill, Mildred Gelston, Betty Louise Rogers,
Jennabel Myers
FIRST GRADE--Top row, from left to right--Robert Wolfe, Jack Hedden, Charles Main,
Gladys Michael, Sally McCormick, Alden Lonshore, Dudley Townley,
John Henry Beaver, Miss Utley,Teacher
Bottom row--Rosemary Carpenter, Helen Friend, Cleta Doane, Alice Mae Magill,
Louise Skinner, June Muladore, Mable Snavely, Julia Loar, Willella Myers,
Virginia Boston, Glady Baker
[corresponds to unlabeled page 47]
SECOND GRADE--Top row, from left to right--Miss Utley, Teacher; Judson Messmore, Guy
Edwards, Chester Blaine, Richard Doane, Gordon Ford, Robert Muladore
Middle row--Raymond Allen, Junior Whitney, James Monbarren, Leroy Dixon,
Robert Hedden, Darwin Baker, Woodrow Huff, C.J. Pettit
Bottom row--Francis Knowder, Mary Young, Garnet Ahrendt, Lucile Cornell,
Juanita Vannest, Ruth Magill, Mildred Gelston, Betty Louise Rogers,
Jennabel Myers
FIRST GRADE--Top row, from left to right--Robert Wolfe, Jack Hedden, Charles Main,
Gladys Michael, Sally McCormick, Alden Lonshore, Dudley Townley,
John Henry Beaver, Miss Utley,Teacher
Bottom row--Rosemary Carpenter, Helen Friend, Cleta Doane, Alice Mae Magill,
Louise Skinner, June Muladore, Mable Snavely, Julia Loar, Willella Myers,
Virginia Boston, Glady Baker
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.50)
[page 50]
[corresponds to page 48]
forty-eight THE OWL
All hail to our janitor! On November 11, 1918, Mr. Frank
Duckworth took up his duties as janitor of the Sunbury Public
Schools. Looking over the situation very carefully he found
the work such as was necessary to enlist additional help, so he
called in his wife. Together they have carefully labored until
the present day. Owing to the interest they have taken in the
school they had better be called guardians than janitors. We
believe no school can speak more highly of their care-takers
than we can of Mr. and Mrs. Duckworth. The teachers and
all of the boys and girls have the highest regards for them.
They can always see the things that need be done around the
building and grounds and they do them. Everything is kept
neat and clean and co-operation is without fail. We hope that
they will stay with us a number of years. So altogether let
us cheer them.
[corresponds to page 48]
forty-eight THE OWL
All hail to our janitor! On November 11, 1918, Mr. Frank
Duckworth took up his duties as janitor of the Sunbury Public
Schools. Looking over the situation very carefully he found
the work such as was necessary to enlist additional help, so he
called in his wife. Together they have carefully labored until
the present day. Owing to the interest they have taken in the
school they had better be called guardians than janitors. We
believe no school can speak more highly of their care-takers
than we can of Mr. and Mrs. Duckworth. The teachers and
all of the boys and girls have the highest regards for them.
They can always see the things that need be done around the
building and grounds and they do them. Everything is kept
neat and clean and co-operation is without fail. We hope that
they will stay with us a number of years. So altogether let
us cheer them.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.52)
[page 52]
[corresponds to page 50]
fifty THE OWL
To the Alumni of Sunbury High School Greetings:
We have spared neither time nor work to make this issue of the Owl a
complete register of the Alumni. Though you are gone from our circle and
are scattered to the ends of the Earth, yet do we like to keep in touch with
you as you do with each other.
The old school still remains your school and mine. We are interested in
your undertakings and successes and want you to be interested in us, to feel
that you are still one of us, our big brothers and sisters of one big family.
Carrie Peck, deceased
Emory J. Smith, 904 Jedson Ave., Evans-
ton, Ill.
Frank Case, Princeton, Ill.
Myrtle Mosher, Sunbury
Carrie Cook, Mrs. B.W. Twyman, 685 Mar-
ietta Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.
Zula Larimore, Mrs. W.E. Hutchinson,
Brookfield, Mo.
Ella Peck, Mrs. B. Perfect, deceased
Edmund Williams, Williams Mfg. Co.,
Etta Gammill, Mrs. A.R. Sheets, Kilburne
Minnie Mosher, Mrs. A.C. Williams, Sun-
Marian Kimball, deceased
May Knox, deceased
Eva Elliott, Mrs. F.L. Packard, 1739
Franklin Park, South, Columbus
Allie Morris, Mrs. O.A. Kimball, deceased
W.I. Grandstaff, deceased
W.A. Smith, deceased
C.A. Carnahan, deceased
O.A. Townley, Sterling, Neb.
H.H. Loar, Sunbury
M.A. Smith, Bexley, Columbus, Common-
A.H. Smith, St. Petersburg, Fla.
D.B. Lincoln, Deceased
Lou Cook, deceased
Mary Wilcox, deceased
Hettie Ford, Mrs. W. Daily, 824 E. Platte
Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo.
Nellie Carpenter, deceased
Minnie Orcutt, Mrs. John Edwards, Sunbury
W.C. Mead, San Luis Obispo, Calif.
Fred Prosser, Gallatin, Tenn.
Orsain Patrick, deceased
McAllister Wilcox, Clintonville
Grace Wilcox, Mrs. Geo. Spellman, 12435
Osceola Ave., Cleveland
J.H. Larrimore, Anti-Saloon League,
Frank Miles, deceased
Charles Cavin, Delaware
W.E. Loar, Sunbury
Eva Babcock, Mrs. B. St. Clair, Chicago, Ill.
Carrie Elliott, 1736 Franklin Park, So.,
Mabel Armstrong, Mrs. Vergil Brevoort,
120 W. Como St., Columbus
Kittie Webster, Mrs. A.F. Elkins, 1302
Delafield Place, Washington, D.C.
Harry Williamson, deceased
Albert Green, Omaha, Neb.
Maggie Hyatt, Mrs. J.E. Burrer, Delaware
Bertha Culver, Mrs. L.D. Riggs, Los An-
imas, Col.
E.M. Robinson, Columbus
Bert Kempton, Galion
Charles Ports, Ancon, Canal Zone
L.R. Hunter, deceased
H.W. Stone, Sunbury
C.E. Gammill, deceased
Frank Wilcox, 12435 Osceola Ave., Cleveland
Daisy Wilcox, Mrs. G.G. Hetrick, 4700
Spaulding Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Percy L. Ports, 3 N. Spruce St., Clarenden, Va.
Eunice Price, Mrs. Eunice Wilson, Westerville
Grace L. Chadwick, Mrs. F.C. Murphy, Sunbury
Clara Cring, Mrs. H.L. Eloit, Delaware
Claude Gaylord, Chicago, Ill.
Vatie Green, Sunbury
Grace Shafer, Mrs. Milton Untley, Delaware
Marguerite Wilson, Mrs. J.H. Gerhardt,
Garfield Chadwick, Boulevard Lumber Co.,
Station A., Box 11, Columbus
Cary Cockrell, deceased
James Kimball, deceased
Wm. L. Wigton, Sunbury
Calvin W. Wilson, 7215 Lemington Ave.,
Pittsburgh, Penn.
Iva Cockrell, Mrs. Frank Cummins, 253
19th Ave., Columbus
Myrtle Edwards, Mrs. Isaac Shannon,
Abbie D. Hough, Mrs. Robt. Wright,
Mayme Marble, deceased
Bertha E. Walker, deceased
[corresponds to page 50]
fifty THE OWL
To the Alumni of Sunbury High School Greetings:
We have spared neither time nor work to make this issue of the Owl a
complete register of the Alumni. Though you are gone from our circle and
are scattered to the ends of the Earth, yet do we like to keep in touch with
you as you do with each other.
The old school still remains your school and mine. We are interested in
your undertakings and successes and want you to be interested in us, to feel
that you are still one of us, our big brothers and sisters of one big family.
