Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 1)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 1)


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Ohio 1873-1937]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 2)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 2)


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Ohio 1873-1937]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 3)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 3)


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Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 4)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 4)


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Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 5)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 5)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]

Sessional Records

of the

1st Presbyterian Church

of Trenton

Delaware Co.

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 6)


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Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 7)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 7)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


May 31st 1873

The Session of the Trenton Presbyterian

Church met & was opened with prayer

by Rev R. Wylie, Orvil Gennette Alden

presented herself before the session &

was examined in regard to her faith

in Christ & the Session being satisfied

She was received. Closed with prayer.

S. C. Ketcham

Thursday evening Aug 28th 1873

Session met & was opened with prayer

by Rev R. Wylie, E. M. Condit S.H. Pierson

& S. C. Ketcham elders, were present.

The form of government being complied

with Miss Ellen Jacobus appeared before

the Session to answer to the charge

of unchristian conduct ^She confessed to the charges, & After an examin-

ation had been made a decision was

defered until all the members of

Session were present. Closed with prayer.

S. C. Ketcham

October 5th 1873.

Session met & was opened with prayer

by Rev R. Wylie. All the members of

the session being present the case of

Miss Ellen Jacobus was again taken up.

& she was suspended from the communion

of the church until sufficient evidence of

the genuineness of her repentance be manifest

in her godly walk & conversation. Closed

with prayer.

S. C. Ketcham
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 8)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 8)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Examined and approved at Presbytery - Trenton

April 22. 74

D. D. Waugh Mod.

September 6th 1874 Session me and

was opened with prayer by the Moderator

Rev Robert Wylie. D.A. Jackson came before

the Session was examined as to his

faith in Christ. The Session being satisfied

he was received to the church.

Clinton S. Wheaton desired a letter from

the church to unite with the Jersey Presby-

terian Church of Illinois which was granted there

being no other business the Session

was closed with prayer by the Moderator.

S. C. Ketcham

Saturday Jan 16th 1875 Session met

& was opened with prayer by the Mod.

Rev R. Wylie. The members were all

present. The following named persons

presented themselves before the session &

were examined as to their faith in

Christ. The session being satisfied

with their examination they were

received, Mattie A. Bailey, Lina A.

Bailey, Mary A. Jacobus, Corrie May

Potter, Isaac Bailey, Ella J. Pierson,

Medora Andrews, Philena Patrick, Mary

E. Gordan, Mary E. Condit, Jane R.

Dawes, Coraline A. Dawes, Elizabeth

Bailey, Daniel Bailey, Henry Cring,

Henry H,. Cring, George W. Cring,

Marquis W. Cring, Andrew H. Pierson

William C. Pierson, Harry Dawes,

Eddie Dawes, Magdalena Dawes,

Mrs Allice Simmonds requested
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 9)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 9)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


a letter from the church which

was granted. She wished to unite

with the congregational Church of

New Albany. There being no other

business the session adjorned closed

with prayer.

S. C. Ketcham Clk

Saturday March 6th 1875

Session met & was opened with

prayer by the Pastor R. Wylie

Mr L. A. Ports presented a letter

from from the M. E. Church of

Sunbury O. & his wife one from

the Congregational Church of Ransom

Michigan, both letters were received

by the Session. Mary A. Domigan

presented herself before the Session

& was examined as to her faith

in Christ. The session being satisfied

with her examination she was

received. There being no other

business Session was closed with

prayer by S. C. Ketcham.

S. C. Ketcham


Saturday June 5th 1875

Prefatory Lecture by Rev W. G. March

after which the Session was called

together by the moderator & ^opened with prayer the

following business was transacted.

Mr Harvey L. Wheaton presented a

letter from Jersey Presbyterian Church

Champaign Co. Ill. which was received

by the Session & his name ordered

to be entered upon the roll of

Trenton Church. Mr. Stephen Post

& his wife Jane Post present letters
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 10)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 10)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


from the Congregational Church in

Cass Iowa which were received

by the Session & their named and

to be placed upon the roll of

Trenton Presbyterian Church.

Mr Charles E. Green came before

the Session & was examined as to

his faith in Christ. The Session

being satisfied he was received.

No further business Session ajourned

Closed with prayer.

E. J. Post Clk

Sabbath morning June 6th 1875

Sermon by Rev W. G. March after which

Charles E. Green was baptized &

entered into public covenant with

the church. The Sacriment of the

Lords Supper was then administered

by Rev Robert Wylie & Rev W. G. March

E. J. Post Clk

Sabbath morning July 11th 1875

Session met & was opened with

prayer by Rev R. Wylie. The request of

Mrs Margaret Robinson for a letter

to join the Kingston Presbyterian Church

was considered by the Session & She

was granted a letter. There being no

other business session ajourned

closed with prayer.

E. J. Post Clk

Saturday September 4th 1875 Session

met & was opened with prayer. all the

members being present. Mr C. S. Wheaton

presented a letter from the Jersey Presbyterian

Church of Ill. & Miss Victorine Melikin

presented a letter from the Freewill

Baptist Church of Johnstown Licking

Co. Ohio both of which letter were

received by the session & their names

[pages 5 and 6 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio
1873-1937 are torn out]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 11)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 11)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


placed upon the roll. Miss May E. Adams

came before the Session & was examined

& received in profession of her faith

in Christ. There being no other

business the session ajourned, closed with

prayer by S. C. Ketcham.

E. J. Post Clk

December 5th 1875

The session met all the members

being present & was opened with prayer.

Mrs Georgianna Horlocher having

returned to make her home among

us & having no opportunity of

presenting the letter which she

had received from our church

some 18 months ago, to a church

while in the west, returned

the letter & her name was again

entered upon the roll.

Alsina Andrews wife of Thomas

Andrews. Oliver Peters & Anna A.

Post were received by the Session

on profession of their faith.

There being no other business the

Session was closed with prayer.

E.J. Post Clk

March 4th 1876

Session met & was opened with

prayer all the members being


Mrs Cornelia Orwing presented her

letter from the M.E. Church in

Sunbury Galena [illegible] O. Conf. The

letter was received by the session

& her name entered upon the

roll of our Church.

Emma J. Freeman was received
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 12)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 12)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


by the session on profession of

her faith in Christ. No further

business the session ajourned closed

with prayer.

E. J. Post Clk

Examined and appeared by Presbytery

in session, at Marion April 13, 1876

Wm. Maclaren, Modr

June 3rd 1876

Session met all the

Members present. Opened with Prayer by

the Modr Alpheus B. Shaver & his wife

Orlena R. Shaver & Anna S. Green &

George W. Perfect came before the session

& were examined on profession of their

Faith in Christ. The session being satisfied

they were received Frank O. Pierson

Desired a letter which we granted dismissed

to the Presbyterian Church of Marysville

Elizabeth M. Wheaton now Clawson

Desired a letter which was granted

no further Business session adjourned

Closed with Prayer by E.M. Condit

E. J. Post Clk

Saturday Dec 3rd 1876

Session met & was

opened with Prayer by E. J. Post when the

Following Business was transacted a

letter By Robert Larimore from the

M.E. church of Sunbury O. & one by

Alfred Bixler of Wesley Chapel M.E. Church

Johnstown Charge Col. Dis. N. O. Conf

Said letters was accepted & their ^names ordered

to be entered upon the roll no further

Business Session closed with Prayers By Modr

E. J. Post Clk
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Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 13)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday March 3rd 1877


met & was opened with Prayer when

the following Business was transacted

Louis Ringer & Mrs Jennie Freeman

Presented ^themselves Before the Session & were

examined on Profession of their

Faith Session Being satisfied

they were Received a letter was

presented by Miss Martha J. Culver

from the M.E. Church which was

accepted & their names ordered to be

put upon the roll no further

Business Session Adjourned closed

with Prayer By the Modr E.J. Post Clk

Sabbath morning June 3rd 1877


met opened with Prayer when the

following Business was transacted

Mrs Louisa Barton came Before the

Session & was examined on

Profession of her Faith in Christ Session

Being satisfied she was received

no further Business session Adjourned

Closed with Prayer by the Modr

E. J. Post Clk

Saturday Dec 1st 1877

Session met opened

with prayer all the members present

the following Business was transacted The

Certificates of Mr H.B. Rose & Mrs E.J. Rose

and Miss Florence Idella Rose of the First

Presbyterian Church of Cardington were Presented

on Motion said Letters were accepted &

their named ordered to be put upon the roll

Closed with Prayer E. J. Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 14)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 14)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday Mch 2nd 1878

with Prayer all the members present the

following Business was transacted

Mrs Sanders, Mrs Ann Whitney, William

Barton, Charles Kempton, Victor Jacobs

Came before the Session and were ex

amined on profession of their faith

in Christ session being satisfied They

were received & their names ordered

to be put upon the roll no further

Business adjourned closed with Prayer

by the Modr E. J. Post Clk

Examined and approved as far

as written with this exception that

in some instances the record does not

show that a quorum was present in

Presbytery at Ashley. April 4th 1878

W. S. Eagleson, Mod.

April 28th 1878

Session met opened with

Prayer all the Members present the

following Business was Transacted.

Mr. H.B. Rose, Mrs. E.J. Rose Miss F. T. Rose

Mr R. Larimore, Mrs M. Longwell Mrs M

Knox, ^ Mr W.S. Perry, Mrs Matilda Perry, Desired Letter of Dismission on

Motion they were granted no further

Business Session Closed with Prayer

E. J. Post Clk
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Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 15)


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Saturday Aug 31st 1878


met quorum present opened with

Prayer. The following Business was

Transacted Mr H. H. Horlocker came

before Session and was examined

on profession of his Faith in Christ

Session being satisfied he was recd

& his name ordered to be put on

the roll Mr. C.S. Wheaton desired

a letter of Dismission which was

granted no further Business closed

with Prayer E. J. Post Clk

Saturday March 1st 1879

Session met

all the members present except one opened

with Prayer by the Moderator. When the

following Business was transacted

Mrs Mariah Condit presented a letter

from the Second Presbyterian Church

Cedar Rapids Iowa which was

accepted & her name ordered to be

placed upon the roll no further

Business Session Closed with Prayer

by E.M. Condit E.J. Post Clk

Examined and approved at the meeting of

Presbytery at Delhi April 2nd 1878.

A.C. Crist, Moderator.

Saturday May 31st 1879

Session met all the

members present except one opened with

prayer by the Modr when the following

Business was Transacted Mrs. Alma

Richey was dismissed to the Congregational

Church of Columbia Centre Licking Co Ohio
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and Mrs Sarah Hough was granted

a letter to Join the Presbyterian Church

of Brown Delaware Co Ohio no further

Business Session adjourned closed with

Prayer by S. C. Ketchum

E.J. Post Clk

Saturday March 6th 1880 Session met

all the members present except one opened

with Prayer. When the following Business

was transacted Mr. Isaac H. Linton and

his wife Francis, Isabelle Linton came before

Session & were examined on Profession

of their Faith in Christ Session being

satisfied they were received & their names

ordered to be put upon the roll no

further business session closed with

Prayer by E. M. Condit

E.J. Post Clk

Exd & approved at meeting of Presby Oh 19, 1880

Chas W. Tonney Modr

Saturday June 5th 1880 Session met

all the members present except one

opened with Prayer when the following

Business was transacted Mrs Clara Eliza

Caldwell and Miss Mary Gordon &

Mr A.H. Pierson Desired letters of

Dismission to Join the 2nd Presbyterian

Church of Newark Ohio said letters

were granted no further Business

Session Closed

E.J. Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 17)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 17)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday Sept 4th 1880

Session met

all the members present except one

opened with Prayer when the following

Business was transacted Mr. J. W. Farmer

and Mrs Jennie Farmer his wife presented

letters from the Presbyterian Church of

Mingo Junction Ohio They were received

& their names ordered to be put upon

the rolls no further business

Session Closed

E.J. Post Clk

Saturday Mch 5th 1881

Session met

all the members present opened

with Prayer when the following business

was transacted. Mr Chas E. Ringer and his

wife Margaret A. Ringer Presented letters

from the C. P. Church of Lawrenceburg

Tenn, Miss Della O. Conard son Mrs

Della O. Condit Presented her letter from

the M.E. Ch Westerville Ohio. Mrs Hattie Wells

Presented her letter from the First Cong

Hatford Ohio said letters were accepted

and their names ordered to be put upon

the roll. Agnes Curry, Hattie Speer, Hetty

Speer, Jennie Curry, Minnie Cring, Nellie

Huff Emma Pierson Lizzie Curry

Thos. W. Curry Chauncey E. Post Martin

Pierson Chas. M. Wheaton T.D. Poter James

E. Pierson were examined on Profession of

their Faith in Christ Session being satisfied

They were received and their names ordered to

be put upon the roll no further Business

Session Closed with Prayer E.J. Post Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 18)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 18)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


examd & approved as for as

written at Pby in Mt Gilead Apr. 13, '81

W.E. Thomas Modr

Session met Aug 13th 1881 All the

members present opened with Prayer

when the following Business was

transacted. The case of George William

Perfect Jr was brought up when after due

consideration & deliberation It was ordered

that he be cited to appear on Saturday

Aug 27th 1881 To answer unto said

Session on the following charges

1st For his non attendance upon the Public

worship of the Lords House

2nd For using profane Language

3rd For Gambling

Aug 21 1881

Session met Quorum present

the since Geo. W. Perfect Jr. did not

appear when a second citation was

ordered for him to answer unto Said

session Sep 3 1881

Saturday Sept 3 1881 session met

quorum present said Geo. w. Perfect

did not appear to answer unto the charges

Pressed against him therefore it is ordered

that he be excommunicated from the

privalegs of said Church until he do

works meet for repentance then he shall

be received back to its Holy Communion

And further that said proceedings be

entered upon the permanent records of

said Church

E J Post Clerk
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Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 19)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday Dec 3 1881 Session met

quorum present opened with Prayer

when the following Business was

transacted Mrs Ida M Wheaton

presented a letter from M. E. Church

Woodbury & Olive Green Charge Galion Dis

N. V. conference Said letter was accep-

ted & her name ordered to be placed

upon the roll of the church no further

Business Session Closed with Prayer

E J Post clk

Saturday Mch 4th 1882 Session met

quorum present opened with Prayer

when the following Business was

transacted Mrs. Mary E. Green Presented

a letter form the 2nd Presbyterian Chr

Newark Ohio and Miss Gertrude Morgan

Presented a letter form the Presbyterian

Church Sullivan Ind said letter were

accepted & their names ordered to be

put upon the roll of the Church

no further Business Session closed with

Prayer E. J. Post clk

October 1881

Session met Quorum Present

opened with Prayer. When the

following Business was transacted

Resolutions respecting the Death

of Charles Wheaton were adopted

by the Session.


The Lord in his allwise

Providence has taken to his eternal

rest and glory one of our numbers

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 20)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 20)


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What in the sudden death

of Bro. Wheaton we recognize the

hand of our heavenly Father & strive

to bow in humble submission



What in the death of Bro.

Wheaton the Session has lost one

of its most valuable and useful

members, who, during his Twenty

Five years of service, was rarely ever

absent from its meetings.

Resolved that Bro. Wheaton contributed

largely to the Building up and pros-

perity of the Trenton Church both by

his means and his influence and

that we should pray the great

Head of the Church that his place

in the Session may be filled by

one of like mind & Christian



That our Christian Sympathy

be tendered to the bereaved family,

and that a copy of these resolutions

be sent to the widow & Published in

The Herald & Prebyter

E. M. Condit

Philander Edminter

S. H. Pierson Session

E. J. Post

S. C. Ketcham
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 21)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 21)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


December 1881

Session met opened with Prayer

when the following Business was


Resolutions respecting the

Death of Edgar M. Condit were

adopted by the Session


God in his Infinite wisdom

and goodness has been pleased to

remove our much - esteemed and

beloved Brother Edgar M. Condit

from our now mourning Church

and Session on earth, to a Higher

and Holier Church in Heaven, which

is never to be broken up. And

Whereas, our temporary loss is his

eternal gain. And

Whereas, the chastising rod is in our

Heavenly Father's hand, who does not will-

ingly afflict nor grieve the children of

men. Therefore,

Resolved. That we do not murmer

or complain, but kiss the Hand that

doeth all thins well & strive to heed the

admonition "Be ye also ready"

Resolved, That we offer the bereaved

Family and the affectionate Brothers

& Sisters of the Deceased our Ten-

derest sympathies in this the

hour of their sorrow.

Resolved. That this memorial

be spread on the records of

this Church & a copy be
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 22)


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presented to the widow of the

Deceased, and that we have then

published in the Herald and


E. J. Post
S. C. Ketcham

Examined and approved thus far

at Delaware Ohio Apr. 5 1882

E. W. Brown Mod.

Saturday September 2nd 1882 Session

met Quorum present ^opened with Prayer when the following

Business was transacted Mr. Zane Wilson

& Floe Wilson his wife Presented letters

from the Mount Pleasant Methodist

Episcopal Church Olive Green Circuit

North Ohio Conference said letters were

accepted & their names ordered to

put on the role no further Business

Session Closed with Prayers

E. J. Post clk

Saturday Dec 2nd 1882 Session met

Quorum Present when the following

Business was transacted Miss Jennie C

Dixon Presented a letter from The First

Presbyterian Ch of Hanover N. J. said

Letter accepted & her name ordered to

be put upon the role no further

business Session adjourned

E. J. Post clk

Saturday March 3rd 1883 Session met

Quorum present opened with Prayer when

the following Business was transacted

Mrs Louisa Barton & Miss Josie Barton
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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Of Columbus Ohio asked that Letters

of dismission be granted them where

upon said Letters were granted. Also

the letter of L. H. Ford was received from

the Westminister Presbyterian ^Church of Wooster

Ohio & accepted & his name ordered to

be put upon the role also the Letters

of Truman Perfect & his wife Laura

Perfect were received from the Methodist

Episcopal Church of Sunbury Ohio &

accepted & their names ordered to be put

upon the role. also Mrs. Eliza Perfect

was examined on profession of her

faith in Christ Session being satis-

fied she was received & her name

ordered to be put upon the roll

no further Business Session closed

with Prayer

E. J. Post Clk

Examined and approved at

Marion O. April 18 1883

Thomas Hill Mod.

June 2nd 1883 Session met Quorum

present opened with Prayer when the

following Business was transacted Miss

Hortense Wilson was examined on

profession of her Faith in Christ Session

being satisfied she was received & her name

ordered to be put on the roll of the

church closed with prayer

E.J. Post Clerk

Examined and approved at Presbytery at

Marysville April 9 1884

A.D. Hawn Mod
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[on side of page]

Sept 6 1884 Mrs Nora Bricker

was received by Letter from the

Kingston Presbyterian Church Delaware

Co Ohio & her name entered to be

put upon the roll E.J. Post Clk

Sept 6th 1884 Session met Quorum

present opened with Prayer After

which the following business was

Transacted Miss Huldah Patrick was

examined on Profession of her Faith

in Christ Session being satisfied she was

received & her named ordered to be put

upon the roll of the church.

Closed with Prayer.

E.J. Port Clerk

March 7th 1885 Session met Quorum

present opened with Prayer After which

the following Business was Transacted

Charlie Speer Willie S. Perry Louis B

Ketcham Frank J. Huff Arthur B.

Wylie Otis O Wheaton Charly C. Cring

Harry T. Rice Earl M. Perfect Inah D

Wilson Hattie Wiant Cora M. Pierson

Estella M. Post came before session &

were examined on profession of their

Faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ Session

being ratified they were received &

their names ordered to be put upon

the Church roll no further Business

Ajourned closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk

September 5th 1885 Session met Qouorum

present opened with Prayer. When the

following business was transacted L.H

Ford asked for a letter of Dismission to

join the Presbyterian Ch of McKinney Texas.

which was granted Fred F. Green presented

a letter from the Ch of Fair Play Colorado

which was accepted & his name ordered to

be entered on the roll Session remained
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 25)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 25)


[page 25]

[corresponds to numbered page 21 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


open until Sabbath morning Left 6th

when William Wilson came before

Session & was examined on his

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

Session being satisfied he was

received & his name ordered to be

put upon the roll no further.

business closed with Prayer.

E.J. Post Clerk

Examined & approved in

Presbytery at Delaware, O., Apr. 14/86.

W.E. Thomas Modr

September 4th 1886 Session met all the

Members present opened with Prayer

When the following Business was Transacted

Mrs. Madora Longwell presented a letter

from the Presbyterian Ch of Sunbury

which was accepted & his name ordered

to be entered upon the roll of the church

no further Business closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk

March 5th 1887 Session met all the members

present opened with Prayer When the following

Business was transacted Mrs Viola Cring

presented a letter from 3rd St Methodist

Episcopal Ch Columbus Ohio said Letter was

accepted & her name ordered to be entered upon

the roll also The Letter of Mrs Margaret Knox

from the Pres Ch of Sunbury Ohio which was

accepted & Miss Alice Post came before

session & was examined on profession of her

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Session being

satisfied she was received & her name
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 26)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 26)


[page 26]

[corresponds to numbered page 22 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


ordered to be entered upon the roll

of the membership of the church no

further Business Session Closed with Prayer

by the Mod Rev Robt Wyler

E.J. Post Clk

To the Presbytery of Marion in Session

at Ostrander Apr 12th 1887. Dear Brethren

in offering to you our report for the

past year while we have no special

announcement to make. We can Truly

say the Lord has greatly Blessed us the

Health of our Pastor has been good. has not

missed an appointment the attendance on

the ministration of the Word has been

good. Sabbath School is kept up both

Summer & winter with a good attendance.

The week of Prayer was observed the church

greatly revived & souls saved. Have during

the year repaired our Parsonage at an expense

of over $300.00 Dollars Have taken collection for

most of the Boards & withal Peace &

Prosperity has reigned

Read Before } Respectfully submitted

and approved by Session

This 3rd day of April A.D. 1887

Approved by presbytery At Ostrander

O. April 12th 1887.

Robert A. Watson

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 27)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 27)


[page 27]

[corresponds to numbered page 23 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sabbath Dec 11" 1887 At the call

of the Moderator Session convened

When our Pastor Rev Robert Wylie

tendered his resignation as Pastor

of the Church to take effect at the

close of the present month to wit

Dec 31st 1887

Whereupon a meeting of

the Members of the Church was called

to meet Dec 19" 1887 to take action

in the Premises.

Condit Ohio Dec 19" 1887 A representative

number of the Members of the Church met

at the appointed Hour 2 o'clock PM

opened with Prayer Simon H Pierson

chosen Modrt & Lorenzo S Condit Secretary

When the following resolutions were



That as a church consulting

our own feelings alone: we are perfectly

satisfied with his labor among us and

would be glad to have him remain


That as a church consulting

on own feelings alone: we are perfectly

satisfied with his labor among us and

would be glad to have him remain


That in view of the fact that Mr

Wylie desires to be released thinking

that his Labor might be more effectual

in another Field & the rest that may

come from this change on account

of his Long Pastorate with us it is

Determined to offer no obstruction to the

granting of the request of our Pastor

Unimously Adopted

E.J. Post apointed to attend the meeting

of Presbytery at Delaware Dec 20th 1887} S.H. Pierson Chairman

L.S. Condit } Attest E.J. Post Clk

Secretary }
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 28)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 28)


[page 28]

[corresponds to numbered page 24 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Brother Wylie Preached his last

sermon for us on Christmas Day

December 25" 1887 & the next Sabbath

went to his first appointment in his

new field Jersey Licking County Ohio:

E.J. Post Clerk

Feb 1888 Having communicated

with the Rev Albert S. Sharpless of Cin.

Ohio: He came & Preached for us.

Feb 19" 1888: After which arrangements

were effected by which he was to

become our Pastor & he entered

upon his Labors April 1st 1888

E.J. Post Clk

Saturday June 2nd 1888

Session met

opened with Prayer when the following

Business was transacted William Harmon

& Sarah his wife Lizzie Perfect & Alma

M. Boyd came before Session & were

examined on Profession of their faith in

the Lord Jesus Christ Session being

satisfied they were received & their names

ordered to be entered upon the roll of

Members of said Church no further Business

session adjourned:

E.J. Post Clk

Saturday March 2nd 1889 Session

met opened with Prayer by the Modr

When the following Business was

transacted Kelly C Post Bertie Wilson

Minnie Ringer Herman Ringer &

Bertie Ketcham came before session

& were examined on Profession of their

faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Session
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 29)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 29)


[page 29]

[corresponds to numbered page 25 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Being satisfied they were received &

their names ordered to be enrolled as

Members of this Church Also Wm Muxworthy

Presented a letter from the M.E. Ch

which was accepted Also Mrs Katie

Sharpless presented a letter from

the Presbyterian Ch of Pittsburgh Kan

Ohio was accepted & their names

enrolled as members of this church

No further Business Session Closed

with Prayer E.J. Post Clk

Sabbath Mch 17" 1889 Session

^opened with Prayer met when the Clerk Reported that

he had Granted letters ^of dismissions to the

following Persons in good & Regular

standing Mrs. Dee Wylie Authur Wylie

Ella Pierson Mary E Post Gertrude

Morgan Zane Wilson & wife Floe Wilson

Fred F. Green. Also to the following

who had removed to the west some

10 or 12 years ago. Mrs. Mary Dawes

Harry Dawes & Eddy Dawes Magdalena

Dawes Report Sustained Session

Closed with Prayer E.J. Post Clk

Narrative of the State of Religion

To the Presbytery of Union in Session

at Marysville Ohio April 1889

We would report our church

as being in a proper condition

Our present Pastor Rev Albert S Sharpless

has just closed his first with us

And while we may not be able to report

as many accessions as others yet we can

Truly say the Lord has been with us

& Blessed us 9 have been added
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 30)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 30)


[page 30]

[corresponds to numbered page 26 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


On Profession & two by Letter The

Weekly prayer Meeting has been kept

all the year Also the Sabbath School

of young Peoples Society of Christian

Endeavor has been organized & well

attended. Also the Society called

the Kings Daughters.

Have contributed

to all the Boards except one

the Best of Feeling Exists between

Pastor & People Also between

the Members with perhaps an

exception or two:

Read before & Approved by

Session Apr 7" 1889

E.J. Post Clerk

Examined and approved by the Presbytery of

Marion in Session at Marysville O Apr 10 1889

W.E. Thomas Mod.

Saturday June 1889 Session met

opened with Prayer. All the members

present when the following Business

was transacted Miss Clara Condit

came before Session & was examined

on profession of her faith in the Lord

Jesus Christ Session being satisfied upon

said examination. She was received &

her name was ordered to be part on the roll

of said Church Also Mr James F Duck

worth & his wife Duckworth

presented Letters from the Christian Union

Church. North Ohio Council. said

Letters were accepted & their names

ordered to be put on the role of said

Ch - no further business Session [illegible] close with Prayer E.J. Post Clk

[on side margin]

Also The Letter of William Muxworthy

was presented to Session accepted and

his name ordered recorded on the role

as a member of this church
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 31)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 31)


[page 31]

[corresponds to numbered page 27 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday Sept 1889 Session

met opened with Prayer all the

members present when the following

Business was transacted Emery

C Lauk and his wife Edith Leak

Presented Letters from the Christian

Union Church North Ohio Council

Said Letters was accepted and

their names ordered to be put

on the role as members of

this church. no further business

session adjourned Closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk

Thursday Nov 28" 1889 Session

Met all the members Present

opened with Prayer when the

following Business was transacted

Complaint of Henry Cring vs Isaac

Bailey was heard this complaint

arose from a difficulty existing

for some time between said

parties whereupon Rev A.L. Sharpless

E.J. Post and P. Edmister were appointed

a committee to look into the facts

of said complaint committee to meet

on following Day at 1 P.M.

Saturday Dec 7" 1889 Committee

report. Report as follows

called at Residence of Bro Bailey

led in Prayer by Rev A.T. Sharpless

apprised Bro Bailey of the object of

our meeting whereupon he relented

and acknowledged his fault and

agreed to make friends with Bro

Cring Committee afterward proceed to

Residue of Bro Cring Led in Prayer
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 32)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 32)


[page 32]

[corresponds to numbered page 28 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


by E.J. Post after which Brother

Cring expressed his desire and

Willingness to be at Peace with

Bro Bailey upon hearing report

of said Committee it was accepted

and said committee Discharged

E.J. Post Clk

March 9th 1890 Session met All

members present opened with Prayer

When the following Business was

transacted S.C. Ketchum was appo-

inted delegate to the meeting of

Presbytery at Mt Gilead Ohio. The

Clerk stated that Letters of Recom

endation as Members in

good & regular standing of the ch

had been granted to Ellen Boston

& Mattie A Oldham report sustained

Also a Letter to Wm Maxworthy to

the Ch at Mt Vernon Ohio, the

matter of the union of the Columbus

and Marion Presbytery was discussed

and one delegate instricted to

vote in the affirmative Dificulty

Between Bro Baily & Cring Mentioned above again

Brot up Session took steps to look further in

to the matter. When the parties meet and

amicably settle and adjust all

dificulties heretofore existing between

them. no further business closed with prayer E.J. Post Clk

Narrative on the State of Religion

Report of Trenton Ch to Presbytry in session at Mt Gilead Ohio

Condit Ohio March 29" 1890 Trenton Ch would Respectfully

Report that we are in the enjoyment of good Health both Spirited

& Physical while we have been.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 33)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 33)


[page 33]

[corresponds to numbered page 29 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Afflicted with Influenza or La

Grippe which has been so prevalent

in our Land. Only one of our

number has been called to her reward

during the year past; That one; the

oldest of our number our Pastors

Health has been good, able to preach

every Sabbath but one. We have

not held any extra meetings Have

had regular services twice a day

with but an exception or two

Sabbath School has been kept up

all the year with good attendance

The young Peoples Society of Christian

Endeavor has been well attended

and we hope much good may

result good feeling seams to exist

between Pastor & People and between

Members generally have taken col-

lections for nearly all the Boards

Read before Session and approved

by same this.

March 30" 1890

E.J. Post Clerk

Examined and approved

this far as Mt. Gilead

April 10, 1890

E.D. Kelse

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 34)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 34)


[page 34]

[corresponds to numbered page 30 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Condit Ohio July 6" 1890

Session met all the members present

opened with Prayer when the foll

owing Business was transacted the

Letters of Mr W.H. Shaff & his wife

A.M. Shaff was presented before Session

as Members from the Fifth Ave Ch

Columbus Ohio said letters were

accepted and their names ordered

to be enrolled on the records of

this Church: No further Business

Session Adjourned Closed with

Prayer E.J. Post Clk

Condit Ohio Sept 5th 1890

Session met all the number present

opened with Prayer when the following

Business was transacted the Letter of

Byron Gorsuch was presented from the

Church at Delaware Ohio accepted &

his name ordered to be put on the roll

of this Church: no further Business

Session Closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 35)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 35)


[page 35]

[corresponds to numbered page 31 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Condit Ohio February 15" 1891

Session met opened with Prayer all

the members present when the

following Business was transacted Edgar

N Perfect and Aaron D Throp came

Before Session and were examined on

profession of their Faith in the Lord

Jesus Christ Session being satisfied their

names were ordered to be put upon the

roll as member of this church No

further Business closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk

Condit Ohio Feb 28" 1891

Session met opened with Prayer

S.H. Pierson E.J. Post present S.C

Ketcham P Edmister absent. When

The following Business was transacted

Elza Debolt & Mrs Debolt Miss

Lulu Post Maud Bailey Lida Whitney

Clara Cring came Before Session &

were examined on profession of their

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

Session being satisfied they were recd

& their names ordered to be put upon

the roll of this church no further

Business Closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk

Condit Ohio March 8" 1891

Session met all the members present

opened with Prayer when the following

business was transacted the application

of Mary E Bixler for a Certificate of Dis-

mission was considered said Certificate

Granted & the Clerk ordered to write her

a certificate of Dismission to the Mt Pleasant

M.E. Church Delaware Co Ohio and S H Pierson

& P. Edmister were appointed a committee
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 36)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 36)


[page 36]

[corresponds to numbered page 32 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


To visit Mr Alfred Bixler to find

out the reason of his absenting himself

from the public services of God's House

& to ascertain the reason for his not

paying the amount signed for the

preaching of God's Word. Before Granting

him a letter no further Business

Session adjourned closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk

Condit April 12" 1891

Session met

all the members present when the following

Business was transacted E J Post was

appointed a Delegate to attend the

meeting of Presbytery at Ostrander Apr

14" 1891. Also the following Narrative on

the State of Religion was read before

session: To the Presbytery in Session

at Ostrander Ohio Trenton Church

would report as being in a prosperous

State Under the Pastoral care of Rev

Albert S. Sharpless were held extra

meetings for three weeks commencing

with the week of Prayer at which

the Church was revived and the

addition of Eight new members as

the [illegible]. Sabbath School is kept up

all the year also Wednesday Evening

Prayer meeting the young People are

organized in a society of Christian

Endeavor & Harmony and good feeling

seems to prevail thruout our Borders

Read ^Before & approved by session

this 12 day of April A D 1891

E.J. Post Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 37)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 37)


[page 37]

[corresponds to numbered page 33 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Thus for examined and

approved in Presbytry at

Ostrander Apr 18/91

M.W. Brown Moderator.

March 5" 1892

Session met all the

Members present except S.C. Ketcham

opened with Prayer when the following

Business was transacted David E. Bricker

and Gracie Chadwick appeared before

Session and was examined on profession

of their Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

Session being Satisfied they were

Received & their names order to be put

upon the Role no further Business

Session adjourned closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk

April 3" 1892

Session met all the

members present opened with Prayer

The Clerk reported to having written

the following Letters of Dismissal John

Harmon and his wife Sarah Harmon

To any Evangelical church in which God

in his Providence may cast their Lot and

Frank F. Hough to the Presbyterian Ch

of Delaware Ohio. Report accepted.

Simon H. Pierson was appointed the

Delagate to attend the Meeting of

Presbytery at Delaware Apr 12" 1892

No further Business adjourned closed

with Prayer

E.J. Post Clerk

[in side margin]

A Letter was also Granted

to Mrs M.E. Bixler to Join the

M E church of Mt Pleasant N Ohio confirmed
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 38)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 38)


[page 38]

[corresponds to numbered page 34 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Narrative on the State of Religion

Report of Trenton Ch. to Presbytery in Ses-

sion at Delaware O. Condit Ohio

April 10/92 Trenton Church has

nothing of a special nature

to report. Have held no spe-

cial meetings during the year.

Have enjoyed the regular min-

istrations of Gods word at

the hands of the Rev. Albert S.

Sharpless. Have two services

each Sabbath with good atten-

dance. Sabbath school each

Sabbath with good attendance.

The weekly prayer meeting is

held regularly with interest

manifested. Attendance not

so large as desired. Read

before Session and approved

by same April 10 1892

E.J. Post Clerk

Examined & approved in Presbytery

at Delaware, O., Apr. 13, 1892.

W.E. Thomas, Mod.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 39)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 39)


[page 39]

[corresponds to numbered page 35 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


June 4" 1892

Session met all the

Members present. Opened with Prayer

When the following Business was transacted

Miss Edith M Condit came Before Session

& was examined on profession of her Faith

in Christ Session Being satisfied she was

received & her name ordered to be put upon

the role as a Member of this Church also the

Clerk Reports of Having Issued a Letter

of Dismissal To Mrs Cornelia

Owings. On Motion Action Sustainted

No further Business Session Adjnd

Closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk

September 3" 1892

Session met all the

members present. Opened with Prayer

when the following Business was Transacted

Edgar Paul Condit and Grace Ethel

Condit came before Session and were

examined on Profession of their Faith

in the Lord Jesus Christ. Session

being satisfied. They were received &

their names ordered to be entered upon

the role as members of this Church

The Clerk reports of Having Issued

Letters of Dismissal To Mr & Mrs

Shaff to the Church at Westerville

Ohio and to Maitin O Pierson to

Newark Ohio. Action Sustained

Philander Edmister was Elected to

attend the meeting of Presbytery at

Delhi with E J Post Alternate

No further Business Closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 40)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 40)


[page 40]

[corresponds to numbered page 36 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Narrative of the State of Religion

To Presbytery in Session at

Richwood Apr 1895

The Church

of Trenton has nothing of Special

interest to report having been

deprived of an under Shepard for

more than Half of the past year

Rev A.S. Sharpless closed his Labors

with this Church in Sept 1892. But at

This time we have secured the Rev

W.D. Wallace who commenced his

Labors with us the first Sabbath

of April 1893. And our desire and

prayer is that we may come up with

a more glowing report in the Future

Read before & approved by Session this

9" day of April AD 1893.

E.J. Post Clerk

Condit Ohio June 3" 1893


convened all the members present opened

with Prayer. When the following Business

was transacted Silas C. Williams & Pyrena

His wife Presented Certificates from the

Congnal Church of Marysville accepted

& their names ordered to be entered upon

the roll of this church also Miss Ella

Williams presented certificate from the

same church which was accepted & her

name entered upon the roll also certified

of Mrs M.E. Wallace from Presbyterian Ch of

Central College which was accepted

& her name entered on the will as a

[in side margin]

Henry P Miller Presented his

Letters from the Christian Church of

Antioch, Ohio which was accepted

and his name ordered to be put upon the

role of this Church.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 41)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 41)


[page 41]

[corresponds to numbered page 37 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


member of this church also the

certificate of Mrs Della Evans Pierson

from the M.E. Church Columbus [illegible]

Ohio confirmed accepted & his named

entered upon the roll as a Member

of this Church No further Business

closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk

Condit Ohio June 25" 1893

Session met opened with Prayer

all the members Present The

following was Transacted the

certificates of Mrs. H.M. Whitehead

and Miss M.E. Whitehead as

Members from the Pres Ch at Central

College was Presented and accepted

and their names ordered to be

put upon the roll of this Church

No further Business Closed with


E.J. Post Clk

Condit Ohio Sept 1893

Session met opened with Prayers

all the members Present When the

following Business was transacted

Wesley Hubble and wife asked

Letters of Dismissions. Granted - no

further Business - closed with


E.J. Post Clk

April 3" 1894

Thus far ^minutes approved ^by Session except that they should give

the names of Elders & moderator present.

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 42)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 42)


[page 42]

[corresponds to numbered page 38 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Condit Ohio Jan 20" 1894

Session met E.J. Post P. Edmister

Present S.H. Pierson S.C. Ketcham

Absent. When the following Business

was Transacted Imo Rice Corinne

Wallace Essie Jacobus Lida Wilson

Sadie Cring Bernis Wilson Lily

Bailey Daisy Clark Maggie Wilson

Lieb Allen Vankirk Ona Whitney came

before Session and were examined

on Profession of their Faith in the

Lord Jesus Christ Session being

satisfied they were received and their

names ordered to be entered on the

roll as members of this Church

No further Business Session closed

with Prayers -

E.J. Post Clk

Condit Ohio March 11" 1894

Session met opened with Prayer

Ketcham, Pierson, Edmister & Post

all the members Present. When the

case of Alice Post who was a

Suspended member was taken up

Miss Post Being present she was

examined and questioned as to her

Guilt and Sorrow and repentance

of the same. Session being satisfied

She was restored to the Communicu

of said Church. Harry S. Rice

was Granted a letter of Dismission

to any Evangelical Church in which

God in his Providence may each his

Lot No further Business Session closed with

Prayer Read & Approved thus far by

Prayer Session Apr 3" 1894 E.J. Post Clk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 43)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 43)


[page 43]

[corresponds to numbered page 39 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Condit Ohio April 3" 1894

Session met ^opened with prayer S.H. Pierson & E.J. Post

present Moderator W.D. Wallace (Pastor)

When the following Business was

Transacted Roll of the church was

Revised and found to be 134 Members

No further Business Closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk

Narrative of the State of Religion

to Presbytery in Session at Mt

Gilead Ohio April 1894.

This Church has been under the

Pastoral care of the Rev W.D. Wallace

the Past year and would Report

as being well Pleased with his

Labors among us. Have had regular

Services morning and evening with

good attendance Sabbath School

Kept up all the year Shorter

Catechism Taught. Two Have

secured the Oxford Bible

Extra Services were held following

the week of Prayer with encouraging

Results. Young Peoples Society of

Christian Endeavors is in a

Flourishing Condition with Good

attendance. The church has

contributed to all the Benevolent

Boards, and altogether we are

Hopeful for the future.

Read before and approved by Session

Apr 8" 1894 E.J. Post Clk

Approve or Disapprove Here Please Clerk

Examined and approved in Presbytery at Mt

Gilead April 4th 1894.

J Peacock, Moderator

[in side margin]

Condit Apr 8" 1894 Session met S.H. Pierson S.C. Ketcham

& J Post Present W.D. Wallace Modr opened with Prayer when the

following Business was Transacted narative approved Also on

Motion it was carried that we proceed to the election of Two

Additional Elders. No Further Business closed with Prayer

E J Post Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 44)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 44)


[page 44]

[corresponds to numbered page 40 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Condit Ohio April 29" 1894

"Pursuant" To previous Notice

The Church and Congregation proceed

to the Election of Two additional

Ruling Elders. Ballot taken. Result

was that William H. Wilson and

Lorenzo S. Condit have a Majority

and are Declared Duly Elected.

& Time set for their Installation

in Two weeks To wit the 13"

day of June AD 1894. E.J. Post Clk

June 13" 1894

The above named were Duly

Installed as Ruling Elders in

the Trenton Presbyterian Church.

