Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools

Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 1)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 1)


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[corresponds to front cover of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet 1911]



Rules and Regulations




Delaware County, Ohio



Adopted July 10, 1911
Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 2)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 2)


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[corresponds to inside of front cover of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]


Spelling. . . . McGuffey's Revised Eclectic Spelling Book

Reading . . . . New McGuffey First Reader

New McGuffey Second Reader

New McGuffey Third Reader

New McGuffey Fourth Reader

New McGuffey Fifth Reader

Language. . . . Harvey's New Language Lessons

Grammar . . . . Harvey's New English Grammar for Schools

Arithmetic. . . Hamilton's Elementary Arithmetic

Complete Arithmetic

Geography . . . National Introductory Geography

School Geography, Ohio Edition

History. . . . .Barnes's Elementary History of the U.S.

School History of the U.S.

Physiology . . .Overton's Applied Physiology, Primary

Applied Physiology, Intermediate

Applied Physiology, Advanced

Agriculture. . .Goff and Mayne's First Principles of Agriculture

The above-named textbooks were adopted for exclusive use in

the schools of Thompson Township, Delaware, County, Ohio, at a

regular meeting of the Board of Education, held July 10, 1911, for

a period of five years.


J.P. LAWRENCE, President . . . . . . . R. R., Richwood, Ohio

EMMETT FRYMAN, Clerk . . . . . . . R. R. No. 1, Radnor, Ohio

J. E. KYLE . . . . . . . . . . . R. F. D. No. 1, Radnor, Ohio

E. M. DECKER . . . . . . . . . . R. F. D. No. 1, Radnor, Ohio

W. F. BAILEY . . . . . . . . . . R. F. D. No. 1, Radnor, Ohio

SCOTT FRYMAN . . . . . . . . . R. F. D. No. 1, Radnor, Ohio
Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 3)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 3)


[page 3]

[corresponds to page 1 of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]



WHEREAS, Section 7645 of the New School Code contains the

following provision: "Boards of Education are required to pre-

scribe a graded course of study for all schools under their

control in the branches named in Section 7648 of the Revised

Statutes of Ohio, subject to the approval of the State Commis-

sioner of Common Schools," and these required branches being

Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, English Language, En-

glish Grammar and Composition, Geography, History of the

United States, including Civil Government, Physiology and Hy-

giene; to which the following branches may be added by order of

the Board of Education: Vocal Music, Elementary Algebra,

Elements of Agriculture, and such other branches as the Board of

Education may deem advisable--be it Resolved:

First--It is the opinion of this Board that its schools should be

brought to a higher standard of usefulness and efficiency.

Second--That there shall be adopted for the schools a Course

of Study, which shall be followed by all the teachers employed

in the schools.

Third--That a uniform series of text books be used.

Fourth--That the teachers, patrons, and pupils may become

familiar with the course, it is ordered that the same be printed

in pamphlet form.


1. Teachers shall see that there is uniformity of text books.

Do not allow any pupil to pursue any branch unless he has the

adopted text book.

2. Teachers shall be held responsible for the government and

instruction, in accordance with the Course of Study, in their


3. Teachers shall require strict obedience to all the rules and

regulations of the Board of Education.

Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 4)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 4)


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[corresponds to page 2 of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]

4. No teacher shall be excused from attendance at such

Teachers' Meetings as may be prescribed by the Board of Edu-

cation, except in cases of emergency.

5. Punishment shall be reduced to the minimum in all schools.

Let self-government be the aim and purpose.

6. Teachers shall give careful attention to the health and

comfort of their pupils. They shall see that their rooms are

properly warmed and ventilated.

7. Teachers are required to give earnest attention to the man-

ners and morals of their pupils.

8. In case a parent comes to the school-room to complain, the

teacher shall not hear him in the presence of the pupils, but shall

respectfully hear him in private, and, if necessary, refer the case

to the Superintendent or the Board of Education.

9. Teachers shall make themselves as proficient as possible in

preparing for recitation of pupils. Be plain and practical.


1. Pupils shall be punctual and regular in attendance at

school. They shall be respectful and obedient to teachers.

2. Pupils must be kind and courteous to all. In going to

school and coming from it pupils shall be orderly, and must not

disturb persons or property.

3. No pupil shall be excused from any regular study in the

Course, without the consent of the Superintendent or teacher.


The child who has learned to read is liberally educated.

The spirit of the teacher is the all-important thing.

Enthusiasm is contagious.

It seldom happens that lessons are made too short, but they are

often made too long.

Put vim into your school work and school life will seem worth

the living.

Work leads to interest and interest is conducive to work.
Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 5)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 5)


[page 5]

[corresponds to page 3 of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]


The attention of parents and pupils is called to the following


1. That without punctual and regular attendance little good

can be accomplished.