Carrie Peck, deceased
Emory J. Smith, 904 Jedson Ave., Evans-
ton, Ill.
Frank Case, Princeton, Ill.
Myrtle Mosher, Sunbury
Carrie Cook, Mrs. B.W. Twyman, 685 Mar-
ietta Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.
Zula Larimore, Mrs. W.E. Hutchinson,
Brookfield, Mo.
Ella Peck, Mrs. B. Perfect, deceased
Edmund Williams, Williams Mfg. Co.,
Etta Gammill, Mrs. A.R. Sheets, Kilburne
Minnie Mosher, Mrs. A.C. Williams, Sun-
Marian Kimball, deceased
May Knox, deceased
Eva Elliott, Mrs. F.L. Packard, 1739
Franklin Park, South, Columbus
Allie Morris, Mrs. O.A. Kimball, deceased
W.I. Grandstaff, deceased
W.A. Smith, deceased
C.A. Carnahan, deceased
O.A. Townley, Sterling, Neb.
H.H. Loar, Sunbury
M.A. Smith, Bexley, Columbus, Common-
A.H. Smith, St. Petersburg, Fla.
D.B. Lincoln, Deceased
Lou Cook, deceased
Mary Wilcox, deceased
Hettie Ford, Mrs. W. Daily, 824 E. Platte
Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo.
Nellie Carpenter, deceased
Minnie Orcutt, Mrs. John Edwards, Sunbury
W.C. Mead, San Luis Obispo, Calif.
Fred Prosser, Gallatin, Tenn.
Orsain Patrick, deceased
McAllister Wilcox, Clintonville
Grace Wilcox, Mrs. Geo. Spellman, 12435
Osceola Ave., Cleveland
J.H. Larrimore, Anti-Saloon League,
Frank Miles, deceased
Charles Cavin, Delaware
W.E. Loar, Sunbury
Eva Babcock, Mrs. B. St. Clair, Chicago, Ill.
Carrie Elliott, 1736 Franklin Park, So.,
Mabel Armstrong, Mrs. Vergil Brevoort,
120 W. Como St., Columbus
Kittie Webster, Mrs. A.F. Elkins, 1302
Delafield Place, Washington, D.C.
Harry Williamson, deceased
Albert Green, Omaha, Neb.
Maggie Hyatt, Mrs. J.E. Burrer, Delaware
Bertha Culver, Mrs. L.D. Riggs, Los An-
imas, Col.
E.M. Robinson, Columbus
Bert Kempton, Galion
Charles Ports, Ancon, Canal Zone
L.R. Hunter, deceased
H.W. Stone, Sunbury
C.E. Gammill, deceased
Frank Wilcox, 12435 Osceola Ave., Cleveland
Daisy Wilcox, Mrs. G.G. Hetrick, 4700
Spaulding Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Percy L. Ports, 3 N. Spruce St., Clarenden, Va.
Eunice Price, Mrs. Eunice Wilson, Westerville
Grace L. Chadwick, Mrs. F.C. Murphy, Sunbury
Clara Cring, Mrs. H.L. Eloit, Delaware
Claude Gaylord, Chicago, Ill.
Vatie Green, Sunbury
Grace Shafer, Mrs. Milton Untley, Delaware
Marguerite Wilson, Mrs. J.H. Gerhardt,
Garfield Chadwick, Boulevard Lumber Co.,
Station A., Box 11, Columbus
Cary Cockrell, deceased
James Kimball, deceased
Wm. L. Wigton, Sunbury
Calvin W. Wilson, 7215 Lemington Ave.,
Pittsburgh, Penn.
Iva Cockrell, Mrs. Frank Cummins, 253
19th Ave., Columbus
Myrtle Edwards, Mrs. Isaac Shannon,
Abbie D. Hough, Mrs. Robt. Wright,
Mayme Marble, deceased
Bertha E. Walker, deceased
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.53)
[page 53]
[corresponds to page 51]
THE OWL fifty-one
Forest Shafer, Sunbury
Olive Matthews, Protestant Hospital,
Lyda Wilson, Mrs. Frank Cornell, Galena
Orville Barcus, Sunbury
Edith Condit, Robinson Rd., near Wood-
ford, c/o E. Huffman, Cincinnati
Eva L. Gage, Mrs. Eva Waterman, Chi-
cago, Ill.
Gertrude Mosher, Mrs. H.W. Stone, Sunbury
Camma Stark, Mrs. Fred Hervey, Sunbury
Essa Willison, East Liverpool
Evangeline Wilson, Mrs. Frank Baum-
gardner, Johnstown
Earl Johnson, deceased
Alta Stark, Mrs. Ross Beard, Centerburg
Zella Prosser, Mrs. Zella Harris, 978 E.
12th Ave., Columbus
Ina DeWolf, Mrs. Ina Fisher, Westerville
Lena Lake, Mrs. Lena Lake Irwin, deceased
Ona Shafer, Mrs. Wm. Wright, De Graffe
Edna Clark, Mrs. Claude Van Sickle,
Bertha Gill, Mrs. Clyde Church, Mt. Vernon
Fanny Gregg, Linden, Columbus
Ethel Edwards, Mrs. Claude Carpenter,
260 Rhoades Ave., Columbus
Parker Burrer, Sunbury
Benjamin Matthews, deceased
Robert Finch, Athens
Daisy Edwards, deceased
Edna Gregg, Mrs. Scott, Charleston, W. Va.
Mary Waldron, Sunbury
Fay Cornell, Mrs. Alder, Willard, N. Mex.
Robert Domigan, Shepard
Stella Ford, Mrs. Thorne, 1472 Victoria
Ave., Lackwood
Leroy Gill, 2156 N. 4th St., Columbus
Charles Grist, 47 Hayden Ave., Columbus
Pearl Huff, Mrs. C.E. Budd, 2076 Peasley
St., Columbus
Rollin Jacobus, Delaware
Pearl Jones, Johnstown
Julia Kenyon, Johnstown
Marie Martin, Mrs. Marie Ensminger,
Frances Martin Candy Co., Columbus
Prof. Frank McFarland, Lexington, Ky.
Hazel Patrick, Mrs. F.L. McVey, 731 E.
11th Ave., Columbus
Robert Roof, Pauliski, N.Y.
Ruby Walker, Condit
Irene Wilson, Mrs. Irene Fisher, Sunbury
Phil Dwinnel, Red Cross Headquarters,
Bluffton, Ind.
Henry Martin, Lodi
Edmund Williams, Box 116, Bradford, Pa.
Goldie Chadwick, Mrs. Goldie Sinkey,
Harry Hennis, Linden, Columbus
Fenton Condit, Condit
Martha McFarland, Protestant Hospital,
Nellie Rosecrans, Mrs. Arthur Boston,
Fay Baker, Penn Apts. No. 9, Rockingham
Rd., Davenport, Iowa
Ruy Finch, Volcanic Observatory, Volcano
House, Hawaii
Gavotte Irwin, Galena
Wm. Loar, 311 E. 17th St., Columbus
Bertha Freeman, deceased
Duna Perfect, deceased
Gorden Burrer, Ohio Inspection Bureau,
Ruth Gorsuch, Mrs. Lester Ackman, Wil-
liamstown, Ky.
Charles Kepton, 300 Alexander Ave.,
Rochester, N.Y.
Joe Landon, Sunbury
Hattie Osburn, Mrs. Hattie Hall, Sunbury
Hazel Shicks, Mrs. Burr Bailey, Sunbury
Merle Williamson, Sunbury
Clyde Wilson, Sunbury
Henry Wilson, Sunbury
Guy Hoover, U.S. Navy, Charleston, S.C.
Carrie Forwood, Mrs. Carrie Hoover,
Helen Cook, 60 N. 21st St., Columbus
Nellie Saunders, Mrs. Henry Wilson,
Ruth Freeman, Mrs. Gaylord Overturf, 319
Sheckler St., Bucyrus
Fern Hoover, Mrs. Fern Hickerson, Mt.