E.J. Post Clk

August 19" 1894

Session met Quorum

present when the Clerk reported of

^opened with Prayer

Having Issued Letters of Dismissal to

the following named Laura Perfect

Earl M Perfect, Minnie Whitehead

and Hannah Whitehead. Action

Ratified by Session Closed with

Prayer. E.J. Post Clk

Saturday Sept 2" 1894 Session

met members Present S.H. Pierson Wm

Wilson P. Edminister EJ Post S.C. Ketcham

L.S. Condit opened with Prayer

When the following Business was Transacted

Robert Wilson John Shaver Maud

Domigan were Examined on Profession

of their Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

Session being Satisfied with said Examination

They were Received and their names
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 45)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 45)


[page 45]

[corresponds to numbered page 41 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


ordered to be entered upon the Roll

as member of this church Closed with

Prayer. E.J. Post Clk

Saturday Dec 1" 1894 Session met

members present S.H. Pierson Wm

Wilson L.G. Condit opened with

Prayer. When the following Business

was transacted. Carrie Wilson

Maidie Wilson & Abby Huff came

Before Session and were examined

on Profession of their Faith in the

Lord Jesus Christ Session being

satisfied they were received & their names

ordered to be put upon the Roll

as members of this church.

E.J. Post Clk

Thus for received and approved

in Presbytry Apri 10th 1895.

Chas M. Fraser Mod.

[in left margin]

Also on Sept 2" Sarah E Dudgeon &

Bella Brown Presented Letters from the

Presbyterian Ch of Chesterville which were

accepted & their names entered on the Roll

of this church
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 46)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 46)


[page 46]

[corresponds to numbered page 42 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Condit Ohio Dec 1" 1895

Session met opened with

Prayer Members of the Session Present

S.H. Pierson EJ Post L.S. Condit W. A

Wilson Absent Edminister & Ketcham

When the following Business was

Transacted the Clerk of Session

reported of having issued Letters

of Dismissal to I.A. Pierson Pyrena

Pierson Ebenezar Rich Marian Rice

Imo Rice report satisfied & their

names stricken from the role of this

church. Closed with Prayer

E.J. Post Clk

Condit Ohio March 1" 1896

Session Met opened with Prayer

Members present S.H. Pierson W.A. Wilson

L.S Condit E J Post P Edminister

Absent S.C. Ketcham when the following

Business was transacted Faye Condit

Nannie Belle Wallace and Helen Post

came before session and were

examined on Profession of their Faith

in the Lord Jesus Christ Session

being satisfied with said examination

they were received & their names

ordered to be put upon the role of

members of this church. Clerk also

reports of having issued Letters of

dismissal to Mrs Minnie Conklin

William Barton & his wife O. Nettie

Barton. S.C. Ketcham elected Delegate

to attend meeting of Presbytery at Maryville

April 1896

E.J. Post Clk

[in left margin]

Also Otis and Grace Wheaton, his wife

were Granted Letters of Dismissal

E J Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 47)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 47)


[page 47]

[corresponds to numbered page 43 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Examined and approved by the Presbytery

of Marion in Session at Marysville April

15th 1896.

John Calvin Mayne Mod.

Condit Ohio Sept 1" 1896

Session met opened with Prayer

When the following Business was

transacted E.J. Post W.A. Wilson

L.S. Condit S.H. Pierson Present

S.H. Pierson was chosen Delagate

to the meeting of Presbytery to be

held at Kingston.

E.J. Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 48)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 48)


[page 48]

[corresponds to numbered page 44 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Condit Ohio March 14" 1897

Session met opened with Prayer

Present E J Post W A Wilson L.S. Condit

Absent Edminster and Ketchum

The following Business was transacted

Miss Blanch Fitch Colord came before

Session and was examined on Prof

ession of her Faith in the Lord

Jesus Christ. Session being Satisfied

her name was ordered to be entered

upon the roll as a member of

this Church.

E J Post Clk

Session met March 21" 1897

Opened with Prayer Members

Present Post Ketcham. Condit

and W.A. Wilson Absent Edmister

When the following Business was

Transacted Frederic Ford and Jerre

Longshore came before session and

were examined on Profession of

their Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

Session being satisfied with said

examination they were received &

their names ordered to be entered

on the Roll as members of this


E.J. Post, Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 49)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 49)


[page 49]

[corresponds to numbered page 45 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sept 1" 1897

Session met all the members

present opened with prayer

When the following Business

was transacted The Clerk

reported to Having Issued Letters

of Dismission to Charles E Ringer

& Margaret A Ringer Also To

Jerre Longshore. Action ratified

Session Closed with prayer

E.J. Post Clk

January 8" 1898

Session met all the

members Present opened with prayer

When the following Business was

Transacted the certificate of Memb

ership of Mrs H.H. Cring from the

M.E. Church of Powell Ohio was

Presented and received and her

name ordered to be enrolled as a

member of this church No further

Business Session adjourned

Closed with Prayer E.J. Post Clk

March 1" 1898

Session Met opened with

Prayer EJ Post W A Wilson & L.S. Condit Present

The following Business was Transacted

John B. Miller came before Session

and was rexamined upon his profession

of Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

Session being satisfied he was received

& his name ordered to be enrolled as a

members of this church

E.J. Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 50)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 50)


[page 50]

[corresponds to numbered page 46 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


March 20" 1898

Session met Post

Ketcham & L.S. Condit Present W.A.

Wilson & P Edminister absent when the

following was Transacted Mrs. Susan

C. Deeds asked for a Letter of Dismission

To the Presbyterian Church of Granvill O

Granted Mrs Estell Hannon Presented

a Certificate of membership from the

M.E. Church of York Ohio. Accepted

& her name ordered to put upon the

Roll of this Church no further Business


E.J. Post Clk

Approved as for us written

W.M. Pocock, Mod.

June 1" 1898

Session met Quorum

Present when the following Business

was Transacted Mrs Mattie Oldham

Presented a Letter from the M.E. Church

of Harlem Ohio. accepted and her name

ordered to be entered on the roll as a

member of this church

E.J. Post Clk

Sept 1" 1898

Session met quoroum

Present The following was Transacted

The defered Letter of Mrs Edgar Perfect

was reconsidered & accepted and her

name ordered to be put upon the roll as

a member of this church EJ Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 51)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 51)


[page 51]

[corresponds to numbered page 47 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


March 4" 1899

Session met ^opened with Prayer L S Condit

S.C. Ketcham EJ Post Present Absent

W.A. Wilson, P. Edminster When the following

Business was Transacted Mrs Jennie Condit

(Dixon) Pierson Presented a Letter from

the First Presbyterian Ch of Hanover N J

Accepted and her name ordered to be

put upon the roll as a member of

this church no further Business

Session Closed.

E J Post Clk

March 15" 1899

Session met, (Present

W.A. Wilson E J Post S.C. Ketcham

L.S. Condit. Absent P Edminister)

according to previous appointment at

the Home of Mrs Leota Foster who

being sick, and unable to leave her

Home. Desired to be taken into

the Communion of the Church and

after Examination. Session being

satisfied it was ordered that

she be enrolled as a member of

this Church. After which the Communion

of the Lords Supper was observed

No further Business adjourned

closed with prayer

E.J. Post Clk

Apr 2" 1899

Session met W.A. Wilson E.J. Post

L S Condit & S.C Ketcham P. Edminister

Present. When L.S. Condit was appointed

as Delegate to the meeting of Presbytery at

Marion Apr 11" 1899 No further Business

adjourned E J Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 52)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 52)


[page 52]

[corresponds to numbered page 48 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Examined and approved in Presbytery

at Marion O. Apr 12, 1899

A.D. Haun Moderator

April 16/99

At the call of the Mod the session met

at the close of service

Present Rev W D Wallace Mod

Elders Philander Edminster E J Post

Wm Wilson Lorenzo S Condit. Absent S C Ketcham

Mr Claud Perfect presented a letter of dismissal

from the Church of Christ Ada O. as session

wished to make some inquires of him

before reception the matter was postponed until

the following Sabbath with a request that he be

present. S Session stood adjoined to

meet on following Sabbath April 23/99

E J Post Clk

April 23/99

Session met according to adjorment

Present H D Wallace [illegible]

Elders E J Post, Wm Wilson, S C Ketcham

L.S. Condit, Absent Philander Edminster

S C Ketcham gave reasons for absence at last

meeting which was sustained

After conference with Claud Perfect there

was a motion that the letter be accepted

and his name place on roll

Adjourned with prayer

E J Post Clk

June 3 /99

Session met after Prep service

Present W D Wallace Mod

Elders Philander Edminister E J Post

S C Ketcham, L S Condit, Wm Wilson about

minutes of last meeting were read and
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 53)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 53)


[page 53]

[corresponds to numbered page 49 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


approved: Reason of P Edminster ^for absence from last

meeting sustained. Mr Ganza Evans

presented an ecclesiostical letter from the

Wesleyan Methodist Church at Fargo which

found in order, accepted and his name

placed on roll

Closed with prayer

E J Post Clk

June 18/99

Session met at close of service

Present W D Wallace Mod

Elders Philander Edminister, E J Post

S C Ketcham L S Condit Wm Wilson

was absent on account of sickness

Mrs Maud Bartren requested a letter of

dismissal from this church and a

recommendation to the Central M E Ch

of Wilkes Barre Pa. Request granted

Closed with prayer

E J Post Clk

Nov 5/99

Session met at close of service

Present Mod W D Wallace

Elders P Edminster, E J Post, L S Condit

Mrs Alma Boyd requested a letter of dismissal

and recommendation to the Kinston Presbyterian

Church which was granted


E J Post Clk

Dec 24/99

Session met. Present W D Wallace

Elders E J Post. S C Ketcham, L S Condit

Claud Perfect was granted a letter of



E J Post
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 54)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 54)


[page 54]

[corresponds to unnumbered page 50 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


March 10th 1900

Session met and was opened with

prayer Present W D Wallace Elders E J Post

Wm Wilson. Absent S C Ketcham

L.S. Condit, P Edminster, Mrs Nettie Condit

presented herself for admission to the

church. Was examined which was satisfactory

and her name placed on roll


E J Post Clk

Narrative of Religion

There have been the regular services during

the year. The attendance has varied according to

the condition of weather and roads. with no

percepible increase or decrease. The Sabbath

School has been kept up with a good

attendance. There is no mission work

done nor Home department work. The

Christian Endeavor Society has kept up

its meetings when the weather was passable

but there was little through the

winter with bad roads and rough weather

The women's meetings have been well

sustained although they have had valuable

loss. Their contributions have been up to

former years, and there is much to comment

in their work and zeal. Kings Daylilies

Society has given help in a school in

the South and has helped to clothe the poor

in the neighborhood. There has been no

special revival spirit but the steady work

of the year with an increas in contributing

to the Boards of the Church

W D Wallace Mod

Examined & approved in Pby at

Marysville, Apr. 18, 1900

W.E. Thomas Mod
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 55)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 55)


[page 55]

[corresponds to numbered page 51 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


The Rev W.D. Wallace closed

his Labors as Pastor of this Church

the Last Sabbath in August 1900

The Rev A.C. Crist preached for

us the first Sabbath in Sept 1900

and declared the Pulpit vacant

at this time Session convened

A.C. Crist Mod Elders present

L S Condit S.C. Ketcham Wm

H. Wilson and E J Post P Edminster

When the following was Transacted

Mr W A Cellar and his wife Hattie

Presented Letters from the Church of

Liberty. Accepted and their names

enrolled as members of this Church

Closed E.J. Post Clk

The following Persons have been

Dismissed by Letter During the year

Mr David H Condit and his wife

Sarah. and Miss Grace Chidwick

now Mrs Grace Murphy

E J Post Clk

Our Church has been without

regular services since the removal

of Rev W D Wallace up to the last

Sabbath in January 1901 When the

Rev T J Cellar of Prospect communed

to preach for us regularly and has

continued to do so to the present time.

The regular communion seasons have

been observed during the year.

Approved and accept with the following


1. Persons are mentioned as dismiss

ed without any record of a session
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 56)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 56)


[page 56]

[corresponds to numbered page 52 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


meeting at which such dismissal was


2. No narative of the state of religion

appears in the records other than the mere

mention that communion and regular

service has been sustain as usual

Delaware O April 10 1901


Condit Ohio Sept 1" 1901

Session met Members present

W.A. Wilson L S Condit S.C

Ketcham E.J. Post P Edminster

When the following was transacted

Chas E. Ringer & his wife M.A. Ringer

Presented letters from the Presbyteran

Church of Caldwell J J. Received

and their names ordered to be

enrolled as members of this church

opened & closed with Prayer

at which time the regular communion season ^was observed

Rev T J Cellar Mod -

Condit Ohio July 21" 1901

Session met Present W A Wilson

E J Post absent L S Condit S.C.

Ketham & P Edminster when the

following was Transacted Edgar

N Perfect & his wife asked for

Letters of dismission. On Motion

Granted & Dismissed to any Evangelical

Church in which God may cast their

Lot - Closed with Prayer

Rev T J Cellar Mod E J Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 57)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 57)


[page 57]

[corresponds to numbered page 53 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


1902 Session met Present W A Wilson

L S Condit S C Ketcham E J Post

Absent P Edminster When the following

was Transacted Clerk reported

that a Letter of Dismission had

been granted of Mrs Clara Eliot

of Delaware Ohio said Action

Ratified by Session Also Mrs

G W Clark asked for a Letter

which on Motion was Granted

to Join the Cumberland Presbyterian

Ch at Centerburg Ohio no

further Business. Adjourned

J Glenn, Mod E.J. Post Clk

Wed 1902

Mar 19 Session met & was opened by prayer by Elder Ketcham

Present: Elders Post Ketcham Wilson & Condit with J.

Glenn as Moderator. The following persons presented

themselves before the Session, were examined concerning

their faith in Xst & directed to again present them-

selves the following Sat., viz Maggie May Chambers,

Dane Condit, Meda May Condo, Clarence Koontz

Cring, Florence Cring, Henry Floyd Cring, Myrtle

Violet Cring, Pearl Dawes, John Arthur Geddis, Mary

Roma Geddis, Esther Dell Green, Clyde Easterly Haman,

Dwight Cring Hoover, Agnes Fay Jacobus,

Leland Evans Pierson, Francis Potter, John Henry Spearman,

Geneva Speer & Wm Leo Speer (19) & Session adjourned

to meet next day -- E J Post Clk


Mar 20th Session met in adjourned meeting Present same as

before. The following presented themselves before the Session

were examined concerning their faith in Christ & directed to

again present themselves the following Sat viz. Robert Bell

Mrs Mary Rosseline Bell, Charlie C. Bricker, Andrew Curtin Condo,
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 58)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 58)


[page 58]

[corresponds to numbered page 54 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


[in left margin]

Mrs Eunice Price Wilson

presented a letter from

the M.E. Ch of Sunbury

which was accepted

& her name ordered to

be enrolled as a

member of this church.

Mrs. Carrie May Foster, John Thomas Geddis, Mrs Lizzie

Hanna Geddis, Jesse Thomas Geddis, John Ervine Hannan

Ella May Kempton, Letta Maria Post, Jennie Bella Post,

Mrs Electa Speer, James Swartwood, Alonzo Martin Webb

Mrs Maude Wells, Mary Evangeline Wilson, Dan Dawes,

Clarence Burton Hoover & Iva Jane Cring. (20) &

Session adjourned to meet Sat.

E J Post Clk

Sat. Mar 22 Session met in adjourned meeting Present Elders Post, Ketcham

& Condit with J. Gleen Mod. The following persons were

examined concerning their faith in Christ. The Session being

satisfied they were approved (as were also those who had

already appeared before them & the names of all were

directed to be enrolled in the list of members of this ch)

viz. Harold Reid Cellars, Worth Gordon Green,

James Hannan, Mrs Rose Hannan, Pearl May Huff,

Webb Chase Matthews, Nettie Ulery, Mrs. Ordilla Ulerp,

Clarence McKirgan Wells, Anna Belle Wilson,

Lamatta Irene Wilson, Lucy Wilson [crossed out], Sada Armstrong

Wilson, Fred Evans, Myrta Marguerite Shicks,

Cyrus Mac Farland, Wilbur Augustus Shicks &

Walter Shicks (17) & meeting adjourned to meet next


E J Post Clk

Sabb. Mar. 23 Session met in adjourned meeting Present Elder Wilson

Post Ketcham & Condit with J Glenn as Mod.

The following persons appeared before them, were examined

concerning their faith in Christ. Session being satisfied

their names were ordered to be placed on the roll of

members viz. Mulford Smith Condit, Clarence Lloyd Geddis

Matthew Cyrus Geddis, Mrs Catherine Lily Huff,

George Allie Meredith, Ona Beem Shaver, Gertrude

Eugene Ulery, Oral Clove Whitney, Lucy Allen Wilson,

Orlando Dawes Wilson, Leroy Suver, Hayes Levi Debolt,

Carl Dail Dawes, Hall Hupp, Lola Dell Farris,

Grace Anna Saunders, Bessie Lorraine Farris, Iva Jane Saunders

May Daisy Farris & Mrs Grace Adams (20)

Mrs Eunice Pope Wilson presented a letter from [crossed out]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 59)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 59)


[page 59]

[corresponds to numbered page 55 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


1902 Session adjourned E J Post Clk

Wed Mar 26 ^Adjourned Session again met at close of Prayer Meeting when the

^present Elders Post, Ketcham, & Condit with J. Glenn Clk

following persons presented themselves & were examined

concerning their faith in Christ viz. Ina Olga Curry,

John Milligan Curry, Mrs Nellie Curry, George Fleming Ginn,

Mrs Sallie Ginn, Ella Hight, Mrs Nellie Hupp,

Mrs Sarah Sheridan, Lutie Belle Spangler & Grace

Agnes Spearman (10) Session approved & ordered

their names placed on the membership roll of this

church. No further business the meeting was

closed with prayer by Elder Post.

E J Post Clk

Apl 6th Session met after service present Elders Post, Ketcham

Condit with Rev J. Glenn Mod

Elder Wm Wilson was appointed delegate to Presbytery

at Mt Gilead 8th met with L.S Condit alternate

Narrative of State of Religion as recorded below

was read & approved. No further business Session

was closed by prayer led by L.S. Condit

E J Post Clk

Narrative of State of Religion of Trenton

Presbyterian Church

The Trenton Presbyterian church desires to record

its gratitude to God for the large measure of

success which He has granted during the past

year. Service for Divine worship have been held

during the year with regularity. Until the month

of August the Rev T.J. Cellar of Prospect, O.

ministered to us with much acceptance profit

Since then Rev J. Elem has been with us &

his labors are meeting with much appreciation.

Including accessions we report this year a membership of
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 60)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 60)


[page 60]

[corresponds to numbered page 56 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


192. Preaching service is held every Sabbath

morning & evg with very gratifying attendance. Prayer

meeting is held Wed evy & is fairly well attended.

Sabbath School meets every Sabbath morning & is kept

up with increasing attendance interest. Young

Peoples Society of Xetn Endeavor is held every Sabboth

evg & the meetings are well sustained althugh the

membership hitherto has been somewhat small. A

Junior Society of Xetn Endeavor has been organized

during the year & is already proving its value as a

adjunct to the church. Its membership is 35. Both

the Womens Home & Foreign Missy Society & the Kings

Daughter Society are active in their several sphere

of Xetn work. H & F Missy Soc hvg contributed over

$60.00 to those objects & King's Daughters in addition to

donating a sewing machine to a colored School in the

South have been active in charitable philanthropic

work. Contributions have been made to all the Boards

of the church.

We have been visited with a gracious religious awakening

during the year. The labors of Evangelist E. F Walker

of Indianapolis Presbytry Ind have been greatly blessed

to us in the conversion of souls. As one result

we have received into our membership 86 of profession

of faith. Many of these (probably abt 35) came from

the Sabbath School & Junior Endeavor Society but the

members of the church also have been around to ren-

ewed interest & zeal & greater harmony prevails than

heretofore amongst our membership.

Read before session & approved by them Apr. 6th 1902.

E.J. Post

Examined and approved Mt. Gilead Apr. 9, 1902

Moderator Chas W. Fogle
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 61)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 61)


[page 61]

[corresponds to numbered page 57 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Oct 22 1902 Session met and was constituted with prayer by

Elder W.H. Wilson. Present Elders Condit Ketcham Postal Wilson

Mr. Mrs Hall Hupp & Mrs Grace Adams were on request

granted letters of dismissal. The roll of Church members

was carefully gone over & Revised (see pp 138-140)

No further business was transacted & session was

closed by prayer Mr. Ketcham leading.

E.J. Post Clk

John Glenn Modr.

April 6th 1903 At the close of Congregational Meeting Session

convened with the following members present viz.

Elders S.C. Ketcham, W. Wilson, E.J. Post &

L.S. Condit with Rev. J. Glenn Mod.

Pastor reports that letters of dismissal had

been granted by him to Mr. W.A. Cellar, his

wife Hattie Cellar & their son Harold Reid

Cellar to unite with the Presby Ch of Delaware which

action was ratified by the Session.

Mrs Sarah E. Dudgeon was on request also

granted a letter of Dismissal.

The questions on Presbytey Narrative blank were

carefully gone over and replied to.

No Further business session was closed being

led in prayer by Elder L. S. Condit.

E.J. Post Clk

Apl. 12th Session met at call of mod after the

morning service -present Wm Wilson S.C.

Ketcham L.S. Condit & E.J. Post with Rev. Glenn

mod. Mrs Carrie May (Potter) DeWolf request

having requested a letter of dismissal to the

Presbyty Ch of Johnstown, it was on motion granted.

Mr. L.S. Condit was appointed delegate to

the Spring Meeting of Presbytry to convene at

manor. Apl 14th Narrative and recorded on past read

& approved. No further business the meeting adjourned.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 62)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 62)


[page 62]

[corresponds to numbered page 58 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



The year just closed has not been one of memorial

growth with us & although we cannot point to any in-

crease in our membership yet we trust there has

been a growth of grace. Morning & evening ser

vices have been held regularly throughout the year (with

a very few exceptions in the evg. service when the roads were al-

most impassable) & the attendance at both has been en-

couraging. At the morning service our average attendance

has been about 125 & the evening about 97. Prayer

meetings held every Wed. evg. with an average attendance

of about 58. The youth of the church is well represented

at the services especially the Sabbath evg. service &

prayer meeting. The attendance at the Sabbath School has

been encouraging as has also been that of the "Junior"

U.P.S.C.E Societies.

The Womens Home & Foreign Missy Society has been active during

the past year in their work on behalf of missions. Rewards of

$63.00 has been sent by them to these Boards.

A young ladies Circle of "Kings" Daughters has been organized during

the year which, together with the previously existing Circle

has been active in charitable & philanthropic work both in

this neighborhood and elsewhere.

The benevolences of the church have been well sustained, con-

tributions have been made to all of the Board & these show a slight

increase over the previous year.

During the year we have commenced on some needed repairs to our

church building & also on the addition of a Sabbath School Room.

Already the Treasurer has real contributions for these purposes

amounting to almost $700.00. The work is now well under way &

we hope that before long we shall have a building better adapted to the needs

of our Sabbath School & Congregation. A Special meeting was held

in Feb in which we had the assistance of Rev. C.L. Work of Granville. The

the attendance at the meeting was encouraging & we trust that the results

though, not very apparent, have been real.

E.J. Post Clk.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 63)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 63)


[page 63]

[corresponds to numbered page 59 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Thus far examined and approved

at Marion, O. April 15th 1903

Wm Houston Moderator

Feb. 14th 1904

Session met according to previous appointment

at the home of Mrs. Frank Webb. Present

Elders E.J. Post & L.S. Condit with J. Glenn Mod.

Mrs Webb being very ill & having expressed a

desire to confess Christ & be received into

the membership of his church she was ex-

amined concerning her faith in Christ &

motives for uniting with the church.

Session being satisfied she was received into

church fellowship after which the sacarments

of Baptism & the Lord's Supper were administered

to her. No further business session ad-

journed closed with prayer by Elder E.J. Post.

E.J. Post clk.

Mar. 30th 1904

Session met at the call of the Mod. Present

Elders E J. Post, S.C. Ketcham L.S. Condit with J. Glenn Mod.

opened with prayer by E.J. Post.

The conditions of the church & the best

means of securing a more regular attendance were

discussed. Elder E.J. Post was appointed delegate

to meeting of Presbytry at Marysville Apl 12th.

No further business Session was adjourned.

E.J. Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 64)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 64)


[page 64]

[corresponds to numbered page 60 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


April 11th '04

The adjourned meeting of Session was held on above

date Present Elders E.J. Post & S.C. Ketcham

J. Glenn modr. The following narrative was read &

approved & our delegate to Presbytry instructed to invite

Presbytry to convene with this church for its fall

meeting. No further business Session closed

with prayer by S.C. Ketcham.


During the past year contributions in the Trenton

Church have been much as in former years.

The morning & evening services have been held

with regularity with a few exceptions when the con=

dition of the church building rendered the holding

of services inadvisable. The average attendance

has been good. Weekly Prayer meetings has been

held during the year with an encouraging attendance

& interest. The Sabbath School & the Y.P.S.C.E

(both senior and junior) have each been active in

the various lines of duty during the past year

The Women's Home & foreign Missy. Soc. has likewise been

active during the year in their work on behalf of missions

with liberal contributions to both Home & Foreign Boards.

Both circles of the Kings Daughters Society have engaged in

their charitable & philanthropic work with diligence during

the year. The contributions to the various Boards have been

fully as liberal as in previous years; in several ins-

tances a marked advance in liberality has been shown.

The repairs on the church building which have been going on for

some time are almost completed & we look forward to the

future with hope.

E.J. Post clk

Examined and approved at a meeting

of Presbytry at Marysville Apr. 13, 1904

Frank Granstaff

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 65)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 65)


[page 65]

[corresponds to numbered page 61 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sept 25th 1904

Session met at the call of the Moderator at

the close of services. A request for letters of

dismissal to the Presbytry Church of Providence

(this Presby) was read from Mr. Mrs. Clarence

Wells. On motion the letters was granted as

requested. No further business Session adjourned.

E.J. Post Clk

Dec. 3rd 1904

Session met at close of Preparatory service. Present

Elders Wilson, Post, Ketcham, Condit with Rev J. Glenn

Mod. Evart May Bailey, Nannie Blanche

Spangler & Mrs. Amy Feazel were examined by

the session concerning their faith in Christ.

Session being satisfied they were admitted into

church fellowship & their names ordered to be

entered on church roll. No further business

Session adjourned closed with prayer by Elder Condit.

E.J. Post Clk

Dec. 4th 1904

Session met before morning service present

Elders Wilson, Post, Ketcham, & Condit with J. Glenn

Moderator. Clara Louise Feazel was examined

concerning her faith in Christ. Session being

satisfied she was received into church

fellowship & her name entered on the church

Roll. Closed with prayer by Elder Ketcham.

E.J. Post Clk.

March 4th 1905

Session met at the call of the Moderator at close

of Preparatory Service. Present Elders Post & Ketcham

with J. Glenn Mod. Mrs. Anna May Hyatt

came before the Session & was examined concerning

her faith in Christ. The session being satisfied

she was received & her name enrolled on the Roll.

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 66)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 66)


[page 66]

[corresponds to numbered page 62 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


of members.

The following minutes relating to the death of Elder

Philander Edminster was also adopted viz:

Whereas God in his All-wise Providence has seen fit

to remove from our midst our beloved friend & brother

Elder Philander Edminster &

Whereas we deeply deplore his loss to the Session &



That in his death the Session has lost a

valued & esteemed member & one who for

many years has faithfully discharged the

duties devolving upon him.


That in place on record our warm appreciation

of his services to the church & community &

further -Resolved:

That these resolutions be placed upon the

Sessional record & that a copy of the same

be sent to his nephew John Edminster

Mr Wilson was appointed ^ & Mr. Post alternate delegate to the spring

meeting of Presbytery at Delaware No further business

Session adjourned.

E J Post Clk.

March 26 '05 Session met: present Elders Post Ketcham & Condit with

J. Glenn Mod. Having been constituted with prayer by Eldon

Post Session proceeded to a careful review of the Roll of

members & a revision of same. This having been completed

the general well being of the church was discussed after

which the meeting was closed with prayer. Elder Ketcham leading

E J Post Clk.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 67)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 67)


[page 67]

[corresponds to numbered page 63 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



The year just closed has not differed very greatly

from many in the past. But yet we feel

that these are not wanting signs of growth and

progress. The regular Sabbath services (morning

and evening) have been maintained throughout the

year & have been well attended averaging perhaps

130 present at the morning and 50 at the evening

service. The weekly prayer meeting has likewise

been regularly maintained with very encouraging

interest. The average attendance upon the service

has been about 30. Sabbath School &

The Young Peoples Societies (both Senior & Junior)

have been fully up to the average of former years.

The same may be said of the Women's Home and

Foreign Missionary Society & of the two Circles

of Kings Daughters all of which have been

diligent & faithful in the various lines of

Christian activity. The contribution to the several

Boards of the church have been up to the average

in some instances showing an increase, in

others a slight decrease. During the year the

repairs on the church Building have been com-

pleted & the church re-dedicated free of debt on Sabb.

Sept 11th the greater portion of the money then subscribed

has now been paid. During the year Philander Edminster

a member of our Session has been called to his great reward.

Above Narrative read before Session approved by them on

Sabb. morning April 9th 1905

E J Post clk

Examined & approved by Presbytery in Session

Delaware Ohio Apl 12th 1905

A. D. Haun

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 68)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 68)


[page 68]

[corresponds to numbered page 64 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sept 2nd 05 Session met at close of Preparatory Services when

the following business was transacted viz:

(illegible & illegible) C. R. Schnebly presented a letter

from the First Congregational Church of

Mount Vernon O. Their letter being found in

order they were received & their names ordered

enrolled as members of this church.

No further business session adjourned

E J Post clk

Nov 26 session met at close of service present elders

Wm Wilson, E. J. Post & S. C. Ketcham with

Rev Joslenn Moderator. Mrs. Minnie B. Potter

requested a letter to the Free Methodist Church

of New Albany, Ohio This was on motion

granted & Session adjourned

J Post clk


Mar 24 Session met at close of Preparatory service

Present Elders Post & Ketcham with Rev. J. Glenn Mod

Mr & Mrs Robert Pitkin presented letters from the

Mt. Liberty Methodist Episcopal Church; Mrs

Ida Wyley Ketcham from the First Baptist

Church Granville Ohio & Mrs John Edminister

from the Gay Street Methodist Episcopal

Church of Mt Vernon Ohio. All the letters were

found in order & the above mentioned persons

were received into the membership of this church

& their names ordered to be entered upon its

Roll of Membership.

Session adjourned to meet the day following

E J Post clk

Mar 25 Session met in pursuance to adjournment Present

Elders Wilson Post & Ketcham with Mod as before

Mr. Wm C. Pierson requested a letter of Dismissal to

the Methodist Episcopal Church of Johnstown Of which

On motion was granted & session adjourned.

E J Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 69)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 69)


[page 69]

[corresponds to numbered page 65 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



Jan 21 Session met at close of services

when the following Business was

transacted Mrs Lydia Cornell

(nee Wilson) asked for a letter

to join the M E church at

Galena Ohio on motion Letter

was Granted. no further

Business. adjourned

E J Post Clk

Mar 26 Session met present Elders Post Ketcham & Condit

with Rev J Glenn Mod. Session constituted with

prayer by elder Post. The questions furnished by Presbytry

were gone over replied to. the general welfare

of the church discussed. Elder S. C. Ketcham

was appointed delegate to forthcoming meeting of Presbytery

Elder Post alternate. No further business(illegible)

closed with prayer by Elder Ketcham

E J Post Clk


The year just closed have been one of at least average

progress with this church The morning & evening service

have been kept up with regularity with a very few (illegible) in

regard to the evening service. The attendance has been about as in

former yrs averaging perhaps 135 at morning & 55 at evening services

The weekly Prayer Meeting has so been been regularly maintain with

an average attendance of about 30. The Sabbath

School & Young Peoples Societies (both

Sen. & Jun.) have been about as in former years

the Women's Home & foreign Missn Society

continue its good work on behalf of Missions,

with encouraging attendance & results. Contributions

from these Societies have been about as liberal

as formerly. The two circles of King's Daughters

have proceeded this work with vigor doing the

year aiding those in need both in this neighborhood

& elsewhere. All the Boards have been con-

tributed to this year the contributions generally
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 70)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 70)


[page 70]

[corresponds to numbered page 66 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


showing a marked increase over former years.

Read & approved by Session April 1st, 1906

John Glenn (Mod) EJ Post clk

Examined and approved by Marion

Presbytery in session at Mt Gilead

April 10 - 1906 A.M. Chapin


June 9th Session met at call of Mod at close

of Preparatory service - present Elder Wilson

Post & Ketcham with Rev. J Glenn Moderator.

Mrs Alice Bailey came before the Session

desiring to be received into church membership.

After some conversation with Mrs Bailey Session

was satisfied & voted that she be so received &

her name entered on the church roll.

No further business Session adjourned

John Glenn Modr

Mar 31st Session met present Elder E. J. Post W. H. Wilson &

L. S. Condit with J Glenn Modr. Saml Wood

Magill presented himself & was examined as to his

faith in Christ & his motives for desiring membership

in the church. Session being satisfied he was read

into membership of the church & his name ordered en-

rolled. Mrs. Lottie Stockwell Meredith was recd

from the Kingston Presbytn Church & her name enrolled.

No further business Session adjourned

John Glenn Modr

April 2nd Session met at close of Congrl mtg all the members present. The

blanks furnished by Presby were replied to & Elder L. S. Condit

elected Delegate to the forthcoming meeting of Presbytry at Marion

No further business Session adjourned

John Glenn Mod
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 71)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 71)


[page 71]

[corresponds to numbered page 67 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



With the Trenton Church the year just closed has

not differed greatly from others in the past. This

regular work of the church has been carried on

faithfully throughout the year. Morning & evening

services have been maintained with an average

attendance of perhaps 120 at the former & 45 at

at the latter service. The weekly Prayer Meeting

has had an average attendance of about 35.

The work of the Sabbath School & of the Young

Peoples Societies (Sen & Jr) has been prosecuted

with faithfulness. The womens societies

have exhibited commendable diligence in their work

throughout the year. The Benevolences of

the church have shown an increase over the

previous year in almost every instance.

Two weeks of special services were held in March

in Which the pastor had the valuable assistance

of the Rev Chas I. williams of Somerville, Ohio

though not resulting in a great numerical increase

to our numbers yet we feel that these meetings

have been of profit to us

Read before Session & approved April 7th 1907

John Glenn Moderator

Examined and approved by Marion

Presbytery in session at Marion, O April 9,


J. M. Wylie
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 72)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 72)


[page 72]

[corresponds to numbered page 68 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


April 7th Session met at close of service present Elders

L. S. Condit & S. C. Ketcham with Rev J. Glenn Mod.

The action of the mod granting letters of Dismission to

The Presbytn Church of Westerville O to Mr. & Mrs

Lawrence Hough & Mrs Abbie Hough Wright was

approved Session adjourned.

E J Post clk

April 21st Session met at close of service all the members

present. Mr & Mrs B. B. Wilson having requested

letters of dismission to the Presbytn Church of Westerville

O. said letters were on motion granted & Session adjourned.

E J Post clk

June 9th Session met previous to communion service all the members

present when the following item of business was disposed of

Mr Arthur Calvin White presented a letter from the St John's

Evangelical Lutheran Church. Fred County, Va. Said letter

being found in order Mr White was recd by Session & his

name ordered placed on the Roll of Members of this Church.

No further business Session adjourned

E J Post clk

July 21st Session met at chose of morning service. All the

members present with J. Glenn Mod. The moderator

reported that he had on request granted letters of dismission

to Mulford S Condit & his wife Nellie H Condit to unite

with the Presbytn Church of Westerville, O. Said action of

Mod was motion ratified by Session after which

Session adjourned.

E J Post clk

Sept 8th Session met at close of Communion service present

Elders W. H. Wilson, E. J. Post, S. C. Ketcham & L. S. Condit

Mrs. H. P. Miller & Mrs. Emma P. Miller having

requested letters dismissal to the Presbyterian Church

of Westerville Ohio & said letters were on motion

granted & Session adjourned.

E J Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 73)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 73)


[page 73]

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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Nov 17 Session met at close of public worship Present

Elder Wilson, Post, Ketcham & Condit with J Glenn

Mod. Letter of Dismission having been requested

by Mrs Electa Speer & her son Mr Leo Speer to the

Presbytn ch of Centerburg, O said letters were on

motion granted & Session adjourned

E J Post clk

March 28th Session Met at close of Preparatory service

Present Elders Willson, Post, Ketcham with the Pastor

Rev. J Glenn Mod. Letters of dismission having

been requested by Byron N. Gorsuch (To Westerville church)

& Mrs. L. V. Ulrey (no church mentioned) Said

letters were on motion granted - the latter to state

the fact of membership - No further

business Session adjourned

E J Post Clk

April 1st Session met at call of Mod Present Elders Wilson

Post Ketcham & Condit with pastor (Rev. J Glenn) Mod.

Session was constituted with prayer by Elder S. C. Ketcham

The roll of members was gone over & revised. No further

business Session adjourned.

E J Post Clk

April 5th Session met at close of morning service Present

Elders E. J. Post & L. S. Condit with J Glenn Mod.

Letters of Dismission from the Centerburg M. E. Church

to Blanche Bailey & Grace Bailey were presented.

Said letters having been found in order they were on motion

received & their names ordered to be placed on the Roll of

Members of this church. No further business

Session adjourned

E J Post clk

April 6th Session met at call of Mod Present Elders Wilson Ketcham

& Condit with J Glenn Mod. The question on the Presbyterial

Blanks were replied to. Elder E.J. Post was elected Delegate

to the spring meeting of Presbytery at Marysville O - Elder

L. S. Condit Alternate No further business

Session adjourned E J Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 74)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 74)


[page 74]

[corresponds to numbered page 70 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


The year just closed has with the Trenton

Church, not differed great by from others in

the past accept is that we have lost a

greater number by removal during the year

than is usual with us. The regular

work of the church has been carried on

faithfully throughout the years. Morning

& evening services for worship have been held

with an average attendance of about 100

at the former & 50 at the latter service

Sabbath School has been maintained throughout

the year with an average attendance of

perhaps 50. Attendance at the

weekly Prayer Meeting has averaged about

30 U.P.S.C.E. & Junior C.E. have both

been faithful in their work throughout the year.

The same might be said of the women's home

& Foreign Missy Society & the King's

Daughters Circle which have pursued their

various lines of Christian activity with

commendable faithfulness & diligence.

All the Boards have been contributed to &

in most instances, with a slight increase

in spite of our many removals.

Read & approved by

Session this 12" Day of Apr

A D 1908

E J Post Clk

Examined and approved by Marion

Presbytery in Session at Marysville O

Apr 13 - 15, 1908.

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 75)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 75)


[page 75]

[corresponds to numbered page 71 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


April 19th Session met at close of morning service all the

members present with the pastor acting as Mod

Mrs. Mary E. Post having requested a letter of dismission

to the St Clair Ave Presbytn Church, Columbus, Ohio said

letter was on motion granted & Session adjourned.

E J Post clk

Sept 6 Session met at close of morning service

all the members present with Rev J. Glenn

Modr Miss Grace Bailey was granted

a letter of dismission to the Presbyterian Church

Westerville, Ohio. Elder S. C. Ketcham was

appointed Delegate & E J Post alternate to

the Fall Meeting of Presbytry. No further business

Session Adjourned.

E J Post clk

July 19th Session met at close of morning service when

the following business was transacted viz Mr

& Mrs Robt W. Pitkin were granted letters of

dismission to the "M. E. church of Brandon, O.

No further business Session adjourned

E J Post clk

Feby 21st Session met at close of morning service. Present

Elders E. J. Post S. C. Ketcham & L. S. Condit with Rev

J Glenn Modr Mrs Roberta B Hopkins having

asked for a letter of dismission to the Baptist

Church Sunbury, O. said letter was on motion

granted & Session adjourned

E J Post clk

Feby 28th Session met at call of Mod at the close of the

morning service present Elders E. J. Post S. C. Ketcham

& L. S. Condit with J Glenn Modr Miss Gertrude

Ulery having requested a letter to the First Presbytn Ch of

Newark O on motion her name was restored to the

Roll of Membership & the letter granted as requested.

Mr. Chas Speer who has moved away from here

several years ago also requested a letter to the M. E. Church

of Sunbury which request was complied with - to state on said

letter circumstance aforementioned - Session adjourned E J Post Clk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 76)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 76)


[page 76]

[corresponds to numbered page 72 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



March 27th Session met at close of Preparatory Services

when the following business was transacted viz.

Mrs Chas Comstock, Ethel Cring,

Roy Edminister & Harold Edminister came

before the Session & were examined concerning

their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Session

being satisfied they were on motion received into

the fellowship of this church & their names

ordered placed on the Roll of Members. Session

took recess till the following morning

Mar 28th Session met before morning service when Edward

Bailey came before it & was examined concerning

his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Session being

satisfied he was on motion recd & his

name ordered enrolled.

Mr E J Post was appointed Delegate &

Mr. L S Condit Alternate to the forthcoming

meeting at Presbytery at Delaware. Session adjourned

E J Post clk

April 8th Session met at call of Modr - all the

members present. Opened with prayer by Elder L. S.

Condit. The Roll of Membership was revised &

the Narrative - & other blanks - replied to. Minutes

of the previous meeting of Session read &

approved. No further business Session

adjourned closed with prayer by Elder S. C. Ketcham.