2. That disregard of punctuality leads to careless habits of

mind and diminishes a pupil's chances of success in life.

3. That tardy pupils fall behind in their classes.

4. That irregular attendance has a bad influence upon the

whole school, but still worse upon the irregular pupil himself.

5. That the true aim and end of life can be gained only by

prompt and earnest work.

Teachers should remember that the text books are but aids, and

they should use them as such. They should procure as many

supplementary books as possible, and encourage the pupils them-

selves to own them, especially those recommended in the Course

of Study.

A minimum average of 60% in any one branch, and a general

average of 75%, or over, in all branches shall be necessary for

promotion to the next higher grade.

The teacher shall keep a permanent record of the standing of

each pupil, and file the same with the Clerk of the Board of


Teachers are requested to give Literary Exercises throughout

the course at least once a month.


1. Roll Call.

2. Reading of Minutes.

3. Reports of Committees.

4. Unfinished Business.

5. New Business.

6. Bills and Communications.

Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 6)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 6)


[page 6]

[corresponds to page 4 of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]



During the first three years of school the pupil should be

taught to read readily and with expression any selection that is

ordinarily difficult; in other words, the aim should be to teach

the mechanical part of reading rather than Literature itself, as

the pupil is yet too young to grasp the thought and beauty of ex-

pression contained in the writings of standard authors.

The fourth and fifth years should be the transition period. The

pupil has been trained heretofore in the how to read; now he

should be led into the what to read--into the great field of


The sixth, seventh, and eighth years should greatly strengthen

the pupil's grasp on standard literature. For if, at the close of

his elementary work, a desire has been created in him for the

best literature, his future is assured.

At least one supplementary book should be read by the class each year.


Daily practice should be devoted to both writing and spelling.

In writing the aim should be to teach continuous movement and a

plain, practical business hand. During the first years in school

spelling should be largely oral, but both oral and written work

should be given in the Intermediate and Grammar Departments.

Careful attention should be given to the writing and the spelling

in the written exercises on other subjects.


The two things most desired in Arithmetic are accuracy and

rapidity. It can truly be said that they are co-ordinate. The

Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 7)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 7)


[page 7]

[corresponds to page 5 of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]

only way to secure these results is by constant drills in the

different combinations of numbers in the processes of addition,

subtraction, multiplication and division. The pupils must be made

familiar with these combinations before explanations or analyses

are attempted. Much time should be devoted to mental arith-

metic. Business methods of computation should be introduced

where they can be substituted for the processes of the schools.

Much supplementary work should be done.


The aim in teaching Language, Grammar and Composition

should be to train the child in the habits of Good Thinking, Good

Talking, and Good Writing. GOOD THINKING--Keep close to

the child's nature. The child thinks naturally about things per-

taining to his own life--his environment. GOOD TALKING--

"Talk is cheap," but good talking can not be secured without good

thinking. Direct the child's thoughts in natural, interesting chan-

nels. GOOD WRITING--Good writing follows good thinking and

good talking as naturally as day follows night.


To teach the proper care and development of the body and the

mind should be the object in teaching this subject. Frequent

talks on Physiology and Hygiene, together with the effects of

Alcohol, Tobacco, Narcotics and Stimulants on the human system

should be given by the teacher. Valuable suggestions for this

work can be obtained from the International Course of Study

of Physiology and Hygiene, approved by the Department of

Scientific Temperance Instruction of the World and the National



These subjects should be correlated as much as possible,

especially in the seventh and eighth grades, as the history of a

country very largely depends upon its geographical features. In

teaching history particular stress should be placed upon the

social, the political, and the industrial development of the country.

In both these branches, collateral reading should be encouraged.

Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 8)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 8)


[page 8]

[corresponds to page 6 of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]

Books Recommended for Supplementary Work

Reading -- William's Choice Literature Series (1-8 grades).

Arithmetic -- Dubb's Arithmetical Problems (6, 7, and 8


Geography -- Long's Home Geography (3rd grade); Payne's

Geographical Nature Studies (4th grade); Carpenter's Geograph-

ical Readers (5, 6, 7, and 8 grades).

Nature Work -- Overton and Hill's Nature Study and Carter's

Nature Study with Common Things.

Agriculture -- Goff and Mayne's First Principles of Agricul-

ture (8th grade).

History -- Eggleston's Stories of Great Americans for Little

Americans (2nd grade); Eggleston's Stories of American Life

and Adventure (3rd grade); Guerber's Story of the Thirteen

Colonies (4th grade); Guerber's Story of the Great Republic

(5th grade).

Business Forms -- Eaton's Business Forms, Customs and Ac-

counts and Manual for the Same (8th grade).