Vinnie Fisher, Mrs. Vinnie Lane, Condit
Mabel Holt, Mrs. Clifford Eley, Sunbury
Kathryn Irvin, Gallopolis
Martha Domigan, P.O. Dept., Washington,
Raymond Chadwick, 72 Mt. Vernon Ave.,
Boston, Mass.
Flo Hoover, Sunbury
Esther Battey, Mrs. Geo. Fry, Centerburg
Louis Weiser, Sunbury
Otis Baker, Radnor
Ivan Jaycox, Ford Plant, Columbus
Eurotus Wigton, c/o Methodist Mission,
Pekin, China
Nellie Hubbell, Mrs. Fletcher Reynolds, 412
Hull Ave., Bucyrus
Burleigh Ely, Condit
Mabel Hupp, Mrs. Mabel Walker, Sunbury
Dorothy Lake, Mrs. C.E. Vest, 456 Wet-
more Ave., Columbus
Harry Loar, Sunbury
Carey Pace, Sunbury
Edward Platt, Galena
Gladys Williamson, Mrs. Connor Lambert,
Russel Welch, Delaware
Florence Perfect, Sunbury
Nellie Duckworth, Mrs. Clyde Bricker, 321
E. Court St., Bowling Green
Kathleen Wigton, Mrs. Ralph Kendrick,
1804 Hillside Terrace, E. Akron
[corresponds to page 51]
THE OWL fifty-one
Forest Shafer, Sunbury
Olive Matthews, Protestant Hospital,
Lyda Wilson, Mrs. Frank Cornell, Galena
Orville Barcus, Sunbury
Edith Condit, Robinson Rd., near Wood-
ford, c/o E. Huffman, Cincinnati
Eva L. Gage, Mrs. Eva Waterman, Chi-
cago, Ill.
Gertrude Mosher, Mrs. H.W. Stone, Sunbury
Camma Stark, Mrs. Fred Hervey, Sunbury
Essa Willison, East Liverpool
Evangeline Wilson, Mrs. Frank Baum-
gardner, Johnstown
Earl Johnson, deceased
Alta Stark, Mrs. Ross Beard, Centerburg
Zella Prosser, Mrs. Zella Harris, 978 E.
12th Ave., Columbus
Ina DeWolf, Mrs. Ina Fisher, Westerville
Lena Lake, Mrs. Lena Lake Irwin, deceased
Ona Shafer, Mrs. Wm. Wright, De Graffe
Edna Clark, Mrs. Claude Van Sickle,
Bertha Gill, Mrs. Clyde Church, Mt. Vernon
Fanny Gregg, Linden, Columbus
Ethel Edwards, Mrs. Claude Carpenter,
260 Rhoades Ave., Columbus
Parker Burrer, Sunbury
Benjamin Matthews, deceased
Robert Finch, Athens
Daisy Edwards, deceased
Edna Gregg, Mrs. Scott, Charleston, W. Va.
Mary Waldron, Sunbury
Fay Cornell, Mrs. Alder, Willard, N. Mex.
Robert Domigan, Shepard
Stella Ford, Mrs. Thorne, 1472 Victoria
Ave., Lackwood
Leroy Gill, 2156 N. 4th St., Columbus
Charles Grist, 47 Hayden Ave., Columbus
Pearl Huff, Mrs. C.E. Budd, 2076 Peasley
St., Columbus
Rollin Jacobus, Delaware
Pearl Jones, Johnstown
Julia Kenyon, Johnstown
Marie Martin, Mrs. Marie Ensminger,
Frances Martin Candy Co., Columbus
Prof. Frank McFarland, Lexington, Ky.
Hazel Patrick, Mrs. F.L. McVey, 731 E.
11th Ave., Columbus
Robert Roof, Pauliski, N.Y.
Ruby Walker, Condit
Irene Wilson, Mrs. Irene Fisher, Sunbury
Phil Dwinnel, Red Cross Headquarters,
Bluffton, Ind.
Henry Martin, Lodi
Edmund Williams, Box 116, Bradford, Pa.
Goldie Chadwick, Mrs. Goldie Sinkey,
Harry Hennis, Linden, Columbus
Fenton Condit, Condit
Martha McFarland, Protestant Hospital,
Nellie Rosecrans, Mrs. Arthur Boston,
Fay Baker, Penn Apts. No. 9, Rockingham
Rd., Davenport, Iowa
Ruy Finch, Volcanic Observatory, Volcano
House, Hawaii
Gavotte Irwin, Galena
Wm. Loar, 311 E. 17th St., Columbus
Bertha Freeman, deceased
Duna Perfect, deceased
Gorden Burrer, Ohio Inspection Bureau,
Ruth Gorsuch, Mrs. Lester Ackman, Wil-
liamstown, Ky.
Charles Kepton, 300 Alexander Ave.,
Rochester, N.Y.
Joe Landon, Sunbury
Hattie Osburn, Mrs. Hattie Hall, Sunbury
Hazel Shicks, Mrs. Burr Bailey, Sunbury
Merle Williamson, Sunbury
Clyde Wilson, Sunbury
Henry Wilson, Sunbury
Guy Hoover, U.S. Navy, Charleston, S.C.
Carrie Forwood, Mrs. Carrie Hoover,
Helen Cook, 60 N. 21st St., Columbus
Nellie Saunders, Mrs. Henry Wilson,
Ruth Freeman, Mrs. Gaylord Overturf, 319
Sheckler St., Bucyrus
Fern Hoover, Mrs. Fern Hickerson, Mt.
Vinnie Fisher, Mrs. Vinnie Lane, Condit
Mabel Holt, Mrs. Clifford Eley, Sunbury
Kathryn Irvin, Gallopolis
Martha Domigan, P.O. Dept., Washington,
Raymond Chadwick, 72 Mt. Vernon Ave.,
Boston, Mass.
Flo Hoover, Sunbury
Esther Battey, Mrs. Geo. Fry, Centerburg
Louis Weiser, Sunbury
Otis Baker, Radnor
Ivan Jaycox, Ford Plant, Columbus
Eurotus Wigton, c/o Methodist Mission,
Pekin, China
Nellie Hubbell, Mrs. Fletcher Reynolds, 412
Hull Ave., Bucyrus
Burleigh Ely, Condit
Mabel Hupp, Mrs. Mabel Walker, Sunbury
Dorothy Lake, Mrs. C.E. Vest, 456 Wet-
more Ave., Columbus
Harry Loar, Sunbury
Carey Pace, Sunbury
Edward Platt, Galena
Gladys Williamson, Mrs. Connor Lambert,
Russel Welch, Delaware
Florence Perfect, Sunbury
Nellie Duckworth, Mrs. Clyde Bricker, 321
E. Court St., Bowling Green
Kathleen Wigton, Mrs. Ralph Kendrick,
1804 Hillside Terrace, E. Akron
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.54)
[page 54]
[corresponds to page 52]
fifty-two THE OWL
Gladys Forwood, State Hospital, Columbus
Ruth Utley, Sunbury
Nellie Strosnider, Mrs. Frank Hoover,
Wilma Osburn, Sunbury
Jennie Dwinnel, Sunbury
Ruby McFarland, Sunbury
Lamon Kempton, Sunbury
Riley Roof, 41 Bower Ave., Newark
Bryan Longshore, Budd Dairy Co.,
Frank Hoover, Sunbury
Roy Edminster, Mt. Vernon
Lloyd Pace, Centervillage
Harold Tippett, Sunbury
Ross Beaver, O.S.U., Columbus
Glendon Comstock, Condit
Hazel Comstock, Mrs. Morgan Chamber-
land, Washington, C.H.
Llewelyn Davis, Nelsonville News, Nelson-
Ray Eley, Lima
Hobart Grey, O.S.U., Columbus
Hazel Holt, Mrs. Clayton Kunze, 292 No.
Union Ave., Delaware
Dwight Huston
Ralph Kendrick, 1804 Hillside Terrace, E.
Joseph Linnaberry, Briggsdale
Harold Roof, Galena
Dean Tippy, Galena, R.F.D.