E J Post
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 77)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 77)


[page 77]

[corresponds to numbered page 73 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Narrative 1908-'09.

The Session of the Trenton Ch in presenting

the Narrative for the year just closed would

report that the work of this church has not

differed materially from that of past years.

Morning & evening Sabbath services have been

maintained throughout the year with an ^average attendance

of 85 at the former & 40 at the latter service

Sabbath School & Young People. Meeting ((illegible)

& Jun.) have likewise been maintained throught

the year with encouraging attendance & interest.

The Women's Societies ("H. & F. Miss Soc." & "King's

Daughters") have shown commendable faithfulness

& diligence in their work throughout the year although

the offerings from the Missy. Societies have not

quite come up to the ^high average of last year.

The weekly Prayer meeting has had an average

attendance of 25 throughout the year. All the

Boards of the church have been remembered

in our contributions. A slight falling off

is noticed in one or two instances but this

is accounted for by the fact that the Women's

Missy. Society has not entirely equaled its

former liberality. Five have been added to

the church on Confession of Faith, three have

been restored; six dismissed; & five placed

upon the suspended Roll leaving us a net total

membership of 139.

Read and approved before

Session this 11" Day of April

A D 1909.

E J Post Clk

Examined and approved by

Marion Presbytery, Delaware,

Apr. 13 - 1909

Geo. M. Rouke Mod.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 78)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 78)


[page 78]

[corresponds to numbered page 74 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


April 18th '09 Session met at the close of morning service present

Elders S.C. Ketcham, W.H. Wilson, E.J. Post, & L. S

Condit with Rev. J. Glenn Mod. A letter

was read from Mrs. Grace Saunders Kenney

requesting a letter of dismission to the Kingston

Prsbytry Church. On motion her name was

restored to the regular Roll of membership &

letter granted as requested. Session adjourned

closed with prayer. Elder E.J. Post leading.

E J Post Clk

Mar 26th 1910 Session met before Preparatory Lecture. Present

Elders W.H. Wilson E.J. Post & L.C. Ketcham with

Rev. J. Glenn Mod. Opened with prayer by Mod.

On motion the name of Oral W. Garlinghouse was restored and

a letter of dismission was granted to

her & united with the

M.E. Church of Galena. Questions in the

Narrative blanks were replied to No further

business Session adjourned

E J Post Clk

April 5th Session met at close of Congt meeting. Present

Elders E.J. Post S.C. Ketcham L.S. Condit with Rev

J Glenn (pastor) Modr Opened with prayer by

Elder Post. Minutes of previous meetings read

& approved. Elder W.H. Wilson was elected

Delegate & E.J. Post Alternate to the forthcoming

meeting of Prsby. The Roll of membership was

gone over & revised. Session adjourned Closed

with Prayer by Modr

E J Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 79)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 79)


[page 79]

[corresponds to numbered page 75 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



In presenting our Narrative for the year just

closed we would says that it has not differed

greatly from others in the past. The continued

exodus from the farm to the city has affected us-

as it has all country churches - & a con-

siderable extent. And yet ^in spite of this the work of the church

has been carried forward throughout the year with

faithfulness. The attendance at both morning &

evening services is about as usual with an

average of perhaps 90 at the former & 40 at the

latter service. The Sabbath School & Young

Peoples Societies (both C.E. & Jun C.E.) have been

maintained & have come on their work with

faithfulness diligence. The Missy Societies

& the King's Daughters Circle have likewise been

faithful. Their contributions have been up to the

average (we think) of former years. The Weekly Prayer

Meeting has been maintained with an average attendance

of 18 or 20. All the Boards of the Church

have been contributed to the amount being

about the same as last year. Special

services were held for 10 days commencing Mar. 3rd.

In these services the pastor had the valued assistance

of Rev. D.D. Biggs, D.D. (synodical Missy.) Although no

direct results were apparent from the meetings in [illegible]

yet we feel that the church has been helped by

them. The total membership this year is 136.

Narrative read & approved before

session Apr 10" 1910

C J Post Clk

Examined & approved by Presbytery

at Mt. Gilead April 12 1910.

A C Crist Mod
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 80)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 80)


[page 80]

[corresponds to unnumbered page 76 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]

May 1st 1910 Session met after morning worship present

Elders W.H. Wilson, E.J. Post, S.C. Ketcham &

L.S. Condit with Rev. J. Glenn (pastor) Modr

The Moderator reported having granted a

letter of Dismission to the W. Broad St. Ch.

Columbus, O., to Miss Blanche Bailey.

On motion the moderator's action was ratified

& Session adjourned.

E J Post Clk

June 26th Session met at call of Mod. after morning

worship: present Elders W.H. Wilson & S.C. Ketcham

with Rev. J. Glenn Modr The pastor

stated this desire to be released from the

pastorate of this church & requested that a

Congregational Meeting be called at some con-

venient time for the purpose of taking action

upon this request. Session adjourned.

E J Post Clk

July 10th Congregational Meeting was Held

when the matter of the Resignation

of our Pastor Rev John Glenn was

taken up upon Duly Considering

the matter (But with Restrictions)

It was decided to join Him

in asking Presbytery that the

Relation be Dissolved. So on

the Last Sabbath of July 1910

Brother Glenn Closed his Labors

as Pastor of this Church.

E. J. Post Clk

Dec 6th Rev Albert Day of Rossville Ill

came to Hold a 10 days service

Saturday Dec 17 Sessions met Present

W H Wilson L.J. Condit R.J. Post & L.E. Ketcham

W.H. Wilson was called to act as

Moderator of Sessions. Further reason

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 81)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 81)


[page 81]

[corresponds to numbered page 77 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


that the Rev Day was not a

member of this Presbytery when

the following names Persons

Presented themselves for admission

to the Church Mrs Emily May

Meridith and Miss Mary Cring

after being duly examined by

the Rev Day on Profession of

their Faith in the Lord Jesus

Christ. Session being satisfied

They were Received an their

names ordered to be entered on

the Roll as Members of this

Church. On Saturday the 17"

Preparatory services was Held and

on Sabbath morning the Communion

of the Lords Supper was Observed

and after due consideration the

Rev Albert Day was asked to

Remain over until the following

Thursday Dec 22"

On Thursday Dec 22, Sessions Convened

Present W.H. Wilson L.S. Condit E.J. Post

S.C. Ketcham W.H. Wilson acting as

Moderator. When the following

Persons came before Sessions Being

Examined by the Rev Albert Day on

Profession of their Faith in the

Lord Jesus Christ Session being

satisfied they were Received & their

names ordered to be enrolled as

Members of this Church.

Charles Lane Mary Elen Saunders

Fenton Lane Esther Spangler

Roy Comestock Belle Lane

Nellie Lane John Spangler

Hazel Cook

no further Business session closed

with prayers by S.E. Ketcham

E.J. Post Clk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 82)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 82)


[page 82]

[corresponds to numbered page 78 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Thursday Evening Dec 22" 1910

The Rev Albert Day Closed the

meetings. But on extending the

invitation for those who were

ready & willing to Come out on

the Lords side. Three came forward

to wit: John W. Ginn Carrie Ginn

His wife: and Mrs. Saunders

Session Convened at once & upon

Examination on Their Faith in

the Lord Jesus Christ. They were

Received & their names ordered to be

enrolled as members of this church

Members of Session Present L.J. Condit

and E.J. Post the ordinance of Baptism

was administered to two adults.

E.J. Post Clk

Sabbath Dec 25 1910 Rec A.C.

Crist was present & Preached for

us Session Convened at Close of

Morning Service Present W.H. Wilson

L.S. Condit S.C. Ketcham ^E.J. Post A.C. Crist

Moderator. The foregoing Record was

Read & approved also the Clerk

reported of Having given two

Letters of Dismissions to wit Miss

Edith Condit and Miss Myrtle Cring

on Motion action of Clerk was

Ratified. No further Business Session


E.J. Post Clk

April 9th 1911 Session met Present

L.S. Condit S.C. Ketcham & E.J. Post

When the following Business was

Transacted E.J. Post was called to

act as Chairman on Motion E.J. Post

was Duly Elected to represent us at

meeting of Presbytery at Marion
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 83)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 83)


[page 83]

[corresponds to numbered page 79 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Also the Clerk reported of having

Issued Letters of Dismission to

the following named Persons

Edith Condit Myrtle Cury Clarence

K. Cring and Mr Chas & Mrs

Schnebley on motion said

action was satisfied and their

names ordered stricken from

the Roll of this Church.

No further Business Session


E.J. Post Clk


With the last Sabbath of July

1910 Rev John Glenn Closed his

Pastorate of Nine Years with

this Church and since that

time no Regular Preaching

Services have been held. In Dec

1910 the Rev Day of Rossville

Ill Conducted Special Meetings

for two or more weeks Resulting

in the Addition of 14 to the

Membership of the Church the

Prayer meetings have been kept

up and regular services for

Prayers or the Reading of a Sermon

on Each Sabath day the Sabbath

School is in a very Flourishing

Condition under the Superintendance

of Mr James E. Pierson we are

now contemplating the Building

of a new Manse & then we

must have a Pastor.

Read before & approve by Session

this 9" day of April A.D. 1911

E.J. Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 84)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 84)


[page 84]

[corresponds to numbered page 80 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Examined and approved at Marion

April 11 1911

E. Melville Wylie


Session met opened with

Prayer Present E.J. Post & L.S.

Condit Elders. Rev Rees Edwards

Pastor not being a member of

this Presbytery Could not Moderate

the meeting E.J. Post acted as

Moderator when the following

Business was transacted Mr Isaac

Edwards Presented his Letter of

Membership from the Church of

Venedocia Ohio on Motion it

was accepted & his name was

ordered to be enrolled as a member

of this Church no further Business

session adjourned

Dec 31" 1911

E.J. Post Clk

Saturday Dec 30th 1911 Preparatory

Services were held. Sabbath Dec 31

Communion Services were held by the

Pastor Rev Reese Edwards

E.J. Post Clk

Session met Mch 11" 1912 Present

E.J. Post L.S. Condit & S.C. Ketcham

and the Pastor R.F. Edwards who

not being a Member of Presbytery

Could not act as moderator of

the meeting E.J. Post was called to

Moderate the meeting when the

following Business was Transacted
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 85)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 85)


[page 85]

[corresponds to numbered page 81 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


The Clerk of session reported

as Having Issued letters of Dismissions

to the following named members

it Floyd Cring, Iva J. Cring Myrtle

Cring Lizzie Huffman Letter Post

Mrs Ona Stanforth on Motion

the action of the Clerk was

Ratified and sustained and

their names ordered stricken

from the Roll of this Church

No further Business Session


E.J. Post Clk


Since the removal of the Rev

John Glen we have not had any

Regular Pastor but have been

supplied by the Rev Huffman

of Princeton and at Present are

being supplied by the Rev R.F.

Edwards all Departments of

Church work is moving along

Harmoniously in the past year

we have Erected a new Manse &

Barn at a cost of about $2500.00.

The Grim reaper has been in our

Midst in the past year and

removed Six of our members

among them a Valued Elder

William H. Wilson.

E.J. Post Clk

Minutes Read & approved before Session this 7

Day of Apr A.D. 1912

E.J. Post Clk

Thus far examined & approved by Presbytery

session at Marysville on April 9/12

W.R. Ward, mod

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 86)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 86)


[page 86]

[corresponds to numbered page 82 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


May 5, 1912

Session met at the close of Sabbath-school.

There were present the Moderator, R.F.

Edwards, and Elders E.J. Post and L.S.

Condit. On motion it was decided to

recommend to the congregation that

one additional elder be chosen and

if approved the election be held

at the close of the morning service

May 19th. The meeting adjourned with

the close of the morning service.

E.J. Post Clk

May 19, 1912

The congregation convened for the

purpose of choosing one additional

elder, the election resulting in the

choice of Mr. Edgar P. Condit. June

2nd was set as the day for the ordination.

E.J Post Clk

June 7, 1912

Session convened at 2:00 P.M.

at the parsonage with all members

present and was opened with prayer.

Mr. Grant Wilson, his wife, Carrie,

and baptized child, Ethel Pauline were

received by certificate from the First

Presbyterian Church of Pataskala, Ohio.

Mrs. Lillie Bailey and Miss Eva M.

Bailey were restored to the regular roll

and dismissed by request to the

West Park Avenue Methodist Church of

Columbus, Ohio. Miss Eva Saunders

guilty of violating the seventh command-

ment was summoned to appear

before the session. Having expressed

her sorrow for her sin and determin-
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 87)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 87)


[page 87]

[corresponds to numbered page 83 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Nation to seek to live a godly life

and thus showing a penitent spirit

it was decided that no further disci-

pline is necessary. adjourned

with prayer. E J Post clk

Sept. 8th 1912

Session met at the close of morning

service with all members present and

was opened with prayer. Mr. Edgar M.

Condit, Elder-elect not seeing his way

clear to subscribe to the standards

of the church on account of certain state-

ments of the Confession of Faith it

was decided to recommend to the

congregation that it convene for the

purpose of choosing one additional

elder, such election if agreed to, to

be held September 22nd 1912. There being

no further business session adjourned

with prayer.

E J Post clk

October 6, 1912

On account of weather conditions the

election of elder was postponed from

Sept 29th to October 6th. Congregation

convened and was opened with

prayer. After nominations the congre-

gation proceeded to ballot the election

resulting in the choice of Mr. Grant

H. Wilson. October 20th was set as

the date for the ordination.

E J Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 88)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 88)


[page 88]

[corresponds to numbered page 84 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Oct 20 1912

Mr Grant H Wilson Having been

duly elected as ruling Elder

of this Ch he was ordained

& duly welcomed by the session

and members of this church to

take part with us in this

very important office

E J Post clk

Oct 27 1912

session met member Present

S C Ketcham G H Wilson Modr

R F Edwards Constituted by Prayer

Miss Edith Condit Presented Her

Letter from the Church of the Convenant

Cinti Ohio accepted and Her name

ordered to be enrolled. The moderator

R F Edwards reported as Having

Issued Letters of Dismission to James

E Pierson Della E Pierson and Leland

E Pierson to the Indianola Presbyterian

Ch Columbus Ohio and to Isaac G

Edwards to the Presbyterian Church

of Tien Chow China on motion

Action was Ratified. session

adjourned closed with prayer.

E J Post clk

Rev R. F. Edwards of Tien Chow

China being in the U S on a leave

of absence for one year served.

This Ch acceptably for that Period

Closing the last Sabbath in Nov

1912 & has now return to his

Mission Field in China

E J Post clk

[In left margin:

Mr Fred Evans was restored to

the regular roll & dismissed to

to the Presbyterian Ch at Jersey Ohio]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 89)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 89)


[page 89]

[corresponds to numbered page 85 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday Mch 15" 1913

Preparatory service were held con-

ducted by the Rev Walter Huston

of Columbus Ohio Mr Grant Wilson

& his wife Presented Their Infant

son for Baptism which was done

the name being John Stewart Wilson

Immediately after Preparatory

Services the following named Persons

Came before session and were ex

amined on Profession of their Faith

in the Lord Jesus Christ. Russel

Curry Edward Saunders Dennis Curry

Chester Cring Maurice Walter Howard

Feasel James Bailey Vaughn De Bolt

Minor Spangler Earl Spearman Henry

Spangler George Ferris Clayton Spencer

Mamie Spangler Dorothy Mae Spencer

Phoeba Chambers Mable Comstock

Gale Longshore Mr Lois Green Earnest

Spearman Cora Walter Gorge Mills

Anis Spearman Veo Longshore Sarah

Boyd Goldie Jacobus Anna Jacobus

Ruth Post Edna Ginn Frank Clevenger

Delpha Clevenger Frank Edwards

Daniel Jennings Albert Longshore

Cary Pace Robert Clevenger Harry

Clevenger Earl Edminster Dennis Edwards

Irene Clevinger Lloyd Pace Henry

Edwards Mary C Edwards Elizabeth

Ketcham Glendon Comstock Dean

Lane Amy Wilcox Hazel Comstock

Nancy Walter Catherine Walter. Session

being satisfied their names were Ordered

to be enrolled as members of this

church _ all seeing the ordinance of


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 90)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 90)


[page 90]

[corresponds to numbered page 86 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Also at the same time the following

were received by Certificate Mrs Buelah

Bailey Mrs Ruth Debolt Mrs F W walter

Mrs Nettie Cook and Mr Arthur Wilson

and Mrs Emma Hannon

Also the following on Profession who

Had been Previously been Baptised

Mrs Belle Wilcox Mrs Emma Cole

Charles Comstock Fremont Dixon

Masclet wilson Russell Cring Grace

Cring. Edward Stevens also the following

named George Ginn and Robert Bell

Having been members some years ago

come & reaffirm their Faith and

are Received & their names with the

aforenamed enrolled as members of

this Church & so the three following

named were examined but desire to

be baptized by Immersion. Munson

Potter Mrs Cora Shultz & Mrs Mable

Stevens _ No further business Session

Closed with Prayer by the Rev Master

Huston. E J Post Moder

EJ Post clk

Sabbath morning March 30" 1913

Session Convened members present

S C Ketcham L S Condit Grant Wilson

& E J Post Rev Walter H Houston When

the following Business was transacted

Mr. Jos. Mora came Before Session &

was examined on Profession of his

faith in the Lord Jesus Christ session

being satisfied he was received and his name

ordered to be enrolled as a member of

this church no further business session adj'd

Closed with prayer

E J Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 91)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 91)


[page 91]

[corresponds to numbered page 87 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



On sabbath Nov 24" 1912 Rev R. F

Edwards preached his farewell sermon

Since which time we have been supportive

Every Sabbath some five different

Candidates having occupied the pulpit

at different times none of which

have been favored with a call

as yet

On Feb 16" Rev Asher Ably

assisted by his wife commenced an

Evangelistic service lasting over the

their sabbath which resulted in a

general awakening of the membership

and an accession of about 75


Our sabbath school has been

well attended and an active interest

maintained throughout the year


recently a mens bible class has been

organized which is leading forward

to a great success. we have also organ

ized a Cradle roll whose members

are to be those Children of the Families

of our Ch and school who are yet to young

to attend the regular sessions we are looking

forward to a great success in this work

The Synodical Home Mission Secretary

Rev Walter Houston has filled our Pulpit

on two Sabbath's and we are Hoping thru

his efforts we may be able soon to see our

way clear to call a Pastor. A strong

spirit of cooperation exist between our Ch

and the Sister Churches which has resulted

in the Monthly Union Prayer Meetings

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 92)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 92)


[page 92]

[corresponds to numbered page 88 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


A Plan for the better Financing

of our Ch which was suggested by

Rev Houston was put in the Hands

of a committee of 16 which has been

attempted the results of which may be

shown later

All in all our Church

seams to be in a very prosperous Condition

Especially so considering that we are without

a regular Pastor

Read before and approved by

Session the 13" Day of April AD 1913

EJ Post clk

May 1" 1913

Session met

Presided over by Rev W H Houston

who Recomended the Session to

Corresponded with the Rev A. B

Bladis of Union Springs NY

correspondence was had & he came

& Preached for us two sabbaths

& held communion services June

1" 1913 and arrangements were

made whereby he would become

our Pastor. Regular services were

commenced July 20" 1913. And

arrangements were made for his

Installation which was had Oct

5" 1913.

Session met Aug 19" 1913

opened with Prayer S. C. Ketcham

EJ Post & LT Condit & GA Wilson

Present when the following Business

was transacted the Letters of

Florence B Blades & Ainsley G Blades

[at left margin: At the June Communion

Selah Cook was Received

on Profession of His Faith &

He was enrolled as a member of this Ch]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 93)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 93)


[page 93]

[corresponds to numbered page 89 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


were presented from the Presbyterian

Ch of Union Springs NY on motion

they were accepted & their names

were ordered to be enrolled as

members of the Church Closed

with Prayer

E J Post clk

At the December Communion 1913

The letter of Floyd Cring was

Presented from the M E Church of

Miami Florida on motion is

was accepted & he was ordered

to be enrolled as a members

of this church

E J Post Clk

Mar 31, 1914

Statistical Report for 1913-1914

Elders 6


Rec'd an Ex - 1 }
Certificate 3 }

Dismissed 6 }

Suspended 4 } 12

Deceased 2 }

Total membership 189

No in S. School 85


Home For Ed S.S. Ch.ER. Relief Freed Col Temp Genl
Mis Miss work Sust mebr Ass
30 35 10 5 5 10 2 1 1 23.64
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 94)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 94)


[page 94]

[corresponds to numbered page 90 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


The narrative and other annual reports

have been this day signed & forwarded

by order of session

E J Post

Approved_Presbytery at Marion, Ohio April 14, 1914

Wm A. Athenison

Congregational Meeting Held

March 31st 1914 For the election

of two additional Elders. Vote

was taken and Resulted in

the Election of John M Curry

and George Lane were duly

Elected. After Consideration the

said Curry refused to accept

the office. The said George Lane

Being duly elected the time was

set for his ordination 20 May

3" 1914.

EJ Post clk

May 3rd 1914 the said Geo Lane

was ordained a Ruling Elder in

this church

EJ Post Clk

An informed meeting of

the session was had at the

Residence of Elder LS Condit

Present LS Condit Geo Lane &

EJ Post opened with Prayer

by LS Condit. After talking

Over matter pertaining to the

Church. Session adjourn to

meet the last Monday in March
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 95)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 95)


[page 95]

[corresponds to numbered page 91 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Pastor Blades reports as having

in his Hands $4.00 Designed for

the cause of Temperance on motion

it was suggested that this amt

Be increased to $10.00 and applied

to the Temperance Cause Carried

EJ Post clk

March 22" 1915

Session met at the Home of Elder

L.S. Condit Members present LS Condit

E.J. Post S.C. Ketcham & Grant A Wilson

constituted by Prayer. When the Following

Business was transacted Pastor Blades

reported as Having Issued Five Letters

of Dismission & the Clerk as Having

Issued 7 Letters on motion said

action was Ratified & their names

were ordered to be stricken from

the roll.

S.C. Ketcham was Elected

Principal to the meeting of Presbytery

and G.A. Wilson Alternate. Which

meets in Bellefontaine Apr 12, 1915

Session Adjourned closed with Prayer EJ Post clk

Brother A B Blades who has Served

this church for the Past Two Years

Having Resigned Closes his Labors

with us March 28" AD 1915 and

removes to near Philadelphia PA

Minutes Read Before Session

and approved Mch 31" 1915

A.B. Blades Modr EJ Post clerk

Wm A. S

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 96)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 96)


[page 96]

[corresponds to numbered page 92 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]

92 For Session meeting of Apr 4, 1915 see page 94

Rev Hyde was duly called to

The Pastorate of this Church April 1" 1915

and Installed the The First Thursday of

May 1915 at a Salary of $1000.00 Dollars

and manse per year E J Post Clk

Preparatory services were Held the first Saturday

in June 1915 and on the first Sabbath the

Communion of the Lords Supper was observed -

after Services on Saturday the Session met

members present L. S. Condit E J Post

S.C. Ketcham Geo Lane Constituted by Prayer

When the following Business was Transacted

Mrs William Jacobus and Miss Minnie Ringer

Presented Letters from the Christian Union Church

of New Bethel and Miss Vella Ringer a Letter

from the Christian Ch of Centerburg Ohio all

Also Mrs. W. M. Hyde a letter from the Pres. Church of Huntsville

found to be in order their names were ordered

to be put upon the roll as members of this ch

at the same time Mrs Maggie Corbin came

Before Session & was examined on her.

Profession of Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

said examination Being Satisfactory her name

was ordered to be put upon the roll as a member

of this Church. No further Business Session

adjourned Closed with prayer E J Post Clk

Rev Hyde Modr

Communion of the Lords Supper was Held the

first Sabbath in Sept 1915. E J Post Clk

Oct 31" 1915 Session met Members present

L S Condit S.C. Ketcham George Lane absent E J Post

when the following was Transacted Elder G.A. Wilson

& His wife asked for Letters of Dismission to the

First Presbyterian Ch of Pataskala Ohio which was

Duly Granted & their names ordered to be stricken from

the roll of this Church no further Business adjourned

E J Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 97)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 97)


[page 97]

[corresponds to numbered page 93 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Evanglist J Gregory Mantle D D

of Louisville Ky ^Held a two weeks

meeting commencing Dec 7" 1915 and

Closing Wednesday Evening Dec 22 - 15

at which time Session convened

members Present S C Ketcham

L.S. Condit and Geo Lane absent

E.J. Post Rev W M Hyde Mdr

when the following Persons came

before Session & were examined on

Profession of their Faith in the

Lord Jesus Christ said examination

being satisfactory their names

were ordered to be enrolled as

members of this church

Claud Hyatt

Mr Charles Johnson

Mrs Eva Johnson

At the same time Mrs Martha

Volkmar presented a Letter from

the Salem Church of the Evangelical

Association of Westerville Ohio on

Motion it formed in order &

her name was ordered to be en-

rolled as a member of this

church. No further Business Closed

with prayers.

E J Post Clk

Sabbath morning Dec 26" 1915 The

Communion of the Lords Supper

was Administered by the Pastor

W M Hydes.

E J Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 98)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 98)


[page 98]

[corresponds to numbered page 94 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Apr. 4, 1915 Session met at the close of morning service.

Present Elders E. J. Post, S.C. Kethcam, L S. Condit

Geo. Lane and Grant Wilson. Rev. W. M. Hyde Jr. was

invited to act as moderator. On motion a letter

of dismission was granted to Mrs. Sina Bailey

to Central Presbyterian Church of Columbus, No

further business. Session Closed with prayer.

E J Post, Clerk

Per W.M. Hyde J.

See page. 174


Without Exception


Date Apr 22 Place Bellefontaine

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 99)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 99)


[page 99]

[corresponds to numbered page 107 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]

[note: pages 95 to 106 are missing]


Names of members of Trenton Presbyterian

Church Sept 1st 1874

Jotham Condit [crossed out] & Died Feb 3rd 1875

Mary his wife.

Asentha Condit [crossed out] Died Jan. 27th 1875

Norman Perfect &

Susan his wife.

H. J. Potter &

Frances his wife.

E.W. Condit

Lewis Freeman &

Hannah his wife

L. T. Pierson &

Susan his wife

Janette Pierson

Mary E. Mills wife of Dr Mills

Mary J. Green

Sarah A. Condit

Charles Wheaton &

Mary his wife

Arza Pierson

E.J. Post &

Louisa his wife

S.C. Ketcham &

Julia his wife

John A. Post

Elias J. Condit &

Jane his wife

T.A. Pierson &

Pyrena his wife

Matilda Domigan

Sarah A. Jackson

Simon Pierson &

Abigal his wife

John Daws [crossed out] & died June 17th 1876

Mary M. his wife x

Silas C. Williams &

Pyrena his wife
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 100)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 100)


[page 100]

[corresponds to numbered page 108 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Stacy B. Perry [crossed out] Dismissed by letter Apr 9th 1877

Allice J. Simmonds [crossed out] Dismissed by letter Jan 18/75

A. Wilson &

Chloe his wife

Clara E. Caldwell [crossed out] Dismissed by letter June 14th/10

Jonah Pierce & x Irregular

Sarah A. his wife x Irregular

George Jacobus [crossed out] Died Aug 31st 1879

Harriet his wife [crossed out] Died June 21st 1880

E. Rice &

Marian his wife

Susan C. Deeds x

Margret Knox wife of A. Knox [crossed out] Dismissed ^by letter May 4th 1878

Alma E. Potter [crossed out] x Dismissed by letter May 19th 1879

Mary Myer

Ellen Boston

Dee Wylie Wife of Rev R. Wylie

Lorenzo Condit

W.S. Perry & [crossed out] Dismissed ^ by Letter May 4th 1878

Matilda his wife [crossed out]

M.E. Wilson wife of Wm Wilson

B.E. Wilson " James "

William Jacobus

Charles Pierson

David Condit

Charles Freeman

Frank O. Pierson [crossed out] dismissed by Letter June 4th 1876

Elizabeth M Wheaton. [crossed out] Dismissed by letter June 4th 1876

55 Mary Condit x Dismissed by letter

Anna Potter wife B. Potter [crossed out] Joined another church without a letter

Josephine Barton

Mary J. Cring, wife of H. Cring

Sarah Domigan wife of H. Domigan

Louisa Jacobs

Encrease Speer, Died Sept 7th 1880

Edgar M. Condit &

62 Jane his wife

Charles E. Ringer & [crossed out] Dismissed by letter
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 101)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 101)


[page 101]

[corresponds to numbered page 109 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Margaret his wife [crossed out] Dismissed by letter

Ella Williams

Eva D. Wheaton

Sarah Wheaton

Elizabeth Hevelow & Unknown

Lawrence Hough &

Frances his wife

Philander Edmister &

Sarah his wife

Smith C. Condit &

Philena his wife

Eugenia Carpenter

Orvil Jennette Alder

D.A. Jackson Irregular

No 89 Margaret Robinson [crossed out] Dismissed by letter July 12th 1875

Sarah Hough x [crossed out] Dismissed by letter May 31st 1879

Harry Dawes x

Eddy Dawes x

Magdalena Dawes x

Mattie A. Bailey

Isaac Bailey &

Lina A. Bailey his wife

John Bailey &

Elizabeth Bailey his wife

Mary A. Jacobus

Carrie May Potter

Ella J. Pierson

Medora Andrews Dismissed May 3rd 1878

Philena Patrick

Mary E. Gordan [crossed out] Dismissed by letter June 14/80

Mary E. Condit

Jane R. Dawes

Coraline A Dawes x

Daniel Bailey

Henry Cring

Henry H. Cring

George W. Cring

98 Marquis D. Cring Roll continued on page 125
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 102)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 102)


[page 102]

[corresponds to numbered page 110 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


1874 Elders of Trenton Presbyterian Church

Charles Wheaton

Edgar M. Condit

Simon H. Pierson

Edward J. Post

Philander Edmister

Smith C. Ketcham


Treasurer E.W. Condit

Smith C. Condit

L. A. Wilson

James Wilson
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 103)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 103)


[page 103]

[corresponds to numbered page 111 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


June 6th 1874 Preporatory Lecture by the Pastor

after which Masclet the infant son of

James & Belle E. Wilson was baptized.

S.C. Ketcham

Sabbath morning June 7th 1874 Sermon by

Rev Thomas Hill after which the sacriment

of the Lords Supper was administered.

S.C. Ketcham

August 9th 1874 a collection of Seven Dollars

was taken up for Home Mission.

S.C. Ketcham

Saturday September 5th 1874 The weather

Being very stormy no preporatory Lecture

was delivered

S.C. Ketcham

Sabbath morning Sep 6th 1874 Sermon by

the Pastor after which the Sacriment of

the Lords Supper was administered.

S.C. Ketcham

Sabbath morning Sep. 6th 1874 a collection

of $13.20 was taken up for Foreign Missions.

S.C. Ketcham

Sabbath morning Sep 6th 1874 after

Sermon David A. Jackson was baptized

& entered into public covenant with

the church & his name was entered

upon the roll.

S.C. Ketcham

Sabbath morning Sept 25th 1874 a collection

of $10.25 was taken up for the "Relief

Fund". S.C. Ketcham

Sabbath morning Jan. 17th 1875 a collection

of $10.00 was taken up for the Board of

Education. And also one of $7.50 for

the Freedmen.

S.C. Kethcam

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 104)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 104)


[page 104]

[corresponds to numbered page 112 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday Jan. 16th 1875 Preporatory Lecture

by the Pastor Rev R. Wylie, After which [crossed out]

the Session met & was opened with [crossed out]

prayer by the moderator. [crossed out]

S.C. Ketcham

Sabbath morning Jan. 17th 1875 a Sermon

was preached by the Pastor Rev R. Wylie

after which the following named persons

were baptized & entered in to public

covenant with the church & their names

were entered upon the Roll.

Adult Baptisms

John Bailey &

Elizabeth Bailey his wife

Isaac Bailey &

Lina A. Bailey his wife

Mattie A. Bailey

Mary A. Jacobus

Carrie M. Potter

Medora Andrews

Philena Patrick

Mary E. Condit

Jane R. Dawes

Daniel Bailey

Henry H. Cring

George W. Cring

Marquis D. Cring

Lyman Ford

John W. Condit

William C. Pierson

The following named persons also

entered into public covenant with

the church.

Andrew H. Pierson

Henry Cring

Caroline A. Dawes

Mary E. Gordon

Ella J. Pierson
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 105)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 105)


[page 105]

[corresponds to numbered page 113 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Harry Dawes

Eddy Dawes

Magdalena Dawes

After which the Sacriment of the Lords

Supper was administered by the Pastor

S.C. Ketcham

Saturday March 6th 1875

Prefatory Lecture by the Pastor Rev. R.

Wylie. The session met & was opened [crossed out]

with prayer by the pastor [crossed out]

Sabbath morning March 7th 1875

A Collection of $5.00 was taken up for

the board of Church Election,

A Sermon was preach by the Pastor

after which Mary A. Domigan having

made a public profession of her faith

in Christ received the ordinance of

baptism. The Sacriment of the Lord

Supper was administered by the pastor.

S.C. Ketham

Sabboth morning Apr. 4th 1875

A collection of $6.50 was taken up

for the Board of Publication.

S.C. Ketcham

June 6th 1875 a collection of five dollars

was taken up for the Board of

Publication. $5.00

E.J. Post

August 15th 1875 a collection of nine

dollars ^was taken up for the board of church

Election. $9.00 E.J. Post

October 3rd 1875 a collection of $9.50

was taken up for the Board of

ministeral Relief.

E.J. Post
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 106)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 106)


[page 106]

[corresponds to numbered page 114 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday ^September 4th 1875 preparatory Lecture

by Rev R. Wylie E.J. Post

Sabbath Morning September 6th 1875 the

Sacriment of the Lords Supper was

administered by Rev R. Wylie

E.J. Post

December 5th 1875 preparatory Lecture

by Rev N.K. Crowl. E.J. Post

Sabboth morning Dec 6th 1875 the

Sacriment of the Lords Supper was

administered by the Pastor assisted

by Rev N.K. Crowl after we had

listened to a very earnest sermon from

brother Crowl. E.J. Post

Oliver Peters & Anna A. Post

entered into public covenant

with the church.

E.J. Post

Sabbath morning Dec. 6th 1875

A collection of $10.50 was taken up for the

Board of Home Missions.

E.J. Post

Sabbath morning Feb. 6th 1876

A collection of $7.25 was taken up for the

Board of Foreign Missions.

E.J. Post

[on side of paper: error{ error for this next section]

Saturday June 3rd 1876

Preparatory Lecture

by the Pastor Rev. Robt Wylie, Text Cols

2nd Chapt 6th Verse

Sabbath morning June 4th Sacriment

of the Lords supper was administered by

the Pastor Rev. R. Wylie
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 107)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 107)


[page 107]

[corresponds to numbered page 115 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Adult Baptisms 1876

Alsina Andrews

Emma J. Freeman

Alpheus B. Shaver

George W. perfect

Anna Luella Green

1878 William Barton

Charles Kempton

Victor Jacobs

1881 Martin Pierson

Nillie Huff

Chas Wheaton

T. O. Potter

March 4th 1876 Preparatory Lecture

by the Pastor Rev R. Wylie E.J. Post

Sabbath morning March 5th 1876

Sermon by the Pastor after which

Mrs Alsina Andrews wife T. Andrews

& Miss Emma J. Freeman entered into

public covenant with the church

A collection of $7.00 was taken up

for the Board of Education.

E.J. Post

Saturday June 3rd 1876


Lecture by the Pastor Rev. Robt Wylie

Text Col 2nd Chapt 6 Verse E.J. Post Clk

Sabbath morning June

4th Sacriment of the Lords Supper was

administered by the Pastor Rev R. Wylie

at which time Alpheus B. Shaver & his

wife Orlena R. Shaver & George William

Perfect & ^Anna Luellen Green entered into public covenant

with the church. A collection was taken

up for the Board of Publication amt

ten dollars ninety eight cents ($10.98)

E.J. Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 108)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 108)


[page 108]

[corresponds to numbered page 116 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


A Collection taken up July 1876

for the Board of Church Erection

Amount - Five dollars & fifty cents $5.50

E.J. Post

Saturday Sept 2nd 1876

Preparatory Lecture

by the Pastor Rev. Robt. Wylie

E.J. Post

Sabbath morning Sept 3rd 1876

The Sacriment

of the Lords Supper was Administered by

the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post Clk

A Collection was taken up Sept 11th 1876

for the Board of Ministerial Relief

Amount $5.00 (five dollars)

E.J. Post, Clk

A Collection was taken up for the Board

of Home Missions Amt $13.50

Nov 17th 1876 E.J. Post Clk

Saturday Dec 2nd 1876

Preparatory Lecture

by the Pastor Rev R. Wylie

E.J. Post

Sabbath morning Dec 3rd 1876 The Sacriment

of the Lords Supper was Administered

by the Pastor Rev. R. Wylie E.J. Post

Collection taken up Feb 1877 for the

Board of Freedman Amt $6.25

E.J. Post clk

continued on page 119

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 109)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 109)


[page 109]

[corresponds to numbered page 117 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Infant Baptisms 1875

Minnie daughter C. & M. Ringer

Mascelet son of J. B. Wilson

Infant Baptisms 1876

Minnie H. Cring Daughter of H M Cring

Mch 3rd/77

Dwight Witherspoon Wylie son of

Rev Robert & Dee Wylie

June 3rd/77 Martha M. Wilson Daughter of

Samuel & Jennie Wilson

Robert Son of J.B. & B. E. Wilson

Sept 1st/77 Elizabeth Cline Daughter of R Larimore

Maggie Francis Daughter of Wm & M.E. Wilson

Dec 1st 1878 Alonzo Albertus son of S.C. and H J Ketchum

May 31st 1879 William Calvin son of Wm & M.E. Wilson

Sept 6th 1879 Caroline Adell daughter of Samuel & J. Wilson

June 1880 Forrest J --- son of A.B. and Orlena ^R Shaver

" " Ray Edison son of J. A. & C. E. Coldwell

Sept " Maye Brackenridge Daughter of James & B.E. Wilson

" " Elroy Farmer Son of J.W. and Jennie Farmer

" " Chas. Russell Farmer Son of J.W. and Jennie Farmer

" " Ralf. Earnest Farmer " " " " " "

Mable Esther Daughter of Rev. Robt & Des Wylie

Sept 1883 Anna B Daught of Samuel & Jennie Wilson

" Essa M " of Wm & Jennie Jacobus

" Maud " of Henry & Sarah Domigan

1884 Maurice Son of Rev Robt & Dee Wylie

1885 Orlando D. Wilson Son of Samuel & Jennie Wilson

Helen Daught of Stephen & Mary Post

Cora D " of J.W. & Jennie Farmer

Mary Etta " " " " " "

June 1886 Condit " " D.H. & Sarah Condit

Clinton Marvin Condit Son " " " "

Lucy Wilson Daughter of James & B.C. Wilson

1889 Harmon son of Wm Harmon
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 110)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 110)


[page 110]

[corresponds to numbered page 118 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Infant baptism

March 10/1900 Meda May Condo

continued of p. 134

Adult Baptisms Adult Baptisms

1883 1894

March 4 Eliza Perfect Imo Rice

March Willie S. Perry Lida Wilson

1885 Otis A. Wheaton Sadie Cring

Charly C. Cring Bernis Wilson

Harry L. Rice Daisy Clark

Earl M. Perfect Leet Allen VanKirk

Inah D. Wilson Ona Whitney

Hattie Wiant 1897

1889 Kelly C. Post Blanch Fitch

Clara Condit Frederic Ford

1891 Lulu Post Jerre Longshore

Maud Bailey

Clara Cring continued on

Elza Debolt page 135.

Lida Whitney

Sept 1892 Edgar P. Condit

Grace Ethel Condit
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 111)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 111)


[page 111]

[corresponds to numbered page 119 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Collection taken up Feb 1877 for

the Board of Foreign Missions $7.25

E.J. Post Clk

Saturday March 3rd 1877 Preparatory

lecture By Rev. Lossing.