Literature -- McNeill and Lynch's Introductory Lessons (8th


Music -- Gantvoort's Music Reader for Rural and Village

Schools; Natural Short Course in Music, Books I and II.

Patriotic Songs Written and Arranged by W. A. Putt.

Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 9)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 9)


[page 9]

[corresponds to page 7 of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]


Primary Department


Reading -- Teach reading by a combination of the word, the

sentence, and the phonic method. Use chart until mas-

tered, then the First Reader. Begin teaching vowel sounds by

having the pupil use correct diacritical marks for long and

short sounds of the vowels, and gradually develop the other

sounds of the vowels and the consonants. Practice to acquire

distinctness of enunciation, the cultivation of clear, pure tone, a

natural expression, and an understanding of what is read. Sup-

plementary reading.

Spelling -- Spell all new words in the reading lessons as given

in the word lists.

Writing -- Give instruction regarding the position of the body

and the manner of holding the pencil. Slate, board, and tablet

work as suggested by the reading lessons.

Number -- Teach objectively all combinations from one to

twenty, inclusive. Teach the use of the signs plus (+), minus

(-), and the sign of equality (=). Develop ideas of halves and

thirds. Teach Roman Numerals to XX. Have pupils count and

write numbers from 1 to 100.

Language -- Teach language orally in connection with the

reading lesson by the conversational method. Have pupils use

complete sentences in telling about what they see and what they

read. Read short, interesting stories, and have pupils reproduce

them orally.

Physiology -- Instruction given orally by teacher from New

Century Oral Lesson Book in Hygiene for Primary Teachers.

Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 10)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 10)


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[corresponds to page 8 of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]


Reading -- Second Reader. Give attention to expression,

enunciation and articulation. Question pupils closely as to the

meaning of what is read. Explain meanings of new words.

Supplementary reading.

Spelling -- Spell all new words in the reading lessons as given

in the word lists, with frequent reviews.

Writing -- Continue work of previous year. Time should be

given to formal practice.

Number -- Add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers to 100.

Review use of signs used in previous year. Teach the signs of

multiplication (X) and division (?). Practice reading and

writing numbers. Teach objectively the fractions 1/2, 1/3, 1/4.

Roman Numerals to L.

Language -- Continue work of first year. Commit appropriate

poems. Teach use of capital letters in proper lames. Teach use

of period and interrogation point in sentences.

Physiology -- Continue work from New Century Oral Lesson



Reading -- Third Reader. Give careful drills in meaning of

the words until they can be used readily and correctly in conver-

sation and in written sentences. Supplementary reading.

Spelling -- Drill on sounds of letters and corresponding dia-

critical marks. Begin use of text book.

Writing -- Exercises on practice paper to secure ease of move-

ment; pupils should be trained to write rapidly yet legibly. Cor-

rect any faults found. Use copy book.

Arithmetic -- Review work of preceeding grades carefully, mak-

ing sure of all steps covered. Emphasize rapid oral work, giving

brief exercises in the same daily. Use primary text book.

Language -- Oral lessons based on the lives of Columbus,

Washington, Lincoln; stories of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mem-

orial Day, etc. Learn National Hymn. Place text book in hands

of pupils.

Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 11)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 11)


[page 11]

[corresponds to page 9 of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]

Physiology -- Continue work of previous years from the New

Century Oral Lesson Book.

Geography -- Lessons based upon the following subjects:

Directions, Sunrise, Sunset; the Seasons, Weather Observations;

Idea of a Map, Map of the School-room and the School-grounds;

Name of Country, State, County, Township and Town. Use

supplementary reading bearing on these subjects.

Intermediate Department


Reading -- First half of Fourth Reader. Give special attention

to Elementary Sounds, Diacritical Marks, Syllabification, Accen-

tuation and Word Study, with constant drills. Encourage pupils

to use the Dictionary. Supplementary reading.

Spelling -- Oral spelling as well as written. Continue use of

text book.

Writing -- Attention to rapidity and legibility. Use Copy


Arithmetic -- Complete Intermediate Text Book to Compound

Denominate Numbers. Mental work given by the teacher.

Language -- Use text book as suggested.

Physiology -- Take up and complete Primary Text Book.

Geography -- Map of Ohio taught by drawing on blackboard.

Productions of the State and pursuits of the People. Use text

book recommended for supplementary work.


Reading -- Complete the Fourth Reader. Require frequent

oral reproduction of the lessons in the pupil's own language.

Study carefully the introduction. Supplementary reading.

Spelling -- Words from reading lesson should also be mastered.

Continue use of text book.

Writing -- Continue as in previous year. Use Copy Book.