Caroline Beacon, Galena
Mary Whisner, Mrs. Rupert Law, 213 Pen-
nant St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mary Bolton, Mrs. Mary Gerry, Johnstown
Clyde Bricker, Athens
Nellie Brooks, deceased
Edith Gorsuch, Mrs. Harold Roof, Galena
Eleanor Granger, Bkp. State House,
Cloise Grey, O.S.U., Columbus
Opal Hupp, Mrs. Rolland Neilson, Sunbury
Leo McCoy, Sunbury
Donald Main, Sunbury
Newell McElwere, Centervillage
Harold Meeker, Sunbury
Richard Paul, Centervillage
Everett Perfect, Condit
Lehr Perfect, 564 E. Spring St., Columbus
Roland Sedgewick, Sunbury
Susie Spearman, 16 Troup Ave., Bowling
Nancy Walter, 564 Sherman Ave., Springfield
Mildred Boyd, Condit
Grace Domigan, Bkp. Bond Mortgage Co.,
Ruth Domigan, O.W.U., Delaware
Homer Fisher, O.S.U., Columbus
Grace Fisher, Condit
William Frazier, Cleveland
Ethel Furry, Sunbury
Merwin Fisher, Condit
Gordon Huston, Chesterville
Ruth Huston, Mrs. Leo Sherman, Columbus
Florence Sherbourne, Delaware
Kathryn Walter, 69 Mulberry St., Athens
Ansel Wilcox, Woodfield
Claude Bonham, Sunbury
Erwin Cockran, O.S.U., Columbus
Mary Cring, Condit
Ethel Forwood, Mrs. Claude Pickering,
Plain City
Frank Frye, Denison University, Granville
Lillian Grey, Grant Hospital, Columbus
Herman Hill, 3108 Riverside Ave., Cleveland
Herschel Hill, O.S.U., Columbus
Dorothy Hupp, Athens, Normal School
Russel Miller, O.S.U., Columbus
Arthur Murphy, Condit
Virgil Perfect, Condit
Loy Perfect, Condit
Leta Speer, Del. Co. Recorder's Office,
Cepter Stark, Sunbury
Cecil Townley, Normal School, Athens
Gertrude Weiser, Woodtown
Forrest Wilcox, sunbury
Frances Brookens, Lott School, Sunbury
Mabel Comstock, Condit
Edith Bolton, c/o Bell Telephone Co.,
Velmah Duckworth, Upperhorseshoe,
Nellie Hines, Sunbury
Chalmers Huston, O.S.U., Columbus
Herbert Kempton, Sunbury
Donald Lake, Sunbury
Dean Lane, Condit
Opal Leek, Sinkey School, Sunbury
Helen McCormick, Sunbury
Clarence Pace, Auto Service, Centerburg
Coral Saunders, Mrs. Coral Ulery,
Bernice Utley, Sandusky St., Delaware
Charlotte Willoughby, Ada
Veva Barton, Ohio Northern Normal
School, Ada
Dorothy Bradfield, Valparaiso University,
Valparaiso, Ind.
Louise Cornell, Butler College, Indian-
apolis, Ind.
Reese Davis, Sunbury
Essie DeWitt, Normal School, Athens
Horace Domigan, O.W.U., Delaware
Doris Forwood, Sunbury
Margaret Gunnet, Grant Hospital,
Elizabeth Ketcham. O.W.U., Delaware
Hazel McCoy, Normal School, Athens
Florence Matthews, Sunbury
Darrel Murphy, O.S.U., Columbus
Margaret Murphy, O.W.U.,Delaware
Doris Patrick, Sunbury
Mildred Perfect, Normal School, Athens
Kathryn Schneider, Sunbury
Dorothy Spencer, Mrs. Stanley Rhoades,
Irma Strong, O.S.U., Columbus
Lucile Townley, State Hospital, Columbus
Cora Walter, Normal School, Athens
Vaughn Williams, Eben Baird Shoe Store,
Lucy Weiser, Jane Case Hospital, Delaware
[corresponds to page 52]
fifty-two THE OWL
Gladys Forwood, State Hospital, Columbus
Ruth Utley, Sunbury
Nellie Strosnider, Mrs. Frank Hoover,
Wilma Osburn, Sunbury
Jennie Dwinnel, Sunbury
Ruby McFarland, Sunbury
Lamon Kempton, Sunbury
Riley Roof, 41 Bower Ave., Newark
Bryan Longshore, Budd Dairy Co.,
Frank Hoover, Sunbury
Roy Edminster, Mt. Vernon
Lloyd Pace, Centervillage
Harold Tippett, Sunbury
Ross Beaver, O.S.U., Columbus
Glendon Comstock, Condit
Hazel Comstock, Mrs. Morgan Chamber-
land, Washington, C.H.
Llewelyn Davis, Nelsonville News, Nelson-
Ray Eley, Lima
Hobart Grey, O.S.U., Columbus
Hazel Holt, Mrs. Clayton Kunze, 292 No.
Union Ave., Delaware
Dwight Huston
Ralph Kendrick, 1804 Hillside Terrace, E.
Joseph Linnaberry, Briggsdale
Harold Roof, Galena
Dean Tippy, Galena, R.F.D.
Caroline Beacon, Galena
Mary Whisner, Mrs. Rupert Law, 213 Pen-
nant St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mary Bolton, Mrs. Mary Gerry, Johnstown
Clyde Bricker, Athens
Nellie Brooks, deceased
Edith Gorsuch, Mrs. Harold Roof, Galena
Eleanor Granger, Bkp. State House,
Cloise Grey, O.S.U., Columbus
Opal Hupp, Mrs. Rolland Neilson, Sunbury
Leo McCoy, Sunbury
Donald Main, Sunbury
Newell McElwere, Centervillage
Harold Meeker, Sunbury
Richard Paul, Centervillage
Everett Perfect, Condit
Lehr Perfect, 564 E. Spring St., Columbus
Roland Sedgewick, Sunbury
Susie Spearman, 16 Troup Ave., Bowling
Nancy Walter, 564 Sherman Ave., Springfield
Mildred Boyd, Condit
Grace Domigan, Bkp. Bond Mortgage Co.,
Ruth Domigan, O.W.U., Delaware
Homer Fisher, O.S.U., Columbus
Grace Fisher, Condit
William Frazier, Cleveland
Ethel Furry, Sunbury
Merwin Fisher, Condit
Gordon Huston, Chesterville
Ruth Huston, Mrs. Leo Sherman, Columbus
Florence Sherbourne, Delaware
Kathryn Walter, 69 Mulberry St., Athens
Ansel Wilcox, Woodfield
Claude Bonham, Sunbury
Erwin Cockran, O.S.U., Columbus
Mary Cring, Condit
Ethel Forwood, Mrs. Claude Pickering,
Plain City
Frank Frye, Denison University, Granville
Lillian Grey, Grant Hospital, Columbus
Herman Hill, 3108 Riverside Ave., Cleveland
Herschel Hill, O.S.U., Columbus
Dorothy Hupp, Athens, Normal School
Russel Miller, O.S.U., Columbus
Arthur Murphy, Condit
Virgil Perfect, Condit
Loy Perfect, Condit
Leta Speer, Del. Co. Recorder's Office,
Cepter Stark, Sunbury
Cecil Townley, Normal School, Athens
Gertrude Weiser, Woodtown
Forrest Wilcox, sunbury
Frances Brookens, Lott School, Sunbury
Mabel Comstock, Condit
Edith Bolton, c/o Bell Telephone Co.,
Velmah Duckworth, Upperhorseshoe,
Nellie Hines, Sunbury
Chalmers Huston, O.S.U., Columbus
Herbert Kempton, Sunbury
Donald Lake, Sunbury
Dean Lane, Condit
Opal Leek, Sinkey School, Sunbury
Helen McCormick, Sunbury
Clarence Pace, Auto Service, Centerburg
Coral Saunders, Mrs. Coral Ulery,
Bernice Utley, Sandusky St., Delaware
Charlotte Willoughby, Ada
Veva Barton, Ohio Northern Normal
School, Ada
Dorothy Bradfield, Valparaiso University,
Valparaiso, Ind.