E.J. Post Clk

Sabbath morning Mch 4th 1877 The

Sacriment of the Lords Supper was

Administered by the Pastor Rev. R. Wylie

E.J. Post Clk

Collection Mch 1877 For the Board

of Education amount Seven Dollars

E.J. Post Clk

Saturday June 2nd 1877


Lecture by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post

Sabbath morning June 3d 1877


Sacriment of the Lords Supper was

Administered By the Pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E.J. Post Clk

Collection June 1877

For the Board

of Publication Amt Seven Dollars

& twenty five cents

E.J. Post Clk

Collection taken up for the cause of

the American Bible Society July 1877

Amount $6.50

E.J. Post Clk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 112)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 112)


[page 112]

[corresponds to numbered page 120 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Collection taken up for Board of

Church Erection August 24th 1877

Amt $19.00 E.J. Post Clk

Collection taken up for Board of

Relief Fund Sept 8th 1877

Amt $7.00 E.J. Post Clk

Saturday Sept 1st 1877 Preparatory Lecture

Sermon by Rev Brown

E.J. Post

Sabbath morning Sept 2nd 1877 The

Sacriment of the Lords Supper was

Administered by the Pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E.J. Post Clk

Saturday Dec. 1st 1877 Preparatory

lecture by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post

Sabbath morning Dec 2nd 1877 The

Sacrament of the Lords Supper was

Administered by the Pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E.J. Post

Collection taken up Dec 1st 1877 For

Board of Education Amt $6.00

E.J. Post Clk

Collection taken up Dec 7th 1877

For Board of Home Missions

Amt $11.51 E.J. Post Clk

Saturday Mch 2nd 1878 Preparatory Lecture

By the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post Clk

Sabbath Morning Mch 3d 1878 The Sacrament

of the Lords Supper was Administered by

The Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 113)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 113)


[page 113]

[corresponds to numbered page 121 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday June 1st 1878 Preparatory

lecture By Rev N. S. Smith of Delaware

E.J. Post Clk

Sabbath Morning June 2nd 1878 The Sacrament

of the Lords Supper was administered

By the pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post Clk

Collection June 7th 1878 For Board of

Foreign Missions Amt $8.00

E.J. Post Clk

Saturday Aug 31st 1878 Preparatory

Lecture By the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post Clk

Sabbath morning Sept 1st 1878 The

Sacrament of the Lords Supper was

Administered by the pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E.J. Post

Collection Sept 10th 1878 For the Board

of Relief for Disabled Ministers amt

five Dollars $5.00 E.J. Post Clk

Saturday Nov 30th 1878 Preparatory

lecture by the Pastor Rev. Robt. Wylie

E.J. Post Clk

Sabbath Morning Dec 1st 1878 The

Sacrament of the Lords Supper was

administered by the Pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E.J. Post Clk

Collection for the Board of Education

Nov 1877 amt $3.10 E.J. Post Clk

Collection for the Board Church Erection

Dec 1878 amt $4.50 E.J. Post Clk

Collection for the Board of Freedman

Dec 1878 amt $3.03 E.J. Post Clk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 114)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 114)


[page 114]

[corresponds to numbered page 122 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday March 1st 1879 Preparatory

lecture by the pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post Clk

Sabbath morning March 2 1879 the

sacrament of the Lords Supper was admst

by the pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Collection March 1879 for the Board

of Foreign Missions amt 6.05 six dollars

& five cents E. J. Post

Saturday May 31 1879 Preparatory

lecture by the pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post

Sabbath morning June 1 1879 the

sacrament of the Lords supper was adm

istered by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Collection Sept 24 1879 for Board

of Relief for Disabled Ministers

amt $4.18 E. J. Post clk

Collections Nov 29 1879 for the

Board of Home Missions amt

$6.00 E. J. Post clk

Saturday Dec 6 1879 Preparatory

Lecture by the pastor Rev R Wylie

E. J. Post

Sabbath morning Dec 7 1879 the

sacrament of the Lords Supper was

administered by the Rev Robt. wylie

E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 115)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 115)


[page 115]

[corresponds to numbered page 123 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Collection Feb 1880 for the board

of foreign mission amt $8.00

E. J. Post clk

Saturday Mch 6 1880 Preparatory

lecture by the pastor Rev Robt. Wylie

E. J. Post

Sabbath morning Mch 7 1880 the

sacrament of the Lords Supper was

administered by the Pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E. J. Post clk

Collection March 19 1880 for the

Board of Church Erection amt $5.00

E. J. Post clk

Saturday June 5 1880 Preparatory

lecture by the pastor Rev. Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Sabbath morning June 6 1880

the sacrament of the Lords supper

was administered by the Pastor Rev

Robt Wylie E. J. Post clk

Collection June 25 1880 for the

Board of Education amt

$4.42 E. J. Post

Collection July 20 1880 for

Board of Publication amt

$3.38 E. J. Post

Collection Aug 25 1880 for Board

of Freedman amt $5.07

E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 116)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 116)


[page 116]

[corresponds to numbered page 124 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday Sept 4 1880 Preparatory

lecture by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Sabbath morning Sept 5 1880 The

Sacrament of the Lords Supper was

administerd by the Pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E J Post clk

Collection Nov 26 1880

For Board of

Home Missions amount eight

dollars $8.00 E. J. Post clk

From S. S. for Board of H. M. $20.00 E. J. Post clk

Saturday Dec 1880 Preparatory lecture

by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post Clk

Sabbath morning Dec 1880 The sacrament

of the Lords Supper was administered by

the pastor Rev Robt. Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Collection Jan 6 1881

For the Board of

Foreign Missions amount seven dollars

$7.00 E. J. Post clerk

Collection March 25 1881

For board

of Ministerial Relief amt 15.00

E. J. Post clk

Collection Mch 25 1881

For Board

of sustintation Amt $5.00

E. J. Post clk

Continued on Page 150
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 117)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 117)


[page 117]

[corresponds to numbered page 125 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Lyman Ford dismissed by letter

John W Condit

Andrew H Pierson [crossed out] dismissed by letter June 1880

115 William C. Pierson

Mary A. Domigan

L. A. Posts [crossed out] & his wife Dismissed by letter Ap 9th 1877

Melissa H Posts, [crossed out]

Harry L. Wheaton

Stephen Post &

Jane Post his wife,

Charles E. Green

Clinton S Wheat [crossed out] Dismissed by letter Aug 31st 1878

Mary E Adams.

Victaline Hicks wife of Robert Hicks [crossed out] Dismissed by letter Mar 4th 1876

Oliver Peters [crossed out] Excommunicated for unchristian conduct [Mch 18th 1878]

Anna Adella Post [crossed out] Died May 31st 1880

Georgianna Harlocher wife of of H. Harlocher,

Almira Andrews wife of T. Andrews

Emma J. Freeman

Cornelia Orving wife of W. Owing.

Alpheus B. Shaver & his wife

Orlena R shaver

George William Perfect

Anna Luella Green

Robert Sarimore [crossed out] Dismissed by letter May 8th 1878

Alfred Bixler

Louis Ringer Dismissed by letter Nov. 25th 80

Jennie Freeman wife of C C Freeman

133 Martha J culver

Louisa Barton Wife of Alfred Barton

H. B. Rose [crossed out] & his wife Dismissed by letter May 8th 1878

E. J. Rose [crossed out]

Florence Idella Rose [crossed out]

William Barton

Charles Kempton

Victor Jacobs

H. H. Horlocker

Mariah Condit over
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 118)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 118)


[page 118]

[corresponds to numbered page 126 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Mrs. Priscilla Sanders

Mch 6th 1880 Mr. Isaac H. Sinton

Mrs. Francis Isabella Sinton

John W Farmer &

Jennie Farmer his wife

Infant Baptisms in 1889

Edmund S Wilson son of Wm Wilson

Agnes Jacobus Daughter of Wm & Jennie Jacobus

William McGaughey son of Rev A. S. Katie Sharlip

Eletta. And

Jennie Belle Daughter of E. J. & Louisa Port

Clara Daughter of Eli [crossed out]

Dec 1894 {Potter

Frances Potter son of L. O. & Minnie H

1895 Hally E. Wheaton daughter of Otis & Grace Wheaton

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 119)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 119)


[page 119]

[corresponds to numbered page 127 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Church Roll revised March 1881

Harry J. Potter & his wife Died Mch 1895

Francis Potter

E. w. Condit & his wife Died

Mary E. Condit

Servis Freeman & his wife Dismissed by letter Sept 1882

Hannah Freeman

L. T. Pierson [crossed out] & his wife Died 1888

Susan Pierson [crossed out] died 1885

Jannett Pierson Died 1892

Mary E. Mills wife of D. Mills

Mary J Green

Sarah A. Condit [crossed out] Died

Chas Wheaton [crossed out] & his wife died Sept 23rd 1881

Mary Wheaton [crossed out] Died 1890 May

Anza Pierson Died 1896

E. J. Post & his wife

Louisa Post

S. C. Ketcham & his wife

Julia H. Ketcham

John A Post [crossed out] Died Nov 12 th 1886

I. A. Pierson [crossed out] & his wife dismissed by letter

Pyrena Pierson [crossed out]

Matilda Domigan died

Simon Pierson & his wife died Oct 1896

Abigail Pierson

S. C. Williams & his wife dismissed by letter

Pyrena Williams

J. A. Wilson & his wife

Chloe Wilson

Jonah Pierce [crossed out] & his wife Dismissed by letter

Sarah a. Pierce [crossed out] Dismissed by letter

E. Rice & his wife Dismissed by letter

Marion Rice [crossed out]

Ellen Boston Dismissed by letter

Dee Wylie wife of Rev Robt Wylie Dismissed by letter
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 120)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 120)


[page 120]

[corresponds to numbered page 128 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Lorenzo Condit & his wife

Della O. Condit

M. E. Wilson wife of Wm Wilson

B. E. Wilson " " James "

William Jacobus

Chas Pierson

David Condit Dismissed by letter

Chas Freeman & his wife Dismissed Sept 1892

Jennie Freeman

Josephine Barton dismissed by letter Feb 1883

Hanry Cring & his wife

Mary J. Cring

Sarah Domigan wife of H. Domigan

Louisa Jacobs [crossed out]

Edgar M. Condit [crossed out] & his wife Died Nov 1881

Jane E. Condit

Ella Williams Dismissed by letter

Eva Wheaton [crossed out] Dismissed by letter

Sarah Wheaton Dismissed by letter

Lawrence Huff & his wife

Francis Huff

Philander Edminister & his wife

Sarah Edminister Died

Eugenia Carpenter

Oriel Janett Alden [crossed out] Dismissed by letter

Mattie A. Bailey dismissed by letter

Isaac Bailey & his wife

Sina A Bailey

John Bailey & his wife

Elizabeth Bailey

Mary [crossed out] A Johnson wife of H Johnson

Carrie May Potter

Ella J. Pierson Dismissed by letter

Jane R. Wilson wife of Saml Wilson

Daniel Bailey [crossed out]

Henry H Cring Jr

Geo. W. Cring
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 121)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 121)


[page 121]

[corresponds to numbered page 129 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


R Marquis D. Cring

William C. Pierson

Harvey S. Wheaton Dismissed by letter

Stephen Post & his wife [crossed out] Died Feb 6 1886

Martha Jane Post [crossed out] Died Aug 18th 1881

Chas. E Green

R H. H. Herlocker & his wife

Georgianna Herlocker Died Nov 1893

Alsin a Andrews wife of Thos Andrews

Emma J. Freeman [crossed out] Dismissed by letter

Cornelia S. Cring [crossed out] wife of G. W. Cring

Alpheus B. Shaver & his wife

Orlena R. Shaver

Anna Luella Green

Alfred Bixler & his wife [crossed out]

Mary R Bixler Dismissed by letter

Martha J. Culver Died

Lousia Barker [crossed out] wife of A. Barton Dismissed by letter

Anna Whitney

Wm Barton [crossed out] Dismissed by letter

Chas Kempton [crossed out]

Victor Jacobs [crossed out]

Mariah Condit

Priscilla Sanders

Isaac Linton [crossed out] & his wife

Frances Isabella Linton Dismissed Sept 18th 1884

John W. Farmer [crossed out] & his wife

Jennie Farmer [crossed out]

Chas E Ringer & his wife Dismissed by letter

M. A. Ringer Dismissed by letter

Hattie Wells [crossed out] wife of Tina Wells

Agnes Curry [crossed out] wife of Geo. Curry Died Feb 9 1893

Hetty Spur

Hattie Spur

Jennie Curry Jacobs

Minnie Cring Hoover

Nellie Huff Condit
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 122)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 122)


[page 122]

[corresponds to numbered page 130 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


" Emma Pierson Miller

" Lizzie Curry Longshore

Thos. W. Curry Dismissed by Letter

" Chauncey E. Post

Martin Pierson [crossed out] Dismissed by Letter Sept 1892

Chas. M. Wheaton x Gone to Baptist Ch.

" T. P. Potter

" James E. Pierson

Ida M. Wheaton [crossed out] wife of Harvey Wheaton ^Died Oct 1882

" Mary E. Green Wife of Chas Green

Gertrude Morgan Dismissed by letter

Sept 1882 Zane Wilson & his wife Dismissed by letter

Floe Wilson

Dec 1882 Jennie C. Dixon Dismissed by Letter

Mch 1883 L.H. Ford Dismissed ^Left 1885

Truman Perfect [crossed out] & Died Feb 1894

Laura Perfect [crossed out] his wife Dismissed by letter July 1894

" Eliza Perfect

June 1883 Hortense Wilson Dismissed by Letter

June 1884 Mary E. Post wife of Stephen Post [crossed out] Dismissed by Letter

Sept " Nora M. Bricker wife of David Bricker

" " Huldah Patrick Dead

Alice Anderson [crossed out]

John Anderson [crossed out] Dismissed by Letter

March 1885 Charly Speer

Willie L. Perry Dismissed by letter Feb 20/93

" Louis B. Ketcham

Frank T. Huff [crossed out] Dismissed by Letter Mch 1892

Arthur B. Wylie Dismissed by Letter

Otis A. Wheaton Dismissed by Letter

Charley C. Cring " " "

Harry L. Rice [crossed out] Dismissed by Letter Jan 1894

Earl M. Perfect [crossed out] Dismissed by Letter July 1894

" Inah D. Wilson

R Hattie Wiant Duckworth Dyer place

Cora M. Pierson Died

Estella M. Post Dismissed by Letter
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 123)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 123)


[page 123]

[corresponds to numbered page 131 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Wesley Hubble & His Wife

Hubble Dismissed by Letter

" Fred F. Green Dismissed by Letter

Sept 1885 William Wilson

" R Viola Cring wife of Geo Cring

" Madora Longwell

- Margaret Knox

" Alice Post

Susan Perfect [crossed out] wife of Norman Perfect ^Died March 10 1898

William Harmon & his wife Dismissed by Letter Mch 20/92

Sarah Harmon

" Lizzie Perfect Huffman

Alma M. Boyd Dismissed by Letter

Martha Wilson Died Nov 7" 1889 -

March 2 Kelly C. Post

" 1889 Bertie Wilson Hopkins

Minnie Ringer [crossed out] Dismissed by Letter

" Herman Ringer

" Burite Ketcham

" Clara Condit

Sept 1889 Emery C. Leak & his wife

Edith Leak

June 1889 James F Duckworth & his wife ^Died Feb 8 1893

" Eliza Duckworth

Katie Sharpless [crossed out] wife of Rev A. L. Sharpless

Wm. Muxworthy Dismissed by Letter Apr 18 1890

July 1890 W. H. Shaff [crossed out] and his wife Sept 1892

Mrs A.M. Shaff Dismissed by Letter

Byron Gorsuch

Feb 15/91 Edgar N. Perfect Dismissed Leter July 22/01

Aaron D. Tharp Dismissed by Letter Jan 9 1893

" 28/91 Elza Debolt & his wife

R Debolt

Lulu Post

Maud Bailey (Williams)

- Lida Whitney

Clara Cring (Elliott) Dismissed by letter

Mch 6"/92 David E. Bricker

Gracie Chadwick Dismissed by Letter

" Mary E. Post
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 124)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 124)


[page 124]

[corresponds to numbered page 132 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sept 1892 Edgar Paul Condit

" Grace Ethel Condit

June 1893 M.E. Wallace wife of Rev W.D. Wallace [crossed out] Dismissed by letter

" Della Evans Pierson wife of James Pierson

S.C. Williams [crossed out] & his wife Died

" Pyrena Williams

Ella Williams [crossed out] Died

Mrs H. M. Whitehead [crossed out] Dismissed by letter Aug 1894

Miss M.E. Whitehead

" Edith M. Condit

" Henry P Miller

Jan 1894 Imo Rice Dismissed by Letter

Corinne Wallace [crossed out] Dismissed by letter

" Essie Jacobus

" Lida Wilson

" Sadie Cring

" Bernis Wilson

" Lily Bailey

" Daisy Clark (Cunningham)

" Maggie Wilson

" Leet Allen Vankirk

" Ona Whitney

Sept 1" Robert Wilson

" John Shaver

Maud Domigan Died

Zilla Brown Dismissed by Letter

" Sarah E. Dudgeon

Dec 1" Abby Huff

" Maidie Wilson

" Carrie Wilson

Faye Condit Dismissed by Letter

Hannie Belle Wallace [crossed out] Dismissed by Letter

Helen Post Died

Otis Wheaton & Dismissed by letter

Grace Wheaton his wife
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 125)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 125)


[page 125]

[corresponds to numbered page 133 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


March R Blanch Fitch Colrd

1897 Frederic Ford Died

Jerre Longshore - Dismissed by Letter

1898 Mrs H.H. Cring

" John B. Miller

" Estell Hannon

" Mattie Oldham

Cring wife of Henry Cring Jr [crossed out]

Perfect wife of Edgar Perfect [crossed out] Dismissed by letter

" Jennie C. (Dixon) Pierson wife of C.A. Pierson

Leota Foster wife of John Foster Died

April/99 Claud C Perfect By letter Dismissed

June 3/99 Ganza Evans " "

March 10/00 Imo Nettie Condo Profession of faith

" W A Cellar & His wife

" Hattie Cellar

" Charles E Ringer

" Maggie A Ringer

Mrs Minnie Potter
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 126)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 126)


[page 126]

[corresponds to numbered page 134 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Infant Baptisms (Cont from p 118)


Sept 2nd Mary Marguerite Cring daughter of H.H. & Elsie Cring

" " James Russell son of H.H. & Elsie Cring

" " Clara Grace daughter of H.H. & Elsie Cring


March 25 Millard Morton son of Robert & Mrs Pitkin


March 28 John Andrew son of C.R. & Della Schnobley


Oct 27 Christine Irene Bumgardner

Mch 15/13 John Stewart son of Grant Wilson
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 127)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 127)


[page 127]

[corresponds to numbered page 135 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Adult Baptisms (contd from p 118)


March 23 Bricker Charlie C.

Chambers, Maggie May

Condit Mulford Smith

Cring Clarence Koontz

Cring Florence

Cring Henry Floyd

Cring Iva Jane

Cring Myrtle Viola

Dawes Carl Dail

Dawes Dan

Dawes Pearl

DeBolt Hayes Levi

Evans Fred

Farris Bessie Lorraine

Farris Lola Dell

Farris May Daisy

Foster Mrs Carrie May

Geddis John Arthur

Geddis John Thomas

Geddis Jesse Thomas

Geddis Mary Roma

Geddis Clarence Lloyd

Geddis Matthew Cyrus

Hannan John Ervine

Hannan Clyde Easterday

Hoover Clarence Burton

Hoover Dwight Cring

Huff Pearl May

Hupp Hall

Huff Mrs Catherine Lily

Kempton Ella May

MacFarland Cyrus

Matthews Webb Chase

Meredith George Allie

Saunders Grace Anna

Saunders Iva Jane

Shicks Myrta Marguerite
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 128)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 128)


[page 128]

[corresponds to numbered page 136 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Adult Baptisms contd

Mar 23 1902

Shicks Walter

Shicks Wilbur Augustus

Spearman John Henry

Speer Geneva

Speer Wm Leo

Seever Leroy

Swartwood James

Ulery Mrs Ordilla

Ulery Nettie

Ulery Gertrude Eugena

Webb Alozo Martin

Wells Mrs Maude

Whitney Oral Cleone

Adams Mrs Grace

Above persons Baptized by Rev Mr Cellars Mar 23rd 1902 (51 in all)

Mar 30 1902

Curry John Milligan

Curry Ina Olga

Ginn George Fleming

Ginn Mrs Sallie

Hight Ella

Hupp Mrs Nellie

Sheridan Mrs Sarah

Spangler Luke Belle

Spearman Grace Agnes

Dec 4th '04

Bailey, Evah May

" " Feazel, Clara Louise

" " Spangler, Nannie Blanche

Feb 14th 04 Webb, Mrs Frank

Mar 5th '05 Hyatt Mrs Anna May

" 31st '04 Magill Saml Wood

" 28th '09 Cring Ersel

" " " Edminster, Roy Philander

Edminster Harold

Bailey, Edward D.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 129)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 129)


[page 129]

[corresponds to numbered page 137 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 130)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 130)


[page 130]

[corresponds to numbered page 138 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Membership Roll


Revised Oct 22nd, 1902.

When United How When Dismissed


Andrews Alsina Died May 1st 1909

Mar '02 Adams Mrs Grace Oct 1902 by letter

Blades Florince Dismissed Dec 195 letter

Blades Ainsley O

March 28th '09 Profession Bailey, Edward Dismissed by letter Mch 22/15

April 4 1908 Letter Bailey Blanche Dismissed by letter May 1st 1910

" " " Bailey Grace Dismissed by letter Sept 12th '08

June '94 Bailey, Lily " " " June 7, 1912

Bailey Issac Died

Bailey Mrs Sina A Dismissed by Apr 1 1915

Bailey John Died Oct 15th 1906

Bailey Elizabeth Crane

Mch '02 Bricker David E

Sept '84 Bricker Nora M

Mar '02 Profession Bricker Charlie C

" " Bell, Robert

" " Bell, Mary Roseline

Dec 3rd '04 " Bailey Evah May Dismissed by letter June 7, 1916

June 9th '06 " Bailey Mrs. Alice Dismissed Mch 22/15

Mch 16/13 Bailey Mrs Bulah

" " Boyd Sarah

" " Bailey James

Carpenter Mrs Eugenia

Cellar W. A. Dismissed by letter Jan 27th '03

Cellar Hattie " " " "

Mar '02 Profession Cellar Harold Reid " " " "

Condit, Jane E Died Oct 18th 1907

Condit, Maria Died Aug 8th 1911

Condit Lorenzo S. " "

Condit Della O.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 131)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 131)


[page 131]

[corresponds to numbered page 139 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Membership Roll (cont)

When United How Condit Mary E When Dismissed

Mar '89 Profession Condit, Clara M.

Sept '92 " Condit, Edgar Paul

" " " Condit, Grace Ethel

June '93 " Condit, Edith M. received Dismissed by letter
by letter Oct 20, 1912

Mar '02 " Condit, Dane

Condit, Nellie (Huff) July st '07

Mar '02 " Condit, Mulford Smith July st '07

" '00 " Condo, Inez Nettie

" 02 Condo, Andrew Crentin

" " " Chambers, Maggie May Died Mch 29-11

Cring Henry Died May 5th 1904

Cring, Mary J

Cring, Henry H (Jun)

Mar '98 Cring Elsie Died

Cring, Geo W dropped

Cring Viola

June '94 Profession Cring Sadie

Mar '02 " Cring Clarence Koontz 1910 Dismissed by letter

" " Cring Henry Floyd crossed out [Dismissed by letter]
received back 1913

" " Cring Florence crossed out
[Dismissed by letter Jan 8 1912]

" " Cring, Myrtle Viola Dismissed by letter

" " Cring Iva Jane Dismissed Jan 8-12

Cunningham, Daisy (Clark) Susp. Roll, 1912

Mar 02 Prof of faith Curry John Milligan

" " Curry Mrs Nellie

" " Wilson Curry, Ina Olga

Mar 27th '09 Prof of faith Comstock Mrs. Chas

" " " " Cring, Ensel Dismissed Mch 22/15

Dec 28/1910 On profession Comstock Roy

" " Cook Hazel

" " Cring Mary

Mch 16/13 Cook Mrs Nettie

" " Clevenger Robert

" " Clevenger Harry

" " Clevenger Irina

" " Comstock Glendon over
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 132)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 132)


[page 132]

[corresponds to numbered page 140 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


" " Cring Chester

Mch 16/13 Curry Dennis

" " Chambers Phoeba

When united How Membership roll Continued When dismissed

Mch 16/13 Comstock Hazel

" " Clevenger Frank

" " Clevenger Delpha

" " Curry Russell

" " Comstock Mable

Mach 16/13 Debolt Mrs Ruth

Feb '91 Debolt Elza

Mch 16/13 Vaughin Debolt

Mar '02 Prof of Fth Debolt Hayes Levi

De Wolf Carrie May (Potter) Dismissed by Lett Apl 9th '03

Domigan, Mrs Sarah Died

Sept '94 Dudgeon, Sarah E. Dismissed by letter Apl 6th '03

Mar '02 Prof of Fth Dawes Carl Dail Joined Bethel Ch

" " " Dawes, Dan Joined Bethel Ch

" " " Dawes, Pearl Joined Bethel Ch

" " " Edwards, Mrs Mary C

" " " Edwards Henry

" " " Edwards Dennis

Mch 16/13 Earl Edmister

Edminister Philander Died Dec 16th '04

Evans Mrs Frances

June '99 By letter Evans Ganza

Mar '02 Prof of Fth Evans Fred Susp Roll 1912 Restored
& dismissed Oct 1912

Mar 25 1906 Lett Edminster, Mrs John

Mar 27 Prof of faith Edminster Harold

" " " Edminster Roy

Edwards Isaac Dismissed by letter Oct 27, 1912

Mar '02 Prof of Faith Farris, Lola Dell Died Oct 5th '02

" " " Jennings Farris Bessie Lorraine

" " " Farris May Daisy

" " " Foster Mrs Carrie May Died July 1912

Dec 3rd '04 " " Feazel Mrs Amy

Dec 3rd '04 " " Feazel Clara Louise Suspended

Mch 16/13 Feazel Howard

" Farris George Suspended

Green Mrs Mary J. Died Feby 2nd 1906

Green Chas E.

Green Mary E Died Apr 11 1913

Green Anna Luella

July '90 Gorsuch Byron Dismissed by letter Mar 28th 1908
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 133)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 133)


[page 133]

[corresponds to numbered page 141 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


when united How Membership Roll (cont) when dismissed How

Mar 02 Prof of Faith Green, Worth Gordon X '09 suspended

" " Green, Esther Dell suspended 1915

" " Geddis John Thomas

" " Geddis Mrs Lizzie Hanna

" " Geddis John Arthur

" " Smith Geddis May Roma Dismissed letter 2/2 '16

" " Geddis Jesse Thomas

" " Geddis Clarence Lloyd

" " Geddis Matthew Cyrus

" " Ginn George Fleming Suspended 1916

" " Ginn, Mrs Sallie "D & D" Roll p 147

Dec 22 1910 Ginn John W on S. R.

" " " Carrie Ginn his wife March 30 '14

Mch 16/13 Green Lois suspended 1915

" " Ginn Edna suspended "

98 Hannan Estella

Hopkins, Bertie (Wilson) Dismissed by letter Feb 21st '09

Hoover, Minnie (Cring)

Huff, Lawerence Apl 5th '07 Letter

Huff, Frances Apl 5th '07 "

Dec '94 Prof of Fth Huff, Abbie Apl a5th '07 "

" Huffman Mrs Lizzie (Perfect) Dismissed by Letter 1911

Mar 02 " Hannan, James Died July 2nd '03

" " Hannan, Mrs Rose D & D

" " Hannan, John Irvine

" " Hannan, Clyde Easterday

" " Hight Elsy Ella Joined at Bethel

" " Hoover, Dwight Cring Dismissed by letter Jan 13

" " Hoover, Clarence Burton "D & D" Roll p 147

" " Huff, Mrs Catherine Lily X '09 Susp. Roll 1912

" " Huff, Pearl May X '09 Susp. Roll 1912

" " Hupp Hall Oct '02 Letter

" " Hupp Mrs Nellie Oct '02 Letter

Mch '05 " Hyatt, Anna May Dropped

Mch '06/13 Hannon Emma
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 134)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 134)


[page 134]

[corresponds to numbered page 142 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Mch 16/13 Anna Jacobus suspended Roll March 30 - 14

" Goldie " suspended Roll March 30 - 14

When united How Membership Roll (Continued) when dismissed How

Jacobus, William

Jacobus, Jennie (Curry) Deceased

June '94 Prof of Fth Jacobus, Geddis Essa

Mch '02 Jacobus, Sounds Agnes Fay

Mch 16-13 Jennings Daniel

Mch 16/13 Ketcham Julian Elizabeth

Ketcham S. C.

Ketcham, Julia H Died Feb 1913

Mar '85 Prof of Fth Ketcham Lewis B

" 89 " " Ketcham Bertie Died Jany 13th 1906

Knox, Ina D (Wilson) D & D

Mar '02 1906 Kempton Matthews Ella May

Mar 25 1906 Letter Kempton Mrs Ida Wiley

Lane Belle

Dec 22 1910 Lane Fenton

On Prof Lane Charles

Longshore Lizzie (Corry)

Longwell Madora Dismissed by letter

Sept '99 Letter Leak Emery C. Susp. Roll 1912 Dis

Leak, Edith Susp. Roll 1912 Dis

Dec 22/1910 Lane Nellie See on

Mch 16/13 Lane Dean Page 146

" " George Lane L for letter L.

Mill Mary E (wife of Dr. Mills)

Miller, Emma (Pierson) Sept 8th 1907

June '93 Miller, Henry P Sept 8th 1907

March 98 Milller, John B.

March '02 Prof of Fth Matthews, Webb Chase

" " " " " MacFarland cyrus '09

" " " " " Meredith, George Allie

Mar '07 Letter Meredith Lottie (Stockwell)

" " Prof of Fth Magill Saml Wood Suspend 1915

Dec 22 1910 Meredith Emily May

Mch 16/13 Mills H. Gorges By letter

Mora Joseph
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 135)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 135)


[page 135]

[corresponds to numbered page 143 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Membership Roll (Cont) Dismissed How

Mch 16/13 Dixon Fremont March 1914 suspened

'98 Oldham, Mattie Letter

Post, E. J. Died Feb 23, 1916

Post, Louisa Died May 25th 1911

Post, Chauncey E.

Sept '85 Prof of Fth Post, Alice

Mch '89 " " " Post, Kelly C Dismissed by Letter

Feb '91 Post Lulu Dis by Letter Feb 25/13

Mch '02 Prof of Fth Post Jennie Belle Dismissed by letter

" " " " Post Letta Maria 1911 Dismissed by letter

Pierson, Mrs. Abigail

Pierson, Charles Died July 1910

'98 Letter Pierson, Jennie (Dixon)

Pierson William C. Dismissed by letter Mch 25

Pierson James E. Dismissed by letter Oct 27, 1912

Pierson Della (Evans) Dismissed by letter Oct 27, 1912

Perfect, Eliza

Potter, T. O. Died Jan 1912

Letter Potter Mrs. Minnie Dismissed by Letter Nov 26th '05

Mch '02 Prof of Fth Potter Francis Dismissed by letter

" " " " " Pierson, Leland Evans Dismissed by letter October 12, 1912

Post, Mrs Mary E. Dismissed by letter Apl 08 1907

Mch 25th 1906 Letter Pitkin Robert Dismissed by letter July 19th '08

" " Pitkin Mrs Robt Dismissed by letter July 19th '08

Mch 16-13 Potter Munson suspended 1915

" " Pace Carly

" " Lloyd Pace

" " Post Ruth
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 136)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 136)


[page 136]

[corresponds to numbered page 144 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


When invited How Membership Roll (Cont) When Dismissed

Ringer, Chas E.

Ringer, Maggie A.

Mar '89 Ringer, Herman

Mch 16 113 Shearman Ernest

Dec 22 1910 Spangler John Suspd 1915

Dec 22 1910 Saunders Mrs [illegible] " "

Dec 22 1910 Saunders Mary Elen " "

Shaver, Alpheaus B. suspended Feb 28 16

Shaver, Orlena R

Mar '02 Prof of faith Shaver ^Wright, Ona Beem *suspended

Shaver, John Died

Speer, Hetty

Speer, Hattie

Mar '02 Prof of Faith Saunders ^Kenny Grace Anna By letter Apl 18th '09

" " Saunders Iva Jane Died, Oct 2nd '02

" " Sheridan, Mrs Sarah -see page 147 Died

Shicks, (now Love) Myrta Marguerite Suspended Mch 30 -14

Shicks, Walter Suspended " " Restored 1916

Shicks, Wilbur Augustus

Spangler, Lutie Belle *Suspended Mch 30 -14

Spearman, Grace Agnes *Suspended Mch 30

Spearman, John Henry *Suspended Mch 10.14

Suver, Leroy "D & D" Roll p 147

Swartwood, James "D & D" Roll p 147

Speer, Mrs Electa By letter Nov. 17th '04

Speer ^(Edwards) Geneva

Speer, Wm Leo By letter Nov. 17th '07

Dec 3rd '04 Prof of Faith Spangler, Nannie Blanche (McBroom)

Sept 2nd '05 Letter Schnebley, C.R. Dismissed by Letter

" " " " Schnebley Mrs C.R. Mch 31 - 11

Mch 16/13 Shultz Mrs Cora Dismissed 1916

Mch '02 Prof of Faith Ulery Mrs Ordilla Dismissed by Letter Mar 28th '08

Ulery, Gertrude Eugene Dismissed by Letter Feb 28th '09
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 137)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 137)


[page 137]

[corresponds to numbered page 145 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


When invited How Membership Roll (Cont) When Dismissed

June '04 Prof of Faith Van Kirk, Leet Allen "D of D" Roll p 147

Whitney, Mrs Anna

June '04 Prof of Faith Whitney ^(now Stanforth) Ona x Dismissed by Letter 1911

Williams, Pyrena Died - 1910

Williams, Maud (Bailey) Dis by Letter Feb 28 - 13

Wilson, J.A. Dismissed by Letter

Wilson, Chloe " "

Sept -85 Wilson, William Died

Wilson, M.E. Died Jany 13th 1910

Wilson, Mrs. B.E. Died Jany. 13th 1916

Wilson, Jane R.

June '94 Prof of Fth Wilson, ^Cornett Lydia Dismissed by letter Jany 22nd '06

" " " " " Wilson, Bernis April [illegible] '07

" " " " " Wilson, Maggie

Sept '94 Wilson, Robert (Sen) Died Sept 1913

Dec '94 " " " Wilson, Maida

" " " " " Wilson, Carrie

March '02 Prof of Fth Whitney, Oral Cleone Dismissed by letter ^March 26th 1910

Webb, Alonzo Martin "D & D" Roll p. 147

Wells, Clarence McKirgan Sept 25th 1904

Wells, Mrs Maude Sept 25th 1904

Wilson, ^Baumgardner Mary Evangeline

Wilson, ^Fisher Lamatta Irene

Wilson, ^Geddis Anna Belle

Wilson ^Geddis Sada Armstrong

Wilson, Orlando Dawes

Wilson, Lucy Allen Dis by Letter

Letter Wilson Mrs Eunice (Price) April 21st '04

Feby 14th 1904 Prof of Faith Webb, Mrs Minnie Lee (Borden) Died Feb 23rd 04

June 9th 1907 Letter White, Arthur Calvin Died Mar 15th 1910

1912 June 9 Letter Wilson Grant H. Dismissed Oct 31 '16

" " Wilson Carrie (Mrs. Grant H.) " Oct 31, 1916

Mch 16 -13 Water Mrs F W.

" " Wilson Arthur Dismissed by Letter

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 138)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 138)


[page 138]

[corresponds to numbered page 146 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Roll Continued

Mch 16/13 Wilcox Amah Suspended Mch 30 '14

Walter Nancy

Walter Catherine

Walter Cora

Walter Maurice

Wilcox Mrs Belle suspended Mch 30 -14

Wilson Marclete [Masclet]

Mch 16"/13 Longshore Norton Gale

Longshore ^Comstock Veo

Longshore Albert

Mch 16/13 Spearman Anis

Saunders Edward

Spangler Minor suspended 1915

Spearman Earl

Spangler Henry suspended 1915

Spencer Clayton

Spangler Mamie Died Sept 25 1915

Spencer Mae Dorothy

Mch 16/13 Edwards Frank Suspended 1915

Stevens Edward Suspended 1915
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 139)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 139)


[page 139]

[corresponds to numbered page 147 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Roll of Members Dismissed & Dropped

Having removed.

Cring Marquis D.

Herlocker H.H.

Saunders Priscilla

Speer Charley

Duckworth Hattie (Wiant)

Knox Margaret

Duckworth Eliza

Debolt Mrs Elza

Whitney Lida

Fitch, Blanche (Col)

Webb, Alonzo Martin

Van Kirk, Leet Allen

Swartwood James

Suver, Leroy

Sheridan Mrs Sarah Died June 9th '05

Hoover, Clarence

Ginn, Mrs. Sallie


Roll Continued

Mch 16"/13 Cole Emman

Comstock Charles

Cring Russel

Cring Grace

Cook Selah

June 1915 Corbin Maggie

Mrs Wm Jacobus

Miss Minnie Ringer

Miss Vella Ringer

Dec 26. 15 Mr Claud Hyatt

Mr Charles Johnson

Mrs Eva Johnson

Mrs Marth Volkman
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 140)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 140)


[page 140]

[corresponds to numbered page 150 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]

[pages 148 and 149 are missing]


Collection June 30th 1881 for Board

of Church Erection amt $5.00

E.J. Post, Clk

Collection Aug. 11th 1881 for Board of

Ministerial Relief Amt $7.00

E.J. Post, Clk

Saturday Mch 5th 1881 Preparatory Lecture

by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post, Clk

Sabbath morning Mch 6 The Lords

Supper was administered by the Pastor

Rev Robt Wylie E.J. Post Clk

Saturday June 4th 1881 Preparatory

lecture by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post

Sabbath morning June 5th 1881 The Sacrament

of the Lords Supper was administered by

the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie E.J. Post

Saturday Sept 3rd 1881 Preparatory lecture

by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie E.J. Post

Sabbath morning Sept 4th 1881 The Sacrament

of the Lords Supper was administered by

the Pastor E.J. Post

Sept 16 1881 Collection for Board

of Education amt $5.00 E.J. Post

Oct 1881 Collection for Board of

Home Mission amt $9.00

Sabbath School $22.00 E.J. Post, Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 141)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 141)


[page 141]

[corresponds to numbered page 151 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Oct 1st 1881 Collection by Sabbath

School to Board of Home Missions

Twenty two Dollars $22.00 E.J. Post, Clk

Saturday Dec 3rd 1881 Preparatory

Services by the Pastor Rev R. Wylie

E.J. Post, Clk

Sabbath morning Dec 4th 1881 The

Sacrament of the Lords Supper was

administered by the Pastor Rev R

Wylie E.J. Post Clk

Collection January 1882 for

Board of Freedman amt $10- E.J. Post Clk

Collection February 1882 for Board

of Foreign Missions Amt $10.00

E.J. Post, Clk

Saturday March 4th 1882 Preparatory

Services by Pastor Rev Robb Wylie

E.J. Post Clk

Sabbath morning March 5th 1882 the

Sacrament of the Lords supper was

administered by the Pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E.J. Post Clk

Collection March 1881 for Board of

Publication amt $7.00 E.J. Post Clk

Saturday June 3d 1882 Preparatory Lecture

by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post, Clk

Sabbath morning June 4th 1882 the Sacrament of

the Lords supper was administered by the Pastor

Rev Robt Wylie E.J. Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 142)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 142)


[page 142]

[corresponds to numbered page 152 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


June 19th 1882 collection for the

Power Claim amt $4.17

E.J. Post Clk

July 24th 1882 Collection for Board of

Church Erection Amt $12.00

E.J. Post Clk

Sept 14th 1882 Collection for Board

of Relief of Disable Minister's amt

$8.00 E.J. Post Clk

Sept 2nd 1882 Preparatory Services by

The Pastor Rev. Robt Wylie

E.J. Post, Clk

Sabbath morning Sept 3rd 1882 the

Sacrament of the Lords Supper was

administered by the Pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E.J. Post, Clk

Saturday Dec 2nd 1882 Preparatory

Services by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post, Clk

Sabbath morning Dec 3rd 1882 the

sacrament of the Lords supper was

administered by the Pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E.J. Post, Clk

Collection Dec 11th 1882 for Board

of Home mission amt $8.00

E.J. Post, Clk

Collection Dec 12th 1882 for Board of

Education amt $8.00

E.J. Post, Clk

Collection Feb 1882 for Board of

Foreign Missions amt $5.00

E.J. Post, Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 143)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 143)


[page 143]

[corresponds to numbered page 153 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday March 3rd 1883 Preparatory

services by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post, Clk

Sabbath morning Mch 4th 1883 the

Sacrament of the Lords Supper was ad-

ministered by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post, Clk

Collection March 1883 for Board of

Freedman amt $5.00

E.J. Post Clk

Collection May 1883 for Board of

Publication amt $6.74 E.J. Post clk

Saturday June 2nd 1883 Preparatory services

by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie E.J. Post

Sabbath morning June 3rd 1883 The Sacrament

of the Lords supper was administered by

the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie E.J. Post, Clerk

Collection June 1883 for Board Church

erection amt $7.00 E.J. Post Clk

Satruday Sept 1st 1883 Preparatory services

by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie E.J. Post

Sabbath morning Sept 2nd 1883 the

Sacrament of the Lords supper was

administered by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E.J. Post clk

Collection Sept 1883 for Board of Ch

Erection amt $5.00 E.J. Post Clk

Collection Sept 1883 for Board of Relief

Amt $5.00 E.J. Post Clk

Collection Dec 1883 for Board of Education

amt $5.00 E.J. Post Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 144)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 144)


[page 144]

[corresponds to numbered page 154 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday Dec 1883 Preparatory

Services by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post

Sabbath morning Dec 1883 The sacrements

of the Lords supper was administered by

the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post

Collection Dec 1883 for board of Home

Missions ant $6.00 E. J. Post

Collection Jan 1884 for Board of Freedom

Amt $4.00 E. J. Post

Saturday march 1884 Preparatory

Services by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Sabbath morning March 1884 The

sacrament of the Lords supper was

administered by the Pastor Rev Robb Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Saturday June 1884 Preparatory Service

by the pastor Rev Robb Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Sabbath morning June 1884 The

sacrament of the Lords supper was

administered by the Pastor Rec Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Collection Sept 1884 for board of Relief

$6.00 dollars E. J. Post clk

Saturday Sept 1884 Preparatory

services by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 145)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 145)


[page 145]

[corresponds to numbered page 155 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sabbath morning Sept 1884 The

sacrament of the Lords supper was ad

ministered by the pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Saturday Dec 1884 Preparatory service

by the Pastor Sabbath morning the

Sacrament of the Lords supper was

Administered by the Pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E. J. Post clk

Collections Dec 1884 for Board of

Home Missions $5.00 dollars E. J. Post clk

Collection Dec 1884 for Board of

Education $5.00 dollars E. J. Post clk

Collection Jan 1885 for Board of Freedman

$3.00 dollars E. J. Post clk

March 7th 1885 Preparatory Services by the

Pastor Sabbath morning the sacrament of

the Lords supper was administered by the

Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk

June 6th 1885 Preparatory services by the

Pastor Sabbath morning the sacrament of

the Lords supper was administered by the

Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Collection Aug 1885 for Board of

Home Missions Amt $7.00

E. J. Post clk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 146)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 146)


[page 146]

[corresponds to numbered page 156 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


September 5th 1885 Preparatory Services by

the Pastor Sabbath Morning the Sacrement

of the Lords supper was administered by the

Pastor Rev Robt Wylie E. J. Post clk

Sept 1885 Collection for Board of

Ministerial Relief and $7.00

E. J. Post clk

Oct 1885 Special Collection for

board of Home Missions Amt

$5.00 E. J. Post clk

Collection for Board of Foreign

Missions July 1885 Amt $9.00

E. J. Post clk

December 5th 1885 Preparatory Services

by the Pastor. Sabbath morning the

sacraments of the Lords Supper was

administered by the pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E. J. Post clk

Dec 1885 Collections for Board of

Education Amt $4.00 E. J. Post clk

Feb 1886 Collection for Board of

Freedman Amt $2.00 E. J. Post clk

March 6th 1886 Preparatory Services by

the Pastor. Sabbath morning the

Sacrament of the Lords supper was

administered by the Pastor Rev Robt

Wylie E. J. Post clk

Mch 1886 Collections for Board of

Church Erection Amt $5.00

E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 147)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 147)


[page 147]

[corresponds to numbered page 157 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Examined and approved in Presbytery

at Delaware Ohio April 15th 1886

W. E. Thomas

June 5th 1886 Preparatory service by the

Pastor Sabbath morning June 6 the sacrament

of the Lords supper was administered by

the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Aug 5 1886 collections for board of ch

Erection Amt $5.00 E. J. Post clk

Sept 4th 1886 Preparatory service ty the

Pastor Sabbath Morning 5th The sacraments

of the Lords supper was administered by

the pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Oct 1886 Collection for Board of

Freedman Amt $5.00 E. J. Post clk

Dec 4 1886 Preparatory service by the

Pastor Sabbath morning 5th the sacrament

of the Lords supper was administered by

the pastor Rev Robert Wylie E. J. Post clk

Dec 1886 Amount sent to board of

F. missions by sabbath school A 10.00

E. J. Post clk

Feb 1887 Col for Board of Home

Missions Amt $5.00 E. J. Post clk

March 1887 col for Bd of F Missions

Amt $5.00 E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 148)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 148)


[page 148]

[corresponds to numbered page 158 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


March 5th 1887 Preparatory service by the

Pastor Sabbath morning 6th the sacrament

of the Lords supper was administered

by the Pastor Rev Robert Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Saturday June 4th 1887 Preparatory service

by the Pastor. Rev Robert Wylie

Sabbath morning June 5/87 the sacrament

of the Lords supper was administered by the

Pastor assisted by the Rev R A Watson

of Radnor E. J. Post clk

Collection for board of Publication

Amt $4.50/100 June 16th 1887

E. J. Post clk

Collections for Bd if Church Erection

Amt $5.00 July 28th/87

E. J. Post clk

Collection sent to Board of Home

Missions by S.S. $16.00

E. J. Post clk

Saturday Sept 4th 1887 Prepartory Service

by the Pastor Rev Robert Wylie

Sabbath morning Sept 5th 1887 the

sacrament of the Lords was administered

by the Pastor Rev Robt Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Collection Sept 29th 1887 for Bd

of Ministerial Relief Amt $7.00

E. J. Post clk

Collection Oct 12th 1887 for Bd of

Education Amt $8.00

E. J. Post clk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 149)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 149)


[page 149]

[corresponds to numbered page 159 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday Dec 4th 1887 Preparatory

Service by the Pastor Rev Robert Wylie

Sabbath Morning Dec 5th 1887 The sacrament

of the Lords Supper was administered by

the Pastor Rev Robert Wylie

E. J. Post clk

Collection Dec 14th 1887 for Bd of

Home Missions amt $5.00

E. J. Post clk

Saturday Mch 3rd 1888 Preparatory

services were held by Rev R. C. Colmery

of Cardinton. Sabbath Mch 4th 1888

The Sacrament of the Lords supper

was administered by the Rev R. C.