Arithmetic -- Complete and review Intermediate Text Book.

Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 12)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 12)


[page 12]

[corresponds to page 10 of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]

Language -- Use Text Book as suggested.

Physiology -- Complete and review first half of Intermediate

Text Book.

Geography -- Complete Elementary Text Book to South America.

History -- Complete Elementary Text Book to the War of the



Reading -- First half of Fifth Reader. Extend work of for-

mer years. Supplementary reading.

Spelling -- Continue Spelling Book.

Writing -- Continue as in previous years. Use Copy Book.

Arithmetic -- The Advanced Text Book to Decimal Fractions.

Grammar and Composition -- The Sentence and its Elements;

Words and their Uses in the Sentence; Narratives and Letters;

Acts that show Character; Punctuation. Use the Advanced Book.

Physiology -- Complete and review Intermediate Text Book.

Geography -- Complete and review the Elementary Text Book.

Give Map Drawing especial attention.

History -- Complete and review Elementary Text Book.

Grammar Department


Reading -- Complete the Fifth Reader. Supplementary reading.

Spelling -- Continue Spelling Book.

Writing -- Copy Book.

Arithmetic -- Complete Advanced Book to Involution.

Grammar and Composition -- The Sentence and its Elements;

Complements, Phrases and Clauses; Acts that show Feeling;

Punctuation. Continue use of Advanced Text Book.

Physiology -- Complete first half of Advanced Text Book

Geography -- Use Complete Text Book to South America. Con-

tinue Exercises in Map Drawing.

History -- Complete Advanced Text Book to Washington's

Administration. Give especial attention to the Development of

the Constitution and the Formation of the Union.

Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 13)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 13)


[page 13]

[corresponds to page 11 of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]


Reading and Literature -- Read and discuss the selections in

Authorized Text Book, giving especial attention to the lives of

the authors. Supplementary reading.

Spelling -- Complete and review Text Book.

Writing -- Special attention to Business Forms and Letter

Writing. Continue use of Copy Book.

Arithmetic -- Complete and review Advanced Text Book.

Grammar and Composition -- The Parts of Speech, Classifica-

tion, Inflections and Relations. Narratives and Letters; Acts

that show Character; Punctuation.

Physiology -- Complete and review Advanced Text Book.

Geography -- Complete and review Advanced Text Book.

History -- Complete and review Advanced Text Book.

Civics -- Complete the Elementary Text Book.

Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 14)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 14)


[page 14]

[corresponds to page 12 of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]

Suggestive Study and Recitation Programme



9.10 10 . . . . . . . . . Opening Exercises . . . . . . . . .

9.35 25 Seat Work . . . . . Arithmetic . . . . Arithmetic

10.00 25 Number Work . . . . Arithmetic . . . . Geography

10.20 20 Number . . . . . . Geography . . . . Geography

10.40 20 Form Work . . . . . Geography . . . . Geography

10.55 15 . . . . . . . . . Intermission . . . . . . . . . . .

11.15 20 Silent Reading . . Geography . . . . Grammar

11.35 20 Reading and Spelling.Map Drawing, Etc..Grammar

12:00 25 Excused from School. Reading . . . . . Grammar


1.10 10 . . . . . . . . . Singing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.30 20 Form Work . . . . . . Reading . . . . . Reading

1.50 20 Silent Reading . . . .Seat Work . . . . Reading

2.10 20 Reading and Spelling. Language . . . . . History and


2.35 25 . . . . . . . . . Writing and Language . . . . . . . .

2.50 15 . . . . . . . . . Intermission . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.10 20 Number work . . . . . Spelling . . . . . . History and


3.35 25 . . . . . Physiology, Hygiene, Effects of . . . . . . .

Alcohol and Narcotics

3.50 15 Excused from School. Spelling . . . . . . Spelling

4.00 10 . . . . . . . . . . Arithmetic . . . . . Spelling

Heavy Type indicates class work and ordinary type study work.

The teacher should make any changes in the Programme necessary to fit the

conditions of his school.


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 15)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 15)


[page 15]

[corresponds to inside back cover of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]

Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 16)


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools (p. 16)


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[corresponds to back cover of Thompson Township Schools Course of Study Booklet]

[picture of lamp]

Dublin Core


Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools


Public schools--curriculum--Thompson Township--Delaware County--Ohio
Regulations--public schools--Thompson Township--Delaware County--Ohio
Schools--administration--Thompson Township--Delaware County--Ohio


The Course of Study, Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Public Schools details the responsibilities and course of study for students attending the Thompson Township Public Schools.


Thompson Township School Board














Thompson Township School Board, “Course of Study Rules and Regulations of Thompson Township Delaware County, Ohio Public Schools,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 3, 2025,

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