Louise Cornell, Butler College, Indian-
apolis, Ind.
Reese Davis, Sunbury
Essie DeWitt, Normal School, Athens
Horace Domigan, O.W.U., Delaware
Doris Forwood, Sunbury
Margaret Gunnet, Grant Hospital,
Elizabeth Ketcham. O.W.U., Delaware
Hazel McCoy, Normal School, Athens
Florence Matthews, Sunbury
Darrel Murphy, O.S.U., Columbus
Margaret Murphy, O.W.U.,Delaware
Doris Patrick, Sunbury
Mildred Perfect, Normal School, Athens
Kathryn Schneider, Sunbury
Dorothy Spencer, Mrs. Stanley Rhoades,
Irma Strong, O.S.U., Columbus
Lucile Townley, State Hospital, Columbus
Cora Walter, Normal School, Athens
Vaughn Williams, Eben Baird Shoe Store,
Lucy Weiser, Jane Case Hospital, Delaware
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.55)
[page 55]
[corresponds to page 53]
THE OWL fifty-three
Fords and Fordsons
Baker Art Gallery
Columbus, O.
Again appreciates the liberal patronage of
the Sunbury High School Students and
hopes the future may have the same
measure of success in store for each of you
as you have made it possible for you.
The M. Weiss & Sons Co.
[corresponds to page 53]
THE OWL fifty-three
Fords and Fordsons
Baker Art Gallery
Columbus, O.
Again appreciates the liberal patronage of
the Sunbury High School Students and
hopes the future may have the same
measure of success in store for each of you
as you have made it possible for you.
The M. Weiss & Sons Co.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.56)
[page 56]
[corresponds to page 54]
fifty-four THE OWL
G.L. BUDD, Prop.
The old and young enjoy motion pictures because they educate, in-
spire and make you forget the hardships of life.
"We Try to Please You"
"The Vogue Shoppe"
Where style is first
Where you will always find the
latest in shoes, clothes, neckwear
shirts, gloves, hosiery, underwear,
hats, and caps.
A shop for the man who is
particular about his appearance.
We guarantee to please.
[corresponds to page 54]
fifty-four THE OWL
G.L. BUDD, Prop.
The old and young enjoy motion pictures because they educate, in-
spire and make you forget the hardships of life.
"We Try to Please You"
"The Vogue Shoppe"
Where style is first
Where you will always find the
latest in shoes, clothes, neckwear
shirts, gloves, hosiery, underwear,
hats, and caps.
A shop for the man who is
particular about his appearance.
We guarantee to please.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.57)
[page 57]
[corresponds to page 55]
THE OWL fifty-five
SEPTEMBER Patrick Hardware
1921 Company
5. Learned what was to be our source of
worry during 1921-22. For Hardware,
6. Freshies cast frightened glances at up- Granite Ware,
per classmen.
9. Georgie is set up as an example for the Paints and Oil,
10. Dug ditch across basketball field. Plumbing
12. Freshmen auctioned off to the two liter-
ary societies. No bids, so they were
given away. Phone 64 Sunbury, Ohio
16. Freshmen reception given by Sopho-
mores. Most distinguished guests Har-
lan Williamson and Minnie Willoughby.
19. Freshies come to school with sore heads,
the result of the initiation. "Meder" and
Erma's birthday.
20. Seniors select their class rings.
21. Seniors beginning to attain that digni-
fied look.
23. Manual Training boys sharpened their
tools, Marie's birthday, school should
have been closed.
26. Election of class officers.
28. Mr. Orville Barcus gave a very interest-
ing talk in Chapel on his hobby "Star-
29. Miss Jeffrey found reading a book on
30. Sunbury suffered defeat at Bellpoint
8 to 7.
OCTOBER Pupils Enjoy Our
2. Almeda makes hit with Harry. Lunches
5. Chapel, Rev. Roberts of Galena gave an Candies
interesting talk on "Self-Efficiency,"
Students Council organized. Soda
6. Teachers left for convention at Dayton.
"Hardtime" party at Spencers. (Vinegar) We enjoy serving pupils.
7. Sunbury knocked off Ashley, boys 29-23,
girls 16-3. Visit Our
8. Saturday, no lessons of course. Confectionery
10. A Freshman got smart. Prof. Myers'
paddle found broken. A. PATRICK, Prop. North Side Sq.
11."Pick" arrives on time. SUNBURY, OHIO
12. Chapel, organized an orchestra.
13. Everybody crams.
14. Term exams for 1st period. White-
washed Centervillage, Boys 27-0. Girls,
6-3. Manual Training Class finishes Do-
mestic Science Room.
16. Sunday. No studying 'cause Mr. Myers
said we couldn't.
17. Sophomore party at High School.
18. Lawrence Callahan surprises all by re-
19. Chapel, interesting talk by Rev.
20. Elocution as usual.
21. Basketball, Sunbury wallops Radnor,
boys 30-16, girls 5-2.
24. Senior boys attracting Sophomore girls.
[corresponds to page 55]
THE OWL fifty-five
SEPTEMBER Patrick Hardware
1921 Company
5. Learned what was to be our source of
worry during 1921-22. For Hardware,
6. Freshies cast frightened glances at up- Granite Ware,
per classmen.
9. Georgie is set up as an example for the Paints and Oil,
10. Dug ditch across basketball field. Plumbing
12. Freshmen auctioned off to the two liter-
ary societies. No bids, so they were
given away. Phone 64 Sunbury, Ohio
16. Freshmen reception given by Sopho-
mores. Most distinguished guests Har-
lan Williamson and Minnie Willoughby.
19. Freshies come to school with sore heads,
the result of the initiation. "Meder" and
Erma's birthday.
20. Seniors select their class rings.
21. Seniors beginning to attain that digni-
fied look.
23. Manual Training boys sharpened their
tools, Marie's birthday, school should
have been closed.
26. Election of class officers.
28. Mr. Orville Barcus gave a very interest-
ing talk in Chapel on his hobby "Star-
29. Miss Jeffrey found reading a book on
30. Sunbury suffered defeat at Bellpoint
8 to 7.
OCTOBER Pupils Enjoy Our
2. Almeda makes hit with Harry. Lunches
5. Chapel, Rev. Roberts of Galena gave an Candies
interesting talk on "Self-Efficiency,"
Students Council organized. Soda
6. Teachers left for convention at Dayton.
"Hardtime" party at Spencers. (Vinegar) We enjoy serving pupils.
7. Sunbury knocked off Ashley, boys 29-23,
girls 16-3. Visit Our
8. Saturday, no lessons of course. Confectionery
10. A Freshman got smart. Prof. Myers'
paddle found broken. A. PATRICK, Prop. North Side Sq.
11."Pick" arrives on time. SUNBURY, OHIO
12. Chapel, organized an orchestra.
13. Everybody crams.
14. Term exams for 1st period. White-
washed Centervillage, Boys 27-0. Girls,
6-3. Manual Training Class finishes Do-
mestic Science Room.
16. Sunday. No studying 'cause Mr. Myers
said we couldn't.
17. Sophomore party at High School.
18. Lawrence Callahan surprises all by re-
19. Chapel, interesting talk by Rev.
20. Elocution as usual.
21. Basketball, Sunbury wallops Radnor,
boys 30-16, girls 5-2.
24. Senior boys attracting Sophomore girls.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.58)
[page 58]
[corresponds to page 56]
fifty-six THE OWL
Established 1872
John Williamson & Sons
Farm Implements, Etc.
Sunbury Ohio
Blakely - Williams
The Store of Quality
[corresponds to page 56]
fifty-six THE OWL
Established 1872
John Williamson & Sons
Farm Implements, Etc.