Colmery E. J. Post clk

Collection May 1888 to the

Centinary Fund or one million

for Disabled ministers. Amount

twenty dollars $20.00 E. J. Post clk

Collection June 1888 for Bd Pub &

Sabbath School work Amt $5.00

E. J. Post clk

Collection July 1888 for Bd Ch Erection

Amt $5.00 E. J. Post clk

Saturday June 2nd 1888 Preparatory services

were held by the Pastor Rev A. S. Sharpless

Sabbath June 8th the sacrament of the

Lords supper was administered by the

Pastor Rev A. S. Sharpless

E. J. Post clk

Collection Nov 1888 for

Bd of Education Amt $5.00

E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 150)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 150)


[page 150]

[corresponds to numbered page 160 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday Dec 1888 Preparatory

Services were held by the Pastor. And

on sabbath morning the Sacraments of

the Lords supper was administered by

the pastor Rev Albert S Sharpless

E. J. Post clk

Collection Dec 1888 for Bd of Freedman

amount $5.00
E. J. Post clk

collection Jan 1889 for Bd of Foreign

Mission Amt $7.00

E. J. Post clk

Collection Feb 1889 for Bd of Aid

to Colleges & Acadamics Amt $3.00

E. J. Post clk

Saturday Mch 2nd 1889 Preparatory

services were held by the Pastor and

on Sabbath morning the sacrament

of the Lords supper was administered

by the Pastor Rev Albert S Sharpless

E. J. Post clk

Collection Mch 1889 for Bd of

Sustentation Amount $2.00

E. J. Post clk

Saturday June 1st 1889 Preparatory

services were held by the Pastor and on

Sabbath morning the 2nd of June the sacrament

of the Lords supper was administered by

the Pastor Rev Albert S Sharpless

E. J. Post clk

Collection July 1889 for Bd

of Church Erection Amt $2.00 two dollars

E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 151)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 151)


[page 151]

[corresponds to numbered page 161 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sat Aug 21 1889 Preparatory Services

were held by the Pastor A. S Sharpless

Sabbath morning Sept 1st 1889 the communion

of the Lords supper was administered

E. J. Post clk

Collection Sept 1889 for Bd of Education

Amt 2.00

E. J. Post clk

Collection Oct 1889 for Bd of

Relief Amt $5.00

E. J. Post clk

Saturday Nov 31 st 1889 Preparatory

Services were held by the pastor Rev A S

Sharpless Sabbath morning Dec 1st 1889

The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was


E. J. Post clk

Collection Dec 1889 for Bd of

Freedman Amt $4.00

E. J. Post clk

Collection Nov 1889 for Bd of

Home Missions Amt $5.00

E. J. Post clk

Collection Feb 1890 for Bd of

Foreign Missions amt $4.00

E. J. Post clk

Saturday march 2nd 1890 Preparatory

Services were held by the Pastor Rev A

Sharpless Sabbath morning Mch 2

1890 the communion of the Lords Supper

was administered by the Pastor

E. J. Post clk

Collection March 1890 for aid

feeble church Logan Kansas Amt

$5.00 E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 152)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 152)


[page 152]

[corresponds to numbered page 162 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Collection for Johnstown Pa flood

Sufferers Aug 1889 Amt $12.00

Saturday June 3rd 1890 Preparatory

Services by the Pastor Rev A. S. Sharpless

and on Sabbath morning the Communion of

the Lords Supper was observed and

administered by the Pastor

E. J. Post clk

Collection for Board of Relief

Sept 1890 Amt $5.00

E. J. Post clk

Saturday Sept 1st 1890 Preparatory

services were had Sabbath morning

the communion of the Lords Supper was

observed administered by the Pastor Rev

A. S. Sharpless

E. J. Post clk

Collection Oct 1890 for Board of

Church Erection Amt 3.00

E. J. Post clk

Collection Nove 1890 for Bd of

Freedman Amt $3.00

E. J. Post clk

Saturday Dec 1st 1890 Preparatory

Services were had by the Pastor Sabbath

morning the Communion of the Lords

Supper was observed administered by the

Pastor Rev A. S. Sharpless

E. J. Post clk

Collection Dec 1890 for Bd of

Home Missions Amt $4.00

E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 153)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 153)


[page 153]

[corresponds to numbered page 163 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Collection Jan 1891 for Bd of Foreign

Missions amount $4.00

E. J. Post clk

March 1st 1891 Preparatory services were

had. Sabbath morning the communion

of the Lords supper was observed and

administered by the Pastor Rev A S Sharpless

E. J. Post clk

Thus for examined and approved

in Presbytry at Ostrander Apr 18/91

M. W. Brown Moderator

June 1 st 1891 Presbaratory services

were had & the communion of the Lords

supper was observed & administered

by the Pastor Rev A S Sharpless

E. J. Post clk

Aug 1891 Collection for Brd of

Church Erection Amt $2.00

E. J. Post clk

Sept 1/91 Preparatory services were

had & the communion of the Lords

Supper was observed & administered by

the Pastor Rev A. S. Sharpless

E. J. Post clk

Nov 1891 Collection for Bd of

Home Missions Amt $7.00

E. J. Post clk

Dec 1/91 Preparatory services were had

& the Communion of the Lords Supper were observed

& administered by the pastor A S Sharpless E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 154)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 154)


[page 154]

[corresponds to numbered page 164 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


March 5th 1892 Preparatory services were

had & 6th the Communion of the lords

supper was observed & administered by the

Pastor Rev A. S. Sharpless

E. J. Post clk

June 4th 1892

Preparatory services

were help and on Sabbath morning

June 5th the communion of the Lords

supper was administered by the

Pastor Rev A. S. Sharpless

E. J. Post clk

Baptisms June 4, 1892

Infant Dan C. Son of L. S & Dellas Condit

Esther Dell daughter of Chas & Mary Green

Mable " " Samuel & Jennie Wilson

Saturday Sept 3rd 1892


Services were held and Sabbath

Mornings Sept 4th the communion of

the Lords Supper was administered

by the Pastor Rev A. S. Sharpless

E. J. Post clk

Collection August 1892 for Bd

of Church Erection Amt $4.00

E. J. Post clk

Saturday Dec 1st 1892


Services were held by Rev Robert Wylie

Pastor of the Church of Jersey Ohio and on

Sabbath morning the Lords Supper was administered by

the same E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 155)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 155)


[page 155]

[corresponds to numbered page 165 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday Feb 24th 1893 Preparatory

Services were held by Rev Wm. G March

of Marysville Ohio & Sabbath morning

the Lords Supper administered by the

Same E. J. Post clk

Examined & approved in Presbytery

at Richmond , O., Apr 12, 1893

Thomas Hill, Mod.

Saturday June 3rd 1893


services were held by the Pastor Rev

W. D. Wallace Sabbath morning the

Communion of the Lords Supper was

administered by the same

E. J. Post clk

Saturday Sept. 1893


services were held by the pastor Rev

W D Wallace. Sabbath morning the

Communion of the Lords supper was

administered by the same

E. J. Post clk

Saturday January 20th 1894


Services were held by the Pastor Rev W. D. Wallace Sabbath morning 21st

the communion of the Lords Supper

was administered by the same

E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 156)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 156)


[page 156]

[corresponds to numbered page 166 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Saturday June 2nd 1894 Preparatory

Services were held by the Pastor Rev

W. D. Wallace

Sabbath morning June

3rd the communion of the Lords Supper

was administered by the Pastor

E. J. Post clk

Saturday Dec 1st 1894 Preparatory

Services were held by the Pastor Rev

W. D. Wallace

Sabbath morning Dec

2nd the communion of the Lords Supper

was administered by the Pastor

E. J. Post clk

Sat March 1 1895 Preparatory services

were held by the Pastor Rev W D Wallace

Sabbath morning the communion

of the Lords supper was administered by

the pastor

E. J. Post

Sat June 1st 1895 Preparatory services

were held by the Pastor Rev W. D. Wallace

Sabbath morning the Communion of

the Lords supper was administered by

the Pastor

E. J. Post clk

Sat Sept 1, 1895 Preparatory Services

were held by the Pastor W D Wallace

Sabbath morning the Communion

of the Lords supper was administered

by the Pastor

E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 157)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 157)


[page 157]

[corresponds to numbered page 167 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sat Dec 1895 Preparatory services

were held by the pastor Rev W. D. Wallace

Sabbath morning the communion of the

Lords Supper was administered by the

Pastor. E. J. Post clk

March 1st 1896 Preparatory services

were held by the Pastor W. D. Wallace

Sabbath morning the communion of

the Lords Supper was administered

by the Pastor E. J. Post clk

June 1896 Preparatory Services

was held by the pastor Rev W. D.


Sabbath morning the Communion

of the Lords Supper was adm

inistered by the Pastor

E. J. Post clk

Sept 1896 Preparatory Services

was held by the pastor Rev W D


Sabbath morning the communion

of the Lords supper was administered

by the pastor

E. J. Post clk

Dec 1896 Preparatory Services

was held by the pastor Rev W D


Sabbath morning the

Communion of the Lords Supper

was administered by the Pastor

E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 158)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 158)


[page 158]

[corresponds to numbered page 168 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


March 14th 1897 Preparatory

Services were held Sermon by the

Rev Pocock

Sabbath Morning the Communion

of the Lords Supper was observed

administer by the Pastor Rev W D

Wallace assisted by Rev Pocock

E. J. Post clk

June 1897 Preparatory services

were held by the Pastor Rev W D Wallace

Sabbath morning the Communion of

the Lords Supper was observed administered

by the Pastor Rev W D Wallace E. J. Post clk

Sept 1897 Preparatory services were

held by the Pastor Rev W D Wallace

Sabbath morning the Communion of the

Lords supper was administered by the

Pastor Rev W D Wallace E. J. Post clk

Dec 1897 Preparatory services

were held by the Pastor Rev W. D. Wallace

Sabbath morning the Communion

of the Lords Supper was administered

by the Pastor Rev W D Wallace

E. J. Post clk

March 1898 Preparatory Services were

held by the pastor Rev W D Wallace

Sabbath morning the Communion of the

Lords supper was administered by the

Pastor Rev W D Wallace E. J. Post clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 159)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 159)


[page 159]

[corresponds to numbered page 169 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Thus far examined of and approved. Marysville

O. April 8, 1900.

W. E. Thomas, Mod of Presby.

Saturday Aug 31st 1901 Preparatory

Services were held by the Pastor

Rev John Glenn

Sabbath morning Sept 1st 1901

the sacrament of the Lords Supper

was administered by the Rev T J Cellar.

E. J. Post clk

The Regular Communion

Season in December 1901 was

observed and all the Services were

conducted by the pastor Rev John


E. J. Post clk

The regular communion season

in March 1907 was observed and all the services

were conducted by the Pastor Rev

John Glenn assisted by Revs

E. F. Walker (Evangelist) and T. J

Cellar of Prospect Ohio

E. J. Post clk

Thus far examined and approved at Mr. Gilead

Ohio Apr 9, 1902 with exceptions

Chas W Boyle
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 160)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 160)


[page 160]

[corresponds to numbered page 170 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


May 31st '02 Preparatory Service held by the Pastor

June 1st administered Communion Both

Preparatory & Communion Service conducted by the

Pastor Rev John Glenn

Oct 18th 1902 Preparatory Services conducted by

the pastor

Oct 19th Sacrement of the Lords Supper

administered by the Pastor

Dec 6th 1902 Preparatory Services conducted by


Dec 4th 1902 Communion administered by

Pastor Rev J Glenn

Feb 28th 1903 Preparatory Services Conducted by

the Pastor & Mar 1st . The sacrament

of the Lords' Supper was celebrated.

June 6th 03 Preparatory Service & Communion on

June 7th Conducted by the Pastor

Feby 14 04 The sacrament of Baptism & the Lord's Supper

was administered at the home of Mrs. Frank Webb by the

Pastor & session

Apl 4th '04 Communion administered by the


June 4th '04 Preparatory Services & communion service

on June 5th administered by the pastor

Sept 3rd & 4th Preparatory Service & communion

administered by the Pastor
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 161)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 161)


[page 161]

[corresponds to numbered page 171 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sept 11th 04 Rededication Services were held today at

Which Prof William G. Cring DD preached morning evening

Dec 3rd Preparatory Service followed by Communion

& Baptism with Reception of members on Dec 4th

Examined and approved by Marion Presbytery in session at

Mt. Gilead Apr. 10 1906

A. M. Chapin


June 9th 1906 Preparatory service. Followed by Communion (June 10th)

at which time Mrs. Alice Bailey was publicly welcomed

into ch fellowship

Sept 8th Preparatory Services conducted by the pastor followed

by communion (Sept 9th)

Dec 8th Preparatory services followed by Communion Dec 9th

Mar 30 1907 Preparatory Service followed by communion (June 31st)

Baptism & then public reception of members

Examined and approved by Marion

Presbytery, in session at Delaware, Apr.


Geo. M. Rourke, Mod.

Approved in Presbytery at Marion, Ohio April 12-1914

Wm. A. Atteuison

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 162)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 162)


[page 162]

[corresponds to numbered page 172 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sabbath Morn Dec 16th 1917

Session convened in sermon

room of the church. Members present

Rev Hyde Moderator Elders Ketcham Chamberlin Lane & Condit

After prayer - upon motion

Mrs Elizabeth Turner by letter

was received into the fellowship

of Trenton Presbyteria Church of Condit

Session was closed with prayer

L S Condit clk

Dec Session met at the home of Elder

S. C. Ketcham. Present Rev Wylie Mod.

Elders Ketcham Chamberlin Lane &

Condit. After prayer by Elder Condit

The question of holding an evangelistic

meeting was taken up and after

careful deliberation The following

program was decided upon

The Pastor kindly offered to take

charge of a series of meetings

during the week of prayer and if

the interest seemed to justify a

continum tho continue the services

he would continue as seemed

best. He accordingly proceeded

but after three days the weather

condition became so severe and roads

almost impassable on account of

the snow that it was deemed best to

discontinue the services for the present

Later tho eval situation became

so acute and the weather still continued

so snow the meetings were discontinued

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 163)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 163)


[page 163]

[corresponds to numbered page 173 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


1918 Jan 6 Session met in sermon room

of Church. After prayer by moderator

All members of session being present

Mrs Grace Owings Condit was received

by letter from the Christian Church

of Centerburg, O into full communion

and fellowship of our church and

her name ordered entered on our

church roll. Closed with prayer

L S Condit Clk

Mar 26 Session met in manse [sermon room

before service. Present]

at the conclusion of the yearly

congregational meeting Present Rev Hyde

Elders Ketcham Chamberlin & Lane

After prayer by Elder Ketcham Mr L B Ketcham

Mrs L B Ketcham & their daughter Miss

Julia Elizabeth Ketcham were upon

their own request granted letters of

dismission to the fellowship of

of the Methodist Church of Sunbury O

Upon motion Elder Chamberlin was

elected delegate to meeting of Presbytery

Elder Condit alternate.

After discussing other church matters

session closed with Payer

Walter C Chamberlin

temporary clerk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 164)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 164)


[page 164]

[corresponds to numbered page 174 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Feb 28 1916 Session met at the

manse. Present Rev Hyde and Elders

S. C. Ketcham, Geo. Lane and L. S. Condit

After the opening prayer L. S. Condit was

elected clerk pending the election of a new elder.

Rev Hyde was appointed a committee of

one to draft resolutions on the death

of Elder E. J. Post - Feb 23 - 1916

Session then revised the membership roll

On motion Mrs. B Feasel and Howard Feasel

were reinstated

Session closed with prayer by Elder Ketcham.

March 5 -1916 Session met before

morning service. Present Rev Hyde, Elders

Ketcham, Lane and Condit.

After prayer by Rev Hyde the following persons

were received by letter from the New

Jersey church of Carlisle, Ohio: Mr. Walker C.

Chamberlin, Mrs. Edith Chamberlin and

sons Morgan, Joseph W. and Robert Clarke


Feb. 23, 1915 On the death of Elder E. J. Post.

Whereas: God in His infinite wisdom has seen

fit to remove our beloved brother in the Lord

E. J. Post from the church on earth to the Church

in Heaven, and,

Where-as: He had served this church as an

elder for almost forty-two years, and,

Whereas: His life and walk both as a Christian

citizen and as an officer in the church were

a living example to the rising generation.

Be it resolved that we recognize the over-

ruling favor of Almighty God and bow in

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 165)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 165)


[page 165]

[corresponds to numbered page 175 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Submission to His will.

That in the death of Brother Post the session

has lost a valued member and the church

a useful offer;

That we offer the family of Brother Post

our tenderest sympathy and point them to

God who alone can comfort the bereaved;

That a copy of these resolutions be sent

to the family our brother departed and

a copy be spread upon the minister of the


For the Session

W. M. Hyde Jr Mod.

L S Condit clerk

Pro tem

March 27, 1916 Session met at the manse.

Present Rev W. M. Hyde Jr. mod. Elders L. S.

Condit, S. C. Ketcham and George Lane.

Session opened with prayer. Session completed

the revision of the roll. The statistical

reports were made out. (See following page)

After discussion of the affairs of the church,

the minutes of the past year were read and

approved. Session closed with prayer.

L. S. Condit Clk Protem

Statistical Report April,'15 - Mar 31 '16

Elders 3

Accessions: 19 Examination 4 Letter 11 Restored 4

Losses 9 Dismissed 4 Deceased 4 Suspended 1

Total Membership 162. S. S. Membership 110


Home Missions $50 Foreign Missions $50

Education $5 S. S. work 3 Church erection 4

Relief & Sust. 4 Freedmen 5 Colleges 7 Temperance 4

Gen. Assem Fund 18.24 Congregational $1372.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 166)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 166)


[page 166]

[corresponds to numbered page 176 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Examined and approved

at Marysville, Apr 1, 1916

Linius L Strock Mod.

Missing pages 177 & 178
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 167)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 167)


[page 167]

[corresponds to numbered page 179 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 168)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 168)


[page 168]

[corresponds to numbered page 180 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Membership Roll


Revised Feb 28th 1916

United How Names When Dismissed

Mar. '92 Bricker, David E.

Sept '84 Bricker Nora M

Mar. '02 of Faith Bricker, Charles C.

Mar. 16-"13 " Bailey, James W.

" 16-"13 " Bailey, Mrs. Beulah

Mar. 02 " Bell, Robert

" " " Bell, Mrs. Rosseline

Mar. 16-'13 " Boyd, Mis Sarah

Mar. '02 " Baumgardiner Mrs. Eva

Crane, Mrs Elizabeth B.

Carpenter, Mrs. Eugenia

Condit, L. S.

Letter Condit Della C.

June '93 of Faith Condit Edith Mariece

Mar. '02 " Condit Dane Condit

Condit Mrs. Mary

Mar. '89 of Faith Condit Clara M.

Sept '92 " Condit Edgar Paul

" '92 " Condit Grace Ethel

Mar. '02 " Condo A. C.

Mar '00 " Condo Inez Nettie

Mar '02 " Condo Meda May

Cring Mrs. Mary

Cring H. H.

June '94 " Cring Sada

Cring Mrs. G. W.

Mar. 16-'13 " Cring Chester

Mar. '02 " Cring Floyd

Mar. 16 '13 " Cring Russel
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 169)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 169)


[page 169]

[corresponds to numbered page 181 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Membership Roll (contd)

United How Names When Dismissed

Mar. 16 '13 of Faith Cring Grace

Dec. 28 '10 " Cring Mary

Mar '02 " Curry J. M.

" " " Curry Mrs. Nellie

" 16 '13 " Curry Russel

" " " Curry Dennis

June 6 '15 " Corbin Mrs. Maggie

Mar. 16 '13 " Comstock Chas

Nov 27 '09 " Comstock Mrs. Clara

Dec 18 '10 " Comstock Roy

Mar. 16 '13 " Comstock Veo L.

Mar. 16 '13 " Comstock Hazel

" " " Comstock Glendon

Mar. 16 '13 " Comstock Mable

Mar. 16 '13 " Chambers Phoebe

Mar. 16 '13 " Cook S. C.

Mar. 16 '13 " Cook Mrs. Nettie

Dec 28 '10 " Cook Hazel Oct 29th 19

Mar. 16 '13 " Clevenger Frank

" " " Clevenger Mrs. Delpha

" " " Clevenger Irene

" " " Clevenger Robert

" " " Clevenger Harry

Mar '16 Letter Chamberlain Walter C

" " " Chamberlain Mrs Edith

" " " Chamberlain Morgan

" " " Chamberlain Joseph W.

" " " Chamberlain Robert Clark

Mar 16 '13 Faith Cole Mrs Emma
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 170)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 170)


[page 170]

[corresponds to numbered page 182 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Membership Roll (Cont'd)

When United How When Dismissed

Domigan Mrs. Sarah

Feb. '91 Profession Debolt E. W.

Mar 16 '13 " Debolt Mrs Ruth

" " Debolt Vaughn

Mar 25 '06 Letter Edminister Mrs. Jno.

Mar '06 Profession Edminister Roy

" " " Edminister Harold

Mar 16 '13 " Edminister Earl

" " " Edwards Henry

" " " Edwards Mrs. Mary

" " " Edwards Dennis

June '99 Letter Evans Ganzy

Evans Mrs. Fannie

Mar '02 Profession Edwards Geneva

Dec 3 '04 " Feasel Mrs Avery

Mar 16 '13 " Feasel Howard

Mar '02 " Farris May Daisy

" " " Fisher Mrs. Irene

Mar '02 " Geddis John T

" " " Geddis Mrs John T

" " " Geddis Jessie

June '94 " Geddie Mrs. Essa

Mar '02 " Geddie Matthew

" " " Geddie Mrs. Aund
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 171)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 171)


[page 171]

[corresponds to numbered page 183 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Membership Roll (Cont'd)

When United How When Dismissed

Mar '02 Profession Geddie Clarence

" " " Geddie J Arthur

Green Miss Anna L

Green Chas E.

Mar '02 " Hannan John

'98 " Hannan Mrs. Estelle

Mar '02 " Hannan Clyde

Mar 16 '13 " Hannan Mrs. Emma

" Hoover Mrs. Minnie

Dec 26 '15 " Hyatt Claude

June '15 Hyde Mrs. Lenore

Jacobus Wm

June '15 Letter Jacobus Mrs Wm

Mar 16 '13 Profession Jennings Dan

Mar '02 " Jennings Mrs. Bessick F.

Dec 26 '13 " Johnson Chas

" " " Johnson Mrs. Eva

Ketcham S. C.

Mar 85 " Ketcham L. B.

Mar 25 '06 Letter Ketcham Mrs. Ida

Mar 16 '13 Profession Ketcham Elizabeth

Lane Geo.

Lane Mrs. Belle

Dec 22 '10 Faith Lane Chas.

" " Lane Fenton

" " Lane Nellie
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 172)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 172)


[page 172]

[corresponds to unnumbered page 184 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Membership Roll (Cont'd)

When United How When Dismissed

Mar 16 '13 Profession Lane Dean

Mar 16 '13 Profession Longshore Albert

Longshore Mrs. Lizzie

Mar 16 '13 Profession Longshore Gale

Mar '02 " Matthews Webb

" " " Matthews Mrs. Ella K.

" " " Meredith Allie

" '07 Letter Meredith Mrs Lottie

Dec 22 '10 Profession Meredith Mrs Emily

Mar 16 '13 " Maro Joseph

Mar '98 " Miller J. B.

" Mills Mrs Mary E

Dec 3 '04 Profession Mrs. Mannie McBroom

'98 " Oldham Mrs. Mollie

Mar 16 '13 " Pace Carey

" " " Pace Loyd

Perfect Mrs Eliza

Pierson Mrs Abigail

'98 Letter Pierson Mrs. Jennie

Post Chancey E.

Sept. '85 Profession Post Alice

Mar 16 '13 Profession Post Ruth
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 173)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 173)


[page 173]

[corresponds to numbered page 185 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Membership Roll (Cont'd)

When United How When Dismissed

Ringer Chas. E.

Ringer Mrs. Margaret

Mar. '89 Profession Ringer Herman

June '15 Letter Ringer Miss Herman

" " " Ringer Vella

Mar 16 '13 Profession Sanders Edward

Mar '02 " Sanders Mrs. Agnes

Shaver Mrs. Arlena

Shicks Wilber

Mar 16 '13 " Shultz Mrs. Cora

" " " Spearman Anise

" " " Spearman Earl

Speer Hettie

Speer Hattie

Mar 16 '13 " Spencer Clayton

" " " Spencer Dorothy

" " " Spearman Earnest

June '15 Letter Volkmar Mrs. Martha
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 174)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 174)


[page 174]

[corresponds to numbered page 186 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Membership Roll (Cont'd)

When United How When Dismissed

Mar 16 '13 Walter Mrs. Fred

" 16 '13 Profession Walter Cora

" " Profession Walter Catharine

" " " Walter Maurice

" " " Walter Nancy

Whitney Mrs. Angeline

Wilson Mrs. Jennie R.

Dec '94 " Wilson Carrie

Mar '02 " Wilson Sada

June '94 " Wilson Marguerite

Dec '94 " Wilson Maida

Mar '02 " Wilson Masclet

" " " Wilson Mrs. Irene

Mar '02 " Wilson Orlando
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 175)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 175)


[page 175]

[corresponds to numbered page 187 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 176)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 176)


[page 176]

[corresponds to numbered page 188 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 177)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 177)


[page 177]

[corresponds to numbered page 189 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Mar 26 At a meeting of the Session

it was resolved to elect one elder

and notice was given the congrega-

tion that in two weeks the election

would be held. All members present

L S Condit clk

Apr 9 As per previous announcement

the election of an elder was held

resulting in Mr Walter C

Chamberlin being chosen as elder

The date of his installation

being fixed for Sabbath Apr 23

L. S. C. clk

Apr 23
As announced on Apr 9

Mr Walter Chamberlin was made

a ruling elder. The ordination

service conducted by the Pastor Mr

W M Hyde before the regular church

service L. S. C. clk

May 14 Session met befor service at

the church. Opened with prayer

Present Moderator Rev W M Hyde Jr

Elders present Ketcham Lane Chamberlin

& Condit. On motion Mrs Nellie Post

was received by letter from the

M E Church of Vincent O.

L S Condit clk

July 9th Session met before service of the

Church. Present Moderator W M Hyde.

Elders Ketcham Lane Chamberlin &

Condit. Opened with Prayer

On motion a letter of dismission was

granted to Mrs Cora Schultz to the (over)

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 178)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 178)


[page 178]

[corresponds to numbered page 190 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


1916 Kingston Presbyterian Church

closed with Prayer. L S Condit

Aug 27th Session met at the Church

elders present Condit Ketcham Lane & Chamberlin

Moderator Rev W M Hyde Jr.

Opened with prayer

On motion a letter dismission was granted

To Mrs Mattie Oldham to the Church of the

Disciple of Christ at Center Village O.

No further business Closed with prayer L S Condit

Sept 2 Session met at close of preparatory service. Present

Mod W M Hyde Jr Elders Condit & Ketcham. On motion

Mrs Anna Ketcham was received by letter from the [illegible]

Ave M. E. church of Detroit Mich & Mrs Frances Clark Cring

from the Baptist Church of Sunbury. The Session

decided to hold monthly meetings during the fall &

winter Session was opened & closed with prayer L S Condit

Oct 16 Session meeting at Manse Elders Lane

Ketcham Chamberlin & Condit present

After prayer the following resolution

were passed

1st the purchase of a "Certificate of

Dismission" blank book costing $1.07

2nd In accordance with a call for

"Armenian Relief" from the President

and Senate of the U.S. that Sabbath

Oct 22 be observed to raise a contribution

for Armenians

On that day about $30.00 was given.

3rd That in Accordance with a recom

mendation of the General Assembly

We add the "Lords Day Alliance"

to our budget.

4th That Wednesday Afternoon be set

apart to clean up the church basement
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 179)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 179)


[page 179]

[corresponds to numbered page 191 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


After instructing our pastor

to communicate with Evangelist Willis

of Winona Lake Ind. in regard to

an Evangelistic Campaign being held

in our church the meeting was closed

with prayer. L. S. Condit

Oct 29

Session convened in Class room

Present Chamberlin Condit Ketcham &

Lane After prayer by Pastor

A letter of Dismission was grated

Mrs Hazel Cook Hoover to unite with

the M. E. Church of Miami Florida

No other business Session adjourned

1917 L. S. Condit

Jan 8 Session met at manse all

members present

A Letter received from Evangelist Willis

in which he advised regarding the

preparation necessary to a successful

campaign was read by pastor

after he had led in a brief prayer

Discussion of the plans that would

fit our conditions was had and

the conference closed with prayer

by Elder Condit.

L. S. Condit Clk

Feb 12 At a joint meeting of the session &

trustees at the manse called to arrange

for the every member canvas also the

Willis Evangelistic meetings. After prayer

a committee of three were appointed

consisting of Rev Hyde D C Condit as

Floyd Cring to make up the Budget

and prepare a letter to be sent to
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 180)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 180)


[page 180]

[corresponds to numbered page 192 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


each member of the congregation.

The date for the every member canvas

was set for Feb 25. After discussing

plans for the Willis meetings a committee

was appointed consisting Rev W M

Hyde S C Ketchan Geo Lane L S Condit

& Edgar Condit to nominate officers

and committees. Closed with prayer

L S Condit Clk

Mar 30 Session met SS room Opened

with prayer Present Mod Rev W M

Hyde Jr Elders Ketcham Condit Lane & Chamberlain

Received upon examination the

following persons

Ruth McBrown, Ella Murphy,

Ruth Spencer, Ina Downing

Mrs Mae Weidles, Howard Cring

John M Chamberlin, Owen Meredith

Cecil Wilson, Mrs Joy Cline.

By letter

Mrs Goldie Linkey from

The M E church of Centerburg O

Mrs Nana Pancake from the

M E Church of Galena O.

Mrs Forest Bale & Mrs Florence

Bale from The Presbyterian Church

L S Condit Clk

Apr 1st Session met in SS Room Opened with

Prayer Present Elders Ketcham Condit Lane

Chamberlin & Mod Rev W M Hyde Jr

After opening session with Prayer the

following persons were received upon

examination Frances Harrison &

Henry Spangler L S Condit
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 181)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 181)


[page 181]

[corresponds to numbered page 193 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



Apr 2nd session met at Manse Opened

with prayer. Present Mod

Rev W M Hyde Elders Lane & Condit

On motion the following persons

were received by letter

Mulford Condit Mrs Nellie Condit

Mrs Frances Hough Mrs Abbie

Hough Wright from Presbyerian Church of Westerville Ohio

closed with prayer

L S Condit clk

Apr 7 Session met after Preparatory

service Opened with prayer

Present Mod Rev W M Hyde Jr

Edlers Ketcham Lane & Chamberlin

Mr Clarence Pace was received

upon examination.

The annual reports of the Church

& SS were read and approved

On motion the following persons

were ordered suspended

Mr Seely Cook at his own request

Mr Dennis Edwards & Howard Feasel

On motion Mr George Farris & Mrs

Clara Farris were restored to the

active roll Closed with prayer

Walter Chamberlin

temporary clk

Apr 8 Session met in SS room session

opened with prayer. Present

Rev W M Hyde Mod. Elders Ketchan

Lane & Chamberlin

On motion Mc Arthur Wilson was

reinstated Mrs Lena Wilson Frederick Walter was

received upon examination.

Mr. Cobert Wright was received by letter
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 182)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 182)


[page 182]

[corresponds to numbered page 194 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


1917 from the M E church of Flushing

O. Closed with prayer

W C Chamberlin temporary clk

At the morning service the

following persons were Publicly


By Baptism

John Chamberlin

Clarence Pace

Howard Cring

Ruth McBroom

Mrs Arthus Wilson

Cecil Wilson

Frederick Walter

Owen Meridith

Ruth Spencer

Ana Downing

Mrs Joy Cline

Ella Murphy

Frances Hannan

By Letter

Mr Mulford Condit

Mrs Nellie Condit

Mr Forest Bale

Mrs Florence Bale

Mrs Cobert Wright

Mrs Abbie Wright

Mrs Nada Pancake

Mrs Goldie Linkey

Mr Arthur Wilson
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 183)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 183)


[page 183]

[corresponds to numbered page 195 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



Apr 18 session convened in class room &

after service with Moderator W. M.

Hyde Jr and Elders Ketcham Lane

Chamberin and Condit present.

Opened with prayer by Elder Ketcham

after which Elder lane was elected

a delegate to Presbytery and Elder

Chamberlin chosen alternate

The reports of sessional meetings

held during the year were read

and approved

No further business the

meeting adjourned after prayer

by Mod Rev W M Hyde

Examined & approved

at Delaware Apr 17 1917

William L Banrer Moderator

Sessional reports continued

on p 172 this book
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 184)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 184)


[page 184]

[corresponds to numbered page 196 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


1918 Sessional Reports continued from page 172 this book

Apr 9 the session & trustees of the church

met this evening at the home of Elder

S. C. Ketcham Present Mod Rev Hyde

Elders Ketcham Chamberlin Lane &

Condit also trustees Chas Comstock

Fenton Lane and Treasuer Floyd Cring

Object of this meeting was to discuss

ways and means to bring the final result

of the Every member canvas up

to the amount set forth in the budget

After considerable discussion it was

decided to bring the subject before the

congregation on the following Sabbath

morning to see how many would be

willing to double their subscriptions

to the local church as will as to the

benevolences of the church at large

After appointing a committee to bring the matter

before the people of the congregation

the meeting was dismissed after


L. S. Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 185)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 185)


[page 185]

[corresponds to numbered page 197 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



Apr 4 Session met in Manse in evening

for the purpose of revising the church

membership roll

Present Mod Rev Hyde Elders Ketcham

Chamberlin Lane & Condit

After prayer by W C Chamberlin

the duties of revising the roll followed

resulting in the suspension of the

following Claude Hyatt

Robert Bell Ruth Post

Mrs Robert Bell Vella Ringer

Frank Clevenger

Mrs Frank Clevenger

Irene Clevenger

Robert Clevenger

Harry Clevenger

Also Mr Walter Shicks was restored

to full communion & fellowship of

the church

Session closed with prayer

by Mr S C Ketcham

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 186)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 186)


[page 186]

[corresponds to numbered page 198 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Annual Statistics 1917-1918

No Elders 4

No received on examination 4

No Received on certificate 10

" Restored 1

" Dismissed 3

" Suspended 14

" Deceased 1

Net total 171


An confirm 4

Infants 0

S.S Membership 125

Average attendance

Morning service 94

Evening service 48

Sabbath School 81

Prayer meeting 20

Collection for Boards

Church $201.00

Sabbath School 16.00

W.H. & F. M. S. 40.00

C.E. 30.00

Junior C.E. 8.00


Home Mission $99.00 Gen Assembly fund

Foreign " 120.00 $20.88

Bd Education 10.00 Cong Expense 2098.00

" S.S. Work 11.00 Miscellaneous 207.00

Church Erection 8.00 No [illegible] 101

Relief & sustentation 18.00 [illegible] Envelopes 87

College Board 10.00 Current Expense 86

Temperance 10.00 Benevolences 55

Other Contribution 14
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 187)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 187)


[page 187]

[corresponds to numbered page 199 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



Apr 14 Session met in session

room of church

Present Rev W M Hyde Jr Mod

Elders Ketcham Chamberlin

Lane V Condit

After Prayer by Moderator

the minutes of the last year

were read and approved

by vote of session

S.S. Condit Clk


While we have nothing striking

to relate yet we can say that

our church has progressed more

than the ordinary under the

ministrations of our very

efficient pastor Rev W.M. Hyde Jr

We have greatly reduced our

church indebtedness. Also have

done some repair work on our

church building. Also have

Frecoed the walls in very pretty

oil colors Also have installed

a Delco lighting system in both

the Church & Parsonage at a cost

of $570.00 and ore important

than all our community spirit

has been fostered and a spirit of

good will exists in a more than

usual degree. Services have been

regularly held and well attended

and a spirit of good will prevails

Resp Submitted

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 188)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 188)


[page 188]

[corresponds to numbered page 200 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Examined and Approved at Kenton Ohio

April 16, 1918

J.R. Lloyd


June 16 1918

Session met in manse before church service

Present Moderator Rev W M Hyde Jr and

Elders Chamberlin Lane & Condit

After prayer by Mod Letters of dismission

were granted to Mr D.E. Bricker

Mrs Nora M. Bricker, and Chas. C. Bricker

all of Galena O to the ME Church

of Galena O

Rev Hyde asked and was granted

permission to take his regular

vacation June 24 for three weeks.

Adjourned after prayer by Clk

L S Condit Clk

July 29 1918

Session met in session room.