Sunbury Ohio
Blakely - Williams
The Store of Quality
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.59)
[page 59]
[corresponds to page 57]
THE OWL fifty-seven
25. Harlan marched down without being
bawled out.
26. Chapel
BAKE IT WITH WHITE LOAF The Bucher Engraving
28. Basketball, Berlin boys defeat us 23-17, Company
but our girls walk off with a score of
29. Freshies serve pop and pumpkin pie to ENGRAVERS
31. Hallowe'en Frolic
1. Everybody sleepy. Lessons unprepared.
2. Percy walks the goose-step.
4. Basketball, Galena vs. Sunbury.
7. Squire shaves off his mustache.
9. Orchestra advised not to play at dances. STAR GARAGE AND
11. Sunbury vs. Hyatts. Hyatts boys win MACHINE SHOP
12-6, Sunbury girls win 2-1.
Repair all makes of cars, generators,
15. Carl makes a hit with Arline.
starters, batteries, and electrical systems
16. Mabel Wolfe's eyes turn green.
17. Edna A'Neal receives Gold Medal and
Frank Stelzer, Bronze, won in County
Track Meet, May 6, 1921.
18. Berlin knocked off Sunbury with a score
of 27-18. Arlo Searles leaves for college.
21. Exams, 2nd term, studying seems to be
the newest fad.
22. Still studying.
23. Program given by first six grades.
24. Beginning of Thanksgiving vacation.
Everybody thankful for the vacation.
25. Alumni Homecoming at K.P. Hall. Old STELZER & GRANGER
folks still able to play basketball for
their boys defeated us with a score 14-13. CASH
High School Girls won over Alumni MEAT MARKET
28. Stupid, too much turkey.
30. Excellent music by orchestra. Paul's Phone 63 Sunbury, Ohio
2. Sunbury shows Croton how to play
basketball. Score 27-12.
5. Arthur A'Neals is greatly attracted by
a grammar school girl.
7. Rev. Fisher gave an interesting talk
about--30 minutes in length. Mr. Lester
Ackman follows with another 10 minutes.
9. Sunbury scored 37 to Ostrander's 19.
12. Sweetness worried; did not receive his ICE
daily note.
13. Glee Club practice as usual. SUNBURY DRAY, COAL &
14. Sunbury defeats Brown 32-24. ICE COMPANY
15. Olive takes a vacation.
16. Powell walks off with Sunbury, 24-21. W. J. Crowl, Prop.
17. Centerburg surprises Sunbury with a
score of 16-15.
18. Netta and "Pick" goes to Sunday School.
19. Paul Miller writes his letter to Santa
Claus. First Literary program.
21. Mr. Myers sings "Love Divine" in
[corresponds to page 57]
THE OWL fifty-seven
25. Harlan marched down without being
bawled out.
26. Chapel
BAKE IT WITH WHITE LOAF The Bucher Engraving
28. Basketball, Berlin boys defeat us 23-17, Company
but our girls walk off with a score of
29. Freshies serve pop and pumpkin pie to ENGRAVERS
31. Hallowe'en Frolic
1. Everybody sleepy. Lessons unprepared.
2. Percy walks the goose-step.
4. Basketball, Galena vs. Sunbury.
7. Squire shaves off his mustache.
9. Orchestra advised not to play at dances. STAR GARAGE AND
11. Sunbury vs. Hyatts. Hyatts boys win MACHINE SHOP
12-6, Sunbury girls win 2-1.
Repair all makes of cars, generators,
15. Carl makes a hit with Arline.
starters, batteries, and electrical systems
16. Mabel Wolfe's eyes turn green.
17. Edna A'Neal receives Gold Medal and
Frank Stelzer, Bronze, won in County
Track Meet, May 6, 1921.
18. Berlin knocked off Sunbury with a score
of 27-18. Arlo Searles leaves for college.
21. Exams, 2nd term, studying seems to be
the newest fad.
22. Still studying.
23. Program given by first six grades.
24. Beginning of Thanksgiving vacation.
Everybody thankful for the vacation.
25. Alumni Homecoming at K.P. Hall. Old STELZER & GRANGER
folks still able to play basketball for
their boys defeated us with a score 14-13. CASH
High School Girls won over Alumni MEAT MARKET
28. Stupid, too much turkey.
30. Excellent music by orchestra. Paul's Phone 63 Sunbury, Ohio
2. Sunbury shows Croton how to play
basketball. Score 27-12.
5. Arthur A'Neals is greatly attracted by
a grammar school girl.
7. Rev. Fisher gave an interesting talk
about--30 minutes in length. Mr. Lester
Ackman follows with another 10 minutes.
9. Sunbury scored 37 to Ostrander's 19.
12. Sweetness worried; did not receive his ICE
daily note.
13. Glee Club practice as usual. SUNBURY DRAY, COAL &
14. Sunbury defeats Brown 32-24. ICE COMPANY
15. Olive takes a vacation.
16. Powell walks off with Sunbury, 24-21. W. J. Crowl, Prop.
17. Centerburg surprises Sunbury with a
score of 16-15.
18. Netta and "Pick" goes to Sunday School.
19. Paul Miller writes his letter to Santa
Claus. First Literary program.
21. Mr. Myers sings "Love Divine" in
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.60)
[page 60]
[corresponds to page 58]
fifty-eight THE OWL
The Methodist Church
Cordially Invites You to Worship With Them.
DR. L.L. FISHER, Pastor
Sunday School - - - - - - - - 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship - - - - - - - 10:30 A.M.
Epworth League - - - - - - - 6:30 P.M.
Evening Service - - - - - - - 7:30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday - - - 7:30 P.M.
You Will Find a Welcome Here.
Baptist Church
Sunbury, Ohio
C. F. Schneider, Pastor
Sunday School - - - - - - - - - 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship - - - - - - - - 10:30 A.M.
B.Y.P.U. - - - - - - - - - - - - 6:30 P.M.
Evening Service - - - - - - - - 7:30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday - - - - 7:30 P.M.
W.W. Guild ............................2nd Friday each month
Ladies' Mission Circle ..............2nd Thursday each month
Y.M.P. Class.........................3rd Thursday each month
Birthday Class.......................4th Thursday each month
[corresponds to page 58]
fifty-eight THE OWL
The Methodist Church
Cordially Invites You to Worship With Them.
DR. L.L. FISHER, Pastor
Sunday School - - - - - - - - 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship - - - - - - - 10:30 A.M.
Epworth League - - - - - - - 6:30 P.M.
Evening Service - - - - - - - 7:30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday - - - 7:30 P.M.
You Will Find a Welcome Here.
Baptist Church
Sunbury, Ohio
C. F. Schneider, Pastor
Sunday School - - - - - - - - - 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship - - - - - - - - 10:30 A.M.
B.Y.P.U. - - - - - - - - - - - - 6:30 P.M.
Evening Service - - - - - - - - 7:30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday - - - - 7:30 P.M.
W.W. Guild ............................2nd Friday each month
Ladies' Mission Circle ..............2nd Thursday each month
Y.M.P. Class.........................3rd Thursday each month
Birthday Class.......................4th Thursday each month
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.61)
[page 61]
[corresponds to page 59]
THE OWL fifty-nine
23. Leota fell in the flour barrel as usual.
24. Freshmen boys go shopping for their CLASS RINGS AND PINS
Christmas perfume.
25. Sophomore girls receive the perfume. Athletic Medals and Trophies
27. Ralph goes to Newark to see his girl. Fraternity Badges and Jewelry
Gets scarlet fever. Stays five weeks. Announcements and Invitations
28. "Pick" goes swimming with his skates on.
Special designs submitted without charge
for new organization emblems. Send
for catalogs.
1. Start the year right, bake it with White
2. Off again, on again, gone again, school
3. Glee Club practice postponed till Friday.
4. "Doc" Carpenter puts on long trousers.