Present with the moderator Elders

Chamberlin & Condit. After pray by

Elder Chamberlin the service granted

letters to Mr Forst Bale & his wife

Mrs Florence Bale. Closed with prayer

by Mod

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 189)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 189)


[page 189]

[corresponds to numbered page 201 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



Sept 15

Session was called together by

Pastor after church service

After prayer by the moderator

Rev W M. Hyde. Mr S.C. Ketcham

was elected a delegate to the fall

meeting of Presbytery to be held

at the "Old Blue" Church

Elders present Ketcham Condit

Chamberlin & Lane

L S Condit Clk

Oct 6th

Session convened in sermon room. Led

in prayer by Moderator

A Letter of dismission was granted to

Miss Edith Condit to unite with the

Freeman Ave ^M.E. Church Cincinnati O

No other business ther service closed with

prayer by Elder Chamberlin

L S Condit Clk

Jan 1 1919

At the annual New Years Dinner

at our church today the session was

called together all members present.

After prayer by moderator a delegation

was appointed to attend the meeting

at the Central Presbyterian Church

Columbus O consisting of Rev

Wm Hyde & W C Chamberlin. This

meeting is called in the interest

of the New Era Movement

The session also instructed the

clerk to issue a letter of dismission

to John B. Miller of Galena to the

Galena M.E. Church.

Closed with prayer

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 190)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 190)


[page 190]

[corresponds to numbered page 202 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Jan 13 1919

As per previous arrangement the session

met this evening at the home of Elder

S C Ketcham all members present

After prayer by the Moderator, Rev

Hyde explained more fully the aim

of the "New Era Movement" And the

evening was spent arranging for

the work in our church, appointing

the various committees and mapping

out the work of the same. Also the

need of a special evangelistic meeting

was discussed but no definite time

set for such meeting

After prayer by Elder Chamberlin

session closed L S Condit Clk

Feb 9 "19

As per call Session convened after

the evening church service. All members

present except Mr Lane The subject

under consideration was the carrying

out of the plans of the New Era Movement

and harmonizing them with our

plans for an Evangelistic meeting

to be held in March. Our pastor

having arranged with his father to

come and conduct the meetings for

a week or more after which he would

carry in the work himself as seemed

best. Closed with prayer by Mod

L S Condit Clk

Feb 16 "19

A short session was held after the

morning service Elders Ketcham Chamberlin

& Condit present. The session ratified the

action of Moderator & Clerk in giving Mrs

Joy Cline a letter to the Howard M E

Church of Howard O. Closed with prayer

by Mod Rev Hyde L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 191)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 191)


[page 191]

[corresponds to numbered page 203 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Feb 23

Session convened after Church

services Sabbath evening. All members

present excepting Lane

A Committee was chosen to appertain

the amount each member would

be asked to contribute to the New Era

Fund. Said Committee consisted

of L.S. Condit of the session

and Charles Comstock representing

the Trustees. Meeting opened & closed

with Prayer

L S Condit Clk

A few days later the above

named Committee met at the

home of Mr Comstock and went

over the roll of membership and carefully as possible estimated

the amount each should give.

As a result of the every member

canvass the whole amount asked

for was pledged and about

one hundred dollars more.

Mar 14 At a meeting L S C Clk

of the Elders and trustees at the

home of L.S. Condit after prayer by

Mod Rev Hyde. Elders Ketcham and

Condit being present. The work of

the appertaining committee was

revived and ratified and

and the canvasses appointed to

make the every member canvass

Adjourned after prayer

L S Condit Clk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 192)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 192)


[page 192]

[corresponds to numbered page 204 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Apr 8 1919

As per call of Mod Session met

at Manse. After prayer by Rev

Hyde a Resolution carried to give

Mrs Nettie Cook a Letter of dismission

to the Primitive Baptist Church of

Center Village O.

Arrangements were made for the

Annual meeting to be held at the

Church on Apr 15 evening.

A Committee composed of

Miss Grace Condit Mrs Hazel Chamberlin

and Mrs Abbie Wright was elected to

arrange for a banquet to be given

at this congregational meeting

A Revision of the roll of membership

revealed the following

Present membership 160

Dismissed to other churches 9

Deaths 2

After due deliberation the following

names on the delinquent roll were dropt

Ed Stevens Mabel Stevens as Seley Cook

Goldie Jacobus Ed Stevens Mabel Stevens

Elected as delegate to spring meeting

of Presbytery at Urbana Apr 22

L S Condit & [illegible] W E Chamberlin

Closed with prayer by L S Condit

L S C Clk

Apr 19

Session called to order by Mod at close

of Preparatory Service Elders absent Lane

and Chamberlin. Minutes of sessional

meetings for fiscal year read and

approved. Mod Rev Hyde led in

opening prayer and Elder Ketcham in a

word of prayer at close

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 193)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 193)


[page 193]

[corresponds to numbered page 205 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Apr 1st Church Statistics for fiscal year

1918 Church Services {Morning 74

to March {Evening 34

31 - 1919 Attendance {Prayer Meeting 18

{Young People

{in attendance 40%

No Elders 4

" Deacons 0

" Additions 0

" Dismissed by Letter 9

" Deceased 2

Net Total Communicants 160

Baptisms 0

{Home Missions $150.00

Contributions {Foreign Missions 159.00

{Education 14.00

{Sabbath School Work 15.00

{Church Erection 13.00

{Relief and Sustentation 15.00

{Freedmen 19.00

{Colleges 13.00

{Temperance 15.00

{General Assembly 20.88

{Congregational 1812.21

{Miscellaneous 52.00

The quota assigned to our church

in the Victory Fund was 625.00

which fund has been overscribed

Contributions {Officers & Teachers 12

{Sunday School Report {Pupils all ages 98

{Board Foreign Missions $26.60 {Membership 110

{ " Home Missions 10.38 {Average Attendance 59

{ " S S Unions 5.61 {New members 6

{Self Support 108.08 {Pupils member of church 74

{Cradle Roll 9

{Home Department 12

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 194)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 194)


[page 194]

[corresponds to numbered page 206 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Examined and Approved at

Urbana Apr 22 1919

N.M. Hyde Jr.

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 195)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 195)


[page 195]

[corresponds to numbered page 207 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


May 18th 1919

At the close of the morning

service the congregation was

asked to remain to elect a

church Treasurer. After some five

nominations were made a ballot

was cast resulting in the election

of Edgar M Condit for a term

of two years

L S Condit Clk

Aug 3 1919

Session was called together after the

regular morning service to grant a

letter of dismission to Mrs Eva

Baumgartner to the Presbyterian Church

of Johnstown O. All members present.

Rev Hyde was granted the privilege

of a three weeks continuous vacation or

a two week vacation in Aug and

another two weeks later as he may

choose. He also discussed the matter

of asking for his resignation later

but was urged to remain. No vacation

however was taken at this time

L S Condit Clk

Sept 7 1919

Session convened after church

services closed for the purpose of

granting a letter of dismission to

Miss Alice Post now of Johnstown to

the Presbyterian Church of Johnstown O

All members of session present

Closed with prayer by Moderator

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 196)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 196)


[page 196]

[corresponds to numbered page 208 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


1919 Sept 14

At the close of the morning

service our pastor Rev W m Hyde Jr

called a meeting of the congregation

to offer his resignation as pastor and

to join with him in asking Presbytery

to dissolve the pastoral relationship

existing between this church as himself.

L.S. Condit was called to the chair

and after a motion by Elder Geo Lane

seconded by Trustee Chas Comstock a

short discussion was had followed by

a unanimous vote to comply with request

of the pastor. Dissolution to take effect about

the Middle of October

L S Condit Clk

At the Fall meeting held at Bell Center

Logan Co of the Marian Presbytery at which

meeting our church was represented by L.S. Condit

the Pastoral relationship existing between our

church & our Pastor Rev W.M. Hyde was released

Also Rev W. Bingham was appointed Moderator

of our session during vacancy of our pulpit

L S Condit Clk

Oct 5

Rev W.S. Bingham Pastor at large preached

for us and after the service he called

the officer of the church together to get

a line on the situation and also to request

the church to determine what salary could

be raised for an incoming pastor

also to announce that Rev Brice of

Marian Last Church would preach for

us as a candidate on Sabbath Oct 19th

morning or evening.

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 197)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 197)


[page 197]

[corresponds to numbered page 209 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


1919 Oct 12

Our session was called in session

After the morning service All members

of session viz Mod Rev W M Hyde

Elders Ketcham Lane Chamberlin & Condit

being present. On motion the following

persons were given letters of dismission

Elder W.C. Chamberlin, Mrs Edith Chamberlin

Joseph Chamberlin, Ralph Chamberlin &

John Chamberlin to the Hope Memorial

Presbyterian Church of Camp Chase O

Mrs Lenore Hyde to the Pres Ch of Pomeroy O

Mrs Maggie Wilson Gerhardt to Sunbury Baptist Church

Closed with prayer by Mod.

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 198)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 198)


[page 198]

[corresponds to numbered page 210 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


1920 Mar 21

By permission of our Moderator

Rev J S Bingham of Delaware O

our session met in S S Room after

regular church services. Present

Elders Ketcham Lane & Condit and

granted letters to the following persons

Mr and Mrs William Jacobus and

Mrs Floyd Cring.

It was also decided to hold a weeks

meeting the week prior to Easter. Our

supply Rev J.M. Huston will have

charge and conduct the services.

L S Condit Clk

Mar 28

Session convened in session room

Present Elders Ketcham Lane & Condit

Mrs Bessie Hunt Wilson (wife of E O Wilson)

presented her letter from the "Blue Ball"

Presbyterian Church of Middletown O

By action of session her letter was

accepted and her name ordered placed

on our church "Roll of Membership". Closed with

Prayer By order of Session L S Condit Clk

Apr 18

Session met in Session room. The letters

of Mr & Mrs Bert Miskimen from of The

Plainfield M E Church of Plainfield O were

read and accepted and the clerk instructed

to enter their names on our church roll.

Elder Condit was elected a delegate to

the Presbyterical meeting at Mt Gilead

Closed with prayer by Elder Ketcham.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 199)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 199)


[page 199]

[corresponds to numbered page 211 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Apr 18 1920

Owing to the fact that we had no

Pastor for last half of year we have not

so good a report as we have sometimes had

However we have had preaching services

every Sabbath and in most cases two

services each sabbath. With only one

exception and that day was provided

for but an account of the extreme cold

and the presence of "flu" in our midst.

at the suggestion of the supply the

services ^were call off. The only Evangelist

services during the year were held by

our present supply for one week prior

to Easter. The attendance at those meetings

was good considering that the weather

for farm operations was extra good

and many of our members were very

busy. Owing to many removals our

working membership has depleted.

We are being supplied at present by a

Baptist Minister Rev J.M. Huston of Sunbury.

very acceptable to our members. Have

had however served candidates but

none seemed to give sufficient satis-

faction to justify our taking a vote

of our congregation.

Financial Statement

Total money received during year $2,019.10

Expenditures during year {Rev Hyde $541.65

preaching {others 365.00

New Era { 625.00

Other expenses { 405.55

Bal on hand 81.90


L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 200)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 200)


[page 200]

[corresponds to numbered page 212 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Examined and approved in

Presbytery at Mt Gilead, O. April 19, 1920

Chas. K. Alexander


June 20 1920

Session convened in session

room of church. Present Elders Ketcham

Lane & Condit. Moderator Rev

J.S. Bingham, Chairman New Era Com.

Marian Presbytery. There appeared

before the session Mrs Caroline Kennedy

of Ames Iowa asking for a letter

to the Collegiate Presbyterian Church of

Ames. As she had been absent

from this church for about Fifty years

her name had long ago been dropped

So at the suggestion of the Moderator

she was reinstated and a letter was

given. The matter of the Presbyterial

Evangelistic Campaign was duly

considered and some arrangements

were made for same.


Mr & Mrs Dwight Hoover was received

by letters from the 1st M E Church of

Miami Florida. Having been dismissed

to that church in Dec 1918

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 201)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 201)


[page 201]

[corresponds to numbered page 213 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


March 27 1921

Session met in S S Room with

Rev W S Bingham as Moderator

There appeared before the session

The following persons for examin-

ation. Mr Thomas Shoemaker

Verne Ringer Mrs Thomas Shoemaker

Robt McBrown Paul Shoemaker

Gladys Shoemaker Bert Miskimen Jr

Mrs Downing Mark Miskimen

Marri Williams

Louise Clevinger

Noah William Green

Earl Green

Percy Downing

Camille Huston

Prayer by Elder Ketcham

After a brief examination ^by Bingham. The session

closed without a vote being ^taken to admit

the candidates to the church

Closed with prayer by Elder Condit

L S Condit Clk

Later It was considered wise by the session

and Pastor to give the applicants a course in

training on what it means to be a christian

and reexamine and admit them just previous

to our next communion L S C

Apr 17

Session met in S.S. room Present Ketcham

Lane & Condit Elders. In the absence of our

Moderator Mr Condit was chosen as Moderator

Mrs Millie Jennings presented a letter of

dismission from the U.B. Church of Canal

Winchester signed by N W Burtner Pastor

Upon motion of Mr Ketcham she was taken

into full commission with our church

and was formally admitted by our supply

Rev J M Huston L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 202)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 202)


[page 202]

[corresponds to numbered page 214 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Apr 17 1921

Taking a look back over the year

Just passed we find our church in

a very favorable condition as compared

with former years. We started out

with a supply in the person of J M [illegible]

a baptist minister formerly of Sunbury

and at the fall meeting of Presbytery he

made application to come into our Presbytery

Our regular communion season have

been observed and a good attendance

on such occasions. We had a S.S.

picnic at Greenwood Lake Delaware in

August and a very pleasant time.

We sent representatives to all regular meetings

of Presbytery and also to most of the extras

We had a time coming in the autumn

which was attended by nearly all our

living pastors and supplies and a large

number of our old membership. A very

enjoyable season it proved to be for all.

Our Presbyterian Guild has kept up its

regular meetings during the year. They

have been remarkable well attended.

Our Young married men's bible class

"The Gideons" put on a lecture course

that was a success. Giving us a fine

course of entertainments at a reasonable

price and had enough money left to

make a neat sum for the famine relief

We also observed our custom of a

New Years dinner at the church at which

time a state speaker for the Farm Bureau

gave us an address. A goodly number

were present and an excellent time for all

Our Evangelistic meeting conducted

by Rev J.S. Bingham was very well

attended considering the bad weather and
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 203)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 203)


[page 203]

[corresponds to numbered page 215 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


The bad condition of our roads

A very good attendance was had and

a considerable interest was seen

Quite a number of our S.S. children

expressed a desire to lead a christian

life. And arrangements have been

made for Mr Huston to take them

into a class during the Sunday School

hour and give them instructions in

Christian living after which we

expect to receive them into the church

Our finances have been fairly well

met. On Apr 1st 1919 our expenses

including our pastors salary were all

paid and a balance in Treasury of $80.

But our New Era fund had only a

small part been paid but enough

funds not yet paid appeared on

the treas. book to pay all our appointment

We started the year with a membership

of 126 of which we lost 4 by death, one by

dismission. Received 2 by letter and restored one

leaving us a membership of 124

The Treasurers books show that we have

collected and expended as follows

{General Assembly $18.60

Fifteen Hundred of {Congregational 1845.60

this was paid to {Miscellaneous 94.00

Rev J.M. Huston { Total 1958.20

Resp'y Submitted

L.S. Condit Clk

P.s. In addition to the above our quota

for the New Era fund is $780.00. to meet

which we have enough subscribed but

not yet paid in.

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 204)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 204)


[page 204]

[corresponds to numbered page 216 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Examined & approved in Presbytery at

Crestline April 19th 1921

Arthur M. Stevenson, Moderator

May 15 1921

At a meeting of session in the

session room held before the preaching

service with elders Ketchum and Condit

and Moderator W S Bingham present

the subject of Rev Hustons installation

was taken up. After due deliveration

it was decided to call a meeting of

the congregation for Sabbath morning

May 29th to take action up on a call.

Mr Huston has been with us now

for more than a year and at the last

meeting of Presbytery was received

-after a thorough examination into

Presbytery. The moderator agreed to ask

Rev Evans the Moderator of Presbytery to

appoint Rev Huston as Moderator of

our session until such time as he

may be installed as our Pastor

Adjourned by prayer by Elder Ketcham

L.S. Condit Clk
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[corresponds to numbered page 217 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


May 29 1921

A Congregational meeting was held

today as per previous announcement

- after the regular preaching service

for the purpose of voting on a call

to Rev J.M. Huston our supply for

more than a year. The mailing

was in charge of Rev W.S. Bingham

who preached a sermon and

proceeded at once to the matter

in hand After due preliminaries

the ballot was cast resulting in

a vote of Sixty four (64) in favor and

three (3) against the call.

The call was therefore made out

and signed by the officers of the

church as follows Elders Ketcham

Lane & Condit. Trustees Comstock


L. S. Condit Clerk

The following named persons were

baptized by Rev Bingham

Noah Green Earl Green Percy Dowing

Ferne Ringer Bert Miskimen Jr

May Miskimen Robt McBroom

Louise Clevinger Marie Williams

Camille Huston Louisa Sanders Tom Shoemaker

Mrs T Shoemaker Mrs Downing
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 206)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


1921 July 3

Session met before the morning

service at Manse Prayer by Ketcham

After due consideration the following

named applicants were by action

of session admitted to membership

and their names added to the

church roll

Bert Miskimen Jr Earl Green

Mary Miskimen Louise Clevinger

Mrs Etsey Downing Marie Williams

Percy Downing Camille M Huston

Fern Ringer Louise Sanders

Robt McBrown Thomas Shoemaker

Noah Green Mrs Thomas Shoemaker

Merle Geddes

At the church service following this

meeting of session the above named

persons were publicly admitted to the

church except the following named

persons who were not present

Thomas Shoemaker Mrs Shoemaker

L.S. Condit Clerk

July 17

Session met in session room present

Rev Huston Moderator Elders Ketcham Lane

and Condit Prayer by Clerk.

The object of the meeting to appoint

delegates to a called meeting of Presbytery

at Marion July 21st

On account of the busy season only

our pastor was elected to attend this

meeting and he was authorized to

use his own Judgment regarding the

placing of his call for action at this

session of Presbytery. Closed with Prayer. L.S.C.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 207)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sept 8 1921

At a service specialy arranged

for the installation of Rev J.M. Huston

as Pastor of Trenton Church was effected

Rev Watkins of Delaware preached the

sermon. Rev Terney of Kingston delivered

the charges to the Pastor and People

and Rev Rohrbaugh of West Berlin

made a few very applicable remark

In all the service was very interesting

and was well attended and well


L S Condit Clk

Sept 11

Session met and after prayer by

Elder Ketcham Elder Lane was elected

a delegate to the regular fall meeting

of Presbytery to be held at Spring Hill

After a discussion of plans for some

form of evangelistic work for the

coming autumn the session closed

with prayer by the Pastor

L S Condit Clk

Oct 9

At a Joint meeting of the Trustees

and Session opened by prayer by

the Pastor. the matter of a short

Evangelistic meeting about the middle

of November was considered with the

help of Rev Helstad of Crestline and

possibly of Mrs Henry Davis of Sunbury

to be preceeded by a Tuesday meeting

conducted by Prof Dean Vivian of

O.S.U. as a sort of Community

gathering in the interest of Farm Problems

Also the employing a new System

was discussed. Present all of Session

and Comstock Lane & Jennings of the

Board of Trustees. Closed with prayer by

L.S. Condit Clk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 208)


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[page 208]

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County Ohio 1873-1937]


1922 Jan 15

Session was called together by

Pastor. Action was taken regarding

a letter of admission presented by

Mrs F.G. Lane. from the Trenton Christian

Church. By vote of Session the letter

was accepted and Mrs. Canes name

Ordered placed upon the Church roll

Also a letter of dismission was

granted to Carey M Pole to the

M. E. Church of Sunbury O.

L. S. Condit. Clk

Jan 29

At a sessional meeting after Services

today. Upon request letters were granted

to Mr Chas Johnson and his wife

Mrs Eva Johnson to unite with the

Baptist Church of Sunbury O.

No further business the session was

adjourned with prayer by Pastor.

L. S. Condit Clk

Jan 1

According to our custom of recent

years our annual New Years dinner

was given by the Ladies of the Church

on Sat Dec 31.

A goodly number were

present and a very enjoyable time

was had by all present.

Our Pastor was not present as he

was away on a visit to his mother

in Alabama

On Sabbath Jan 8 Rev Brew of the Ohio

Church Federation was with us and

Preached Sabbath morning and in

the evening after his sermon he

organized the community for a canvas

or rather a survey of the township
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 209)


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[corresponds to numbered page 221 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


and a corp of canvassers were

appointed to make the survey in

the interest of the O Church Federation

L S Condit Clk

Feb 23

On Wednesday afternoon the session

together with one trustee and the Treasurer

met in the SS room to arrange the work

for the coming yearly spring meeting and

the church work for the year. Present

Pastor Huston. Elders, Ketchan, Lane, & Condit.

Trustee Lane, and Treas Miskimen.

The church membership roll was gone

over and a list of the lagging was

made and the pastor agreed to visit

them and endeaver to interest them in

more active work. Then the matter of

an election of two more elders was

considered and it was decided to hold

an election for this purpose.

The "Every member canvass" was then taken

up and Sabbath afternoon March 12 was

the day appointed for this work.

The budget was then made up and also

a committee was named to adjust

the amounts that each member or family

should contribute to the budget.

This committee of three namely B. Miskimen

Chas Comstock and Edgar Condit.

The advisability of continuing as Supt.

of our S.S. a man not a member of the

Presbyterian Church and not an active

member of his own church was discussed

but no action taken at the time.

This meeting was opened by prayer by

Elder Ketcham and closed with prayer by

Elder Lane

L. S. Condit clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 210)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]



Mar 19 At close of sermon today our Pastor

announced that he had accepted a

call from a Baptist Church in Akron

O. and then asked the congregation to

unite with him in petitioning Presbytery to

dissolve the Pastoral relationship.

As it was considered out of order

a weeks time was given and an

announcement made that on Sabbath

Mar 26 the vote would be taken

L S Condit clk

Mar 26

A short meeting of session before the

Church Service. All members of service

present. Prayer by Pastor. Arrangements

for the congregations vote were made

also for a meeting of service and

other officers of the church to prepare

for the yearly congregational meeting

was set for Thursday P.M. Mar 28

The yearly congregational meeting was

set for Mar 31 evening

Service closed with prayer by Lane

L S Condit

After the church service the vote of the

congregation on the resignation of Pastor

resulted in a unanimous vote in

the affirmative.

By request a letter of dismission was

granted to Miss Mary Cring to the

Central Pres Church of Columbus O

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 211)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Examined and approved by Presbytery

at Marion April 18th 1922

Harry W. Barr, Moderator

April 1922

At the regular Spring meeting of

Presbytery held at Marion O. The

relationship existing between Rev J M

Hustin and the Trenton Pres Church was

dissolved and Rev Chas Rohrbaugh

was appointed moderator of our session

and also delegated to preach the next

sabbath and declare our pulpit vacant

Elder Condit represented the church at

this meeting of Presbytery

L S Condit

April 30

Rev Rohrbaugh preached for us this

morning and declared our pulpit

vacant as directed by Presbytery.

Also notice was given that on May 7th

there would be two elders elected

L. S. Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 212)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


May 7

As previously announced and

arranged for Rev Jas Best of Westerville

O preached and moderated a meeting

for the election of two elders.

Five candidates were nominated and

the election resulted in Edgar M Condit

and Chauncy Post were duly elected

A meeting of the session at which

Elders Ketcham Lane & Condit were

present. At the manse before the

church service at which time the

arrangements were made for the

election. As Mr Post positively

refused to serve no date was set

for the ordination services

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 213)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Mar 18

Since Apr 16 the day our

former pastor Rev A M Hustin

preached his last sermon we have

had our regular services every

sabbath except one.

Our pulpit has been supplied with

with a candidate or supply.

Our congregations have been fairly

large. S.S. well attended and

all have worked well and smoothly.

On Aug 27 a young man from

Bedford N.H. was with us as a

Candidate and on Sept 3 gave

a call to Rev C. R. Thomas

Rev Rohrbaugh our moderator was

present Preached a sermon and

moderated a meeting which resulted

in a unanimous vote to Rev Thomas

The call was accepted and on

on Oct 18th commenced his labors

with us.

Our regular communion service had

been postponed to this date

A special session of Presbytery was

Called to meet in our church on Friday

Nov 24 for the purpose of installing

Rev Thomas. Presbytery was represented

by Rev's Harris

The terms of the call included a salary

of (1600) Sixteen Hundred Dollars paid monthly

together with free use of manse.

Our church plant is equipped with a

Delco Light plant and pastor is given

free use of same

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 214)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


On Jan 1st 1923 our church held

our annual community dinner

A goodly number were present

and an enjoyable time was had

by all present

Jan 8

Session met & approved the letters of Mr & Mrs

Jesse McLain of Linten Mills M.P. Church who

were then publicly received and names enrolled. L S C. Clk

Mar 25

As previously announced. After the

morning service Mr. Edgar M Condit

was ordained a ruling elder

Mar 28

After the prayer service a session

meeting was held at which time

the letter of Mrs Chester Ford was

presented given her by the Bethel

Church. Present at this meeting

Rev C. R Thomas Mod. Elders Edgar M

Condit and L S Condit. Session

was opened by prayer by Edgar Condit

Mrs Fords letter was read and she

was admitted and her name ordered

entered on our church roll

L S Condit was elected a delegate to Presbytery

to be held in Bucyrus L S Condit Clk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 215)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Apr 1st

Session met in class room

Present Mod Rev Thomas and elders

Edgar M Condit and L S Condit

Prayer by Pastor

A letter granted Chester Ford by the

Trenton M. E. Church was presented and

admitted by session

Also Miss Clara Spearman appeared

before the session for admission on

profession of her faith

After a short examination she was

admitted. At the close of the morning

service she was baptized by the pastor

L S Condit Clk

Apr 15

After the morning service the session

convened and went over the annual report.

of "Church to Presbytery"

Same was unamimously adopted

L S Condit

Approved at Bucyrus, April 17th 1923

W. F. Heldstab

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 216)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]



Sabbath morning Aug 12 - 1923

Session convened at close of S. S.

Present Rev Thomas Moderator Elders

Edgar Condit S C Ketcham Geo Lane

And L. C. Condit Arrangements were

made for a supply while Rev Thomas

is away at Winona Lake.

Rev Glenn a former pastor will be

asked to supply on Aug 19th and

in case our Pastor concludes over Aug 26

the clk was asked to arrange for a

supply for that date

L. S. Condit Clk.

Sept 26

As anounced on previous Sabbath

Session convened at close of prayer

meeting. Present Elders Edgar Condit

L S Condit and also by invitation of

pastor the entire attendance at prayer

meeting remained and took part in

the discussion. The object of the meeting

as stated by pastor was to consider three

things viz Shall we hold a series of

special meetings If so when? and

Shall we employ a singer to assist

After a thorough discussion the following

was agree upon That we begin

a special meeting about the 11th of

Nov and also that Rev Thomas was

appointed a committee to secure sub

helper. Closed with prayer by Pastor

L. S. Condit Clk

Nov 11th

Session met in session room after S. S.

Present Pastor Condit Lane & Condit. Occasion

being the Rev Scott of Dayton who was

present in the interest of the Dorthy

Love Home. and wanted the sanction

of the session before presenting his plea for

funds. Same was given L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 217)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Dec 24/1923

Session was called together on Sat. eve

after a two weeks meeting held by

our Pastor - assisted by an evangelistic

singer - that were well attended and a great

deal of interest was manifested

The following presented themselves

for examination and were admitted

to the membership of the Church

Harriett P Lane Mildred E Cross

Richard Spencer Gladdy Shoemaker

Ella M spencer Ruth M Murphy

Catharine Lattimer Elizabeth Geddis

Elden J Condit

Albert Mecker George M Ford

Melvin Borden Arthur Glaze

Stanley Cockrell Mrs Nellie Glaze

Mary Longshore Edgar J williams

Mildred Ford Maude Williams

Florence B Saunders

Lola D Jennings

And in this Sabbath morning the

above were publicly received into

the church

L S Condit Clk

Jan 1 1924

We held our regular New Year's day

Community meeting and dinner in

our Church. A large number participated

in the joyous gathering
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 218)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


As we take a glance over the work

that has been accomplished since our

Pastor has been with us we find the

following material things

A new bell was installed in the

belfry and it not proving satisfactory

was returned and another one installed

in its place. The manse has been

greatly improved by corking the windows

putting in new registers and return

air pipes to improve the heating

capacity of the furnace. A changing

of the water system that supplies the

kitchen and bath room.

A large bulletin board placed on corner

of church lot.

A tall flag pole planted in front of


The taking down of the barn built to

accommodate a horse & buggy and

a cow with more room above moving

and rebuilding into a fine large

garage and work shop together with

a room for the Delco plant that was

formerly installed in the cellar

A new floor covering was purchased

and laid in our church parlor

A new aisle covering for our Church

and finally a new name for our

Church The First Presbyterian Church

of Condit O

All of which has been the direct result

of the energy skill and work man-

ship of our Pastor Rev C R. Thomas

A total of about three thousand dollars

has been raised the last year by our


That we think is quite a record when
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 219)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


we consider that ours is a rural

community and the farmers like

the farmers of the whole country

have suffered severely from the

worst depression the present generation

has ever known

The spiritual affairs have also been well cared for

Our congregation have been unusably

large. Our prayer meetings have

been well attended and intensely

interesting Our S. S. has flourished

better than usual

For all of which we feel like

Praising God for sending us such

a devoted laborer

L S Condit

Approved with exceptions that meetings

of Dec 24th 1923, Jan 1st 1924 are unsigned

Kenton O April 21st 1924

F M Kunsley Modtr
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 220)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sunbury O Sept 1st 1924

We find ourselves without a

Pastor now as Rev Thomas has

Preached his last sermon today

On June 24th last a party of 4

men dropped in to hear our pastor

preach and as a result in the

following sabbath our pastor called

the officers of the church together after

the evening service and told us

in confidence that the men

were a committee from the Church

of Ada O looking for a candidate

for their pulpit.

Later the Ada Church gave

Rev Thomas a call and he accepted

We were loth to let him go but he

considered it a call to a larger

field of wider usefulness and we

gave him up fully appreciating

the splendid work he had done

in our midst while he was with

with us. Hoping we may be guided in

the work of selecting and calling a

new man by the spirit of the Lord.

L. S. Condit Clk of Session

Sunbury O Sept 24 1924

At an informal meeting of our

session held Sept 21st to appoint a

delegate to presbytery as neither of

the other elders could leave home I

was appointed as the delegate

and at the meeting of Presbytery

after the dismissal of Rev Thomas

Rev Rohrbaugh was appointed as
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 221)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


moderator of our session and also

to come next sabbath and preach

and declare our pulpit Vacant.

L S Condit Clk

Sunbury O Sept 28 1924

Rev Rohrbaugh came today

to fulfill the requirements of presbytery

and declare our pulpit vacant

L S Condit Clk

Sunbury O Dec 21 1924

Our senior Elder passed away

yesterday at 4 oclock A. M.

Our dear Bro S. C. Ketcham had been

an active and efficient Elder in our

church for a long term of years

(55 Years) Always ready for any service his

church might call him to fulfill

He had served the church as Supt of

the Sabbath for some twenty five

years He was Choirister and Choir

Leader until recent years as the

infirmities of age crept upon him

he was compelled to give up his

work His remarkable Pleasing voice

will be greatly missed

Bro Ketcham died as he had

lived trusting in his Savior

Our loss is his eternal gain.

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 222)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sunbury O

Jan 1st 1925

Our annual New Years Community

meeting was held today.

A Goodly number were present and

all employed themselves.

We have succeeded in having

our Pulpit filled every sabbath

so far either with a Candidate or

a supply and our congregation

have been fairly large.

Have had a number of elderly men

as candidates that were capable and

efficient men but our congregation

has evidently set their hearts on

some young man. We are hoping

the right one will come soon.

L. S. Condit Clk


Feb 8th On Jan 25 last we heard a candidate

from Chicago Rev J.F. Lee of McCormack Sen

a young man whose wife had been trained

in the Merdy Bible Institute of Chicago and

on Feb 1st we called the congregation together

to vote on a call to Mr Lee which resulted

in 26 votes in favor and 8 opposed

by balloting We then asked the con-

gregation to make it unanimous by a

rising vote which resulted in 26 votes.

The result of this vote was sent Rev Lee

and he accepted and today Rev Marshall

being present preached a sermon and after

moderated a meeting making out a call

and so our period of candidating ends

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 223)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sunbury O 3-17-"25

Session met at Edgar Condits

Present Edgar Condit Geo Lane & L S Condit

After prayer by Edgar were than an

hour was spent looking over the reports

and communications received by Clerk

and arranging for the work in hand

No resolution passed. session closed with

prayer by L S Condit Clk

Sunbury O 3-19-25

As arranged per at previous session we

met at Edgar Condits tonight to revise

our membership roll.

The work in hand was taken up after

prayer by Elder Geo Lane

We soon found an error in our last year's

list. It being too large by eight

The corrected list follows

The list for last year should have been 158

One suspended and two deaths leave 155

for this year.

Adjourned after prayer by L.S. Condit Clk

Sunbury O 4-26-25

As has so frequently occurred of late neither

Edgar Condit nor Geo Lane could leave home

to attend Presbytery so I had to go

Presbytery met at Delaware Apr 20th

After the call previously extended Rev J.F. Lee

of McCormick Seminary had been found in

order Presbytery proceeded to examine Rev Lee

for admission to Presbytery after which

Rev Lee and Elder Condit were appointed
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 224)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


A committee to arrange for the

Installation of Rev Lee over the

Condit Church. Later committee reported as

follows Installation services to be held

at Condit Church May 7th

Rev T.F. Watkins to have charge of service

and preach the sermon

Rev Harris to give the charge to Pastor

Rev J.T. Marshman to charge the congregation

Elder L S Condit was elected a delegate

to the meeting of the Ohio Synod to meet

at Wooster June 22 - 26, 1925

L.S. Condit Clk

On the Last sabbath in Apr Rev Marshman

preached the last of a series

of sermons at the Condit Church

After the call to Rev Lee had been

accepted we prevailed upon Rev Marshman

to supply our pulpit which he did

most acceptably

L S Condit Clk

Apr 26 Today ends a period of vacancy in our

1925 churchs pastorates and a period of

candidating that has been rather [illegible]

in character in a way

Since Sept 1st last year we have had

services every sabbath but one and that

was on account of a misunderstanding

A goodly number of very efficient

men were given a hearing, beginning with

Rev Huber. Among them were Rev S Tinney

of Spring Hill, Phillips of Shady Side, Merwin

of Yatesboro of Pa. to whom we offered a

call at 1600 a year but he declined.

Also a number of Students of O.W.N.

to fill in between candidates.

L S Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 225)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]



June 22 After having several

informal conferences on the subject

we had an announcement given out

two weeks ago that today we would call

a meeting of the congregation at close

of preaching service to arrange for the

election of more elders

Meeting was called to order. Rev Lee as


Candidates were nominated as follows

Mr Dwight Hoover Roy Comstock

Mrs E O Wilson A. C. Condo

Mrs Lottie Merideth Burt Miskinnen

Mr Chas Green Chaney Post

Mr Jesse McLain

A motion then prevailed that the

election of three from this number

be voted in on July 5th

L S Condit Clk

July 5 A Close of services today the election

of Elders as decided on two weeks

ago was held resulting in the

Election of the four candidates left.

After all the other candidates had

positively withdrawn.

Those elected were

Dwight Hoover

Chas Green

Chancey Post L S Condit Clk

July 26 Sunbury O

At close of service today the newly

elected Elders viz Chas Green C.E. Post

and Dwight Hoover were ordained

Rev Lee officiating

L S Condit Clk

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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Jan 31 1926

Rev Lee called session for the purpose

of taking action on Mrs Lee's letter from

the Coolville Church or rather the Toreh Church in the Coolville charge

A Methodist Episcopal church in Athens

County O Rev Harry Dye pastor.

The letter being found in order

her name was ordered to be entered on

on church roll.

Prayer by Rev Lee preceded the action

of session and another prayer by Lee

closed the session L D Condit clk

Mar 14 1926

Rev Lee called the session to name a

date for the yearly Congregational Meeting

No definite date being decided upon the announcement

was made for a date between Mar 28 and Apr 4th

L S C Clerk

Mar 28 Session called by Rev Lee to fix date of cong Meeting

Elders Lane Condit and Clerk present

Prayer by Lee Date fixed for Mar 31st also

a request for a letter was asked by

M Floyd Lattimer to unite with the

Harlem M. E. Church of Harlem Tp Del Co O

Also a letter requested by Mrs Chester Ford to unite

with the Trenton M. E. Church

Both were granted L. S. C. clerk
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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Marysville, O., Apr. 19 & 20, 1926

Examined at Marion Presbytery and approved

without exception

J C McCoy - Moderator

Owing to the fact that there was a growing

dissatisfaction in the minds of our people due to

the Pastors inefficiency a non-official committee

was appointed at the April meeting of Presbytery

held at Marysville to confer with the Elders and

pastor of the church. After the chairman

of the committee Rev Marshman had gone over

the situation with the Elders Green E Condit

Hoover Doyt & L S Condit. He and Rev Harris

took Rev Lee aside and later reported that

after a full understanding of the situation

Rev Lee promised to resign Sept 1st

L S Condit

Aug 31 1926

At call of Edgar Condit a meeting of the

session was held at the church to ascertain

Rev Lee's failure to fulfill his promise

made to Rev Marshman & Harris at Marysville

Present Elders Post Lane Edgar Condit and

L S. Condit

Little information was gained save that

he was unwilling to resign until he had

another place. A lengthy discussion

followed. After several withdrawal

to the manse he consented to offer

his resignation to take effect Dec 1st

L S Condit

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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sept 19 1926

As previously announced the meeting

of the Congregation to vote on the

resignation of Rev Lee to take effect

Dec 1st 1926 was called at the close of

the morning service

Rev Lee appointed Elder Lane to the chair

and then proceeded to urge the members

to vote no on his resignation as he

much preferred to remain at Condit

He was then asked to retire from the room

while the vote was taken but he

preferred to remain and he and his wife

both voted. The chair appointed D Jennings

Roy Comstock and Gail Longshore to prepare

ballots and take the vote. D C Condit and

C Post were appointed Judges. Result of vote

33 for and 32 against resignation

The chair then claimed a right to vote and

Rev Lee handed him a ballot but when not

permitted he wanted to call another election

not being allowed to do this the vote was

allowed to stand as taken

Later the Elders were called in session to

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 229)


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[page 229]

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County Ohio 1873-1937]


appoint a delegate to presbytery that was

to meet the following day at Ostrander

Elder Edgar M Condit was chosen delegate

This closed a stormy session of both

Congregation and session

152 members L S Condit

Nov 28 26

Rev Lee called session at close of service

Present Chas Green Geo Lane

Edgar Condit & L S Condit

Mrs Lee desired a letter of dismission

to unite with the Presbyterian Church

at Gomer O

Same was granted and session closed

with prayer by Rev Lee

L S Condit clk

Dec 5

Rev Lees work having closed and Rev Lee Having

been appointed by Prsbytery as our Moderator He

came today to preach a sermon and declare

our pulpit vacant. Also at a meeting of

the church officers the needs of our church at

present time were discussed and it seemed

best that we depend upon supplies for a time

Edgar Condit and Chas Green were appointed

to have charge of this work. Dr Gee suggested

the name of Rev D Luther Evan of O. W. U. as a

good man for us.
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County Ohio 1873-1937]


March 31 1927

At a meeting of the Elders and Trustees a week ago

it was thought the time had come that we should

call for candidates we decided to invite Dr Gee

to attend this meeting. Being present he was chosen moderator

the following reports were read and approved

Report of last meeting. Report of Treasurer Report of

Missionary society. Young Peoples guild

the mens Bible Class. The Womens Bible Class.

No reports were given of the S. S. and C. E. Su

At Dr Gees suggestion we agreed to

have Rev Porter ask Rev G. H. Alexander of

Alburn Mich to be with us on Easter Sunday and

The Sabbath previous L S Condit clk

Apr 10 1927

Session met a close of service

to elect a delegate to presbytery to be held

at Mt Gilead Apr 18 & 19th

On motion Chas Green (Edgar Condit crossed out) was elected alternate

and Dwight Hoover elected delegate

Present Elders Green Hoover Lane

Edgar Condit & L. S. Condit

L S Condit moderator & clk

Apr 17 27

As previously arranged Rev Alexander

of Alburn Mich was with on Sabbath

Apr 10 and remained through the

week visiting among our people

and preached again today morning & evening

no arrangements being made to

give him a call he left for

Marion after the evening service

L. S. Condit


Without Exception


Date 4-19-27 Place Mt Gilead

Alfred W. Swan

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County Ohio 1873-1937]


On advice of Rev. Gee, a meeting of the congregation was

held immediately after the sermon. L. S. Condit elected chairman.

A Committee duly appointed to prosecute the call of Rev. Rice at

a special meeting of Presbytery consisted of C. E. Green and

L S Condit. A Rising vote as to the church assuming the

moving expenses of Rev. Rice resulted in 14 ayes, 4 noes.

Adjourned to meet at call of our Moderator Rev Gee.

L S Condit Chm

July 10, 1927

A meeting of the Elders E W Condit Geo Lane,

C. E. Green and L S Condit present was called to give

Mrs Ruth McBroom Williams a letter to the East Columbus

M. E. church. No Pledges for our Budget having been

solicited at the beginning of our church year, the Elders

apportioned the work into three teams of 2 men each.