5. Miss Kidwell does not appear.
6. Bellpoint plays our 2nd team and wins
7. Sunbury defeats Orange 18-12.
10. Found on floor of assembly rooms two We pay you cash for your
recipes, one for Peach Brandy, the other Produce and sell to you for
for Clover-blossom wine; owner "Toots"
Grey. CASH
11. Wm. Whitney is interested in the gram-
mar room. Parsans Cash Grocery
13. Hyatts defeated our 2nd team 29-16.
End of first semester. Manual Training
Class finishes Junior Desks.
16. Courses selected for 2nd semester.
17. Still selecting.
18. Confusion in changing of classes. New
Member of American Literature class--
Arlo Searles (a Freshman).
20. We ran away with Centervillage with a
score of 45-3. 2nd Literary program.
23. Helen Morris vamps a Senior. Have Your Old Shoes
25. Chapel, Mr. Myers tells us how to make Repaired
the best of our opportunities. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
26. Great attraction in the library. JOHNSON
27. Bellpoint wallops Sunbury for the 3rd For Good Shoe Repairing
time, score 22-16.
30. Almeda begins advertising for Harry Wear-U-Well Shoes in Stock
has left. SUNBURY, OHIO
31. Bake it with White Loaf.
1. Miss Jeffrey is alarmed lest the Sopho-
mores have lost their voices--in English.
3. Ostrander carries home the bacon with
a score of 27-19.
6. "Hook" Williamson tries to get another
date with Minnie.
7. Percy Downing and Frances Perfect, C.W. Buckingham
Allan Fisher and Anna Mae Meeker at-
tend the Red Head Party. Lumber
8. Noah Green forgot his Commercial Geo- Building Material
graphy lesson.
10. Delaware outscored us in a very exciting Roofing Coal
game 26-24.
11. Nobody flunked today,--Sunday y'see.
13. Mr. Myers' wash-day.
14. Melton tries to flirt with Mabel Wolfe.
He is carried out senseless. Many others
receive nice Valentines also.
15. Rev. Myers of Barbarton gave an in-
teresting talk.
[corresponds to page 59]
THE OWL fifty-nine
23. Leota fell in the flour barrel as usual.
24. Freshmen boys go shopping for their CLASS RINGS AND PINS
Christmas perfume.
25. Sophomore girls receive the perfume. Athletic Medals and Trophies
27. Ralph goes to Newark to see his girl. Fraternity Badges and Jewelry
Gets scarlet fever. Stays five weeks. Announcements and Invitations
28. "Pick" goes swimming with his skates on.
Special designs submitted without charge
for new organization emblems. Send
for catalogs.
1. Start the year right, bake it with White
2. Off again, on again, gone again, school
3. Glee Club practice postponed till Friday.
4. "Doc" Carpenter puts on long trousers.
5. Miss Kidwell does not appear.
6. Bellpoint plays our 2nd team and wins
7. Sunbury defeats Orange 18-12.
10. Found on floor of assembly rooms two We pay you cash for your
recipes, one for Peach Brandy, the other Produce and sell to you for
for Clover-blossom wine; owner "Toots"
Grey. CASH
11. Wm. Whitney is interested in the gram-
mar room. Parsans Cash Grocery
13. Hyatts defeated our 2nd team 29-16.
End of first semester. Manual Training
Class finishes Junior Desks.
16. Courses selected for 2nd semester.
17. Still selecting.
18. Confusion in changing of classes. New
Member of American Literature class--
Arlo Searles (a Freshman).
20. We ran away with Centervillage with a
score of 45-3. 2nd Literary program.
23. Helen Morris vamps a Senior. Have Your Old Shoes
25. Chapel, Mr. Myers tells us how to make Repaired
the best of our opportunities. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
26. Great attraction in the library. JOHNSON
27. Bellpoint wallops Sunbury for the 3rd For Good Shoe Repairing
time, score 22-16.
30. Almeda begins advertising for Harry Wear-U-Well Shoes in Stock
has left. SUNBURY, OHIO
31. Bake it with White Loaf.
1. Miss Jeffrey is alarmed lest the Sopho-
mores have lost their voices--in English.
3. Ostrander carries home the bacon with
a score of 27-19.
6. "Hook" Williamson tries to get another
date with Minnie.
7. Percy Downing and Frances Perfect, C.W. Buckingham
Allan Fisher and Anna Mae Meeker at-
tend the Red Head Party. Lumber
8. Noah Green forgot his Commercial Geo- Building Material
graphy lesson.
10. Delaware outscored us in a very exciting Roofing Coal
game 26-24.
11. Nobody flunked today,--Sunday y'see.
13. Mr. Myers' wash-day.
14. Melton tries to flirt with Mabel Wolfe.
He is carried out senseless. Many others
receive nice Valentines also.
15. Rev. Myers of Barbarton gave an in-
teresting talk.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.62)
[page 62]
[corresponds to page 60]
sixty THE OWL
[corresponds to page 60]
sixty THE OWL
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.63)
[page 63]
[corresponds to page 61]
THE OWL sixty-one
17. Sunbury defeats Delaware's 2nd team
20. We have a visitor who seems interested R.P. ANDERSON
in students rather than the school. Net- Headquarters for
ta sat in front of "Bob" Allison, the DRUGS
visitor sat with "Bob." KODAKS
22. We celebrated Washington's Birthday SCHOOL SUPPLIES
with a few extras in Chapel. Rev. Hus- DRUG SUNDRIES
ton gave an interesting talk on Wash-
ington's Life. Phone 68
24. Pictures are taken for the Annual by
Baker. Grammar School gave an excel-
lent program at the K. of P. Hall.
26. Blue Monday. The day on which the
report of the examinations of the pre-
ceding week were given.
27. Philomathean Society gives program at
school to which the Athenians were in-
28. Special session of Chapel at which we THE
were favored with a talk by Rev. San- SUNBURY
tose, a Wesleyan student and a native of SAVINGS
the Phillipine Islands. & LOAN
1. Bake it with White Loaf. PUBLIC SERVICE
2. Basketball Squad journeyed to Delaware
to take their part in the Tournament.
3. At 2:30, S.H.S. eliminated Verona with
a score of 15-12 in a very fast and ex-
citing game. At 8:30 Sunbury met
North Lewisburg in the 3rd round and
was unable to hold down their 250 lbs.
giants, thus losing by a score of 26-11.
8. Hawaiian Troupe with string instru-
ments, gave us several selections which
were highly appreciated.
9. Allan Fisher discovered in Manual
Training room teaching the Freshman
girls how to get a tune out of a saw.
10. Juniors entertained the school and pub-
lic with a class play, "All on Account of
13. Several bad cases of spring fever. DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY
16. Howard Cring walks home from school Charles Bawden
for reasons too numerous to mention. JEWELER
17. Dr. James M. Taylor gave an interesting SUNBURY - - OHIO
talk on the "Continent of Opportunity."
20. Earl Cline is seen with his mouth shut.
22. Ella discovers that "Pete" isn't so bad
after all.
24. All glad to see Miss Kidwell back after
her illness.
27. Mildred Emerine startles all the boys at
her first appearance as a pupil of S.H.S.
28. All girls curl their hair and get jealous.
30. Ladies Home Journal Campaign starts.
31. (In the morning) Our negative and E. C. BENNET
affirmative debating teams debate before
the school. Everyone advised to "dig Lumber and Coal
for de bait." (In the evening) County
Debate held at Community Hall, Affirm- Galena Ohio
ative team defeats Ostrander by a 3 to 0
vote, while our Negative team lost at
Berlin by the same score.
[corresponds to page 61]
THE OWL sixty-one
17. Sunbury defeats Delaware's 2nd team
20. We have a visitor who seems interested R.P. ANDERSON
in students rather than the school. Net- Headquarters for
ta sat in front of "Bob" Allison, the DRUGS
visitor sat with "Bob." KODAKS
22. We celebrated Washington's Birthday SCHOOL SUPPLIES
with a few extras in Chapel. Rev. Hus- DRUG SUNDRIES
ton gave an interesting talk on Wash-
ington's Life. Phone 68
24. Pictures are taken for the Annual by
Baker. Grammar School gave an excel-
lent program at the K. of P. Hall.
26. Blue Monday. The day on which the
report of the examinations of the pre-
ceding week were given.
27. Philomathean Society gives program at
school to which the Athenians were in-
28. Special session of Chapel at which we THE
were favored with a talk by Rev. San- SUNBURY
tose, a Wesleyan student and a native of SAVINGS
the Phillipine Islands. & LOAN
1. Bake it with White Loaf. PUBLIC SERVICE
2. Basketball Squad journeyed to Delaware
to take their part in the Tournament.
3. At 2:30, S.H.S. eliminated Verona with
a score of 15-12 in a very fast and ex-
citing game. At 8:30 Sunbury met
North Lewisburg in the 3rd round and
was unable to hold down their 250 lbs.
giants, thus losing by a score of 26-11.
8. Hawaiian Troupe with string instru-
ments, gave us several selections which
were highly appreciated.
9. Allan Fisher discovered in Manual
Training room teaching the Freshman
girls how to get a tune out of a saw.
10. Juniors entertained the school and pub-
lic with a class play, "All on Account of
13. Several bad cases of spring fever. DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY
16. Howard Cring walks home from school Charles Bawden
for reasons too numerous to mention. JEWELER
17. Dr. James M. Taylor gave an interesting SUNBURY - - OHIO
talk on the "Continent of Opportunity."
20. Earl Cline is seen with his mouth shut.
22. Ella discovers that "Pete" isn't so bad
after all.
24. All glad to see Miss Kidwell back after
her illness.
27. Mildred Emerine startles all the boys at
her first appearance as a pupil of S.H.S.
28. All girls curl their hair and get jealous.
30. Ladies Home Journal Campaign starts.
31. (In the morning) Our negative and E. C. BENNET
affirmative debating teams debate before
the school. Everyone advised to "dig Lumber and Coal
for de bait." (In the evening) County
Debate held at Community Hall, Affirm- Galena Ohio
ative team defeats Ostrander by a 3 to 0
vote, while our Negative team lost at
Berlin by the same score.
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922 (p.64)
[page 64]
[corresponds to page 62]
sixty-two THE OWL
We have on hand a full 3. Helen Morris and "Pete" Beaver dis-
line of covered in Senior Room.
Kelley - Springfield 5. Chapel postponed 'til Friday.
TIRES 7. Chapel, Arbor Day program. Walloped
Galena in the first big game of the sea-
Cooper Batteries son 2-0. In the evening the Glee Club
and Battery Service gave a program at Berkshire.
Our speciality 10. Ground flew up and hit "Sherm" on the
SUNBURY TIRE 11. "High-pocket" stars at vaulting.
& REPAIR CO. 12. Elocution and Public Speaking classes
give an excellent program at K. of P.
14. Game with Centerburg called off, rained.
Gerald Crowl receives a gold medal for
the highest scoring guard in towns from
500 to 1500.
17. Debates in Sophomore English com-
mence. Ladies Home Journal campaign
19. Miss Jeffrey begins drilling the Literary
21. Special attraction, Junior Jubilee. Sun-
bury defeats Galena Baseball team 6-1,
Sunbury defeats Orange 9-2.
22. Sophomores' Moonlight party. (No
moon, no chaperon).
Milo D. Gammill 24. Large number turn out for track prac-
Dealer in LIVE STOCK tice.
LONG DISTANCE HAULING 26. Chapel as usual. Bake it with White
Phone 19 Sunbury, Ohio Loaf.
28. Philomathian and Athenian Contest at
K. of P. Hall. Philomathians win. Score
3 1/2 to 2. Baseball, Sunbury 6, Center-
burg 11.
THE FRANKLIN PRINTING CO. 1. "Hook" Williamson stars at high jump-
[image] ing.
COLUMBUS, OHIO 4. Baseball, Ashley vs. Sunbury.
5. Oratorical Contest at Gray Chapel.
Book and Catalog 9. Orchestra practice.
Printers 11. Junior-Senior Banquet.
12. Track meet at Delaware.
15, 16 and 17. Final Exams. Everybody
worried as usual.
19. Senior Class Play. School out. All
books burned.
21. Baccalaureate Sermon.
24. Commencement.
26. Alumni Banquet. Baseball, Sunbury vs.
Bake it with White Loaf.
[corresponds to page 62]
sixty-two THE OWL
We have on hand a full 3. Helen Morris and "Pete" Beaver dis-
line of covered in Senior Room.
Kelley - Springfield 5. Chapel postponed 'til Friday.
TIRES 7. Chapel, Arbor Day program. Walloped
Galena in the first big game of the sea-
Cooper Batteries son 2-0. In the evening the Glee Club
and Battery Service gave a program at Berkshire.
Our speciality 10. Ground flew up and hit "Sherm" on the
SUNBURY TIRE 11. "High-pocket" stars at vaulting.
& REPAIR CO. 12. Elocution and Public Speaking classes
give an excellent program at K. of P.
14. Game with Centerburg called off, rained.
Gerald Crowl receives a gold medal for
the highest scoring guard in towns from
500 to 1500.
17. Debates in Sophomore English com-
mence. Ladies Home Journal campaign
19. Miss Jeffrey begins drilling the Literary
21. Special attraction, Junior Jubilee. Sun-
bury defeats Galena Baseball team 6-1,
Sunbury defeats Orange 9-2.
22. Sophomores' Moonlight party. (No
moon, no chaperon).
Milo D. Gammill 24. Large number turn out for track prac-
Dealer in LIVE STOCK tice.
LONG DISTANCE HAULING 26. Chapel as usual. Bake it with White
Phone 19 Sunbury, Ohio Loaf.
28. Philomathian and Athenian Contest at
K. of P. Hall. Philomathians win. Score
3 1/2 to 2. Baseball, Sunbury 6, Center-
burg 11.
THE FRANKLIN PRINTING CO. 1. "Hook" Williamson stars at high jump-
[image] ing.
COLUMBUS, OHIO 4. Baseball, Ashley vs. Sunbury.
5. Oratorical Contest at Gray Chapel.
Book and Catalog 9. Orchestra practice.
Printers 11. Junior-Senior Banquet.
12. Track meet at Delaware.
15, 16 and 17. Final Exams. Everybody
worried as usual.
19. Senior Class Play. School out. All
books burned.
21. Baccalaureate Sermon.
24. Commencement.
26. Alumni Banquet. Baseball, Sunbury vs.
Bake it with White Loaf.
Dublin Core
The Owl, Vol. II, 1922
Public schools--Ohio--Delaware County
Schools--Ohio--Delaware County--1922
Sunbury school--Sunbury Ohio--1922
Schools--Ohio--Delaware County--1922
Sunbury school--Sunbury Ohio--1922
The Owl was the name of the yearbook of the Sunbury School for a number of years before the formation of the Big Walnut School District.
Editor-in-Chief Paul Miller; Assistant Editor-in-Chief William Whitney; Business Manager Walter Carpenter; Assistant Business Manager Craig Hicks; Subscription Manager Sterling Beaver; Assistant Subscription Manager Gerald Crowl; Literary Editor Ellsworth Meeker; Art Editor Melton Rogers; Assistant Art Editor Mable Wolfe; News Editor Russell Pickering; Assistant News Editor Marie Williams; Athletic Editor Edna A'Neal; Alumni Editor Leota Domigan
Still Image
Editor-in-Chief Paul Miller; Assistant Editor-in-Chief William Whitney; Business Manager Walter Carpenter; Assistant Business Manager Craig Hicks; Subscription Manager Sterling Beaver; Assistant Subscription Manager Gerald Crowl; Literary Editor Ellsworth Meeker; Art Editor Melton Rogers; Assistant Art Editor Mable Wolfe; News Editor Russell Pickering; Assistant News Editor Marie Williams; Athletic Editor Edna A'Neal; Alumni Editor Leota Domigan
, “The Owl, Vol. II, 1922,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 3, 2025,