L C Condit Clk
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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sept 4, 1927

At a meeting of the Session, Rev Rice Geo Lane, Edgar Condit

C. E Green. C. E. Post, Lorenzo Condit present, the

following presented themselves for examination

and were admitted to the membership of the church.

1. Mr Henry C. Cornell by letter, See Certificate.

2. Fern Cornell, his wife, do.

3. Estellah Lucile Cornell, By exam. & baptism.

4. Alva Clay Cornell, do.

5. Mrs Rilla H. Rice (Mrs. H G) By letter, see letter

6. Miss Geneneve Milligan Rice do.

7. Mrs Zada Esther Longshore (Mrs. Gail L) do.

8. Mr Truman Day do

9. Mrs. Catherine Day, his wife do

10 Wendell Excell Day do

11 Mrs Mildred Evelyn (Cross) Meredith, By exam & baptism

L S Condit clk.
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County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sept. 12 1927

On the call of our new pastor, the session met in the

parlor of the church, Elders L. S. & Edgar Condit, Geo Lane.

C. E. Green, & D. C. Hoover present. Opened with prayer.

L. S. Condit, after many years of faithful service as clerk

of the Session, presented his resignation and upon his refusal

to reconsider the matter, it was upon vote accepted.

Nominations for clerk were made as follows: Edgar

Condit and Dwight Hoover. A ballot was found to be in

favor of Hoover.

For delegates to Fall Meeting of presbytery with the

Urbana church, Geo Lane was chosen as Principal

and C. E. Green alternate.

For the program of installation to take place on Sept 28,

Rev Rice noted his choice of Messrs Gee of the Delaware

Church, Weltmer of the Berlin church and Hooker of Kilbourne.

Upon discussion as to times of ringing of our

church bell, it was decided that the best arrangement

would be on half hour before the first sermon each

sabbath morning and evening on Sat the opening of

each service.

Adjournment with prayer by Edgar Condit.

D. C. Hoover, clerk
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County Ohio 1873-1937]


December 1, 1927

The Session met in the home of Bro. Geo. Lane,

our pastor, L.S. Condit, Edgar Condit, C.E. Green and

the Clerk completing the roll. Opened with prayer.

The business of the evening was going over

the indexed roll of membership, making needed

corrections and assisting the pastor.

To observe as great an addition to our

church roll as at the September communion

service was not promising. A selection of

time for series of meetings in the late Winter

by the pastor was concurred in.

Dismissed with prayer.

D.C. Hoover, Clerk

January 17, 1928

The Session met in the home of Bro Edgar Condit,

Rev Rice Moderator, others present, Bros Lane, LS Condit,

and the clerk. Opened with prayer. The minutes of

the meetings of Sept 12 and December 1 were read and app

Upon discussion motion was put and carried that

our pastor should be in charge of our winters meetings.

In the matter of music it was ordered that Miss Carrie

Wilson should be sought to have charge of same.

No other time appearing more opportune, the time closer

was beginning Feb. 19, to close with observation of

the Lord's Supper on March 4, meetings of preparation

to be held on several nights of the week prior.

Closed with prayer.

D.C. Hoover, Clk
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County Ohio 1873-1937]


January 29, 1928

At the morning service Rev Rice, Bros L.G & Edgar

Condit, Geo Lane and the Clerk present, letter to 1st M E

Church, Miami, Fla was granted Mrs Grace Cring Green.

Closed with prayer.

D.C. Hoover, Clk

March 4, 1928

Before morning worship, Rev Rice, Bros Lane, Edgar

and L.S. Condit and the Clerk present; Elma Louis McClain

present herself for examination (having been baptised in

infancy). She, with Mrs Florinel Conway Cring, who

presented letter from First Presbyterian Church of Middleport,

Ohio, were welcomed, prior to observation of the Lord's Supper

Prayer opening and closing.

D.C. Hoover, Clerk

March 20, 1928

Session in the office of the Clerk at Sunbury. Rev Rice,

Bros Lane, Edgar & L.S. Condit concluding the roll.

Opened with prayer. Minutes of meetings Jan 17 & 29, and

March 4 read and approved.

The Church Roll was gone over carefully and made out

for the statistical report, 150 members. For the meeting

of Prebytery with Galion church April 16-17 Bro L S Condit

was elected delegate, C.E. Green alternate.

On motion and second of Bros L.S. Condit and Geo Lane,

the following resolution was carried. We ask the congregation

to adopt the following resolution at forthcoming annual

meeting. We, the members of the Condit congregation, at

the suggestion of the Elders, hereby change our way of

choosing Elders to the method now generally followed

in Presbyterian churches to the Rotary system, so that

one-third of the Ruling Elders will be chosen each year.

If this Resolution carries the session will divide

their own number, two serving for three years.

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two serving for two years, and two for one

year, from April 1, 1928.

Closed with prayer.

D.C. Hoover, Clk

April 15, 1928.

Session met at close of morning worship. Rev. Rice,

Bros L.S. & Edgar Condit, Geo Lane, C.E. Green, C.E.

Post and the Clerk present. Opened with prayer.

Minutes of meetings July 10, Sept. 4 and March 20

were read and ordered approved. Dismissal of Mr.

& Mrs Clyde Hannon to M.E. Church of Fredericktown

was concurred in.

In compliance with congregational action as asked for

at meeting March 20, a drawing resulted in the following

terms to be served as Ruling Elders:

Edgar Condit and the Clerk 2 yrs.

Geo. Lane and C.E. Green 1 yrs

L.S. Condit and C.E. Post 3 yrs.

Minutes of this meeting read and ordered approved.

Closed with prayer D.C. Hoover, Clerk.


Without Exception


Date Apr 1928 Place Galion

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County Ohio 1873-1937]


June 3, 1928

The session met prior to observance of

the Lord's Supper. Henry Merrill Courter, from the

home of Mr. & Mrs. G.A. Meredith, presented himself

for examination and membership. He was re-

ceived and his name ordered on the roll, having

been baptized in infancy.

Opened & closed with prayer. D.C. Hoover, Clk.

Sept. 9 1928

The session convened with prayer by

Rev. Rice. For delegates to the Fall meeting of

Marion Presbytery with Galion Church

Bro. C.E. Green was chosen as principal and

Edgar M. Condit as alternate. Closed with prayer by

Bro. L.S. Condit D.C. Hoover, Clerk

October 17,1928

According to announcement, the session met

with Bro. Edgar Condit, - Rev Rice, Moderator, and

the clerk present. Opened with prayer by Rev. Rice. Conferred

at length with regard to meetings for the spiritual

welfare of our church. Also moved by the clerk,

seconded by Edgar, and passed, directing the pastor to

cover in special sermons the work of our Different

Boards. Closed with prayer D.C. Hoover, Clk.
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County Ohio 1873-1937]


October 28,1928

The rite of baptism was administered in our

church to Eleanor Condit, daughter of Mr & Mrs

Dane Condit, and to Baby Mary Jean Cring,

daughter of Mr & Mrs C. Howard Cring, and

Baby Joan Sarchet, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Sarchet,

and granddaughter of our pastor and wife.

D.C. Hoover, Clerk

November 18, 1928

The session met with all present except

Bro. Post. The pastor was instructed to

present the plea of the Presbyterian Endowment

Fund ^for our Ohio Home in the near future, the Treasurer of the

Church to attend to the remittance. Closed

with prayer.

D.C. Hoover, Clerk

December 2, 1928

The session examined Ethel Saunders

and Eleanor Condit as to their faith and

teaching, and the enrolling of their names was

approved, the rite of baptism being administered

to Ethel at the morning service and both publicly

received. Opened & closed with prayer.

D.C. Hoover, Clerk.
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County Ohio 1873-1937]


December 9, 1928

Present at meeting of Session, H.G. Rice, Moderator,

Elders L.s. Condit, C E Green, Geo Lane & Edgar Condit

Miss Christine Baumgardner presented her letter of dis-

mission from the Millersburg Presbyterian Church and

Mr. Leland J. Fisher his letter from the Trenton Christian

Church, and they were ordered on the roll.

Robert Fisher Lane and Margaret May Lane, the elder of

Mr & Mrs Fenton G. Lane's children, asked to be admitted.

Upon examination as to their faith in Jesus and their

submission to Him and His will, it was so ordered

and after baptism their names were to be enrolled.

Opened & closed with prayer by the Moderator.

Edgar M. Condit

Clerk pro tem.

December 30, 1928

Present at meeting of Session, H.G. Rice, Moderator,

Elders Geo Lane, Edgar & L.S. Condit, opened with

prayer by moderator. Mr Chas. W. Smith presented his

letter from the Kingston (Old Blue) Church. Mrs Mary

Geddis Smith, wife, returned her letter which had been

given some years ago by this church but never placed

in another body. Both persons were reclined & enrolled.

Frank Geddis Smith, their son, presented himself for

examination and membership. He was received and

his name ordered on the roll after his baptism.

Closed with prayer.

Edgar M. Condit

Clerk Pro tem.

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County Ohio 1873-1937]


March 3, 1929

On the application of Clarence & Sada Wilson Geddis,

wife, for dismission to the Sunbury Methodist

Episcopal Church, the session met and

granted same. Closed with prayer by Moderator

Rice. D.C. Hoover, Clerk

March 12, 1929

The session met with Bro. Green, with all

present except Bro. Post. Prayer by Moderator Rice.

A re-checking of our membership roll was had.

The quickening of our responsibilities was dwelt

upon in a general discussion. Plans of a

spiritual canvass by a body of twelve working

in pairs, and a week of meetings beginning

Palm Sunday March 24 conducted by our pastor,

were approved. Closed with prayer, by all.

D.C. Hoover, Clerk

April 7, 1929

The session met, Present, Bro. Rice, moderator,

Elders L.S. & Edgar Condit, Lane, Green & the

Clerk. The annual report of the Sabbath school

and the church, to Presbytery, were ordered approved

As delegates to the Spring meeting with Bucyrus

Church, L.S. Condit was chosen as Principal

and Edgar Condit as alternate. Opened & closed

with prayer. D.c. Hoover, Clerk
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County Ohio 1873-1937]


April 14 1929

The session met. Bro Rice Moderator, Elders

present, Geo. Lane, L S & Edgar Condit and the clerk.

The clerk reported a satisfactory examination of

County Records as to title of our church property,

a tract 140 1/3 ft North and south, and 215 ft east

and west, as conveyed to Trustees in Delaware

County Record of Deeds, Vol 81, page 318, June 26,

1882, and the parsonage site an additional 150 ft.

west thereof as similarly conveyed in vol. 146,

page 39. No report could be given at this time as

to incorporation of our church body.

The minutes of all meetings of the year, in-

cluding this were ^read and on motion ordered approved.

Opened & closed with prayer. D.C. Hoover, Clerk


Without Exception


Date April 16, 1929 Place Bucyrus O

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County Ohio 1873-1937]


July 1, 1929

The Session met. Ev. Rice, moderator, L.s.

Condit, Geo Lane, C.E. Green, Edgar Condit and the

Clerk present, Elder Post absent. The

applications of Mrs Nina Edmister and sons

Harold & Earl for dismissal to The Presby-

terian Church of Mt. Vernon, Ohio. were

brought before us by our pastor, and while

their record of membership was obscure

owing to their removal from the community

for some years past, it was ordered that

letters be given.

The pastor reported the arrangements

throughout the Synod of Ohio, upon the

approval of Presbyteries, for a general

joining of churches in lending their pastors

as arranged by the committee for a week

of strengthening and in gathering this Fall,

in which movement we most heartedly


Opened and closed with prayer.

D.C. Hoover, Clerk

Sept 9 1929

A meeting of the Session was opened with prayer

by our moderator, Rev. Rice. Elders present,

L.S. Condit, C.E. Green and The clerk. Not present,

Edgar Condit, Geo Lane & C.E. Post. As delegates

to the fall meeting of Presbytery at DeGraff

Elder Post was chosen as Principal and

Elder Green as alternate. A general discussion

of ways and means leading to the success of

our meetings, was had, of which Rev. Mr C.W.

Donaldson of the Huron Church was to be in

Charge. In the matter of his entertainment,

Bro. Edgar Condit & the clerk were appointed a

Comm. Closed with prayer. D.C. Hoover, Clk
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County Ohio 1873-1937]


October 27, 1929

The session met prior to the observance

of the Lord's Supper, Rev. Rice, Moderator, with

a complete roll present, Elders L.S. Condit, Geo.

Lane, Edgar Condit, C.E. Green, C.E. Post and the Clerk.

Violet Rose Condit presented herself for exam-

ination and membership. She was received upon

her confession and her name ordered on the roll.

After baptism by our pastor at the service. The

application for dismissal of Mr. & Mrs. Morgan

Chamberlain to the Presbyterian Church of Plain

City, Ohio, was granted. Opened & closed with

prayer. D.C. Hoover, Clerk.

February 9, 1930

At a meeting of the Session, at the con-

clusion of the morning service led by our beloved

pastor's wife on account of his illness, the

application of Lloyd L Pace for dismissal

to the Stow Community Church near Akron

was granted. The grave financial situation

of our church as we approach the close of the

year was discussed but no formal action

taken. Closed with prayer. Present, Elders

L.S. & Edgar Condit, Geo. Lane and

D.C. Hoover, Clk.

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County Ohio 1873-1937]


February 25, 1930

Pursuant to the pastor's announcement, Session

met in the pastor's study at 8 p.m., Rev. Rice,

Moderator, Elder Geo. Lane and the Clerk present.

Opened with prayer by Rev. Rice. (Not present, Elders

L.S. & Edgar Condit, C.E. Green & C.E. Post)

The minutes of the meetings of Session on

July 1, 1929, Sept. 9, 1929, Oct. 27 1929 and Feb. 9,

1930, were read and on separate motion were

ordered approved. The letter of Miss Mary Cring

returning to the fellowship of this church from

the White Temple M.E. Church of Miami, Florida,

was presented, she was received into membership

and name ordered on the roll.

It was arranged that a Preparatory service he

held the coming Friday night. Closed with prayer

by Elder Lane.

D.C. Hoover Clerk

March 16, 1930

Session met before the morning preaching

service. Present, Rev. Rice, Moderator, Elders Geo

Lane and C.E. Post. Absent, Elders L.S. Condit, Edgar

Condit, C.E. Green and D.C. Hoover.

Miss Alice Post presented her letter from the

Johnstown Presbyterian Church and she was

received into membership and her name ordered

on the roll.

Adjourned. D.C. Hoover, Clerk.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 245)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


March 9, 1930

The Session met prior to the observance of the

Lord's Supper, Rev. Rice, Moderator, Elders L.S.

Condit, Geo. Lane, C.E. Post and the Clerk present.

Not present, Elders Edgar Condit and C.E. Green.

Erma Louise Longshore presented herself for

examination and membership. She was received upon

her confession and her name ordered on the roll

after baptism by our pastor at the service.

The letters of Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Chamberlain

returning to the fellowship of this church from the

Plain City Presbyterian Church were presented and

they were received into membership and their

names ordered on the roll. Opened and closed

with prayer.

D.C. Hoover, Clerk

April 6, 1930

The session met at the close of the evening

service. Rev. Rice, Moderator, Elders L.s. & Edgar

Condit, Geo. Lane, C.E. Green, the clerk and the

newly elected Elder, Chas. B Comstock, present.

Elder Post absent. Opened with prayer by Bro. Lane.

It was ordered that the reports to presbytery

be approved. For the Bellefontaine meeting April

21, Elder Green was chosen as Principal and L.S.

Condit alternate. Arrangements were made for

the ordination next Sabbath morning of Bro.

Comstock, in accordance with vote of congregational

meeting April 1, for three years term under the rotation

system, taking the place of D.C. Hoover.

The minutes of the meetings of Feb. 25, March 9,

March 16 and this were read and on separate motion

were ordered approved. Closed with prayer by

Rev. Rice D.C. Hoover, Clerk.
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With Exception


Date Apr. 22 '30 Place Bellefontaine


Record of Mar. 16, 1929

not signed

Report to Presbytery April 1, 1930

2 Additions by Profession

4 " Certificate

3 Dismissed

2 Deceased

151 Net total

118 S.S. members

30 Gen. As. & Sny. & Pres. fund.

2141 Current Receipts

30 Special Receipts

2201 Total of last three items.


30 Misc.

345 Denominational

425 Quota.

6 Elders

126 Res. members

25 Non-Res. members

2 Baptisms on Confession

3 " of Infants

Yes Every member [illegible]

Yes Stewardship Taught

Yes A Manse
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 247)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 247)


[page 247]

[corresponds to numbered page 259 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


May 4th 1930

The Session met after the morning Service

in the church. The meeting was opened

with prayer by the Moderator Rev. H.G. Rice.

Elders all present

L.S. Condit, Edgar M. Condit, C.E. Green

George Lane, C.E. Post, C.B. Comstock,

Elder Dwight C. Hoover having been

chosen as Trustee, and Mr Comstock

elected in his place; the clerkship

of the Session became vacant.

Mr Edgar M. Condit was chosen


It was decided to omit both

evening services May 25th on

account of the Baccalaureate

services in the High School of

Sunbury. This has been the usual


The Clerk and the Moderator were

authorized to give letters of dismiss-

al to any asking for them, when

there was no doubt about these,

whenever it was not convenient to have

the session called together. This

action to have the approval of the

Session at its first meeting


The meeting then adjourned

closed with prayer by Mr George Lane

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 248)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 248)


[page 248]

[corresponds to numbered page 260 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


June 2nd 1930

At the call of the Moderator

Rev. H.G. Rice, the Session met at

his home Monday evening

The meeting was opened with prayer

by the Moderator.

The minutes of the last meeting

were read and approved, after

which Elder C.E. Green was chosen

delegate and Elder L.S. Condit

alternate to the June meeting of


It was unanimously decided

that Rev. H.G. Rice have the whole

month of August for his vacation.

It was decided by vote to pay

to the Ohio Presbyterian Homes

the amount apportioned to this church.

The question then came up as to

whether it would be best to receive

the services of a monister from some

other church for special evangelistic

services or to use some other method,

after much discussion and not being

able to arrive at any decision the

Moderator asked that we find out

the will of the elders and let him

know the following Sabbath as it was

necessary to report at once to the committee

having this work in charge.

Elders present George Lane, Chas. Condit

Edgar M. Condit

Elders absent L.S. Condit, C.E. Post

C.E. Green Closed with prayer

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

The following Sabbath four of our elders

expressed themselves definitely as

not in favor of the exchange
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 249)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 249)


[page 249]

[corresponds to numbered page 261 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


pastors the other two were still undecid-

ed and Rev. H.G. Rice was so informed.

This action was to be approved at

a later meeting of Session

Edgar M Condit Clerk

Sept 7th 1930

The Session of the Condit Presby-

terian Church met after the regular

preaching service.

Elders present L.S. Condit, Geo. Lane,

C.E. Green, Edgar Condit,

Elders Absent C.E. Post, Chas. Comstock

After being led in prayer by the

Moderator. Mr. Geo. Lane was chosen

to represent us at the fall meeting

of Presbytery and Edgar Condit

was selected as alternate.

It was also decided to observe

The Lord's Supper Sept 21st instead

of the regular time Sept 7th

After being led in prayer by

Mr Geo Lane the meeting adjourned.

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

Sept 27th 1930

In accordance with the action taken

by the Session May 4th 1930, giving

the Moderator and Clerk authority

to grant letters of dismissal in cases

where reasonably certain that such

action would at a later date be

approved by the Session a letter was

granted to Mrs Russell Copeland of

Piqua Ohio.

Edgar M. Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 250)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 250)


[page 250]

[corresponds to numbered page 262 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Dec. 7th 1930

A meeting of Session was called

by the Pastor Rev. H.G. Rice.

The meeting was held in the Sunday School room before the regular preaching


Elders present L.S. Condit, C.E. Green

Geo Lane, Edgar Condit

Elders absent. C.E. Post, Chas. Comstock

The meeting was opened with prayer

by the Moderator, Geraldine Lenox

Chamberlin came before the Session

for examination for church members

kind was received by a unanimous

vote Edgar Condit led in prayer

after which the meeting adjourned.

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

Feb. 15th 1931

The session met after S.S. in the

Chapel at the call of the Moderator

Elders present Geo. Lane, L.s. Condit

C.E. Green, Edgar Condit

Elders absent C.E. Post, C.B. Comstock

The meeting was opened with prayer

by Edgar M. Condit

Mrs Mary [illegible] presented her letter

from the Sand Ridge Lutheran Church

Perrysville Ohio. Found in order her

name was ordered on the roll.

Mr. Henry Hicks presented her letter for

the Mt. Pleasant M.E. Church Condit O.

She was received into membership.

Mrs. Ella Lane wife of Wm Lane

presented her membership reception

Certificate of the Wert Avenue M.E.

Church Columbus O. the Church went
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 251)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 251)


[page 251]

[corresponds to numbered page 264 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]

[page 263 is missing]



Additions 1

Certificate 3

Dismissed 3

Deceased 2

Total Communicants 150

Members of Sabbath School 125


General Assembly etc. 30

Congregational Receipts 1955

Congregational Special Receipts 395

Total Congregational Benevolenices 390

Other Statistics

Elders 6

Resident Members 129

Non Resident Members 21

Baptisms on Confession 1

Does your Church use the

every member plan yes

Stewardship taught yes

A Manse yes

Meeting closed with prayer by

Elder Geo. Lane

H.G. Rice, Pastor

Edgar M. Condit Clerk


Without Exception


Date Apr 20 '31 Place Upper Sandusky

J.T. Marshusan MODERATOR
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 252)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 252)


[page 252]

[corresponds to numbered page 265 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


June 7 1931

The Session met in the Sunday School

room before the Preaching and Communion


Elders present, L.S. Condit, Charles

Comstock Geo. Lane, Edgar Condit,

Absent C.E. Green and C.E. Post,

Rev. H.G. Rice led in the opening

prayer, Dorothy Imogene Turnbull

was then examined for Church

membership and was unanimously

received. After a few words of

encouragement and instruction

to her by the Moderator the meeting

was adjourned with prayer by

Elder George Lane.

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

July 26th 1931

At the call of Rev. H.G. Rice the

Session met in the S.S. room after

the regular preaching service.

Elders present L.S. Condit, George Lane

C.E. Post, Edgar Condit.

Absent C.E. Green and Chas. Comstock.

Meeting was opened with prayer by

the Moderator Rev. H.G. Rice.

It was decided at this meeting

that under existing circumstances

it would be best not to receive the

services of a Pastor from some other

Church however all seemed to feel

the need of some special evangelistic

effort both for our own people and

for the non Christian element

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 253)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 253)


[page 253]

[corresponds to numbered page 266 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


of our community.

Several methods were suggested but

none adopted and it was finally

decided to bring the matter before

the congregation as ^soon as possible in


Meeting closed with prayer

by Edgar Condit

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

Sept 13th 1931

The Session was convened at the

call of Rev. H.G. Rice in the

Sabbath School room Sunday

Sept. 13th

Elders present L.S. Condit

George Lane, C.E. Post, Edgar Condit

Absent C.E Green and Chas. Comstock

C.E. Green was ill at this time and

could not be present

It was decided that C.E. Post should

represent no at the fall meeting of

Presbytery, Edgar Condit was chosen

alternate after which Rev. H.G. Rice

offered the closing prayer

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

Sept 25th 1931

Rev. H.G. Rice asked that the Session

meet to discuss the results of the vote last

Sunday Sept 20th. This vote which had

been previously announced has
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 254)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 254)


[page 254]

[corresponds to numbered page 267 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


taken before the regular morning

preaching service and was to be

voted yes or no on the following


"We believe all things considered

our church through its Elders

should make plans for special

meetings in the near future

in addition to our regular services,

for probably two weeks." the vote

stood 31 yes 4 no. In accordance

with Moderator Rev. H.G Rice's

request the sermon met Friday

Sept 25th 1931.

Elders present C.E. Post and

Edgar Condit. Absent C.E. Green

Chas. Comstock. L.S. Condit Geo. Lane

The meeting was opened with prayer

by the Moderator Rev. H.G Rice,

As it was clear from the vote taken

that the people are ready for a

special effort the session decided

to go on and hold special meetings

the last two weeks in October. it

was also decided that in preparation

for the meetings a number of prayer

services should be held during the

two weeks preceding the meetings.

The arrangement for these prayer

meetings and the special meetings

were left to the Pastor Rev. H.G. Rice.

Meeting closed with prayer by

Edgar Condit

Edgar M. Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 255)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 255)


[page 255]

[corresponds to numbered page 268 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



The Special Services beginning

Oct 18th and closing the evening

of Nov 1st were felt to be a means

of spiritual uplift to the community,

[illegible] these meetings Rev. H.G. Rice

brought to his audiences a series of

remarkably clear and helpful


It was though best to have a

special service to be followed by

a meeting of the session for the

reception of members Thurs evening

Dec 3rd as we would hold our

communion service Dec 6th

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

The reports of the session meetings

held Dec 3rd and Dec 6th as well

as the following item of history

were written by Rev. H.G. Rice

Dec 3rd 1931

Session met after the preaching Service

Present the Moderator, H.G. Rice

Elders. E.M. Condit, L.s. Condit, Geo Lane

Absent C.E. Post, C.E. Green, Chas Comstock

Opened with Prayer

Clell Irwin Spearman presented himself

for membership. After careful examination

he was received and his name to be

enrolled when he has been baptized

Miriam August Benoy, Marjorie

Jospehine Benoy, Mary Jane Benoy,
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 256)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 256)


[page 256]

[corresponds to numbered page 269 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sisters asked to be admitted into the

church. After a full examination it

was moved that their examinations

be sustained and that they be enrolled

after their Baptism. This motion was

carried unanimously.

Mr George T. Benoy presented his

letter of dismission from the

Methodist Church of Croton. His

letter found in order he was recieve

and enrolled.

Mrs George (Hattie M) Benoy presented

her church letter from the M.E.

Church of Johnstown. This letter

was found in order and she was

received into membership of the


After some instruction as to the

program on Sunday, reception and

baptismal service, the meeting

was adjourned, after closing with


Edgar M. Condit Clerk

Dec 6th 1931

Session met between the Sunday School

and Church services.

Present The Moderator, H.G. Rice.

Elders, Edgar M. Condit, L.S. Condit

Geo. Lane, and C.E. Green.

Absent C.B. Comstock, and C.E. Post

The meeting was opened and closed with

prayer by the Moderator

Three sisters presented themselves to be

received upon their examination into
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 257)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 257)


[page 257]

[corresponds to numbered page 270 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


the membership of the church

Mary Adell Ford, Rose Ann Ford and

Wilma Eloise Ford.

After due and careful examination

all three were received into

membership of the church, and their

names to be placed upon our roll

After their Baptisms.

The meeting their adjourned and

proceeded at once to the preaching

services, and to Communion and

Baptismal services.

Edgar M. Condit Clerk


The nine persons named in the two

meetings of Dec 3 & 6 were received and

had the Communion; seven of these

were baptized. The youngest child of

Mr and Mrs Benoy, Norma Jean was

also baptized.

The service was well attended and

the hour was interesting and


Edgar M. Condit Clerk

Jan 31st 1932

At the close of the lesson period

Sunday Jan 31st Rev. H.G. Rice

called a meeting of the session in the

primary Sunday School room to

examine three Sunday School

pupils who had applied for

church membership on
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 258)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 258)


[page 258]

[corresponds to numbered page 271 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


profession of aith. The meeting was

opened with prayer by the

Moderator Rev. H.G. Rice.

Elders present L.S. Condit, C.E. Green

Edgar Condit

Absent C.e. Post, Chas Comstock and

George Lane.

After answering satisfactorily

the questions asked by the

Moderator thereby showing

that they understood the [illiegible]

they were taking and that they

were really desirous of obeying

and pleasing their Heavenly

Father and stating their willingness

to obey those of His Servants who

are placed over the work of this

congregation, the following

members were received into

church membership.

Marjorie Kathleen Davidson

Pauline Granger Barton,

Mildred Lucille Saunders,

Each name was voted on Separately

and received a unanimous

vote of the Session.

Meeting closed with prayer

by Edgar Condit

Edgar M. Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 259)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 259)


[page 259]

[corresponds to numbered page 272 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


March 8th 1932

A joint meeting of the Trustees and

Elders was held at the home of

Mr Chas. Comstock. The meeting was

opened by Mr Comstock calling on

Rev. H.G. Rice was chosen to

preside over the meeting.

Mr Chas. Comstock and

Mr D.C. Hoover were elected to

act as a committee to be at the

head of our Church finances for

the whole year April 1st 1932 to

March 31st 1933. Their duties were

to meet with the Trustees and

arrange with budget for the year.

To choose and instruct the canvasses

in their work. See that a complete

canvass is made, and that

pledges already due and unpaid

are collected and to see that any

other work pertaining to church

finance is taken care of in the

best and most efficient manner.

It was also decided to hold the

regular Congregational meeting of the

church Wed. evening March 30th

Trustees present D.C. Hoover

Gail Longshore

Elders present L.S. Condit

Chas. Comstock

Edgar Condit

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 260)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 260)


[page 260]

[corresponds to numbered page 273 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


April 10th 1932

A meeting of the ^Session was held Sunday April 10th

after the preaching service.

Elders present L.S. Condit, C.E. Green,

Geo. Lane, Chas. Comstock, and Edgar Condit

Absent C.E. Post

Rev. H.G. Rice opened the meeting

with prayer.

C.E. Green was chosen delegate

to Presbytery and L.s. Condit was

elected alternate.

The minutes of the Session meetings

held during the year were approved

The annual Church report was

read and approved.

Annual Report of Church


Additions 11

Certificate 2

Deceased 1

Total Communicants 162

S.S. Members, Teachers etc. 139


General Assembly etc. $ 27

Congregational Current Receipts 1726

Congregational Special Receipts 40

Total Congregational Benevolences 295

Other Statistics

Elders 6

Resident Members 138

Non Resident Members 24

Baptisms on Confession 11

Infant Baptisms 2
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 261)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 261)


[page 261]

[corresponds to numbered page 274 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Does your Church use the

Every member plan yes

Stewardship taught yes

Has the Church a Manse yes

Is your Church a member of

the Service Pension plan no

Sunday School Report

Officers and teachers 10

Total Membership 129

Total Members and Officers 139

Average Attendance 92 plus

Added to Roll 20

Church Members 89

Added to Church 12

to Board of Education 10.00

to National Missions 13.00

To Foreign Missions 16.55

Other Benevolences 2.60

Self Support 138.06

Balance 12.02

Junior S.S.

Receipts 8.25

Paid out 3.92

Balance 1.33

Edgar M. Condit Clerk


Without Exception


Date Apr. 18 '32 Place Marion

Clarence S. Gee MODERATOR
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 262)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 262)


[page 262]

[corresponds to numbered page 275 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


July 31st 1932

The Pastor Rev. H.G. Rice called the

Session together for the purpose of

deciding what we should do in

regard to Fellowship week.

Elders present. L.S. Condit,

Geo. Lane, Chas. Post, C.E. Green,

Charles Comstock Absent none

At this meeting it was decided

that we should hold special

evangelistic services during the month of Oct.

the meetings to be conducted by

Rev. H.G. Rice. Meeting adjourned.

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

H.G. Rice

Sept. 11th 1932

Session met in the S.S room after

the regular preaching service.

Elders present. L.S. Condit,

C.E. Green, Chas. Comstock,

Geo. Lane, Edgar Condit

Absent Chas Post.

Meeting was opened with prayer by

the Moderator Rev. H.G. Rice.

The minutes of last meeting were

read and approved. It was there

decided by vote that Geo. Lane

represent us at the fall meeting

Presbytery at Kenton Ohio. Charles

Comstock was chosen as alternate.

It was decided that we begin

our special evangelistic Services

Oct. 9th

The meeting was closed with prayer

by Edgar Condit.

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

H.G. Rice Mod.

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 263)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 263)


[page 263]

[corresponds to numbered page 276 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sept. 25th 1932

The Session met after the regular

preaching service to take action on the

request of Rev. T. Howard Calahan of the

Broad St. Methodist Episcopal Church

asking for the letter of Miss Ruth Murphy.

Elders present: L.S. Condit

Chas. Comstock, C.E. Green and

Edgar Condit. Absent Chas. Post

and Geo. Lane.

The meeting was opened with

prayer by Rev. H.G. Rice.

Minutes of the last meeting (Sept. 11th

were read and approved.

The Moderator then stated the object

of the meeting and it was moved and

recorded that a letter be granted

Miss Ruth Murphy, however as

Miss Murphy had lived in another

community for several years and

having been seldom seen in the

regular services of our Church the

motion was amended to leave it

to Rev H.G. Rice to send the letter

giving a little explanation of

Miss Murphy's relation to the

Condit Church, both the amendment

and the motion carried and the

meeting was closed with prayer

by Elder L.S. Condit.

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

HG Rice, Mod.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 264)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 264)


[page 264]

[corresponds to numbered page 277 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


History Dec. 25th 1932

By mutual consent of the Pastor and

Elders it was decided to omit the evening

preaching service during January and

February. The Christian Endeavorers

however maintained their services

meeting at the homes of its members.

The evening preaching services were

resumed March 12th followed by a Prayer

service March 19th this order of an evening

preaching service to be followed by an

evening prayer service the next week etc.

to continue until the powers that be

decree otherwise.

Edgar M. Condit Clerk

HG Rice, Mod

April 9th 1933

The Session met to elect a delegate

to Presbytery and transact other

necessary church business.

Elders present, L.S. Condit, Geo. Lane

C.E. Green, Chas. Post and Edgar Condit

Absent Chas. Comstock. Rev. H.G. Rice led in prayer

Edgar Condit was elected delegate

to the melting of Presbytery at Delaware

and Geo. Lane was chosen alternate

In response to a request from J.H. Larimore

of the Anti Saloon League that we hold

a temperance meeting in the near future

it was decided that such a meeting

be arranged for by our Pastor.

Rev. H.G. Rice gave a brief outline

of the work of the church and Sabbath

School during the fast year.

The minutes of the meeting with any

additions that might be necessary
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 265)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 265)


[page 265]

[corresponds to numbered page 278 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


were approved

HG Rice, Moderator.

Annual Report of Church Membership



Dismissed 1

Deceased 5

Net Total of Communicants 156

S.S. Members, Teachers, etc 132


General Assembly, Synod and Prebyterial

Expenses $ 26

congregational Current Receipts 1525

Total Congregational Benevolences 100

Other Statistics

Elders 6

Resident Members 118

Non-Resident Members 38

Does your Church use the every

member plan? yes

Stewardship taught yes

Does your church enroll those

of its members who agree to devote

a definite proportion of income or-

dinarily at least a truth to the

extension of the Kingdom of God? no

Number of candidates for the

Ministery no

Has the Church a Manse? yes

Is your Church a member

of the Service Pension Plan? nO

Edgar M. Condit Clerk


Without Exception


Date Apr 18 '33 Place Delaware

Chas E. Combrink MODERATOR
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 266)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 266)


[page 266]

[corresponds to numbered page 279 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Session met Monday evening July 24th

at the church. Elders present

C. E. Green, and Edgar Condit Absent

George Lane, Johan Post and L.S. Condit

The Moderator Rev H. G. Rice opened

the meeting with prayer after which

he read a communication from

le Franklin Ward informing us of

the recommendations of the General

Assembly to the church asking us to be

more careful when examining

persons for church membership

accepting only those who give evidence

of spiritual rebirth and that we

emphasize the Stewardship of time

and money. Several other things were

mentioned. No action was taken

at this time on the above matters

as it was the intention of bringing

them up at a later date.

It was unanimously decided to

give our Minister the month of

August for his vacation.

Meeting adjourned with prayer

by Edgar Condit

Edgar M Condit Clerk

Sunday Sept 10th 1933 Rev H G Rice

called the Session together for the

election of a delegate to Presbytery to be

held at Urbana Sept. 18th 33

Elders present L. S. Condit C. E. Green

and George Lane The Moderator

opened the meeting with prayer

The last minutes were read and
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 267)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 267)


[page 267]

[corresponds to numbered page 280 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


approved C. E. Green was elected

delegate to Presbytery and Geo. Lane

alternate. After some discussion

of a few of the items of business

to come before Presbytery the meeting

was adjourned with prayer by

L. S. Condit

Edgar M. Condit clerk

Sunday Jan 7th 1934. Rev H G. Rice called

the Session together to ask that they

concur with him in calling a

Congregational meeting to request

Presbytery to dissolve his relationship

as Pastor of the Condit Presbyterian

Church. After the Pastor had given

his reasons for the being the wisest

course to follow the session commuted

to grant his request and Tuesday

evening Jun 16th 1934 was the date set

for the congregational meeting.

As Elder L. S. Condit had passed away

since our last meeting it was thought

fitting by our moderator that the

following item of History be included

in these minutes.

On the 30th day of Nov 1933. Elder

L. S. Condit at the age of almost 80 yrs

was called from our midst by the great

reaper whose name is death.

My Condit had been member of this

church and for almost 40 yrs

had served this church in the capacity of

elder (chosen elder April 29th 1984) During his

long period of service he had seen the
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 268)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 268)


[page 268]

[corresponds to numbered page 281 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


church in many apparently critical situation

and had helped greatly to bring it to

its present state of efficiency. As the

infirmities of age increased he was

less and less able to inspire its members

to material and spiritual understandings

than in former years. While we realize

that Mr Condit made mistakes as all

those who are leaders are sure to do

yet we feel that his successes far

outweigh his failures and that the

church owes much to his efforts for

which he usually received scant


He was a faithful attendant of

the various church services and

thought the prayer meetings should

be kept up even though the attend-

ance be small, and it is with regret

that we think of him as being no

more with us but it is with thankful-

ness that we can think that his

departing to be with Christ is far

better for him.

The minutes of the last meeting were

read and approved. Elders present

Chas. Green, Geo. Lane and Edgar Condit

Absent C. E. Post. This meeting was

opened with prayer by the

Moderator Rev H. G. Rice and closed

with prayer by Edgar Condit

Edgar M Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 269)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 269)


[page 269]

[corresponds to numbered page 282 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



It having been previously announced

at two regular meetings of the church

the congregation met at the church

Tuesday evening Jan 16th 1934 as

ordered by the session in its meeting

Jan 7th. Rev. H. G. Rice offered a

short prayer read the rules

governing meetings of this kind

stated the object of the meeting

which was to unite with him in

asking Presbytery at its regular

meeting Feb 5th 1934 at Marion

to release him from the pastorate

of the Condit Church.

At the request of the Pastor the

congregation chose Mr. Dwight

Hoover to preside over the meeting.

Rev. H. G. Rice gave as his reasons for

closing his work here at Condit.

physical inability to carry on the

work as he felt is should be carried

on. difficulty of hearing distinctly

Several of those present spoke of their

appreciation of his work here regret

that he felt he must leave and hope

that he might see fit to again take up

the work here at some future time

Mr Dave Condit was chosen to

represent the congregation at the

meeting at Marion.

Rev. H. G. Rice closed the meeting

with prayer and the benediction

Immediately after the close of the

congregational meeting held at the

church Jan 16th the session but with

three of its elders present E. D. Green

George Lane and Edgar Condit
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 270)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 270)


[page 270]

[corresponds to numbered page 283 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]

C. E. Post being absent and elected

Elder C. E. Green to represent the

Session at the meeting of Presbytery at

Marion Feb 5th 1934

This meeting was closed with

prayer by Rev H. G. Rice

Edgar M Condit Clerk

Sunday Jan 21th 1934 It was decided

at a meeting of Session presided over

by the Moderator Rev. H. G. Rice and

at which all four elders were present

that our delegate to Presbytery

at Marion Feb 5th Vote against

making any changes in the

boundarys of the Presbyteries of the

Synod of Ohio. As we had omitted

to elect an alternate to the above

mentioned meeting of Presbytery

Elder George Lane was chosen to

this office. By a vote which was

not unanimous it was decided

to depart from the regular rules

of the church and accede to the

request of Mr and Mrs Chas Smith

and their son Frank and grant

them letters although they clearly

stated that they did not know

to what church they would go

The reason for this departure was

that they might not be offended

To avoid calling a meeting of session

after our present Moderator has left

as the clerk was instructed to grant

letters to Mrs. H. G. Rice and Miss

Genevieve Rice when they decide
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 271)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 271)


[page 271]

[corresponds to numbered page 284 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


on the church with which they

wish to unite

This meeting was opened with

prayer by Rev. H G Rice and

closed with prayer by Edgar Condit

Edgar M Condit Clk

Feb. 21th 1934

The session met with the Moderator

Rev. Clarence S. Gee who was chosen

by Presbytery at its meeting at

Marion Feb 5th 1934 to Moderate

our Session while we are without

a pastor This meeting at which

all of the elders were present.

Cle. E Green, C. E. Post, Geo Lane and

Edgar Condit was held in the

Office of the moderator at Delaware.

After Canvassing the situation pretty

thoroughly it was decided that

it would be best if possible

to hold the regular preaching

service every Sunday morning

the Moderator to help in keeping

the pulpit Supplied. It was

decided to hold a meeting of the

congregation Thursday evening

March 8th to transact any

necessary business, decided on

how we should proceed in

in selecting a pastor etc.

Meeting adjourned with prayer

by the Moderator Rev Clarence S. Gee

Edgar M Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 272)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 272)


[page 272]

[corresponds to numbered page 285 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


The Congregational meeting held

March 8th 1934 was opened with

prayer by the moderator

Rev. Clarence S. Gee Who gave us

an excellent short talk after

which the congregation chose a

committee of five consisting of

Edgar Condit from the Board

of Elders to act as chairman

Mr. Dwight Hoover from the

Board of Trustees and Miss Carrie

Wilson, Miss Mabel Comstock

and Mr Owen Meredith from

the congregation, This committee

together with the moderator to

decide on those most suitable to

occupy the pulpit as supplies

and if anyone of those filling the

pulpit should seem to the commit

tie especially fitted to receive a

call to the pastorate of the Condit

church so that the congregation

have the opportunity to express

their opinion by ballot.

The date of Tuesday evening

April 10th was set as the date for

the regular annual congregational

meeting and it was decided that

each family bring their supper and

all eat together at the church.

This meeting was adjourned to meet

at the call of the moderator

Rev. Clarence S. Gee.

Edgar M Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 273)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 273)


[page 273]

[corresponds to numbered page 286 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Rev. Clarence S. Gee presided over

the annual congregational

meeting held Tuesday evening

April 10th. After singing a couple

of songs and offering prayer

the reports from the various church

organization were heard. At the

close of the report mentioning the

death of four of our members

during the past year. The Moderator

asked for the names of those whose

deaths had occured during the year

which were. Elder L. S. Condit,

Mrs Margaret Corbin, Mr John Curry

and Mr John Geddis, he then had the

congregation rise while he offered a

short Memorial prayer.

At this meeting Mrs. E. O. Wilson was

elected Elder for two years to fill out

the unexpired term of Mr Chas Comstock

who had resigned during the year.

Dwight Hoover and C. E. Post were the

elders chosen for the regular term

of three years.

Mr. Owen Meredith was elected trustee

for three years and Mr. Glendon

Comstock for four years.

Mrs. Grace Condit was elected pianist

Miss Mabel Cornstock assisted pianist

Miss Carrie Wilson was elected chorist

The meeting was closed with prayer by

Mrs Clarence S. Gee

Immediately after the close of the Congrega

tional meeting Rev. C. S. Gee called a

meeting of the session at which all the

session minutes that had not
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 274)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 274)


[page 274]

[corresponds to numbered page 287 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


previously been accepted were approved

also the annual congregational report

to Presbytery was approved . C. E. Green

was chosen as our delegate to

Presbytery and Edgar Condit alternate.

Elders present C. D. Green, C. E. Post

George Lane and Edgar Condit.

Annual Report of Church



Dismissed 3

Deceased 4

Net total of communicants 149

S. S. members Teachers etc. 141


General Assembly, Synod and Presbyterial

Expenses 25.00

Congregational current receipts 1278

Congregational Special Receipts 220

Total Congregational Benevolences 219

Other Statistics

Elders 4

Resident Members 115

Non-resident Members 34

Does your church use the

Every Member plan yes

Doses your Church provide

in the Annual Program

for the Systematic teaching

of the Scriptural Principles

Of Stewardship No
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 275)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 275)


[page 275]

[corresponds to numbered page 288 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Does your church enroll Those of its

members who agree to devote a definite

proportion of income, ordinarily

at least a tenth to the extension

of the Kingdom of God No

Has the church a manse yes

Is your church a member of

the Service pension Plan No

Without Exception
Date Apr 17 '34 Place Marysville
John A Carriker
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 276)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 276)


[page 276]

[corresponds to numbered page 289 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


On the 22nd of April 1934 we observed

the regular communion service.

Rev. C S. Gee officiated at this meeting

He also conducted the ordination

service of Mrs E. O. Wilson and the

installation of our Newly elected Elders

Mrs E. O. Wilson, Mr. D. W. Hoover and

Mr C. E. Post. The whole service was

very fitting and appropriate

Edgar Condit clerk

At the meeting of the Congregation

held June 11th 1934 for the purpose

of considering the advisability of

extending a call to Mr Bert

Whitacre of Dayton, Pa.

The Moderator Rev. C. S. Gee presided

and opened the meeting with prayer.

After some discussion it was decided

by vote, to call Mr Bert Whitacre to

the Pastorate of the Condit church.

The Congregation also instructed

the Elders and Trustees to sign the

call, and chose Mr and Mrs Morgan

Chamberlain to represent the

congregation in presenting the call

at a meeting of Presbytery held at

Mt. Gilead Sept 24th

Edgar Condit Clerk

Aug 26th 1934 In the absence of the

Moderator Rev Clarence S Gee Mr. Bert

Whitacre called the Session together

to decide whether or not we should

observe fellowship week as recommended

by Synod. After some discussion in
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 277)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 277)


[page 277]

[corresponds to numbered page 290 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Which the following arguments were

advanced. Would probably cost

$25.00, it might do little good the

church members might be too busy

to attend the meetings etc

Mrs E. O. Wilson made the motion

that we do not observe fellowship

work, after bring seconded, this

motion carried by a majority

vote of those present.

The matter of Evangelistic effort

in the future was discussed and

by common consent of the majority

without voting was left to be decided

at some future meeting.

Elders present at this meeting were

Mrs E. O. Wilson, Mr C. E. Green,

Mr. C. E. Post, Mr Geo. Lane and

Edgar Condit. Absent Mr D. C. Hoover

This meeting was opened with prayer

by Mr. E. O. Wilson

Edgar Condit Clerk

Session met Sept. 16th 1934. Mr Bert

Whitacre moderated the meeting

Elders present Mr. C. E. Green

Mrs. E. O. Wilson, Mr. Geo Lane and Edgar

Condit, Absent Mr C. E. Port and

Mr D. C. Hoover, Edgar Condit led

in an opening Prayer, Minister of last

meeting Aug 26th read and approved

D. C. Hoover was chosen delegate and

Mr. C. E. Green alternate, to the meeting of

Presbytery held at Mt. Gilead Sept 24th & 25th

It was arranged to hold communion

service Oct 14th meeting closed with prayer

by C. E. Green. Edgar Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 278)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 278)


[page 278]

[corresponds to numbered page 291 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Tuesday evening Oct 9th 1934 an adjourn-

ed meeting of Marion Presbytery was held at

the Condit Church for the purpose of

ordaining and installing Mr. Bert Whitacre

Rev. John A Stuart of Marysville, Moderator of

Presbytery was present and presided over

the meeting, Rev Thomas M. Patterson of

Crestline, Stated Clerk of Presbytery,

preached the sermon.

Rev. Clarence S. Gee gave the charge to

the Pastor and Prof Jason J. T. Marshman

delivered the charge to the people.

During the meeting we were favored

with a vocal solo by Mrs Carl Winters of

Mt. Gilead.

Altogether it was a helpful and

inspiring meeting.

Edgar Condit Clerk

Sunday Oct 14th 1934. At a meeting of the

Session held at the close of Sunday School,

and opened with prayer by George Lane,

at which all of the Elders were present

but C. E. Post, and which was presided

over by Rev. Bert Whitacre Mr and Mrs

Fred Mc Vey and Mrs Glendon Comstock

were received by letter into the member-

ship of the Condit Presbyterian


Edgar Condit Clerk

Sunday April 7th 1935 Rev. Bert Whitacre

called the Session together to examine

a number of young people who desired

to enter the church on profession

of Faith. After Rev. Bert Whitacre.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 279)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 279)


[page 279]

[corresponds to numbered page 292 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


had stated the object of the meeting

and few words of instruction had

been given these young people were

received into full membership

of the church. The following are

the names of those received into

the Condit Church.

Betty Borden By examination

Lester Allen Borden do.

Charles Morgan Chamberlin do.

Ralph Leonard Comstock do.

Ruby Irene Comstock do.

Florence May Comstock do.

Mary Elizabeth Jennings do.

Raymond Jennings do.

George Fenton Lane do.

Lillian Geneviere Spearman do.

Wanda Marcella Spearman do.

Gehna Jean Spearman do.

Marjorie June Turnbull do.

William Wilson Fisher Baptized infancy

James Curry Wilson do.

Elder present at this meeting

were Mrs E. O. Wilson, C. E. Green,

George lane and Edgar Condit

Absent D. C. Hoover and C. E Post

Mr Post's illness for the past five

or six months has made it impossible

for him to attend the regular church


Mrs E. O. Wilson and Edgar Condit

offered short closing prayers.

Edgar Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 280)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 280)


[page 280]

[corresponds to numbered page 293 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


An item of interest Before the observance

of the Lord's Supper April 7th Mr. D C.

Hoover presented the Church with

a relief plaque of the Last Supper

Edgar Condit Clerk

The annual Congregational meeting

of the Condit Church was held Tuesday

evening April 9th and moderated by

the pastor Rev. Bert Whitacre.

In Reviewing the past year it was

found that the church had lost three

members all removed by death, and

had during this period received three

new members all by letter.

Mr. George Lane and Mr C E Green

were re-elected ruling elder's

Mr H. H. Cring was also re-elected


The report of the Church to

Presbytery follows



certificate 3


deceased 3

Net total communicants 149

S. S. Members Teachers etc 125


General Assembly Synod and Presbyterial

Expenses 18.00

Congregational Current Receipts 1072

Total Congregational Benevolences 197
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 281)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 281)


[page 281]

[corresponds to numbered page 294 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Other Statistics

Elders 6

Does your church use the every

member plan yes

Does your church provide in its

annual program for the

systematic teaching of the

Scriptural principles of

stewardship NO

Does your church enroll those

of its members who agree to devote

a definite proportion of income,

ordinarily at least a tenth to the

extension of the Kingdom of God? No

Has the official textbook

"The Ruling Elder" by Rev Cleland

B. Mc Afee provided for ruling elders

under the authority of the General

Assembly, been carefully read by

the ruling elders-elect in your

congregation during the past year? No

If the answer is No, please state

the number of exceptions. two

Are its contents well known to

all members of the session of

your church? No

Is your church a member

of the Service Pension Plan Yes

Edgar Condit clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 282)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 282)


[page 282]

[corresponds to numbered page 295 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sunday April 14th 1935 The session

met in the Sabbath School Room

after the preaching service, elders

present were Mrs. E O. Wilson, C. E. Green

D. C. Hoover and Edgar Condit. Absent

C. E. Post and Geo. Lane Rev Bert

Whitacre had charge of the meeting.

Geo Lane was elected to represent the

Session at the meeting Presbytery

April 22nd & 23rd at Bucyrus.

D. C. Hoover was chosen alternate.

Mrs E. O. Wilson closed the meeting

with prayer.

Edgar Condit Clerk

Sunday April 21st 1935

The Session met at the close of

the Easter Service in the Primary

Sabbath School room. Rev Bert Whitacre

Moderated the meeting. The minutes

of the session meetings of the year were

read and approved.

Elders present Mrs. E. O. Wilson,

Mr. Charles Green, Mr George Lane

Mr D. C. Hoover and Edgar Condit.

Absent Mr C. E. Post. Mr. George Lane

closed the meeting with prayer

Edgar Condit clerk


Without Exception


Date Apr 22 Place Bucyrus

Carl R Longbrake

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 283)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 283)


[page 283]

[corresponds to numbered page 296 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


June 2nd 1935

The Session met at the call of the

Pastor Sunday June 2nd

Elder present Mrs. E O. Wilson

C. E Green, Chauncey Post,

Geo. Lane, D. C. Hoover and

Edgar Condit absent none

Rev Bert Whitacre led in the

opening prayer after which

Mr D C Hoover was elected

delegate to represent the church

at the June meeting of Presbytery

to be held at Bellefontaine

June 10th Mr D. C. Hoover offered

the closing prayer

Edgar Condit Clerk

June 16th 1935

Rev. Bert Whitacre called the

Session together for the purpose

of examining the following

persons on profession of faith

Joseph Morton, Jack Pruden

and Bob Pruden all three were

received and their names placed

on the roll. This meeting at

which all of the elders were

present was opened with prayer

by Elder C. E. Post andclosed with prayer by

Elder D. C. Hoover

Edgar Condit clerk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 284)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 284)


[page 284]

[corresponds to numbered page 297 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sept. 15th 1935

At a meeting of the Session held

after the regular preaching service

and presided over by Rev Bert

Whitacre and at which all the

elders were present but C. E. Post

and which was opened with

prayer by C. E. Green, Geo Lane

was elected delegate and

Mrs. E. O. Wilson alternate to the

fall meeting of Presbytery to be

held at Marseille, Sept 23rd

And 24th 1935 At this meeting

the minutes of the Session meetings

held June 2nd and June 16th

Were approved.

Elder C. E. Green led in the

closing prayer.

Edgar Condit Clerk

Dec 8th 1935

Session was called together by

the Pastor Rev. Bert Whitacre,

Elders all present, Meeting opened

with prayer by Mrs E. O. Wilson

Elder C. E. Post was elected delegate

to the Winter meeting of Presbytery to be

held at Marion Tuesday Dec 10th

At this meeting it was decided

to hold a week of evangelistic

meetings asking near by ministers

to help with the preaching services

the meetings to be held during the

week of prayer at a later date

if it develops that it would

be better to postpone the time

other matters were discussed
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 285)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 285)


[page 285]

[corresponds to numbered page 298 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


but no definite action was taken

on any of them. Meeting closed

with prayer by Edgar Condit

Edgar Condit Clerk

March 1st 1936

Session met in the Sabbath

School room after the regular

preaching services. Meeting

opened with prayer by

Edgar Condit. Members present

Mrs. E O. Wilson, C. E. Green,

D. C. Hoover and Edgar Condit.

Carrie Wilson our church

Chorister also attended the

meeting. This meeting which

was presided over by our

pastor Rev. Bert Whitacre

decided to hold a series of meetings

beginning March 8th and lasting

four evenings. Miss Wilson

promising the help of the choir

in the services. Meeting closed

with prayer by Mrs E O Wilson

Elders absent Chau Post and Geo. Lane

Edgar Condit Clerk

March 8th 1936

Rev Bert Whitacre called the

Session together for the purpose

of examining Emma Kathleen Saunders

and Frances Catherine Saunders as to

their fitness for church membership

both were accepted.

This meeting was opened with

prayer by Mrs E. O. Wilson

Elders present were Mrs. E. O. Wilson.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 286)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 286)


[page 286]

[corresponds to numbered page 299 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


C. E. Green, D. C. Hoover, Edgar Condit

Absent Chau. Post and Geo Lane

Meeting closed with prayer by

Mrs. E. O. Wilson

Edgar Condit Clerk

The four evening of meetings

alluded to in Session minutes

held March 1st 1936 were conducted

by the following Rev C. A. Riggs

of the M. E. church of Galena

Rev W. L. Hicky from the Croton

M. E. Church, Miss Cora Murphy

of Delaware and Rev. Carl Longbrake.

The services were fairly well

attended and were well liked

by the people.

At our congregational meeting

held April 8th 1936. Mr Morgan

Chamberlain was elected to the office

of elder in place of Mrs E. O. Wilson

who had finished Mr Chas Comstocks

term. Edgar Condit was re-elected

Mr. Leland fisher was chosen to take

Mr Morgan Chamberlins place as


Reports from the various

church organizations were read

and approved

A budget of $1138.00 for local church

expenses was adopted by the


This meeting was opened and closed

with prayer

Edgar Condit clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 287)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 287)


[page 287]

[corresponds to unnumbered page 300 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


April 13th 1936

The Session met at the home

of Edgar Condit Mr. D. C. Hoover

led in the opening prayer.

After which the Session records

not previously accepted were

read and approved. The items

of historical interest were

also approved.

The church roll was examined

and there were found to be 36

who were considered inactive

of these one was suspended

It was decided by vote to get

in touch with the remaining

35 by personal call of by

letter with the idea of helping

them spiritually if possible.

Mr Chan Post was elected

delegate to the spring meeting

of Presbytery to be held at

Marion April 21st. C. E. Green

was chosen alternate.

The clerk was ordered to place

the annual Report of the

congregation to Presbytery in the

minutes of this meeting.

The minutes of the meeting

were approved.

Meeting closed with prayer by

C. E. Green.

Elders all present
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 288)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 288)


[page 288]

[corresponds to numbered page 301 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Annual Report of Church


Additions 20


Deceased 1

Suspended 1

Net total of Communicates 167

S. S. Members, Teachers etc 132


General Assembly Synod and

Presbyterial Expenses 24.00

Congregational Current

Receipts $12.00

Total Congregational

Benevlences 205

Other Statistics

Elders 6

Resident Members

Baptism On Confession 15

Has the Church a Manse yes

IS your Church a Member

of the Service Pension Plan yes

Edgar Condit Clerk




should be recorded Date Apr. 21 '26 Place Forest Caron

as absent Stanley L Weens

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 289)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 289)


[page 289]

[corresponds to numbered page 302 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Session met Sunday May 10th 1936

after the preaching service

Elders present C. E. Green C. E. Post

D. C. Hoover and E. M. Condit

Absent Geo. Lane. The Moderator

Rev. Bert Whitacre offered the opening

prayer. This meeting was to consider

the advisability of holding a

centennial celebration to Commemorate

the organization of the church in 1835

It was decided by vote that the Session

appoint a committee to make

arrangements for the celebration.

This meeting was closed with prayer

by Elder D. C. Hoover

Edgar Condit Clerk

Session met May 24th Moderated by

Rev. Bert Whitacre opened with

prayer by C. E. Green elders present

C. E. Green, C. E. Post, Geo. Lane

D. C. Hoover and E. M. Condit absent

none. The following committee

was chosen to have charge of the

Centennial celebration

Rev Bert Whitacre, F. C. Murphy

D. C. Hoover, D. C. Condit and

Owen Meredith. Meeting closed with

prayer by Edgar Condit.

Edgar Condit Clerk

The Session met Sunday June 7th 1936

Rev. Bert Whitacre moderated the meeting

Elders present. C. E. Post, D. C. Hoover, Edgar

Condit, absent C.E. Green and Geo. Lane
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 290)


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[page 290]

[corresponds to numbered page 303 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Edgar Condit offered the opening prayer

after which, Rev. Bert Whitacre stated

his desire to be released from the

pastorate of the Condit Church.

As he had apparently made his

arrangements for leaving, the session

granted his request with the under-

standing that the matter be taken

up with Presbytery at a later date.

Meeting closed with prayer by

C. E. Mast

Edgar Condit Clerk

Sunday June 7th 1936

At the regular Morning Worship Service

Mr Morgan Chamberlain who had been

elected to the office of ruling elder

at the Annual Congregational meeting

was ordained. This service was

conducted by the pastor Rev. Bert

Whitacre and was very impressive.

Edgar Condit clerk

Sunday June 7th 1936 at the close

of the regular morning worship

service Rev. Bert Whitacre stated

his desire to the congregation to be

released from the office of pastor

of the Condit Church asking that

the sermon which he had just

preached be his last sermon to

the congregation and that his

salary cease on this date June 7th

but asked as he had taken no

vacation that his relation as
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 291)


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[page 291]

[corresponds to numbered page 304 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


pastor continue until July 1st

and that we pay our part of the

amount due the pension fund to

July 1st thus completing the year

This the congregation voted to do.

After a few remarks about the

work here he closed thanking the

people for being kind to him etc.

and offering an earnest prayer

for the success of the work

Throughout the whole meeting he

manifested a very fine Christian spirit

Edgar Condit Clerk

Sunday June 14th In the absence of the

pastor the session was called together

by the clerk Edgar Condit.

Elders present Geo. Lane, Morgan

Chamberlin, C. E Green, C. E. Post

D. C. Hoover and E. M. Condit absent

None at this meeting which was opened

with prayer by Edgar Condit, Geo. Lane

was chosen moderator. A meeting of the

congregation was arranged for Sunday

June 28th. The purpose of this meeting

to be the selection of a delegate to

represent the congregation in an

adjourned meeting of Presbytery to be held

on June 30th at Delaware asking Presbytery

to dissolve the relationship of the Rev.

Bert Whitacre as pastor of this church

This meeting was closed with prayer

By Geo. Lane.

Edgar Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 292)


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[page 292]

[corresponds to numbered page 305 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


June 28th 1936. Session met at

the call of the clerk. Elders present

Geo. Lane, C. E. Green, D. C. Hoover,

C. E. Post and Edgar Condit absent

Morgan Chamberlin. The meeting

was opened with prayer by Edgar Condit

after which Edgar Condit was chosen

to preside over the meeting. Geo Lane

was chosen as delegate and C. E. Green

as alternate to represent the Elders

at the adjourned meeting of Presbytery

to be held in the First Presbyterian

church of Delaware Tuesday P. M.

June 30th. 1936 to ask Presbytery to

comply with the request of the Rev.

Bert Whitacre that his relationship

as Pastor of the Condit Church be

dissolved and on the Rev. H. Nathan

Frederick was conducting the regular

preaching service the session chose

him to moderate the congregational

meeting which had been announced

the two previous Sundays and

which was to be held after the

regular preaching service.

Meeting closed with prayer

by D. C, Hoover.

Edgar Condit Clerk

June 28th 1936

The Congregational meeting which had

been announced at two regular

services of the Sabbath school was held

after the preaching service. As the

Rev. H. Nathan Frederick was preaching

For us that Sunday he complied

with the request of the Session
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 293)


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[page 293]

[corresponds to numbered page 306 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


and moderated the meeting at this

meeting Mrs. E. O. Wilson and Rev. H. Nathan

Frederick led in short opening prayers.

The Congregation joined with the

pastor Rev. Bert Whitacre in his wish

that his relation as pastor of the

Condit Church be dissolved and

elected Dan C. Condit to carry their

request up to Presbytery in the

adjourned meeting to be held in the

First Presbyterian Church at Delaware

June 30th. Rev H. N. Frederick closed

the meeting with a short prayer.

Edgar Condit Clerk

On July 22nd 1936 The session met with

the moderator Rev Carl Longbrake at

his home at Kilbourne Elders Present

C. E. Post, D. c. Hoover, Morgan Chamberlin

Edgar Condit. Absent C. E. Green and

Geo. Lane. As this was also a meeting

of the pulpit committee composed of

the trustees and elders which was

selected at an unofficial meeting

of the congregation the trustees were

present. Owen Meredith, Leland Fisher,

H. H. Cring and Glendon Comstock

The pulpit committee decided that we

should call a congregation the opportunity

of calling Rev. H. N. Frederick to the

Condit Church if they so choose.

In compliance with the will of the pulpit

committee the session voted to call a

meeting of the congregation to consider

calling Rev. H. Nathan Frederick
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 294)


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[page 294]

[corresponds to numbered page 307 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


to the pastorate of the Condit Church

The congregational meeting to be held

Aug 9th at the close of the regular

preaching service. This meeting

was opened and closed with prayer

by Rev. Carl Longbrake.

After being duly announced a meeting

of the congregation of the Condit Presby-

terian Church was held Aug 9th at

the close of the regular morning preaching

service. In the absence of the moder-

ator Rev. Carl Longbrake, Rev S. V.

Sydenstricker moderated the meeting.

After some preliminary remarks

it was decided by a vote of the Congre-

gation to call a pastor to the pulpit

of the Condit Church it was then

decided by vote by ballot to call the

Rev. H. Nathan Frederick to the pastor-

ate of the Condit church as the

vote to extend a call to the Rev. H. Nathan

Frederick had not been unanimous

it was voted to make it so. It was

also decided by vote to have the Congre-

gation sign the call.

The meeting was then dismissed

with a short prayer by the acting

Moderator Rev. S. V. Sydenstricker.

Edgar Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 295)


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[page 295]

[corresponds to numbered page 308 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sunday September 6th 1937

Rev. H. Nathan Frederick complied

with the action taken by the elders

that he moderate the meeting

of the session which was held

immediately after the regular

preaching service. At this meeting

it was decided to hold the installation

services Wed. evening Sept 29th. if

Presbytery saw fit Rev. S. V. Sydenstricker

was suggested as one of the ministers

whom we would like to have help

in the installation service. However

it was left to Rev. H. N. Frederick and

Elder D. C. Hoover to arrange with

Presbytery for installation.

D. C. Hoover was chosen delegate to

the fall meeting of Presbytery to

be held at Ostrander Sept. 22nd

Meeting Closed with prayer by

Rev. H. N. Frederick

Elders present C. E. Green, D. C.

Hoover, Morgan Chamberlin and

Edgar Condit absent C. E. Post and

Geo. Lane.

Edgar Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 296)


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[page 296]

[corresponds to numbered page 309 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


On Sunday Oct 11th 1936 just

one Hundred years lacking 4 days

after the organization of the Trenton

now 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937.

We began our anniversary celebration.

On this date we observed Rally Day

with a program by the Sabbath

School and short sermon by the

pastor Rev H. M. Frederick. The Evening

program consisted of a pageant

written by Mr. T. C. Murphy portraying

the organization of the Church in

1836. The Twenty charter members

were represented by young people

of the congregation. Rev. H. N. Frederick

taking the part of the Rev C. N. Ransom

who organized the church 100 years

ago, this was followed by a histor-

ical pageant of the organization of

the C. E. Society in 1888 during the

pastorate of Rev Albert E. Sharpless,

This pageant was written by Miss

Mabel Comstock and was presented

by the members of the present

C. E. Society. The following Tuesday

evening was in charge of pastors of

the Presbytery and included the install-

ation of Rev. H. Nathan Frederick. The

ministers present were Rev. J. R. Miller

Moderator of Presbytery. Rev. J. Stuart

Rev S. V. Sydenstsricker, Rev. H G.

Tinney. Wednesday evening and was given

over to visiting ministers those

taking part in the services were

Rev. W. L. Peter of the Sunbury Baptist

church, Rev. w. A. Williams of the
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 297)


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[page 297]

[corresponds to numbered page 310 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Sunbury Methodist Church

Rev. Jo E. Smith of Bethel and

School and churches and Rev C. A. Riggs

of Galena and Vans Valley churches.

Thursday evening was our social

evening and was in charge of the

Presbyterian Guild among other

numbers they presented a short

history of the organization which

was founded about 1911.

Friday evening was given to the

Woman's Missionary Society. They

used the roll of 1882 the oldest

roll they could find although through

Mrs Marian Rice who is the only

charter member now listing they

learned that the Society was

organized in June 1874 there were

20 or more responses from friends

and relatives. the program closed

with a play entitled, "If I be his

disciple". which we thought was

exceedingly well acted.

Sunday Oct 18th was home-coming

day. Rev. Charles Reeder of Weihnrin

China preached the sermon.

Rev. Charles Reeder is the grandson

of Mr. Simon Pierson who became

elder Nov. 28th 1869 this office he held

until his death.

Mr. Reeder's text was from the first

chapter of Acts the 8th verse he told how

in his field in China for years they

seemed to lack power there after visiting

a church up in the mountains that

had received the power of the Holy Spirit

they too sought and obtained the
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 298)


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[corresponds to numbered page 311 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


promised comforter and with Him

power that gave new life to the work

one of the conditions that the

Spirit demanded of them was public

confession of their sins. Mr. Reeder

told how it cost him one dollar to

make restitution for a sin which

he committed in his younger

days while living in Delaware O

His mother said that from his

letters written from China she

knew something had happened

although she did not know what.

After dinner which was served at

the church Miss Leona Murphy of

Delaware O. whose early days were

spent in this community presided

over the meeting. The program

consisted mostly of short talks by

local and visiting friends.

the Rev. John Glenn of Bloomingburg

Ohio was the only former pastor

present. Through the efforts of

elder D C Hoover many of the tools

and other contraptions with which

our ancestors were familiar but

which are pretty much unknown

to the younger generation were

assembled in one of our Sunday

School rooms that all might see

and be helped to understand

some of the changes that have taken

place in the last 100 years.

As there appears to be no mention

in any of the church records of the

building of the church in 1879 which

is our present church before remodeling
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 299)


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County Ohio 1873-1937]


we are including with the history

a rather lengthy but interesting

account of the construction, cost

furnishings etc. which appeared

in the "Sunbury Spectator June 5th 1879

this paper was obtained from

Mrs Marian Rice, Saginan Mich.

and the account of the building

of the church was read Sunday

evening Oct 11th in connection

with the two historical pageants

given at the time.

Type written copy was made by

Elder D. C. Hoover.

Edgar Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 300)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 300)


[page 300]

[corresponds to numbered page 313 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]




SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1879

The old Meeting House is discarder.

For a new and imposing Edifice,

of increased proportions, in design,

Yet permanently adapted the Christian worship

Of an Enlightened an Zealous Denomination

of God's People.

Notwithstanding the somewhat unpropitious state of the weather

on Sunday, that most acceptable day of rest, there was furnished

a brief season of exceptionable enjoyment, morally, socially and

religiously, for the good people of Trenton and adjacent townships.

the occasion being the consecration of an absolute model sanctuary

to the worship of the Almighty. The day had long been anxiously

looked forward to by the Presbyterian brethren and their interest

had arrived at its zenith on Saturday Eve. but only to be somewhat

dampened by the dawn of a dull and showery morning, which, however,

was such an inestimable boon for vegetation that they cheerfully

waived personal inconvenience, and in goodly number rallied to

the selected spot, for the day's observation. It is within half

a mile of Condit Station, directly south, at the first crossing

of the roads.

Presbyterianism in Trenton

It would be in keeping here, we may say, that as early

as 1836 there were formed sufficient devotees to the good faith

to secure the organization of a church. With such zealous work-

ers as Alvin Condit, A. C. Fink, Robt't Lewis, G VanDorn, Silas

Ogden and Alvin T. Condit, it is a small matter of surprise that

we find a church erected and consecrated the following year,

which though small, it will yet be clearly demonstrated, was

ample to foster ad promote the interests and affections of a

subsequent Church of gratifying proportion. In the humble Cot

(for it was little more) the true teachings of Christianity fell

like seed upon good ground, as we find 1866 a new and much

larger church had to be provided, affording increased facilities

for the prosecution of the noble mission in hand. Elated with

their success in the past, and invigorated with unction from

above in response to prayers that accompanied their sweet labors,

they steadily pursued their noble mission to the dawn of last


When it became evident that their ranks were filling beyond

the capacity of their camp, under divine blessing, they again

resolved to meet the exigencies of the hour, and as a result of

their councils and a canvass for financial aid, in May last, the

foundation of a yet large Church was laid with becoming cere-

monies. the build committee entrusted with the supervision

of the work was Messars. I. A. Pierson, H. Wheaton, L. S. Condit, Enoch

Condit and E. Rice, who applied their united talents and energies

to a nobel work that will stand a lasting monument to their

Christian zealand devotion. For twelve long months was the work

carefully prosecuted with a single eye to economy and the perfect

completion of their task, and never were combined efforts more

successfully directed.

The New Presbyterian Church,

which was solemnly dedicated on Sunday, is a very neat frame

structure, with bell tower in half-Grecian style, and set upon
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 301)


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[corresponds to numbered page 314 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


a solid stone foundation. The dimensions are about 51 feet by

33 and 21 feet high. Its acoustic properties are excellent and

the method of ventilation by the side windows is perfect. From

the sanctuary and by an external side door a commodious commit-

tee room is entered, thus adapting it also to the purpose of a

vestry. The interior woodwork is of ash and walnut. The seats

being plain but exceedingly comfortable. The reading desk and

minister's chairs, three in number, on the raised dias, are rich-

ly carved in ecclesiastical designs. The several windows are of

handsomely designed stained glass, each being surmounted in its

curvature with a beautifully illuminated crown, anchor, sheaf,

dove, bible tablets, grapes and other scriptural emblems. These

are the workmanship of Mr. George Misch, an accomplished artist

of Chicago. The floor and platform are very suitably carpeted

and over the center aisle is suspened a brilliant 12-light

glass chandelier with innumerable miniature prismatic pendants.

the illuminating power is effective by night, under the rich

lusture afforded by the sparkling glass, and the amber-colored

lamps in contrast with the ornamented globes is charming to the

eye by day. The interior of the church is also further beautiful-

fied by artistic fresco work, after the latest designs, composed

of soft toned blendings of various rich tints, throwing off a

contrast most pleasing, yet chaste and in strict keeping with

the purpose of the structure, wherein the presence of the Great

Jehovah may be invoked. The seating capacity now secured will

accommodate about four hundred persons, and right heartily

pleased we are to record that the successful labors of the much

beloved pastor and members of this zealous denomination are rap-

idly increasing its actual membership, nearly half that number

already. With this brief sketch of the church and its new place

of worship, we proceed to report

The Consecration Services

At a quarter to eleven the major part of the seats were taken

and upon the dias was seated their pastor, the Rev. R. Wylie, as

also the Rev. N. S. Smith. D.D. of Delaware, and the Rev. A.S.

Carson of Westerville, the latter being visitors to participate

in the interesting services. The Rev. Wylie having opened the

meeting with prayer, the choir of the church, which is peculiarly

fortunate in its possession of naturally good voices, under the

efficient and painstaking leadership of Mr. Smith Ketchum, sup-

ported by L.S. Condit, sang that beautiful anthem, "Jerusalem, My

Happy Home," with a spirit of enthusiasm well calculated to con-

vey the beautiful sentiment of the composition to every Christian

heart; after which Rev. Smith read the lesson for the day, and

Rev. Carson offered up a prayer. An appropriate dedication

hymn was then ably rendered by the Rev. Smith, whose attentive

and deeply interested congregation had increased very largely by

this time, His subject was on the unity of Christ with God, his

pre-existence with the Father before the world, The wonderful

and bountiful condescension of God, through the gift of His Holy

Spirit in the Savior, establishing direct communication with Him-

self. The beautiful teachings afforded by the life of Christ

were most effectually set forth, and man's necessity of salvation,

with its only method to be obtained, was dwelt upon with remark-

able fevor, while he earnest implored that divine blessing might

descend and ever remain on the people of Trenton, and that those

who previously have gone home might awake to righteousness, and

those who were still found living when the last trumpet shall be

sounded may be caught up in realms of endless bliss. After the

sermon, Rev. Wylie stated that the Cost of the beautiful

building they now occupied amounted to $2888.96, of which

$2842.50 had been subscribed, leaving only the nominal sum of

$46.46 to be raised to clear the entire under taking. They would

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 302)


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[corresponds to numbered page 315 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


however, require the addition of a heating apparatus in the win-

ter, which no doubt would come around in due season, and they

might congratulate themselves on a thoroughly replete and com-

fortable house of worship in which to meet their God in relig-

ious communion. As customary on such occasions, the "Old

Hundredth" was adopted to the singing of the doxology, the ven-

erable strains of which were heartily participated in by the

whole congregation.

In the Evening

the weather having cleared off beautifully, the congregation, as

was expected, numbered from four to five hundred persons from all

parts. The choir opened the service with a fine anthem. "Doxol-

ogy." After which old "Coronation" was sung by all present with

heart and voice. The same reverend gentlemen who officiated

in the morning were again present in the evening. Rev. Carson

preaching a magnificent discourse from the 65th Psalm, 4th verse,

which though exhaustive was listened to with marked attention

by his audience, and deemed by all to be a most masterly argu-

ment in support of God's Church. After an appropriate hymn, the

benediction was pronounced by Rev. Wylie and thus ended a day

long to be remembered in Trenton.

We may add that to intensify the enjoyment of the day's pro-

ceeding, it was also the eleventh anniversary for the Rev. Robert

Wylie becoming the pastor of the little flock at this place,

with whom he has labored most earnestly and sucessfully to the

glory of God. He was the recipient of many congratulations,

especially as Trenton was his first charge as a minister. His

success has been so highly flattering and it was his privilege

now to preside over one of the hansomest and most comfortable

church buildings in this section of the state, while retaining

the heartiest co-operation and prayers of his Flock.

Copied from Sunbury Spectator of June 5, 1879.

In possession of Mrs. Marian Rice, Saginaw, Mich.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 303)


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Blank page
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[corresponds to numbered page 317 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


Session met at the home of the Moderator

Rev. H. Nathan Frederick Wed. Oct. 28th 1936.

Elders present C. E. Green, D. C. Hoover, Edgar

Condit absent Geo Lane, C. E. Post and

Morgan Chamberlin. Rev. HN. Frederick

offered the opening prayer. Minutes

of the previous session meetings

beginning May 10th and including Sept 6th

read and approved Mrs. Mary Gartman

Frederick presented her letter from the

Reformed church of Thornville O. the

session voted to receive her into the

communion of the Condit Church.

It was decided to have a regular time

for our session meetings probably every

two months but it was left until the

first of the year to set a definite time of

the month for meeting. After voting to

adjourn the meeting was closed with

prayer by elder C. E. Green

Edgar Condit Clerk

The Session met at the call of the pastor

Rev. H. Nathan Frederick at the manse Feb 4th '37

Elders present D. C. Hoover, Morgan Chamberlin

Edgar and Condit, absent C. E. Green, Geo. Lane

C. E. Post. This meeting was opened with

prayer by D. C. Hoover minutes of the congre-

gational meeting held Sunday Aug 9th 1936

read and approved. It was decided to hold

evening preaching services each Sunday

evening beginning Feb 14th and closing

Sunday evening March 21st followed by a

Good Friday evening service and observance

of the Lord's Supper march 26th It was

also decided to keep a record of the names
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 305)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 305)


[page 305]

[corresponds to numbered page 318 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


of the members present at the communion

services. As there is an account of the

building of the Condit Church which was

completed and dedicated in the spring

of 1879 in any of the church records it was

voted to place a type written copy from.

The Sunbury Spectator of June 5th 1879

describing the building cost etc. in the

session records. This meeting was closed

with prayer by Rev. H. N. Frederick

Edgar Condit Clerk

As had been announced from the pulpit

a joint meeting of the elders and trustee

gathered at the home of the moderator

Rev. H. N. Frederick Thursday evening March

4th 1937. Elders present, D. E. Green

Geo. Lane, D. C. Hoover, Morgan Chamberlin

and Edgar Condit absent C. E. Post.

Trustees present Owen Meredith and

Glendon Comstock. This meeting was opened

with prayer by Edgar Condit after which

a motion carried to include the trustees

in the meeting, Mr Owen Meredith then

presented the budget for the coming year as

drawn up by the trustees which was accepted by

vote. Total amount of budget as accepted 1811.76.

Rev H. N. Frederick suggested that a committee

composed of the trustees with Owen Meredith

as chairman formulate a committee to plan and

carry out the every member convas under the

direction of Rev. H. N. Frederick. The above sugges-

tion was adopted by vote, a motion also carried

to issue an annual financial report of congrega-

tion to all members of the church and other contribution

this meeting closed with prayer by Rev. H. N. Frederick

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 306)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 306)


[page 306]

[corresponds to numbered page 97 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]

The Annual Congregational Meeting of the

Condit Church was held April 7th, After supper

served at the church, the meeting which was

presided over by Rev. H. N. Frederick was

opened with a short devotional program.

Then followed the reports from the various

Church organizations, after which the

following officers were re-elected

Elders. C. E. Post and D. C. Hoover

Trustees Owen Meredith and Glendon Comstock,

Mrs D. C. Condit was re-elected treasurer

Mr D. C. Condit was re-elected clerk of the

congregation. Mrs. D. C. Condit was also re-

elected pianist and Miss Carrie Wilson was

re-elected chorister. The meeting was

adjourned with a closing prayer by the leader

Re. H. N. Frederick

Edgar Condit Clerk

The session met at the request of the pastor Rev.

H. N. Frederick at the manse Thursday evening

April 8th 1937. The elders attending this meeting

were D. C. Hoover, Morgan Chamberlin and

Edgar Condit, those absent were C. E. Post

C. E. Green and Geo. Lane. D. C. Hoover led in

the opening prayer. All minutes and other

items since Sept 6th approved.

Morgan Chamberlin was chosen delegate to the

Spring meeting of presbytery to be held at ForFest

April 20th, Edgar Condit was chosen alternate.

Mr. and Mrs. William Whitney presented their

letters Mrs Whitney from the Ostrander Baptist

church and Mr Whitney from the Sunbury

Baptist church, as all present expressed

themselves by consent and vote as favorable

to their being received into the communion

of the Condit Church it was so ordered
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 307)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 307)


[page 307]

[corresponds to numbered page 98 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]


and public announcement was made the

following Sunday. After a fruitless

endeavor to contact them twenty of those

having their names on the church roll

were placed on the suspended list.

Motion was made and carried to include

the Annual report of church to presbytery

in the minutes of this meeting.

Minutes of this meeting read and

approved. Rev H. N. Frederick led in the

closing prayer

Report of Church to Presbytery


Additions 1


Suspended 20

Deceased 2

Net total of communicants 145

S.S. Members Teachers etc 116


General Assembly, synod and

Presbyterial expenses 23.84

Congregational Current receipts 1888.49

Special Receipts Congregational 601.44

Total Congregational benevolences 222.70

Other statistics

Elders 6

Has the church a Manse? Yes

Is your church a member of the

service Pension Plan? Yes

Edgar Condit clerk

H. N. Frederick
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 308)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 308)


[page 308]

[corresponds to unnumbered page 99 of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]



Without Exception


Date 4-20-37 Place Forest

Harry G Finney

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 309)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 309)


[page 309]

[corresponds to back flyleaf of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County
Ohio 1873-1937]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 310)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 310)


[page 310]

[corresponds to inside back cover of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware
County Ohio 1873-1937]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 311)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937 (p. 311)


[page 311]

[corresponds to back cover of 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County
Ohio 1873-1937]

Dublin Core


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937


Church history--Presbyterian church--Trenton Township--Delaware County--Ohio
Church records--Trenton Township--Delaware County--Ohio
Religious history--Presbyterianism--Delaware County--Ohio


This collection contains the Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware Co. Ohio 1873-1937 and is housed at the Condit Presbyterian Church in Trenton Township, Delaware County, OH.


Members of the 1st Presbytarian Church of Trenton; Delaware County, Ohio














Members of the 1st Presbytarian Church of Trenton; Delaware County, Ohio, “Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware County Ohio 1873-1937,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 3, 2025,

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